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Ama!Nabs IS NAMED MINHO & Is SO Black Panther Right Now
Originally Posted by Kip Norwood
Kip then turned to the boy standing close by, raising an eyebrow. "Sorry mate, but I don't go after taken girls. You two sure make a cute couple. You're parents must be bloody proud." he said. It was the truth, Kip Norwood vowed to not go after women who were already with somebody. Except for Monique. He made an exception for Monique. The girl was a looker though. Too bad she was with the annoying boy.
Someone had just lost 300 GAZILLION POINTS from her cool list. "You're mistaken, Lip Popwool," declared Daphne with an innocent blink of her eyes. "I'm not taken." At all. Heh.
Originally Posted by Colin MacKenzie
Not really sure if that Seeker, Anna Greingoth, for the Hogwarts team was still following him up to the white tent or not, MacKenzie entered the humongous white tent just to the side of the stands with a rather large grin on his face. With his Quidditch robes swishing behind him as he made his way through the tent, he took note of the food table that was just for the professional Quidditch players. Tempted to grab something to eat or drink, he put the thoughts of food and drink to the side temporarily. It wasn’t as if Norwood or Gallagher was going to pig out or anything, right? Hopefully…
“All right, everyone!” MacKenzie shouted over the bustling crowd, simply glowing with that grin on his face. “Who wants an autograph from the Colin “Hot Scot” MacKenzie, Keeper of the Montrose Magpies?”
Oh My Jumping Fleas On A Rabied Up Crup!
CAPTAIN COLIN MACKENZIE!1!!1!1. Blushing furiously, she wiggled her fingers at the gorgeous, perfect, statuesque--UGH what was Plymouth Morgan going on about?
"Plymouth could you ple---"
Originally Posted by FAILURE
"I don't even KNOW THIS GIRL," Plymouth lied.
Oh. No. He. Didn't. Gasping audibly, Daphne made a little hurt noise afterward and blushed furiously, her cheeks going higher and higher up the red palette.
Men. Were. Such. Failures!
"Excuse me!" she called out towards Colin MacKenzie. "I don't have anything to sign but--" Should she? Of course she should. "Could I get a hug?"
Just in case, she shot a warning look at Lupa. STAY BACK LINE BREAKER!
Not really sure if that Seeker, Anna Greingoth, for the Hogwarts team was still following him up to the white tent or not, MacKenzie entered the humongous white tent just to the side of the stands with a rather large grin on his face. With his Quidditch robes swishing behind him as he made his way through the tent, he took note of the food table that was just for the professional Quidditch players. Tempted to grab something to eat or drink, he put the thoughts of food and drink to the side temporarily. It wasn’t as if Norwood or Gallagher was going to pig out or anything, right? Hopefully…
“All right, everyone!” MacKenzie shouted over the bustling crowd, simply glowing with that grin on his face. “Who wants an autograph from the Colin “Hot Scot” MacKenzie, Keeper of the Montrose Magpies?”
And there was Colin. Maybe it wasn't smart to tempt him right now. Even though it sounded fun at the moment. He knew his Captain wasn't going to take the lose lightly. He couldn't help but let out a bark of a laugh at the "Hot Scot" part. What a brute.
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
Plymouth's eyes could have easily popped out of his head at what KIP NORWOOD.. said. Maybe they'd pop out and roll past Lupa and send her running to the back of the LINE.
Clearly, Plymouth was hanging out with Daphne too much if he was having thoughts like this.
"I don't even KNOW THIS GIRL," Plymouth lied. He lied. Plymouth NEVER lied. Again, clearly, he had too many Daphne hours in lately. Merlin. He wandered a few steps away from Daphne and nearly walked right into COLIN THE CAPTAIN.
"Errm.... me? No. I mean. HER. LOOK IT HER! She was your announcer. That I totally do not know. Not at all. But I bet she wants your AUTOGRAPH." Plymouth tried to look cool. Failed.
And then went into a little panic at the backlash that would come from NORWOOD calling Daphne... his girlfriend. Ugh. Scary.
Kip raised an eyebrow, again."Nervous little fella, aren't ya? Maybe you haven't asked her yet! I'm a troll." he hit his forehead with his hand. "Don't be scared to show your feelings mate. Girls love that." he winked.
Originally Posted by SeerCassandraTrelawney
She giggled again... she was probably acting like a stupid lovesick teenage fangirl! OH NO! Was she under some spell? She looked into Kip's eyes and swooned... yup... his. "Huh? Oh! Yes... I am a professor." Oh! Her name! Stupid Stupid Lupa! "I'm Alessia Lupa, one of the younger professors here..." Maybe not so true...
"Oh I'm so sorry Mr. Norwood, You are here to sign autographs for the students... and... well..." she showed him her picture of the Falcons, "if you have time... maybe sign mine as well?"
Turning back to Miss Professor Alessia Lupa, he smiled again. "I couldn't refuse you anything." he said charmingly, and took the picture of his team. He did look really gorgeous in this shot. After signing his name in a loopy signature, he handed it back to the woman. "There you are."
He gave her another wink before turning back to the other students.
Originally Posted by Ama
Someone had just lost 300 GAZILLION POINTS from her cool list. "You're mistaken, Lip Popwool," declared Daphne with an innocent blink of her eyes. "I'm not taken." At all. Heh.
Kip turned to the girl at the sound of his "name." Feisty girl she was. Just how he liked them. "I'm sorry for my mistake, Precious." he said with a chuckle and walked towards the food. He needed a drink.
Emma entered the tent right after Kip, shaking her head at how flirtacious he was being. Kip will be Kip. She smiled around looking up at the students anxious to meet us. This was a going to be a good afternoon.
First things first, food. She needed food. She was starving. That always happened ater games. She needed substenance after such a grueling game. Spotting the refreshment table, she made a beeline for it, grabbing a pumpking pasty and eating it rather quick.
Kiri slipped into the tent. It was packed already. She could see several of the players from the All-Stars team. Some were talking to teachers, some to students, and some were just... lounging about. Kiri hadn't paid much attention to the game, but when she had seen the tent, she'd had an idea - so instead of trudging back up to the castle through the cold, she changed her direction and came here.
Because... Kiri was going to get Raiden an autograph! She hadn't seen him at the match, so maybe he had to stay behind to catch up on homework or something. And in either case, it would give her a chance to talk to him, even though her own, well, desperation made her feel slightly ashamed.
But more than that, she felt spectacularly out of place. The crazed looks on some of her fellow students' faces (fan-atics in the truest sense of the word) was a little unsettling. And fairly amusing, too.
The All-Stars team's Seeker, whose name Kiri vaguely recalled to be Greene, caught her eye. She was standing at the refreshment table, eating what looked like a pumpkin pasty with considerable gusto. Kiri wandered closer. She felt extremely self-conscious and awkward. How, exactly, would she talk to this woman who was apparently very famous?
She hung around for another minute or two, anxiety rising steadily, while the woman munched on her pumpkin pasty. When she was done, Kiri stepped forward, taking a deep breath. "Er..." she said in a high-pitched voice that didn't sound like her own, "Miss... Greene? Excuse me?"
Gasping audibly, Daphne made a little hurt noise afterward and blushed furiously, her cheeks going higher and higher up the red palette.
Plymouth CRINGED. He wasn't sure exactly what the noises was for, but they were noises nonetheless and he didn't like them.
Originally Posted by Kip
Kip raised an eyebrow, again. "Nervous little fella, aren't ya? Maybe you haven't asked her yet! I'm a troll." he hit his forehead with his hand. "Don't be scared to show your feelings mate. Girls love that." he winked.
Plymouth stared. Starestarestarestarestare. Daphne Hopton would not love that. Clearly, this guy was... maybe he'd been hit by Nurse AVA-LON? Probably. CUCKOO CUCKOO.
Originally Posted by Kip, again.
Kip turned to the girl at the sound of his "name." Feisty girl she was. Just how he liked them. "I'm sorry for my mistake, Precious." he said with a chuckle and walked towards the food. He needed a drink.
But if came down to it, "She is taken. I brought her here, and she's probably leaving with me, too." HMPH. Didn't need your autograph anyway, Lippy Nobhead. 'HMPH." Plymouth made little noises himself. HE STILL DIDNT SIGN ANYTHING FOR DAPHNE!?!
Ama!Nabs IS NAMED MINHO & Is SO Black Panther Right Now
Originally Posted by Kip Norwood
Kip turned to the girl at the sound of his "name." Feisty girl she was. Just how he liked them. "I'm sorry for my mistake, Precious." he said with a chuckle and walked towards the food. He needed a drink.
Daphne forced herself to smile. Even a chuckle managed to squeeze its way out as Mister Bip Morpool walked away. She was good at pretending to be amused. It worked all the time on Mother.
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
But if came down to it, "She is taken. I brought her here, and she's probably leaving with me, too." HMPH. Didn't need your autograph anyway, Lippy Nobhead. 'HMPH." Plymouth made little noises himself. HE STILL DIDNT SIGN ANYTHING FOR DAPHNE!?!
"Yeah!" shouted Daphne a little put off by Norwood's attitude. HMPH! If this was the way Professionals behaved, Miss Hopton wasn't too sure she cared for them. "You best believe my Father will be hearing about this Mister Nim Bloopell!
And Colin MacKenzie WAS STILL NOT HUGGING HER1!! UGH. "Plymouth. Where did Colin go?"
Turning back to Miss Professor Alessia Lupa, he smiled again. "I couldn't refuse you anything." he said charmingly, and took the picture of his team. He did look really gorgeous in this shot. After signing his name in a loopy signature, he handed it back to the woman. "There you are."
He gave her another wink before turning back to the other students.
Eeeeep! Kip Norwood! Willow had gone all fangirl and was having to try very very very very very hard not to squeal aloud as she got a glimpse of her favourite and The Most Cutest chaser she had ever clapped her large brown eyes on!
Clearing her throat and keeping a façade of the utmost dignity – her sister would go ape if she knew Willow was fangirling over the opposition – she sidled her way over to where the man was standing and gazed up at him wide eyed and dreamily oblivious to his blatant flirting with Professor Lupa - all she saw was the charming smile. Le sigh.
Originally Posted by Colin MacKenzie
“All right, everyone!” MacKenzie shouted over the bustling crowd, simply glowing with that grin on his face. “Who wants an autograph from the Colin “Hot Scot” MacKenzie, Keeper of the Montrose Magpies?”
Blinking, Willow awoke from her daydream as she heard the Montrose Magpies mentioned. Her eyes widened futher as she saw none other than The Colin MacKenzie! She was an avid fan of the Magpies being half Scottish and proud of her roots on both sides of the family. “Can I have your autograph please Mr HotScot...” She closed her eyes as she felt her face light up like a muggle traffic light on red at her unfortunate slip. “Um.. I mean, I mean.. Mr MacKenzie, Sir." She corrected herself quickly. Oh dear.
OOC: Colin's going "away" for a while. I'll be back with him later. ;D
Text Cut: The Quotes
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
Plymouth's eyes could have easily popped out of his head at what KIP NORWOOD.. said. Maybe they'd pop out and roll past Lupa and send her running to the back of the LINE.
Clearly, Plymouth was hanging out with Daphne too much if he was having thoughts like this.
"I don't even KNOW THIS GIRL," Plymouth lied. He lied. Plymouth NEVER lied. Again, clearly, he had too many Daphne hours in lately. Merlin. He wandered a few steps away from Daphne and nearly walked right into COLIN THE CAPTAIN.
"Errm.... me? No. I mean. HER. LOOK IT HER! She was your announcer. That I totally do not know. Not at all. But I bet she wants your AUTOGRAPH." Plymouth tried to look cool. Failed.
And then went into a little panic at the backlash that would come from NORWOOD calling Daphne... his girlfriend. Ugh. Scary.
Originally Posted by dingDong
These Quidditch players. He'd seen 'em play out there and right now they were just a mere feet away from him. HOGWARTS. AWESOMEMUCH?? His eyes turned to Emma Greene. Chudley. Cannons. Fan. But she turned for the foooood first. He didn't want THESE people thinking he's some sort of an ADDICT fan would he?! Cam looked up to the MacKenzie guy, he was... a Montrose Magpie fan... sometimes. WHO CARES, THE GUY'S FAMOUSSSS."OOH! OOH! ME. ME!"
He jumped up and down, raising his hand in the air, acting like an 8 year old who wanted to solve a question.
Originally Posted by Saz Hale
Kevin raised his hand when the Colin McKenzie asked if anybody wanted an autograph and said "Ohh i'll have an autograph"
Originally Posted by noodles
Willow awoke from her daydream as she heard the Montrose Magpies mentioned. Her eyes widened futher as she saw none other than The Colin MacKenzie! She was an avid fan of the Magpies being half Scottish and proud of her roots on both sides of the family. “Can I have your autograph please Mr HotScot...” She closed her eyes as she felt her face light up like a muggle traffic light on red at her unfortunate slip. “Um.. I mean, I mean.. Mr MacKenzie, Sir." She corrected herself quickly. Oh dear.
Originally Posted by Ama
Oh My Jumping Fleas On A Rabied Up Crup!
CAPTAIN COLIN MACKENZIE!1!!1!1. Blushing furiously, she wiggled her fingers at the gorgeous, perfect, statuesque--UGH what was Plymouth Morgan going on about?
"Plymouth could you ple---"
Oh. No. He. Didn't. Gasping audibly, Daphne made a little hurt noise afterward and blushed furiously, her cheeks going higher and higher up the red palette.
Men. Were. Such. Failures!
"Excuse me!" she called out towards Colin MacKenzie. "I don't have anything to sign but--" Should she? Of course she should. "Could I get a hug?"
Just in case, she shot a warning look at Lupa. STAY BACK LINE BREAKER!
Not surprising him at the very least, MacKenzie immediately noticed hands being shot up into the air and heard quite a few of the students of Hogwarts already pleading for an autograph from him. Magically having a quill and some little sheets of parchment appear in his hands with a little pop!, the Montrose Magpies’ Keeper got to work. However, he did have to admit that the outburst from the first boy was a little frightening. That was almost just as bad as Old Lady Windershins. Only just.
Beaming down at the first two strapping, young boys and a young girl who had asked for an autograph, Colin quickly dotted his I’s and handed over the small sheets of parchment to them. “Now don’t go losing these, kiddos,” he said to them. “Now run along; I don’t want this time to get too big.”
Looking at the next child in line, MacKenzie gave her a puzzled look when she stated her request. A hug? Was he aloud to give people hugs? Uhh. “I don’t know, sweetie,” the Keeper replied, looking down at the girl standing in front of him. “I do have my own parchment and quill here, so you don’t need to worry about providing those for me. I always come prepared!” Sighing quietly to himself, he quickly jotted down his name on the piece of parchment and handed over his autograph. Rolling his eyes slightly, he bent down to her level as much as he possibly good and wrapped an arm around her for a few seconds. “Oh. You did an all right job commentating, miss,” he added with a wink as he stood back up normally.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Kevin took the parchment and cherished it wait till his father heard that he had met Colin MacKenzie the one and only keeper from the montrose magpies and he hoped that he could get the other stars autographs soon especially Emma's but she looked as though she was busy eating still even though a fellow slytherin was asking for an autograph
Keltan felt...awkward. He felt out of place, like he shouldn't be here, like an outcast. But he really wanted to meet Emma Greene and Colin MacKenzie...and pretty much anyone else that would be kind enough to give him an autograph, so he wasn't going to let feeling lonely stop him from at least trying to get an autograph or two.
The only problem was, he didn't know where to start. Did you just walk up to people and ask them to sign his roll of parchment? Probably...because they weren't just going to walk around and sign random things. He had to stop feeling stupid and go ask someone.
connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow
Clifford was upset. Upset at his stupid immune system. He'd had a chance to play against some of the greatest players EVAH.. and he had to go and get himself a cold. Right on cue, a rather loud sneeze erupted, bogies accidentally flying here, there and everywhere. Oh gosh. Not good..
Using his sleeve to wipe his red nose, Clifford slipped into the tent. So yeah, he hadn't been able to play but there was NO WAY he was missing the chance to say HAI to these players. Maybe get a few autographs while he was here..
Now.. where was that Emma Greene?
_____________Take part in our Higgledy Piggledy House Cup!
"Yeah!" shouted Daphne a little put off by Norwood's attitude. HMPH! If this was the way Professionals behaved, Miss Hopton wasn't too sure she cared for them. "You best believe my Father will be hearing about this Mister Nim Bloopell!
And Colin MacKenzie WAS STILL NOT HUGGING HER1!! UGH. "Plymouth. Where did Colin go?"
Cue secretive sort of smile for Daphne. Ugh. Plymouth ... yeah. Happy boy. Secret smiles. Uh and oh.
"He..." He had arrived, that Colin "Hot Shot" MacKenzie. He was giving Plymouth looks that Plymouth was well accustomed to. He took his paper and folded it up, and into his back pocket it went. Plymouth was kind of whatever about ole Hot Shot.
"Ohh... come ON, man. You can do better than that. I give better hugs to the Puffapods," Plymouth informed the Professional Keeper after watching the pitiful embrace. "That was NOT HOT, Hot Shot. We are unimpressed with your hugs! You need lessons?" Plymouth, as it were, was a professional hugger.
Ama!Nabs IS NAMED MINHO & Is SO Black Panther Right Now
Originally Posted by EEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Looking at the next child in line, MacKenzie gave her a puzzled look when she stated her request. A hug? Was he aloud to give people hugs? Uhh. “I don’t know, sweetie,” the Keeper replied, looking down at the girl standing in front of him. “I do have my own parchment and quill here, so you don’t need to worry about providing those for me. I always come prepared!” Sighing quietly to himself, he quickly jotted down his name on the piece of parchment and handed over his autograph. Rolling his eyes slightly, he bent down to her level as much as he possibly good and wrapped an arm around her for a few seconds. “Oh. You did an all right job commentating, miss,” he added with a wink as he stood back up normally.
Oh, she knew this was going to end terribly even before he spoke. The 'I don't know sweetie' was code for: It ain't happening if I can help it. She used it often. A lot. On Plymouth Morgan nonetheless.
Taking the signed parchment, Daphne stared down at it, blinking repeatedly at the squiggles and odd flourish in Colin MacKenzie's autograph. Yes, she had gotten his autograph as she wanted. But why did she feel--mm disappointed? No. Not quite.
Aaaand there was the half-hearted hug and compliment. An all right job? Oh. Well.
Cheated, she felt cheated.
"That was NOT HOT, Hot Shot. We are unimpressed with your hugs! You need lessons?" Plymouth, as it were, was a professional hugger.
"That's alright, Plymouth," said the blond, holding her autograph with both hands before her still. "I'm sure Mister MacKenzie meant well." HMPH!
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
After spending most of the game hiding in the back of the stadium watching, Dominic was indifferent over the outcome. Of course he should have been happy; Hogwarts beat out a bunch of professionals. Anna and Willow and Professor Shackleton and Kaika . . . Yes, they all played AMAZINGLY well. But at the same time, all of them, referring to the students who played (not the Professors), got the opportunity to show off to the Professionals. HE wanted professionals to watch him play. Well mostly he wanted a certain seeker by the name of Emma Greene to check out his flying skills. Maybe he could to get the chance to talk with her instead and then maybe she'll come watch the championship game against Ravenclaw. If she wasn't bitter over the loss against the students, at least.
Entering the autograph tent that had been set up just outside the stadium, Dominic noted the food tables set up and had to admit it was well-decorated. Of course instead of scooting over to the Hogwarts table piled with pumpkin juice and lemonade, the sixth year glanced around the tent for her. Not Willow - because was she was probably still out on the pitch being offered a bazillion and one positions in various teams around the world. Stupid chaser . . . wooing his mystery girl with job opportunities.
Originally Posted by Emma Greene
Emma entered the tent right after Kip, shaking her head at how flirtacious he was being. Kip will be Kip. She smiled around looking up at the students anxious to meet us. This was a going to be a good afternoon.
First things first, food. She needed food. She was starving. That always happened ater games. She needed substenance after such a grueling game. Spotting the refreshment table, she made a beeline for it, grabbing a pumpking pasty and eating it rather quick.
Oh. There she was! Over by the Professionals refreshment table. Now how to best approach one of such . . . stature. Biting his lower lip slowly, he watched her. MAN!! She was prettyyy!!!
But why wasn't she looking this way? She just kept her focus mostly on that stupid bloody attractive chaser Kip or something. Who was busy conversing with Lupa? Interesting... So Lupa steals Kip away and he steals Emma. The plot was perfect! All he needed was for Emma to just give him one look and he could dazzle her. Assuming Kip didn't already have his claws in her. Siiighhh.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Dude. Famous people? Oh my spork, Colin Mackenzie? Clark was obsessed with Colin Mackenzie. He had posters of Colin Mackenzie. Colin Mackenzie almost rivaled Willow Kovac in his fanboy-ing book. But not, cos Willow was like, Willow. And he could say her name without saying the last name, like, Colin Mackenzie. Running over to CM and patting his blue hair a few times making sure it was straight, he beamed at him. "DUUUDE. YOU'RE COLIN MACKENZIE." Clark jumped excitedly.
He presented Mackenzie (he had given up on the both names thing.) with a huge gift box he had pulled out of one of his nuuumerous pockets. Inside was a little model of a broomstick that had blue hair and read, 'From the Colin MacKenzie Fanclub Chapter 4098-Good luck this season!' "I'm president," Clark explained as he handed the box over.
|Nevilles Nerdy Girl|Auntie Chloees Niecey Kassie| |Penguins<3|Oh, It Is Love|
Dani wanted to meet Kip Norwood!! She bounced into the tent with her Ravenclaw Quidditch flag. It was small, but she hoped he would sign it for her. Was she the only one not obsessed with Colin MacKenzie? Probably. She saw Plymouth on the other side of the tent. But where was Kip??? She HAD to see him!
Are There Cookies Involved? I Hope So! I Really Really Really Love Cookies! And Pie! Is There Pie?? Please Say Yes! Say Yes to Cookies and Pie!
Erm, so....yeah...Kaika didn't know what exactly she was doing here...because, really, there was no one from the Wasps, so what was the point?
Well, Emma Green played for the Cannons, and Rapunzel played for the Cannons, therefore, she must know her, so she could tell Punzie to get her that autograph.
And...did she really wanted an autograph from them? What if just being here brought bad luck?! That's one thing she didn't need! However, maybe, just maybe she could have her Firebolt (since that's the broom she no longer uses -- Thank Merlin for the Silver Arrow) signed by a few of them, especially Drake Warren (her brother was a fan of the Arrows) and hand it over to her brother. She honestly didn't care if her brother got the bad luck, as long as she didn't.
But, since she was still unsure of getting them to sign anything she owned, Kaika stopped by the Hogwarts food table, because she was simply starving. She'd forgotten how much hungry she could get when playing Keeper.
These people were professionals! So what if they had just been BEATEN by the Hogwarts supah team? P. R. O. F. E. S. S. I. O. N. A. L. S. PROFESSIONALS! Ohmygosh! Fyo felt like HYPERVENTILATING!
Originally Posted by Kip Norwood
And there was Colin. Maybe it wasn't smart to tempt him right now. Even though it sounded fun at the moment. He knew his Captain wasn't going to take the lose lightly. He couldn't help but let out a bark of a laugh at the "Hot Scot" part. What a brute.
ZOMG! Kip Norwood! ZOMG!
"Err - hey - umm, mister Norwood?" Fyo began, not sure how else to address him. "Could you please sign my autograph diary? And a book?" Please? Pretty please? And, without waiting for a response, the third year held out an autograph diary, a book, and a quill.
Originally Posted by Colin MacKenzie
Not really sure if that Seeker, Anna Greingoth, for the Hogwarts team was still following him up to the white tent or not, MacKenzie entered the humongous white tent just to the side of the stands with a rather large grin on his face. With his Quidditch robes swishing behind him as he made his way through the tent, he took note of the food table that was just for the professional Quidditch players. Tempted to grab something to eat or drink, he put the thoughts of food and drink to the side temporarily. It wasn’t as if Norwood or Gallagher was going to pig out or anything, right? Hopefully…
“All right, everyone!” MacKenzie shouted over the bustling crowd, simply glowing with that grin on his face. “Who wants an autograph from the Colin “Hot Scot” MacKenzie, Keeper of the Montrose Magpies?”
"Meeee!" Fyo exclaimed excitedly. "I mean," he added, collecting himself. "It would be awesome if you could, you know, sign in my autograph diary - I mean - please," he ended lamely.
Where the heck was Torin when Fyo needed him most?
|Nevilles Nerdy Girl|Auntie Chloees Niecey Kassie| |Penguins<3|Oh, It Is Love|
Originally Posted by Kip Norwood
And there was Colin. Maybe it wasn't smart to tempt him right now. Even though it sounded fun at the moment. He knew his Captain wasn't going to take the lose lightly. He couldn't help but let out a bark of a laugh at the "Hot Scot" part. What a brute.
Kip raised an eyebrow, again."Nervous little fella, aren't ya? Maybe you haven't asked her yet! I'm a troll." he hit his forehead with his hand. "Don't be scared to show your feelings mate. Girls love that." he winked.
Turning back to Miss Professor Alessia Lupa, he smiled again. "I couldn't refuse you anything." he said charmingly, and took the picture of his team. He did look really gorgeous in this shot. After signing his name in a loopy signature, he handed it back to the woman. "There you are."
He gave her another wink before turning back to the other students.
Kip turned to the girl at the sound of his "name." Feisty girl she was. Just how he liked them. "I'm sorry for my mistake, Precious." he said with a chuckle and walked towards the food. He needed a drink.
Dani ran toward Kip Norwood and had to stop herself from tackle pouncing him. She stared up at him with wide eyes. "Hi... You're my favorite." She looked at all of the people swarming MacKenzie. Pssh. It was all about Norwood. She stood there staring at him for a moment. "Can I have your autograph?" She held out her little Ravenclaw Quidditch flag. Please Say Yes. Please Say Yes. Please Say Yes. Her little heart was fluttering like mad.
Are There Cookies Involved? I Hope So! I Really Really Really Love Cookies! And Pie! Is There Pie?? Please Say Yes! Say Yes to Cookies and Pie!
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
Originally Posted by Kip Norwood
Turning back to Miss Professor Alessia Lupa, he smiled again. "I couldn't refuse you anything." he said charmingly, and took the picture of his team. He did look really gorgeous in this shot. After signing his name in a loopy signature, he handed it back to the woman. "There you are."
He gave her another wink before turning back to the other students.
She squeeled the moment he turned around and held her Picture close. The little Kip in it was winking at her now. And she was completely flushed with excitement. She looked over at Daphne and saw her talking to the other All Star player. She approached slowly.
Originally Posted by Colin MacKenzie
Looking at the next child in line, MacKenzie gave her a puzzled look when she stated her request. A hug? Was he aloud to give people hugs? Uhh. “I don’t know, sweetie,” the Keeper replied, looking down at the girl standing in front of him. “I do have my own parchment and quill here, so you don’t need to worry about providing those for me. I always come prepared!” Sighing quietly to himself, he quickly jotted down his name on the piece of parchment and handed over his autograph. Rolling his eyes slightly, he bent down to her level as much as he possibly good and wrapped an arm around her for a few seconds. “Oh. You did an all right job commentating, miss,” he added with a wink as he stood back up normally.
"Mister MacKenzie," Alessia said approaching the man. How dare he belittle one of her students! "I know you were in the air trying to keep our team from scoring on yours, and you did," she paused and smiled, "ok..." she said, adding "so you must not have heard our Miss Hopton's commentary very well, I'm sure. I assure you, she did much better than alright. She was better than any professional commentator at any game I have ever been to." She turned back to Kip and gave him a little wave, before turning to Colin again and saying, "Oh, but thanks coming to our game, helping our students to practice..."
Kizzie was clearly a little late, entering the large white tent, all cleaned up after the match. Without counting she was almost sure that the other six professional players were here. As in, she was late. But it wasn't her fault, really, and Kizzie wasn't worried. The men and Emma would have kept the children busy. Perhaps that was backwards. . .
Purposely walking further away from where Kip was, because there was no doubt he was flirting with every female that came his way including the barely of wizarding age schoolgirls and she couldn't yet smack him for any stupidness, and Colin because he would be the first to be attacked by a group of fangirls and it was safest to steer clear of that. "What have I missed?" Kizzie asked, to no one in particular.
Kizzie was clearly a little late, entering the large white tent, all cleaned up after the match. Without counting she was almost sure that the other six professional players were here. As in, she was late. But it wasn't her fault, really, and Kizzie wasn't worried. The men and Emma would have kept the children busy. Perhaps that was backwards. . .
Purposely walking further away from where Kip was, because there was no doubt he was flirting with every female that came his way including the barely of wizarding age schoolgirls and she couldn't yet smack him for any stupidness, and Colin because he would be the first to be attacked by a group of fangirls and it was safest to steer clear of that. "What have I missed?" Kizzie asked, to no one in particular.
A professional, female quidditch player.
A PROFESSIONAL, female quidditch player.
A professional, FEMALE quidditch player.
Fyo could have hyperventilated. Because, you know, he was FINALLY beginning to get the whole thing about Torin loving Bunbury: This was what you called a CRUSH.
“Could. You. Please. Sign. My. Banner?” he asked, forgetting everyone else, holding out the thing and trying not to fall at Kizzie’s feet. “Please – ma’am.” Ma’am? More like ohmygosh!honey! But that would be rude, don’t you think?
Quinn finally made is way into the tent as he seemed to be the last one there, so he wanted to believe. He made sure to clean himself up before greeting his many, adoring fans and he liked to be the last one to enter. It really made a statement with everyone when doing so.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by Quinn Gallagher
Quinn finally made is way into the tent as he seemed to be the last one there, so he wanted to believe. He made sure to clean himself up before greeting his many, adoring fans and he liked to be the last one to enter. It really made a statement with everyone when doing so.
"Quiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinn!" Celandine darted through the crowds and stopped in front of her personal favourite. "Sign me?" She held out her bare forearm and a quill loaded with permanent ink.
Thinking of Anna and Lyra and Willow and Evolette and the lessons she'd learned from watching them, Cela struck a pose, did an artful little flip of her blonde hair and looked away as if she were totally disinterested, finishing it up by flicking her eyes back at the handsome quidditch player and coyly batting her lashes.
She was totally LEARNING!
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
"Quiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinn!" Celandine darted through the crowds and stopped in front of her personal favourite. "Sign me?" She held out her bare forearm and a quill loaded with permanent ink.
Thinking of Anna and Lyra and Willow and Evolette and the lessons she'd learned from watching them, Cela struck a pose, did an artful little flip of her blonde hair and looked away as if she were totally disinterested, finishing it up by flicking her eyes back at the handsome quidditch player and coyly batting her lashes.
She was totally LEARNING!
"Sign you," he questioned with an amused look on his face. "Name the place and I'll Quill it there!" His blue eyes watched the student as she seemed to pose in different ways. Cute! Very cute...except! "I...er...think you have something in your eye, miss." She surely was flickering her lashes at him, not that he mind at all.
Omygosh omygosh omygosh omygosh
Miranda's wide eyes tried to take in everything around her, there were so many people and she kept bouncing off these giant Quidditch players everywhere. Her hands were in a firm knot to her chest, undecisive where to begin asking for autographs.
Miranda was only in her third year playing Quidditch for her house and already had her dream of being surrounded by the awesomest Quidditch players in the world, come true.
"Ouch!" Her nose ached as Celandine had quickly made her way to another giant asking for his autograph, and in turn Miranda bumped into her. Other way!
Scurrying away quickly, the young Huffie made her way to try and find the awesomest female player there was. Squeee!