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Biochemkris 12-17-2008 07:35 PM

Hufflepuff House Table
Badgers delight in the feast set before them.

Becky 12-17-2008 08:03 PM

Jayne screamed with delight at the feast "Yum!!" she giggled

Jamers 12-17-2008 08:53 PM

Penny walked to the table. 'Wow this year went by fast.' she thought to herself. Looking around she did not see anyone that she knew at the table, so she took a seat.

Mell 12-17-2008 10:52 PM

Kayla made her way over to the Hufflepuff table and sat down beside Penny. Finally the year had finished and she was so glad, this had been by far the worst year she had ever had at Hogwarts. Shaking herself out of her mood, Kayla turned to Penny. "Looking forward to the summer break?" she asked as she helped herself to some food.

PhoenixRising 12-17-2008 11:00 PM

Dominic dawdled into the Great Hall for the end-of-term-feast. He had officially survived one year in the "public" schools. Even though he had met a few good acquaintances, the year had felt strange and disconnected. His mother would be proud no doubt for involving himself in a treasure hunt that he still has no clue what the purpose was other than friendship, something he valued little of. Then there was quidditch. That spoke for itself in the experiences he had there.

Gazing around the Hall at all the chatter, the fourth year sighed and sat down at the end of the Hufflepuff table. Sure he had earned many points for his house, but the fact that Hufflepuff was still only third, was not at all appealing. Next term - there would be gold and black banners in the hall at this time. He would see to it, if he had to poke every last badger to class and out of the common room. Quietly, he scooped some potatoes and green beans onto his plate ....

WhittyBitty 12-17-2008 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by PhoenixRising (Post 7587477)
Dominic dawdled into the Great Hall for the end-of-term-feast. He had officially survived one year in the "public" schools. Even though he had met a few good acquaintances, the year had felt strange and disconnected. His mother would be proud no doubt for involving himself in a treasure hunt that he still has no clue what the purpose was other than friendship, something he valued little of. Then there was quidditch. That spoke for itself in the experiences he had there.

Gazing around the Hall at all the chatter, the fourth year sighed and sat down at the end of the Hufflepuff table. Sure he had earned many points for his house, but the fact that Hufflepuff was still only third, was not at all appealing. Next term - there would be gold and black banners in the hall at this time. He would see to it, if he had to poke every last badger to class and out of the common room. Quietly, he scooped some potatoes and green beans onto his plate ....

Heading into the End of Term Feast, Lima made a beeline directly towards her favourite Seeker. Making sure that he didn't see her of course.

She made her way right behind him, and at the right moment pounced on him in a big hug, knocking him into his potatoes.

"Denton!" she squealed at him as she clung to him still.

PhoenixRising 12-17-2008 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Whitterz (Post 7587524)
Heading into the End of Term Feast, Lima made a beeline directly towards her favourite Seeker. Making sure that he didn't see her of course.

She made her way right behind him, and at the right moment pounced on him in a big hug, knocking him into his potatoes.

"Denton!" she squealed at him as she clung to him still.

Playing with the potatoes, Dominic was hardly aware of his surroundings. A mistake that would surely never happen again as the next thing he knew, potato-griminess was shoved up his nostrils and embedded in his facial pores. With his vision obstructed by mashed food, all he had was his ears to hear the sound of his last name squealed by a female.

Another fan girl?

Vaguely wondering which one this was, he raised his head slowly, attempting to wade her arms off of his non-muscular body. His face felt completely disgusting and now his potatoes were inedible.

"Gerrofff!!!!!" He mumbled quietly, hoping no one was looking. This would not bode well for his reputation. Not that he had one to sacrifice.

WhittyBitty 12-17-2008 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by PhoenixRising (Post 7587581)
Playing with the potatoes, Dominic was hardly aware of his surroundings. A mistake that would surely never happen again as the next thing he knew, potato-griminess was shoved up his nostrils and embedded in his facial pores. With his vision obstructed by mashed food, all he had was his ears to hear the sound of his last name squealed by a female.

Another fan girl?

Vaguely wondering which one this was, he raised his head slowly, attempting to wade her arms off of his non-muscular body. His face felt completely disgusting and now his potatoes were inedible.

"Gerrofff!!!!!" He mumbled quietly, hoping no one was looking. This would not bode well for his reputation. Not that he had one to sacrifice.

She couldn't help but laugh as he brought his face up from the plate and she could see that he was now covered in potatoes. Though she didn't give up her hold on him. "But you look so much better now," she said amusedly.

She wasn't bothered by his annoyance in the least. "We all know that you like it when I hug you, so stop being a Drama Queen" She squeezed him tighter.

PhoenixRising 12-17-2008 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by Whitterz (Post 7587617)
She couldn't help but laugh as he brought his face up from the plate and she could see that he was now covered in potatoes. Though she didn't give up her hold on him. "But you look so much better now," she said amusedly.

She wasn't bothered by his annoyance in the least. "We all know that you like it when I hug you, so stop being a Drama Queen" She squeezed him tighter.

Hearing her laugh, Dominic knew who this was; it was none other than that annoying older puff, Lima Whiggmeister or whatever her last name was... And what was up with her smarting off to him? She was clearly jealous because he - a younger student - had beaten her in points. Picking his napkin off the table, he wiped his face off as best as possible, before grabbing a fistful of potatoes.

"Well I probably did look nicer with these potatoes than you'll look," he smarted back, as he reached his potato hand back and shoved at her face.

"And I'm not a Drama Queen!" Dominic retorted back, still struggling to loosen her grip.

AYOCutie 12-17-2008 11:53 PM

Kyler stumbled heavily into the great hall, it being quite noticably he hadn't had much sleep. How coould one snake get so busy by the end of the school year? And to top it off, why the huffie table? This was what kye did every year. For the start-of-term, and end-of-term. He had many variaties of friends, all from different houses, meaning he always stumbled through every table, making as much small talk possible before leaving.

But there was always his summer party back in aussie, that he had planned up his sleeve.

And he took the first open seat he could find at the huffies table, going straight for the punch. Something sugary, to keep him awake.

WhittyBitty 12-18-2008 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by PhoenixRising (Post 7587634)

Hearing her laugh, Dominic knew who this was; it was none other than that annoying older puff, Lima Whiggmeister or whatever her last name was... And what was up with her smarting off to him? She was clearly jealous because he - a younger student - had beaten her in points. Picking his napkin off the table, he wiped his face off as best as possible, before grabbing a fistful of potatoes.

"Well I probably did look nicer with these potatoes than you'll look," he smarted back, as he reached his potato hand back and shoved at her face.

"And I'm not a Drama Queen!" Dominic retorted back, still struggling to loosen her grip.


Originally Posted by Moni =D
Kyler stumbled heavily into the great hall, it being quite noticably he hadn't had much sleep. How coould one snake get so busy by the end of the school year? And to top it off, why the huffie table? This was what kye did every year. For the start-of-term, and end-of-term. He had many variaties of friends, all from different houses, meaning he always stumbled through every table, making as much small talk possible before leaving.

But there was always his summer party back in aussie, that he had planned up his sleeve.

And he took the first open seat he could find at the huffies table, going straight for the punch. Something sugary, to keep him awake.

Se was just going to make a clever retort to his comment, when suddenly her vision was obscured and her mouth filled with potatoes.


Sputtering, she reached up to her face and started wiping the nasty stuff off. Ugh. She looked and felt disgusting now.

Finally she managed to retort: "no matter how bad I look, I still am prettier than you. You can count on that." She winked at him.

"You are so a Drama Queen. More than that you are a DramaPuff." She knew she got him there.

Looking up, she saw that Kyler had just occupied a seat across from where she and Do were. Squealing, she called out, "I'll be back, Denton," then ran around the table.

Skidding to a stop in front of the Slytherin, she bent down and wrapped him into a hug. "Where have you been for the past like 6 months?," she said still hugging him. She was aware that she was probably getting potato in his hair and on his clothes, but she didn't care.

"Why is it that the only place that I ever see you is at the Huffie table?" She wanted an answer to that one if he could give it to her.

PhoenixRising 12-18-2008 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by Whitterz (Post 7587707)
Se was just going to make a clever retort to his comment, when suddenly her vision was obscured and her mouth filled with potatoes.


Sputtering, she reached up to her face and started wiping the nasty stuff off. Ugh. She looked and felt disgusting now.

Finally she managed to retort: "no matter how bad I look, I still am prettier than you. You can count on that." She winked at him.

"You are so a Drama Queen. More than that you are a DramaPuff." She knew she got him there.

Looking up, she saw that Kyler had just occupied a seat across from where she and Do were. Squealing, she called out, "I'll be back, Denton," then ran around the table.

Skidding to a stop in front of the Slytherin, she bent down and wrapped him into a hug. "Where have you been for the past like 6 months?," she said still hugging him. She was aware that she was probably getting potato in his hair and on his clothes, but she didn't care.

"Why is it that the only place that I ever see you is at the Huffie table?" She wanted an answer to that one if he could give it to her.

A smug smile crept along Dominic's face as he saw Lima covered in potatoes. Oh retaliation and victory could be sweet!

"Keep dreaming Whiggers... you all know I'm the pretty Puff, Drama or not." He snided back to her, before adding even quieter. "And smarter too."

Without warning, the sixth year released him more and then called over that she'd be back as she disappeared from his side to go talk with some slytherin boy. Odd... Shrugging it off, Dominic rose from the bench and left the Hufflepuff table. No point in sticking around to look at a plate of potatoes he would not eat.

Now all that was left to decide was ... which table?

AYOCutie 12-18-2008 12:17 AM

Punch did not seem to quench the thirst, nuuh. It actually made his thoat A little scratchier, but he pushed the feeling aside, as he was that thirsty to not care. He was actually more stoked than anything, just becuase school was finally out, it would be his last year next term, and this meant A party over break. Kyler was on A roll.

Setting his cup against the table, he saw blonde curls go flying by, and at that moment he knew specifically who it would be. And here came the big hug, and his made the most amusing face once he felt the mush of potatoes touch his face. He could almost smell it. "Busy, in fact." he retorted, trying not to break the hug and crush lima's feelings, wiping every bit of potatoe as she wasn't looking.

He snorted at her last remark, it amazed him A bit himself. "It seems I blend in better with the puffers." he chuckled, finally giving in and wrapped her in A big, warm hug, with the remark of: "If I just told you I was deathly alergic to Potatoes, what would you do?"

WhittyBitty 12-18-2008 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by Fall Out Moni (Post 7587751)
Punch did not seem to quench the thirst, nuuh. It actually made his thoat A little scratchier, but he pushed the feeling aside, as he was that thirsty to not care. He was actually more stoked than anything, just becuase school was finally out, it would be his last year next term, and this meant A party over break. Kyler was on A roll.

Setting his cup against the table, he saw blonde curls go flying by, and at that moment he knew specifically who it would be. And here came the big hug, and his made the most amusing face once he felt the mush of potatoes touch his face. He could almost smell it. "Busy, in fact." he retorted, trying not to break the hug and crush lima's feelings, wiping every bit of potatoe as she wasn't looking.

He snorted at her last remark, it amazed him A bit himself. "It seems I blend in better with the puffers." he chuckled, finally giving in and wrapped her in A big, warm hug, with the remark of: "If I just told you I was deathly alergic to Potatoes, what would you do?"

Continuing to hold onto him, she moved herself over so that she could take a seat beside him. It was amazing that she could manage to plop herself down while still hugging someone. But she missed him and she liked hugging him, as sappy as that sounded.

"We've all been busy," she replied to him, nodding slightly. It was very true. She herself had had barely any time to breathe over the last few months. And now it was finally the end of Term. Though that brought some sadness with it as well. "You know, in a few days it will be the Anniversary of my parents deaths," she added sadly. Though she didn't remember if she had even told him about all of that yet.

Noticing him wiping away the potato off of his face when he thought she wasn't looking, she smiled to herself. It was so like him, not wanting to say anything to her that might hurt her feelings. And she wasn't exactly great either, for having gotten him covered in food.

She grinned when he finally gave her a big hug, though it weakened with his lat comment. Even though she knew that he was just being silly. "Don't mess with me Kyler," she said in a scolding tone, though she was only half serious. "If you were deathly allergic, I'd feel like crap and you know it." Sighing, she finally let go of him and decided to focus on getting herself some food instead of just wearing it.

She grabbed herself a plate and started loading it with food while commenting, "you should have been a Hufflepuff, you know that. Really, I' was surprised when you weren't." Though she could see him as being in Slytherin too, she had to admit.

AYOCutie 12-18-2008 01:05 AM

"I know we all have," He grinned. Him being one of of the busiest. And she brought up the sobject of her parents death, and he felt so much pity, it also including the fact that the anniversary of his father's death would be sooner than her own parents. "Aw, hunny," He gave A small pout, holding in as much emotion as possible, and pulled her in for another hug. "I'm so sorry, really I am. You know i'm always here when you need me."

And het tone turned into an edgy whip of tongue, and he snorted lightly to himslef, taking another sip of punch. "Ey now, i'm just checking up." HUfflepuffer? Kyler had never really thought that he ould have turned out to be one, but with him being so much self-adsorbed, it was someting that blew way over his head. "How so? I could never see it." He poked his tonue out lightly, and as she scooped food onto her own plate, he took his own fork, and took A peice of chicken, popping it into his mouth while she wasn't looking. "And tell me why you weren't put into Gryfindor, seeing as ambitious as you are."

Samia 12-18-2008 01:22 AM

Gryffindor won. Sarah couldn't be any more happppppy. The term couldn't have ended on a much better note. It was fantastic. And with all the mixed up tension - Sarah couldn't ait to get on that train and get home.

See Mum and GrandPa.

As much as Sarah was feeling the grumbling of her stomach since the second she stepped into the Great Hall, with a beaming face- what she was feeling more was to meeet her friends, so unknowingly- her feet turned ..

.. to the Hufflepuff table.

"SLIME!" The girl called, grinning broadly before grasping her in a large hug. "Why do you disappear on me?" she asked, frowning playfully, before pulling back. "Garfield's been missing you .." she chuckled, teasingly.

So with the events being so awesome, it was only natural that Sarah's face brightened up when she saw the person sitting next Lima. It was very natural. "KYE" The girl, flashing her teeth, smiling wide- wrapped her arms round his shoulders.

"Am I gladd to seeee you," Sarah chuckled.

AYOCutie 12-18-2008 01:31 AM

How could this day get any better? he had lima at his side, one of his closest ever friends, and then Sarah had just entered, and he couldn't help but grin widely. "Heeello beautiful," he chuckled, wrapping arms around waist in A hug.

"Oh, i'm sure you are. It seems everyone's noticed my appearence," He grinned.

WhittyBitty 12-18-2008 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by Fall Out Moni (Post 7587937)
"I know we all have," He grinned. Him being one of of the busiest. And she brought up the sobject of her parents death, and he felt so much pity, it also including the fact that the anniversary of his father's death would be sooner than her own parents. "Aw, hunny," He gave A small pout, holding in as much emotion as possible, and pulled her in for another hug. "I'm so sorry, really I am. You know i'm always here when you need me."

And het tone turned into an edgy whip of tongue, and he snorted lightly to himslef, taking another sip of punch. "Ey now, i'm just checking up." HUfflepuffer? Kyler had never really thought that he ould have turned out to be one, but with him being so much self-adsorbed, it was someting that blew way over his head. "How so? I could never see it." He poked his tonue out lightly, and as she scooped food onto her own plate, he took his own fork, and took A peice of chicken, popping it into his mouth while she wasn't looking. "And tell me why you weren't put into Gryfindor, seeing as ambitious as you are."


Originally Posted by Samia (Post 7587997)
Gryffindor won. Sarah couldn't be any more happppppy. The term couldn't have ended on a much better note. It was fantastic. And with all the mixed up tension - Sarah couldn't ait to get on that train and get home.

See Mum and GrandPa.

As much as Sarah was feeling the grumbling of her stomach since the second she stepped into the Great Hall, with a beaming face- what she was feeling more was to meeet her friends, so unknowingly- her feet turned ..

.. to the Hufflepuff table.

"SLIME!" The girl called, grinning broadly before grasping her in a large hug. "Why do you disappear on me?" she asked, frowning playfully, before pulling back. "Garfield's been missing you .." she chuckled, teasingly.

So with the events being so awesome, it was only natural that Sarah's face brightened up when she saw the person sitting next Lima. It was very natural. "KYE" The girl, flashing her teeth, smiling wide- wrapped her arms round his shoulders.

"Am I gladd to seeee you," Sarah chuckled.

She smiled at his sweet words and just hugged him tighter. If that was possible. She was a bit worried that she might be winding him, but that didn't stop her. "I'm here for you too, if you ever want to talk about your father." She hadn't really said much to him about that so far 'cause she wasn't really sure how to bring it up. Funny how her own sadness finally made it so that she was able to. Oh well.

She raised her brow at him and took a bite of her green beans. He didn't see himself as a Hufflepuff? Really? Wow.

"You are one of us, Kyler. That's all I'm going to say to you." Her expression was serious, and the look in her eyes said that he wouldn't be able to convince her otherwise.

Until she burst out into laughter. "I never was told that before. I always thought that I would be better suited for Slytherin." Then she had the amusing thought of what it would have been like if they had switched Houses.

Though she didn't get to dwell on that much when she suddenly was brought into a hug. "Hey, Squishy!" she called out happily. Though she snorted at that cheeky comment. "He better be missing me. It will make it easier for him to get used to things when he's all mine."

She gave her an evil look, though naturally the girl didn't see it as she had already moved onto Kyler and was busy hugging him.

Shaking her head, she just went back to her food.

Samia 12-18-2008 01:50 AM

"Pfffft, Slime- He is mine .. even if I hate him," she retorted, grinning but couldn't go on with it as Kyler responded to her Hug- hr returned it happily and she felt glad that He was not in ythe middle of his mood wings.

Feeling a bit comfortable in his Hug, Sarah didn't feel the need to pull her arms away when she slightly pulled her head back at his words. "Ofcourseee .. You are after all Ultra Kyler, Kye .." she grinned back, chuckling foolishly.

"Now .. am I allowed to sit here and eat or should I head back the Gryffindor table .. cause my stomachs really going to embarrass me soon enough with its grumblings," she asked her head turning to Lima, some what sheepishly at the end and pulling her arms away from Kyler somewhat reluctantly.

AYOCutie 12-18-2008 02:14 AM

Kyler chuckled lightly at her words; it was something she always called him. And she asked if he could sit, and kyler pulled back and raised one brow. "Of course you cannot, your not worthy of A huffer." He smirked, only to see Sarah pull back sheepishly as lima stared only for A moment, then decided to pretend she didn't see anything. And that's what got kyler laughing hystarically.

"And I know you are, Lima." He remarked, winking then grabbed his fork, and stabbed at the table aimlessly, apparently thinking there was A plate before him. And she she made A damand that he was A huffer, and he only snorted, deciding not to star and kepted stabbing, the whole thought going through one ear and out the other. "I'm so stoked for break, geeze,"

Mell 12-18-2008 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by Fall Out Moni (Post 7588176)
Kyler chuckled lightly at her words; it was something she always called him. And she asked if he could sit, and kyler pulled back and raised one brow. "Of course you cannot, your not worthy of A huffer." He smirked, only to see Sarah pull back sheepishly as lima stared only for A moment, then decided to pretend she didn't see anything. And that's what got kyler laughing hystarically.

"And I know you are, Lima." He remarked, winking then grabbed his fork, and stabbed at the table aimlessly, apparently thinking there was A plate before him. And she she made A damand that he was A huffer, and he only snorted, deciding not to star and kepted stabbing, the whole thought going through one ear and out the other. "I'm so stoked for break, geeze,"

Kayla spotted Kyler sitting about halfway down the Huffie table and she smiled slyly to herself. She got up and walked down to where he was sitting and leant down so that her lips were close to his ear. "Well, well if it isn't my sexy skateboarding coach. How are you doing Greyson?" she whispered, her breath tickling his ear.

WhittyBitty 12-18-2008 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by Samia (Post 7588090)
"Pfffft, Slime- He is mine .. even if I hate him," she retorted, grinning but couldn't go on with it as Kyler responded to her Hug- hr returned it happily and she felt glad that He was not in ythe middle of his mood wings.

Feeling a bit comfortable in his Hug, Sarah didn't feel the need to pull her arms away when she slightly pulled her head back at his words. "Ofcourseee .. You are after all Ultra Kyler, Kye .." she grinned back, chuckling foolishly.

"Now .. am I allowed to sit here and eat or should I head back the Gryffindor table .. cause my stomachs really going to embarrass me soon enough with its grumblings," she asked her head turning to Lima, some what sheepishly at the end and pulling her arms away from Kyler somewhat reluctantly.


Originally Posted by Fall Out Moni (Post 7588176)
Kyler chuckled lightly at her words; it was something she always called him. And she asked if he could sit, and kyler pulled back and raised one brow. "Of course you cannot, your not worthy of A huffer." He smirked, only to see Sarah pull back sheepishly as lima stared only for A moment, then decided to pretend she didn't see anything. And that's what got kyler laughing hystarically.

"And I know you are, Lima." He remarked, winking then grabbed his fork, and stabbed at the table aimlessly, apparently thinking there was A plate before him. And she she made A damand that he was A huffer, and he only snorted, deciding not to star and kepted stabbing, the whole thought going through one ear and out the other. "I'm so stoked for break, geeze,"

She rolled her eyes at Sarah. "Whatever. You don't deserve to have him if you hate him." She stared at the girl defiantly as she took a bite out of her roll. She knew that that was the truth. Garfield deserved a nice spot in her Dorm room instead of a chest with pyjamas. Or whatever Sarah made him sleep on. Cruelty plain and simple.

She then frowned and said, "sit your butt down, Sarah. You are invited here of course." Honestly.. She chuckled to herself. Especially at Kyler's comment.

"I think the fact that I called you as good as a Huffie has gotten to your head already," she added, turning her gaze towards the boy and offering him a bemused smile.

And speaking of break... Suddenly Kyler made her remember what she wanted to ask them anyway. "Have either of you ever been to Paris before?" she asked as casually as possible.

Samia 12-18-2008 02:55 AM

Sarah pouted at his words. "Fiiiiine, I'll go back to my table .. I don't need to sit next to you .. and eat," she said with a playful Hmpf- stomping her foot dramatically. But then Lima came to her rescue and she beamed. "Why, thank You .. Slime," she said, throwing her arm round her shoulder. "See, now I don't think I should ask a Slytherin .. if I should sit here," she grinned, sticking her tongue out on Kyler.

"Now I won't be sitting next to You .." she nodded, in a playful stern. moving to stand behind Lima and him. "Since your no good company," she called over him-

- But before she could make a move, someone else walked over and Sarah didn't know her. But her brow did arch up, very prominently as she leaned down and whispered something in Kyler's ear which even if Sarah tried she couldn't help herself from as the words like 'Sexy' and 'Coach' caught her ears.

Oh really? she thought, arms now crossing on her chest- as the unknown girl who Kyler definitely knew literally intended to flirted ..

Feeling an annoying bug- seeing the girl expression, Sarah rolled her eyes. "Yeaah .. the sexy coach should tell us," she muttered, turning to grab an apple from the table.

Gissel 12-18-2008 03:09 AM

Whitney figured she should go over and say hi to her friendly Huffies. She walked over to their table and heard a familiar voice. As she arrived to the table she automatically spotted Lima. "Hi Lima!"

AYOCutie 12-18-2008 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by Whitterz (Post 7588230)
She rolled her eyes at Sarah. "Whatever. You don't deserve to have him if you hate him." She stared at the girl defiantly as she took a bite out of her roll. She knew that that was the truth. Garfield deserved a nice spot in her Dorm room instead of a chest with pyjamas. Or whatever Sarah made him sleep on. Cruelty plain and simple.

She then frowned and said, "sit your butt down, Sarah. You are invited here of course." Honestly.. She chuckled to herself. Especially at Kyler's comment.

"I think the fact that I called you as good as a Huffie has gotten to your head already," she added, turning her gaze towards the boy and offering him a bemused smile.

And speaking of break... Suddenly Kyler made her remember what she wanted to ask them anyway. "Have either of you ever been to Paris before?" she asked as casually as possible.

Kyler couldn't help but chuckle at lima's comment of his huffer ways, nodding. "For sure, it has." He grinned. "But you should know by now everything goes to me head, dear Meister."


Originally Posted by aussiegirl (Post 7588206)
Kayla spotted Kyler sitting about halfway down the Huffie table and she smiled slyly to herself. She got up and walked down to where he was sitting and leant down so that her lips were close to his ear. "Well, well if it isn't my sexy skateboarding coach. How are you doing Greyson?" she whispered, her breath tickling his ear.


Originally Posted by Samia (Post 7588298)
Sarah pouted at his words. "Fiiiiine, I'll go back to my table .. I don't need to sit next to you .. and eat," she said with a playful Hmpf- stomping her foot dramatically. But then Lima came to her rescue and she beamed. "Why, thank You .. Slime," she said, throwing her arm round her shoulder. "See, now I don't think I should ask a Slytherin .. if I should sit here," she grinned, sticking her tongue out on Kyler.

"Now I won't be sitting next to You .." she nodded, in a playful stern. moving to stand behind Lima and him. "Since your no good company," she called over him-

- But before she could make a move, someone else walked over and Sarah didn't know her. But her brow did arch up, very prominently as she leaned down and whispered something in Kyler's ear which even if Sarah tried she couldn't help herself from as the words like 'Sexy' and 'Coach' caught her ears.

Oh really? she thought, arms now crossing on her chest- as the unknown girl who Kyler definitely knew literally intended to flirted ..

Feeling an annoying bug- seeing the girl expression, Sarah rolled her eyes. "Yeaah .. the sexy coach should tell us," she muttered, turning to grab an apple from the table.

And as he least expected the fimilar voice breathing in his ear, he only chuckled, nodding again. "Coming from my newest student?" He arched one brow, cocking his head slightly to see, make sure. And it was.

But what he did not expect at all was Sarah's quick tongue, and only gave A crooked grin. "I'm quite lovely, thanks for the two of you caring so much."

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