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Professor Bunbury led the way into Greenhouse One, flicked on the lights and then took her usual perch on the pink stool by the blackboard. She'd decided to have a bit of a question and answer session before handing out the final exam, just to see if students' brains needed a spot of refreshing and also to anticipate how well they would do on the exam.
ooc: so this will be a bit of a free-for-all third lesson as well as your final opportunity to earn points. =)
Satine glanced around the room and waited for her turn at the board...after the last student had written their answer, Satine hurriedly made her way to the board and picked up a piece of chalk.
Cuscuta oxygenium's stems are far more porous in appearance than mundane cuscuta.
She checked her answer quickly and then put stars in front and behind the sentence. Placed the chalk down and hurried back to her seat.
Chris walked up to the board and saw that the answers that were left about the differences of Cuscuta and Gillyweed were sparce. So he wrote his answer:
Cuscuta plants flower in a variety of colors white, pale pink, and yellow depending on the species.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Once again, Anna pushed herself up out of her seat and headed towards that big chalkboard the professor was indicating. She had planned on discussing the whole love potion fact, but Denton had beaten her to it. Psh. As a matter of fact, it seemed that everything she could possibly think of had already been brought up. She approached the chalkboard with not a single idea in mind. She picked up the chalk and held it firmly between her thumb and index finger as she thought the matter over. She better come up with something soon, or else time would run out. Quickly, she began to write:
If a time comes where gillyweed can not gain access to the water and moisture it requires, it will become dormant (cuscuta). The appearance it takes on is one that can help us easily distinguish gillyweed from cuscuta. At this point, the plant will shrivel and take on a small, prickly, hairlike appearance. The stems of the cuscuta contain more pores, which gives it a better chance of seeking out water so that it may locate a water source.
Fallon took notes on everything everyone was writing on the board. Goal next term: Pay more attention in Herbology. She sighed as she couldn't remember a thing from any of the lessons.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
"Mostly sound answers... very good, class." She tilted her head slightly toward the board and then did that wand waving/board glowing thing so the answers all poofed away.
"Before I pass out the exams, I'd like to allow you an opportunity to ask of me any questions you might still have about the plants we learned about this term. Or, if you have any suggestions for things you'd like to study AND WHY in future terms, I'll take those suggestions as well."
That was, if anyone even had the gumption to speak up and attempt to tell Bunbury what to teach about.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Cam had A LOOOOT of suggestions, no wait, he didn't but the nature'd voice in his head was telling him to raise his hand right away. He gave Bunzz a staaare, a very long stare, one that made his face look peculiar and odd, until he finally put his hand up. And then brought it down, wondering... oh what the heck, he brought it riiiiight back into the air.
"Well professaaah Bunbuuury, I've always wanted to learn mm'boout hybrid plants and all, I saw that bouncing lilypad ya got back there in the gardens and I thought... well it'd be pretty cool if we get to make a few," he suggested and decided to add, "I saw that students, like terms ago, made some hybrid plants too, so... maybe we could add to those...?"
He had thoughts about hybrid plants...
Still raising his hand, he also suggested, "Oh oh oh aaaand mandrakes too maybe?" he said but he didn't really have a reason... he just thought they were cool, was that a reason, "Because... um... they're like... yeah."
______________________________________________lola jones currently in america
Reality Police Official -()- Seeker Conspiracy Theorist
Blast-Ended Skrewt
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: The world's bottom!
Posts: 15,584
Hogwarts RPG Name: Currently: Diane Entelequia
Second Year
Diane thought about the request at suggestions for a while... Finally, she decided to raise her hand. "What about animated plants. I'm thinking, Venomous Tentacula, Devil's Snare, the Whomping Willow."
Click the siggy piccy to read the adventure... Siggy by Biochemkris for the 3rd Day of Potter Sierra + Lowlow +Julia = Ultimate Nadia Fangirls
The REAL Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!" This monkey is bananas.
William put his hand up, an excited look on his face. "I would love to learn more about the Venomous Tentacula professor, what exactly it is, how it grows in the environment it grows on, what it could be cross-bred with if anything." he said "also if any of the animated plants such as the ones Diane just spoke about could be cross-bred with other animated plants." he added before placing both his hand on the desk feeling anxious about the exam.
Forget the future signature; HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAH ARI!!!
Reality Police Official -()- Seeker Conspiracy Theorist
Blast-Ended Skrewt
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: The world's bottom!
Posts: 15,584
Hogwarts RPG Name: Currently: Diane Entelequia
Second Year
Diane stared at the other student who had second her after what he had said. That brought up some weird mental images - for your mental health, we will not be explicit. A rather tragic love triangle of tears, choking and... whomping.
Click the siggy piccy to read the adventure... Siggy by Biochemkris for the 3rd Day of Potter Sierra + Lowlow +Julia = Ultimate Nadia Fangirls
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by dingDong
OOH! OOH! Suggestions?
Cam had A LOOOOT of suggestions, no wait, he didn't but the nature'd voice in his head was telling him to raise his hand right away. He gave Bunzz a staaare, a very long stare, one that made his face look peculiar and odd, until he finally put his hand up. And then brought it down, wondering... oh what the heck, he brought it riiiiight back into the air.
"Well professaaah Bunbuuury, I've always wanted to learn mm'boout hybrid plants and all, I saw that bouncing lilypad ya got back there in the gardens and I thought... well it'd be pretty cool if we get to make a few," he suggested and decided to add, "I saw that students, like terms ago, made some hybrid plants too, so... maybe we could add to those...?"
He had thoughts about hybrid plants...
Still raising his hand, he also suggested, "Oh oh oh aaaand mandrakes too maybe?" he said but he didn't really have a reason... he just thought they were cool, was that a reason, "Because... um... they're like... yeah."
So Karsten, it appeared, had the nerves of a Gryffindor, offering suggestions left and right. Humph.
"Well, that's a bit of advanced Herbology, Cameron," she sternly answered the boy. "However, hybrids and mandrakes are commonly found on OWL and NEWT examinations so I have no doubt that we will cover them.... ah... sometime before you graduate."
Seriously, she didn't plan out her lessons that far in advance. But. Bunz loved those squirmy squeaky squelchy mandrakes so they'd probably have a use sometime in the future.
Originally Posted by She-Who-Is-Not-To-Be-Psycho!
Diane thought about the request at suggestions for a while... Finally, she decided to raise her hand. "What about animated plants. I'm thinking, Venomous Tentacula, Devil's Snare, the Whomping Willow."
"Animated is one way to describe them," she answered the next Slytherin's suggestion. "And actually, we will be covering the Whomping Willow next term if all goes according to plan. I need to speak with a few other professors, first."
Okay, one really, only one she cared to talk to about that tree. Forget Masterson. They would teach about it one way or another.
Originally Posted by Monkey Princess
William put his hand up, an excited look on his face. "I would love to learn more about the Venomous Tentacula professor, what exactly it is, how it grows in the environment it grows on, what it could be cross-bred with if anything." he said "also if any of the animated plants such as the ones Diane just spoke about could be cross-bred with other animated plants." he added before placing both his hand on the desk feeling anxious about the exam.
Why was everyone so anxious to cross-breed? Erkison must have been too good to these children, letting them experiment with hybrids and such. PSH.
"Yes the Venemous Tentacula can be easily cross-bred, I've done it myself. It flourishes wonderfully with carnivorous plants, as I've found." Bragbragbrag. "But thank you. Any other suggestions, anyone? I'm going to pass out the exams now but you may still voice something aloud as long as it doesn't disrupt your classmates."
Of course, they were always welcome to ask questions. That didn't mean she wanted to or had to answer.
SPOILER!!: Exam Questions, to be submitted to me just like a homework
1. What is the name of the variety of smaller water lilies found in the Parana-Paraguay water basin?
2. What are the three categories of typical water garden plants?
3. What’s so special about the Victoria amazonica flowers?
4. Which of the facts presented by your classmates do you feel is the most important to remember regarding the water lilies and why?
5. When and where did the most famous usage of gillyweed occur?
6. What is the scientific name for gillyweed?
7. Which of the facts presented by your classmates do you feel is the most important to remember regarding cuscuta/gillyweed and why?
BONUS: What was the name of the giant stinky plant we saw at the Garden Party and what causes it to smell sooo baaaad?
DUE DATE: August 11th at 12:01 AM EST. That means end of the night on Monday. NO EXCUSES.
If you did not get an opportunity to answer the few questions in class (here, here, here, and here), you may include the answers to those in the PM too. Otherwise, you already got credit. =)
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Satine shot her hand into the air, "Professor, what was your favorite lesson of the year?" she said with a smile hoping to not sound like a brown noser too much. She really liked to hear what the professors liked the most...her mother worked in the Department of Education and had taught her that teachers enjoyed some lessons more than others.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by Lezleighd
Satine shot her hand into the air, "Professor, what was your favorite lesson of the year?" she said with a smile hoping to not sound like a brown noser too much. She really liked to hear what the professors liked the most...her mother worked in the Department of Education and had taught her that teachers enjoyed some lessons more than others.
"Oh my.... my personal favorite?" Bunbury echoed the fashionable Ravenclaw by blinking a few times as she dwelled on the question. "Well I liked the Garden Party because... erm, because, because, because it was nice." That was she was going to say about that. "But I also liked the two lessons we had on gillyweed. I say two lessons because one featured an incredibly complex maze that you all survived very nicely, and the other was... Myrtle... ugh, well those of you who saved our school and used gillyweed to rescue that mermaid did a very nice job also...."
She trailed off with an open mouth as she realized she had just rambled. And ramblings were bad. "Ahem. To answer your question, Satine, my favorite lesson would overall have to be the one on the giant water lilies, because they can be rather useful plants and I enjoyed," blindfolding, "watching you all use teamwork to get across them. Such a character-building activity."
Come to think of it, most of the torture herbology lessons built character. HA. Well that was good for the children and always enjoyable for her to watch.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
"Before I pass out the exams, I'd like to allow you an opportunity to ask of me any questions you might still have about the plants we learned about this term. Or, if you have any suggestions for things you'd like to study AND WHY in future terms, I'll take those suggestions as well."
Fyo hesitated, not sure whether he was allowed to speak up in real. With Professor Bunbury, you never knew - she was an awesome teacher and all, but she also had something of the she-devil about her.
He would risk it, he decided.
"Professor, could we study about muggle plants?" he asked, hand in air. "I mean, I would love to attend a lesson where you can give us a little knowledge of muggle plants; how they can be - or how we think they can be - used for magical purposes, such as in potions; and their similarities to various magical plants."
But... mandrakes! And even better, hybriiiidss. BEEFOOOORE he graduated?! And how long would that be? Would he have to wait for another term or two? ANOTHER term or two?! He went back to his desk in shock but was completely rejuvenated when she said something about the Whomping Willow. YAAAAAY. He always wanted to study about that tree.
Plus it had Willow in it so it HAAAD to be good right? ANDWUT? Finals? NOOOOOW? He started biting his nails, looking at the professor with a worried face. Had he brought enough ink? He studied the night before but he didn't know.
Bite. Bite. Bite.
And she'd given it to them. Cam did as beeest as he could, trying to write neat which was messy still. And then a lot of cross-outs. And then more writing. AND THEN DONE.
______________________________________________lola jones currently in america
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie
Fyo hesitated, not sure whether he was allowed to speak up in real. With Professor Bunbury, you never knew - she was an awesome teacher and all, but she also had something of the she-devil about her.
He would risk it, he decided.
"Professor, could we study about muggle plants?" he asked, hand in air. "I mean, I would love to attend a lesson where you can give us a little knowledge of muggle plants; how they can be - or how we think they can be - used for magical purposes, such as in potions; and their similarities to various magical plants."
There. He had said it. Know what?
Fyodor Balouch. Like the Buninzator she was, Anastasia's red head slowwwwly (...creak... DUNDUNDUN ...creak... DUNDUNDUN ...creak...) turned to stare down the Gryffindor Who Dare To Ask a Question.
*insert long, awkward pause here*
"When have you ever NOT learned about mundane plants, Mr. Balouch?" Anastasia answered in a hollow voice. Honestly. CHILDREN. Did they ever think before they spoke?
"I think you'll want to be more specific with your phrasing there. Almost every magical plant has a similar mundane version or relative - just look at gillyweed and cuscuta, flutterbies and flutterby bushes, and so on and so forth. Likewise, not every potion requires magical-only ingredients." She waved a hand at the boy like his question was so silly it could be dismissed. Really though, it was so broad that she wondered what Fyo was really asking....
Unless.... GASP! Was the boy insinuating that she didn't cover boring Muggle plants thoroughly enough? OH. Well she could easily do a lesson on that... like... grass, and the different varieties of grass, and why it was found everywhere and just how weedy it is and why Muggles like to mow it. Would THAT work?!
"Perhaps a lesson with Professor Dumont is in order..." Bunbury mused to herself, her eyes losing focus of Fyo now as she over-complicated his question. And this was why the woman would never ask for constructive criticism and open questions again.
She shook her head to get back on focus and gave Fyo another penetrating glare. Odd boy, that one. A wizard who like Muggle plants. Shifty.
"You may start on your exams, now, and are welcome to leave when finished," Bunz remembered to announce a minute later as she continued staring at Fyo. What if that boy had MORE questions?!
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Fyodor Balouch. Like the Buninzator she was, Anastasia's red head slowwwwly (...creak... DUNDUNDUN ...creak... DUNDUNDUN ...creak...) turned to stare down the Gryffindor Who Dare To Ask a Question.
*insert long, awkward pause here*
"When have you ever NOT learned about mundane plants, Mr. Balouch?" Anastasia answered in a hollow voice. Honestly. CHILDREN. Did they ever think before they spoke?
"I think you'll want to be more specific with your phrasing there. Almost every magical plant has a similar mundane version or relative - just look at gillyweed and cuscuta, flutterbies and flutterby bushes, and so on and so forth. Likewise, not every potion requires magical-only ingredients." She waved a hand at the boy like his question was so silly it could be dismissed. Really though, it was so broad that she wondered what Fyo was really asking....
Unless.... GASP! Was the boy insinuating that she didn't cover boring Muggle plants thoroughly enough? OH. Well she could easily do a lesson on that... like... grass, and the different varieties of grass, and why it was found everywhere and just how weedy it is and why Muggles like to mow it. Would THAT work?!
"Perhaps a lesson with Professor Dumont is in order..." Bunbury mused to herself, her eyes losing focus of Fyo now as she over-complicated his question. And this was why the woman would never ask for constructive criticism and open questions again.
She shook her head to get back on focus and gave Fyo another penetrating glare. Odd boy, that one. A wizard who like Muggle plants. Shifty.
"You may start on your exams, now, and are welcome to leave when finished," Bunz remembered to announce a minute later as she continued staring at Fyo. What if that boy had MORE questions?!
Exam. Time to start the exam. Fyo tried not to chewCHEW his lip as he bent his head towards the exam paper of DOOM!, wondering if his question really had been that.... complicated.