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demented_death_eater 04-10-2009 05:03 PM

Flying Final Exam
The gates to the Quidditch Stadium have been opened and a rack of school brooms sits next to the edge of the Stands. Today is the Flying Final Exam. Come on in, grab a broom, and wait patiently for Professor Vindictus to arrive.

druidflower 04-10-2009 05:07 PM

Tobi ran (and I mean RAN) to the edge of the stands, THIS was the final we was actually looking forward to.

"Hi-" Tobi siad to thin air before he realized that the professor hadn't arrived yet. Oh poo.

Anna Banana 04-10-2009 05:10 PM

Not too far behind Tobi, Anna Greingoth headed out to the Quidditch Stadium, ready to tackle yet another final exam. exams were hard, too! It wasn't so much that they were hard, as it was that there were oh sooo many of them! Grabbing a broom, Anna moved to stand beside Tobi. Professor Vindictus hadn't arrived yet, but Anna assumed he'd be arriving any minute now. Ohhh, and Professor Vindictus always had the most amazing final exams!

Yes, Anna Greingoth had just referred to a final exam as amazing.

Waterloo 04-10-2009 05:13 PM

Clifford was nervous about finals.. but this one - this one he'd been excited for. He was pretty confident this was the final he'd pass with FLYING colours. Teehee. After picking out one of the school brooms that actually had straight twigs, the sixth year made his way to the edge of the pitch. Where was Professor Vindictus? He wanted to start NAO!

Lissy Longbottom 04-10-2009 05:16 PM

To be honest, Cale had no idea what was in store for him with this final. With the way Vindictus had been acting the last time he saw him, he didn't exactly know what to expect from the professor today. Probably more insults--that seemed to be a popular one right now. Sighing, he walked out onto the pitch and grabbed a broom, waiting patiently for Vindictus to arrive. He was, in a way, just as excited as he was terrified for the final--after all, Vindictus tended to make class F-U-N!

demented_death_eater 04-10-2009 05:26 PM

Finally the Flying Professor arrived wearing his normal navy robes, collar of his starched white shirt standing out and his black staff tie that was tied perfectly. Even his silver whistle glistened in the sun.

"Ahh, a beautiful day for flying!" Vindictus exclaimed and emptied the contents of a large bag on the grass. "Each of you will need to wear arm and leg protectors, as well as gloves and goggles." He pointed to the protective gear.

RachieRu 04-10-2009 05:27 PM

Vanessa sighed, as she made her way down to the quidditch pitch, for another final. But this was in quidditch, so it was going to be fun. Right?
Smiling at the other students what were there, she grabbed a broom, and waiting for the professor to arrive.

Vannie listened carefully once Professor Vindictus arrived, and pointed at the protective gear, he'd just emptied onto the floor. Nodding once, the sixth year picked up the approprite proctective gear, and then returned to wear she had been standing before.

Anna Banana 04-10-2009 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by demented_death_eater (Post 8070397)
Finally the Flying Professor arrived wearing his normal navy robes, collar of his starched white shirt standing out and his black staff tie that was tied perfectly. Even his silver whistle glistened in the sun.

"Ahh, a beautiful day for flying!" Vindictus exclaimed and emptied the contents of a large bag on the grass. "Each of you will need to wear arm and leg protectors, as well as gloves and goggles." He pointed to the protective gear.

Anna nodded onc in reply to the professor's comment about the day being just right for flying. She eyed him once...okay, twice...then turned to head towards the protective gear he'd indicated for them to put on. Anna wondered what they'd be doing, since Professor Vindictus usually pulled out all the stops for his final exams. Knowing him, they'd fight off dragons or something. Ohh, that's be fun. Dangerous, but fun, nonetheless.

Anna pulled on a set of leg protectors, as well as gloves and goggles and then headed back over to the professor. Ugh. No telling how she looked in this get-up. Protective gear just did not go well with the ensemble she'd picked out today. Not that she was wearing anything spectacular, though...just her normal school uniform.

druidflower 04-10-2009 05:42 PM

Tobi already had his goggles on his head. He LOVED his goggles. They were cool.he liked his gloves too, so he had his own pair. As for the rest of the gear, he pulled some out of the bag and pulled them on.

Leg and arm protectors made him look tough and manly. COOL! he needed to buy some.

"What are we doing today professor?" he asked, his voice utterly bouncy with enthusiasm.

He hoped he didn't have to tackle girls, that would be ungentlemanly.

Waterloo 04-10-2009 05:43 PM

They needed protective gear? Aaah, it was too late to get his own now. Sniffle. His protective gear was lucky. Especially the gloves Evangeline had bought him!

Pouting a little, Clifford made his way to the protective stuff, pulled on arm and leg protectors, gloves and goggles. He had a feeling this final was gonna be FUUUN!

MeredithRodneyMckay 04-10-2009 05:43 PM

That was how Sarah felt as she made her way to the Quidditch pitch.Flying was not something that came naturally to her,but she was going to do her best in this final exam.She had to,Hufflepuff needed all the points they could get and she wanted to do her bit even if it killed her....which this probably would.

Grabbing a broom from the stand and some protective gear for her arms and legs.Ramming some goggles on her head,she went and stood to the side eyeing the other students as she did so.They all seemed to be older than her,when would the younger ones get here?!


PhoenixRising 04-10-2009 05:54 PM

Well the flying final shouldn't be too difficult since he had played for two terms now in three different positions. In fact, Dominic wouldn't be the least bit surprised if this turned out to be one of his best - so long as there were no bludgers because he seemed to be a magnet for them. Beautiful day out too!

And then, he heard Vindictus telling them to get some protective gear. What were they playing anyway? Creaothceann? Sighing nonetheless, the fifth year slipped on his gloves that Rapunzel had bought him last term and then went to retrieve some arm and leg protectors, pulling them on. Goggles ... Ugh! Why'd he have to leave them in his dormitory? He remembered his gloves... you'd think goggles would also be on that list.

Reluctantly, Dominic picked up a pair of school goggles and held them at his side while awaiting further instructions.

Torchwood 04-10-2009 05:55 PM

Qaz was suddenly quite excited. Oh, this was going to be fun, she thought as she grabbed her protective gear. It was a beautiful day to fly and a great break from the other finals where you were stuck inside at a desk.

demented_death_eater 04-10-2009 05:58 PM

Vindictus squinted from behind his dark sunglasses. Ack! Some of these robes are too bright! "Okay, I want each of you to take several warm-up laps around the Pitch and keep your chatter to a minimum, please."

druidflower 04-10-2009 06:02 PM

Tobi mounted his broom and kicked off gleefully.

Wheeee! heeee heeeeeee!!! this is the FUN exam! he thought as he commenced his first lap around the pitch.

LadyNerd 04-10-2009 06:02 PM

Lyra made sure her body gear was on, there would be no scuffing of the knees nor did she want to hurt her pretty little elbows either. The one thing she was thankful for, Agie for teaching her tricks on flying. She then made her way to the pitch and began to practice.

Waterloo 04-10-2009 06:05 PM

A warm up lap? No problemo there. Mounting his broom, Clifford kicked off the ground neatly, rose as high as the school broom would let him and headed off around the pitch.

Anna Banana 04-10-2009 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by demented_death_eater (Post 8070567)
Vindictus squinted from behind his dark sunglasses. Ack! Some of these robes are too bright! "Okay, I want each of you to take several warm-up laps around the Pitch and keep your chatter to a minimum, please."

Not bothering to speak to a soul for fear of getting into trouble, Anna took sprinted off in the opposite direction. She ran right alongside Cale, yet she continued to look straight ahead as she ran. She hadn't actually run laps in a while, although she had been really active this school year as keeper for the Quidditch team. Geez, though...Professor Vindictus was sure giving them the workout today. Anna wondered just what they'd be doing that required a warm-up exercise. Hmmm...a Quidditch game perhaps? That'd be fun!

Torchwood 04-10-2009 06:08 PM

Qaz really didn't like flying in all this gear, but she had a feeling that it was going to become quite necessary. She debated on using her own broom, but didn't want to damage it, so she grabbed a school broom, mounted and kicked off.

Glorious! Amazing to think that she was terrified her first year. This was fantastic! She made a nice high spin around the pitch and then came down for a nice gentle landing. Not bad for a school broom.

MeredithRodneyMckay 04-10-2009 06:09 PM

Warm up laps of the pitch?
OK.Sure.I can do that....

Making sure all her gear was on in the right places,Sarah mounted her broom,closed her eyes,and kicked off from the ground.
Once up in the air she opened her eyes and glanced around her.Everyone else appeared somewhat at ease with this,why wasn't she? Vertigo didn't help of course.
Leaning forward gently her momentum took her in a clockwise arc around the pitch.Keeping an eye out for anyone else,she actually managed to fly without wobbling...but it was quite slow.Probably too slow.
"I hope Vindictus doesn't shout at me to go faster," she mumbled.

SnitCHchASER 04-10-2009 06:12 PM

Emalyn pulled her goggles and the rest of her gear on and mounted her broom, listening to the Professor's instructions. She started circling the pitch for her warm up. It felt so good to be back on a broom again...she hadn't been in a while. She smiled at some of the students as they flew past, and the ones still on the ground. Flying was definitely one of her favorite subjects at Hogwarts. She made a few laps and was starting to speed up. She closed her eyes a bit...she knew the pitch fairly well, and it felt so good to fly freely.

RachieRu 04-10-2009 06:14 PM

Woot. Warm up laps. After checking that her arm and leg gear was on correctly, she pulled the googles, over eyes, before mounting her broom, and kicking off.
Once in the air she began to fly around the pitch, in a fast, but still relaxing way, she didn't want to tire herself out just yet.

Torchwood 04-10-2009 06:15 PM

Qaz watched a poor little Huffie (Sarah), struggling a bit, so she mounted, kicked off and flew up behind her.

'Hey, don't panic. I'm coming up on your left side.' she yelled as she flew in next to the girl. 'I'll fly with you for a bit. Just in case.'

MeredithRodneyMckay 04-10-2009 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Torchwood (Post 8070668)
Qaz watched a poor little Huffie (Sarah), struggling a bit, so she mounted, kicked off and flew up behind her.

'Hey, don't panic. I'm coming up on your left side.' she yelled as she flew in next to the girl. 'I'll fly with you for a bit. Just in case.'

Sarah turned her head sharply at the sound of a voice to her left.Seeing an older Ravvie she smiled in response.
"Thank you.I think if I can get over my fear of heights,over the summer,next year I'll be fine."
Turning right once more she set off on yet another lap of the pitch. "I'd better not talk too much,Vindictus certainly won't like that!" she grinned,holding steady as she looked across at the 'Claw.

PhoenixRising 04-10-2009 06:28 PM

Ah a lap around the pitch would be easy enough! Mounting his broom, Dominic sighed as he realized he was slow on the uptake since people like Clifford and Tobi were already halfway around the pitch. He was about to pick up speed to try and catch up to them - which he probably could get close - until he slowed as he watched one of the Ravenclaw players extending assistance to one of his Puff first years (Sarah).

Deciding instead of racing ahead to keep an eye on the two girls, he maintained a slow and steady speed around the pitch. Last thing he needed was a Ravenclaw to pretend to offer help and then turn around and attempt to push her off her broom or something. Yup; he'd stay close by just in case. ;)

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