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SlytherinSistah 02-13-2009 02:40 AM

Divination One: Charlatans
Professor Kapoor flicked his wand and opened the door to the Divination Classroom. Smoke, mirrors, a few crystal balls, and an image of a rather impatient looking man wearing a triangular hat with his thumbs sticking out at either side of his head were all placed in the room as visuals to go with the days lesson.

"Come on in, young students. Find a seat and in a moment, we'll begin."

druidflower 02-13-2009 02:42 AM

Tobi hurried into class. He rather liked Professor Kapoor and had been looking all term to the return of Divination classes.

"Hi Professor!" he said cheerfully, taking a seat near the back so the younger and shorter students could see up to the front, "Nice holiday?"

Disneymaniac 02-13-2009 02:43 AM

Theo bounced in. His hair flopped about on his head. He wanted to sit on a beanbag. That was what divination was about wasn't it? He was small enough to curl up and go to sleep on one. That would be a good lesson.

He smiled, and waved, at the Professor. This was Professor Kaper. That he met last year.

Lockhartian 02-13-2009 02:46 AM

Kaika walked inside, and frowned as she noticed what was inside the classroom...she had absolutely no idea where it may lead them today.

"Hello Professor! How are you doing today?" she asked, all happy-like, it was good that Prof. Kapoor made Divination such a great class to take. Not that she wouldn't choose to take it, but this was certainly a plus.

Angie 02-13-2009 02:46 AM

Though the girl did not think of much of Divination, Willow Kovac had to admit that Professor Kapoor was a nice man. Nice and sane, which was a surprise for her considering that he taught Divination. In Willow's mind, Divination was the subject of the mentally unstable people, and yet, Kapoor seemed like a rather sane fellow.

"Hello, Professor Kapoor. Having a nice day, I hope?" After greeting the man politely, the girl hurried to take her usual seat in the back of the classroom. Sure Kapoor was nice, but that didn't mean she would start to take seat in the very front of the classroom just because of that.

highjinx 02-13-2009 02:47 AM

Divination was a class that he became interested in; maybe he would be the owner of a candy shop when he grew up! Cam walked into the classroom and waved to the professor with a fake attempt of a smile. Honestly he was scared too, wondering what his life would be like if he turned out to be a hobo. He tried to remember what he read the night before. Anyways, foreseeing stuff seemed fun.

"Hi Professah," he greeted and took a seat.

BeccaBear 02-13-2009 02:47 AM

Allie walked into class.
"Hello, Prfoessor!" she said, and took a seat.

Tommehbell 02-13-2009 02:47 AM

Paris walked into the class looking around for somewhere to sit. She waved at Tobi who was sitting in the back. Where he should be, the boy was like a skyscraper and she didn't fancy trying to look around his head all class. She saw Theo and she gave him a smile too as she sat near a window.

The smoke was making her eyes water. "hello Professor." She said wiping her eyes.

Zeke Weasley 02-13-2009 02:48 AM

Zeke walked into the classroom. "Hello, Professor," he said with a smile. He took a seat near the front and waited for the lesson to begin.

Waddles 02-13-2009 02:50 AM

Hair tied behind her ears, albeit insecurely, Juniper trod into the Divination classroom and barely took in the visuals throughout the room. She was not good at divination. And, being Juniper Goodwin, she was thus not fond of the class, for the sole purpose of her lack of talent in the subject. She took a seat in the center and exhaled deeply.

Right. Well, at least she could try. Looking about the room, Juniper's brow furrowed in confusion at the visuals. That was a strange hat on the man's head in the image. But perhaps it was useful. Juniper scratched her head, unaware of the mess that made of her hair, and the rather large amount of hair that escaped from her ponytail due to being rumpled. Ohh, she had not said hello to the professor. Best to do that and be polite. "Hello, Professor," Juniper said without much conviction, though she kept her voice as polite as possible.

hannah_bry27 02-13-2009 02:52 AM

Hannah wandered into the classroom. "Good afternoon, Professor," she said, taking a seat next to her brother.

Riverlynn 02-13-2009 02:55 AM

Lasca sauntered into the Divination classroom. She had already met the professor so she wasn't as nervous about this class. When the young Ravenclaw spotted said professor she executed a perfect curtsy and then found an empty seat. She took out her things:quill, ink, parchment, and wand. The latter just in case.

The class hadn't begun yet so she sat quietly and took in the rooms decor.

SweetAussie 02-13-2009 02:55 AM

Agie strolled into the classroom, coving her snout with her hand and her tail with her cloak. She sat right at the back corner. Divination was always a joke to her and now she was stuck there looking like she did.

Anna Banana 02-13-2009 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah (Post 7841917)
Professor Kapoor flicked his wand and opened the door to the Divination Classroom. Smoke, mirrors, a few crystal balls, and an image of a rather impatient looking man wearing a triangular hat with his thumbs sticking out at either side of his head were all placed in the room as visuals to go with the days lesson.

"Come on in, young students. Find a seat and in a moment, we'll begin."

Anna headed into Divination with a smile on her face. She'd been looking forward to Professor Kapoor's class. He was an extremely nice professor who always managed to have interesting, although difficult, lessons. Divination just wasn't Anna's greatest subject, although she did try to do well. "Good day, Professor Kapoor," Anna greeted, pausing long enough to nod her head once and then continue on to find a seat. Anna eyed the smoke, mirrors, and crystal balls, shrugged, and then sat down. She didn't see any of her friends in here yet, but hopefully they'd all arrive soon.

Disneymaniac 02-13-2009 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by SweetAussie (Post 7841985)
Agie strolled into the classroom, coving her snout with her hand and her tail with her cloak. She sat right at the back corner. Divination was always a joke to her and now she was stuck there looking like she did.

Theo frowned as Agie passed him. He watched her. She looked different. Maybe she had a spot or something. But it can't be that bad. He tried to peer round her hand. And then noticed she was wearing a cloak. Maybe she had a spot and was cold.

"Agie are you ok?" he asked, as she headed to the back.

SilverTiger 02-13-2009 03:01 AM

Elizabeth headed up to the Divination tower, and slipped into class. Quite a few people were already there, but she managed to find a seat, then smiled at the professor. "Hi, professor," she greeted him, as she then glanced around at the things around the room, trying to figure out what they were going to be learning about.

LadyNerd 02-13-2009 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by SweetAussie (Post 7841985)
Agie strolled into the classroom, coving her snout with her hand and her tail with her cloak. She sat right at the back corner. Divination was always a joke to her and now she was stuck there looking like she did.

Lyra strolled in behind Agie ready to deck any student who popped off about her friend and her snout. "Here," she said handing her best friend something to cover her face. "Put this on so that only your eyes show and if anyone asks....

Hello Professor," she interrupted so that she would not loose any points. "'s part of your...heritage."

Amira With a C 02-13-2009 03:10 AM

Camira walked into the classroom and quickly took a seat. "Hullo, Professor. How was your summer?" She'd grown quite fond of the professor, despite not being great at the class.

She pulled out her usual tools, parchment, a quill, and her textbook. Hopefully she could do better this term.

Cassirin 02-13-2009 03:13 AM

Copernicus pulled out his quill and parchment, ready to take notes. Of course, he was partially certain this class was a bit of bunk, but he was going to pass it and do it with flying colors. That was just the way he rolled.

SweetAussie 02-13-2009 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by Jenster (Post 7841994)
Theo frowned as Agie passed him. He watched her. She looked different. Maybe she had a spot or something. But it can't be that bad. He tried to peer round her hand. And then noticed she was wearing a cloak. Maybe she had a spot and was cold.

"Agie are you ok?" he asked, as she headed to the back.

Agie jumped in her chair as Theo asked if she was ok. No she wasn't. She had a SNOUT! "Just fine." She whispered, sounding anything but.


Originally Posted by LadyNerd (Post 7842036)
Lyra strolled in behind Agie ready to deck any student who popped off about her friend and her snout. "Here," she said handing her best friend something to cover her face. "Put this on so that only your eyes show and if anyone asks....

Hello Professor," she interrupted so that she would not loose any points. "'s part of your...heritage."

Agie took the scarf and wrapped it around her hair, making sure to cover her nose. She probably looked horrible and again had t fight back to hold in her emotions. "Thank you." She mumbled back to Lyra. Agie didn't know what she'd do without her. Lyra didn't laugh once at her.

Tommehbell 02-13-2009 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by SweetAussie (Post 7841985)
Agie strolled into the classroom, coving her snout with her hand and her tail with her cloak. She sat right at the back corner. Divination was always a joke to her and now she was stuck there looking like she did.

Paris cold brown eyes followed Agie as she walked in. She looked different, well she was still looking like a twit but something was off about her face and Paris wanted to know what it was. Her robes were fitting funny in the back. Something was going on....She had to find out what.

Disneymaniac 02-13-2009 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by SweetAussie (Post 7842055)
Agie jumped in her chair as Theo asked if she was ok. No she wasn't. She had a SNOUT! "Just fine." She whispered, sounding anything but.

Theo looked at her, his face rather sympathetic, "Do you have a cold? Cos I can rub your arms to keep you warm if you want?" he offered to her. He usually rubbed his arms if he was cold. "And you can borrow my cloak if you want too. Then you have another layer on?" He wasn't sure how else to help her.

PhoenixRising 02-13-2009 03:20 AM

Dominic entered the classroom gazing around for someplace inconspicuous to sit. Sure he was Prefect, but that didn't mean he had to ace ever subject. It was far from that, actually, the fifth year settled on as he nodded politely towards the man beckoning them in. His eyes than flickered briefly towards the back of the room where a girl with forest eyes sat, but being Dominic Denton, he quickly averted his eyes. It was best to not say anything... he thought, taking a seat near his own house captain, Kaika, instead and pulling his quill and parchment out. Alert and ready!

Hedwig18 02-13-2009 03:20 AM

Ana walked into the classroom "Hello professor" and she sat down.

SlytherinSistah 02-13-2009 03:28 AM

The professor smiled congenially as Cam, Allie, Juniper, Hannah, Anna, Ana, Dominic and Elizabeth all greeted him. "Good day."


Originally Posted by druidflower (Post 7841924)
Tobi hurried into class. He rather liked Professor Kapoor and had been looking all term to the return of Divination classes.

"Hi Professor!" he said cheerfully, taking a seat near the back so the younger and shorter students could see up to the front, "Nice holiday?"

"Oh, yes, very nice indeed. Thank you all for asking. And, I hope you all had an equally enjoyable holiday. Now then..." He said in reply to Tobi, Kaika, Willow and Camira.


Originally Posted by Tomasina Riddle (Post 7841952)
Paris walked into the class looking around for somewhere to sit. She waved at Tobi who was sitting in the back. Where he should be, the boy was like a skyscraper and she didn't fancy trying to look around his head all class. She saw Theo and she gave him a smile too as she sat near a window.

The smoke was making her eyes water. "hello Professor." She said wiping her eyes.

"A bit much?" He said noticing the Slytherin girl from the Headmasters' office taking sensitive to the smoke. He flicked his wand again and got rid of it. "Sorry. I have a flair for the dramatics. I'm a divination professor, I'm supposed to be colourful." He said, chuckling a bit and apologizing.


Originally Posted by LadyNerd (Post 7842036)
Lyra strolled in behind Agie ready to deck any student who popped off about her friend and her snout. "Here," she said handing her best friend something to cover her face. "Put this on so that only your eyes show and if anyone asks....

Hello Professor," she interrupted so that she would not loose any points. "'s part of your...heritage."

"What's part of my heritage?" He took a moment to realize that perhaps the Hufflepuff girl was not directing that comment towards himself and he noticed the Gryffindor girl seated near her.


Originally Posted by SweetAussie (Post 7842055)
Agie jumped in her chair as Theo asked if she was ok. No she wasn't. She had a SNOUT! "Just fine." She whispered, sounding anything but.

Agie took the scarf and wrapped it around her hair, making sure to cover her nose. She probably looked horrible and again had t fight back to hold in her emotions. "Thank you." She mumbled back to Lyra. Agie didn't know what she'd do without her. Lyra didn't laugh once at her.

Noticing a bit of a focus on a Gryffindor girl, Kapoor asked, "Is everything alright back there? Would you like the nurse?". He felt a bit of worry tug at him. What if this girl was really very ill.

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