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"Umm...Fanta? The soda? There's a song for it....and he just so happens to show up when I'm singing it." Though she really couldn't blame that on him, it was just fate? Now he would be able to try cream soda flavored Fanta over the summer break. "I think he was meant to show up whenever I sing the song because now he's gonna get to try it....once this term is over."
Oh darn, now Reese wanted to know what movie she was talking about? "Umm....well ya see...." 'Quick! Think of something.' "I never knew the name of it." she finally said, shaking her head at both Torin and Reese. "My mom was watching it one day and I just sat down in the middle of it and started watching it too." Yeah, that worked. Now she didn't need a movie title.
"Well yeah, Torin....but like...I meant....don't eat me in a metaphorical sense." Yeah, that made sense, right? Sure it did. Great, now Torin thought she was some crazy lady who was obsessed with Fanta and accused people of being cannibals.
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Huh? "You just told me not to eat you.. Cannibals sorta eat people?" Was this girl slightly dense? Or did she just get confused in her won logic. "Well, I'm glad to see that you now trust m not to eat you, Reese." He rolled his eyes as the blonde stepped towards him again. Good to see that in your best friend.
"This is where you asked what?" he then asked her. He was slightly confused now.
Reese rolled her eyes right after Torin rolled his eyes. "Of course I trust you not to eat me. I know that you love me too much to eat me," she said. She began to sway back and forth as she listened to Torin talk and when he mention her unfinished singing, she stopped swaying. "Oh, yeah. This is where I asked Jack out," she finished her sentence.
Hmm. Fanta. She's heard of that kind of soda, but hasn't ever tried it before. She nodded her head at Whitney and said, "I know what Fanta is, but unfortunately, I've never actually had it before." Maybe she'll try some fanta over the summer with Torin since Whitney just said he was going to try it too.
She eyes her friend from head to toe. She watched a movie that she had NO idea what the title was? Straaaaange. But, Whitney wouldn't lie to her, so she had to believe her friend. "I see," she spoke up. "Try to find out the title of the movie over the summer. I would like to know what it is."