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demented_death_eater 07-18-2006 05:08 AM

What in Merlin's Beard . . .?! (Term 13)
A bit confused about the plot? Housemates talking about a mysterious something going bump in the night? Here's where you can catch up on happenings around the Castle, Diagon Alley, and Hogsmeade -- Out of Character of course.

That means that unless your student character heard this stuff from other students, your student character doesn't know about it.

Oh, and a reminder to all to only post updates on the school plot here. Chat goes in the school chat thread.

Have fun!
The school term has barely ended and the events from the past term continue to unfold as the summer holiday inches to a close.
Diagon Alley
*The Wedding: Professors Doyle Branxton and Cassandra Rae are finally married over the summer holiday and have a public wedding reception at the Leaky Cauldron. However, their happiness is rudely interrupted by an article in the Daily Prophet that contains distressing news. There is a mixed reaction in the room to the article.
*An Unexpected Encounter: Anjelica Lainey unexpectedly bumps into an old foe - Voldemortist. A lengthy conversation between the two happens, with Voldemortist (who last term was disguised as a Slytherin student named Matt) who compliments Lainey on her History of Magic lessons. Lainey emerges a bit shaken from the encounter.
Hogwarts Express
*Another Year Begins: Students and a few staff enjoyed a relatively uneventful trip to the school. New friends were made, old friends reunited, and new rivalries were born.
Sorting Feast
*Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!: Headmistress Rae welcomed everyone to a new term and introduced new members of the staff. However, she could not avoid the burning question that was in everyone's mind - is the school safe?
Term 13
*A Repeat of Last Term?: Students from all houses can't seem to grasp the concept of earning and not losing points. Brawls, bickering, and hexing each other and the professors is not the way to win the House Cup!
*Mysterious Notes Return: After two terms of silence, another note has been found by the ever-elusive Colonel Mustard and Miss Scarlett. The notes were left in the hallways and at the House tables in the Great Hall.
*"Wear Shoes": Say it isn't so, Headmistress! Samea strikes an enticing deal with Professor Rae (sole haunting priviledges of the Third Floor corridor for the remainder of the school term) in return for doing the Headmistress's biding. The pesky poltegeist was quick to visit every professor and delivered the notice of a secret meeting in the staff lounge. Samea couldn't help but remind the professors to "wear shoes."
*"When 7 ate 9" - The Meeting: Staff members debate over the fate of the Book of Mysteria. Verbal jabs are tossed back and forth between a few, and even one professor finds everyone suspicious. Too bad there is only one perfect 7 in the bunch. But all eccentricities aside, the fate of the book lies in their hands.
*Cast Your Vote!: Samea has set up an impromptu polling booth on the Third Floor corridor and is yelling at the students to vote on the fate of the Book of Mysteria. When the pesky poltergeist's motives are questioned by Kay Harrison of Ravenclaw, it's answers are cryptic regarding the possible fate of Deputy Headmistress, Angelica Lainey.

demented_death_eater 07-18-2006 02:38 PM

Diagon Alley has opened and events are already beginning to unfold.


Originally Posted by Daily Prophet
Trail Of Dead Bodies In The Wake of Voldemortist's Escape.

"...yet again," say we of the Daily Prophet.

Once again, the Ministry has displayed the utmost fumbling of security matters, putting the whole Wizarding World at risk, this not being the first time it ever happened - nor is it the first time incidents of this magnitude have been kept away from the unsuspecting public.

As usual, the ever intrepid staff of the Daily Prophet, led by Benignus Bessant, have uncovered a can full of worms - glowing, radioactive, 'end-of-the-world' worms.

Voldemortist, the misguided lunatic devotee of the original Voldemort, Tom Marvolo Riddle, was transported under Ministry custody from Hogwarts to the prison Azkaban, but the prisoner never reached his destination, for halfway on the journey, Voldemortist killed his three guards and made good his escape!

This, we might like to remind our dear readers, is not the first time such an open mockery of justice has occurred, nor is it the first time Voldemortist has inveigled his way into the school of our children. Last time, a few hapless innocents were left dead, their young spirits checked cruelly, and while this time, there was no loss of young life, the question may be asked of the school staff, as well of as our ministers:

What are you doing?

It has been discovered that Doyle Branxton, a Ministry official masquerading as a Potions Professor, and Cassandra Rae, headmistress of Hogwarts are engaged. Their torrid romance seems to have wiped away all consciousness of their duties to the school and to our children.

Once again, the menace is at large. He is not to be stopped. The Daily Prophet would like to extend our condolences to the families of the three guards killed in the wake of Voldemortist's escape, Flavian Fortesque, Brendon Alexander Gillingdale and Morgan Whitney.

demented_death_eater 07-22-2006 11:25 PM

School List (Staff, Prefects, HoH, Quidditch Captains, Other Characters, House Elves)
:sort: School Administration
Headmistress - Prof. Cassandra Rae (Cassirin)
Deputy Headmistress - Prof. Anjelica Lainey (Mad Eye Touz)

:sort: School Staff
Ancient Runes - Prof. Zephyr Opteryx (Backslash)
Arithmancy - Prof. Matthias P. Wenlock (Lissydove)
Astronomy - Prof. Hazelle Belle (adorable_lil_thing)
CoMC - Prof. Zaria G. Dainsie (Dainsie)
Charms - Prof. Andi Mao-MacDougal (Meandering)
DADA - Prof. Cassandra Rae (Cassirin)
Divination - Prof. Hebe A. Craft (HebeCraft18)
Herbology - Prof. Cleo Virohsa (fr2nc1z)
History of Magic - Prof. Anjelica Lainey (Mad Eye Touz)
Muggle Studies - Prof. Iulianna Light (lightstar1154)
Potions - Prof. Doyle Branxton (Biochemkris)
Transfiguration - Prof. Ganymede Z. Craft (GanymedeCraft17)
Flying & Quidditch - Prof. Andrew McAiken (AnimagusSnuffles)
Gamekeeper - Miss Miranda H. Cauldwell (Mrs Weasley)
Assisstant Gamekeeper - Mr. Salem A. G. Thorn (Ozzy)
Librarian - Madame Rowena (MadameRowena)
School Nurse - Ms. Ariana Numel (angelwing)

:sort: Other Characters & House Elves
School Caretaker - Mr. Berty Borr
School Poltergeist - Samea
The Epitome of Evil - Lord Voldemortist
Reporter - Dempsey Doodle
The Fat Lady
Mysterious Occurrences

Head Elf - Algamus
Other House Elves

:huff: Hufflepuff
HoH - Prof. Andrew McAiken (AnimagusSnuffles)
House Mod/Prefect - Lee Andrez
(Fizzing Leebee)

House Prefect - Nikolai Vannacutt (Nabiya)
Quidditch Captain - Angel Xavier (Angel8807)

:gryff: Gryffindor
HoH - Prof. Zaria G. Dainsie (Dainsie)
House Mod - Prof. Iulianna Light (lightstar1154)
House Prefect - Jennifer Wilson (aiangel327)
Quidditch Captain - Lua Stone (Mad-Eye04)

:claw: Ravenclaw
HoH - Prof. Anjelica Lainey (Mad Eye Touz)
House Mod - Prof. Hazelle Belle (adorable_lil_thing)
House Prefect - Ali Almeida (allucha)
Quidditch Captain - Kayleen M. Harrison (demented_death_eater)

:slyth: Slytherin
HoH - Prof. Doyle Branxton (Biochemkris)
House Mod - Prof. Zephyr Opteryx (Backslash)
House Prefect - Drusilla Black (Drusilla Black)
Quidditch Captain - Roma Monteiro (Roma)

demented_death_eater 07-24-2006 06:08 PM

The Weather Report
:sort: Hogwarts Weather Report:sort:

1 September 2058

Day: Mild and sunny with a few scattered clouds with a light breeze coming from the Northeast.

Night: Temperatures will drop after the sun sets. 40% chance of light rain around midnight.

Tomorrow's Outlook: Light drizzle in the morning hours, clearing out by noon.

Your forecast for the month of September

The days will have a mixture of sunny breaks and showers with freshening south winds. Evening hours will be marked by occasional showers or light drizzle. Daytime temperatures will begin to grow gradually cooler by mid-month, and evening temperatures will become damp and chilly.

demented_death_eater 07-27-2006 01:00 AM

Sorting Feast Speech
The Headmistress's speech:

Originally Posted by Cassirin
"Good evening! For all of our newly sorted students, welcome to Hogwarts. We hope you will make yourselves and home and feel free to seek out assistance from older students in your house and any staff member. For returning students, we welcome you home to Hogwarts. I can speak for the staff when I say we've missed you over the summer... the school isn't the same without you.

"We have some new faces up here at the staff table as well. I'd like to introduce Professor Wenlock in Arithmancy, Professor Craft in Divination, and Professor Belle in Astronomy. Please show them the utmost respect and help them become acclimated to our fair school. I'd like to welcome back Healer Numel after her brief sabbatical. And I'd like to announce that while many of you may have read my wedding announcement in the Daily Prophet, I will still be going by Professor Rae in my classes. To avoid confusion," she smiled at Doyle.

"Speaking of the Daily Prophet, I know some of you have probably read about Voldemortist's escape. Be assured that we as a staff are taking care of security precautions around the school. We're also dealing with the Book of Mysteria, which is Voldemortist's only interest in this school. It will be gone one way or another by the end of this term.

"Remember to stay out of the Forbidden Forests, and I look forward to an intense house point competition. First years... older students will help you figure out how to earn points. The house cup is at stake, as always. Quidditch sign-ups will occur soon enough, and classes shall commence in a few days. Now... eat, drink, and be merry. Or... as merry as you can be without food flying through the air."

kimberly_and_harry 07-27-2006 06:33 PM

There was a fight in the Halls between a Slytherin named Raeden and a gryffindor named Ebony and a hufflepuff named Vruk and james.They were all left off with a warning..The Slytherins lost points because a girl snuck into the boy's dorms.Ryan of hufflepuff and James of ravenclaw got Detention for being in the staffroom.I don't think they lost any points yet.Professor Mao-MacDougal got the letter from Vannacutt.Is it from a lover?

Mistress Vondella 07-29-2006 12:24 AM

Seems that Huffie prefect Lee misunderstood what Huffie Prefect Nik told him, and went to Professor Macdougal's office to ask her about the supposed relationship between her and Nik's father.

After updating Nik about his conversation, an argument between the two boys broke out. It probably would have ended with just verbal yelling, had several Slytherins not decided to get involved by making their spying obvious, then Rave (Raider) came along and she and Lee exchanged words about the attack of last term and Fran (dracoscutie) attacked another Slytherin. Why try for interhouse unity when even people sharing a house can't get along? Sheesh.

Ending of my personal comments, Professor Macdougal (I am so sorry Peony if I am not spelling her name right >.<), upon hearing the commotion, stormed out screaming. Professor Opteryx (umm...Backy, same thing), also entered the mess though just simply waved everyone away. MacDougal screamed for Nik to get to her office.

*sums up a couple hours of RPing*

Nabs 07-30-2006 12:30 PM

After two terms of silence, another note has been found by Colonel Mustard and Miss Scarlett. It was left in the hallways, and several tables in the Great Hall. Lua(mad-eye04) of Gryffindor and Fran(dracocutie89) of Slytherin have found two of them.


Hello Students and Staff of Hogwarts,

You have seen how Hogwarts has failed its safety in the past so I recommend all of you to watch your own back and carry your wand at all times. It seems that since the Headmistress has been wedded her priorities have been muddled and may not be here to protect us as much as she seems she will.

In other news your charms Professor may seem extra snappy lately. Please do not fear, she is currently having a small banter with her boyfriend, Andrei Vannacutt (father of Nik Vannacutt).

As for Professor Lainey's strange behaviour... ignore it. She's just naturally weird.

Professor Plum, Colonel Mustard and Miss Scarlett.

gumdrop480 07-30-2006 10:13 PM

Kalaya (gumdrop480) of Hufflepuff and Jordana (BrightestWitch) of Ravenclaw have also found the note.

In addition, I was wondering if the library was going to be open this term?

Mistress Vondella 07-31-2006 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by gumdrop480
In addition, I was wondering if the library was going to be open this term?

The library itself is open, the threads that need Madame Rowena's attention are closed until she herself is able to get on line. :)

gumdrop480 07-31-2006 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by adorable_lil_thing
The library itself is open, the threads that need Madame Rowena's attention are closed until she herself is able to get on line. :)

I see...well I'll keep my eyes open for it! Thanks for your help!

Nightingale 07-31-2006 08:35 PM

I just looked at the house points and Gryffindor is way in the black! Does anyone know how that happened?

gumdrop480 07-31-2006 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by luv_snuffles
I just looked at the house points and Gryffindor is way in the black! Does anyone know how that happened?

Lua (Mad-Eye04) cast a spell at the professor that caused her to grow fur and then blamed Nik (Nabiya) of Hufflepuff.

"For blaming a student, and for casting that spell, I'm taking 100 points off Gryffindor. See me later."

Meandering 08-01-2006 03:27 AM

Summary of Charm's class events, straight from the murderous acromantula/smiling serpent/ etc etc's mouth:

Charms class was about the photography charms that allow photos to move. Lee Andrez, Hufflepuff prefect, apparently decided this was too dull and decided to liven up the class by charming a piece of chalk to write: Andi Mao-Macdougal Zizhen and Andrei Vannacutt Forever (or something along those lines).

Chaos, chaos, AMMZ found out with the use of prior incantatem and accio'ed his wand to her.

More chaos.

Lua, blaming Nik for cheating on her with Fran, attempted to blame a fur hex on Nik after shooting it at the professor (loss of hundred points).

All in all, an eventful class. Hufflepuff hasn't had it's points cut off yet.

Maxilocks 08-02-2006 10:25 AM

To keep everyone updated on the points Gryffindor lost in Charms, apart from the ones already mentioned, I’ve decided to do a bit of writing. *cough-cough*

Tia Ray [a.k.a SenoritaMaxie :P] lost Gryffindor – how many was it again? – oh yeah, ten points for sheer cheek. Her knocking on the Charms Professor's office door being resolutely ignored by the Professor, she proceeded to throw caution to the wands and pass on certain "cheeky" comments.

Originally Posted by Professor Mao-Macdougal
Andi's eyebrows went sky high and her voice suddenly acquired the sweet drip of arsenic. "I would definitely want to know you, you say?" she drawled, a smile spreading across her face like a pool of blood. "Is that so? How... presumptious of you."

She beamed. "Ten points off Gryffindor, and close the door behind you when you leave. Thank you very much."

A certain Gryffindor student, Mia, [haveigotnewsforu] arrived late in class, causing Gryffindor a loss of ten points, courtesy of Professor Mao-Macdougal.

Originally Posted by Professor Mao-Macdougal
"Five points from Gryffindor for being late," snapped Andi, pushing hair off her eyes as she watched the picture.

Apart from that, Gryffindor lost an additional twenty points because of a certain drawing of Professor Andi Mao-Macdougal and Andrei Vanacutt holding hands was found near Nikolai Vanacutt's desk. The Professor found out that the drawing had been made by a certain Gryffindor third year [Hem Hem], and thus proceeded to dock off twenty points from Gryffindor.

Originally Posted by Professor Andi Mao-Macdougal Vanacutt *Sorry Peony, I couldn’t resits, don’t give me that look*
Andi walked over to Nikolai's table, and picked up the crumpled piece of parchment, unfolding it. She met Tia's eyes after glancing at the picture. "Very badly drawn," she sneered. "A further twenty points from Gryffindor. It would have been ten if only you had a sense of proportion and some talent."

Hey, Tia’s drawing isn’t that bad. *pouts*

But the most exciting event in class was probably the fact that the Professor laughed. While turning a still photograph into a moving one, she actually laughed. It must have awfully hideous hilarious, the picture.

Originally Posted by Professor Mao-Macdougal
Lightly, her wand traced what seemed like a rune over the photo, "Alacer!" she said, making a triangle in the air, and then crossing it with a five-pointed star. The pattern gleamed in the air for a moment, before disappearing completely. The figures began to move...

The Professor laughed suddenly. Three-year-old Andi Mao-Macdougal Zizhen was trying to beat Karl Redde-Macdougal over the head with the bunch of peonies because he had pulled her hair.

*sigh-sigh* An eventful class? Tell me about it.

Blackwidow 08-03-2006 07:24 AM

KK, back to school plot..

Samea the school poltergeist have visited every professor's office demanding them to attend a secret meeting which the headmistress will host later on that day, {the day samea's on O-o}

laudienne 08-03-2006 11:38 PM

This is probably a silly question and there may not be a significant answer, but how did Slytherin lose 40-some points in one day? We were in the lead in the House Cup competition the last time I checked (yesterday afternoon, I believe), and now we're in the negatives. Did one event happen to cause us to lose all those points, or were they the result of several incidents?

Seeker_Seven 08-04-2006 12:45 AM

Glinda (rupertsgirl2) lost 15 in the Hospital Waiting Room for fighting with another student.

Originally Posted by angelwing
Ariana stared at the girl. "How can you kids today be so cruel? Everything has to be a fight with you. You have a wand and know spells and all the sudden thats an excuse to be show offs and mean to other people." She rolled her eyes at Glinda's ignorance. "I don't know why you think you can but you can't end of story. I don't know how things were like at your other school but here, it's just not done. 15 pts from Slytherin. I'm through you may leave. I don't want to hear anything else or I will put you in detention. The attitude of thinking you can do whatever you want, will not be tolerated. Now go on to the headmistress office and take her this note. Leon will follow you when I'm done with him." Ariana handed the girl a note to the headmistress which can only be opened by her and no one else.

Starbreeze 08-04-2006 01:47 AM

Go to Tracking House Points. Update your fellow classmates about any point deduction or any extra points you earned.

demented_death_eater 08-06-2006 03:51 PM

The locker rooms are now open and students can sign up for Quidditch tryouts. The other 3 houses have new team captains (the list has been updated).

The staff are still in their "secret" meeting and are discussing what to do with the Book of Mysteria.

It's the first Hogsmeade weekend and students are taking the opportunity to visit the village.

Hawken Terrell 08-11-2006 06:44 PM

The staff members are still engaged in a discussion / meeting in the staff room concerning the fate of the Book of Mysteria.

Before the staff meeting could go very far, there was incident with a few students (Raeden Riddle and rupertsgirl2)and the dark mark down by the Lake, which Nurse Numel and Professor Mao-MacDougal took care of. The two students receive detention.

Meanwhile, Samea your friendly neighborhood poltergeist, has set up a polling booth in the Third Floor Corridor, in order to allow the students to give their input on what to do with the Book of Mysteria. Ravenclaws Kay Harrison (demented_death_eater) and Julia Agoobwah (Grangerfn1) questioned Samea about the booth.


Originally Posted by demented_death_eater
"Does the Deputy Headmistress know about this poll?" she asked the poltergeist.

Samea’s response was rather cryptic:


Originally Posted by Samea
"What has been done can soon be undone,"

Hermione_loves_Ron 08-11-2006 06:51 PM

Do not forget about her odd message about Professor Lainey, either.


Originally Posted by Samea
"I fear dear Anjelica will not be with us much longer," Samea made a sad sad face.

Davvy_Wavvy 08-11-2006 11:48 PM

The door burst open and someone who looked like the professor bounced into the room. It couldn't possibly have been Andi. For one thing, she didn't bounce like a kid high on cuteness. And for God's sake - she didn't smile -

-- and she didn't hand out cookies --

--- but that was what she was doing anyway ---

Andi shot the class a bright cheery smile. There was something twanging in the air all around her, a sort of sustained aura - and if you could see it, it would have been the brightest pink, and the cheeriest yellow. Even her clothes today were different - instead of the dark colors she normall wore, her dress today was a pale, soft powder blue. It was quite nice - but she had only worn it because she hadn't managed to find anything... more... cheerful.

"Good morning, students!" she trilled. "Have a cookie?"
Woah..what is up with Professor Mao?...Has someone put a powerful cheering charm on one of Hogwarts most loathed professor or is it something else..*shifty look*

Most loathed? You're cruisin' for a bruisin' XD

lmao...sorry..she isnt the friendliest of em

Hermione_loves_Ron 08-14-2006 03:56 AM

Lainey has confessed to Headmistress Rae about her encounter with Lord Voledmortist this past summer. She's suggested they bargain with him, give him what he wants in exchange for no one being hurt. Rae doesn't seem so certain about this. Will be edited as more information reveals.

Hermione_loves_Ron 08-17-2006 02:19 AM

And it seems Lainey has been caught up to no good in The Owlry. After storming out on Headmistress Rae she went and sent this:

It had felt like it took Lainey ages to finally arrive at the owlery. The walk from the Headmistress's office to here had never seemed so long. But, Lainey supposed it was the task she was about to do that made the trip seem so long. She stopped off in an old classroom on the way to write the letter. Lainey opened it up and proof read it one more time...

Dear T. D.

I'm using your real initials. I figured it would be less suspicious if this were to fall in the wrong hands. Not many people know your real name, after all. I'm writing you to ask a favor. I must be crazy to expect you to answer me or that you'll ever even receive this, but here I am. Crazy ole Lainey up to her usual.

I need to know about the Book. There is talk of destroying it and talk of moving it and talk of giving it over to others. Regardless of what happens, I'd like to know why the Book is so important to you. I might be able to get what you need from the Book - if you'll do something for me. I don't want you to think you trick me or pull a shade down over my eyes and get what you want for nothing. Consider yourself warned.

Anjelica Lainey

Lainey had debated and debated on asking the last part. She felt like she was betraying Rae with it. But, right before sending the owl... Lainey had stuck the extra piece of parchment inside the envelope.

I know you know about the BoM. And I also know you know I came from it. If it is destroyed, what is my fate?

Lainey watched the owl off, regretted doing it at all, and headed back to her office.

and Lord Voldemortist has replied to her :O

Originally Posted by The letter
Dear Professor Lainey,

The Book is reputed to contain powerful spells of various natures. As you are aware, among those spells are spells to resurrect the dead. If such a spell exists, I can only imagine what other treasures the Book contains. I wish to obtain the Book in order to peruse its pages. I'm sure you can already guess that I crave power and immersing myself in such a book would provide some of that.

I am not certain I understand what sort of deal you are trying to make with me. My interest is in the Book in general, though I suppose I could settle for something a little less depending upon what payment you want in return.

As to your question, I have my thoughts but would prefer to keep them to myself until such a time as I see fit to reveal them. Perhaps you would like to discuss things a bit further in person.


Is Lainey going to go visit Lord V? We can only hope noooo!

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