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cake.ninjak 01-26-2009 07:49 PM

Charms Lesson 1
Welcome welcome to Charms Lesson 1! Professor Ashby is standing at the front of the classroom waiting to introduce himself to everyone and get things started!

Please come in and take a seat. Class will begin shortly.

Mell 02-08-2009 11:00 PM

Kayla made her way into the charms classroom rather excited as charms was one of her favourite classes. "Hello Professor" she said brightly as she entered the room and taking a seat in the front row and taking out some parchment, quill and her wand.

Felixir 02-08-2009 11:05 PM

Jake entered the classroom and sat up at the front, but at the very siiiiiide of the class.

Sneaky, eh?

"" What time is it? Blah. Too much sleeping for Jake. "Hey, Professah," Jake greeted, smiling. He was looking forward to this class.

Oh yes he was.

Getting out his wand and parchment, Jake wondered if Cameron the maniac his best friend would be there.

Lissy Longbottom 02-08-2009 11:08 PM

Cale walked into the classroom and looked around, picking a seat near the front to sit down in. He placed his bag over the back of his chair and sat down, turning to the Professor. "Erm, good day Professor Ashby--are you feeling better since the Welcome Feast?" he asked him quietly, not wanting to make a HUGE scene or anything about asking the professor about his wellness. Darn, Cale KNEW he should have brought a Get Well card or something.

hufflepuff_keeper_11 02-08-2009 11:08 PM

Set waked in and sat down. He put his bookbag in the seat next to him, as to save a seat for Cadecne. He got out his Charms book and the extra book of charms his uncle had gotten him. He began to riffle throught them, trying to guess what spells they would learn first.

druidflower 02-08-2009 11:08 PM

Tobi shuffled into the classroom. Everyone is rubbish at something, and Tobi seemed to rubbish at a few extra, among them, was charms.

I hope everyone is well insured. he thought mopily.

"Hi Professor," he muttered, taking a seat at the back.

Angie 02-08-2009 11:09 PM

After having recovered from the traumatic party at the Prefect's bathroom --not really, but Willow woulc be rather dramatic-- the fifth year had grabbed her messenger bag, slung it on her shoulder and made her way to the third floor in order to get to the Charms classroom.

Shaking her head a little, she stepped inside the classroom, and quickly found a seat in the middle of the room. "Hello, Professor," said the girl politely, once she had settled down. It was then, of course, that Willow noticed how. . . round Professor Ashby was. Huh. Well, it wasn't her business.

LadyNerd 02-08-2009 11:10 PM

Lyra pranced into the classroom. "Good day, Professor," she said as she was happy to be in his class today. Professor Ashby was quite the joker, something she could definitely understand and someone who might understand her. NAH! No one ever would...except for one.

She took her seat and waited for class to begin.

Waterloo 02-08-2009 11:11 PM

Clifford bounced happily into the Charms classroom, rucksack swinging off one shoulder. "Yo, Mister Professor." The Slytherin waved at the bloke before finding himself a seat at the back of the classroom away from Newell.

highjinx 02-08-2009 11:11 PM

Oooh, this subject was sure to be his favorite since it was like totally going to be fun. His wand, the very best wand in the class would not fail him this time! No more of that whoopee cushion sound coming out of it, no siree! As he walked into the classroom his eyes met a very large man and guessed that he was the professor. He looked unhealthy? But if he was the professor, then he had to be like an awesome guy. "Hello Professor..." What the heck was his name again? Bleh. So he just left off with that sentence and went straight towards his seat next to Jake.

Were they going to learn how to create destructive explosions? Ooo, this was getting him all excited. Cam started taking out his stuff, the quill and the parchment and the rest of the other things. Lastly he took out his wand, his really cool wand. It looked so tasty because of that... oh-so yummy light chocolate color. He had the urge to stick it in his mouth.

He licked his lips, and resisted against the evilness he was about to do. The wand was his friend, and wands were friends, NOT food.

cake.ninjak 02-08-2009 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by aussiegirl (Post 7826383)
Kayla made her way into the charms classroom rather excited as charms was one of her favourite classes. "Hello Professor" she said brightly as she entered the room and taking a seat in the front row and taking out some parchment, quill and her wand.

"Hello, there," Ian said smiling.


Originally Posted by Zoerawrr (Post 7826408)
Jake entered the classroom and sat up at the front, but at the very siiiiiide of the class.

Sneaky, eh?

"" What time is it? Blah. Too much sleeping for Jake. "Hey, Professah," Jake greeted, smiling. He was looking forward to this class.

Oh yes he was.

Getting out his wand and parchment, Jake wondered if Cameron the maniac his best friend would be there.

Ian took special note to watch this one. He was going all secret agent on Ian. "Afternoon," he nodded.


Originally Posted by Miss Lissy Lou (Post 7826417)
Cale walked into the classroom and looked around, picking a seat near the front to sit down in. He placed his bag over the back of his chair and sat down, turning to the Professor. "Erm, good day Professor Ashby--are you feeling better since the Welcome Feast?" he asked him quietly, not wanting to make a HUGE scene or anything about asking the professor about his wellness. Darn, Cale KNEW he should have brought a Get Well card or something.

"Why yes I am, Mr. Newell. Thank you for your assistance at the feast. I wasn't quite myself."


Originally Posted by hufflepuff_keeper_11 (Post 7826418)
Set waked in and sat down. He put his bookbag in the seat next to him, as to save a seat for Cadecne. He got out his Charms book and the extra book of charms his uncle had gotten him. He began to riffle throught them, trying to guess what spells they would learn first.


Originally Posted by druidflower (Post 7826420)
Tobi shuffled into the classroom. Everyone is rubbish at something, and Tobi seemed to rubbish at a few extra, among them, was charms.

I hope everyone is well insured. he thought mopily.

"Hi Professor," he muttered, taking a seat at the back.

"Hello, hello!" he greeted the boy.


Originally Posted by Oesed (Post 7826424)
After having recovered from the traumatic party at the Prefect's bathroom --not really, but Willow would be rather dramatic-- the fifth year had grabbed her messenger bag, slung it on her shoulder and made her way to the third floor in order to get to the Charms classroom.

Shaking her head a little, she stepped inside the classroom, and quickly found a seat in the middle of the room. "Hello, Professor," said the girl politely, once she had settled down. It was then, of course, that Willow noticed how. . . round Professor Ashby was. Huh. Well, it wasn't her business.

"Hello there. If I am not mistaken, would you be Miss Kovac, the new Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain?" So this was the talent they had taking over his own spot many, many years later. She looked like she could be quite the tigress out on the pitch!


Originally Posted by LadyNerd (Post 7826432)
Lyra pranced into the classroom. "Good day, Professor," she said as she was happy to be in his class today. Professor Ashby was quite the joker, something she could definitely understand and someone who might understand her. NAH! No one ever would...except for one.

She took her seat and waited for class to begin.

"Hello, Miss Noir!" Ian said, beaming.


Originally Posted by Waterloo (Post 7826440)
Clifford bounced happily into the Charms classroom, rucksack swinging off one shoulder. "Yo, Mister Professor." The Slytherin waved at the bloke before finding himself a seat at the back of the classroom away from Newell.

"Yo, Prefect Carden! How are you today?" Ian half-chanted along with his own made-up beat.


Originally Posted by dingDong (Post 7826442)
Oooh, this subject was sure to be his favorite since it was like totally going to be fun. His wand, the very best wand in the class would not fail him this time! No more of that whoopee cushion sound coming out of it, no siree! As he walked into the classroom his eyes met a very large man and guessed that he was the professor. He looked unhealthy? But if he was the professor, then he had to be like an awesome guy. "Hello Professor..." What the heck was his name again? Bleh. So he just left off with that sentence and went straight towards his seat next to Jake.

Were they going to learn how to create destructive explosions? Ooo, this was getting him all excited. Cam started taking out his stuff, the quill and the parchment and the rest of the other things. Lastly he took out his wand, his really cool wand. It looked so tasty because of that... oh-so yummy light chocolate color. He had the urge to stick it in his mouth.

He licked his lips, and resisted against the evilness he was about to do. The wand was his friend, and wands were friends, NOT food.

"Good day," Ian greeted the young man.

Mrs. Weasley 02-08-2009 11:13 PM

Abby walks into class and takes a seat. She can't wait for Charms Class to start.

Waddles 02-08-2009 11:15 PM

It was time for Charms. Another class taught by a professor about whom Juniper knew absolutely nothing. Hopefully he would not charm them into agreeing to be his next meal. But nothing was guaranteed, after all, so when Juniper walked into the classroom she took a seat in the middle of the room. Not too close to the front, yet not so far away that she would be far from other students. There was always strength in numbers.

"Good day, Professor," Juniper said politely as she took her seat.

Golden Monkey 02-08-2009 11:16 PM

William entered the Charms classroom with a skip in his step and a smile on his face. "Good day Professor!" He said happily as he sat down and got his stuff out. He couldn't wait for Charms, he loved the technical aspects of the spells.

BeccaBear 02-08-2009 11:17 PM

Allie walked into the room and took a seat.
"Hello Professor!" she said.

Tommehbell 02-08-2009 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Zoerawrr (Post 7826408)
Jake entered the classroom and sat up at the front, but at the very siiiiiide of the class.

Sneaky, eh?

"" What time is it? Blah. Too much sleeping for Jake. "Hey, Professah," Jake greeted, smiling. He was looking forward to this class.

Oh yes he was.

Getting out his wand and parchment, Jake wondered if Cameron the maniac his best friend would be there.

She walked into the room and looked around to sit next to someone she knew. "good day professor," She smiled at him. She found Jake and she walked over toward him.


Originally Posted by dingDong (Post 7826442)
Oooh, this subject was sure to be his favorite since it was like totally going to be fun. His wand, the very best wand in the class would not fail him this time! No more of that whoopee cushion sound coming out of it, no siree! As he walked into the classroom his eyes met a very large man and guessed that he was the professor. He looked unhealthy? But if he was the professor, then he had to be like an awesome guy. "Hello Professor..." What the heck was his name again? Bleh. So he just left off with that sentence and went straight towards his seat next to Jake.

Were they going to learn how to create destructive explosions? Ooo, this was getting him all excited. Cam started taking out his stuff, the quill and the parchment and the rest of the other things. Lastly he took out his wand, his really cool wand. It looked so tasty because of that... oh-so yummy light chocolate color. He had the urge to stick it in his mouth.

He licked his lips, and resisted against the evilness he was about to do. The wand was his friend, and wands were friends, NOT food.

She walked past Cam and poked him as she took her seat next to him and Jake. She liked him. He made her laugh.

Angie 02-08-2009 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by cake.ninjak (Post 7826450)
"Hello there. If I am not mistaken, would you be Miss Kovac, the new Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain?" So this was the talent they had taking over his own spot many, many years later. She looked like she could be quite the tigress out of the pitch!

. . . Was it too early to say that she already liked Professor Ashby?

"That is correct, sir," replied Willow, a smile curling upon her lips, as she tried to look not too smug. To be honest, she was not expecting a new professor to know who she was, but that did not mean she was not pleased. On the contrary, actually. "Did you play Quidditch back in day, Professor?" Way back in the day, at that. The man didn't look so young, after all.

Hedwig18 02-08-2009 11:22 PM

Ana walked into the classroom "Hello Professor" and she sat down.

Eclipsed 02-08-2009 11:25 PM

Strolling into the classroom, Terry beamed towards the front desk in greeting, 'G'day professor,' then let his gaze wander abouts the students in the classroom. Good, not too many had arrived yet. Eh, weird how he caught sight of a certain Willow Kovac brunette instantly. Deliberately walking past her desk, he slid into the seat directly behind her, snickering to himself inside. Mwaha.

Waterloo 02-08-2009 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by cake.ninjak (Post 7826450)
"Yo, Prefect Carden! How are you today?" Ian half-chanted along with his own made-up beat.

Whoaaa. With a small gigglesnort, Clifford beamed when Mister Professor YO'ed him right back. Now THAT was COOOOL! At first sight, the Prefect had been anticipating this Ashby bloke to be sorta like Lord Ogre. He actually seemed pretty decent though, and Clifford nodded. "Yeah, not to bad, thanks Sir." He said, pulling out some parchment and his quill incase he had to take notes. "Be better after a bit o' Charms."

EquestrianGal88 02-08-2009 11:28 PM

Freya walked in as quietly as she could. She had her side bag next to her as always and her wand was tucked away inside a pocket in her cloak. Freya took a seat in the second row next to the aisle between the other half of the chairs. She placed her bag next to her on the floor after taking out a notebook, quill, and ink vial. Then took out her wand and placed it on the table space in front of her. She waited patiently for the class to start, and read some of the other notes she had taken from transfiguration.

Anna Banana 02-08-2009 11:30 PM

Anna sat quietly in her seat, waiting patiently for the lesson to begin. Finding that she got more out of the lesson when seated closer to the professor, he'd taken a seat towards the front. She didn't know what materials she'd been needing for today's lesson, but just in case, she took out a quill and a few pieces of parchment. Once she was seated, she looked up towards the professor and gave him a quick mod and a polite smile. She couldn't wait to see what he had in store for them!

SweetAussie 02-08-2009 11:30 PM

Agie stepped into the classroom and went straight to where Lyra way. She'd always had fun in charms and was sure today would be no different. With a nod to the professor and a grin at Lyra, Agie sat down, got her books out and softly whistled to herself while she innocently tapped the table with her fingers.

hufflepuff_keeper_11 02-08-2009 11:31 PM

Set sat anxiously waiting for two things.Hhe was waiting for Cadence to arrive, and for Carms to begin. This was the class he had been most excited for!

feeheeheeny 02-08-2009 11:32 PM

Becca hurried into the Charms classroom. This had been one of her favorite classes ever since she had came to Hogwarts. The whole new professor thing? That might not go well. But, maybe he wouldn't be so bad? Becca turned her gaze to the man, saluted politely, and greeted, "Good day, sir!" Hah. Way to be a suck up. And with that, she took a seat. He sort of did look like a big grump, though.

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