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A bit confused about the plot? Housemates talking about a mysterious something going bump in the night? Here's where you can catch up on happenings around the Castle, Diagon Alley, and Hogsmeade -- out of character, of course.
This means that unless your student character heard this stuff from other students or witnessed the actual event, your student character doesn't know about it.
Also, this is a reminder to everyone to only post updates on the school plot here. Please do not post the happenings of your student character in here - that kind of chat goes in the school chat thread.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Headmistress - Prof. Cassandra Rae-Branxton (Cassirin)
School Staff Ancient Runes - Prof. Fabian G. Clark (Mamushkaleontti) Arithmancy - - Prof. Macadrian A. Shackleton (lemondrop13) Astronomy - Prof. Edward Forrester (Mistress Vondella) CoMC - Prof. Sophie Brooks (SweetAussie) Charms - Prof. Calista Hawkins (shortfry) DADA - Prof. Cassandra Rae-Branxton (Cassirin) DADA TA - Prof. Caleum J. Myers (LadyNerd) Divination - Prof. David C. Kapoor (SlytherinSistah) Flying - Prof. Maximus O. Vindictus (demented_death_eater) Herbology - Prof. Drago Carracio (Zellanna) History of Magic - Prof. Angelica Lainey (Mad Eye Touz) Muggle Studies - Prof. Antonio Dumont (SlytherinFox) Potions - Prof. Reynard Bontecou (Biochemkris) Transfiguration - Prof. Alexandria Pierce (Raider)
Gryffindor Head of House - Prof. Zaria G. Dainsie (Dainsie) House Moderator - Prof. Fabian G. Clark (Mamushkaleontti) House Prefects - Cale M. Newell (Lissy Longbottom), Anna B. Greingoth (Mugglebornwitch3)
Hufflepuff Head of House - Prof. Macadrian A. Shackleton (lemondrop13) House Moderator - Mr. Caleum J. Myers (LadyNerd) House Prefects - Seth B. Paton (accio.brain), Savannah N. Mae (D.A Forever)
Ravenclaw Head of House - Prof. Maximus O. Vindictus (demented_death_eater) House Moderator - Madame Angela Kohan (Granger1814) House Prefects - Cale Thornton (Hawken Terrell), Elizabeth A. Andrews (SilverTiger)
Slytherin Head of House- Prof. Edward Forrester (Mistress Vondella) House Moderator - Prof. Alexandria Pierce (Raider) House Prefects - Billium Q. Jones (XanaSnape), Evangeline L. Green (Crayola)
Quidditch Quidditch Official - Prof. Maximus O. Vindictus (demented_death_eater) Gryffindor Captain - Alexis F. Chosen (Hg_fan) Hufflepuff Captain - Rapunzel A. Black (BanaBatGirl) Ravenclaw Captain - Ryan J. Lee (cake.ninjak) Slytherin Captain - Callie E. Long (pgspickles)
House Elves Head Elf - Algamus
Check out the non-HP topics in the Leaky Cauldron today!
Rae had let everyone eat and prattle long enough, and she finally stood with her hand up. She was silent until the room quieted, and then she spoke up.
"Welcome back to Hogwarts, students. I know this has been a long time in coming, and I am pleased to welcome you home. I for one had quite an enjoyable day breaking the lock off the gate at the beginning of the summer, and I wish I could have shared that day with you."
"I would like to introduce the boys to our new female teachers, and the girls to our new male teachers. Please take time to visit them and introduce yourself. And now, if you are done eating, I encourage you to head up to your dorms and get a good night's sleep. Classes start soon and you'll want to be rested."
Looks like everyone will be dismissed soon!
Stalkee loves Stalker most, ALWAYS. Never forget <3 Pardnuhs for life! <333 G-FISH GANGSTAS HOLLAAA!!
Lessons have begun and Quidditch tryouts have started. Some students have already started 'special bonding sessions' in the Dungeons. And there is a new club at Hogwarts this term - the Dueling Club.
Weather: Pleasant days with partly cloudy skies in the afternoons with intermittent showers. Just enough nip in the air to require a jumper during the day. Evenings are cool and damp. Suggestion is to sip some hot apple cider or hot chocolate by your Common Room fire while doing homework. And wear warm, cozy socks, too.
Check out the non-HP topics in the Leaky Cauldron today!
Annamaria walked purposefully towards the gargoyle that guarded the headmistresses office, excited and yet also the tiniest bit apprehensive at being on her first official Ministry assignment outside of the Ministry itself. Either way, she was determined to do her job thoroughly and perfectly, if possibly.
She smiled confidently at a few students that were there and she stopped just in front of the gargoyle statue, her lavender robes swishing around her as she did. " I'm here to see Headmistress Cassandra Rae," She said to it, remembering the statue from her time at Hogwarts. " Oh that's right...there's usually a password," She said to herself. " Is it...licorice wand? Something like that?" She said, looking up at the stature expectantly as she pushed a bit of her red hair out of her eyes with the end of her wand.
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"I'm not much for sweets," Rae emerged from the gargoyle and waved at the students who were waiting. She'd heard there was a crowd down here, but she hadn't known just how much it was growing. "You're not a student. Can I help you?"
Originally Posted by Crystal Ball
Annamaria stepped back as the gargoyle moved suddenly, and then there was a woman in it's stead. She assumed it was the Headmistress, and she was right when she heard the authoritative tone the woman held.
Sticking her hand out and smiling brightly, Annamaria introduced herself. " My name is Annamaria Purcell, Department of Magical Education. I've been sent by the Ministry to ask you a few questions. "She said in a friendly, yet businesslike manner. She looked around at the small crowd of students, but figured that now was as good a time as any to ask her questions. " Well, I suppose I'll get right to it." She said briskly and with a quick smile. " What is the status, if any of the...Hogwarts Treasure that your students informed the Ministry of during the last school term?" She asked, and then she waited for her answer, her gaze trained confidently on the Headmistresses.
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Rae smiled warmly and shook the woman's hand, although her smile faded around the edges at the question. Oh dear, Brennan was impatient already? "I'm afraid we've only just settled in the school and no one has started to seek the treasure. We'll get around to it when lessons and such permit."
Originally Posted by Crystal Ball
Annamaria arched a brow a little as Headmistress Rae's smile faded and she nodded at the answer she was given. It was a disappointment, so she decided to make an attempt to glean a bit more information. " That's understandable. The beginning of term is quite a busy time of year," She said with understanding. " I've got a few more questions, but would it be alright if we discussed more in your office? I'm sure it won't take very long." She spoke confidently still; If she could get into the office, she might discover what the Minister wanted to know. It was slightly odd though, being sent on such a...different task by the Minister himself.
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"Did he tell you I had the treasure hidden under my desk?" Rae laughed delightedly and opened the Gargoyle for the other woman to enter. "You are welcome. I can assure you there is nothing hidden in my office."
Originally Posted by Crystal Ball
Annamaria took the proffered seat and shrugged. " Well, sometimes there just isn't anything any of us can do." She said, folding her hands in her lap. She fidgeted slightly, her thumb rubbing against the subtly shimmering fabric for a moment. " Do you have any ideas when you might start searching for the Treasure then?" She asked with a hopeful expression.
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"I suppose that is up to the students. They were the ones who were given the first clues, and they will have to finish this, I fear. I don't even know where to start." Mostly true, but she wasn't going looking for any treasure right now.
Originally Posted by Crystal Ball
Annmaria nodded again. " I see. Do you know which students know the most about this then? Perhaps I could talk to them...but then again, I know that when something is hidden at Hogwarts, it can be very difficult to find." She said with a little smile. " Your office is lovely, if I may say so." She said, the smile growing a bit wider.
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"Thank you," Rae nodded her head. "I'm afraid that those who were contacted are... very secretive about it." Or perhaps she was secretive on behalf of the Mark. Either way. "I truly do wish I could share more with you."
Originally Posted by Crystal Ball
Annamaria caught the slight pause in Headmistress Rae's sentence and she took note of it right away, filing it in her memory to ponder it later. " Hmm. How curious though." She said, slightly to herself. She shrugged a little. " I wish the same thing, but it's fine, I suppose." She said. " I don't want to take up anymore of your time though." She stood and she looked around once more, but only briefly. " Thank you for all the information you did give me though." She smiled. " It was also nice to come back for a visit."
Treasure?? Why, whatever are Rae and this stranger talking about?
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Oh dear; It appears Slytherin Prefect, Billium Jones, has uncovered some stranger letters....
SPOILER!!: the post
Originally Posted by XanaSnape
Will sighed as he finished the long walk from the common room into the library, his bag full near to bursting with books. He had so much studying to catch up on, and with his time being so taken up in detention he was beginning to feel a bit stressed.
What he needed was to just sit in a quiet place where he could focus, free from distraction, and study. He needed to get as much time in as he could because he'd promised to help that little firstie study his History of Magic, too... so there'd likely be no progress made on his own studies once the kid arrived.
Will found a dark corner of the library that looked peaceful (if a bit spiderwebby) and dropped his heavy bookbag on the wood table. He pulled out a chair to sit, when an ornate book caught his eye.
Letters of the Mark of the seal? He sat down, puzzled, as he began to peruse what he found. The clammy, dank library hadn't been kind to the pages, which looked old. Nevertheless, he read on, fascinated with what he found.
I have continued my association with the Order of the Fang, Slytherin House's proudest and most elite organization...' A Large collection of cash?' he read aloud, growing excited. Something about the Order of the Fang was memorable to him, too... then it hit him.
Clifford's letters last term. Could this book have something to do with the secret society Clifford had received letters from? Will read on, deep in concentration.
Could these letters be leading us to the treasure?
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Hehe...Nothing but the truth when you're locked in the Restricted Section with a dedicated Librarian.
Originally Posted by MuggleBornWitch3
"Here's the deal, Madame Kohan. Last term, a few of my friends and I were involved in getting Hogwarts back. We wrote a letter to the Minister of Magic telling him about a hidden treasure here at Hogwarts. One of the girls in our little group had overheard mention of a treasure, and then we got the idea to write this letter to the Minister and bargain with him. We told him that if he reopened our school, we would help him find the treasure. So now he's held true to his side of the bargain, and I believe we're expected to hold true to our's. Madame, one of my friends told me that a Ministry official was here at Hogwarts the other day, and that she went to speak with the headmistress. I have reason to believe this is dealing with the treasure, and that the Minister will be heading to Hogwarts soon to see about the status of this treasure. My friends and I spoke with the headmistress last term, and she knows about this treasure. I'm not sure how much she knows, but she spoke as if she had reason to believe the treasure, which may or may not be a book, is hidden inside this library. I'm thinking this book will assist us in securing Hogwarts...for everyone. Those who walk through it's doorways now, and those who will one day walk through. Our present and our future depends upon this book. Do you understand the situation that I'm in now?" she asked.
Intending to find a nice quiet spot for some nice quiet thinking after eating some nice sugary lollies; Cela took the stairs up to the observatory two at a time. She spotted Barry and ran over and gave him a huge hug.
"Barry!" Cela greeted, "Haven't seen you for a long time!" She hugged him again and then noticed there were a few Ravenclaw's around, almost like they'd all come up the wrong tower or something. She began to potter around, examining the telescopes and peering out the window, absently skating here and there on her glisseo shoesies.
Originally Posted by The Narrator
Something glittered in the corner of the Observatory.
Originally Posted by Celandine
"What's that?" Cela asked as something caught her eye. She skated over and reached out her hand as she peered at the glittery thing.
Originally Posted by The Narrator
The glittering stopped and the girl grasped a small roll of parchment.
How strange gryfindors at the trophy room looking for something:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
Cale rolled his eyes. "Paul Kutcher likes plants too? Awesome," he muttered sarcastically as he kept looking at the trophies. "I'm afraid to move any of them...with my luck one will fall on my foot and break a toe, or I'll drop it and it will crack right down the middle," he chuckled, examining the nearest plaque. Hmmm, this one was earned by a Ravenclaw...he moved on to the next one that a Gryffindor had gotten, this guy for catching a runaway snitch that had been on the loose in the castle for five weeks.
Originally Posted by The Narrator
As the sixth year Gryffindor prefect examined the Special Services to the School award given to Theodore Puppington during his fourth year, there was a tinkling sound followed by a soft plop as something seemed to have fallen behind the plaque.
Originally Posted by MuggleBornWitch3
Anna gasped and whirled around as she heard the sound of something plopping to the floor behind the plaque. It didn't take her long to figure out what had happened. Cale had found their next clue! Anna bounced in excitement just a little and then ran to hug Cale. "You did it, Cale!" she exclaimed. "You found the next clue!" Anna grabbed her boyfriend by the hand and led him around to the back side of the plaques. When she saw what had fallen to the ground, she took Cale's hand and placed it right on top of the fallen object. She then stood back and smiled at him even bigger than she had when she first figured out what had happened. "Well look at that, Cale! You must have the next clue!" Anna exclaimed.
Originally Posted by HPobsession33
Allie turned around as soon as she heard the word "Clue." "Cale found it!" said Allie."Thank God! I thought we would be here all day! Go Cale!"
And Hufflepuffs at the mirror
Originally Posted by The Narrator
Behind the mirror was a passageway. The end of the passageway was blocked by rubble.
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Dominic blinked astonished when he discovered that there was indeed a passageway behind the mirror. So Kaika hadn't been lying about it... Not even looking back at the girls, the fourth year moved further into the passageway, until he could enter no more.
"Lumos," he muttered to see better if there was anything there. Nothing but rubble. Oh what was that curse used to blast objects out of the way? Gripping his wand tighter, he sighed quietly as he tried to recall it.
Until suddenly, it came to him...
"Reducto!" The Fourth year called, pointing his wand at the rubble blocking the end of the passageway. Hopefully it would do the trick...
Originally Posted by The Narrator
The blast shifted the rubble a bit but, the way to the end of the passageway was blocked for quite a ways. However, the light from the wand reveals that the bricks along the passageway are unevenly laid.
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Dominic abruptly turned around, not realizing his light was still shining from his wand, at the sound of a young voice. It was a familiar kid who he was sure he'd seen in classes before, but he was distracting him! "Me? A mirror person? Not really... but ssh!" he whispered urgently to the kid before turning back around to note if any change was made to the rubble.
Hmm... reducto didn't seem to work, but wait, what was this?! Dominic moved closer to get a better look at the bricks along the pathway, shining his lighted wand carefully along the bricks. It was as though someone had been in here before...
Running his fingers along the bricks, the Hufflepuff was checking for some loose bricks; ones that may get him closer to whatever it is the 'prize' was...
Originally Posted by The Narrator
The random brushing of fingertips along the bricks by the Hufflepuff seemed to awaken some heretofore lost magic in the passageway. One of the bricks pressed inward and a scroll appeared in its place.
The warm days seemed a distant memory as the days became shorter and the nights longer. The leaves turned brilliant hues of amber, gold, and russet. Hot apple cider and gingerbread men enjoyed by roaring fires helped ward off the increasingly cold nights. Quidditch practices and pumpkin carving were soon greeted with the first frost of the upcoming winter season.
Now, occasional snow flurries have blanketed the ground in soft folds of white and the leafless trees and evergreens have gained their seasonal flocking. Icicles are commonly found hanging from the eaves and students can be seen bundled up in layer upon layer of clothing as they waddle from class to class.
The winter season has come to Hogwarts.
Check out the non-HP topics in the Leaky Cauldron today!
And the fourth scroll has been revealed to a Slytherin...in the Restricted Section no less....
Originally Posted by camirayaxley
Camira started down the other aisle, taking out each book and shaking it to see if anything was hidden there.
"I'm afraid not", she said with a frown. It would have been nice, but that would have been too easy, of course. Wasn't there a spell that revealed hidden things?
Originally Posted by The Narrator
Something came fluttering out of one of the books as the Slytherin student began taking them off the shelves and shaking them out.
ooc: You have been PMed.
Hmm...Four Houses...Four students...Four scrolls...Guess the rest of us can only watch now...
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
All the scrolls have been found by groups of students, so it isn't too late to get involved! Those who have those clues are HAPPY (HAPPY I SAY!) to share, so go poke them!
The first Quidditch match of the season was played in miserable conditions for both players and spectators - freezing weather and snow. Defending champions Ravenclaw were victorious and earned a spot in the Quidditch Cup Championship game. Gryffindor earned a spot in the Consolation game which will be played one week prior to the championship.
The second Quidditch match of the season was played in icy conditions following a freak thunderstorm. The game came down to the final Snitch question. Hufflepuff recorded the victory and earned a spot in the Quidditch Cup Championship game against rival Ravenclaw. Slytherin earned a spot in the Consolation game against long-time rival Gryffindor.
The Consolation Game will be played on December 5 & 6.
The Championship Game will be played on December 12 & 13.
Stuck firmly to the top shelf and covered with dust so that it blended in, except for a ring on which the jar of eyeballs had been set, was an old worn sheet of parchment which seemed to have been overlooked by the Ravenclaw boy who had been more interested in the contents of the jar.
Hmm...interesting. what information does this parchment hold?
And.I.try.not.to.Dream.but.them.possible.Schemes, Swim.around,wanna.Drown.me.in.Synch.and.I,don't.know.
how,to.Slow.it.down.my.Mind's.racing.from.chasing.Pirates. x Celandine x Daphne x Garret x Jillian x
The abnormally chilly winter has thawed into a pleasant Spring. Blue skies, occasional fluffy clouds and sporadic showers mark the days while the nights remain cool and pleasant.
Finals are getting near but the outdoors beckons many who seek an escape from studying inside the Castle.
Check out the non-HP topics in the Leaky Cauldron today!
An unexpected turn of events....
Hogwarts loses another Professor...
Originally Posted by Zellanna
As they got seated he approached the front of the classroom with a heavy sigh. "The reason I was late, unfortunately, was that I am currently setting up arrangements for travel... and to move. Including most of my private gardens. Much of my things take great care and I will have a limited amount of time to have these things moved. Unfortunately, before class was the best time that I could make these arrangements."
He looked them over, wondering if they comprehended just what he was talking about. "This brings me to my primary announcement. As you may have noticed, I have been... acting strangely. Some of you who do not know me may not have had a good frame of reference for this, but I have also caught the glances of some of you."
"The truth is, I do not think I am emotionally capable of properly mentoring you any longer. Just as a for-instance, this term my lessons have been centered around the end of a plant's life, or making decisions regarding it. And yet somehow it was a surprise to me that none of you knew the way plants reproduce. I was focusing on the death before the life, and your instruction was suffering for it. It was upon this realization that I decided this would be my last class. And in particular, this lesson should be the chosen lesson for such a thing."
"I do not know if the next herbology teacher will keep the student gardens that I have set up. I would advise that if at all possible, any plants you would like to keep be transplanted and brought home. If the garden remains, you may always replant it."
He looked about once more. For once he was not occluding, and it showed his age. He was visibly exhausted, and there was a haunted look in his dark blue eyes. Whatever had taken its toll on him had been doing it for quite some time. "Are there any questions?"
The Quidditch season has ended with two exciting games. Traditional rivals, Gryffindor and Slytherin, played against each other in the Consolation Game. Gryffindor emerged victorious with a respectable third place finish. The Championship game was a fierce one between two equally-matched teams, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. The 'Claws finished on top and defended their title, and Hufflepuff had to settle for a respectable second place finish.
Quidditch Cup Champions:Ravenclaw Second Place: Hufflepuff Consolation Game Winner (Third Place): Gryffindor Fourth Place: Slytherin
Check out the non-HP topics in the Leaky Cauldron today!
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
The Headmistress has given her speech ...
Originally Posted by Cassirin
The speech couldn't wait any longer, or else she'd be shouting after them as they lined up for the train. Rae rose slowly to her feet and looked for Lainey. But of course, Lainey wouldn't be there yet, if she made it at all. She had work to do.
"Students," Rae lifted her chin and called out to the hall, waiting for them to fall quiet. The tilt of her chin was almost haughty, but her smile for the students was warm. "We come to the end of yet another term at Hogwarts. I want to thank you all for the work you've done this term, both for your houses and for your own education. I feel proud to know those of you leaving the school after this term, and we hope that we've given you enough to take the world by storm."
Rae bowed to the Ravenclaw table. "Congratulations to Ravenclaw for winning the Quidditch Cup this term. You were magnificent. And congratulations to the Gryffindors for winning the House cup." She gave them a bow too.
"The train will arrive soon, so I hope you will enjoy the feast and make sure you get home safely. Hogwarts will, of course, be here next term. There will be a lot of new faces." Her mouth opened and closed a few times, and Rae's shoulders slumped forward. "I can't just..."
She glanced up again, piercing the room with a searching look, taking in each face. "I have a letter." From inside her robes, Rae drew a crumpled sheet of paper. Her face was pale, but her voice was steady.
"My dear staff and students,
There is an old saying that Aurors never retire. They simply fight to the death and then stand guard over heaven. The last few years have been a reprieve from my time as an Auror, a chance to rest after the greatest tragedy of my life and a chance to refocus my energy for the greatest cause I could pick up... all of you.
But at the end of the day, I have been fooling myself. Hogwarts is safe. You are safe. It is the world outside of Hogwarts that is fraught with danger, and now that I have made this place safe for you, I must turn to the greater world in my battle against the Dark.
There is a new menace, in a place far from here, and they have asked a select few to come and fight. Professor Lainey and I are leading the team. It was the easiest decision of my life to come work at Hogwarts, and it is the hardest of my life to leave. I have loved my time here and the healing it has brought me, and I carry each of you in my heart. For truly, I am fighting on your behalf.
So I must bid you good bye, not just for the summer, but for longer. I cannot say how long this menace lasts, nor if it will be the last. I can only say that you are the true treasures of Hogwarts and..."
She couldn't finish the letter, so she stuffed the piece of paper back in her pocket and wiped her streaming eyes. Now this was certainly unprofessional, but she couldn't bring herself to care.
Hogwarts loses both Rae and Lainey? Interesting ...
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯