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Liisa 05-29-2009 03:52 PM

CoMC Lesson 1 :: Nifflers
Professor Morgan was in a glorious mood this morning as she exited her office door. With a flourish of her wand, she levitated a number of large wire cages, each of which contained 2 or 3 fluffy black creatures with long snouts and flat paws.

With the cages leading the way, Iliana headed down to the paddock. She carefully deposited the cages on the ground and then withdrew a small black pouch from her robes. With a flick of her wand, its contents were instantly deposited beneath the soil. Professor Morgan had instructed the class not to wear anything shiny; she sincerely hoped that they took heed of her advice, otherwise they were going to be in for an extremely interesting lesson.

There was still some time to before the class was due to start so the professor reached down and unlatched the cage closest to her, pulling out one of the black fluffy creatures and cradling it in her arms. Then she leaned up against the paddock fence and began stroking its head while she waited for the first of her students to arrive.

OOC: Class will start shortly, please make sure that you read the CoMC Classroom Rules before attending. I've updated them today in regards to this terms' lessons.

RachieRu 05-29-2009 03:58 PM

Favourite Lesson? Check. Favourite Teacher? Check. Vanessa smiled as she made her way to where the care of magical creatures lesson was going to happen, feeling a little bare without her necklace, and bracelets on. She wondered what the lesson was going to be about, although she kind of had an idea, seeing as they were instructed not to wear anything shinny. Hence fourth her prefects badge was safely in her dorm. She didn't want to lose that!
Seeing Professor Morgan in the distance, the seventh year, hurried up a little, and on reaching the Professor, began "awwing" as she saw the creature which the Professor Morgan.

"Hey Professor Morgan." She pint-sized prefect, smiled as she looked up at her favourite teacher. "That creature seems...very cute."

Ameh 05-29-2009 04:01 PM

Well it was a good thing he was a boy and didn't wear anything shiny.

Raiden moved slowly toward the area where class was to be held, double-checking his pockets. He was fairly sure there wasn't anything shiny on him; even if there was, where would he put it? He couldn't get into his dorm. Eh... Trying to forget about that for the moment, Raiden approached the professor and smiled at the sight of the furry thing in her arms. Hadn't she turned... Mr. Masterson into one of these last term?

How fluffy and awesome!

"Hello Professor Morgan," he said happily, giving a little wave to the creature. "Hiii furry thing. We get to learn about you in class today, are you excited?"

Meh Reh 05-29-2009 04:02 PM

Karma skipped happily down to the CoMC lesson that she had been waiting for. These creatures always fascinated her, whatever it was that Professor Morgan had waiting for them.

She hummed as she walked down the pathway, holding her books in one hand and removing her jewelry with another. There were rumors of what it was for today, NIFFLERS! Those little buggers were crazy, seeing as how Cam's attacked her last year for one simple, small necklace. Eep!

"Morning Professor Morgan," Karma said, stopping by the cages. "Aww, they're cute. Did I miss any jewelry?"

No earrings, no necklace, no rings (as if she would ever have one, PSSH), hopefully she had gotten everything.

Antarctica 05-29-2009 04:04 PM

Yawning, Kiri stumbled down the path to the paddock where the Care of Magical Creatures lesson would take place. Ever since the flooding of the dungeons, she'd slept badly, frequently waking up from nightmares full of swirling water. Classes kept her mind off of it for the most part, but by now she was pretty tired and no clue what would make it better.

As instructed by Professor Morgan, she had no shiny objects on her person. The only piece of jewellery she possessed, a delicately crafted bracelet her grandmother on her mother's side had left her, was safely stowed away in a box at the bottom of her trunk. She never dared to wear it anyway.

Kiri saw she was one of the first students to arrive. A few metres in front of her, she spotted Raiden, which brightened up her morning considerably.
"Good Morning, Professor," she said courteously, stifling another yawn and joining Raiden.
"Hi Raiden."

emjay 05-29-2009 04:04 PM

Mariel walked out to the grounds in anticipation of the first Care of Magical Craetures lesson. After reading the notice in the Ravenclaw common room, she made sure to wear her hair down without any of her shiny barrettes present in her locks. She had a pretty good idea of what they would be studying today and she didn't need any of the creatures knocking her down to root through her hair as that would be neither a pretty sight nor pleasant, not to mention the tangles she'd have to deal with later.

As she arrived, the third year noticed that she was only one of a few students present. Must be early. Shrugging softly to herself, she turned her smile towards the teacher and the creature in her arms. "Hello, Professor," she greeted the teacher. Yes, she had been right about the subject matter, she thought, looking down at the animal. Very cute, but awfully incorrigible.

Davvy_Wavvy 05-29-2009 04:05 PM

Rhea hurried into class and smiled at the professor, then greeted her with a courteously before moving close to the front. Finally a class she didn't mind attending. Heck, she was actually early. She took her watch off and slipped it into her bag, having an idea of the animal that they would be dealing with today. She liked excitement but definitely not too much. She sat quietly waiting for the class to begin.

TMHFPolska 05-29-2009 04:05 PM

Hayley was sooo excited! She loved animals and stuff, and she was sure Care of Magical Creatures was going to be her favorite class. Humming happliy to herself, she wandered over to where the lessons were taking place. Noticing the cute fluffy creatures she squeed a bit "*Squee!*"

"Hi Professor," Hayley said shyly, twiddling with her hair a bit. Happyhappyhappy...AMINALS!

MeredithRodneyMckay 05-29-2009 04:05 PM

Oh this was going to be an intriguing lesson.Having been asked not to wear anything shiny,which admittedly she never did anyway,Sarah was eager to find out why.
Walking down to the paddock she could see the Professor holding something black...and furry.
"Hi Professor Morgan!" she said,breezily. "Oh what a cute little thing!" Sarah was going to ask if they could touch it,but thought it best not to.Might not be as cute as it looks.

She then saw Mariel and strolled over to stand next to her. "Hey,do you know what that is?" she enquired,pointing at the creature in the teacher's arms.

milloy112 05-29-2009 04:05 PM

Ricco had a feeling he knew what the class was going to be about when he read the announcment on the notice board as it said that nothing shiny could be takien to class, so checking and double checking for shiny thinggs ricco made his way down to the COMC class when he was sure that he didnt have anything shiny. As soon as he got down to the hut Ricco spotted the nifflers sitting in the cages and so standing near the Prefect he waited for the class to begin.

Yaya 05-29-2009 04:06 PM

Emiliano was excited for this lesson. His smile could say everything as he walked towards the class, noticing Professor Iliana was already there, holding a puffy and beautiful creature in her arms.

As he approached, he smiled.."Good day, have you been?" He greeted. Emiliano sat and continued to glance at the creature to be studied that day. Good thing he never wore anything shiny...just those hand-bands he made sure to take out before leaving the common room.

Nifflers?? That should be a nice...and interesting lesson.

Suziella 05-29-2009 04:07 PM

Simone practically ran to care of magical creatures. But by the time she got to the door. She paused, composed herself, and then walked through the door of the paddock. Of course she still had a HUGE grin on her face. This class was the most exciting for her...for many reasons.

She entered the paddock, and walked straight up to the front of the group. She smiled up at the Professor, "Good morning, Professor Morgan." She then winked, and tried not to laugh.

Pigwidgeon Took 05-29-2009 04:09 PM

Jude skipped into the paddock. "Mornin' Professah!" he called cheerfully as he settled himself all focused on the cute little creatures at hand. Black, fluffy, adorable. This was going to be a FUN lesson, and he didn't even know what they were playing with yet. He sort of knew what they were. They liked shiny, based on Professor Morgan's warning of that on the bulletin board before it got destroyed.

He just hoped he had gotten all the shiny off. He wasn't THAT conscious about his appearance on his best days... and this certainly wasn't one of his best days, considering his common room and belongings were still flooded over.

EquestrianGal88 05-29-2009 04:09 PM

Lettie walked down to the care of magical creatures classroom...her first class for this subject, and she really was excited. Cute little animals were nice, but so where the scaley ones that ran around on the ground so fast that you couldn't catch them...just like the lizards near the creek back home.

She got closer and saw a few little animals inside some cages. 'Awwwww!' Leticia thought and stared at them with a bright look in her eyes, 'They're so cute!' All she wanted to do was snuggle them, but no, that would be bad probably.

Syd 05-29-2009 04:09 PM

Kel was pretty excited for this lesson. Nifflers sounded very exciting...Magical creatures interested Kel. So...well, he arrived to the class excited, of course. Smiling as he entered the classroom, he waved at the proffessor and greeted "Good morning, Professor," very cheerfully as he took a free seat.

harita 05-29-2009 04:09 PM

Isabella hurried to the Care of magical Creatures class. she didnt want to be soon as she arrived she saw a couple of students were already there...she saw Professor Morgan leaning against the paddock fence and saw some black fluffy creature in her arms...Isabella shuddered instantly. she never got well along with animals...and these are magical...she reached the paddock and slowly said
"good morning Professor"

Slytherin Princess 05-29-2009 04:18 PM

Ruby walked in a huff to COMC she had to take her jewelry off and she wasn't happy she never took her necklace off, she walked towards Professor Morgan who was leaning against the paddock fence and noticed Nifflers in her arm she shrugged and went and waited for the lesson to begin "Good Morning Professor"

Star-Lord 05-29-2009 04:18 PM

Jule hurried behind Bella. She saw the professor leaning against a cage with furry creatures. She caught her breath and said, "hello professor."

Lezleighd 05-29-2009 04:20 PM

Satine followed closely behind her Ravvie friends, Jules and Bella. She smiled at the professor, "Howzit, Professor!" Remembering the bulletin she did a quick shiny object and jewelry check to make sure she had remembered to take it all of...yep, that's a big positive she was locked, cocked, and ready to rock!

Rosa Chispa Princessa 05-29-2009 04:20 PM

Herminny headed down to COMC professors hut at the alloted time and saw her down by the paddlock fence and headed down there. When she got there she thought uh, that creature is ugly and you could see it on her face about a split seccond but then she quickly put on a brave face and perked as she saw Professor Morgan and how gental and sweet the creature seemed to be.
She started to smile as she said, "Hi Professor Morgan", realizing mabe I should'nt judge a book by it's cover. Then she looked down at her wrist and saw the shiny silver bracelet her mother gave her for her birthday and quicly pushed it up her arm so it would be hidden by her robes hoping it would nit slide back down her arm as she stood there and waited for class to start.

Nixy! 05-29-2009 04:21 PM

Iris skipped over to care of magical creatures - she was really looking forward to it, because she loves animals. Iris then remembered the notice on the notice board "please do not wear anything shiny or valubal" it said, Iris couldn't think why, but she needn't worry about that - she didn't have anything shiny or valuable on her to wear! it was all still in the Girls' Dorm, and she hadn't been able to go in there at all.

Noticing a few people already here, she gave them small smiles and went over to the professor and said "good morning professor!" brightly, before turning away to see if Aaron, Mystic, Grace or Fallon were here yet, then she spotted Satine, "Hi Satine! I wonder what we're doing today? and what are those things in the crates?" she said to the purple haired girl.

Anna Banana 05-29-2009 04:22 PM

Bookbag in one hand and wand in the other, Anna Greingoth headed out the Common Room and onto the grounds. The weather was nice today. As a matter of fact, it was the perfect weather for the first Care of Magical Creatures lesson. Anna wondered briefly what the topic of today's lesson would be. Hmm...nothing shiny...nifflers, maybe? That'd be fun! Hopefully it'd be just as exciting as the dragon lesson from the end of last school year! Either way, Anna was sure Professor Morgan had something wonderful up her sleeve!

Approaching the paddock, Anna took in the sight of Professor Morgan, cradling a small, black, fluffy creature in her arms. "Good day, Professor Morgan," Anna greeted, pausing just briefly to glance at the creature before passing her by and going to take a seat. She placed her bookbag on the ground and her wand in her lap, then waited patiently for the lesson to begin.

Paintbrush 05-29-2009 04:26 PM

Natka walked slowly to her Care of magical Creatures lesson. From a distance, she could see Professor Morgan cradling something black in her arms, and Natka increased her pace, curiosity eating at her mind. She wanted to know what this creature was.

She had missed Care of Magical Creatures over the summer; they had always learned interesting things in these lessons, and she hoped this year would be no different. There were so many animals in the magical world with amazing characteristics...

"Hello, Professor Morgan," Natka said with a smile once she had reached her. "What is that?" she asked, peeking at the creature with unabashed interest.

Leeness 05-29-2009 04:26 PM

This would have been Varius second class in which he had attended and he doubted it would be as interesting as Transfiguration was. They wouldn't be eating pastries like Tranfig, no, they would probably be feeding the pastires to some undeserving creatures! Man, Varius was not a huge fan of animals at all unless the were cute, tame and able to be pets. That's his philosophy, word.

However, he did keep in mind that he wasn't sure what animal they would be experiencing today and he made sure NOT to where anything shiny as instructed.

Krel Ansell 05-29-2009 04:29 PM

Having received what could only be described as a personal invitation to attend Care of Magical Creatures, Daisy hurried in and grabbed a spot near the front of the room. She didn’t, in all honesty, expect Professor Morgan to remember her. After all, the professor had had a half-glazed look on her face when Daisy had run into her, and then she was summoned off by a phantasm in the shape of a talking humming bird.

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