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Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
After beng unable to stop from giggling as Rachel acted weird in response to the idea of having powers, Elizabeth glanced around the room again, wondering where everyone was. Namely, Mari, Robert and Ludo. If they're too much later, they'll miss the speech, she thought. And, even though she had a feeling the headmaster's speech wasn't going to be extraordinarily exciting, he was going to have to announce their dual triumph and she thought her friends should be there for that.
And in her looking around, she managed to catch the headmaster's arrival, and raised an eyebrow in curiosity. As far as she knew, even if he had been way late in arriving, headmasters shouldn't come dashing into the feast all sweaty and out-of-breath. But he did, and she shrugged, flinching a little as he finally got off his chair and scraped the legs against the stone floor. Listening as he finally spoke, partially wondering if he was still under some sort of spell even though the other professors seemed to be back to as normal as they were going to get, she clapped along with everyone else when he announced the Ravenclaw wins. But then her energy dwindled again as he spoke of next term, reminding her that it was going to be her last here, and she looked at the table, waiting for the food to appear so maybe she'd have something to distract her. Since her best friends still seemed to be AWOL.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Originally Posted by iheartdan
Rian chuckled and shook her head as she watched Sneeze. He was acting very sneaky as he took some food from the table. "You know," she said, smirking slightly, "You are aloud to eat Ravenclaw food...it won't poison you, or anything..." she couldn't help but laugh again as she grabbed a roll and start eating it.
"Oh, no? I thought it'd be part of the job description..." she rolled her eyes at her friend's sarcasm. She jumped as Rachel raised her voice when Rian gave Jenn the chocolate frog. "Oops," she murmured, glancing at her friend. "You didn't want me to do that, did you, Rach?" she raised her eyebrows, feigning innocence as she stuffed the rest of her chocolate frogs into her pocket.
Ooh, and there was the headmaster's speech. Rian grinned and clapped when he announced the Quidditch and House cup awards going to Ravenclaw. And now for the yummy food...
"Well, it's not," she replied with a chuckle then rolled her eyes at Rian 'remembered' that she hadn't wanted to give Jenn the chocolate. "It doesn't matter now, does it? Anyhow, she'll be entertaining to watch," she replied, trying to stifle her laugh as she turned to watch Jenn in action, nodding to Rian as if to say, 'I told you so.'
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
Fiyero ♥ | RED VINES! | FOR NARNIAAAAAAAAAAA | "Always." ♥| SupermegafoxyAWESOMEhot!
Originally Posted by Keysquah
Laylee grabbed her things and went to sit next to Maura. "I hate that the school year is already over! I feel like I was bearly here at all!" Laylee said, grabbing a roll. "I hardly have anytime left here!" She said, but she instantly realized that that was a touchy subject, and changed the conversation. "So, what are your plans this summer?" She asked as a smirk appeared on her face. She had written to her father a few weeks ago about having Maura over for the summer. He finally wrote back yesterday, saying that would be fine! Laylee wanted to make sure Maura didnt have any amazing plans before she invited her. She didnt want her to miss out on something.
Maura smiled and nodded. "The year went by fast," she said, avoiding the subject of Laylee's graduation being so close. She piled her plate with a roll, mashed potatoes, and other delicious food so that Laylee wouldn't see her sadness. She looked up as the subject changed. "Well...I think we're going to Florida for a week or two at the end of August, but that's it for plans, why?" she asked curiously.
Qaz perked up when the Headmaster arrived. She was pretty sure that they had won the House Cup, but had been waiting patiently for it to become official.
Maura smiled and nodded. "The year went by fast," she said, avoiding the subject of Laylee's graduation being so close. She piled her plate with a roll, mashed potatoes, and other delicious food so that Laylee wouldn't see her sadness. She looked up as the subject changed. "Well...I think we're going to Florida for a week or two at the end of August, but that's it for plans, why?" she asked curiously.
"Yeah, it did." Laylee agreed.
Laylee smiled as she said she was going to Florida at the end of the summer. That was perfect. "Do you wanna spend the summer holiday with me?" She asked smiling. "My dad wont really be there much, but we're responsible! It will be fun!" Laylee said excitedly.
The Tales of Lily, Severus, and the Marauders - Sa13+ = My Fan Fiction! GO READ IT! {Laylee&Chandan} Will they ever be together? {Laylee&Maura}=Best Friends <3 {*GWFC*=My fav!!}{Harry Potter=Obsession!}{TWILIGHT!!!!=Best EVER}{SS=Happiness!} {Cambell Anne Robinson}{Minister of Magic Office}
'Yaaay!' she thought sarcastically wanting to go back and time and not have read that letter. "Umm...okay,so I guess I'll go first?" This was a lot harder than she had expected it to be. Jeez they hadn't even been together a year. "So....I'll start from the beginning." she started,and pulled out the letter. Very slowly, Whit took it out of the ripped envelope and sat,turning to Chase. "Okay....well. I got this letter not too long ago. Some stuff...has happened at home and....."'Big breaths' Hopefully this wasn't going to end worse than she thought. "I'm not going to be able to return to school next term...maybe longer." Was it horrible that she'd rather be back to last term talking to Nico,Amanda and Raiden about helping Slytherin win the House Cup? At least they weren't breaking up with anyone. "I just thought it'd be best,for the both of us....if we broke up."'Bomb dropped.' She,surprisingly,said that in what sounded like a whisper. This was what had to be done,nothing more to it.
Chase nodded even though it hurt real bad. "Yeah.. um.. sure. I think thats what we need to do." he said bowing his head from her. Heknew that this had to be done but he didnt really want to do it. He nodded and lifted his head slightly giving her a small smile.
Sneeze looked at Rian. "I'm sorry. I was just a bit afraid. Ravenclaws are sneaky, you can never trust one completly. Except you of course." He grabbed something and ate it. You had a better view of the whole place from here. He sometimes wondered how life would be if he was a Ravenclaw...
"Well, it's not," she replied with a chuckle then rolled her eyes at Rian 'remembered' that she hadn't wanted to give Jenn the chocolate. "It doesn't matter now, does it? Anyhow, she'll be entertaining to watch," she replied, trying to stifle her laugh as she turned to watch Jenn in action, nodding to Rian as if to say, 'I told you so.'
"Nope, it doesn't" Rian replied, grinning broadly. "And the sugar will hit Jenn's system right about....now." she tipped her head to the side and was silent for a little, as if expecting a loud BOOM to come from her best friend. Well, that was exciting...
Originally Posted by sneezinglupin
Sneeze looked at Rian. "I'm sorry. I was just a bit afraid. Ravenclaws are sneaky, you can never trust one completly. Except you of course." He grabbed something and ate it. You had a better view of the whole place from here. He sometimes wondered how life would be if he was a Ravenclaw...
Chuckling, she stuck her tongue out at him. "Yeah, 'cause Ravenclaws have a reputation for being evil and devious." she rolled her eyes playfully and leaned forward to pour herself a goblet of pumpkin juice. After taking a slow, deliberate drink from it, she set it down and looked expectantly at Sneeze. She was only teasing him, and it was pretty fun.
Fiyero ♥ | RED VINES! | FOR NARNIAAAAAAAAAAA | "Always." ♥| SupermegafoxyAWESOMEhot!
Originally Posted by Keysquah
"Yeah, it did." Laylee agreed.
Laylee smiled as she said she was going to Florida at the end of the summer. That was perfect. "Do you wanna spend the summer holiday with me?" She asked smiling. "My dad wont really be there much, but we're responsible! It will be fun!" Laylee said excitedly.
Maura's eyebrows shot straight up. "Really? No way!" she exclaimed. "I've have to ask my mum but I'd love to come!! Thank you so much!!" she gushed, throwing her arms around her best friend.
"Well, yeah! They have to do something with those brains! Slytherins are pure evil. You guys use your brains. Like a joke I was telling the guys, a Slytherin with brains is a Ravenclaw." He joked on this one. Sneeze made sure that he didn't say this too loud. He put his hand near his wand, just incase. Man, it felt weird being here. Sorta like he was somewhere where he sorta fit in. With smart people. Wait, Gryffindors were smart. Atleast some of them. Anyways, he felt that here everything was taken a bit seriously. But he could be wrong...
"Slytherins with brains?" Rian repeated, raising her eyebrows. She thought about that for a moment, then grinned mischievously. "I suppose that'd be a good way to describe Ravenclaw." she nodded. She was having a lot of fun.
She smiled to herself at the way Sneeze was acting, sort of as if he couldn't have fun when he was at the Ravenclaw table. "You know, we can have fun," she said, cocking one of her eyebrows at him. "You obviously don't know me if you think I never have fun because I'm in Ravenclaw," she grinned and took another swig of pumpkin juice.
"I'm sorry. It's just weird being here. I've always wanted to be in Ravenclaw. My mom was in this house when she came here. And you know I never have fun. Oh, but I heard a few Slytherins a little while ago say that, to fight our joke, that Gryffindors were Hufflepuffs with courage. I have to say that is possibly true." Sneeze smiled. Life seemed to be good.
"Really?" Rian asked, surprised. He'd never told her that. And she'd never thought to ask... "I never thought about being in another house. I always just kinda figured I'd be in Ravenclaw; my mum was, and so were my aunts and uncles... Hmm....I wonder what house I'd like to be in if I weren't in Ravenclaw... she chuckled when Sneeze said he wasn't fun. "You're very fun, actually. When you're not worrying about being attacked by a houseful of nerds." she winked at him and turned sideways.
Hufflepuffs with courage? "I guess that's true too. So that mean's you're nice and brave and I'm mean and smart." she grinned. That was a good combination.
I hope I caught up with mostly everyone....just try and find where I put you in...lol
NOT Overrated | Jessiewhale
Originally Posted by Hawken Terrell
Cale leaned back looking around Rachel, then around Sho. Sherlock stuck his cruppy head out and yipped at him. Cale glared back. Robin Honked.
"What? Who - No more yelling! This is a feast darn it!" Cale called out looking around. And then he saw her. "What oh it's you." He blinked for a moment. "Daisey right?" Cale was so out of his element with remember girl names...
Jenn chuckled. "Ok ok. I just didn't know if you could hear me over all that honking."she said, shaking her head. Wow..some people where so sensitive. Wait! What? Daisey?! DAISEY! "Excuse me? My name is defiently not Daisey. It's not even Lilly or Lilac or even that darn stupid thorny plant called a rose! It's Jenn! Jennumara!"she yelled. Some people have no respect for the yonger ones. Sheesh.
Jenn laughed as she poped the little chocolate frog in her mouth that she had been holding in her hand for awhile. Right as it hit her mouth, she jumped up, giggling hysterically and she danced around the table. "Yay! Yay for chocolate and other yummy sweet stuff!"she said, her wand which was in her pocket sparked yellow as she danced around. She patted Livvy on the head, pinched Rian's cheek, and hugged Rachel tightly, so tight Rachel almost fell off! "Oh and Devon wishes you his LOVE Rian!"she yelled, still dancing. "And don't tell me you don't like it! Cause you DOOOOO!"she yelled, laughing and skipping, as she started humming. "Hogwarts Hogwarts, hogy warty Hogwarts! Give me more candy!"she sang, giggling as she sat back down next to Rian.
Jenn glared at Sneeze. "Slytherin's with brains? Excuse me?!"she spat out. That hit hard on Jenn. She really didn't like Slytherin, manly because she was punished at home for not getting in it. She grabed her wand, and layed it on her lap...indicating for him to shush his little teasing on Ravenclaws and get eating.
... I like it like that, windows down, chillin' with the radio on.
James' Violin Buddy | Josey's Duckie ♥ | | Dandruffie's BFF | O Sparkly One
Originally Posted by fire_faerie
"Truthfully, Livs? Yes!" she replied with a laugh as her sight was finally returned to her, and Livvy sat down. She considered placing a charm around her head to ward off any more sneaky hands, but reconsidered it due to the fact that if anyone else should do it, she's hex whoever it was into next year so it wouldn't take long for her to regain her sight back anyway. "Hello Livvy, how are you this eveni-" she began, then raised her eyebrows as she watched Jenn and Livvy begin babbling about bananas. Amused, she shook her head and turned back to face the table, reaching for the juice when Elizabeth spoke up.
Livvy gasped and pouted in false disappointment and as if she were offended. "Now.... I'm just offended Rachel. You luurrrvveee me don't ya? You wouldn't want my poor ears to be blown off," she said, sticking her nose up in the air. There. Rachel could see now. She better be happy with the light cuz' it can't get any brighter. Livvy picked up a muffin and beat into it. Hmmm yummeh food. She glanced back at Rachel with an innocent look. "Hmm Rafel?" she asked, her mouth filled with food.
Originally Posted by hermionefanforever
Jenn laughed as she poped the little chocolate frog in her mouth that she had been holding in her hand for awhile. Right as it hit her mouth, she jumped up, giggling hysterically and she danced around the table. "Yay! Yay for chocolate and other yummy sweet stuff!"she said, her wand which was in her pocket sparked yellow as she danced around. She patted Livvy on the head, pinched Rian's cheek, and hugged Rachel tightly, so tight Rachel almost fell off! "Oh and Devon wishes you his LOVE Rian!"she yelled, still dancing. "And don't tell me you don't like it! Cause you DOOOOO!"she yelled, laughing and skipping, as she started humming. "Hogwarts Hogwarts, hogy warty Hogwarts! Give me more candy!"she sang, giggling as she sat back down next to Rian.
Oh shoot. Livvy clapped her hand to her mouth when she realized she had spoken and didn't keep her mouth shut. Oh... fudge! EE!!! Yellow sparks were flashing around in Jenn's pocket as she danced around. "Eep. Careful with the wand Jenn. Careful with the wand. I'm delicate," she said with a cheesy grin. Eep. She just got pet on the head. Like a dog. Yay. "I feel like a dog when you do that," Livvy said, monotonously. She raised an eyebrow and looked at Rachel and Rian in false horror. "What have I done to poor Jenn?! I've poisoned her mind and made her gone crazy! This is payback for not praising the banana gods! Oh! The shame! We must bowww!!!" Livvy yelled out and pulled Rachel and Rian off the chairs and onto the ground and faced the plate of bananas on the table. BOOWWWW BOWWW... Bow to da banana gods.
Jenn giggled. "Your not fragile. You be as tough as a banana tree!"she said, swaying side to side. Oh how fun this was. It would be even better with more candy. Sigh...candy. She patted Livvy on the head again. "Aw. But a cute one."she said, grinning crookedly at her. "Wether it be old or young, or blood pops too!"she sang, grinning. "Yes, booooow you ungratful people. The poor bananas."she said, sighing.
... I like it like that, windows down, chillin' with the radio on.
Maura's eyebrows shot straight up. "Really? No way!" she exclaimed. "I've have to ask my mum but I'd love to come!! Thank you so much!!" she gushed, throwing her arms around her best friend.
"Yay!" Laylee said hugging her frind back. "Yeah, my dad is pretty excited to officially meet you!"
The Tales of Lily, Severus, and the Marauders - Sa13+ = My Fan Fiction! GO READ IT! {Laylee&Chandan} Will they ever be together? {Laylee&Maura}=Best Friends <3 {*GWFC*=My fav!!}{Harry Potter=Obsession!}{TWILIGHT!!!!=Best EVER}{SS=Happiness!} {Cambell Anne Robinson}{Minister of Magic Office}
Chase nodded even though it hurt real bad. "Yeah.. um.. sure. I think that's what we need to do." he said bowing his head from her. He knew that this had to be done but he didn't really want to do it. He nodded and lifted his head slightly giving her a small smile.
She could see it hurt him,if only he knew how much it hurt her too. "I really don't want to do this but....See for yourself." With that she unfolded the letter and showed it to him.
SPOILER!!: The Letter :/
Miss Ashford,
I thought it best that I inform you now rather than later,especially with everything that happened with your father. I'm sorry to say that your mother has fallen horribly ill. I had gone over to have a little chat with her and found the door left open. Feeling something was wrong I walked inside to find the television on but no one watching it.... *sigh* I found your mother on the floor in the kitchen. No one knows just what is wrong with her yet,but she's been submitted to St.Mungo's right after I found her.
I know this is going to sound horrible but I think it'd be best if you left Hogwarts for a while,once you come home,and take care of your mother. While I will be here to help,I cannot be with her all the time like you can. I'm sorry to have been the one to tell you and in this form. I will see you soon,sadly under these matters. I'm so very sorry.
Your friendly neighbor:
Miss Michelle Thomas
"I love you Chase but...." This was the only reasonable thing she could see happening that would work for the two of them "You have to understand." The last thing she wanted to do was make a scene so she was trying extremely hard not to start crying again. "At least this way you can....go off and I wont be holding you back? Fine someone around your age who's better for you?" Whit looked down at her hands and saw the promise ring he gave her. She let out a very long sigh,slipped off the ring,and put it in his hand. All she wanted to do now was walk away and not have to face him again,but she couldn't do that. Instead she put her legs up on the bench and pulled them into her,wrapping her arms around them and laying her head on them,facing away from him. 'And now.....'
the class clown, a jokester, you like to make people smile,
you're uplifting, easy-going, and can get a laugh out of anyone, you are...
Jenn chuckled. "Ok ok. I just didn't know if you could hear me over all that honking."she said, shaking her head. Wow..some people where so sensitive. Wait! What? Daisey?! DAISEY! "Excuse me? My name is defiently not Daisey. It's not even Lilly or Lilac or even that darn stupid thorny plant called a rose! It's Jenn! Jennumara!"she yelled. Some people have no respect for the yonger ones. Sheesh.
Jenn laughed as she poped the little chocolate frog in her mouth that she had been holding in her hand for awhile. Right as it hit her mouth, she jumped up, giggling hysterically and she danced around the table. "Yay! Yay for chocolate and other yummy sweet stuff!"she said, her wand which was in her pocket sparked yellow as she danced around. She patted Livvy on the head, pinched Rian's cheek, and hugged Rachel tightly, so tight Rachel almost fell off! "Oh and Devon wishes you his LOVE Rian!"she yelled, still dancing. "And don't tell me you don't like it! Cause you DOOOOO!"she yelled, laughing and skipping, as she started humming. "Hogwarts Hogwarts, hogy warty Hogwarts! Give me more candy!"she sang, giggling as she sat back down next to Rian.
Jenn glared at Sneeze. "Slytherin's with brains? Excuse me?!"she spat out. That hit hard on Jenn. She really didn't like Slytherin, manly because she was punished at home for not getting in it. She grabed her wand, and layed it on her lap...indicating for him to shush his little teasing on Ravenclaws and get eating.
Rian's jaw fell open with an audible pop! Why did Jenn keep bringing up Devon?! And in front of Sneeze, too! As if just to annoy her, her face colored again, and she could feel the heat in her cheeks. She swatted Jenn's hand away, annoyed, when the girl pinched her cheeks.
"Tell Devon I say hi." she muttered shortly, starting to pile food onto her plate without paying attention to what food it was. His love? Devon set his LOVE?!
...Boys were confusing, and boys with little sisters that were your best friend were even more confusing.
Rian sighed, and looked up at Jenn. Her hand twitched toward her wand, and she was thinking of spells to get back at Jenn for blabbering about stuff that didn't matter. Perhaps Silencio...maybe stupefy...
"Nice and brave and mean and smart. Man, those fit well together..." Sneeze smiled. Hey, who is this Devon? He kept quiet but noticed when Jenn heard his Slytherin/Ravenclaw comment. He noticed her wand on her lap, and grabbed his that was already on his lap. "Yeah, you heard me right, Jenn." He said this fast and looked back at Rian. Sneeze smiled. This was fun, being with a house of nerds.
Rian's jaw fell open with an audible pop! Why did Jenn keep bringing up Devon?! And in front of Sneeze, too! As if just to annoy her, her face colored again, and she could feel the heat in her cheeks. She swatted Jenn's hand away, annoyed, when the girl pinched her cheeks.
"Tell Devon I say hi." she muttered shortly, starting to pile food onto her plate without paying attention to what food it was. His love? Devon set his LOVE?!
...Boys were confusing, and boys with little sisters that were your best friend were even more confusing.
Rian sighed, and looked up at Jenn. Her hand twitched toward her wand, and she was thinking of spells to get back at Jenn for blabbering about stuff that didn't matter. Perhaps Silencio...maybe stupefy...
"OOOOH I shall!"she said, giggling. Oh this was great fun indeed. "He will REALLY like it. Infact...he'll LLLOOOOVVVEE it."she grinned. Hehe. Jenn could be so mean at times......which went back to Sneezes remark. Sigh. It appeared, that mister jokester was right. Darn it.
Jenn eyed Rian's hand as it twitched towards it's wand. Jenn clutched her's tighter. Little red sparks flew as it was held tightly.
Originally Posted by sneezinglupin
"Nice and brave and mean and smart. Man, those fit well together..." Sneeze smiled. Hey, who is this Devon? He kept quiet but noticed when Jenn heard his Slytherin/Ravenclaw comment. He noticed her wand on her lap, and grabbed his that was already on his lap. "Yeah, you heard me right, Jenn." He said this fast and looked back at Rian. Sneeze smiled. This was fun, being with a house of nerds.
"Well....just be nice ok. I really don't have a great fondness for Slytherin."she sighed, still clutching her wand tight. "Great thanks. Nerds now. Nerdy, and mean. What is the world coming to?"she asked, shaking her head.
... I like it like that, windows down, chillin' with the radio on.
"Nice and brave and mean and smart. Man, those fit well together..." Sneeze smiled. Hey, who is this Devon? He kept quiet but noticed when Jenn heard his Slytherin/Ravenclaw comment. He noticed her wand on her lap, and grabbed his that was already on his lap. "Yeah, you heard me right, Jenn." He said this fast and looked back at Rian. Sneeze smiled. This was fun, being with a house of nerds.
"They kinda balance the other one out, don't they?" Rian asked with a grin. She grinned at the conversation that was started between Sneeze and Rian. I forgot Jenn had a problem with Slytherin... she bit her lip, but let the subject go. She didn't need to get involved in that...
Originally Posted by hermionefanforever
"OOOOH I shall!"she said, giggling. Oh this was great fun indeed. "He will REALLY like it. Infact...he'll LLLOOOOVVVEE it."she grinned. Hehe. Jenn could be so mean at times......which went back to Sneezes remark. Sigh. It appeared, that mister jokester was right. Darn it.
Jenn eyed Rian's hand as it twitched towards it's wand. Jenn clutched her's tighter. Little red sparks flew as it was held tightly.
"That's nice," Rian murmured, trying to act indifferent. Jenn was just exaggerating, right? There's no way that Devon would really LLLOOOOVVVEE that Rian sent her greetings. Right? Right....right. "Sneeze is right," she muttered, talking about the Slytherin/Ravenclaw remark.
She burst out laughing when Jenn's wand sparked. "You alright there?" she asked, raising an eyebrow sarcastically.
Livvy laughed and gave Cale a weird look. "Okay then. Hello Robin. Glad you're okay," she said, cocking her head slightly. Was it normal to talk to a plant? Eh... whatever. Who cares? Now.. was it normal to talk to a plant as if it were a dog? Now THAT'S the question. She'll have to ask later.
"Ooh. Thank you," Livvy said, and took a roll. Hopefully it hadn't been tampered. She saw what the pastie had done to Tino during the whole Quidditch Cup Celebration party. And the chocolate frog to Cale. Eep.
She snickered when Cale called Jenn by the wrong name. "Impeccable memory you have, Cale," Livvy said, shaking her head as she stared at the roll. As if she was afraid it'd explode any moment.
"Impeccable what?" he said turning to look at Livvy who was busy staring at the roll he had given her as if it was an engagement ring. "Are you going to eat that? Or marry it?" he motioned to the roll with his fork.
Meanwhile, Robin, was happy, very happy to have someone talking to it. "Honky- honk honkkkkkk." it replied bobbing its flowered head at Livvy as it 'talked.'
Originally Posted by PharaohMan18
"Oh... yeah, I forgot about the weeds..." Sho said, looking up to see Tobi. "Hey Tobi. How're you?"
He started to scratch behind Sherlock's ears now that the pup had calmed down. The crup was currently scanning the room for any of the pets he had made friends with. He couldn't really see anything over all the kids so he just sat quietly next to Sho.
"You," Cale said plopping a large buttered roll onto Sho's plate quite close to Sherlock's nose. "Need to cheer up mate. I thought you were ecstatic that the year was over and you could - and I quote - 'get on with your life'. " He picked up Sho's goblet, looked into it with one eye, turned it upside down shook it a few times then put it back on the table before filling it. "Here, eat, drink, and be merry gosh darn it. This is a feast! Feasts are supposed to be happy."
Originally Posted by Seeker_Seven
"I'm looking for 'Lizbeth's prefect badge so I can be Prefect for an Hour," Tino finally answered pleasantly from beneath the table, as if this were the most natural thing in the world. "She lost it. I never tried one on before. I want to know how it feels. . . you know, to be imbued with power."
Tino started expanding his search, accidentally crawling over shoes and bumping knees. "Whoops--sorry Willow, and um, girl I don't know. Pardon me. 'Scuse me. I think I see something! It's shiny! What is it--" The boy's voice became more muffled in his excitement.
Suddenly, a shaggy head emerged between Willow and Rachel. "Ah-HA! Look at this! It's a. . . " He proffered the object upwards towards the light. "An old Remembrall." Hmmmm. Not exactly power-imbuing, but interesting enough.
As if on cue, Tino popped up out of no where. "See Sho! Tino's happy. Follow Tino's lead," he paused realizing from the dust on Tino's nose and sleeves he had been crawling around under the table. "Erm - just don't crawl around under the table - it leads to - you know - trouble...kicking...hitting your head on the top of the table..."
Originally Posted by druidflower
"Nope," he said, with a forced laugh. "still alive, exams nearly killed me, but I'm still here."
He approached the empty seat near Cale and Sho with caution. "So uh, what did I miss? Aside from the Pie?"
Cale passed on yet another roll to Tobi as he sat down. "You missed Sherlock almost becoming one with my boot sole is what you missed." He gave the cruppy a dirty look and even Robin mirrored it.
"Where's the girly friend?" Cale glanced around the hall. "Did she get eaten by a hippogriff?" Wouldn't surprise him. Aggie had a knack for doing crazy stupid things like attacking a group of 5+ Ravenclaws with snowballs when she was the only one on her side of the courtyard.
Originally Posted by fire_faerie
"Sure Cale," she replied, calming her down her giggles. Reaching for the pie, she grabbed it with both hands to stop it from wobbling and handed it over to the plant Prefect, careful not to drop it on the honking daffodil. "Thanks," she held up her glass as she saw that he had filled it and took a big gulp, feeling the sweet juice go down her throat and immediately felt more cheerful than ever. Maybe it's the juice? she thought as she held the cup away from her and examined it. She remained like that for several moments before shrugging and taking another sip. Ahhh what the heck - I won't stop drinking just because it might be making me hyper!
Cale's attention was like a man playing ping pong. If he had been playing, he'd have been a champion master player with the rate he was going! He felt hyper even though he hadn't eaten sugar in a good week. "I didn't spike it," he said to Rachel who was looking suspiciously into her cup which he had refilled not too long ago. "I don't know of any joke-spiking-drink-potions," he snapped his fingers as his eyes got bigger. "Sayyyyy that'd be a good idea! I should send a suggestion to Nova Jests!"
Originally Posted by hermionefanforever
Jenn chuckled. "Ok ok. I just didn't know if you could hear me over all that honking."she said, shaking her head. Wow..some people where so sensitive. Wait! What? Daisey?! DAISEY! "Excuse me? My name is defiently not Daisey. It's not even Lilly or Lilac or even that darn stupid thorny plant called a rose! It's Jenn! Jennumara!"she yelled. Some people have no respect for the yonger ones. Sheesh.
And then Daisy was yelling again. "Huh?" He called back to her childishly. "I thought I had just told you no yelling! This is a feast not a festival!" He waved his hands around a bit as if he were a muggle magician trying to get a rabbit out of a silk hat. "Right - right you're name's Geranium."
Yep yep - Cale never had been known for remembering the names of the ladies...
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Originally Posted by hermionefanforever
Jenn laughed as she poped the little chocolate frog in her mouth that she had been holding in her hand for awhile. Right as it hit her mouth, she jumped up, giggling hysterically and she danced around the table. "Yay! Yay for chocolate and other yummy sweet stuff!"she said, her wand which was in her pocket sparked yellow as she danced around. She patted Livvy on the head, pinched Rian's cheek, and hugged Rachel tightly, so tight Rachel almost fell off! "Oh and Devon wishes you his LOVE Rian!"she yelled, still dancing. "And don't tell me you don't like it! Cause you DOOOOO!"she yelled, laughing and skipping, as she started humming. "Hogwarts Hogwarts, hogy warty Hogwarts! Give me more candy!"she sang, giggling as she sat back down next to Rian.
Nodding to Rian, she turned and jumped in alarm as Jenn practically shot off the table, completely losing it. Bursting out in laughter, she put both her hands above her head to ward off the yellow sparks that were showering down on them from Jenn's wand. She grinned and winked at Rian as Jenn pinched her cheek and was just about to turn back to Jenn when she suddenly felt the breath being knocked out of her. "Ouf!" she let out, eyes widening as she realised that Jenn was now hugging her - extremely tightly - which was causing two things: 1. Her inability to breathe and 2. Her difficulty with staying on the bench as Jenn was practically pushing her off.
"ARGH!" she yelled as she fell backwards and quickly stuck out a hand behind her head to stop her fall, feeling the jarring impact in her shoulder. Remaining there for a few moments to catch her breath, she blinked as she looked up at the table, realising she was now an effective table herself with her stomach flat enough to put plates on. Fantastic... she thought dryly.
Originally Posted by prongs1295
Livvy gasped and pouted in false disappointment and as if she were offended. "Now.... I'm just offended Rachel. You luurrrvveee me don't ya? You wouldn't want my poor ears to be blown off," she said, sticking her nose up in the air. There. Rachel could see now. She better be happy with the light cuz' it can't get any brighter. Livvy picked up a muffin and beat into it. Hmmm yummeh food. She glanced back at Rachel with an innocent look. "Hmm Rafel?" she asked, her mouth filled with food.
Oh shoot. Livvy clapped her hand to her mouth when she realized she had spoken and didn't keep her mouth shut. Oh... fudge! EE!!! Yellow sparks were flashing around in Jenn's pocket as she danced around. "Eep. Careful with the wand Jenn. Careful with the wand. I'm delicate," she said with a cheesy grin. Eep. She just got pet on the head. Like a dog. Yay. "I feel like a dog when you do that," Livvy said, monotonously. She raised an eyebrow and looked at Rachel and Rian in false horror. "What have I done to poor Jenn?! I've poisoned her mind and made her gone crazy! This is payback for not praising the banana gods! Oh! The shame! We must bowww!!!" Livvy yelled out and pulled Rachel and Rian off the chairs and onto the ground and faced the plate of bananas on the table. BOOWWWW BOWWW... Bow to da banana gods.
Swiveling her head to Livvy as she spoke, she had a hard time hearing what she was saying since the distance between them had enlarged itself and Jenn was still babbling in the background. Raising her eyebrows in concern as Livvy gave her and Rian a mock shocked look, she heard warning bells go off in her head but wasn't quick enough to pull herself upright again when she felt her arm being knocked out from underneath her by Livvy and she found herself flat on the ground, her feet still in the air. "Er... Livvy?!" she asked, qickly scrambling to get herself back into a relatively dignified position.
Originally Posted by Hawken Terrell
Cale's attention was like a man playing ping pong. If he had been playing, he'd have been a champion master player with the rate he was going! He felt hyper even though he hadn't eaten sugar in a good week. "I didn't spike it," he said to Rachel who was looking suspiciously into her cup which he had refilled not too long ago. "I don't know of any joke-spiking-drink-potions," he snapped his fingers as his eyes got bigger. "Sayyyyy that'd be a good idea! I should send a suggestion to Nova Jests!"
Looking up from the floor, she saw that Cale had begun talking again. She quickly shifted into an upright kneeling position, placing both her elbows on the bench and strained her neck, eyes and ears to make out what he was saying. "I should hope you didn't," she giggled, remembering the pasties at the Celebration party after they won the House Cup. "Erm, sure, you go do that but first do you mind giving me a hand here? My knees are sore," she said looking down to her knees and feeling them grind mercilessly on the cold stone floor, crushing under the weight of her body.
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
James' Violin Buddy | Josey's Duckie ♥ | | Dandruffie's BFF | O Sparkly One
Originally Posted by hermionefanforever
Jenn giggled. "Your not fragile. You be as tough as a banana tree!"she said, swaying side to side. Oh how fun this was. It would be even better with more candy. Sigh...candy. She patted Livvy on the head again. "Aw. But a cute one."she said, grinning crookedly at her. "Wether it be old or young, or blood pops too!"she sang, grinning. "Yes, booooow you ungratful people. The poor bananas."she said, sighing.
Livvy snickered and put her hands on her hips. "You bet I'm tough. I'm like a brick wall.... with banana stickers ALL over it!" she said with a big fat HMPH and satisfactory smile. Oh Geezzzz bananas were taking over. SAVE US!!! "Pfft. But of course! I'm naturally cute!" Livvy said, jokingly. Yeah... yeah.. um.. yeah. She bowed and bowed... and bowed... and bowed... and then she looked up looking around confused. "Why am I on this dusty floor?" Livvy asked, brushing herself up and sat on the table. Her mind had completely drifted away from what she had been doing. FREAK OUT.
Originally Posted by Hawken Terrell
"Impeccable what?" he said turning to look at Livvy who was busy staring at the roll he had given her as if it was an engagement ring. "Are you going to eat that? Or marry it?" he motioned to the roll with his fork.
Meanwhile, Robin, was happy, very happy to have someone talking to it. "Honky- honk honkkkkkk." it replied bobbing its flowered head at Livvy as it 'talked.'[/color]
Livvy snickered and rolled her eyes. "Nevermind. You've proven my point," she said, shaking her head. She looked at the roll and decided. Eh.. what the heck? Just when Livvy was about to eat it, Cale began talking again so her mouth was left wide open with a roll halfway into her mouth. She pulled the roll away from her mouth-in case she forgot it was there and choked on it-and stuck her tongue out at him. "I was ABOUT to eat it when you interrupted me. Why? Do you want it?"
She smiled at Robin and put her hand up in the air, hovering awkwardly over Robin. "Uh... can you pet a plant?" Livvy asked Cale. Sure you could! Anything living is pet-able! Ain't it?
Originally Posted by fire_faerie
Swiveling her head to Livvy as she spoke, she had a hard time hearing what she was saying since the distance between them had enlarged itself and Jenn was still babbling in the background. Raising her eyebrows in concern as Livvy gave her and Rian a mock shocked look, she heard warning bells go off in her head but wasn't quick enough to pull herself upright again when she felt her arm being knocked out from underneath her by Livvy and she found herself flat on the ground, her feet still in the air. "Er... Livvy?!" she asked, qickly scrambling to get herself back into a relatively dignified position.
Livvy pretended to look absolutely shocked that Rachel was now lying on the ground. "Oh geesh, Rachel! On the dusty floor you lay! Come on up!" she said, and began to help Rachel up and onto the benches. Hm... hungry... need... food... Livvy looked around at the plates of food and grabbed a piece of chicken. Thank Merlin she wasn't a vegetarian! "Chicken?" she asked, Rachel, holding up the piece.