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Term 21: January-April 2009 Term Twenty-one: The Ghosts (Sept 2067 - June 2068)

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Old 04-06-2009, 11:16 PM
Raider Raider is offline
Default Transfiguration 3 - Q&A

Alex skipped into the classroom singing to herself and looking happy. She scrambled up onto her desk and sat on it facing the class, "Hi!" she beamed happily, kicking her quills and paper onto the floor, "For class today, you guys get to ask me questions! Every time you ask me a question and I get it right, you get a water balloon, if I get it wrong, you dont. After class we'll had over to the Firing room and have a water balloon fight! Doesnt that sound like fun?" she explained in a overexcited voice. "We'll start in a few minutes."

OOC: I take no responsibility for what may come out of Alex's mouth
Old 04-07-2009, 11:37 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Qaz raised her hand and asked, 'Which is more difficult, transfiguring an animate object into an inanimate one, or vice versa?'
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Old 04-09-2009, 09:51 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Waterballoons? Becca thought I like the sound of that! Eagerly she raised her hand. "Professor, what are the possible side effects when transfiguring a human into an animal of some sort? And do they have similar ones or do they vary depending on the species the animal is?

That's just how we roll.
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Old 04-09-2009, 09:57 PM   #28 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Waterloo View Post
If they asked Trasfiguration questions, they could go have a water fight? The water fight sounded like FUN! The questions? Not so much. And Professor Pierce? Well, she was clearly bonkers.

"Okay, Professor,"
the Prefect started, hand in the air. "Can you transfgure things into food?" He was hungry. As usual.
"Sure, why not. Have a balloon." Alex answered, tossing the boy another green balloon.
Originally Posted by Oesed View Post
Willow had already decided, that when the Water Ballon fight time came, she would just go straight to the Ravenclaw Common room instead of the firing room.

Because there was absolutely no way she was going to let anyone throwing a ballon full of water at her. Granted, there were quite a few people that the girl would love to see getting wet, but it just wasn't worth getting wet.

"I have a question, ma'am," said the girl from her seat, raising her hand, "Which spell is more complex? A conjuring one, or a vanishing one?"
"Ummm... conjuring! Cause then you have to bring all the little pieces together, when you vanish, poof, they go away." she answered ith a sage like nod. "Aaaand a balloon for you!" She tossed over a navy blue balloon.
Originally Posted by Padie View Post
And then she saw him. Clifford Carden was there. Uh oh, big uh oh. If he saw her, she was definitely going to get a balloon thrown at her face and she didn't want that, well, unless she could throw two at him and hit him. Melly had to think of a question and she had to do it faaaast!

"Professor, what was the witch that was famous for transfigurating lost sailors into pigs?," She asked, hand raised in the air. Hopefully, the professor would know that one. Then she could have a baloon. Hehe.
"Rowena Ravenclaw." Came the firm response. "Here ya go." And here came the blue balloon.
Originally Posted by Crayola View Post
Ah. Transfiguration questions. That was better. Much, much better. Riiiight. Now all she needed was a question. Oh .. and what was that spell she had tried to do the other day but failed? Oh right! "Ma'am! I have a question.." Evangeline said, waving her arm around. "What's the incantation for the Clothes Changing spell?" That would be useful in the future. Yup.
"Portanis. Do you think there is any girl who hasnt memorized that spell?" she giggled as she tossed him a green balloon.
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd View Post
This is so strange. Miranda was baffled at the way the professor was acting. She knew and expected adults to be boring and all... superior like. But Professor Pierce was going to give them waterballoons and then have a fight? Awesome! she grinned.

Now for a question... Miranda had a peek in her textbook.
"Professor," she raised her hand "Which is the first of the five Principal Exceptions to Gamp’s Law of Elemental Transfiguration?"

"You cannot create... certain things, only multiply the ones you already have." Alex said slowly, her brain fogging for a moment. "Here ya are." she tossed over a yellow balloon.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
"Prrooofesssor!" Anna exclaimed, her hand in the air. "I have a question. Okay, so...let's just say I wanted to transfigure my hair a pretty pink polka-dotted color. Is there a spell for that? Oh, and what if I wanted to transfigure my dinnertime meal into a huge pile of candy? Can I do that, too?" she asked. "Oh, and professor, do you know how to spell the word Transfiguration? Anna was H-Y-P-E-R, and she really didn't feel much like sitting in class and being serious. What was the fun in all that?
"I'm sure you could." Alex sat upright and extracted a red balloon from her bag, she pulled one end back while holding the other end with her other fingers and let go. The balloon sailed through the air and landed on Anna's desk.
Originally Posted by Miss Lissy Lou View Post
Cale looked around the classroom in a mild state of shock. What was going onnnnnn? He had almost had enough of all these loony professors. Sigh. He figured he'd better ask a question since a number of them were flying all over the place. He raised his hand. "Professor, when you transfigure an animal into something else like...a teacup, do they feel anything?" he asked.
"The tea cup? I dont think so, why dont you ask one!" Alex giggled again and threw Cale a red balloon.
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
Chris waved excitedly to his favorte teacher and hoped she was excited to see him too. "Hey Professor Pierce, um... are there any rules that are especially important when doing Transfiguration?"
Leaning forward with a serious expression on her face, Alex replied, "Never, ever, under any circumstances transfigure yourself into an animal or object without someone else around to change you back." She snapped a red balloon in his direction.
Originally Posted by MsMorgan View Post
Mariel simply stared at Professor Pierce, as she sat on her desk and made her announcement about today's lesson, like she was completely mental because... well, she clearly was. But that seemed to be the trend at Hogwarts so she didn't spend much time dwelling on it.

Questions about Transfiguration? The second year didn't really have any, she usually just took it for granted that things worked the way they did some Ravenclaw she was, but she figured if that's what was happening today then she'd better participate lest she get in trouble.

Raising her hand, Mariel asked, "So when you conjure something, where does it come from?" And along that same line of questioning... "And when you Evanesco stuff, where does it go?"
"From nothing, which is to say, everything." Alex replied, quoting her idol, Minerva McGonagall. She threw another blue balloon.
Originally Posted by iheartdan View Post
Rian's eyes bugged open when she heard the instructions for today's lesson. Are these robes suppose to get wet? With a mental shrug, she smiled. Ah well. She could always buy new ones.

"Proffesor?" she asked, her hands shooting up into the air. "If a person is transfigured into an animal, do they take on the qualities of said animal? Or do they stay human-like?" that was a random question...but it was the first one she thought of. And she was pretty sure she knew the answer...but hey! Maybe she'd get a water balloon.
"They take on the qualities of the animal." Another green balloon went sailing through the air.
Originally Posted by Tomasina Riddle View Post
Paris giggled and caught her balloon. She took the tiny end of it and stuck it to her desk for safe keeping. This was going to be too much fun she could tell. Her eyes roamed to Anna and Cale, oh yes they were going on the list too, and of course Clifford was on there. "Professor what do you call a witch or wizard that can change their appearance without the aid of potions or transfiguration?" She asked as she bounced in her seat with her hand raised.
"A Mega... Metan... Meatamorphmageous." she said stuttering and getting the word wrong. "Catch!" In coming green balloon!
Originally Posted by dan arjay View Post
Daniel almost clapped his hands when he had heard of the great activity to follow after the question and answer part... He then thinks of something that can be asked to the Professor . He then raised his hands and said, "Professor how would you know if a thing is transfigured or not?"
"You wouldnt. Have a balloon." She threw another red one.
Originally Posted by cedricdiggory View Post
Cedric raised his hand..this was exciting for him but what do water balloons means..they were in transfiguration..this could be serious..Cedric thought.."Professor..we know that we can transfigured a rat to a box..but how do we transfigured a box to a rat?"
"With another spell of course!" She tossed the boy a yellow balloon and laid down on her desk once again, legs swinging.
Originally Posted by Hollister View Post
Oh wow! This lesson seemed like fuuuun! Miles loved water balloon fights, and the last one he had was when he was little with Hugo, Terry and Evee. Hmm, he was having withdrawl symptoms from it. HAH!

Miles thought for a minute before raising his hand with, which he thought, was a good question. Hehehehe. He hoped he got a pwetty green balloon. "M'aaam! Which ones more difficult? Charms or Transfiguration? Or .. which one do you think the students you have taught find more difficult?" Oh yeah baby.
"Transfiguration all the way baby!" Alex cried sitting up and pumping her fist in the air. She giggled and threw the boy a green balloon then laying back down.
Originally Posted by Esme View Post
A water balloon fight? Sakura raised an eyebrow slightly. Just what was a water balloon and what did one do in a water balloon fight? Well she supposed she would soon find out.

"Professor if I wanted to transfigure a human into an animal, say a fox against his or her will what spell would I have to use? Or is there even a spell for it?" Sakura asked, genuinely interested. If the professor told her the spell or incantation it would save her a whole lot of time trying to look it up in books that were likely kept in the restricted section of the library.
"A transfiguration spell silly." Alex rolled her eyes. A green balloon smacked the girl in the head.
Originally Posted by Celandine View Post
Cela made a face of confusion. How did they know if Professor Pierce got it right or wrong when they were asking the questions in the first place? And why were people answering questions which they should already know the answer to? She stared around at the class, mentally answering some of the questions. So weird. Someone was probably going to ask about the exceptions to Gamp's law next. Still, she figured asking at least one question.

Cela raised her hand slowly, "Professor Pierce, Is it possible to make transfigurations permanent? Or can all transfigurations be reversed?"
"Most can... I think." Alex said unsure of herself. Blue balloon coming through!
Originally Posted by Torchwood View Post
Qaz raised her hand and asked, 'Which is more difficult, transfiguring an animate object into an inanimate one, or vice versa?'
"Vice versa definitely, it even has the word vice in it!" Alex giggled again and tossed another blue balloon.
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Old 04-09-2009, 10:08 PM   #29 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Raider View Post
"Sure, why not. Have a balloon." Alex answered, tossing the boy another green balloon.

"Ummm... conjuring! Cause then you have to bring all the little pieces together, when you vanish, poof, they go away." she answered ith a sage like nod. "Aaaand a balloon for you!" She tossed over a navy blue balloon.

"Rowena Ravenclaw." Came the firm response. "Here ya go." And here came the blue balloon.

"Portanis. Do you think there is any girl who hasnt memorized that spell?" she giggled as she tossed him a green balloon.

"You cannot create... certain things, only multiply the ones you already have." Alex said slowly, her brain fogging for a moment. "Here ya are." she tossed over a yellow balloon.

"I'm sure you could." Alex sat upright and extracted a red balloon from her bag, she pulled one end back while holding the other end with her other fingers and let go. The balloon sailed through the air and landed on Anna's desk.

"The tea cup? I dont think so, why dont you ask one!" Alex giggled again and threw Cale a red balloon.

Leaning forward with a serious expression on her face, Alex replied, "Never, ever, under any circumstances transfigure yourself into an animal or object without someone else around to change you back." She snapped a red balloon in his direction.

"From nothing, which is to say, everything." Alex replied, quoting her idol, Minerva McGonagall. She threw another blue balloon.

"They take on the qualities of the animal." Another green balloon went sailing through the air.

"A Mega... Metan... Meatamorphmageous." she said stuttering and getting the word wrong. "Catch!" In coming green balloon!

"You wouldnt. Have a balloon." She threw another red one.

"With another spell of course!" She tossed the boy a yellow balloon and laid down on her desk once again, legs swinging.

"Transfiguration all the way baby!" Alex cried sitting up and pumping her fist in the air. She giggled and threw the boy a green balloon then laying back down.

"A transfiguration spell silly." Alex rolled her eyes. A green balloon smacked the girl in the head.

"Most can... I think." Alex said unsure of herself. Blue balloon coming through!

"Vice versa definitely, it even has the word vice in it!" Alex giggled again and tossed another blue balloon.
She giggled and caught the balloon this was so much fun. She was ready to get with the balloon throwing.
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Old 04-09-2009, 10:09 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Sean sat there trying to think of an awsome question to stump the professor..
"What does a Switing Spell do?" He asked. He knew it was too easy, but he wanted a balloon..
All gone!
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Old 04-09-2009, 10:11 PM   #31 (permalink)
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William sat listening to the questions. He had one of his own, "Professor, what's the most difficult Transfiguration to learn?" He asked, his eye curious as he glanced nervously at the balloons around him.
Forget the future signature;

Last edited by Golden Monkey; 04-09-2009 at 10:17 PM. Reason: Transfig, not charms lol
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Old 04-09-2009, 10:17 PM   #32 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Raider View Post
"Most can... I think." Alex said unsure of herself. Blue balloon coming through!
"You think?" Cela responded with her hand half raised, clearly perplexed by this. She lifted her hand to catch the balloon and stared at the professor. How was she supposed to add that to her notes? Professor Pierce thinks that most transfigurations can be changed back? How was that factual? It was a tiny bit possible that Cela was panicking over this, to distract herself she wrote down the five exceptions covered by Gamp's law, even though it appeared in her notes numerous times already.

She raised her hand again, somewhat hesitantly this time, "Professor Pierce? If you are changing something that is made up of more than one thing, like this water balloon being a rubber balloon and water, does it make it more difficult? Would the spell change only one of the components of your target? Or both? Or does it depend on the spell? Do things with more parts automatically involve more advanced transfiguration? Like how it's harder to make a living creature?"

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Old 04-09-2009, 10:22 PM   #33 (permalink)

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Evangeline just about caught the green water balloon Professor Pierce had thrown her away and considered her words. She hadn't memorised the Clothes Changing spell! Which was why she had asked, of course. Setting the balloon on the desk so she wouldn't accidentally ruin it, Evangeline raised her hand once more. "Which Transfiguration spell do you find most useful, Professor?"
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Old 04-10-2009, 12:11 AM   #34 (permalink)
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Melina was nothing but surprised at the professor's reply. Rowena Ravenclaw? Since when had she -? Hell. What books was the professor reading? In every single one she had, it had been Circe who had done that! Not Rowena Ravenclaw. Heck, she doubted the founder of her house even though of doing that. It really was nothing but lucky that her hands managed to catch the balloon instead of her face.

She did not trust that woman's answers. Nuh uh. And there was no way she'd write any of that down. Hmph.

Still, she could use a few more balloons... She had to hit Clifford, after all, and she didn't know just how well he could dodge the ones he sent her. Throwing her hand into the air, Melina asked the first thing that came to her mind. "Is it possible to transfigurate something into a castle?"
I gotta go back to the muggle world,
they're gonna
try and tell me this wasn't, that none of this happened,
but you know what? It
was real. It did happen.
We spent time here. We made
friends here. That's a part of us.
Hogwarts is bigger than any of us, of any of it's founders,
and it's going to be around long after we're gone.
Maybe we'll see our
kids come here one day.
That's the thing about
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Old 04-10-2009, 12:44 AM   #35 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Zekk View Post
Sean sat there trying to think of an awsome question to stump the professor..
"What does a Switing Spell do?" He asked. He knew it was too easy, but he wanted a balloon..
"Its switches stuff." Alex said, rolling her eyes as she tossd a ballooon his way.
Originally Posted by Monkey Princess View Post
William sat listening to the questions. He had one of his own, "Professor, what's the most difficult Transfiguration to learn?" He asked, his eye curious as he glanced nervously at the balloons around him.
"Animagusness." she responded, making up her own words. She snapped a blue balloon at him.
Originally Posted by Celandine View Post
"You think?" Cela responded with her hand half raised, clearly perplexed by this. She lifted her hand to catch the balloon and stared at the professor. How was she supposed to add that to her notes? Professor Pierce thinks that most transfigurations can be changed back? How was that factual? It was a tiny bit possible that Cela was panicking over this, to distract herself she wrote down the five exceptions covered by Gamp's law, even though it appeared in her notes numerous times already.

She raised her hand again, somewhat hesitantly this time, "Professor Pierce? If you are changing something that is made up of more than one thing, like this water balloon being a rubber balloon and water, does it make it more difficult? Would the spell change only one of the components of your target? Or both? Or does it depend on the spell? Do things with more parts automatically involve more advanced transfiguration? Like how it's harder to make a living creature?"
Alex blinked at the Ravenclaw girl, it made her brain hurt to think of all that so instead she said, "I dont know. No balloon."
Originally Posted by Crayola View Post
Evangeline just about caught the green water balloon Professor Pierce had thrown her away and considered her words. She hadn't memorised the Clothes Changing spell! Which was why she had asked, of course. Setting the balloon on the desk so she wouldn't accidentally ruin it, Evangeline raised her hand once more. "Which Transfiguration spell do you find most useful, Professor?"
She considered her answer for a moment before answering. "Conjuring spells." She tossed a balloon.
Originally Posted by Padie View Post
Melina was nothing but surprised at the professor's reply. Rowena Ravenclaw? Since when had she -? Hell. What books was the professor reading? In every single one she had, it had been Circe who had done that! Not Rowena Ravenclaw. Heck, she doubted the founder of her house even though of doing that. It really was nothing but lucky that her hands managed to catch the balloon instead of her face.

She did not trust that woman's answers. Nuh uh. And there was no way she'd write any of that down. Hmph.

Still, she could use a few more balloons... She had to hit Clifford, after all, and she didn't know just how well he could dodge the ones he sent her. Throwing her hand into the air, Melina asked the first thing that came to her mind. "Is it possible to transfigurate something into a castle?"
"Sure, it'd just be really hard!" Another balloon flew through the air.
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Old 04-10-2009, 12:57 AM   #36 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Raider View Post
Alex blinked at the Ravenclaw girl, it made her brain hurt to think of all that so instead she said, "I dont know. No balloon."
Cela pouted, not because of the lack of balloon (though really, why she wasn't getting a balloon because the Professor couldn't answer her questions was completely beyond her). No Cela was pouting because Professor Pierce had always been able to answer all her questions before. It wasn't at all satisfying not knowing the answers.

She stubbornly put her hand up again, "Excuse me, Professor Pierce? If you don't know the answers, who does? Where can I find out? Who should I ask and what books might have the answers in them?"

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Old 04-10-2009, 12:58 AM   #37 (permalink)

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Professor Pierce was definitely not acting like herself right now, but then again - which teachers were? Very few, that was for sure. Catching her second balloon, the Prefect tried not to chuckle at the Professor's answers. In the end, she'd just give Clifford her balloons. She still refused to get one inch of her hair wet. "Professor?" She raised her hand one more time. "Can we transfigurate one object into two different ones? Say an apple into two oranges?"
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Old 04-10-2009, 01:04 AM   #38 (permalink)
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Melina honestly felt like cackling right then. As she caught the second balloon in her hands, she couldn't help but wonder what might possibly happen if she threw it at Clifford while he wasn't looking. Hehehehe. That woud be oh so awesome. If she didn't get to lose points of course. Darn. Or get scolded. Meh, no fun. Sigh. It looked like she'd have to wait a bit longer. While she waited, though, why not make another question and get another balloon?

"Professor, and can you turn something into a person?" She really wouldn't mind turning that desk into her very own prince charming.
I gotta go back to the muggle world,
they're gonna
try and tell me this wasn't, that none of this happened,
but you know what? It
was real. It did happen.
We spent time here. We made
friends here. That's a part of us.
Hogwarts is bigger than any of us, of any of it's founders,
and it's going to be around long after we're gone.
Maybe we'll see our
kids come here one day.
That's the thing about
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how long you're away from it, there's always a way back.
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Old 04-10-2009, 01:16 AM   #39 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Celandine View Post
Cela pouted, not because of the lack of balloon (though really, why she wasn't getting a balloon because the Professor couldn't answer her questions was completely beyond her). No Cela was pouting because Professor Pierce had always been able to answer all her questions before. It wasn't at all satisfying not knowing the answers.

She stubbornly put her hand up again, "Excuse me, Professor Pierce? If you don't know the answers, who does? Where can I find out? Who should I ask and what books might have the answers in them?"
Alex sighed and rolled her eyes, typical Ravenclaw, "Try asking the librarian to find you books about it."
Originally Posted by Crayola View Post
Professor Pierce was definitely not acting like herself right now, but then again - which teachers were? Very few, that was for sure. Catching her second balloon, the Prefect tried not to chuckle at the Professor's answers. In the end, she'd just give Clifford her balloons. She still refused to get one inch of her hair wet. "Professor?" She raised her hand one more time. "Can we transfigurate one object into two different ones? Say an apple into two oranges?"
"Nope, one object, to one object, I think." she nodded firmly as if to reasure herself she was correct. Another balloon learned to fly.
Originally Posted by Padie View Post
Melina honestly felt like cackling right then. As she caught the second balloon in her hands, she couldn't help but wonder what might possibly happen if she threw it at Clifford while he wasn't looking. Hehehehe. That woud be oh so awesome. If she didn't get to lose points of course. Darn. Or get scolded. Meh, no fun. Sigh. It looked like she'd have to wait a bit longer. While she waited, though, why not make another question and get another balloon?

"Professor, and can you turn something into a person?" She really wouldn't mind turning that desk into her very own prince charming.
"Sure, but it would still have the mind of a desk, so it wouldnt do much." Alex shrugged as she threw another balloon at the girl. "A couple more questions then we'll move over to the Firing room for your homework!"
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Old 04-10-2009, 01:21 AM   #40 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Raider View Post
Alex sighed and rolled her eyes, typical Ravenclaw, "Try asking the librarian to find you books about it."
Cela sulked a little and put up her hand again, she needed balloons apparently. "Why did you want to teach Transfiguration?"

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Old 04-10-2009, 01:22 AM   #41 (permalink)

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"Professsooooorrrrr!" Anna called out, raising her hand into the air again. "May I have fifteen house points? I mean...oops...had that come out?...I was just wondering, have you ever experienced any major Transfiguration accidents or known of someone who has? I mean, what sorts of accidents most commonly happen, and what can we do to prevent them?" Wheee! Anna was having fun in this class! The professor was still out of her mind, but Anna planned to help her fix that little problem as soon as class was over.
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Old 04-10-2009, 01:47 AM   #42 (permalink)
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Tobi raised a hand, "Ma'am how do you transfigure things like Professor McGonnagals Wizard Chess set from like 80 years ago - like do you transfigure people into chess pieces or is there some kind of spell to animate Ginormous chess pieces?"

Okay so it wasn't 80 years ago exactly but it was a really darn long time ago. And Tobi had never understood that one.
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Old 04-10-2009, 01:55 AM   #43 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Celandine View Post
Cela sulked a little and put up her hand again, she needed balloons apparently. "Why did you want to teach Transfiguration?"
"Cause I was good at it, I liked it and I did it alot in my old job." Alex answered, tossing the girl a blue balloon.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
"Professsooooorrrrr!" Anna called out, raising her hand into the air again. "May I have fifteen house points? I mean...oops...had that come out?...I was just wondering, have you ever experienced any major Transfiguration accidents or known of someone who has? I mean, what sorts of accidents most commonly happen, and what can we do to prevent them?" Wheee! Anna was having fun in this class! The professor was still out of her mind, but Anna planned to help her fix that little problem as soon as class was over.

"Saw someone get splinched on my Apparition test. It was nasty." Alex said wrinkling up her nose at the memory. "And no you cant have points, you get those later." she added as she threw another balloon.

Originally Posted by druidflower
Tobi raised a hand, "Ma'am how do you transfigure things like Professor McGonnagals Wizard Chess set from like 80 years ago - like do you transfigure people into chess pieces or is there some kind of spell to animate Ginormous chess pieces?"

Okay so it wasn't 80 years ago exactly but it was a really darn long time ago. And Tobi had never understood that one.
"Its a seperate spell to make them move." Alex tossed him a balloon.
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Old 04-10-2009, 02:08 AM   #44 (permalink)

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3 balloons now! Wooo! It was definitely better than nothing and it was TOO good if you didnt even plan on fighting. Though she actually will. "Oh, Professor?" The Prefect said, raising her hand once more. "Is there like ... any object that's completely impossible to turn into other object?"
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Old 04-10-2009, 02:17 AM   #45 (permalink)

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Clifford wanted ANUVA balloon too! "Professor?" He asked, thrusting his hand in the air. "Can you transfigure liquidy stuff too? Or does it have to be a solid object?" Oh yeah!

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Old 04-10-2009, 02:18 AM   #46 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Crayola View Post
3 balloons now! Wooo! It was definitely better than nothing and it was TOO good if you didnt even plan on fighting. Though she actually will. "Oh, Professor?" The Prefect said, raising her hand once more. "Is there like ... any object that's completely impossible to turn into other object?"
"Nope, I dont think so." Alex responded tossing the girl another balloon. "OK everyone, now for homework! Over to the Firing room!"
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Old 04-10-2009, 02:23 AM   #47 (permalink)
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Only one balloon.. Hmm. Tobi had a vague hopeful moment where he considered trying the Geminio Charm on it. but with his luck he would get it wrong and start burning people.
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Old 04-10-2009, 06:38 AM   #48 (permalink)

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Cedric only got one balloon...he was quite thinking if he can use engorgio to make it large then he left the room and went to the firing room
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