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First things first. Rapunzel. Yes, the blond one mattered a lot.
Kaika took out a piece of parchment and her precious peacock quill, before writing a quick letter.
I've just found out! What is that nonsense about not coming to Hogwarts this year? Where are you going? Why did you leave in the first place? Will you be coming back? When will we see you again? Or when will I see you again? What are you doing? How are you doing?
I certainly hope that you get this letter, because I'm very concerned about you...and slightly upset that I had to find out about this second-handed.
The new term has started, and...be prepare for the news: Dominic (yes, that Dominic, Mr. Denton, our Seeker) is now Prefect! Oh, I can only imagine you reaction if you were here. Kayla is also a Prefect. And we have new Professors! And Professor Bontescou is the new Headmaster!
Oh, there's so much to talk about...please write soon...
And answer all the questions above...or I'll tell Snowy to bite you if you don't *evil*..
Hugs and kisses,
Captain Kaika Lockhart.
PS. Oh! Right! I forgot to mention. Not.
I'm the new Captain. *grins*
And then Kaika handed over the letter to Snowy, "Make sure 'Rapunzel A. Black' gets the letter, she's a blond girl, very nice...and, umm, beware her owl" she said, before adding one more thing, "Stay in there until she starts writing...and return with the letter if you didn't find her" her owl was smart enough to do what she was told to.
She watched as the owl left, before turning back to the other tower.
Shel's owner<3 / SSRPG wanderer // Nat luffs you ^^/ Half Slyther half dor =))
Via went up the owlery and looked for her owl. She was glad she bought her own one when she and Ixy dropped by the emporium. Freeze, her owl, flew towards her. She petted the owl and whispered, "I want you to bring this letter to my sister," she said. "Nat, you've seen her. She's like me... she looks like me."
Dear Nat,
I hope you're doing great.
Me and Spence had arrived safely here at Hogwarts. We actually have a new headmaster and new professors as well. I'll be missing the old ones, probably. I bet you already knew them, i just don't want to write their name's in here so as to save space or i am just being lazy again.
At the feast, a girl, probably pretending to be a cannibal, had frightened me and my new friend Ori. It was a scary and funny scene though. I've met new friends, and i'm hoping to meet more again as some of my old friends didn't came back which is really sad.
i know we have just spent a little time together, but, in as much as i want to stay i have to attend school. I was happy i've found out before it was too late that i have a sister like you. And would you just mind to owl mum and dad, that i'm alright in here? (my muggle parents not our real parents)
Until here. i'll write again soon.
your sister
Via bit her fingers when she thought about asking a favour to Nat about owling her muggle parents that she's safe and sound. "She'll understand," she just told herself.
She tied the piece of parchment on freeze's foot and set her to fly. She watched as the owl soar into the sky and was gone... gone.. gone..
Damian entered the Owlery. He closed his scratchbook. *seventh floor is finished* He drew the astronomy tower and Divination classesrooms in his book and of course the Owlery.
He whistled once and Anubis his owl came. "Hey my friend. I have a letter for you," said he and gave his owl a pellet.
He sat down and wrote everything what happened unitl now. After few minutes he finished.
"Here is the letter. Bring it to my dad ok."
He watched after his Owl totally in thoughts while the sun is rising.
Then he walked to the great Hall, when he found it.
And she was running again, but this time it was different...she'd gotten a reply from Rapunzel, which was amazingly joyous for Kaika.
Taking out her peacock quill one more time, she started to write a response for Punzie's letter.
My dearest and Quidditch player Punz!
WHAT?! Are you freaking kidding me?! That's....that's just AWESOME! Oh, my snidget! Congratulations! Congratulations! I cannot believe it....well, I can believe it, for you were always such a great player, but...oh, you know what I mean...
Best of luck to the Chudley Cannons, then...though, they probably won't be needing it, for they got two of the most valuable players they could ever get. Just watch it! The Wasps will win against the Cannons. *imagine me sticking my tongue out*.
Oh, don't worry about it....better late than never...right? But I'm soooooo happy for you! I will miss you, though, but it's not like we won't be seeing each other again. I'm going to tell my father to pull some strings here and there to let me watch you guys practice.
I don't know what she was thinking! However, let me tell you I've been watching a bit of Dominic's action this couple of days...and I do think he's well-suited for Prefect. Yes, I know, incredible. But he seems to be good at Prefecting or whatever it is he does. And you're totally right, he was the Potions Professor, but he'll do his job fine...me thinks.
AAAAAAHHH! Yes! Sorry about that...I'll tell her to be extra nice this time. *snickers*
We'll be in touch...I know that...and you already know I wish you the best, and well, you could be my favorite Quidditch player if you weren't in the Cannons, but you're my second favorite *grins*
Hugs and kisses (again), Kaika
PS. Hopefully we won't need the Cannons in our Pitch, you know PS 2. Please say 'Hi' and 'Congratulations' to Ryan too PS 3. Eek! I'm soooooo sorry I can't tell you that...Yes, Kovac
is the new Ravenclaw Captain...soooooorry PS 4. Yay! Hogsmeade. And don't worry, we'll try make you proud. PS 5. Sorry to hear about what happened to Archimedes.
Snowy will be nice this time
Snowy was more than willing to take the letter this time, maybe the owl resembled the rebellious side of her master, "Hey, be a good owl this time...Rapunzel is a very nice girl" more than nice, actually, "and DO NOT mess with her owl...I'm not kidding" she said, holding up her index finger.
"Fly safe!" she exclaimed, after seeing her owl vanishing through the cloudy sky.
Chalice called Tourmaline and sent her off with the letter she had written Megan down at the lake. "Be safe and come home soon. NO pecking Megan." Chalice said, kissed her bird on hte head and sent her off.
Sarah walked up to the owlery and gazed around before spotting her owl, Troy. She attached a letter to his leg and instructed him to take it to her house in London.
Sarah walked up to the owlery and gazed around before spotting her owl, Troy. She attached a letter to his leg and instructed him to take it to her house in London.
Dear Mum and Dad, thanks for the broom. It's EXCELLENT! Playing seeker for Gryffindor! Hogwarts is amazing, have made loads of friends and the food is to die for!
Rian smiled as she walked into the owlery. She called down a school owl, feeling weird. It was weird not to be using her own owl, but she was at home. Rian frowned and reread her letter.
Aunt Jessi,
What's up? How's life at home? I hope everything's doing well, and that everything stays that way.
Well, I'm at Hogwarts again, hence the school's owl. It's great to be back, though I do miss you and Lily terribly. (don't tell mum and dad I didn't mention they're names...because, honestly, it's good to get away from them for a while.)
I've already met a few new people, all of which I'm hoping to become good friends with. Jenn's still the same as ever; hyper, happy, and cheerful. Everyone else is good too. Oh, did I tell you? Rachel's a prefect! I'm so proud!
Classes haven't started yet, but Ravenclaw's already behind on points. I don't know how that happens, but I'm sure we can get back into first place.
Um...That's about it. I hope all's well with you and everyone at home. Give my love to mum and dad, and make sure you tell Lily 'Ina says she loves you the most'.
Love you, Jessi
♥ Siren
Rian smiled and tied the letter to the barn owl, then told it ''Jessica Miller." She watched it fly off through the window, and she left the owlery.
Ana walked into the owlery extremely happy, it's the first time that she is going to see her owl since she left the train. "Hedwig!" she called. And a beautiful snowy owl appeared in a gracious fly. "Hello Hedwig! How are you?" she said smiling and gave the owl some food. Ana took off her letter to her family, being muggleborn, she was anxious to tell everything about Hogwarts. She tied the letter to Hedwig and kissed her on the head. "Take it too my family... and come back safe and soon" she watched her owl flying through the sky and when she couldn't see her anymore she left.
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
Alessia made her way to the the Owlry and selected a pretty silvergray owl for her mailing purposes. She gave the package to the animal and waited for it to fly off. Once gone, she made her way back down the two flights of stairs.
I'm.defying.gravity | true north strong and free | thumpity-thump-thump
Kaitlynn walked into the owlry and called her snowy owl down. She needed to send a letter to one of the prefects.
Clifford Carden
My name is Kaitlynn Hayman, and I am on the Quill staff here at Hogwarts. I was wondering if you would be interested in doing an interview for the student spotlight. If you are can you please meet me in the student gardens later?
Kaitlynn Hayman
She folded up her letter and tied to to SnowFlakes leg and sent her off with the letter to find Clifford. After her owl was gone she made her way down the many stairs back to the school.
Jake stepped into the Owlery and searched for a school owl that he could use. He growled, not liking this idea one bit, but knowing he had to do it.
Originally Posted by Letter
I felt I should inform you that I did, indeed, arrive at Hogwarts. I stayed with a friend this summer, but will be moving on from there when I return. I may or may not return to live with you, or your parents.
Just a note to tell you I got here safely, really. But I also wanted you to try and get in contact with my father. I have taken his surname and it is my wish to stay with him in the future.
Bleh... that was all it needed. Jake tied the letter to the school owl's leg and waited for it to go. "Cheers," he muttered, and it was off, and Jake moved on, down the stairs.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Thinking this might be a good place to do a drawing from another angle for Astronomy, Liz sets up her telescope.
Taking her drawing pad and pencil from her bag, Liz starts drawing the sky.
Snowy, her owl, flies down and lands on her shoulder. "Hi, snowy!" Liz says nuzzling her side with her nose gently.
"Sorry nothing for you to take tonight." Liz says placing her on her perch, when she had completed the drawing. Picking up her telescope, pad and pencil, she leaves the owlery.
Amelia wandered into the Owlery, thinking. For once, she wasn't humming. She looked around the door and peeked inside. Thank goodness theres no one here. She wasa a little shaky after Kirra's letter. She found her owl, Artemis, and walked over to it. "Hello, dear," she murmured. She looked at the letter to Kirra again.
Great-Aunt Kirra-
I'm great! I love it here at Hogwarts, but I miss you and Jaquline very much. The Ravnclaw dorm and common room is so nice, better then the flat in London. Not as nice as your cottage, though...nothing is as nice as that.
The food as amazing, but not as diverse as you make. For instance, no tacos. For as long as i've been here, I haven't been able to have my favorite food! Ah well, I'm making do with the other delicious foods.
Amanda is great as always. I swear she never gets sick, or tired, or anything!
As for what you wrote at the end of your last letter - well i know you may be mad at this but...No matter how hard try, I can't make new friends! I think about talking to someone, but i can't! I'm not an outgoing person. Thats Amanda. I know you love her too...but please. Don't make me start being all exactly like her. I'm me, not my best friend, no matterr how else it seems.
Love you too
♥ Amelia
It wasn't often Amelia argued with, well, anyone, and she argued with her great-aunt even less. But what she had written at the bottem of her last letter had hurt Amelia. Telling her to make friends and to be more outgoing was asking her to completly outstep her self-made boundaries. She also doubted that anyone could understand her like Amanda did.
Tying the letter to Artemis's leg, Amelia relesed the owl and watched it fly off into the huge sky.
Amanda wandered absentmindedly into the Owlery, rereading the letter to her mother and sister once more...
Dear Mum and Jenn--
Hello! It was so nice to get a letter from you! I felt like I was one of the only people in school who hadn't gotten any mail!
Jenn- Hogwarts is amazing!! I cannot wait for you to come! Amelia and I have been having soo much fun here!
Mum- I haven't met all my teachers yet, but I will soon. I'm getting my homework done on time, thanks to Amelia. And no, we haven't gotten into trouble...yet! I'm kidding! You know we'll be good, haha.
Well, I've got to run. I got a book out of the library for Transfiguration (the one you forgot to pick up, Mum! By the way, could you send me a copy? I only have the library copy out for two weeks! Thanks!) and I wanted to get reading it so I know what we'll be studying in class!
Love you guys, I'll write again soon!
Tell Max and Lauren I said hello the next time you see them, please! And ask them if they'd write me too- I'd love to hear from them!
Love from, Amanda
She looked up, and selected a school owl and tied her letter to its leg. It gave a quiet hoot and flew off into the dark night...
[two lost souls, in a fishbowl]
Last edited by ginnyxweasley; 02-03-2009 at 03:07 AM.
Good. No Snowy around. If her owl was around she'll have to explain why she hasn't being here in such a long time. But with tryouts, homeworks, classes and OWLs, she barely had time to loosen up, she'll have to find that eventually, probably after tryouts.
And there was this nice spot at the entrance. Sure. The Owlery wasn't probably the best place to draw a sketch, but that little spot at the entrance of it was simply priceless. It also reflected the connection between the school and home, and she'd always noticed how hopeful the sky looked on top of her.
Deciding on which angle to set her telescope in, she looked around and took out her parchment and her peacock quill. Finally after focusing on one little stop, she proceeded to sketch.
And she was done in no time. Which was a blessing, but also a curse, for she didn't know where to go next.
But she left the Owlery in search for a new perfect spot.
Potter Nurse || Hockey obsession <3 | Go Wings! || Geaux Tigers!
As she climbed up into the tower where the many owls were housed, Madame Kohan folded up the letter that she held. It was a message of thanks, and though she could have simply called the student to come to the library or waited until she saw him again, she thought it better to do it this way just in case he did not visit for a while.
Calling down a small brown owl, she attached the note to its leg, fed it two owl treats and murmured the recipient's name. She watched it fly off for a moment, staring out the window. It was a beautiful day...perhaps a walk about the grounds was in order.
She made the decision to do just that, and without hesitation, she turned and strolled out of the owlery.
Dad, Mom Mum, Penny, Nora, Annabelle,
Hope things are ok with you...
Although they never are, Jesse thought to himself as he wrote.
...Things are ok with me. Hogwarts is great. Hopefully dad won't shoot the owl that brings this letter. His name's Yugi Mutou. Don't laugh at the name. I'd been watching Yu Gi Oh earlier on and I guess he just suited it. Give him to Annabelle for her to look after until you write a reply. She'll take care of him. Oh, and dad, don't roast him on the fire. Hope the farms ok. Miss you,
Love Jess and Yugi X
Jesse grinned slightly at the owl that was perched on his shoulder. It was an oddly coloured owl, with blonde feather covering most of its body and the occasional black and purple feather randomly placed. He held out his arm and Yugi hopped off his shoulder onto it, looking expectantly up at him. Jess tied his letter to Yugi's foot and then walked over to the window. Yugi ruffled his feathers and then flapped his wings and took off into the air. "Take care Yugi," he said quietly. Jess watched him for a second, before turning and walking out of the owlery.
Jenn sighed as she tried to think of the words she should put on the blank piece of parchment in front of her. Sighing again, she dipped her quill in the ink and began to write....
Dear Devon, Hilion, and Frin,
How are things over there? Probably quite crazy and such because of Helia'a wedding. I'm so glad I'm at school and not over there right now.
she smiled wide at that,
Hows Chaos, and Lakia doing? I hope you guys are feeding them the right amount. If not, your so going to get it when I get back home. Anyway though, I hope you guys have fun, get in lots of trouble, and send my worse to the sisters. Oh and tell mum that if she has back problems all of a sudden because of the baby, to have her go to Saint Mungos, ok?
I love you guys to much to tell,
Jenn, your master mind in crime.
She smiled, then called down her super white snowy owl, Ocean, down from the rafters. Ocean's big blue eyes looked up at her, and Jenn poped a treat in her beak. Ocean hooted thankfully while Jenn tied the letter to Ocean's leg. "Devon Blood. Or one of the boys at home."she commanded, grinning. Then she watched as Ocean spread her wings wide and took off into the sky. "If only I could be that free."she thought aloud, then turned quickly and walked out the owlery.
... I like it like that, windows down, chillin' with the radio on.
The REAL Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!" This monkey is bananas.
Climbing the stairs to the Owlery was tiresome to William but he had two letters to send and only one owl. Good thing he had gotten the most powerful one there was he mused stopping at the stairs and giving a low whistle. A medium sized black owl soared gracefully down to him it's black eyes piercing. "Hey Zion, how are you?" He asked, stroking it's feathers softly as he took out the one letter.
"Dear mom,
Why didn't you tell me there were so any twists and turns here?!? I've gotten lost so many times and quite frankly I'm anxious. I'm being rude aren't I? Sorry, how are you? How is little Joshua? He must be getting so big! Say hi to Emily for me, I miss her even if I don't say it often.
The reason I'm writing so late into the term is because they pile the homework here! But the professors are amazing, they really know their stuff. I guess this is why Hogwarts is the best school right? I miss home my bed, my hamster you are feeding them right? Guess what?! I get to care for a Crup all by myself! It's part of a long-term assignment here, it's amazing! Her name is Graziella and she's simply amazing.
I should probably sign off now and write to Ari.
Love you!
With this letter rolled up tightly he attached it to the left leg of Zion and smiled, giving him an owl treat. "Give this to mom." he whispered in his ear before taking out another letter, this one addressed to his cousin.
Wow, this school is the best!Thanks for telling me all those secret things, you know, the secret passages no one else knows about? You must have really went searching! Savannah say hi and to tell you to be careful, not that you aren't. I'm worried about you Cuz, dealing with dangerous dragons all day? You need a break. I don't want you getting hurt, what would Joshua do without his big sister?
Everyone here is really nice but I'm not making as much friends as I would like. Is there a curse on First Years or something?
Anyway, I gotta get going, class is starting soon!
With this one tied up with a small baggie of chocolate frogs he attached it to Zion's other leg tossing up another owl treat. "This is going to Romania, so send mom's first okay? And be careful." He stated, giving his owl another pat on the head before walking over to the window and releasing him. Watching as he flew off into the night, William turned and walked out of the Olwery.
Forget the future signature; HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAH ARI!!!
♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty
"There's a good boy." Evolette cooed, pressing two fingers behind her owl's ear, as he rubbed his head against her hand, "I need you to take this to Nico for me."
SPOILER!!: .....
Dear Nico,
First off, congratulations on your marks, but it's not as if there was any doubt in my mind that you would do well. You're too smart for your own good you know. I've been spending a lot of time, more than ever, on school work this term, it started as a distraction from the mess with Terry, but, now it's almost a second nature. I'm afraid to say that I may have turned into a nerd. Yes, I may be just as beautiful as ever, but I'm quite a bit smarter now.
I miss you terribly. I won't try to hide it. Apart from Hugo, you are my best friend, probably even more than him, but in a different way. Does that make sense? I suppose I have a tendancy to ramble on about myself.
Please don't worry about Cela too much, I don't need you distracted. You concentrate on you, and let me watch over your sister for you. She's already come to me with a few questions, nothing too important, just girl talk, but the point is, she trusts me, so there is no need to worry.
Funny you should mention Maddox. You might be interested to hear that he and I have.... shall we say, grown closer recently. Don't get me wrong, I don't have feelings for him, but, he's rather fun to flirt with, which, I'll be honest, is really what I'm looking for right now.
I wish you were here. I sort of feel cheated out of my last year with you. If you could see me right now, I would be pouting, and I know that you can not resist my pout, and let's just hope that I do not encounter another Fwooper anytime soon.
Take care of yourself. I'm serious. Keep writing to me, and I promise that I will keep replying.
Love Always,
Evolette McKenna
Careful to tie the letter tight, but not too tight as to hurt the poor thing, she patted the owls head, before letting him fly off, then she turned away from the window, and headed out.
♥My Very 1st Tag | ~Filofax:Forever~ | ~Evil Slythie~ | Chris' Caretaker♥
Freya entered the owlery and looked around the room. She couldn't use Anchor for this letter, so she needed to find another reliable school owl instead. After a few moments of examining birds, Freya came across a rather grumpy, but tough looking barn owl. She called the bird down, and after a hesitant motion, he finally flew down to Freya's outstreched arm.
She looked at the bird with a kind expression. "Now, I realize you probably do this all the time, but just know that I will only be using you to send one post...alright?" The barn owl tilted it's head to one side and gave a hoot, sounding as though he understood but didn't care.
Freya took out Penelope's letter and tied it carefully to the owl's leg. She told the bird who to give the letter to and brought him over to the nearest window. "Be safe, and thank you." Freya said as she watched the owl take off into the sky and soar out of sight.
Freya sighed a little bit, then turned and headed back to the dungeons.
Amanda walked into the Owlery to find it empty. She looked around for an owl big enough to carry the package for Jenn. She called for one of the school barn owls. He flew down and stood in front of her. She was somewhat upset she couldn't use Myron, as he was off delivering a letter to Max. Amanda sighed, and tied the parcel to the owl's outstretched leg, patted it on the head softly, and watched it fly off into the distance.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Alright, so this was it---her last shot. She'd searched for Seymour in several places throughout the school, asking all her friends if they'd seen the boy or if they could give him a message. Seymour Addams still hadn't shown up. Letter clutched in hand, Anna made her way into the Owlery and called for Charlotte, her owl, to come down. "Hey, girl. Would you like a treat?" she asked, holding the little owl treat out in her hand for Charlotte to take. As soon as the owl had eaten, Anna held up the letter and began to attach it to one of Charlotte's talons. "Seymour Addams, a Slytherin boy, is to receive this. It's quite important that he receive this right away, please," she said.
Dear Seymour,
As you very well know, I have received an assignment which requires me to be your ambassador, both academically and socially. I have made several efforts to locate you throughout the castle, but so far, I've had no luck. I've asked several of your co-Slytherins (as well as a number of students from the other houses) to look for you, as well. I'm not sure what else I can do besides send you a letter via my owl, Charlotte. Along with the letter, Charlotte will also be bringing you a copy of my favorite Defense Against the Dark Arts book. It's called 'Advanced Defensive Spells and Technique,' by Virgil Vigilante. It's helped me understand several spells and techniques, so I thought you may like it, as well. See it as a peace offering, if you will.
Although I haven't had a chance to meet with you personally, I'd like for you to know that I have made an effort, and I have learned several different things which I'd like to share with you. First, I learned that if you'd give me the chance, I'd like to be nice to you and befriend you not because I have to, but because I want to. Secondly, I've had time to consider why we both ended up in this mess in the first place, and I believe I understand your point-of-view now. I apologize for offending you by the way I spoke to Will. You have my word that I have learned to think more carefully before I speak out. Please allow me a chance to say this to you face-by-face. If you will, please reply via Charlotte, and we'll set up a time and a place to meet.
Thank you,
Anna Greingoth
"If he chooses to reply, Charlotte, please wait for him to do so. If not, then I know you've tried your best," she said. "Remember...Seymour Addams, second year Slytherin." With that, she released Charlotte and allowed the owl to find Seymour and properly deliver the message.
Last edited by Anna Banana; 02-28-2009 at 04:22 PM.