-   Term 22: May-August 2009 (
-   -   Back of the Train (

Biochemkris 01-19-2009 12:25 AM

Back of the Train
There's plenty of seating at the back of the train. Grab a compartment with your friends, it's time to head to school!

Saz Hale 05-15-2009 09:35 PM

open compartment anybody is welcome to post
Kevin limped onto the train dragging his heavy trunk behind him and carrying his owl Bubbles cage in the other free hand and walked into an empty compartment and put his trunk and owl cage up on the luggage shelf and sighed he hoped that loads of people would join him in his compartment

feeheeheeny 05-15-2009 09:59 PM

Becca made it sort of a competition to get on the train first. She made sure she was one of the first to board and headed straight for the back, knowing she had to secure her spot in a nice, empty compartment. Of course, there were obvious downsides to this - she didn't get to pick her neighbors, or the people that sat with her. She could always refuse to let someone sit with her, sure. But could she REALLY be heartless enough to do that?

Maybe she would have to, but Becca hoped on everything that one of her few friends would come creeping along, looking for a friend, and sit with her. She grabbed her luggage by both sides and in one strong tug, picked her trunk up and swung it up onto the luggage shelf. It was surprising she could do that, really. With all the stuff in there...

First things first - to intimidate any first years from trying anything. She hopped onto the seat on the right side of the empty compartment she found and spread out, leaning back against the windowsill with her feet propped up on the rest of the seat. Quite comfortable, she gazed into the hallway through the door from where she was sitting and adjusted her hair. Just in case any older boys came strolling by, you know? And she waited.

Cassirin 05-15-2009 10:10 PM

"Becca Parker, you're being a compartment hog," Copernicus Kettleburn settled himself on the seat across from her without asking her permission. Surely she'd just kick him out of she found his company so offensive. "But I intend to teach you good manners by forcing my company on you. We'll teach you to share yet."

ZDARDSKY 05-15-2009 10:13 PM

Cyrus didn’t bother to say goodbye to Teal, he just grabbed his trunk at full force and used ever bit of the power his small body could muster to hoist it onto the luggage compartment.

The eleven year old grinned wryly, he had stored SO many greats from Zonko’s in there, and even a few muggle stores that would get Katie mad. Hehe. His dark eyes scanned the train, and he automatically decided that sitting in the front would suck. And the middle would be undesirable, so he headed towards the back.

The Aussie was quite earlier, he noticed a kid maybe a year older than him and one compartment… Cy continued on. And then he noticed a girl who was considerably older than him as well. But, he was really aiming for 6th years and above to be his ‘woman’ and she didn’t quite fit the ticket. She was pretty though… yeah.

Finally finding an empty compartment, Cy bounded into it. He threw his backpack on the seat and rummaged through it to make sure everything was there. He smiled wryly and zipped it back up. He stayed standing though, he was way too excited to sit down. Maybe Legend and Mat would show up… and Katie.

Tommehbell 05-15-2009 10:15 PM

Her father of course was upset at th amount of clothes she was taking to school with her, but she couldn't help it. She was a quiddtch captain now, more and more people were going to be paying attention to her and she had to look her best at all times. And plus there were some cute Slytherins this term.

But for the train ride she was was just wearing some skinny jeans with a green and silver tunic and a she had cute her hair to a short blond bob. She walked onto the train and walked toward the back. She wan intending to grab a compartment by herself and opened the door and walked into before she saw Copernicus and another Ravenclaw already sitting there.

"Oh hey," she said nervously at having Cope sprung on her like that.

She looked at the Ravenclaw girl. "Hi Paris Greenwood." She nodded to the girl. She needed to make more friends this term and the girl looked friend enough.

emjay 05-15-2009 10:19 PM

Julia & Ern - hope you guys don't mind... ;)
Dragging her trunk behind her with one arm and carrying her owl's cage in the other, Mariel immediately stepped onto the back of the train in search of an empty or nearly-empty compartment. She certainly didn't need a crowd of babbling, obnoxious firsties, so the back of the train was her obvious and usual choice because, duh, that's where the cool kids sat.

The thirteen year old walked slowly down the corridor and stopped in front of a compartment seating only a girl about her age - one that looked somewhat familiar. Oh right. Mariel was fairly certain her name was Becca as she filled for her position last term in Ravenclaw's victorious Championship game. Smiling smugly to herself as the memory of the win came flooding back, the 3rd year proceeded into Becca's compartment. Certainly she wouldn't mind if she sat down, would she? And Becca would probably be good company as they had plenty to talk about - Quidditch, the fact that they were both Claws, and Becca had nice hair like herself as well.

"Hey, Becca," Mariel greeted her housemate with a cheerful smile as she stepped into her compartment. Oops, there was a boy in there too, one she wasn't quite familiar with but had seen around school before. She was pretty sure he was a Ravenclaw as well. Of course since Becca took up an entire seat for herself, Mariel slid into the seat next to the boy. Wanting to be polite, she turned to him and said, "Hi, I'm Mariel." Completely oblivious to the fact that she might be interrupting something.

feeheeheeny 05-15-2009 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Cassirin (Post 8182895)
"Becca Parker, you're being a compartment hog," Copernicus Kettleburn settled himself on the seat across from her without asking her permission. Surely she'd just kick him out of she found his company so offensive. "But I intend to teach you good manners by forcing my company on you. We'll teach you to share yet."

Becca was thrilled. She didn't have to wait very long at all! Not even moments after she had perfected her hair, Copernicus Kettleburn himself simply came strolling into her compartment. Hah! He must not have been mad anymore. And then... he opened his mouth. But she tried to play it off cool and shrugged, "It's what I do." She smirked at him and took her feet down. "Nah, I'm cool with you in here. You're a pretty rad fellow. I just didn't want, like, some little Hufflepuff or some bratty Sl-..."


Originally Posted by Tomasina Riddle (Post 8182914)
Her father of course was upset at th amount of clothes she was taking to school with her, but she couldn't help it. She was a quiddtch captain now, more and more people were going to be paying attention to her and she had to look her best at all times. And plus there were some cute Slytherins this term.

But for the train ride she was was just wearing some skinny jeans with a green and silver tunic and a she had cute her hair to a short blond bob. She walked onto the train and walked toward the back. She wan intending to grab a compartment by herself and opened the door and walked into before she saw Copernicus and another Ravenclaw already sitting there.

"Oh hey," she said nervously at having Cope sprung on her like that.

She looked at the Ravenclaw girl. "Hi Paris Greenwood." She nodded to the girl. She needed to make more friends this term and the girl looked friend enough.

...She shut her mouth immediately. Becca blinked up at the new arrival in the room. Ugh. She had seen this girl around before. And she was not happy about this. If Copernicus wasn't there, Becca would be rude and kick her out... but she already looked bad enough in front of him. Maybe HE would have a problem with her though and tell her to leave? Oh yeah! One could only hope. "'ey," she replied smoothly, shooting a glance at Cope. "Becca. Becca Parker."


Originally Posted by MsMorgan (Post 8182929)
Dragging her trunk behind her with one arm and carrying her owl's cage in the other, Mariel immediately stepped onto the back of the train in search of an empty or nearly-empty compartment. She certainly didn't need a crowd of babbling, obnoxious firsties, so the back of the train was her obvious and usual choice because, duh, that's where the cool kids sat.

The thirteen year old walked slowly down the corridor and stopped in front of a compartment seating only a girl about her age - one that looked somewhat familiar. Oh right. Mariel was fairly certain her name was Becca as she filled for her position last term in Ravenclaw's victorious Championship game. Smiling smugly to herself as the memory of the win came flooding back, the 3rd year proceeded into Becca's compartment. Certainly she wouldn't mind if she sat down, would she? And Becca would probably be good company as they had plenty to talk about - Quidditch, the fact that they were both Claws, and Becca had nice hair like herself as well.

"Hey, Becca," Mariel greeted her housemate with a cheerful smile as she stepped into her compartment. Oops, there was a boy in there too, one she wasn't quite familiar with but had seen around school before. She was pretty sure he was a Ravenclaw as well. Of course since Becca took up an entire seat for herself, Mariel slid into the seat next to the boy. Wanting to be polite, she turned to him and said, "Hi, I'm Mariel." Completely oblivious to the fact that she might be interrupting something.

The new arrival Becca didn't mind at all. A fellow Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw Quidditch player, at that. Even more power to her. "Nice to see you again, Mariel. How was your summer?" Maybe if she just ignored the Slytherin from then on, she'd just leave. Hm.

DuckyLinJi 05-15-2009 10:38 PM

Lyra stepped in to the train, this was her first time going to Hogwarts and she couldn't help but smile the whole time, her father had told her alot about the school and ever since she hoped to go to Hogwarts. She scanned the compartments when she passed them and with all her might she carried her luggage through the hall.

A minute later she found a empty compartment and opened the door, she dragged her luggage inside, hoisted it up in to the basket above the compartment, set her caged spotted owl , Daisuke next to her, and her black raven , Kira on the other side. She wasn't sure if she could bring her raven to the school, but she could always bring him home again, her mother simply loved the black raven. Lyra then grabbed her bag and took out one of her spell books and began reading.

Cassirin 05-15-2009 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Tomasina Riddle (Post 8182914)
But for the train ride she was was just wearing some skinny jeans with a green and silver tunic and a she had cute her hair to a short blond bob. She walked onto the train and walked toward the back. She wan intending to grab a compartment by herself and opened the door and walked into before she saw Copernicus and another Ravenclaw already sitting there.

"Oh hey," she said nervously at having Cope sprung on her like that.

"Good morning, Miss Greenwood," Cope rose and gave her a polite nod and a grin. "I hope you'll forgive me for missing that dance at Miss Toussaint's birthday party. I had to leave... early." And that was really all he was willing to say about that. "Have a seat, please." And he pointed to the spot next to Becca.


Originally Posted by MsMorgan (Post 8182929)
"Hey, Becca," Mariel greeted her housemate with a cheerful smile as she stepped into her compartment. Oops, there was a boy in there too, one she wasn't quite familiar with but had seen around school before. She was pretty sure he was a Ravenclaw as well. Of course since Becca took up an entire seat for herself, Mariel slid into the seat next to the boy. Wanting to be polite, she turned to him and said, "Hi, I'm Mariel." Completely oblivious to the fact that she might be interrupting something.

"Copernicus Kettleburn," he bowed his head at her as well before reaching for her trunk. "Let me help you with that." He was actually pleased the littlest Ravenclaw in the car was sitting next to him. She wasn't about to make him all nervous the way Parker and Greenwood would.


Originally Posted by Grangerfn1 (Post 8182966)
Becca was thrilled. She didn't have to wait very long at all! Not even moments after she had perfected her hair, Copernicus Kettleburn himself simply came strolling into her compartment. Hah! He must not have been mad anymore. And then... he opened his mouth. But she tried to play it off cool and shrugged, "It's what I do." She smirked at him and took her feet down. "Nah, I'm cool with you in here. You're a pretty rad fellow. I just didn't want, like, some little Hufflepuff or some bratty Sl-..."

...She shut her mouth immediately. Becca blinked up at the new arrival in the room. Ugh. She had seen this girl around before. And she was not happy about this. If Copernicus wasn't there, Becca would be rude and kick her out... but she already looks bad enough in front of him. Maybe HE would have a problem with her though and tell her to leave? Oh yeah! One could only hope. "'ey," she replied smoothly, shooting a glance at Cope. "Becca. Becca Parker."

"Rad?" He finally go back around to Becca, raising an eyebrow as he finally dropped back into his seat. "You have a particularly retro vernacular, Becca Parker. Where did you learn to speak like that?"

ZDARDSKY 05-15-2009 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Grangerfn1 (Post 8182966)
Becca was thrilled. She didn't have to wait very long at all! Not even moments after she had perfected her hair, Copernicus Kettleburn himself simply came strolling into her compartment. Hah! He must not have been mad anymore. And then... he opened his mouth. But she tried to play it off cool and shrugged, "It's what I do." She smirked at him and took her feet down. "Nah, I'm cool with you in here. You're a pretty rad fellow. I just didn't want, like, some little Hufflepuff or some bratty Sl-..."


Originally Posted by Tomasina Riddle (Post 8182914)
"Oh hey," she said nervously at having Cope sprung on her like that.

She looked at the Ravenclaw girl. "Hi Paris Greenwood." She nodded to the girl. She needed to make more friends this term and the girl looked friend enough.


Originally Posted by MsMorgan (Post 8182929)
Dragging her trunk behind her with one arm and carrying her owl's cage in the other, Mariel immediately stepped onto the back of the train in search of an empty or nearly-empty compartment. She certainly didn't need a crowd of babbling, obnoxious firsties, so the back of the train was her obvious and usual choice because, duh, that's where the cool kids sat.

"Hey, Becca," Mariel greeted her housemate with a cheerful smile as she stepped into her compartment. Oops, there was a boy in there too, one she wasn't quite familiar with but had seen around school before. She was pretty sure he was a Ravenclaw as well. Of course since Becca took up an entire seat for herself, Mariel slid into the seat next to the boy. Wanting to be polite, she turned to him and said, "Hi, I'm Mariel." Completely oblivious to the fact that she might be interrupting something.


Originally Posted by Cassirin (Post 8182985)
"Copernicus Kettleburn," he bowed his head at her as well before reaching for her trunk. "Let me help you with that." He was actually pleased the littlest Ravenclaw in the car was sitting next to him. She wasn't about to make him all nervous the way Parker and Greenwood would.

"Rad?" He finally go back around to Becca, raising an eyebrow as he finally dropped back into his seat. "You have a particularly retro vernacular, Becca Parker. Where did you learn to speak like that?"

Cy was already bored, and at that notion he whipped a pink balloon device from his back pack. It was one of his favorite devices; the whoopee cushion. He planned to use it on Katie, but the problem was that in the train she’d likely see it before she could sit down on it.

Hmmm. What could he do about this? The little Aussie didn’t know any magic that could make it invisible. AHH. That older girl in the compartment down the corridor; the soon-to-be first years’ brown eyes glinted mischeviously.

Clutching the whoopee cushion, Cy sprinted down to the older girls compartment as if he was trying to save someones life. There she was, and three others had joined her as well. Surely someone could make this thing invisible.

The eleven year old threw the compartment door open ruthlessly and walked into the middle of the group of people. “Ay!” His Australian accent rang out. “I need someone tah’ make this invisible.” He waved the whoopee cushion in front of everyone. “Quick quick, she’s gonnah be hea’ soon!” By ‘she’ he meant Katie.

feeheeheeny 05-15-2009 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Cassirin (Post 8182985)
"Copernicus Kettleburn," he bowed his head at her as well before reaching for her trunk. "Let me help you with that." He was actually pleased the littlest Ravenclaw in the car was sitting next to him. She wasn't about to make him all nervous the way Parker and Greenwood would.

"Rad?" He finally go back around to Becca, raising an eyebrow as he finally dropped back into his seat. "You have a particularly retro vernacular, Becca Parker. Where did you learn to speak like that?"

Becca continued to put up the wall and act like she was the coolest cat in town. "Eh," she shrugged, "I just picked it up over time. My best friend back home talks like that all the time. Y'know, using words like... snazzy, rad, gnarly. But I haven't adapted the use of gnarly... I'm not really fond of that word. I pretty much spent every day this summer with her, so it rubbed off on me." Her face fell to a sort of half-frown. Becca was really going to miss her best friend. They had some really exciting adventures in the past few months.


Originally Posted by tex
The eleven year old threw the compartment door open ruthlessly and walked into the middle of the group of people. “Ay!” His Australian accent rang out. “I need someone tah’ make this invisible.” He waved the whoopee cushion in front of everyone. “Quick quick, she’s gonnah be hea’ soon!” By ‘she’ he meant Katie.

Becca stared the boy, then threw a puzzled look to Copernicus. Her mind went blank. The invisibility charm, huh? She ... didn't remember that. "Take it away, Copernicus," she shrugged, pocketing her hands unhelpfully.

emjay 05-15-2009 10:59 PM

and for Tisha *was slow*

Originally Posted by Grangerfn1 (Post 8182966)
The new arrival Becca didn't mind at all. A fellow Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw Quidditch player, at that. Even more power to her. "Nice to see you again, Mariel. How was your summer?" Maybe if she just ignored the Slytherin from then on, she'd just leave. Hm.

Oh good, Becca did not seem averse to her presence at all. Although she did seem a bit... distracted? Not really the best word for it, but the first word that came to her mind. Slightly confused by what Becca would be 'distracted' about, Mariel glanced over to her from her seat and noticed another girl in the compartment that she had failed to see before. And Mariel thought she was observant, which was obviously not the case today. The third year was unfamiliar with this girl and gave her a smile and polite nod before turning back to Becca.

"My summer was great, thanks," she replied. "The first part was plain boring. That's the part that I got to spend at home, but I just got back from a holiday in America with some of my friends. And that was fun. We rode horses and played Quidditch all day. How was your summer?"


Originally Posted by Cassirin (Post 8182985)
"Copernicus Kettleburn," he bowed his head at her as well before reaching for her trunk. "Let me help you with that." He was actually pleased the littlest Ravenclaw in the car was sitting next to him. She wasn't about to make him all nervous the way Parker and Greenwood would.

Copernicus, was it? That name sounded very familiar. She was sure she must've had class with him last term. Flying class maybe? At any rate, she thought he had a very cool name. "Nice to meet you Copernicus," the thirteen year old said. Leaning a bit closer, she looked at him appraisingly and added, "So are you named after the astronomer, Copernicus?" Being one of her favorite subjects, that would be even cooler.

And she had forgotten all about her trunk sitting on the floor next to her until Copernicus reached for it. "Oh! Thanks," she said with slight surprise, turning into a grateful smile. "Aren't you charming?" That's what Hogwarts was missing - polite, thoughtful boys like Copernicus. Many of them could use a lesson.


The eleven year old threw the compartment door open ruthlessly and walked into the middle of the group of people. “Ay!” His Australian accent rang out. “I need someone tah’ make this invisible.” He waved the whoopee cushion in front of everyone. “Quick quick, she’s gonnah be hea’ soon!” By ‘she’ he meant Katie.
Mariel looked up, startled, as the compartment door flew open and a little boy walked in. She stared at him blankly while trying to decipher his accent. Invisible? She shrugged as she glanced around the compartment. Maybe someone else knew that spell because she surely didn't. Evanesco, yes. But that would make it disappear completely and she was sure he didn't want that.

Anna Banana 05-15-2009 11:00 PM

Cloning Anna here and in the prefect's compartment. hee hee
Hmm...shouldn't she be doing something? Like, maybe, patrolling the corridors to make sure no first years had unintentionally caught a seat on fire or something? Maybe so. Maybe not, too, but Anna could at least stroll up and down the hallways and see if she could spot any friends she didn't get the chance to see in Diagon Alley. As she walked through the front and middle sections of the train, Anna smiled and said hello to those she passed. She knew some and had no clue who others were, but she imagined she'd be introduced to them soon enough.

...she still hadn't found her supply of chocolate frogs either. Of all things, why'd it have to be those she forget to pack? Why couldn't it have been a textbook or cauldron or something?

Wolf Girl 05-15-2009 11:08 PM

Joseph sighed. Perfect. Another year of school. He was one that hated school, absolutely loathed it. His hands was dragging his trunk as if it only weighed two pounds and he got a seat in the main back. He lifted his things and quietly sat down, watching people pass by.

Nixy! 05-15-2009 11:09 PM

Iris heaved her trunk onto the train an dragged it down through all the carriages untill she came to a empty compartment. She opened the door and put her trunk inside, went in and sat down near the window. Looking out onto the platform she began to think about Aaron, She had owled him a few days ago to tell him where abouts she would try to get a compartment, and really hoped that he got here on time. Iris let her kitten, Luna, out of her basket and let the kitten climb onto the seat next to her. Upon doing so, the small white fluff ball curled up and fell asleep next to Iris. "Oh, Aaron, Where are you?" Iris thought to herself, stroking behind Luna's ears.

D.A Forever 05-15-2009 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Anna Banana (Post 8183041)
Hmm...shouldn't she be doing something? Like, maybe, patrolling the corridors to make sure no first years had unintentionally caught a seat on fire or something? Maybe so. Maybe not, too, but Anna could at least stroll up and down the hallways and see if she could spot any friends she didn't get the chance to see in Diagon Alley. As she walked through the front and middle sections of the train, Anna smiled and said hello to those she passed. She knew some and had no clue who others were, but she imagined she'd be introduced to them soon enough.

...she still hadn't found her supply of chocolate frogs either. Of all things, why'd it have to be those she forget to pack? Why couldn't it have been a textbook or cauldron or something?

Katie had been looking forward to this day for years now, ever since she was four years old when Savannah had gone off to Hogwarts. And she had also known she would be going without any siblings by her side, but she would have Kay, and Legend, and Mat and Jae, and Will and Cy. Next year, Danny would become part of the group again. Katie knew all along, for several years now, that all except Will and Cy would be attending Hogwarts too. For a while now, Kaitlynnh was sure she was beyond prepared for this day. To leave home, and go off to a magical castle with other witches and wizards, far from home. She was excited and eager, until the day actually presented itself.

Until moments before, it didn't really sink in fully. Being away from home, away from her family. Not when she was being told how to get through the barrier on the platform, not when she was saying goodbye to her parents; it wasn't until Vannah was hugging her and telling her to behave herself, and then Julian hugging her, murmuring words of encouragement, that she realized it wasn't as easy as she thought. You're eleven, not a baby anymore. Get over it, before you run into any of the boys! A voice in the back of Kaitlynnh's mind reminded her, angrily. Oh yes, because they would NEVER let her live this down. There was times she didn't care and would cry infront of them, usually when the tears weren't exactily... uh, real. And then other times, for whatever reason, she just didn't care enough to hide it. But crying over being homesick already was NOT an option. Lysander, Cyrus and Matias already had it in their little heads to make her life at Hogwarts a living nightmare, she didn't need to give them anymore fuel.

Blinking back tears that threatened to build in her dark chocolate brown orbs, Kaitlynnh clutched the tan baby bunny rabbit in her arms, it's leash wrapped firmly around her closed hand that held fast to the small travel cage that a blue and black spotted frog could be seen inside. Completely oblivious to where she was going, or who happened to be around her, the tiny first year accidentally ran straight into something very much so solid; knocking her off her own feet. It was another person, an older girl at that. Oh bother.

"I'm sorry!" Katie squeaked, staring up at the rather familiar female. Blood flooding the inside of her cheeks, warming them as she brushed a stray curl from her view and pushed herself up.

Saz Hale 05-15-2009 11:12 PM

Kevin slowly sighed as he watched people pass by his compartment without dropping in he was lonely and in need of some company as his broken leg gave him more pain than he could deal with

Cassirin 05-15-2009 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by tex (Post 8183013)
The eleven year old threw the compartment door open ruthlessly and walked into the middle of the group of people. “Ay!” His Australian accent rang out. “I need someone tah’ make this invisible.” He waved the whoopee cushion in front of everyone. “Quick quick, she’s gonnah be hea’ soon!” By ‘she’ he meant Katie.

"No worries, old boy," Copernicus tapped the whoopee cushion with his wand. "Don't let the prefects see you, and don't you dare report us for helping."


Originally Posted by Grangerfn1 (Post 8183024)
Becca continued to put up the wall and act like she was the coolest cat in town. "Eh," she shrugged, "I just picked it up over time. My best friend back home talks like that all the time. Y'know, using words like... snazzy, rad, gnarly. But I haven't adapted the use of gnarly... I'm not really fond of that word. I pretty much spent every day this summer with her, so it rubbed off on me." Her face fell to a sort of half-frown. Becca was really going to miss her best friend. They had some really exciting adventures in the past few months.

"Gnarly?" He wrinkled his nose at that word. "Isn't that like... a tree that is old and twisted? What does it even mean?" Cope paused, chewing that over. "Oh, no! That's gnarled. But still..."


Originally Posted by MsMorgan (Post 8183036)
Copernicus, was it? That name sounded very familiar. She was sure she must've had class with him last term. Flying class maybe? At any rate, she thought he had a very cool name. "Nice to meet you Copernicus," the thirteen year old said. Leaning a bit closer, she looked at him appraisingly and added, "So are you named after the astronomer, Copernicus?" Being one of her favorite subjects, that would be even cooler.

And she had forgotten all about her trunk sitting on the floor next to her until Copernicus reached for it. "Oh! Thanks," she said with slight surprise, turning into a grateful smile. "Aren't you charming?" That's what Hogwarts was missing - polite, thoughtful boys like Copernicus. Many of them could use a lesson.

"I AM named after the astronomer," he agreed. "It's something of an... amusing story. Remind me sometime, and I'll be sure to tell it to you," Copernicus told the girl with a smile. "But I'm not charming. Simply raised right."

highjinx 05-15-2009 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Anna Banana (Post 8183041)
Hmm...shouldn't she be doing something? Like, maybe, patrolling the corridors to make sure no first years had unintentionally caught a seat on fire or something? Maybe so. Maybe not, too, but Anna could at least stroll up and down the hallways and see if she could spot any friends she didn't get the chance to see in Diagon Alley. As she walked through the front and middle sections of the train, Anna smiled and said hello to those she passed. She knew some and had no clue who others were, but she imagined she'd be introduced to them soon enough.

...she still hadn't found her supply of chocolate frogs either. Of all things, why'd it have to be those she forget to pack? Why couldn't it have been a textbook or cauldron or something?

Cam had everything. Well not really everything but he'd probably quadruple checked if all of the clothes in his luggage was there, if he brought enough lemur food, if his wand was polished, and well everything else. He sat on his seat nervously and did nothing really. There was nothing to do and if nothing was going to come by him, then nothing he did. But bleh, it seriously was boring even if he was going back to Hogwarts. He tried to think about the school and expect what was going to happen this year...


No Hogwarts food for three months was basically child abuse--after he took the first bite of it on the Opening Feast. It was all so yummy. And free! Who doesn't like free food? Just thinking about it made him hungry. He took out a chocolate bar, still in its wrapper, from his pocket and nibbled like a hamster.

He always nibbled on chocolate these days. The two lemurs playing on his shoulder were probably hungry too, so he opened the jar of insects--dead of course--and poured a few out so that the lemurs could enjoooy. Insects, well he never really did get a chance to know what they tasted like. Yuck.

Outside, he saw a familiar face. It was Anna. Anna Conda. Hehe. He opened the compartment door as quick as he could and waaved. "Hiiiii Anna. You can come in if ya want. Watcha dooooin'?"

...Then when a girl, looked to be around his age or so, didn't look where she was going. ZOMG. ANNA. WAS SHE HURT? He let out a face of worry and stared at the girl, and then back at Anna.

stan lanevski 05-15-2009 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Saz Hale (Post 8183059)
Kevin slowly sighed as he watched people pass by his compartment without dropping in he was lonely and in need of some company as his broken leg gave him more pain than he could deal with

Chris walked to the back of the train. Ah how good it felt to be going back to Hogwarts once again. He was looking for a compartment. When he saw a kid who he thought he knew looking loney. He stopped and looked at him a little more. Chris thought he might have talked to him once or heard about Kevin somehow. Either way he knew his name and knew he knew Kevin somehow. He opened the door slightly and stepped in. "Mind if I sit?" He asked him.

Saz Hale 05-15-2009 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by stan lanevski (Post 8183079)
Chris walked to the back of the train. Ah how good it felt to be going back to Hogwarts once again. He was looking for a compartment. When he saw a kid who he thought he knew looking loney. He stopped and looked at him a little more. Chris thought he might have talked to him once or heard about Kevin somehow. Either way he knew his name and knew he knew Kevin somehow. He opened the door slightly and stepped in. "Mind if I sit?" He asked him.

Kevin was brought out of his thoughts when somebody asked if they could sit in his compartment and he nodded to the boy who looked very familiar and said "Sure go ahead"

fredsgirl81293 05-15-2009 11:33 PM

Demetria walkd onto the train, looking for a familiar face. "Hey, Kevin. Mind if I join you?" she asked him.

Saz Hale 05-15-2009 11:35 PM

Kevin turned from the boy who looked familiar and smiled and said "Sure Demetria i could do with the company"

ZDARDSKY 05-15-2009 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Cassirin (Post 8183073)
"No worries, old boy," Copernicus tapped the whoopee cushion with his wand. "Don't let the prefects see you, and don't you dare report us for helping."


Originally Posted by D.A Forever (Post 8183058)

Katie had been looking forward to this day for years now, ever since she was four years old when Savannah had gone off to Hogwarts. And she had also known she would be going without any siblings by her side, but she would have Kay, and Legend, and Mat and Jae, and Will and Cy. Next year, Danny would become part of the group again. Katie knew all along, for several years now, that all except Will and Cy would be attending Hogwarts too. For a while now, Kaitlynnh was sure she was beyond prepared for this day. To leave home, and go off to a magical castle with other witches and wizards, far from home. She was excited and eager, until the day actually presented itself.

Until moments before, it didn't really sink in fully. Being away from home, away from her family. Not when she was being told how to get through the barrier on the platform, not when she was saying goodbye to her parents; it wasn't until Vannah was hugging her and telling her to behave herself, and then Julian hugging her, murmuring words of encouragement, that she realized it wasn't as easy as she thought. You're eleven, not a baby anymore. Get over it, before you run into any of the boys! A voice in the back of Kaitlynnh's mind reminded her, angrily. Oh yes, because they would NEVER let her live this down. There was times she didn't care and would cry infront of them, usually when the tears weren't exactily... uh, real. And then other times, for whatever reason, she just didn't care enough to hide it. But crying over being homesick already was NOT an option. Lysander, Cyrus and Matias already had it in their little heads to make her life at Hogwarts a living nightmare, she didn't need to give them anymore fuel.

Blinking back tears that threatened to build in her dark chocolate brown orbs, Kaitlynnh clutched the tan baby bunny rabbit in her arms, it's leash wrapped firmly around her closed hand that held fast to the small travel cage that a blue and black spotted frog could be seen inside. Completely oblivious to where she was going, or who happened to be around her, the tiny first year accidentally ran straight into something very much so solid; knocking her off her own feet. It was another person, an older girl at that. Oh bother.

"I'm sorry!" Katie squeaked, staring up at the rather familiar female. Blood flooding the inside of her cheeks, warming them as she brushed a stray curl from her view and pushed herself up.

Cy’s eyes grew much larger as the older boy made the whoopee cushion invisible. That was AWESOME! “Ah! Thanks mate.” He said, snatching the invisible substance from the guys hands. “Don’t worry, I nevah get caught.” He said, smiling wryly.

His work here was done, “G’day mates.” He did a bit of a salute and sprinted from the compartment back to his.

As he ran down the corridor, he had the invisible whoopee cushion in his hand. Katie was going to be SO embarrassed if it worked. He couldn’t wait to get this plan into action.


There she was, standing right with this older girl that Cy thought looked vaguely familiar. He brushed up against her shoulder slightly and turned around, still walking swiftly. “Sistah Sledge! Bettah’ late than nevah, eh?” Without another word, he took a sharp right into the empty compartment his back pack was in. He dropped the invisible whoopee cushion in the seat across from him and sat down in his seat. His smile could NOT have been any smugger.

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