Welcome, children, to Defense Against the Dark Arts class. I hope you are looking forward to a fun, educational and successful year.
I am Professor Kazimeriz, your guide into the dangerous delights of the Dark Arts and their Defense. You may call me
Professor Kazimeriz or
Professor Kazimeriz. The choice is yours!
There are a few simple rules I expect you to know before you set foot in my class:
1. Play by the Rules.
All Hogwarts School rules apply in my classroom, so please take a minute to read and familiarize yourself with the
School Rules.
2. Be Prepared.
I expect that all students who attend my class are here for one purpose: to
learn and earn (house points, of course!). With that in mind, I expect you to be both punctual and prepared when you enter my class. I will make it abundantly clear when class has begun.
If you choose to be late, I will presume you are volunteering to assist with my little demonstrations... and that you also seek to receive additional punishment up to and including that most shameful of events,
a loss of house points... along with a liberal dose of mocking from your peers.
(OOC: Please note that unannounced latecomers are always welcome. The professor is 102 and his eyes are not what they used to be, so if you pretend your character was always there, so will I. Just don't RP your character coming in late and we'll be fine, savvy?) 3. Keep to the topic.
My class is not for the faint of heart or weak of mind. The field of defense of the dark arts is a perilous province, and it demands your focus and vigilance at all times. While I encourage experimentation, open discussion and debate within my class,
please keep your discussion on the lesson topic and raise your hand before you speak. If the conversation wanders from academic discussion into socialization, the offenders will face my disapproval and will suffer whatever consequences I deem appropriate.
4. Do not Speak out of Turn.
I expect you to respect my teachings and each other while in this class.
(In other words: No OOC chatting, please!) 5. Do Not Copy or Cheat.
There is an anti-cheating charm in place in my class. Do not copy answers from your classmates; there will be no points awarded and there MAY be points taken for cheating. Creative thinking and active participation are what I value in my class, and so that is the path to procuring points and praise!
This will be the only warning you will receive, so heed it well. If you have any questions about these rules or any other general questions I might be able to help you with, please feel free to contact me in my office (or PM
XanaSnape). My door is always open for eager students!
Welcome to Defense Against the Dark Arts! Professor Kazimeriz, esq. Order of Merlin, Third Class