Felixir | 04-07-2009 02:15 PM | ahem *is exchanging the money* OOC: druidflower, milloy112 and I (Zoerawrr) are going to be manning this station. ^^
Rubbing his hands together, Jake turned and looked at the four who had approached this area already. He rolled up the sleeves of his school shirt and loosened his tie around his neck a tad. Jake had neglected to put his robes on for today as it was too much bother, and hey! It was Muggle Studies, right?
Reaching down for a green tinted sunvisor (so what if it was the wrong stereotype), Jake shoved it on his head so it was a bit of centre and made his hair stick up in random directions. Quote:
Originally Posted by dan arjay
(Post 8058053)
Daniel approached the booth and holding his 100 galleon looked at the person behind it... "Can I have this exchanged to American dollar please." he smiled and gestured his thanks. | Giving a grin, Jake took in the MONEY, MONEY, SO MUCH MONEY one hundred galleons and reached for the muggle US money. Professor Dumont had told them exactly how much to give, so he counted out five hundred US dollars and pushed it towards the guy. Quote:
Originally Posted by sneezinglupin
(Post 8058073)
Sneeze walked up to one of the windows at the Currency Exchange Store and smiled. "Excuse me. I would like this exchanged to American dollars, please." He gave the 100 galleons to the clerk and smiled. He looked at his watch. "I should get 482 U.S. dollars and fifteen cents." He was calculating on a bit of parchment and smiled. | Turning to the next 'customer' Jake gave a grin and took the 100 galleons with a small smile, but inside, the wheels were turning like FURY. ACK! What do I DOOOOOO?!
In the end, he decided to just go with what Professor Dumont told them, and counted out another $500 with a small wink. "Here ya go," he smiled, pushing it across the counter. Quote:
Originally Posted by iheartdan
(Post 8058338)
Rian bit her lip as she walked up to the store. She should be good at this...her dad was a muggle! She'd spent a lot of time being muggle...and she spent a lot of time dealing with muggle things. That meant this quest thing should be a piece of cake.
She just caught site of Sneeze, so she ran up. She bounced on her feet as she waited for all her money to be converted into U.S. dollars. | "Hey," Jake grinned at the next person to show. He pulled out another five hundred dollars and held it read in his right hand, holding his left out for the wizarding money. "Rian, isn't it?" GIMME DA MONIES!!!!! Quote:
Originally Posted by geraldinechang
(Post 8058558)
"Uhhhhmmm..US Dollars, please?"Jane pushed 100 Galleons to the money changer wo-man. She then thanked the person and counted her stash of money. For some reason she kept counting the money wrong because they were all the same colour. She came close to about 480 US$. Plus, minus a few dollars maybe. | "Here ya go," Jake nodded, pulling in the wizarding money before anyone else could come along and steal it and handing over the $500 before giving a quick smile. "Good luck," he added to her and the other two who'd already had their money exchanged. |