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Mad Eye Touz 03-27-2008 04:56 PM

HoM Lesson III.
The usual dusty and warm History classroom was not looking like its usual self today. Lainey had replaced each of the desks with large, house colored, surfboards. Each board had a towel draped over it.

Lainey was dressed in a modest one-piece bathing suit, blue with silver polka dots. She opened her door and waited for her class to arrive. They had some business to attend for this lesson.

kami12 03-27-2008 05:00 PM

Ray entered the classroom and greeted the professor and was stunned by the bathing suit that professor Lainey had decided to wear for her class.
"Hello professor how are you doing? I hope you have some leading points about the students/animals?" Ray asked his professor wondering if she had any news as he sat down in the desk just in front of the professor's desk.

Disneymaniac 03-27-2008 05:01 PM

Marco eyed the weirdness of the classroom. He hadn't even seen the Professor yet. "What is going on in here?" he asked, completely shocked at the fact that he had seen a swimming costume.

Prongs999 03-27-2008 05:03 PM

James walked in, still soaked to the bone, and saw surfboards. "Oh no...." he groaned. This just HAD to happen the day he was thoroughly soaked and wanted nothing more then to be dry! Oi gavolt...he thought sitting down. "Hello Proffesor" he said glumly.

momentai 03-27-2008 05:07 PM

Christian strolled into the classroom, his eyebrow immediately raising at the sight of surfboards in the room. The eyebrow in question was in danger of disappearing into his spikey hair as his eyes caught sight of the professor in a swimsuit. "Nope," he said softly, "Don't want to know..."

He smiled in Lainey's direction, saying a happy "hello!", before turning away to observe a nearby blue surfboard.

Nexita 03-27-2008 05:10 PM

Jenny walked into the classroom.
She looked around.
"Hello Proffesor"...
She sat down in the desk.

noodles 03-27-2008 05:10 PM

Emily walked into the classroom, shivering at how bloomin cold it was. She raised her eyebrows when she saw the professor... dressed in very little. This confirmed Emily’s suspicions once and for all. Professor Lainey was, indeed, insane. ...And also immune from the cold, it seemed.

As she looked around the classroom and her eyebrows went even further up her forehead. What on earth were these colourful board thingymagigs? Muggle ironing boards? They were going to be doing housework - muggle housework - just brilliant. This was work for house elfs, NOT students.

Droo 03-27-2008 05:15 PM

Cassandra walked in, fully expecting to see Lainey in something odd... she wasn't dissapointed. "Morning Professor," she said smiling, "I take it we're taking class somewhere else today?"

Prongs999 03-27-2008 05:15 PM

James noticed Emily's surprise. He knew what these death boards were. "They're surf boards Emily, you put them on water and ride on them. I call them death boards." he said, with a voice that gave the impression that he called them death boards for a reason.

Droo 03-27-2008 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Prongs999 (Post 6384899)
James noticed Emily's surprise. He knew what these death boards were. "They're surf boards Emily, you put them on water and ride on them. I call them death boards." he said, with a voice that gave the impression that he called them death boards for a reason.

Cassandra hear the boy talking to Emily. "Death boards? You ride them? Like... brooms?" She asked... Death and Riding... two of her least favorite things... why didn't she just skip class today?

Prongs999 03-27-2008 05:22 PM

"Technically they're called surf boards, but I've had bad memory's about them..." James said, shivering at the thought.

Mad Eye Touz 03-27-2008 05:23 PM

Lainey was all smiles as her class filed in. "We're going to try to find something out today, Ray. I'm taking you all out with me because I think it will be beneficial for you all to hear. So, right you are Cassandra, we're not staying here for long."

Lainey cleared her throat for everyone's attention. "Can you all swim? If not, I have some floaties..."

noodles 03-27-2008 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Prongs999 (Post 6384899)
James noticed Emily's surprise. He knew what these death boards were. "They're surf boards Emily, you put them on water and ride on them. I call them death boards." he said, with a voice that gave the impression that he called them death boards for a reason.

“Smurf boards?” Emily raised an eyebrow at James. She had learnt not to listen to everything this boy said… he was also mental. “What!?” Her eyes grew wide. There was no way in hell, Emily was going in or near water with one of those things. “W-why do you call them d-death boards?” she asked the strange Ravenclaw. "On second thought, don't answer that." she told him, raising her hand dismissively. She really did not want to know. She looked back at the half naked professor, waiting for the lesson to begin... she would find out soon enough.


Lainey cleared her throat for everyone's attention. "Can you all swim? If not, I have some floaties..."
Emily nodded hesitantly. Yes, she could swim. Whether she wanted to was a different matter.

Symbi0sis 03-27-2008 05:26 PM

Patrick walked slowly in the classroom and the first person he noticed was Cassandra. He nodded in greeting to her and took a seat in the row in front of her.

SlytherinSistah 03-27-2008 05:27 PM

"Fairly well.", Claudian chimed in. He didn't just spend a summer on an island and know nothing of swimming. Plus, all those times with he and Marco by the lake.

Droo 03-27-2008 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz (Post 6384946)
Lainey was all smiles as her class filed in. "We're going to try to find something out today, Ray. I'm taking you all out with me because I think it will be beneficial for you all to hear. So, right you are Cassandra, we're not staying here for long."

Lainey cleared her throat for everyone's attention. "Can you all swim? If not, I have some floaties..."

"Yes professor, I can swim..." very well actually.

momentai 03-27-2008 05:30 PM

Christian smirked slightly and nodded his head lightly to signify that he could swim. His eyes turned back to the surfboard, smiling as he remembered the surfers he had seen on a trip to Hawaii. He had always wanted to ride one of these things.

Waddles 03-27-2008 05:42 PM

Juniper eyed the surfboards suspiciously. Well, freezing was better than chocolate. At least they were going outside. And she was a fairly good swimmer, after all.

Mad Eye Touz 03-27-2008 05:50 PM

"Well, none of you can swim in robes. And, I'm kidding myself to think it's warm enough for this suit." Lainey sighed. It was such a cute suit, too. "If you all don't mind, I'll change your robes into wetsuits."

She didn't wait for consent, though. She went right ahead and waved her wand. Her class went from a normal day at Hogwarts, to surfing 101 in a hurry.

"Well... alright. Everyone grab a board! Everyone have one? It's kind of like a really wide broom, so if you can fly, you can use the board to at least get out in the lake."

Droo 03-27-2008 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz (Post 6385097)
"Well, none of you can swim in robes. And, I'm kidding myself to think it's warm enough for this suit." Lainey sighed. It was such a cute suit, too. "If you all don't mind, I'll change your robes into wetsuits."

She didn't wait for consent, though. She went right ahead and waved her wand. Her class went from a normal day at Hogwarts, to surfing 101 in a hurry.

"Well... alright. Everyone grab a board! Everyone have one? It's kind of like a really wide broom, so if you can fly, you can use the board to at least get out in the lake."

Things were happening so fast... she was in a green and silver wetsuit and it clung to her body. She tried pulling at it but it snapped back. "Ow!" She grumbled. She went to get a board but as she grabbed it, she heard the professor say the dreaded 3 letter word... "F... Fly? We... can walk, can't we?" PLEASE?....

momentai 03-27-2008 05:59 PM

Christian smirked as his robes turned into a wetsuit. Wow, these things looked cool! And there were comfortable too. Bonuss.

He grabbed the blue surfboard he had been observing earlier and held it carefully. Oh yeah, he was ready to hang ten. He couldn't help but chuckle though, this all seemed soo...odd.

He smiled comfortingly at Cassandra. "Surfboards can't fly, Trelawney. They ride on top of the water, no levitating."

noodles 03-27-2008 05:59 PM

Hum. This had to be the oddest HoM lesson so far and that was saying something. And, it had only just started! She looked down at herself… this tight suit thingy was ...ick!. And she would no doubt still be cold – Ems always was.

Naturally, Emily picked a green and silver board. She couldn’t fly… so it looked like she would be going on foot.

She looked over at Cassandra, relieved that she was not the only one worried about having to fly.

Droo 03-27-2008 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Tailzinator (Post 6385136)
Christian smirked as his robes turned into a wetsuit. Wow, these things looked cool! And there were comfortable too. Bonuss.

He grabbed the blue surfboard he had been observing earlier and held it carefully. Oh yeah, he was ready to hang ten. He couldn't help but chuckle though, this all seemed soo...odd.

He smiled comfortingly at Cassandra. "Surfboards can't fly, Trelawney. They ride on top of the water, no levitating."

Cassandra turned and looked at Christian in his swimsuit... boy... Quidditch had been good for him... "Yeah..." She quickly turned around and blushed.

BanaBatGirl 03-27-2008 06:04 PM

Punz watched, amused, as her billowy robes changed into a black-and-yellow wet suit. Although she wasn't the best swimmer in the world, Rapunzel could at least float and doggy paddle. And plus, she was curious to see what the muggle board things could do.

"Professor, do you have any of those swim-cap-thing-a-ma-bobs?" she asked, curling a lock of blonde hair around her finger. "Will our heads be getting wet too?"

XanaSnape 03-27-2008 06:04 PM

Xana's school clothes were transfigured into a skintight wetsuit, black with green and silver stripes down the side. She was excited... It'd been too long since she'd surfed... She ran her hands through her red curls, binding them back in a loose ponytail. She watched with amusement at the way Trelawney sputtered over the concept of flight as she went up and selected a green shortboard.

"Duuuuude..." she drawled, grinning, to Professor Lainey. "This class is going to be like, so totally awesome."

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