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Have you just attended a class and received homework? Post in here and let everyone know! The more homework you do, the more points we earn, so try and do as much as you can. Gryffindor for the cup!
When turning in homework, you must include the proper heading, or else your homework may not be accepted. Individual professors sometimes have slightly different headings, so remember to read their homework rules before submitting. Here is a quick guide to the headings each professor specifies:
SPOILER!!: Headings
Ancient Runes - PM to SeerCassandraTrelawney Link to homework rules
Character Full Name:
House and Year:
Member Number: (You can find your Member Number through your member profile. Under Quicklinks menu, select “My Profile”, that will take you straight to your profile page. On the html address on your browser, you’ll find your user number to be the last digits in the address, right after your username, for example my Member Number would be 74281.)
Assignment Name: (i.e. Ancient Runes Assingment One)
Arithancy - PM to lemondrop13 Link to homework rules
Character Name:
User Name:
User ID: *Your ID number can be found by viewing your profile. It will be displayed on the address bar and should look like this (without the spaces, etc.): http:// www . snitchseeker . com / members / (username) – (ID number) /. *
Title of assignment: Arithmancy Homework #
Care of Magical Creatures - PM to Liisa Link to homework rules
No specific heading has been posted, but to be on the safe side, it's best to include your character's name, your username, your house, and your member ID.
Divination - PM to SlytherinSistah Link to homework rules
Name (username or your character's name):
House ID: (especially the house ID)
Also, entitle the PM according to the class number, such as, "Divination Class 1 Homework."
Herbology - PM to BanaBatGirl Link to homework rules
Character's name:
SS user name:
Member ID number:
History of Magic - PM to NicoT Link to homework rules
Member Number:
Character name and year:
Muggle Studies - PM to Slytherin Fox Link to homework rules
Member Number:
Potions - PM to XanaSnape Link to homework rules
Your Screen Name:
Your Character Name:
Your House and Year:
Your Member Number: (You can find your Mumber Number through your member profile. Under Quicklinks menu, select “My Profile”, that will take you straight to your profile page. On the html address on your browser, you’ll find your user number to be the last digits in the address, right after your username. If you need help with this, please let me know. I am here to help you!)
The Title of the Homework Assignment:
Flying - PM to demented_death_eater Link to rules
No specific heading has been posted, but to be on the safe side, it's best to include your character's name, your username, your house, and your member ID.
Transfiguration - PM to Waddles Link to homework rules
User Name:
User ID: (to find this, go to your profile and look at the URL. The number after your username is your User ID. If there’s any questions about this, feel free to ask)
Character Name:
Title of the Assignment:
(and, of course, include the assignment)
Always remember to not roleplay your character walking into class after the professor has already started the lesson. If you'd like to join a class already in session, please pretend as if your character has just always been there.
Beggining Arithmancy has begun so come on down 1st-3rd years, this will be fun
Anna Banana: Here is the link. Remember to raise your hand before speaking and to not post your character arriving to class late. If you missed the start of class and still want to participate, then roleplay as if your charrie has been there all along. Good luck!
Last edited by Anna Banana; 05-24-2009 at 02:09 AM.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Transfiguration Homework #1: Vanishing Spells
Part I: Practice the spell we learned in class. _____a. Take a walk on the grounds and find something that nobody will miss, and vanish it _____b. Don't vanish anything important.
Part II: Journal about it in a few sentences. _____a. State what you vanished and where it came from _____b. If you had any trouble vanishing the object, think about what you did wrong and consider how you might do better the next time.
Due: Friday, 5 June at 12:00 Noon GMT.
ooc: PM your "journal" and a link to where you practiced to me. Worth 5 points.
Please refer to this thread for instructions on how to turn in homework.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
The first Muggle Studies lesson will begin on Sunday, May 31, at around 9:00 a.m. PST (that's 12:00 noon EST and 5:00 p.m. GMT). Don't worry if you can't make it, I plan to stagger the lesson out a while and give people plenty of chance to show up and participate.
Homework will be assigned after the lesson concludes.
Who: all are welcome with the notable exception of one stubborn old man who should know by now that pride comes before a fall
What to bring: textbooks, quills and parchment.
Please bring your textbooks and be willing to share. Remember that many Slytherins may be without books, quills and parchment and it would be excellent to see you all help out your fellow students.
ooc: I'm not sure what time this will be, when I say tomorrow, I mean... at some point within the next 24 hours. In any case, I'll make sure it's open long enough for everyone to play. Please familiarise yourselves with the classroom rules before posting in my class.
1. What information does the Life Path Number provide? (Please give an original answer. Do not copy the textbook verbatim.)
2. Provide 2 alternate names for the Life Path Number. as mentioned in class.
3. Offer an analysis of Mariel Morgan's Life Path Number of 1, including (but not limited to) potential career options, impact on social/family life, and any other aspect you'd like to discuss. Get creative!
4. Calculate my Life Path Number. (D.O.B. November 22, 2028)
5. Provide an in-depth analysis of my Life Path Number, including (but not limited to) if you think it is applicable to what you know about me and what you think it might mean about those aspects of my life that you are unaware of. Do not worry about sparing my feelings. Just provide an honest and detailed analysis.
The homework is due in about 1 week from now.
Please PM the homework to Lemondrop13
Thank you.
Shut up and put your money where your mouth is That's what you get for waking up in Vegas Get up and shake the glitter off your clothes now That's what you get for waking up in Vegas
Last edited by Anna Banana; 05-30-2009 at 07:17 PM.
Reason: Resizing text.
Assignment: Draw a picture of what you experienced during todays lesson.
Alternative: If you just can't draw or didn't attend this lesson, feel free to write me a short story about your experiences in class. Be as detailed as possible. (Minimum 2 paragraphs) Points awarded for creativity.
Due: June 7th
(by midnight EST)
Worth: 5 points
Instructions on submitting homework can be found here.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
First years only (and any non-Quidditch players scared of flying):
Are you a First Year who can't wait to get on a broom and learn how to properly fly? Or are you an older student who is petrified of flying and prefers to be beaten in a broom race by the butterflies? If you answered 'Yes' to either of these questions, then take a deep breath and head on down to the first Flying lesson of the year!
When: 3 JUN 8pm EST Where: The Pitch Who Can Attend: First Years and those who are petrified of flying more than 4 inches above the ground (Quidditch captains and those who have played on their House teams are not allowed to attend).
*Broomsticks and safety gear will be provided*
**The lesson may last several days based on active participation
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Muggle Studies Homework:
Originally Posted by Slytherin Fox
Worth 10 points (and possibly up to 15)
Your homework is simply this - We have heard some of the muggle music from the 1950s today, learned one of the dances and talked about some of the customs and traditions from that era, even sampled some of the food.
Now it is up to you. Write a short essay on who you think was the most influential musician from the 1950s and why. It doesn't have to be a long essay, but I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this.
This assignment will be due by 12:00 a.m. EST Tuesday June 9 (9:00 p.m. PST Monday June 8, 5:00 a.m. GMT Tuesday June 9).
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Astronomy Homework:
How would history have changed if the government had given the Orion Project the type of support it gave NASA during the early 60's? If the money spent on NASA and Apollo in the 1960s had been spent on Orion instead, could most of the negative issues, including fallout, have been resolved? It might not have been "Saturn by 1970" but perhaps "Saturn by 1980?" Tell me your opinion and why. 10 points total.
Turn in (PM) homework to me no later than Saturday, June 6th at 10:30 PM CST (GMT-6). Include name, house, and ID. Be sure to follow the rules stated in the Class Rules.[/COLOR]
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
DADA Lesson 1 Homework
I am going to be setting up a separate thread for this particular homework.
For this homework you will enter a room that is set out like a Saloon from the good old western days. And you are to take on the bad guys by practicing drawing your wands from your holsters and firing the water charm and ONLY the water charm. For those of you who don't know the incantation is 'Aguamenti.' But beware there are also innocent people in there as well. Focus on your surroundings as well.
This is a fairly easy assignment and all it requires is a very good imagination and some creative RPing.
The assignment is due one week from today.
Please PM the link to your post to Professor Lawson (aussiegirl)
Note3: And make sure they're clean toes, children.
[ooc: lol so class will be starting sometime between noon on Saturday, June 6th and uh, noon on Sunday June 7th EST...we'll see...but it will definitely be open for a few days...a week...however long enough so that everyone gets to participate fo sho.]
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Choose one invention or discovery from Wizarding History and tell me about it…
(you don’t have to use these questions, this is just to get you thinking)
-who invented/discovered it?
-what Hogwarts subjects does it relate to?
-when was it invented/discovered?
-what does it do?
-who might find it useful?
Minimum 1 paragraph, absolute maximum of 3.
The catch is that you need to write your assignment using one of the Weasleys Wizard Wheezes Quills. It can either work perfectly or not, it’s completely up to you. If necessary, provide a translation of your work and be sure to show which kind of quill you chose (just saying ‘I chose this one’ isn’t enough, be creative.)
Due: 2 weeks from this post.
(That is, 9am GMT, Wednesday 17th of June, give or take ten or so minutes.)
I see trees of green,
Red roses too.
I see 'em bloom for me and for you.
And I think to myself, What a wonderful world.
2. Second, choose one of the following options and execute it with either words or pictures or a combination of the two.
Option One: Find or "invent" a spell you would use to improve these giant water lilies, whether it be to extend the flowers' blooming, make them more durable to humans walking on them, more compatible for water boat races etc. Explain your idea and why you would want to improve the lilies this way.
Option Two: Research a magical plant you would be interested in crossbreeding with a water lily and predict what the outcome would be, the uses of this new magical-mundane hybrid, what sort of environment or care it would need, etc.
You may only turn in one option (but yes, please do part one) and you may be allowed to experiment with your creation if you pick option two.
DUE DATE: June 30th for it all
Edit :: Send it via PM to BanaBatGirl, with the title of the PM reading, "Herbology Homework #_" and don't forget to include your character's name, SS user name, member ID number, and House in the PM. =]
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
Class 1 - Fehu
Attention All Students
The first Ancient Rune class will open on Friday June 12th and remain open until Sunday June 14th. Please file into the classroom on the fifth floor and find a place to sit promptly before class begins. I do not tollerate tardiness, rudeness or chatting in my classes. Please familiarize yourself with the classroom rules before attending. Thank you and I look forward to seeing you in class.
"Time's up for this lesson! Homework is on the board. Due back to me in one week. Good luck!"
1. Calculate the four Core numbers for one member of the Hogwarts staff. (You may need to ask them specifically for their birthdates and full names.)
2. Does that person's Personality number coincide with your first impression of them?
3. How might that person integrate those numbers and allow for them to work harmoniously and supportively together?
4. When working on a project, which Soul Number would:
a. want to be the boss?
b. want to network it - and sell it?
c. want to gather things together for the project?
d. want to make a monument of it so it will last forever?
Due: June 20th!
Last edited by PadfootAndTheWolf; 06-14-2009 at 02:57 AM.