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History of Magic Lesson 3 Truebridge had carefully placed all of the astronomy gear to one side and cleared the tower for his class. There were cushions of all shapes and sizes arranged in piles everywhere and an area cleared near the front where Truebridge was standing. He appeared to be waiting for more than just students. ooc: Class will start slowly, but feel free to come and post your character in. |
Chris walked up to the Astronomy Tower after he realized that's where today's History of Magic class would take place. He walked in and saw all of the Astronomy stuff pushed aside, 'Well I guess we aren't looking at the skies?' he thought. He walked over to a cushion in the middle of the room and sat down with his bag in his lap, waiting for other students to show up. "Good day Professor Truebridge, how are you?" He asked the Professor politely. |
Thomas entered the tower but not for Astronamy but for History of Magic. He found a seat and said to the Professor, "Hello Professor." Thomas sat down on the chair and got ready for the lesson. |
Tense and tired, Daphne Hopton heaved her school bag over her shoulder as she entered the classroom. Taking in Professor Truebridge's stance with hazel eyes didn't make her feel alone with her feelings. Her Prefect had arrived and Miss Hopton observed him out of the corner of her eyes, choosing a particulary thick cushion away from him. Seperation of the sexes, please. She had enough of boys for the time being. "Good day, Professor," she remarked politely but clearly not feeling any of it. Good day? What was so good about it? |
All the classes seemed to be taking place on higher ground nowadays, and it really didn't help with making Vannie feel any taller. But still with a smile on her face, even though it was coming up to her last weeks at Hogwarts, Vanessa entered the astronomy tower, where the history of magic lesson was taking place. "Hey. Professor Truebridge." She spoke, tucking a lose strand of hair behind her ear. "I hope you are doing well." She added, before sitting herself down on a cushion. |
Hmmmmm.. Evolette McKenna strode into the room, her eyes were glued to her manicure, but that didn't mean that she couldn't see where she was going. "Hello Professor." she called to the man, barely tearing her eyes away from her own self, but when she did, she gave him a charming smile. Hmm.. She'd never really noticed before, but he was awfully handsome. Cutie Professor. Now, back to her nails. |
"Really?!" Jake gasped, clutching at a stitch in his side, bent double from the effort of all the stairs. See, Jake, forgetting about the first floor, had gone aaaaaaaaaaall the way down, and been told by some randomer that class was aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the way up here. REALLY?! You would have thought that being sporty and being really slight in terms of figure, Jake wouldn't have a problem. But people, broomsticks don't exactly train one for climbing up the stairs. Mumbling incoherent words of choice, Jake staggered up towards the front of the room and threw himsef down onto some cushions. "Whyyyyyyy?" he breathed, looking up at Truebridge. "Just... whyyyyyy?" |
George - Not Caroline People. Note the Turquoise Font. She was here under PROTEST! PROTEST! She did NOT WANT to be here. DID NOT WANT to teach children ANYTHING! DID NOT even LIKE children. THIS was possibly a cornerstone of her friendship with Bunny. The only reason George-Do-NOT-DARE-Call-Me-Georgia Mayes was there, was because she was summoned. THE AUDACITY! And her boss was making her go. Making very sure to not wear foot wear she could throw this time, George donned Gucci boots (actually, she went for the whole Gucci ensemble – she intended to drop in on Bunny, if she could) and walked, no, strutted into the classroom now, for reasons unknown in the Astronomy Tower, glaring at the person that was responsible for her being there. It didn’t help that she hated him viciously to begin with. |
William entered the history classroom not really caring he had to trudge up stairs. He just didn't care anymore. Seriously, he was as close to his common room as he could get, which meant he could finish the class, go to his dorm room and sleep until next fall. Yes, hibernate that's what he needed right now, a nice comfy bed, goose down feather pillows and his teddy. "Hello professor!" he said cheerfully a big grin on his face as he stopped and plopped down on a soft comfy cushion. Ohhh soft he thought getting comfortable before sighing. |
"Hello Daphne." Truebridge was oblivious to the young Gryffindor's demeanour. Quote:
Yep. Oblivious to that one too. Quote:
"Make yourselves comfortable, we will have a number of guests for this class, including a ministry representative..." Quote:
The shoe thrower? Perhaps he should have found that out? But then... "Ah... Georgia... George." He corrected himself, quickly, "Thank you for being so kind as to agree to talk to my students." Theywereallgoingtodie. "We'll wait for a few more students to arrive..." What were a few more deaths, really? Quote:
The blond tried to hide the smirk invading her lips to no avail. Even if she didn't know what House he belonged in, it was pretty obvious he was a Hufflepuff. No stamina at all. Not to mention scrawny legs. Sighing, she observed the guest through her lashes. Four years of going up and down flights of stairs repeatedly throughout the day did a girl good. |
Trailing into the classroom, half-oblivious to his surroundings. It was a surprise really, that he'd even found his way here in the first place. He waved cheerily towards Truebridge, 'Yo, professor. S'everything going alright?' His quick smile faltered as he got an eyeful of the killer glare their guest was currently firing at their professor. Merp, this didn't look too good! Terry zoomed over to a nice, fluffeh cushion and jumped onto it. ...wasn't this going to be one interesting lesson? |
Hmmmm. Evolette walked over to where the Head Girl was standing, giving the shorter girl a mock salute before sticking out her tongue. She wondered, if Anna had gotten around to her kisses at ALL yet. She knew about Plymouth, but, what about the others? On second thought.... she didn't want to know. If Anna kissed Dom, like it looked like she was going to, back at Madame Puddifoot's, then she would have to tell Willow. By friend obligation. And she did NOT want to be the bearer of bad news, especially to Bone Crusher Kovac. |
Jack walked into the classroom, frowning just a bit at seeing his beloved Astronomy tower transformed into a History of Magic classroom. Ahh well, it had to be done, right? After all the chaos that had occurred within the past few days, it was nice to be in a class again. It gave him a sense of normalicy. Of course, NORMALLY he'd be in Astronomy right now. But he could get over that. Speaking of chaos, as Jack entered the room, he saw Evolette sitting a few feet away from him. EEEP! The ATTACKER! Letting out a little squeak he hurried away from her...FAR away from her...and sat down near the back a few feet away from Anna, clinging to his History of Magic textbook as if it were a life perserver. There was also another woman in the room with them, someone who was definitely NOT a professor here...oh well, he could worry about her later. Women were SCARY to him these days. And it was all Evolette McKenna's fault. Hmpf. |
Lucy walked up to the Astronomy tower and looked around. So this was going to be their new History of Magic classroom. Seemed like all the teachers had to pair up to either share an office, classroom, or a place to stay because of the stupid flooding. Lucy could have sworn she had heard these loud screeching when she was making her way to the shoots. Lucy walked over to one of the cushions and sat down, making herself comfortable. "Hello Professor Truebridge." She said smiling towards the professor. She looked over as lady stood near by. She looked familiar. |
What. On. Earth? Was she supposed to sit on the floor? Blasphemy! Also, who was that woman? The one who looked as though she had a strong desire to smash Professor Truebridge's head against the nearest wall, huh? And to think some people -more like half of the school- thought she needed anger management lessons. Preposterous. "Good day, Professor Truebridge," Said the girl in a polite tone, and an equally polite smile, and naturally, ignored the older adult because she didn't acknowledge strangers, "I trust you are having a good day?" And if he wasn't, well, Willow couldn't honestly say she actually cared. Spotting Evolette, Willow headed towards her friend, took seat next to her friend, placed a rather large and comfortable-looking cushion on her lap, and nudged Evolette lightly with her elbow, as a greeting. And never mind that Anna Greingoth was at Evolette's other side, because due to recent events, Willow was very pointedly snubbing the Head Girl. |
And then Jack walked past her. BWAHAHAHA. He looked TERRIFIED. As if she were going to attack him with more kisses in class. Especially Professor Cutie's class. No thank you Jack Fritzera. You will have to wait your turn now. Evolette caught his eye, and winked, giving him a small wave as a smirk appeared on her lips. Gosh, boys were so fun. |
Oh did he think she AGREED? "Let's get ONE thing straight Truebridge: I'm not here because I want to be. My boss seems to think it's good for the Ministry if I smile at the kiddies," she hissed. "I disagreed most vehemently, seeing as I don't actually know how to smile. And if I did, I don't think I would be capable within a hundred yards of you. But I was overruled, and now here I am. Congratulations." And the only reason she hadn't tried to feed him his own entrails is because Gavin... and now Bunny too it seemed, would be VERY upset if she killed their friend. It wouldn't look all that fantastic on her record either if she did so in front of a bunch of impressionable young students either. Most of which looked rather... taken aback by her presence. Actually, that kind of amused her. |
POOOOOOP! A green vomit colored elf stood in the center of the room, his frown dominating his face. His skinny arms were crossed over his chest. Algamus was annoyed. He was angry! How DARE this person call him when Algie only cared for was his kitchen and obeying orders from the Headmaster (even though he preferred the Headmistress Rae.) "Stinky, stinky kids! What is I wantings with kids?! Kids is no knowing anythings! But Algamus must be listenings to professor, because professores is workings for Headmasterer and Headmasterer is Algamus's master. Stinky kids. Stinky man." The elf muttered under his breath. Though everyone could hear what he was saying. "What is yous wantings from me, professores?" |
History of Magic was in the Astronomy Tower, right? Reese peeked her head inside the room to make sure this was the place class was being held in. Yep, it was. She walked into the classroom and looked at all the cushions that were on the ground. Which one to chose? "Good day Professor," she said with a smile as she sat down on one of the cushions near the front of the class. |
A loud pop and a cloud of blue-ish smoke signify the arrival of another House Elf. His eyes narrow at Algamus and he shakes his head, big ears flapping around as he does so. "Algamous is grouchy," he lectures, his voice squeaky and crackling. "Kids is not stinky. Kids is good and sweet and lovely. Where is Ravenclaws?" Schmoop has never been shy about his Ravenclaw preference. In his hands is a tray piled high full of chocolate chip cookies. He turns to look at the Professor and shows the tray to him. "Schmoop has cookies for good studentses," he says. "Good studentses can has cookies. Schmoop baked cookies fresh for studentses Schmoops own self." A big, proud grin settles on the House Elf's face. |
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