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Term 22: May-August 2009 Term Twenty-two: Mermish Skirmish (Sept 2068 - June 2069)

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Old 09-21-2008, 02:56 AM
Cassirin Cassirin is offline
Default Barnabas the Barmy

A moving tapestry depicts Barnabas attempting to train trolls for the ballet.
Old 08-03-2009, 02:24 AM   #176 (permalink)
Formerly: dingDong
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lola Jones
Sixth Year
Default hooomework
1/2 of the Poo Brigade MAN!BUGG<33

Skipping up to the seventh floor, Cam found himself facing an interesting looking statue-man. What was his name again, Barnabas? Well he didn't really care because he recently found out the statue trained trolls to do ballet. Whether his plan was a success or a failure, he just... found the man to be an inspiration. An inspiration.


Inspiration?! YAH. But it so TOTALLY did not mean the statue was a better person than he was. Hmph. A lemur on his shoulder was nibbling on a piece of cabbage while the other one on his other shoulder was holding an unpeeled banana.

The lemurs had barely been out of the common room because he was WAAAY too scared that a flood would happen and he'd have to save them again!

JUNI COULD KILL. WHEREVER SHE WAS... girls had issues with animals being hurt and sooo did he, and WHO KNEW what that girl could do to him if he did something to the lemurs, EH? She could probably make his ears twitch from miles and miles away.

"Lemme open that Mosseh, I mean, I haven't used mah manly manly skills for a while," he offered, snatching the banana from the lemur and trying to open it at the top.



And he TUGGED on the very tip of the banana--which is how he opened them that way (not that he ate bananas at a daily basis). Was the banana simply charmed NOT to open? MEANBANANAANANANA.
______________________________________________lola jones currently in america
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Old 08-04-2009, 12:21 AM   #177 (permalink)

Hungarian Horntail
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
November {Noe} Franze
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Originally Posted by dingDong View Post
Skipping up to the seventh floor, Cam found himself facing an interesting looking statue-man. What was his name again, Barnabas? Well he didn't really care because he recently found out the statue trained trolls to do ballet. Whether his plan was a success or a failure, he just... found the man to be an inspiration. An inspiration.


Inspiration?! YAH. But it so TOTALLY did not mean the statue was a better person than he was. Hmph. A lemur on his shoulder was nibbling on a piece of cabbage while the other one on his other shoulder was holding an unpeeled banana.

The lemurs had barely been out of the common room because he was WAAAY too scared that a flood would happen and he'd have to save them again!

JUNI COULD KILL. WHEREVER SHE WAS... girls had issues with animals being hurt and sooo did he, and WHO KNEW what that girl could do to him if he did something to the lemurs, EH? She could probably make his ears twitch from miles and miles away.

"Lemme open that Mosseh, I mean, I haven't used mah manly manly skills for a while," he offered, snatching the banana from the lemur and trying to open it at the top.



And he TUGGED on the very tip of the banana--which is how he opened them that way (not that he ate bananas at a daily basis). Was the banana simply charmed NOT to open? MEANBANANAANANANA.
Shaking her head, Issy hung back a little from Cam and the lemurs, eying the boy warily. The whole scene was rather eerie for her and made the pit of her stomach squirm uncomfortably. Unintentionally, her lips were puckered as the watched the scene, from the boy demanding Barnabas (really now?) speak, to failing to open the banana. And those lemurs... wary eyes regarded them, because she still expected to see Juni coming after them.

You know better, she scolded herself, even though she was aware that logic had nothing to do with such visions.

"He can't speak," Issy finally said a moment later, waving a dismissive hand toward Barnabas.

She still couldn't help but feel a little awkward in Cam's company. After all, she had thrown him into the water with her and to anyone else, it probably looked as though she'd been trying to drown him. Though she'd apologized, she still felt incredibly strange and bad for that.

"Also, I believe the peel is good for them." She nodded at the lemurs who were eying the banana. "Vitamins and protein in the such for them. It makes them feel good about themselves, for being able to open it themselves. Even pets like to feel self-sufficient now and then."

Sometimes... Issy did recall that Pepe le Stinky and Flower were awfully lazy little buggers themselves.

"So. Shall we do this?" she asked.
'Cause out of all the people I've known, the places I've been, the songs that I have sung,
The wonders I've seen, now that the dreams are all coming true, who is the one that leads me on through?

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Old 08-04-2009, 12:31 AM   #178 (permalink)
Formerly: dingDong
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lola Jones
Sixth Year
1/2 of the Poo Brigade MAN!BUGG<33

And then the girl came, the one that attempted to murder him. Hmph. The only reason he picked her was because she was a 5th year and he didn't know who else to pick--not stating that he didn't know maaaany older students. Because he in fact DID!

"Hi Missy Issy," he told her quite happily because happy was soooo the new moody, "and yes, yes they caaaan talk. See?" Poking the statue's nose, he put his ear next to it.

Mmhm. I see. Okay, I'll tell harr that. "SEE? They TALK. He just talked riiight into my ear! He said... he doesn't like being so lonely. You should act nicer!" And with that, he snatched Issy's hands and put it riiiiight onto Barnaby's hands.


"He says you'll be GREAT friends."


He didn't know why exactly he was clapping so much these days, it was probably a symptom of his supreme awesomeness. Or maybe evil nasty trolls had cursed his hands while he slept, thus causing him to clap uncontrollably when he felt happy.

Oh? The girl was telling him not to peel the bananas for the lemurs?! "Um... right. I knew that, ...good for the self-esteem. RIGHT." And without he gave the unopened banana back to Mosi and smirked. "Shall we do what?"

OHHH. Homework right. "Oh. Mmkaaaay who goes first, gurlygurl?"
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Old 08-04-2009, 12:49 AM   #179 (permalink)

Hungarian Horntail
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
November {Noe} Franze
First Year
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This was potentially awkward and most certainly weird. Issy glanced around she and the lemurs, checking to see if anyone was watching them but thankfully, the few students who were passing by seemed very interested in themselves or their friends and paid little heed to the students. It made sense; Cam was only twelve and Issy looked maybe thirteen, so who wold pay much heed to what they were up to?

Idly, she wondered if Cam was the sort of child to have had invisible friends. She herself had never had them; she'd never needed them, with Mattio and Fredreich around and her later popularity in primary school, but Matti had. He would sit in the back yard talking to made up creatures. Something about the way Cam was... er... communicating... with Barnabas lead her to this conclusion.

When Cam took her hand though and met it with that of Barnabas, though, her eyes widened and she calmly licked her lips (so as not to accidentally snap or anything) and she glanced down.

She was holding hands with Barnabas the Barmy.

Who was to go first? Issy cast a sideways glance to Barnabas.

"He says that you ought to go first. Since he's so busy holding my hand."

Ag! Now she, too, was communicating with the thing?!
'Cause out of all the people I've known, the places I've been, the songs that I have sung,
The wonders I've seen, now that the dreams are all coming true, who is the one that leads me on through?

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Old 08-04-2009, 01:03 AM   #180 (permalink)
Formerly: dingDong
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lola Jones
Sixth Year
1/2 of the Poo Brigade MAN!BUGG<33

"Oh? Meeee?" he asked and eyed Barnabas, the guy who was holding Issy's hands. Who knew, maybe one day they'd marry and have statue children.

But heeeee was to go first? BEH Ah well! "Off you twooo," he told the lemurs, "don't want you to be hit by the spell if it goes wrong." IF it went wrong, which he hoped with all of his heart it didn't He didn't want the lemurs to think he was a complete baffoon in wand work. PFFT he wanted to impress them at least.

Nakato jumped off first, landing on top of the statue's head while Mosi, not so hesitant at all, jumped onto Issy's shoulder and stayed there, eying the girl who had been friends with his previous owner.

"Okaaaay. Well, I want leeemur ears ya know? Who doesn't actually? I'd have like LemurMan eeaaars. AIN'T THAT AWESOME?" he said excitedly, not too loud enough to scare Mosi to death. Getting his wand out from his holster, he gave Barnabas a poke with it, "Wish me luuck Baranabeee."

He did NOT want to have luck from the girl. She had bad luck, ohhhh almost killing him and all.

"Bestiar ears!" And closing his eyes and concentrating, he concentrated on getting the ears. Yes. YESSS. Opening them, his hands reached up to the side of his head. Hmm. Did he have lemur ears? Wait... no. Only one ear had transfigured.

BUT IT WAS STILL SOOOO COOL. "How's it look, eh??" And he showed off his one-lemur ear to the girl.
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Old 08-04-2009, 01:19 AM   #181 (permalink)

Hungarian Horntail
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
November {Noe} Franze
First Year
Brain Twin | MASTAH ASHURRII | Reisdent PokeNerd | Digifangirl

Issy felt herself duck when Nakato leapt for the statues head, though logically she knew it wasn't flying for her own. Still, she couldn't help to fear lemur-to-the-face syndrome and was grateful when he landed comfortably on Barnabas' head. Did this mean Nakato would now be his new friend, because Issy could not very well see herself staying here and holding the statue's hand forever. She had stuff to do! Homework, feeding the skunklettes, feeding herself, visiting her friends and Samson. And the bathroom. How was she to take care of necessary life measures if she was standing hand in hand with Barnabas the Barmy her whole life.

Mosi pulled her out of her reverie by landing on her shoulder, causing the tiny girl to jump and squeak a little. Rapidly blinking, she eyed the lemur back, who was only mere centimeters from her face, thus causing her to go cross -eyed.

It was when Cam requested that Barnabas wish him luck (why was HE not the one holding the statue's hand, anyway?) that she tug her eyes away from Mosi to watch Cam, in case he accidentally transfigured incorrectly. What if he turned his nose into a skunk ear or something? That'd be disturbing, and probably call for suffocation or something.

Ag. Issy was NOT qualified to perform CPR!

Had Cam said ears? As in plural? Because Issy saw only one ear. Tipping her head, she pursed her lips slightly as she examined him. Yep, sure enough, only the ear that Cam was showing off to her was lemur-fied - the other was decidedly human.

"Had you said ears?" asked Issy, with heavy emphasis upon the plural aspect. "Because, I only see the on ear done. Nevertheless, it was done well just... shall I reverse it and let you try again? Remember, you're to picture both ears if you choose to do both ears, not just one. Simply adding a plural suffix to your speech and picturing just an ear doesn't call for both."

What Cam probably didn't realize was that Charms and Transfiguration were strengths of Issy's, therefore the practice she'd performed in class had been rather sufficient in her grasp of the spells.

"Homini ears," she spoke articulately, her eyes closed as she pictured two human ears on either side of Cam's head. And when she opened her eyes, there they were. Two human ears.

Were they smaller than normal...? Hmmm.... Issy squinted momentarily. Perhaps she was just imagining it...
'Cause out of all the people I've known, the places I've been, the songs that I have sung,
The wonders I've seen, now that the dreams are all coming true, who is the one that leads me on through?

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Old 08-04-2009, 01:35 AM   #182 (permalink)
Formerly: dingDong
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lola Jones
Sixth Year
1/2 of the Poo Brigade MAN!BUGG<33

Cam started poking his own furry ears at the moment, wishing he'd brought along a mirror with him so he would see. OHH didn't he have a camera of some sort he'd gotten for Christmas? Maybe he could try on the spell again later and then put on his lemur ears, and then proceeeeddd to take pictures of it and sell it on e-bay, but not without making his face blurred to hide his identity, and muggles would get their first look on LemurBoy.


He went back to reality, eying the Ravenclaw girl who'd pointed his wand at him, and he put his hands up when she did so. He... didn't know, did he trust girls with wands? PFFT girls should NOT have wands. Especially girls who attempt MURDER.


WOW people sounded SO weird to him right now, it was like a squeaky squeaky sound like everything was... a bit too fast but he heard people talking the corridor beneath them. ZOMG this was SO awesome for eavesdropping!

He continued to poke and grinned, jumping up and down excitedly with his hands still raised and Issy who still had her wand pointed at him said the reverse spell. "AWWEEE nuuu more lemur ear. And it felt so gooood," he told her playfully, winking at Mosi and Nakato.

"My ears.. feel... weird. Youu SURE you did that spell right Issyyy? If you didn't, I'll--I'LL SUE!" He touched his own ears, they felt a little smaller. Oh yes he could sue and steal all the money from Issy and her family. Slytherin? Ohhhh yeah.

"Bestiar EARSSS," he said in a more concentrated voice and thought of ears. Ears. Lemur ears. Lemur earwax. Lemurs. Ears. And. MOAR EARS. Opening his eyes, he felt... EVEN MOOORE DIFFERENT. Reaching for his ears, he opened his mouth.

"I am LemurEarBoy, hear me RAWWRRRRR."
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Old 08-04-2009, 01:43 AM   #183 (permalink)

Hungarian Horntail
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
November {Noe} Franze
First Year
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HAH! Let the boy suuuuuue. Issy's father had connections and those connections would keep their family monies for SURE. Heh... Not that Issy expected the boy really would sue. Feeling slightly panicky, she tried to keep her cool, lifting her chin into the air, creating an air of defiancy and power. She folded her arms over her chest and eyed the boy.

"Don't ask the girl with a wand if she performed the spell properly," she warned him. Not that Issy was the sort of girl to purposely mess someone up via magic (or any means, to be honest) or to even engage in an unnecessary duel, but Cam didn't know that, did he? "Of course your ears are fine. You're just paranoid."

Squeak, squeak.

She'd make sure the spell went right this time. Nodding to herself, she peeked over at Mosi and shook her head, as though requesting solemnly that he keep their secret. Issy and Mosi were tight; he'd never tell Cam the truth about his ears.

"Much better," she praised the boy. "Though, with a voice that loud, one wonders if you just burst your own ear drum." Lemurs, she wagered, had sensitive hearing and yelling about the way Cam tended to... she could only imagine that he was causing himself to wince.

Sneaking her hand away from Barnabas' (and she found herself ashamed to admit that she had indeed apologized to him in a whispered voice), she reached up and pat Mosi, allowing Cam to play around a bit longer with his ears. Then, a moment later, she pulled out her wand again.

"Alright LemurBoy," she warned him. "My turn. Homini ears!" And poof, Normal!Cam ears were back.
'Cause out of all the people I've known, the places I've been, the songs that I have sung,
The wonders I've seen, now that the dreams are all coming true, who is the one that leads me on through?

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Old 08-04-2009, 01:54 AM   #184 (permalink)
Formerly: dingDong
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lola Jones
Sixth Year
1/2 of the Poo Brigade MAN!BUGG<33


When did this girl of murdering attempt turn out to be so nice...? "Youuu TAKE that BACK!" he warned, because a girl of her class didn't DESERVE to call him paranoid, only some people could. Hmph. She wasn't ALLOWED to compliment him with out his permission, alright. ALRIGHT? He gave the girl an icy glare but not before... testing out his lemur ears.

He put his ear next to Issy's stomach, wondering if her stomach lungs could talk to him. Or maybe even odd creatures living in the girl's stomach. And gasping in horror on what the stomach said to him next (doods don't worry, he's just imagining).


"Well you are too, Melissa!" he told the stomach harshly and turned to Issy with a blank expression. "You know, you should try feeding your stomach. That way it won't call me names!" His eye twitched. And then his whole body did.

"Ehh and don't worry, my eardrums are already broken," he explained, ohhh the Mermish just ruined them already. He could have sworn his left ear was acting up.

And in a minute his ears went back to normal. YAY. Normal. "Youuur turn Issah."
______________________________________________lola jones currently in america
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Old 08-04-2009, 02:10 AM   #185 (permalink)

Hungarian Horntail
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
November {Noe} Franze
First Year
Brain Twin | MASTAH ASHURRII | Reisdent PokeNerd | Digifangirl

Weird enough was Cam demanding she take back her subtle hinting of paranoia. Weirder still was Cameron Karsten's ears by her stomach. Eyes winded, she almost stumbled backwards as she stared down (how unfair that even with his ears at her stomach, she didn't seem to look down too far to see the boy? Would she ever grow taller?!) at the boy. Was he LISTENING to her stomach?

Melissa? Who was Melissa?

She wasn't even hungry!

Who was he to tell her what to do with her stomach?

Indignantly and with a hint of embarrassment, Issy covered her stomach with her two hands, meeting Cam's blank look with her lowered brows a hint of skepticism coloring her face (or was that blush?) as her stomach rumbled beneath her hands. IT WAS DIGESTION!

Was he twitching?

Merlin's Pants, the boy was twitching! Typically, Issy liked people. Really. There were a few girls from her class she'd not been fond of, but only cos they disliked her first. Where Cameron Karsten sat on the list, she wasn't quite certain yet. He was odd, certainly. Quirky. A bit self-occupied. Loud. Paranoid? And even twitchy. He was... himself, she decided.

Had he just called her Issah?

Issy turned around from Cam, shaking her head just slightly, before withdrawing her wand. She liked tails. Since she was young, Issy had always desired a tail; something to hang with, to pick stuff up with, to hold high above her head, like a happy, prancing kitty cat or pony. Focusing on a lemur tail intently, she tried to detail one in her mind. A lemur with it's cute fluffy fur and the pretty rings; it was held high with the tip of the tail curling down over her own head. Smiling demurly, Issy raised her wand.

"Bestiar TAILBONE!" she announced with a fast, dramatic swish of her wand -WOOSH! Was the sharp and violent sound- downwards.

A weird sensation. Her spine seemed to shifting... growing... elongating... she felt a dainty breeze...

"I HAVE A TAIL!" she squeaked happily, eyes opening at once.

Bright and round and full of excitement, the small girl glanced down to see a bushy lemur tail growing from the lower part of her spine. It curled around her to give her a better view and she found that controlling it took little effort. In fact, she worked with the tail as if she'd had one all her life! Flicking the tail upwards, the tip of the tail moved towards Mosi, daring to touch him.


This was NEVER going away.
'Cause out of all the people I've known, the places I've been, the songs that I have sung,
The wonders I've seen, now that the dreams are all coming true, who is the one that leads me on through?


Last edited by Hermione_loves_Ron; 08-04-2009 at 02:44 AM.
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Old 08-04-2009, 02:47 AM   #186 (permalink)
Formerly: dingDong
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lola Jones
Sixth Year
1/2 of the Poo Brigade MAN!BUGG<33




Cam looked at her tail wide-eyed and daring to... well do something to it. And he did. Taking a step towards Issy, he pulled on it to see if it was real, not too hard and not too soft either. "OMG it feels AWESOME," he told her and not bothering to continue on holding it. He personally didn't like pulling lemur tails from REAL lemurs but this was a different story.

Issy wasn't a creature was she? TEEHEE. Totally not animal abuse then.

Mosi, scared and afraid, was frightened on how the wizards had gotten themselves lemur tails and ears. As the tail went nearer to him, he jumped off from her shoulder, onto the head of the statue with Nakato. She, however was curious, unlike Mosi and tried reaching down on the long tail, fascinated and thinking if the girl had been a lemur in disguise.

"Doooon't worry Issah, I'll save you from this probably annoying tail!" The girl looked shocked and surprised when she saw it and he assumed he didn't really like her new look. "Homon--HOMONO BU--HOMONO TAIL BONE!"

...wait wasn't it Homini?? Oopsies.
______________________________________________lola jones currently in america
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