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Biochemkris 01-31-2006 10:25 PM

The Staff Room Fire
Where the professors can sit back and relax by the fire without the risk of students interrupting.

the dark lords bider 07-27-2006 09:27 AM

james tryed the door it was locked he still hadnt got his wand back so he tryed the door again but nothing happened he need to see the headmisstris

The Dark Light 07-27-2006 05:54 PM

james are you in here said ryan

the dark lords bider 07-27-2006 05:56 PM

ryan over here james was sitting in a arm chair looking comfuy

Biochemkris 07-27-2006 06:16 PM

OOC: Please refrain from posting IN the thread if you aren't IN the room. If you are waiting for a professor, just post once that you tried the door and place further conversations OUTSIDE. You can be assured of a detention if the staff catch you lurking around or in the staff room.

Also, I didn't read where you got into the room. In your first post, you were locked out (and rightly so) and in the next, you're sitting on the couch. Be careful next time what you post. You could have gotten out of the detention if you'd just stayed out like you were supposed to. You will both be PMed further instructions concerning your detentions.

Professor Branxton strode into the staff room to find two students in there, one looking rather comfortable on the couch. "Detentions for the both of you and I will be informing your heads of house of this breech of staff privacy. In case you hadn't noticed the sign on the door, this is the staff room and no students are allowed in here. Your detentions will start this evening. Now, please leave," he said, biting back further angry comments and waiting for them to leave.

Mad Eye Touz 08-03-2006 02:52 PM

Professor Lainey had gotten her wish. She was first to the staff room and first to get a good seat in the corner. If just glancing, she'd be easy to miss. Lainey started a fire in the fireplace to warm up the room and sat quietly waiting for the others.

Mistress Vondella 08-03-2006 04:09 PM

Hazelle approached the staff room, convinced that this is where the meeting would take place.

Upon entering, however, she didn't see anyone at first. She was about to leave when she spotted Professor Lainey in a corner. Emboldened that she was possibly only early....she walked further into the room.

"Excuse me, Professor Lainey?" she asked, not quite yet familar with calling anyone, save Ariana, by their first names, "Is this where the meeting will take place? I wouldn't ask, but Samea hadn't been very specific, just said to get to the meeting and wear shoes." She smiled at the memory of the Sorting Feast, to which Rae-Branxton had shown up, shoeless.

Meandering 08-03-2006 06:45 PM

Andi entered the staff room, brushing hair from her face. She looked around. There weren't many people here yet. Quietly, she walked over to the fire, and took a seat, rearranging her skirts so they wouldn't be crushed and creased out of place. The fire sent flickering shadows over everyone, one moment revealing, and concealing, tinting skins golden. The fire made her skin more yellow than it normally was, and she looked more like her Chinese half for once.

"This looks like a meeting of a secret society," she said out loud.

lightstar1154 08-03-2006 11:04 PM

Iulianna peeked in the staff room door and looked around. This was where that ghost had told her to go. She had just never been summoned by a poltergeist before... much less one that actually carried out the orders of someone else. She hopped into the room and moved close to the fireplace.

If this meeting takes awhile, I'll want to be comfortable. Ah that one looks comfy... O great. Since Fox retired and Rowena's out... I don't know any of these Professors very well.

She moved and sat down without a word, until one of the staff broke the silence. "This looks like a meeting of a secret society."

Iulianna laughed out loud and gave the other professor a large smile. "Haha, yes I suppose we do!"

Ozzy 08-04-2006 02:46 AM

Salem knocked gently upon the door to the Staff room and allowed himself in after a moment. He wasn't quite certain this had been the place he’d been directed to go, wasn't even sure who had sent him the memo but, he sighed with relief when he noticed some of the Staff were already there and that he wasn’t too terribly late. “This is where the meeting will take place isn’t it?” He asked the whole room at random with a warm smile, hoping he wasn’t wrong and that someone would be able to answer him.

Cassirin 08-04-2006 03:27 AM

Rae swept into the staff room and eyed those who were there. "I suppose this will have to suffice, although I was hoping for a better turn out." She plopped into a chair at the long table. It wasn't comfortable, but it ensured that she was able to see and be seen. "I hope to keep this relatively short and sweet."

angelwing 08-04-2006 03:35 AM

Ariana sat up straighter in her seat next to Hazelle as Cass entered the room and began to talk. She looked around the room at the others that had gathered there before turning back to Rae-Branxton.

Ozzy 08-04-2006 04:05 AM

As the Headmistress arrived, Salem was fairly certain that this was the correct place and mentally waved his question aside. He made his way over to the table and took a seat nearer to the far wall opposite Rae and folded his hands atop the table as he waited for the reason why the meeting had been called.

Meandering 08-04-2006 03:48 PM


She moved and sat down without a word, until one of the staff broke the silence. "This looks like a meeting of a secret society."

Iulianna laughed out loud and gave the other professor a large smile. "Haha, yes I suppose we do!"

A laugh made Andi almost jump in her chair, it was so incongruous. She turned, sinking back into her seat when she found that it was just Professor Light - a perky, peppy little woman. Andi gave her a slight smile, and turned to face Rae again.


Rae swept into the staff room and eyed those who were there. "I suppose this will have to suffice, although I was hoping for a better turn out." She plopped into a chair at the long table. It wasn't comfortable, but it ensured that she was able to see and be seen. "I hope to keep this relatively short and sweet."
Andi remembered Rave's letter, the letter her sister had hired a Slytherin thug to retrieve, and her jaw tightened. "Does this have anything to do with... Voldemortist, again?" she asked.

Lissydove 08-04-2006 04:43 PM

Matthias entered the room, pleased that he was on time. He had taken care to make sure he had proper shoes, though what he did not notice was that one was black and one brown. Looking around the room, he could see number 4 sitting in a corner. Hastily he took a seat near the charming professor.

Backslash 08-04-2006 06:20 PM

Professor Opteryx made it to the meeting a bit late, after being held up by a student (no, not literally, but that would have been a sight to see.) He quickly took the first seat he saw, not caring about the odd brown stain on the armrest.


Andi remembered Rave's letter, the letter her sister had hired a Slytherin thug to retrieve, and her jaw tightened. "Does this have anything to do with... Voldemortist, again?" she asked.

"Or perhaps the Book of Mysteria?" Opteryx asked, glad to see that he hadn't missed too much of the discussion yet. It appeared to be just beginning.

Meandering 08-04-2006 06:42 PM


"Or perhaps the Book of Mysteria?" Opteryx asked, glad to see that he hadn't missed too much of the discussion yet. It appeared to be just beginning.
Andi paused half way in nodding a 'hello' at the Arithmancy professor (Were mismatched shoes the new fashion? Well... he was a little too old to be following these trends. Maybe he was just odd. Leave it at that). "Book of Mysteria?" she repeated dubiously. "What's that?"

Backslash 08-04-2006 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Meandering
Andi paused half way in nodding a 'hello' at the Arithmancy professor (Were mismatched shoes the new fashion? Well... he was a little too old to be following these trends. Maybe he was just odd. Leave it at that). "Book of Mysteria?" she repeated dubiously. "What's that?"

"It's what Lord Voldemortist has been after for the last...eight or nine years, at the very least, and the reason for the standoff last term," Opteryx summerized. "I believe Headmistress Rae has more to say on it?" He looked expectantly at Rae.

Meandering 08-04-2006 07:27 PM


"It's what Lord Voldemortist has been after for the last...eight or nine years, at the very least, and the reason for the standoff last term," Opteryx summerized. "I believe Headmistress Rae has more to say on it?" He looked expectantly at Rae.
Andi too, looked at Rae, putting together bits and pieces in her mind like shards of quicksilver sliding together and making a less than perfect whole. The Daily Prophet article, the contempt and outrage of Lee Andrez regarding the school's defenses and why Rae made him write that essay, the letter that belonged to Rave...

Oh holy hell.

Mafia Leader B 08-04-2006 08:05 PM

There came an abrupt pounding from the opposite side of the door, comming from the hallways. Whoever it was was obviously frantic.

Meandering 08-04-2006 08:08 PM

Andi's athletic eyebrows flew up at the sound of the knocking on the door. It sounded like a dinosaur was outside, trying to get in, or a horde of students on a sugar rush and deciding to go on a lynching spree - or an army to Deatheaters-

No, not the right way for a mind to go.

Andi pulled herself together, and walked towards, the door, pulling it open and ready to freeze the knock-ee with Medusa Glare #13.

Mafia Leader B 08-04-2006 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Meandering
Andi's athletic eyebrows flew up at the sound of the knocking on the door. It sounded like a dinosaur was outside, trying to get in, or a horde of students on a sugar rush and deciding to go on a lynching spree - or an army to Deatheaters-

No, not the right way for a mind to go.

Andi pulled herself together, and walked towards, the door, pulling it open and ready to freeze the knock-ee with Medusa Glare #13.

"D...dark mark..." Rosalie sqeeked. "" She was having diffaculties stringing together two words.

Rosalie was in her pajajama's, bare foot, with her hair still looking as it had when she woke up. That fact had fled her, she was too frantic to notice the glare she was recieving from the professor before her either.

whende 08-04-2006 08:14 PM

Whende, still standing next to Rosalie, out of breath, and completely confused, now stared open mouthed at her best friend. "You... what?" she managed to say. Her wide gaze switched back and forth from Alie to Professor Mac-dougal.

Aphrodite 08-04-2006 08:17 PM

Yet again Rosalie was crashed into by a blur of black and blonde. Next to her stood a young girl clutching a sketch book.
She looked up at the professor, "I just... I just stumbled in and... And saw..." She held out the notebook.

Meandering 08-04-2006 08:18 PM

"E-excuse me?" stuttered Andi, shocked into messing her normally icy perfection diction for the first, and last, time in her life. Her mind clicked into two sections, one of reasonable doubt, and the other leaping into action immediately, "Who is it and where are they now?"

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