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Term 21: January-April 2009 Term Twenty-one: The Ghosts (Sept 2067 - June 2068)

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Old 09-18-2008, 09:37 PM
Cassirin Cassirin is offline
Default Prefect's Bathroom

You walk along the Hallway and the Moving Staircases, you see a large portrait that you don't quite recall being there before. The portrait is an enchanted image of people talking and lounging about in a room full of comfortable furniture.

Upon close examination, it would appear that the portrait seems to be hiding a secret of some sort amidst the painted laughter and smiles. But this castle is full of secrets to begin with and full of secrets that really aren't secrets at all, so it's easy to dismiss this portrait as something odd, but nothing more.

Or is there more to this portrait than meets the eye?

In truth, this portrait serves as the doorway to the Prefects' Lounge and is accessible only to the Prefects of each House. The portrait and the people in it will never divulge its secret, though will relay messages to those inside - if there's anyone inside - in the event of an emergency.
Only Prefects & Quidditch Captains may post in this thread.
Old 02-02-2009, 05:45 PM   #51 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dezi Willard
Fifth Year
Mrs. Alex Turner *asterisks user* Secret Door

If Evangeline thought this party was surreal when she had first entered the room, she really wasn't expecting what had happened after. Even before she had the time to greet the Ravenclaw female Prefect back, which was only polite, she felt as though a bucket of cold, cold water had been poured down on her. Goooooosh!

It all got alot weirder soon and Evangeline watched amusedly as the ghost flirted with Clifford. BWAHAHAHA!! She squeezed his hand when he began stuttering, and smiled at the ghost too. "I'm Evangeline Green, dear." She doubted the ghost would even listen to her, so busy it was staring at the Prettiest Prefect, but hey. "And I'm very sorry Clifford and I got here late for your party.." A party for a ghost in the bathroom. WEEEEIRD! "But Clifford here wanted to look perfect for you.." She said the last part trying very hard not to laugh, hoping Clifford wouldn't poke the life outta her.


Just then she heard other voices greeting her and Evangeline looked around to find Dominic (who apparently was the new Hufflepuff male Prefect) and Willow, who obviously was the ... eh? Her blue eyes wandered down from the girl's face until she found what it was she was looking for and understating made its way to her face. "Willow .. Dominic." She greeted them both with a smile and a nod, acknowledging their presences. She wasn't sure of why, but looking at the Ravenclaw's face, she had to admit ... she felt sorry for the people on the team.

Errr. Right.

They were all meant to share their secrets, apparently, and Evangeline cocked one perfectly shaped eyebrow upwards. She wasn't sharing any secret, that was for sure. Absolutely none! She mildly listened to them, Kayla had had a crush on Erikson, Willow had feelings for someone, the ghost knew that there was a giant dragon on the sixth floor .. nothing special.


Head snapping back to look at the ghost, she half-wondered if it was true. Surely, it wasn't right? Bontecou, and Rae before him, would never allow that! That jeopardized the students' lives and it was unacceptable! The Myrtle's reaction told her she was probably just poking some fun at them ... but the Grey Lady had practically ran away! Maybe there really was some dragon. And the Hufflepuffs wanted to check that out?

WHUUUUT? She had been expecting Cale and Anna to jump at the opportunity of probably putting themselves in stupid danger ... not Dominic and Kayla.

Looking over at Clifford, who looked positively excited at the prospect of food in true Cliffie fashion, Evangeline cleared her throat. "I don't know, guys. It'd be rude to abandon Myrtle's party! She might be offended and upset!" The Grey Lady had said it herself, when Myrtle was upset ... the schools plumbing suffered. "We shouldn't leave." Nope. And she wasn't saying it because she was scared!

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Old 02-02-2009, 06:19 PM   #52 (permalink)

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Willow, who's hair was still wet as well as some parts of her robes, barely heard someone talking to her again. Snapping her around to follow the source of the voice, the fifth year realized that it was none other than Dominic. Well, he didn't look happy that she knew his name. Too bad. Heh.

Try not to wear it out? Pffft. To be perfectly honest, Willow had thought that Dominic would be a little more clever than that. Did he actually think that now that she finally knew his name she would not use it often? Snort. She would be using whenever she got the chance, and she really didn't care if he liked that or not. "Okay, Dominic," said the girl solemnly, purposely using his name again.

Since her feet had a mind of their own half of the time, they instantly took two automatic steps back as soon as Weird Boy Denton got closer to her. She appreciated having her space, thank you very much, and now he was invading it. And did he actually had to look at her like that? Could it be possible that his eyes were actually natural, and not the product of some kind of potion he had taken just to make them so peculiar? Could she be more ridiculous? "Er. . . " she began awkwardly, not really knowing what to say. Cue yet another step back.

However, the smugness that she was feeling quickly fade as soon as she heard Dominic saying her name. Of course. Rachel had mentioned it and now the secret was out--knowing his name was no longer as fun as it had a been just seconds ago. "Yes, that would be correct, Dominic. Try not to wear it out," murmured the girl sounding slightly annoyed, using the same phrase he had. Well, it wasn't like had coined it or anything.

Sighing an almost inaudible sigh of relief as soon as the boy retreated back to the shadows looking annoyed for some reason she didn't know, Willow went back to her usual self. Having her space taken away by anyone made her feel very awkward. And vulnerable. Randomly, she wondered if invading girls' personal space bubbles was a trait that all the Hufflepuff males had. First Gavin --though Gavin was an idiot, and his invasions were even worst, which was the reason why he had gotten slapped once-- and Dominic. Great.

Without meaning to, Willow grew distracted by Myrtle's antics. No wonder why Weird Boy looked so upset--Clifford Carden was, apparently, cuter than him; or at least that's what Myrtle thought. Well, Willow was not entirely sure if she agreed with Myrtle on that one, as she'd never looked at Clifford in that way. To her, Carden had always been this very strange boy that loved food, and was ridiculously scared of her. But now that Myrtle had pointed it out. . . Well, she did have a point, for Clifford Carden --albeit scared-looking-- was indeed a good looking boy. Never thought I'd think that. . .

Her forest green eyes went from Clifford, to Dominic --she was still comparing them-- and examined the Hufflepuff prefect briefly. Huh. Denton wasn't bad looking, either. The opposite of bad, actually. How was it possible that she'd never noticed that before? How oblivious could she be? And why was she thinking about Clifford Carden and Dominic Denton being handsome, again? Ridiculous. Even if he was good looking, Clifford was still weird, as he would forever be. Dominic on the other hand, was, well. . . Dominic? Yes. That.

. . . Go check out the Dragon? That was a. . . a terrible idea, and something told Willow that it would end badly, but it was too late now, because Denton was by the door and Winters was following him.

Glad that no one had dared to ask her about who was the person she liked --in truth, admiiting that she liked someone that worked in Diagon Alley, that was several years older than her, and that she'd never had a proper conversation with would have sound stupid-- and not about to be left behind with the couples that Clifford and Evangeline, and Cale and Anna were , Willow walked towards Rachel, and curled her slender fingers on the girl's arms. "Let's go, Rachel," she told her. And because this was Willow Kovac, the fifth year dragged the Ravenclaw prefect to the door where Dominic was standing, without waiting for her reply. Surely she would. Or at least she'd better.
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Old 02-03-2009, 01:01 AM   #53 (permalink)
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Aden Broccoli
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Originally Posted by aussiegirl View Post
Kayla watched with amusement as Myrtle taunted Cale and she stifled a giggle about the seventh year enjoying bubble baths. "Better do what she says Cale, otherwise your secret is out" she leaned over to Cale and whispered. "What's your favourite scent?"
"Dirt," Cale said huffily as he crossed his arm and went across the room to plop himself down on a chair. "But good luck finding that smell outside the greenhouse."
Originally Posted by moaning myrtle's girlfriend
"... And yes I can see us all being the best of friends"
"Ah!" But he wasn't able to spout out anything more as Kayla darted out of the commode, just as Anna showed up.
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
"I'm sorry, but I don't think I know you two," he gestured to the Claws. "Dominic Denton ... and yourselves?"
And then in walked the Huffies... Cale sighed. "Cale Thornton," he said flatly.
Originally Posted by Moaning_Myrtle View Post
"Why are you just sitting there? Don't you want to join in the paaaarty?" Myrtle popped up suddenly next to the Ravenclaw quidditch captain, sprinkling water drops all over the girl and her couch. Oh this was going to be SOMUCHFUN!
"Not all Ravenclaws," Cale said leaning forward with his bathtowl still wrapped around his neck. "Are party people, Myrtle."
Originally Posted by Moaning_Myrtle View Post
"That's right, the party is allll for meeeeee," Myrtle squealed happily. "I have an idea! Let's play a party game!"

She giggled again and floated through the nearest prefect - the bubble bath Ravvie boy - and then hovered upside down by the food. "Everyone should go around and state a secret that only he or she knows. Oooh yes."

She blinked her big, innocent eyes at them all and then pointed to Kayla. "You first."
"NO!" Cale said flailing around. "No party games..." He swatted his hand at Myrtle but she had moved on already. Once again, Cale's protests went unheeded.
Originally Posted by Moaning_Myrtle View Post
"Oh, and it's somebody else's turn to share a secret!" Myrtle sang, clapping her ghosty hands again. If they didn't all hurry up and go she was going to go and share her secret about Hogwarts. It was a big secret too. Big and juicy.

Myrtle spun toward the girl nearest to her - Willow. "You there, it's yourrrr turn! Share a secret!"
Cale rolled his eyes and hunkered down in his seat more. He was here under duress, blackmail even and he was NOT going to play Myrtle's games - seeing as she was the blackmailer.
Originally Posted by Moaning_Myrtle View Post
"My secret is..." Myrtle paused for dramatic effect. "There's a giant Hebridean Black dragon on the sixth floor and he haaaates to be tickled."
Originally Posted by Grey Lady View Post
If a ghost could go pale and loose consciousness, Helena would have done so. "Noooo!" she screamed and a gush of cold wind followed her as she fled the room.
"What the bloody -" He clasped his ears as the Grey Lady started shrieking. It was worse then Peeves, or Myrtle or the sound of mandrake roots.
Originally Posted by aussiegirl View Post
Kayla stood quite still for a moment unsure of what to do and then the Grey lady's reaction spurred Kayla into action. She quickly turned on her heel and headed for the door.
"SEE!" Cale called after Kayla as she bolted for the door. "I told you that this wasn't going to lead to anything good!" After all, a reaction like the one that the Grey Lady had would only be because of something horrible or dangerous or rule breaking-ish. "Looking into this is only going to lead to trouble. I swear to you all. Trouble with a capital T!"

Of course nobody was going to head him. Nobody ever did, even his friends ignored him half the time. This was obvious as everyone was already heading for the door. Everyone that is, except for the girlie Slytherin Prefect. It was nice to see that someone besides him had brains. "I mean it. Trouble!"
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Old 02-05-2009, 03:55 AM   #54 (permalink)
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Myrtle giggled from the tap over the Prefect's bathtub, silently lurking in the pipes and spying on them all. She was curious if flooding the Professor's bathroom on the fourth floor would have any consequences on the fifth floor...hmm, she'd just have to wait and see.

And besides, watching that Pretty Slytherin Prefect could easily become her new favourite pastime.
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Old 02-05-2009, 09:10 AM   #55 (permalink)

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This was easily one of the weirdest parties he'd ever been to. Well, it was a party for a ghostie ... taking place in a bathroom. Talk about just plain ODD. Ah well, he didn't really mind, as long as they didn't have to go dragon hunting and could just stay here and eat. Hehe.

You couldn't go dragon slaying on an empty stomach after all!

Trying not to choke too much at Evangeline's words about him wanting to look perfect for the ghostie - WHUUUUUUT? - and trying to ignore the way Bone Crusher was lurking around and making him feel uneasy - What on Earth was she doing here anyway? - Clifford shuffled his big feet and glanced nervously in the direction of the bathtub were he coulda sworn he heard a giggle.

Yup, this was definately freaky.

"Food," was all Clifford managed to mutter as he dragged Evangeline over to the table that was filled with lots of different snacks. Aha. This ought to make him feel better, and with that, Clifford began stuffing his face with cauldron cakes. YUMMY!

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Old 02-05-2009, 09:19 PM   #56 (permalink)

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Dezi Willard
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Mrs. Alex Turner *asterisks user* Secret Door

They were throwing a party for a ghost (who had disappeared) in a bathroom (a private bathroom at that) and now half of them were leaving! Leaving to go and hunt a dragon. Goodness gracious! Didnt they listen to the Ravenclaw guy Prefect, at least? He had said it - Trouble with a capital T - and still they were going. Bleeeh!

Well, she wasn't! She was gonna play the good boring girl and stay there with Clifford - even if it meant being alone with Cale and Anna since she was sure Ravvie Cale would get the hell outta there as soon as he could. He certainly looked like he wanted to. And she couldn't blame him.

She barely had time to look for the source of the freaky giggle she had heard when Clifford dragged her over to where the food was and she immediately moved her hand from his to wrap her arm snugly around his waist. He needed both hands to eat, after all!

Not really caring about who was watching, she moved her free hand to go and play with the ickle, cute fluff that was growing at his chin and moved closer to him. "Did you know Willow was the new captain?" She whispered to him.
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Old 02-05-2009, 10:08 PM   #57 (permalink)

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Hmmhmm. This strange party was loaaaads better now he'd found the food table and was stuffing his stomach full of nummyness. Pumpkin Pasties, Cauldron Cakes, Chocolate Frogs, they all got stuffed hungrily into Clifford's mouth. NOMNOMNOM!

Nothing wrong with a nice, healthy appetite, was there? He was a growing man boy! Teehee.

Normally, he would've gigglesnorted and swatted Evangeline's hand away playfully when she moved to touch the pathetic fluff growing at his chin, but thanks to her words, Clifford choked on his mouthful of food.


Oh noes. No, no, no.

Punching his chest and freeing his airways, Clifford's watery brown eyes widened. "Bone Crusher is the Ravenclaw Captain?" He whispered right back, clearly horrified at the news.

He was dead meat.

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Old 02-05-2009, 11:06 PM   #58 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dezi Willard
Fifth Year
Mrs. Alex Turner *asterisks user* Secret Door

Evangeline had been expecting Clifford to gigglesnort, get embarrassed, poke her hand away - not to choke! Definitely not to choke! She was, unsure of what to do, as he tried to cough it away, rather violently punching his chest. In a feeble attempt to help, she moved her hand from his waist to his back, trying to sooth him.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.." She whispered, when he finally seemed to have regained his breath, biting her lip in worry. Ack! Was she a terrible girlfriend or what?! Bleh. Oh ... but wait. This wasnt about her! This was about Willow. Eh. "Erm ... I suppose. I mean, the badge on her robes is a rather serious hint, no?"

She didnt think that after almost dying he was in the mood to hear how he shouldn't call Willow Bone Crusher because it was offensive, so she just pretended not to have heard that part. But boy - he looked scared.

"You don't have to be scared."
She whispered back to him, once again pretending. Pretending to know about Quidditch this time. "I mean, she's not your Captain."
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Old 02-12-2009, 05:47 AM   #59 (permalink)
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The giggling escalated in volume as Myrtle watched the Prefect couple interacting. They were so silly. Look at that one go - as if she thought Cutie Clifford really liked her.

Ha. He was so going to go gaga for Mytle...she had a surprise up her sleeve. Myrtle blinked at them a few more times through her thick spectacles and then disappeared up the pipe for good.
You're always welcome to share my toilet.

You do NOT just SWING on someone's PIPES without asking!
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Old 04-04-2009, 03:39 PM   #60 (permalink)
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Cale hurried into the prefect's bathroom, nearly killing himself as he ran inside and slipped on the wet floor. Mrytle was still hanging around, predictably, and he didn't want her to spot him, so he just hap-hazardly stuck the poster to the wall before hurrying out again.

I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did

Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
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