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Hogwarts RPG Name: Jack Harkness Jones, Jr. Seventh Year x11
| Ravenclaw Reader Volume 1 Issue 1 SS Senile Senior  Ravenclaw Shreds Hufflepuff! If you weren’t there to watch and support your House Team….shame on you!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the Editor:
My name is Qaz Windsong and I’d like to welcome you to the very first edition of the Ravenclaw Reader. I am hoping that you will find it informative and entertaining.
A little about myself: My younger years were spend in a small town in Minnesota USA. On holidays, I spend most of my time on a Navajo Reservation learning magic from a Shaman there. He’s the one that gave me my last name, as my Muggle father didn’t want me using his anymore. He said that my constant whistling was like Windsong. The Reservation is also where I was adopted by a very opinionated Tabby named HiJinx. He is a very faithful companion, but very bossy. (Which prepared me for a few of the Professors here )
I love being at Hogwarts, where I am in my 6th year. Being I grew up Muggle, I’ve had much more to learn than most of you, but I’m loving every minute of it. At least here, I don’t have to worry about hiding my special gifts. I enjoy making jewelry and carving wood. I hope to become the best wand-maker in the world.
For now, I am very proud to be the Editor of the new house newspaper, The Ravenclaw Reader. I do hope that you enjoy it and if you have any comments, suggestions or questions, please feel free to contact me.
Thank You,
Qaz Windsong,
Editor, Ravenclaw Reader Now, to meet the rest of the staff: ********* Elizabeth Anne Andrews – Sr Reporter
A lot of you probably already know me, or know of me, but for everyone else, my name is Elizabeth Andrews, commonly called Elizabeth, Liz, Lizzy, and, thanks to a quite interesting duel with Plymouth, LizzyBeth (who is apparently quite scary). Anyway, I'm a sixth-year Ravenclaw, former prefect, Quidditch player, and now senior reporter for this, the Ravenclaw Reader.
So, more about me. I hail from California, west coast of the United States. I'm the second oldest child of a Muggle army sergeant and a witch who came here for school, which is why I'm here. My older brother is Jonathan Andrews, star chaser for the San Diego Sharks back home, and I also have a younger sister and brother. And I have a cat, which I named Grizabella, aka Bella, who seems to be a little attention hog, as well as now I'm taking care of a kneazle for Care of Magical Creatures class, named Macavity.
If you haven't figured it out quite yet, I am a big fan of Muggle musicals, especially Cats and Rent. I like reading, and try to focus on doing well in my classes here at Hogwarts. When I'm not doing homework, or trying to participate in classes to earn house points, I like meeting people. It's much more fun being here, especially since I'm so far from home, when I have people I can talk to.
My goal after getting out of school is to become a writer, whether it be books or working for a newspaper or something. Working here should help me decide what direction I want to go. At least, that's my intent. As well as writing fun things to entertain all of you, my fellow Ravies. I'm always open for suggestions, or just to talk, so feel free to find me anywhere, as long as I don't look too busy.
Thanks for reading,
Elizabeth Anne Andrews
Senior Reporter ********* Barry Weasley – Reporter
Hi, I’m Barry Weasley, a Fourth year.
So I had the usual childhood, grew up in a little wizarding house hold, mum disappeared when I was 7, sister left for school at Beaxabatons at 9, attended muggle school for two years and then it was time for me to leave for Hogwarts, I had been looking forward to it since dad was never home.
I won’t go into detail about my Hogwarts years, my first my cousins turned into animals it was a peculiar term but I had finally found the place where I was happy. My second term was at Cooper’s school, I helped with the robots, I even helped Borrs boys. My last term was sane or so it seemed. I went on a treasure hunt but I don’t know how it’s going to be useful this term.
And now this is where I am, I hope to help the reader as much as I can and hope to make it great for all of you to enjoy! ********* Sahrina Marie Potter – Reporter
Hey everyone! I'm Sahrina Potter (Call me Rian, though, everyone does), and I'm a fourth year! I was born in France, but I've lived in Carlisle, England since I was nine years old.
My dad's a muggle, my mum's a witch. But my aunts and uncle (on my dad's side) are all magical, and I think that's a good thing, because if my dad hadn't known about the wizarding world when my mum told him, he probably would've fainted.
I was an only child for most of my life, but, about three years ago, my mum had a beautiful baby girl, my sister, Lily. She is definately my favorite little person in the whole world.
I looove animals, much to my dad's dislike. I have five pets, three of which are at Hogwarts with me.
I love music, too. I play the piano; I taught myself how to when I was...ten, I think. I write my own songs, but I also love playing other songs too. I like to sing, too. And I am also sort of obsessed with Chocolate Frogs. They are just Dee-lish-OUS!
I wanted to be on the Ravenclaw Reader because I like to be involved in things going on around me. Curiousity killed the crup, I guess. But I love to make new friends, too, and I'm really enthusiastic about writing, even though I don't get a chance to do it, much.
My favorite thing about Hogwarts is...well, I guess I don't have just one thing that I like. I like so many things, it's hard to name them all. One of them is the classes. Most of the time, the proffessor thinks of neat and creative ways to get the students working and participating. (Hat's off to Proff. Truebridge; the chocolate frog class was GENIUS!)
When I finish with schooling, I'd love to become a healer. When my little sister was born, I couldn't get enough of taking care of her. That's when I realized that I'd love to take care of people and make them feel better for the rest of my life. Hospitals don't scare me; to me, they are a place of wonder and miracles. ********* Lasca Romanov – Cub Reporter
I’m Lasca Romanov and this is my First Year at Hogwarts. I was born in Transylvania.
I live with my Papa several miles outside of a muggle village up in the Carpathian Mountains.
I love animals, so it isn’t surprising that I have several Pets: Tundra--White and grey spotted kitten; Apollo--Large Obsidian Owl; and Pepper--Pygmy Puff (Black)
I wanted to be on the paper because I enjoy to write. It is an honor to be writing with and about other great students. The thing I love most about Hogwarts is the students. Everyone here is so nice, and the atmosphere is being fun. I am not really sure what I want to do when I grow up, although if I had to choose something now I would say I would like to teach. ********* Maura Felicia Silvermoon - Graphics Designer
My name is Maura Silvermoon, and I am in my third year.
I live in London with my mother is Violet Silvermoon, Head of the Beast Division at the Ministry. My father is John Silvermoon, who is a Wizarding painter and is often traveling. And my favorite cousin is Phoebe Elmwood, a famous Wizarding singer.
I have a white and black kitten named Moon.
I wanted to be on the paper because i think it is important to have your name seen and I've always believed strongly in what the paper tells me, so I wanted to help make sure the information was right, even if that isn't part of the job description!
When I leave Hogwarts, my dream is to become either a writer or a ballet dancer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Academic Advisory: Classes/Homework Reminders March 25th
CoMC Lesson 2 Homework:
Charms Lesson 3 at 3 PM EST March 27th
Advanced Arithmancy Homework Due
Astronomy Homework Due
Don’t forget to keep up with your Baby Critter Journal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quidditch News Quidditch Consolation Game
Slytherin v. Hufflepuff
Friday, March 27 @ 9pm EST
Saturday, March 28 @ Noon EST Quidditch Championship Game
Gryffindor v. RAVENCLAW
Friday, April 3 @ 9pm EST
Saturday, April 4 @ Noon EST Please support your team!!!!! Go Ravies!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ InHouse News Nigel Forbulus got his nose broken for the 5th time so far this term. The damage was done during the Quidditch match against Hufflepuff. I do believe that he has set a new record. I’m sure we all wish you a speedy recovery…again. ********* Tutoring Table/Study Table
Just a reminder that there are loads of resources available at the study table. Textbooks and class notes galore!
Need help with your homework? Stop by the tutoring table! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Any comments, questions or suggestions should be directed to me, your Editor.
Thank You, and I hope that you've enjoyed this.
Qaz Windsong,
Ravenclaw Reader ooc: Just a reminder....please don't post here. Thanks!
Last edited by Torchwood; 03-22-2009 at 10:06 PM.
Reason: update reminders