September 28
FoxFire - 7 points - For helping a very injured student.
October 4
HPobsession33 - 12 points - Arithmancy Lesson #1
MuggleBornWitch3 - 17 points - Arithmancy Lesson #1
fredsgirl81293 - 1 points - Arithmancy Lesson #1
LisaPotter1125 - 15 points - Arithmancy Lesson #1
Lissy Longbottom - 14 points - Arithmancy Lesson #1
pingpongfreak - 3 points - Arithmancy Lesson #1
PtLovesJtSnow - 2 points - Arithmancy Lesson #1
hannah_bry27 - 4 points - Arithmancy Lesson #1
Samia - 2 points - Arithmancy Lesson #1
FoxFire - 4 points - Arithmancy Lesson #1
Boys Like Ama - 2 points - Arithmancy Lesson #1
September 6
LisaPotter1125 - 4 points - Answering questions in class
MuggleBornWitch3 - 7 points - Answering questions in class, Demonstrating the levitation charm
Lissy Longbottom - 7 points - Answering questions in class, Demonstrating the levitation charm
fredsgirl81293 - 4 points - Answering questions in class
DanialRadFAN01 - 2 points - Answering questions in class
stan lanevski - 2 points - Answering questions in class
HPobsession33 - 3 points - Answering questions in class
MuggleBornWitch3 - 3 points - Volunteering to help in class
Lissy Longbottom - 3 points - Volunteering to help in class
October 8
DanialRadFAN01 - 4 points - Muggle Studies Lesson 1
LisaPotter1125 - 12 points - Muggle Studies Lesson 1
PtLovesJtSnow - 5 points - Muggle Studies Lesson 1
Lissy Longbottom - 2 points - Muggle Studies Lesson 1
MuggleBornWitch3 - 10 points - Muggle Studies Lesson 1
HPobsession33 - 12 points - Muggle Studies Lesson 1
FoxFire - 3 points - Muggle Studies Lesson 1
DogsPajamas - 6 points - Muggle Studies Lesson 1
druidflower - 7 points - Muggle Studies Lesson 1
LizzieEvans - 4 points - Muggle Studies Lesson 1
KatieTessa - 4 points - Muggle Studies Lesson 1
fish_kid - 2 points - Muggle Studies Lesson 1
October 10
KatieTessa - 15 points - Divination class
LisaPotter1125 - 3 points - Divination class.
roey - 5 points - Arithmancy HW #1
KatieTessa - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW1
Affnee - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW1
DanialRadFAN01 - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW1
LisaPotter1125 - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW1
HPobsession33 - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW1
tonks4lupin - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW1
fish_kid - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW1
MuggleBornWitch3 - 25 points - Muggle Studies HW1 - good response!
Lissy Longbottom - 25 points - Muggle Studies HW1 - nice job
LisaPotter1125 - 12 points - Astr Class
FoxFire - 5 points - Astr Class
nymphadora_nat - 9 points - Astr Class
Mrs.C.Longbottom - 3 points - Astr Class
MuggleBornWitch3 - 15 points - Arithmancy HW #1
KatieTessa - 20 points - Arithmancy HW #1
October 11
nymphadora_nat - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 1
PtLovesJtSnow - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 1
Samia - 25 points - Muggle Studies HW 1 - excellent effort!
janeysh1 - 14 points - Arithmancy HW #1
firebolt85 - 12 points - Arithmancy HW #1
DanialRadFAN01 - 12 points - Arithmancy HW #1
HPobsession33 - 18 points - Arithmancy HW #1
Felix_Wildcat - 12 points - Arithmancy HW #1
nymphadora_nat - 11 points - Arithmancy HW #1
Samia - 18 points - Arithmancy HW #1
Lissy Longbottom - 19 points - Arithmancy HW #1
griffin_girl - 19 points - Arithmancy HW #1
FoxFire - 19 points - Arithmancy HW #1
LisaPotter1125 - 20 points - Arithmancy HW #1
Mrs.C.Longbottom - 10 points - Arithmancy HW #1
Loki - 16 points - Arithmancy HW #1
nytingale - 14 points - Arithmancy HW #1
FoxFire - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 1
FoxFire - 15 points - Astr Homework
Samia - 14 points - Astr Homework
Lissy Longbottom - 14 points - Astr Homework
October 12
nytingale - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 1
Hg_fan - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 1
Loki - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 1
October 13
MuggleBornWitch3 - 15 points - Astr Homework
nytingale - 11 points - Astr Homework
Hg_fan - 15 point - Astr Homework
LisaPotter1125 - 12 points - Astr Homework
Loki - 14 points - Astr Homework
HPobsession33 - 12 points - Astr Homework
October 14
KatieTessa - 13 points - Astr Homework
fish_kid - 10 points - Flying Lesson #1
DogsPajamas - 10 points - Flying Lesson #1
LizzieEvans - 10 points - Flying Lesson #1
Symbi0sis - 10 points - Flying Lesson #1
griffin_girl - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 1
October 15
griffin_girl - 14 points - Astr Homework
October 18
Lissy Longbottom - 9 points - Arithmancy Lesson #2
HPobsession33 - 5 points - Arithmancy Lesson #2
LisaPotter1125 - 7 points - Arithmancy Lesson #2
October 19
MuggleBornWitch3 - 20 points - Arithmancy HW #2
October 22
LisaPotter1125 - 20 points - Arithmancy HW #2
HPobsession33 - 10 points - Transfiguration one homework
MuggleBornWitch3 - 10 points - Transfiguration one homework
griffin_girl - 10 points - Transfiguration one homework
LisaPotter1125 - 10 points - Transfiguration one homework
Lissy Longbottom - 10 points - Transfiguration one homework
All of Gryffindor - 12 points - Transfiguration classroom points
October 24
DogsPajamas - 1 points - Muggle Studies Lesson 2
MuggleBornWitch3 - 8 points - Muggle Studies Lesson 2
PtLovesJtSnow - 3 points - Muggle Studies Lesson 2
LisaPotter1125 - 5 points - Muggle Studies Lesson 2
fish_kid - 1 points - Muggle Studies Lesson 2
October 25
griffin_girl - 11 points - Arithmancy HW #2
HPobsession33 - 8 points - Arithmancy HW #2
Lissy Longbottom - 19 points - Arithmancy HW #2
Hg_fan - 19 points - Arithmancy HW #2
October 26
LisaPotter1125 - 10 points - divination western astrology class.
MuggleBornWitch3 - 10 points - divination western astrology class.
DanialRadFAN01 - 1 point - divination western astrology class.
Lissy Longbottom - 1 point - divination western astrology class.
KatieTessa - 1 point- divination western astrology class.
HPobsession33 - 3 points - divination western astrology class.
griffin_girl - 5 points - divination western astrology class.
October 28
LisaPotter1125 - 25 points - Muggle Studies HW 2 - great effort!
MuggleBornWitch3 - 25 points - Muggle Studies HW 2 - wonderful job!
LizzieEvans - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 2
MUSTANG SALLY - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 2
stan lanevski - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 2
roey - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 2
FoxFire - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 2
KatieTessa - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 2
platapuss34 - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 2
HPobsession33 - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 2
Lissy Longbottom - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 2
fish_kid - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 2
Lissy Longbottom - 3 points - Helping in demonstrating in class
LisaPotter1125 - 6 points - Answering questions in Flying #2
MuggleBornWitch3 - 2 points - Answering questions in Flying #2
LisaPotter1125 - 10 points - Flying #2 Participation
MuggleBornWitch3 - 6 points - Flying #2 Participation
HPobsession33 - 10 points - Flying #2 Participation
October 29
DogsPajamas - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 2
October 30
griffin_girl - 11 points - divination 1 homework.
Loki - 10 points - divination 1 homework.
nymphadora_nat - 10 points - divination 1 homework.
HPobsession33 - 12 points - divination 1 homework. well done!
MuggleBornWitch3 - 10 points - divination 1 homework.
Lissy Longbottom - 11 points - divination 1 homework. well done!
LisaPotter1125 - 12 points - divination 1 homework. 1 for helping!
Samia - 10 points - divination 1 homework.
FoxFire - 10 points - divination 1 homework.
nytingale - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 2
nytingale - 18 points - DADA Homework
DogsPajamas - 20 points - DADA Homework.
LizzieEvans - 20 points - DADA Homework. Very good explanation.
October 31
DanialRadFAN01 - 20 points - DADA Homework
DanialRadFAN01 - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 2
griffin_girl - 20 points - Muggfle Studies HW 2
November 3
nytingale - 10 points - Flying Lesson #2 HW
Miss Lissy Lou - 10 points - Flying Lesson #2 HW
MuggleBornWitch3 - 20 points - Flying Lesson #2 HW
LisaPotter1125 - 20 points - Flying Lesson #2 HW
November 4
LisaPotter1125 - 18 points - A. Runes :: Lesson 1
KatieTessa - 3 points - A. Runes :: Lesson 1
MuggleBornWitch3 - 8 points - A. Runes :: Lesson 1
marfamarfa - 5 points - A. Runes :: Lesson 1
Miss Lissy Lou - 5 points - A. Runes :: Lesson 1
nytingale - 5 points - A. Runes :: Lesson 1
LizzieEvans - 10 points - A. Runes :: Lesson 1
FoxFire - 8 points - A. Runes :: Lesson 1
platapuss34 - 5 points - A. Runes :: Lesson 1
DanialRadFAN01 - 5 points - A. Runes :: Lesson 1
KatieTessa - 5points - A. Runes :: Lesson 1
November 6
Miss Lissy Lou - 14 points - Astronomy Class
DanialRadFAN01 - 11 points - Astronomy Class
MuggleBornWitch3 - 12 points - Astronomy Class
FoxFire - 4 points - Astronomy Class
cucu6 - 2 points - Astronomy Class
November 7
Anna Banana - 9 points - Answering questions in CoMC
LisaPotter1125 - 6 points - Answering questions in CoMC
HPobsession33 - 2 points - Answering questions in CoMC
Anna Banana - 5 points - Clabbert sketch
LisaPotter1125 - 3 points - Clabbert sketch
HPobsession33 - 5 points - Clabbert sketch
Miss Lissy Lou - 4 points - Clabbert sketch
FoxFire - 4 points - Clabbert sketch
griffin_girl - 20 points - DADA Homework

-draws smilie face on your paper-
LisaPotter1125 - 20 points - DADA Homework
Anna Banana - 20 points - DADA Homework
November 8
Miss Lissy Lou - 20 points - Astronomy Homework
stan lanevski - 15 points - Astronomy Homework
Anna Banana - 20 points - Astronomy Homework
platapuss34 - 20 points - Astronomy Homework
nytingale - 20 points - Astronomy Homework
cucu6 - 10 points - Astronomy Homework
Eclipsed - 20 points - Astronomy Homework
griffin_girl - 20 points - Astronomy Homework
November 10
marfamarfa - 20 points - Transfig. Homework 2
Miss Lissy Lou - 20 points - Transfig. Homework 2
DanialRadFAN01 - 20 points - Transfig. Homework 2
griffin_girl - 20 points - Transfig. Homework 2
FoxFire - 20 points - Transfig. Homework 2
LisaPotter1125 - 20 points - Transfig. Homework 2
Anna Banana - 20 points - Transfig. Homework 2
November 11
HPobsession33 - 17 points - Astronomy Homework
LisaPotter1125 - 14 points - Astronomy Homework
November 12
Miss Lissy Lou - 20 points - DADA Homework
MUSTANG SALLY - 20 points - DADA Homework
November 13
griffin_girl - 7 points - CoMC Homework
nytingale - 7 points - CoMC Homework
Miss Lissy Lou - 8 points - CoMC Homework
Anna Banana - 10 points - CoMC Homework
Wayfarer - 10 points - CoMC Homework
LisaPotter1125 - 9 points - CoMC Homework
KatieTessa - 9 points - CoMC Homework
stan lanevski - 6 points - CoMC Homework
Eclipsed - 8 points - CoMC Homework
Miss Lissy Lou - 4 points - Arithmancy Lesson #3
Anna Banana - 7 points - Arithmancy Lesson #3
LisaPotter1125 - 9 points - Arithmancy Lesson #3
FoxFire - 1 point - Arithmancy Lesson #3
KatieTessa - 1 point - Arithmancy Lesson #3
platapuss34 - 1 point - Arithmancy Lesson #3
November 16
LisaPotter1125 - 7 points - Charms Lesson #2
HPobsession33 - 6 points - Charms Lesson #2
Anna Banana - 5 points - Charms Lesson #2
griffin_girl - 4 points - Charms Lesson #2
griffin_girl - 4 points - Charms Lesson #2
LizzieEvans - 1 points - Charms Lesson #2
Miss Lissy Lou - 2 points - Charms Lesson #2
nytingale - 18 points - Arithmancy HW #3
November 20
LisaPotter1125 - 5 points - Helping at the MCH
November 23
HPobsession33 - 16 points - Charms HW #2
LisaPotter1125 - 20 points - Charms HW #2
griffin_girl - 10 points - Charms HW #2
griffin_girl - 13 points - Arithmancy HW #3
Miss Lissy Lou - 18 points - Arithmancy HW #3
LisaPotter1125 - 16 points - Arithmancy HW #3
Anna Banana - 15 points - Arithmancy HW #3
November 24
Anna Banana - 20 points - DADA HW 2
LisaPotter1125 - 20 points - DADA HW 2 - Wonderful!
griffin_girl - 20 points - DADA hw 2 - Great!
November 26
LisaPotter1125 - 25 points - Divination: 2 Lions. WOW! Nice job!
griffin_girl - 21 points - Divination: 2 Lions.
Anna Banana - 20 points - Divination: 2 Lions.
Miss Lissy Lou - 20 points - Divination: 2 Lions.
November 30
Gryffindor - 50 points - Gobstones Championship Match Victory
December 1
Anna Banana - 6 points - Charms Lesson Three - Points for Answers
LisaPotter1125 - 22 points - Charms Lesson Three - Points for Answers
marfamarfa - 8 points - Charms Lesson Three - Points for Answers
Miss Lissy Lou - 16 points - Charms Lesson Three - Points for Answers
LisaPotter1125 - 10 points - Muggle Studies Lesson 3
HPobsession33 - 4 points - Muggle Studies Lesson 3
Anna Banana - 1 points - Muggle Studies Lesson 3
LizzieEvans - 6 points - Muggle Studies Lesson 3
Anna Banana - 18 points - Charms Lesson Three - Participation
hannah_bry27 - 2 points - Charms Lesson Three - Participation
LisaPotter1125 - 14 points - Charms Lesson Three - Participation
marfamarfa - 3 points - Charms Lesson Three - Participation
Miss Lissy Lou - 18 points - Charms Lesson Three - Participation
December 2
Anna Banana - 10 points - Transfig. Homework 3
Miss Lissy Lou - 10 points - Transfig. Homework 3
December 5
LisaPotter1125 - 19 points - Charms Lesson Three - Homework
December 6
Anna Banana - 10 points - Getting food for Professor Brooks and Myers
Anna Banana - 20 points - Charms Lesson Three - Homework
DanialRadFAN01 - 25 points - Muggle Studies HW 3 - nice job!
HarryLover! - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 3
nytingale - 25 points - Muggle Studies HW 3 (nice work!)
Anna Banana - 50 points - Muggle Studies Final - excellent and insightful!
DanialRadFAN01 - 40 points - Muggle Studies Final
HPobsession33 - 40 points - Muggle Studies Final
Anna Banana - 20 points - Charms HW #2
Miss Lissy Lou - 20 points - Charms HW #2
December 7
Miss Lissy Lou - 20 points - Charms HW #2
DanialRadFAN01 - 19 points - Charms Lesson Three - Homework
Miss Lissy Lou - 25 points - Muggle Studies HW 3 (well written!)
stan lanevski - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 3
Anna Banana - 30 points - Muggle Studies HW 3 (thorough job!)
LisaPotter1125 - 25 points - Muggle Studies HW 3 (very nice!)
griffin_girl - 30 points - Muggle Studies HW 3 (excellent job!)
PhoenixRising - 30 points - Muggle Studies HW 3 (great!)
KatieTessa - 20 points - Muggle Studies HW 3
Miss Lissy Lou - 50 points - Muggle Studies Finals - nice job!
platapuss34 - 40 points - Muggle Studies Finals
stan lanevski - 40 points - Muggle Studies Finals
KatieTessa - 40 points - Muggle Studies Finals
Hg_fan - 40 points - Muggle Studies Finals
LisaPotter1125 - 50 points - Muggle Studies Finals - wonderful ideas!
griffin_girl - 20 points - Charms Lesson Three - Homework
DanialRadFAN01 - 16 points - Arithmancy Final Exam
griffin_girl - 50 points - Muggle Studies Final - great topics!
December 8
Anna Banana - 6 points - Jyotish Astrology Class.
LisaPotter1125 - 11 points - Jyotish Astrology Class.
Miss Lissy Lou - 8 points - Jyotish Astrology Class.
dan arjay - 2 points - Jyotish Astrology Class.
nymphadora_nat - 1 points - Jyotish Astrology Class.
Miss Lissy Lou - 20 points - Tara Bala Chart.
griffin_girl - 20 points - Tara Bala Chart.
LisaPotter1125 - 20 points - Tara Bala Chart.
DanialRadFAN01 - 20 points - Tara Bala Chart.
Anna Banana - 20 points - Tara Bala Chart.
Anna Banana - 5 points - CoMC Lesson 3
marfamarfa - 5 points - CoMC Lesson 3
Miss Lissy Lou - 2 points - CoMC Lesson 3
LisaPotter1125 - 7 points - CoMC Lesson 3
DanialRadFAN01 - 5 points - CoMC Lesson 3
griffin_girl - 3 points - CoMC Lesson 3
LisaPotter1125 - 8 points - CoMC Drawing
Anna Banana - 10 points - CoMC Drawing
marfamarfa - 10 points - CoMC Drawing
FoxFire - 40 points - Muggle Studies Final
December 9
nytingale - 40 points - Muggle Studies Final
December 10
Anna Banana - 7 points - Getting drinks for professors.
Anna Banana - 10 points - Getting food for professors
LisaPotter1125 - 7 points - CoMC class 2 points
Anna Banana - 10 points - CoMC class 2 points
HPobsession33 - 7 points - CoMC class 2 points
Miss Lissy Lou - 3 points - CoMC class 2 points
marfamarfa - 7 points - CoMC class 2 points
Anna Banana - 20 points - CoMC Homework 2
LisaPotter1125 - 20 points - CoMC Homework 2
HPobsession33 - 17 points - CoMC Homework 2
Miss Lissy Lou - 20 points - CoMC Homework 2
FoxFire - 19 points - CoMC Homework 2
griffin_girl - 2 points - CoMC Homework 2
hannah_bry27 - 18 points - CoMC Homework 2
HarryLover! - 17 points - CoMC Homework 2
DanialRadFAN01 - 16 points - CoMC Homework 2
KatieTessa - 20 points - CoMC Homework 2
December 11
griffin_girl - 20 points - CoMC Homework 2
Anna Banana - 7 points - CoMC Homework 3 - Part 2
HPobsession33 - 17 points - CoMC Homework 3
LisaPotter1125 - 8 points - CoMC Homework 3 - Part 2
griffin_girl - 17 points - CoMC Homework 3
LisaPotter1125 - 5 points - For honesty and sincerity
December 12
Miss Lissy Lou - 15 points - HoM 1
LisaPotter1125 - 15 points - HoM
Anna Banana - 15 points - HoM
HPobsession33 - 15 points - HoM
Ama - 15 points - HoM
Kaos.Doodles - 15 points - HoM
HPobsession33 - 15 points - HoM
Anna Banana - 15 points - HoM
DanialRadFAN01 - 15 points - HoM
Miss Lissy Lou - 15 points - HoM
griffin_girl - 15 points - HoM
LisaPotter1125 - 15 points - HoM
December 13
Gryffindor - 75 points - Quidditch - Third Place
nytingale - 32 points - Arithmancy Final Exam
Anna Banana - 38 points - Arithmancy Final Exam
fredsgirl81293 - 16 points - Arithmancy Final Exam
HPobsession33 - 28 points - Arithmancy Final Exam
Miss Lissy Lou - 38 points - Arithmancy Final Exam
LisaPotter1125 - 38 points - Arithmancy Final Exam
Loki - 29 points - Arithmancy Final Exam
LisaPotter1125 - 50 points - DADA Final - Very good!
DanialRadFAN01 - 3 points - Finals
Anna Banana - 33 points - Finals
LisaPotter1125 - 32 points - Finals
HPobsession33 - 22 points - Finals
griffin_girl - 23 points - Finals
December 14
Anna Banana - 50 points - DADA Final - Very good Anna Banana!!!!
Anna Banana - 50 points - Flying Final (both parts)
Miss Lissy Lou - 12 points - Flying Final (both parts)
LisaPotter1125 - 27 points - Flying Final (both parts)
HPobsession33 - 36 points - Flying Final (both parts)
griffin_girl - 25 points - Flying Final (both parts)
FoxFire - 25 points - Flying Final (both parts)
HPobsession33 - 20 points - Divination: Tara Bala Chart
HPobsession33 - 7 points - Divination: Celtic Astrology Class
Anna Banana - 29 points - Divination Celtic Astrology
griffin_girl - 7 points - Divination Celtic Astrology Class
DanialRadFAN01 - 15 points - Divination Celtic Astrology Class
dan arjay - 5 points - Divination Celtic Astrology Class
Miss Lissy Lou - 3 points - Divination Celtic Astrology Class
LisaPotter1125 - 27 points - Divination Celtic Astrology Class
platapuss34 - 2 points - Divination Celtic Astrology Class
Samia - 19 points - Divination Celtic Astrology Homework
LisaPotter1125 - 20 points - Divination Celtic Astrology Homework
KatieTessa - 19 points - Divination Celtic Astrology Homework
griffin_girl - 24 points - Arithmancy Final Exam
FoxFire - 27 points - Arithmancy Final Exam
Samia - 50 points - DADA Final - very good work!
HPobsession33 - 19 points - Divination Celtic Astrology Homework
HPobsession33 - 50 points - DADA Final - Very fantabulous!
Miss Lissy Lou - 50 points - DADA Final - Yay!
DanialRadFAN01 - 50 points - DADA Final - original! I like it!
Loki - 50 points - DADA Final - teehee!
LizzieEvans - 50 points - DADA Final - very good!
platapuss34 - 50 points - DADA Final - sends you off flying with the gryffies
griffin_girl - 50 points - DADA Final - weeeee!
LisaPotter1125 - 47 points - CoMC Finals
LizzieEvans - 44 points - CoMC Finals
Miss Lissy Lou - 44 points - CoMC Finals
HPobsession33 - 40 points - CoMC Finals
Anna Banana - 50 points - CoMC Finals
DanialRadFAN01 - 35 points - CoMC Finals
stan lanevski - 50 points - DADA Final - Woot!
FoxFire - 45 points - CoMC Final
springbaby - 25 points - CoMC Final
FoxFire - 50 points - DADA Final
griffin_girl - 50 points - CoMC Finals
platapuss34 - 35 points - CoMC Final
December 17
DanialRadFAN01 - 10 points - potions homework
LisaPotter1125 - 15 points - potions homework
Anna Banana - 10 points - potions homework
nytingale - 50 points - DADA Final - Very good
LizzieEvans - 10 points - potions homework
griffin_girl - 12 points - potions homework
roey - 10 points - potions homework