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-   -   Muggle Studies Final - The Currency Exchange Store (

Slytherin Fox 04-07-2009 02:21 AM

Muggle Studies Final - The Currency Exchange Store
So you've been given 100 galleons, but before you can do anything, you need to get it exchanged into U.S. dollars. This should be your first stop on the list!

Edit!: This adventure should be completed by no later than 12:00 midnight Sunday, April 12, so that I may grade and get the party in motion!

dan arjay 04-07-2009 11:44 AM

Daniel approached the booth and holding his 100 galleon looked at the person behind it... "Can I have this exchanged to American dollar please." he smiled and gestured his thanks.

sneezinglupin 04-07-2009 11:55 AM

Sneeze walked up to one of the windows at the Currency Exchange Store and smiled. "Excuse me. I would like this exchanged to American dollars, please." He gave the 100 galleons to the clerk and smiled. He looked at his watch. "I should get 482 U.S. dollars and fifteen cents." He was calculating on a bit of parchment and smiled.

Syd 04-07-2009 01:00 PM

Rian bit her lip as she walked up to the store. She should be good at this...her dad was a muggle! She'd spent a lot of time being muggle...and she spent a lot of time dealing with muggle things. That meant this quest thing should be a piece of cake.

She just caught site of Sneeze, so she ran up. She bounced on her feet as she waited for all her money to be converted into U.S. dollars.

geraldinechang 04-07-2009 02:07 PM

"Uhhhhmmm..US Dollars, please?"Jane pushed 100 Galleons to the money changer wo-man. She then thanked the person and counted her stash of money. For some reason she kept counting the money wrong because they were all the same colour. She came close to about 480 US$. Plus, minus a few dollars maybe.

Felixir 04-07-2009 02:15 PM

ahem *is exchanging the money*
OOC: druidflower, milloy112 and I (Zoerawrr) are going to be manning this station. ^^

Rubbing his hands together, Jake turned and looked at the four who had approached this area already. He rolled up the sleeves of his school shirt and loosened his tie around his neck a tad. Jake had neglected to put his robes on for today as it was too much bother, and hey! It was Muggle Studies, right?

Reaching down for a green tinted sunvisor (so what if it was the wrong stereotype), Jake shoved it on his head so it was a bit of centre and made his hair stick up in random directions.


Originally Posted by dan arjay (Post 8058053)
Daniel approached the booth and holding his 100 galleon looked at the person behind it... "Can I have this exchanged to American dollar please." he smiled and gestured his thanks.

Giving a grin, Jake took in the MONEY, MONEY, SO MUCH MONEY one hundred galleons and reached for the muggle US money. Professor Dumont had told them exactly how much to give, so he counted out five hundred US dollars and pushed it towards the guy.


Originally Posted by sneezinglupin (Post 8058073)
Sneeze walked up to one of the windows at the Currency Exchange Store and smiled. "Excuse me. I would like this exchanged to American dollars, please." He gave the 100 galleons to the clerk and smiled. He looked at his watch. "I should get 482 U.S. dollars and fifteen cents." He was calculating on a bit of parchment and smiled.

Turning to the next 'customer' Jake gave a grin and took the 100 galleons with a small smile, but inside, the wheels were turning like FURY.

ACK! What do I DOOOOOO?!

In the end, he decided to just go with what Professor Dumont told them, and counted out another $500 with a small wink. "Here ya go," he smiled, pushing it across the counter.


Originally Posted by iheartdan (Post 8058338)
Rian bit her lip as she walked up to the store. She should be good at this...her dad was a muggle! She'd spent a lot of time being muggle...and she spent a lot of time dealing with muggle things. That meant this quest thing should be a piece of cake.

She just caught site of Sneeze, so she ran up. She bounced on her feet as she waited for all her money to be converted into U.S. dollars.

"Hey," Jake grinned at the next person to show. He pulled out another five hundred dollars and held it read in his right hand, holding his left out for the wizarding money. "Rian, isn't it?"



Originally Posted by geraldinechang (Post 8058558)
"Uhhhhmmm..US Dollars, please?"Jane pushed 100 Galleons to the money changer wo-man. She then thanked the person and counted her stash of money. For some reason she kept counting the money wrong because they were all the same colour. She came close to about 480 US$. Plus, minus a few dollars maybe.

"Here ya go," Jake nodded, pulling in the wizarding money before anyone else could come along and steal it and handing over the $500 before giving a quick smile.

"Good luck," he added to her and the other two who'd already had their money exchanged.

geraldinechang 04-07-2009 02:23 PM

"Gee, thanks buddy!"Jane smiled and waved buhh-byee to the Firstie.

Sneakeh Cat 04-07-2009 02:33 PM

Reese walked up to the exchange store and without looking who was working there,she said her 100 galleons on the table. "I need to exchange this for american-"she finally decided to look up at the little boy who was working there.Jaaaaake.What the-? "money,"she finished her sentence. She pushed the galleons closer to him as she waited.

Hedwig18 04-07-2009 02:44 PM

Ana approached the person in the store "Good morning. I would like this exchanged to American dollars, please." Ana smiled and waited.

Felixir 04-07-2009 02:44 PM

"No problem," Jake grinned over at the girl who thanked him and he playfully saluted. "All in a day's work."



Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat (Post 8058603)
Reese walked up to the exchange store and without looking who was working there,she said her 100 galleons on the table. "I need to exchange this for american-"she finally decided to look up at the little boy who was working there.Jaaaaake.What the-? "money,"she finished her sentence. She pushed the galleons closer to him as she waited.


Turning round to the next victim customer, Jake eyed Reese who had just approached. "Hey Reeeeeeeese," he smiled, sweeping the one hundred galleons off the counter with his arm and into a big collecty thing behind the counter.

"American . . . . . . . . . . . . money it is," he grinned, mimicking the girl's long pause. Pulling out a bundle of american currency that amounted to $500. "Come again sooooon," he smiled, pushing it across to the girl. "Good luck."


Originally Posted by Hedwig18 (Post 8058620)
Ana approached the person in the store "Good morning. I would like this exchanged to American dollars, please." Ana smiled and waited.

"Okay then," Jake nodded, pulling out another bundle of american currency and waiting for this person to give him what she wanted exchanged. "I'll take your one hundred galleons then, please," he smiled, holding a hand out.

Lizasaurus 04-07-2009 02:49 PM

Walking into the room, Liz takes out the hundred galleons, she had been given. Walking up to the counter, she asks "May I please exchange this for American Dollars?"

Yeah, I finally get to see some! Even hold it! she thinks excitedly to herself.

Felixir 04-07-2009 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Nymphadoraliz (Post 8058626)
Walking into the room, Liz takes out the hundred galleons, she had been given. Walking up to the counter, she asks "May I please exchange this for American Dollars?"

Yeah, I finally get to see some! Even hold it! she thinks excitedly to herself.

Looking up, Jake gave another salute to the next girl who approached and went back to get another few bundles of the $500.

So much moneeeeey... I want it for me...



"I'll need your money then," Jake beamed at the girl, holding out his hand palm facing up. "Then you can have this and be on your way."

Hedwig18 04-07-2009 02:59 PM

Ana stretch her hand holding 100 galleons.

Sneakeh Cat 04-07-2009 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Zoerawrr (Post 8058619)


Turning round to the next victim customer, Jake eyed Reese who had just approached. "Hey Reeeeeeeese," he smiled, sweeping the one hundred galleons off the counter with his arm and into a big collecty thing behind the counter.

"American . . . . . . . . . . . . money it is," he grinned, mimicking the girl's long pause. Pulling out a bundle of american currency that amounted to $500. "Come again sooooon," he smiled, pushing it across to the girl. "Good luck."

"Hey Jake,"Reese said,no interest in her voice.She started tapping her fingers on the counter as she waited for Jake to hand her her money.She shot him a glare when he mimicked her long pause. "Thanks,"she said as she took the money and walked away.Well,that was over with.

Nat nat 04-07-2009 03:03 PM

Via walked inside and heaved the bag of 100 galleons at the desk. That was a lot... "Good day, I'd like to exchange these 100 galleons to U.S. dollars," Via said politely. Doing a little bit of math... hmm... "That would be 482 US Dollars and 15 cents," she mumbled and smiled at the person behind the desk.

"Thank you," she added with a glee.

Felixir 04-07-2009 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Hedwig18 (Post 8058641)
Ana stretch her hand holding 100 galleons.

"Cheers," Jake smiled, taking the money and handing over the five hundred dollars. "Use it wisely, and good luck!"


Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat (Post 8058648)
"Hey Jake,"Reese said,no interest in her voice.She started tapping her fingers on the counter as she waited for Jake to hand her her money.She shot him a glare when he mimicked her long pause. "Thanks,"she said as she took the money and walked away.Well,that was over with.

Ooooooh, someone's got their wand in a knot. "Go easy on the glares, love," Jake beamed as he moved along to the next customer... "Might see ya later, Reese."



Originally Posted by nymphadora_nat (Post 8058653)
Via walked inside and heaved the bag of 100 galleons at the desk. That was a lot... "Good day, I'd like to exchange these 100 galleons to U.S. dollars," Via said politely. Doing a little bit of math... hmm... "That would be 482 US Dollars and 15 cents," she mumbled and smiled at the person behind the desk.

"Thank you," she added with a glee.

"Good morrow," Jake grinned, pulling his sunvisor round so it was on backwards and making his hair even more crazy. Taking the money, Jake tossed the bundle of dollars over to the girl. "I'll do the maths, mate... Five hundred dollars there, use it well... and good luck!" he added with a smile.


sneezinglupin 04-07-2009 03:23 PM

"Thank you!" Sneeze said to the person at the station. He smiled and ran, putting the money in a charmed bag.

Nat nat 04-07-2009 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Zoerawrr (Post 8058664)
"Good morrow," Jake grinned, pulling his sunvisor round so it was on backwards and making his hair even more crazy. Taking the money, Jake tossed the bundle of dollars over to the girl. "I'll do the maths, mate... Five hundred dollars there, use it well... and good luck!" he added with a smile.

That was way too over the exact amount but she smiled at Jake and said, "thanks again." She gladly accepted the 500 dollars and left.

Weasley174 04-07-2009 03:30 PM

John walked into the exchange store. "Hello sir." He smiled to the person behind the desk. "Can I please change this money." He asked as he held out his galleons.

Hedwig18 04-07-2009 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Zoerawrr (Post 8058664)
"Cheers," Jake smiled, taking the money and handing over the five hundred dollars. "Use it wisely, and good luck!"

"Thanks!" she smiled and left the store

Felixir 04-07-2009 03:44 PM

Waving the other off with a closed lipped smile, Jake moved along to the next people.


Originally Posted by liammoiser (Post 8058698)
John walked into the exchange store. "Hello sir." He smiled to the person behind the desk. "Can I please change this money." He asked as he held out his galleons.

"Heyyyyy John," he grinned, taking the galleons. "Youuuuuu certainly can... or, rather, I can," he grinned, pulling out $500 and replacing the galleons on John's hand. "Use it wisely, and good luck!"

Jake grinned as he turned away. Maybe he should make a belt with the money ready to pull out... He'd be like a cowboy!

Weasley174 04-07-2009 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Zoerawrr (Post 8058740)
Waving the other off with a closed lipped smile, Jake moved along to the next people.

"Heyyyyy John," he grinned, taking the galleons. "Youuuuuu certainly can... or, rather, I can," he grinned, pulling out $500 and replacing the galleons on John's hand. "Use it wisely, and good luck!"

Jake grinned as he turned away. Maybe he should make a belt with the money ready to pull out... He'd be like a cowboy!

"Thank you sir." John smiled as he put the money somewhere safe. He then give Jake a friendly smile then departed.

EquestrianGal88 04-07-2009 03:54 PM

Freya took the one-hundred galleons. 'Um, sure we can't just take this and run? No, that's dishonest...'. She walked up to where the currency was to be exchanged. '100 galleons...carry the...hmm, no, that's not it, I forgot.' It took her a moment before getting a close estimate of how much she should get in return. 'Maybe 485 around? Ah heck with this, not like I use muggle money anyway.'

Freya approached the boy who was making the exchanges. "I'd like to have this exchanged for US dollars please." She placed the galleons into many neat stacks and waited. Poor girl never had been good at mental math...darnit!

milloy112 04-07-2009 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by EquestrianGal88 (Post 8058770)
Freya took the one-hundred galleons. 'Um, sure we can't just take this and run? No, that's dishonest...'. She walked up to where the currency was to be exchanged. '100 galleons...carry the...hmm, no, that's not it, I forgot.' It took her a moment before getting a close estimate of how much she should get in return. 'Maybe 485 around? Ah heck with this, not like I use muggle money anyway.'

Freya approached the boy who was making the exchanges. "I'd like to have this exchanged for US dollars please." She placed the galleons into many neat stacks and waited. Poor girl never had been good at mental math...darnit!

Ross finally got a nice customer who would like to get their money exchanged so looking at how much money he was handed he calculated in his head how much he should give them. "$500" He said as he handed it over to her. "Use it wisely" he continued with a wink.

druidflower 04-07-2009 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by EquestrianGal88 (Post 8058770)
Freya took the one-hundred galleons. 'Um, sure we can't just take this and run? No, that's dishonest...'. She walked up to where the currency was to be exchanged. '100 galleons...carry the...hmm, no, that's not it, I forgot.' It took her a moment before getting a close estimate of how much she should get in return. 'Maybe 485 around? Ah heck with this, not like I use muggle money anyway.'

Freya approached the boy who was making the exchanges. "I'd like to have this exchanged for US dollars please." She placed the galleons into many neat stacks and waited. Poor girl never had been good at mental math...darnit!

Tobi popped out from under the counter, banging his head.

"Oh ow..." he rubbed his head. He was gonna beat Ross and Jake to this he was! Oh damn! no he wasn't.

"Have fun Freya," he mumbled.

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