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Term 13: Aug - Oct 2006 Term Thirteen: Mysterious Occurances (Sept. 2059 - June 2060)

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Old 06-25-2006, 04:11 PM
Biochemkris Biochemkris is offline
Default Slytherin House Personalities: Attendo Thea Vipera

This an ooc thread where you can post a bit of background information about yourself and your character for your fellow Slytherins' reference.

Professor Doyle Branxton

Birthday: March 8, 2018 (40)
At Hogwarts: 2029- 2036
Began teaching: 2056
Subject: Potions

General Physical Appearance: Doyle is six feet tall with salt n' pepper, clean-cut hair, and blue eyes. A pureblood wizard, he prefers to dress in 'proper' wizard attire at all times. On the rare occassion he is without his robes, he can be found wearing a clean-cut, black, suit which is tailored (not purposely) to fit his attractive, medium, build. He is light-skinned but not pale. He also wears a stylish pair of glasses, giving him a look to match his intelligence.

Personality & History: Doyle doesn't speak much about himself, or in general, so most of his background remains unknown. He was Slytherin Prefect and eventually became Head Boy while at Hogwarts. His professors regarded him as a very intelligent young wizard with great potential. He excelled in potions, charms, and transfiguration, though he did well in all of his classes, receiving outstanding marks in all of his NEWTs. This quiet professor is completely disinterested in the personal dramas his colleagues seem to find themselves in and mostly keeps to himself, preferring to blend into the background.

Last term, Doyle became engaged to Headmistress Cassandra Rae. They had started to develop a relationship during the summer between his first and second term teaching. Being a very proper wizard, Doyle has never let his relationship get in the way of his work, nor has he done more than hold Cassandra's hand in the hallways of Hogwarts. There has been no public announcement of the engagement to the students, though an announcement was made to the staff.

ooc: Biochemkris aka Kris

: February 27, 1979 (27)
Profession: Full-time mom
Favorite HP character: Severus Snape

Brief Biography: I'm married and have a 10 month old son, Alexander (aka Xander) who will be 1 year old by the end of the current term. We also have a cockatiel named Ezekiel who doesn't get as much attention as he used to since the Xan-Man came along.

I've been teaching in the SS School RPG for seven terms (this will be my eighth). I started out as Ravenclaw House Ghost, Professor Airlia who switched over to Slytherin Head of House my second term. She was HoH until two terms ago during the Ministry fiasco. After her death, I took on a new character, Doyle Branxton. He took over as Slytherin Head of House last term (a post I gave up for a term following Xander's birth).

In addition to my duties in the school, I am the Site Manager for SS. Basically all that means is that I'm in charge of making sure all our admins are whipped into shape and doing their jobs. I also help out wherever I'm needed, like running contests and mailing tees and prizes all over the globe. If you ever have any problems/suggestions with/for the site or any members, staff, mods, or admins, come and chat with me and I'll be happy to listen and try to help. (PM me or you can try me on MSN:

(that wasn't a very brief bio


Old 07-27-2006, 01:13 AM   #2 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Toni Wheeler
Third Year
Resident Hippie

Raven Zirconia Stone was born in London, England on October 31, 16 years ago. At age 2 her family moved to Paris, France. She remained here till age 13 when her parents who were having trouble with the french MoM, moved back to London. She spent her first 2 years of schooling at Beaubatons Academy of magic then spent the last 3 years at Hogwarts School in Slytherin house. This will be her 6th year at Hogwarts, she was on the Slytherin Quidditch team for two years as seeker and one as captain. She has three sisters, her franternal twin Serena, and her younger twins sisters Sol and Lua. Rave is fairly quiet but likes to socailize. At the end of her 2nd year at hogwarts her black owl Niobe died and she purchased Gondor, a male Scops owl
Rave family disowned her for being friendly to Muggles and Muggle-born in her 1st year. Until this point Rave had been the favorite of the four sisters because she was the only one sorted into Slytherin House. The others were in Gryffindor and one in Ravenclaw.

Name: Rachel but I get called Rave alot
Other: I teach Karate and (as most people will probably tell you) have an obsession about ships and sailboats. If any of my dear Slytherins need help feel free to PM me.

Last edited by Raider; 07-27-2006 at 01:16 AM.
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Old 07-27-2006, 01:36 AM   #3 (permalink)
Highly Caffeinated
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jesse Salonen
Seventh Year

Name: Roma Monteiro

Age: 17
DOB: April 16
POB: Vadodara, India

Year: Seventh
Favorite Subjects: Astronomy and Care of Magical Creatures

Appearance: She's short, has long, straight black hair, and brown eyes. She's not incredibly skinny, but she's not fat either. She considers herself as being "average" and has curves in all the right places. She doesn't use too make-up either. Just some eyeliner and grey eye shadow to make her almond-shaped eyes stick out more.

Family: She's moved back in with her mother and father and continues to dislike them as much as she ever did. In fact, one of the things she dreads is having to step foot into what she's supposed to call "home" and another is talking to her parents. They seem to never have anything nice to say - whenever they're around, at least. They're really busy because of their businesses and usually don't spend any time home. It doesn't bother her one bit, though. She enjoys not having their company. And her sister is graduated from Hogwarts a few years ago so she doesn't have to deal with her. Her cousin, Evan, is a Ravenclaw and is one of the few family members she likes.

Strengths: She's really smart in many subjects and is great in Quidditch
Weaknesses: Lack of sensitivity, fear of the dark, and anger management problems
Likes: Parties, pulling pranks, coffee, Quidditch, muggle clothing and music, and being away from home
Dislikes: Her parents and sister, anyone who annoys her, and the dark

Personality: Roma comes off as a real angry person to people who don't know her - maybe because she is. She's a really deranged girl underneath it all, but will never show it. The fact that she's somewhat psycho makes her a better person, believe it or not. It makes her a great ally when fighting battles. She's really strong, despite her appearance. Her favorite thing about being at Hogwarts is play Quidditch. In fact, she would love to make it her life. After she graduates from Hogwarts, her dreams are becoming a professional Quidditch player. She's got the potential and ability.

She's a total different person when she's around her friends though. She always wants to have fun, play pranks, and do whatever that will get her into trouble. This mischievous girl will do anything to get a good laugh or adrenaline rush.
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Old 07-27-2006, 01:49 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Cambri Mikaila Hale
Fourth Year

Rosalie Kaitlyn Hale
Age/Year: 13/2nd

Pets: She has one cat named Solena. Solena is black with green eyes. Her fur has orange striped patches that blend in with the black. Her nose is orange, as are her paws.

Rosalie also has a snowy owl named Celesta. She decided that snowy owls look like ghosts when they fly around, Celesta is after the Greek angel of death.

History/Family: Her father is a huge follower of Voldemortist. At one point he was running from the ministry. He and his wife fled to the United States, and took over an old cotton plantation. He modified the memory of the old woman that lived there, who told everyone he was her son. They later killed the woman and took over her home completely.

Though against all things muggle, Mr. Hale managed to upkeep the cotton platnation, much to the dismay of his only child (Rosalie). Rosalie is highly allergic to cotton. Breathing it in will cause her throat to swell, and wearing it makes her break out into hives. Their home has a special ventilator in it, and Rosalie is forced to spend nine months out of twelve inside.

(hobbies) She spends much of her time in the library, reading. She got bored and taught herself to speak German over the years. Though her knowledge of the language is, however, limited. When she’s not reading, she is taking dance lessons. Her mother hires people to come to their home and give her daughter lessons. She loves to do all forms of dance. Her favorite is Ballet and Ballroom.

Her mother also enjoys using her daughter to flaunt their money. Much to the dismay of Rosalie, her birthday is an event where they invite the entire town to see her prance around in a lavish gown, which she usually loathes from the deepest part of her heart. Her robes and other clothing are special ordered to be made of fabrics of no Cotton.
“Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect and I don't live to be.
But, before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.”

Marti Adele Carter Werewolf Support Services - Cambri Mikaila Hale 14 Slytherin

Last edited by Mafia Leader B; 08-06-2006 at 10:02 PM.
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Old 07-27-2006, 03:12 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Angel Silverwings

Name: Angel Silverstar
Year: 2nd

5'3 ; Long, dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, athletic built
Has a really small tatoo of a flame on her right wrist as a sign of being part firestarter

She's very caring about her friends and has a good sense of knowing other people emotions. She hates being stereotyped as a "Slytherin". She's ALWAYS seen with a bright smile because she's just plain happy or a smirk because she hadjust doen mischivious that she's proud of. She can be a little perky at times.
If she's pushed to the limit, she can and will explode and it will be disastruous!

DISLIKES: stereotyping, people who like to be center of attention all the time...

Loves: MUSIC (she plays the piano very well), writing in her little black notebook, reading...quidditch, taekwondo, reading...

She comes from a very interesting family. Her mom is part-firestarter and witch and her dad is a pureblood wizard. Since her mother is part firestarter, Angel inherited a small amount of fireblood but all she can do it make a little ball of flame and make it change different colors and dance around the fireplace. It gives her something to play with when she's bored.

White cat with blue-green eyes and cute pink nose named "Jello" and
a small eagle owl named "Chomper" who likes to 'chomp' on Angel's finger when she would give him food.
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Old 07-27-2006, 04:02 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lia Taylor
Draco's Director Dramione=OTP

Lia Marie Taylor



Pets: Lia has a snowy owl name Blizzard, Bliz for short

History/Family: Lia gets along with her parents, but isn't too close to them. Since Lia is an only child, she is spoiled, but she doesn't make it obvious. Whatever she wants, she gets, though. She won't brag about it.

Lia's family loves to travel and have been to most of the countries in Europe at one time or another. Because of their love of traveling, Lia has learned to speak (imperfect) Spanish. Spain was her favorite place to visit, after all.

Hobbies: Lia loves to read, sing, meet new people, watch musicals (and perform them during meals, lol), and learn new things. Lia also loves clothes and everything about them... Especially shopping!

Personality: Lia was shy and quiet, before she met Ellie. She is kind, friendly, and loves to talk. She can also be selfish. Sure she'll help her friends, but only if they need it. If they can get out of a mess by themselves, she won't get involved. Lia is also cunning.

The first doll was by Kayleigh's Delightful Dolls , I made the second one (I have a link to my shop in my siggy), the third doll was by Elouai Dolls Inc., and the last doll was by Bre's doll house .

8.21.07-The Day I Meet Stephenie Meyer
The Graveyard: Come To The Dark Side

Last edited by XxHPaddict17xX; 08-29-2006 at 11:16 PM.
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Old 07-27-2006, 05:38 AM   #7 (permalink)
Swedish Short-Snout
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Russian Dancing Snake-Twin | Jam Pony Rider | Has Snuffed It!

Name: Aricca Jade Silverstone, but was known as Edaj Enacirruh in her first year.
Age/Year: 12/2nd
Favorite Subjects: flying and care of magical creatures.
Appearance: jet black hair, semi-dark skin and bright green eyes, she's a skinny girl, but just right, not overly thin. She's average height and is starting to curve. she doesn't were skirts or dresses very much and when she does they're long and flowy, never short and skimpy.
Family: her parents died about 2 weeks before the first term ended, they died in a car crash, she was sent to live with her miserable aunt Bella. Bella treated AJ like a houself or slave, which is what she used her as as well, AJ had to do everything in the house and keep the house clean, cook, etc. If AJ let one thing go wrong in the house Aunt Bella would lock her in her room without dinner that night. Aunt Bella didn't even give poor AJ any time to grieve her parents death either. AJ's name is AJ now because Aunt Bella didn't like her using Edaj, or her middle name Jade backwards. her last name is Silverstone now because that is her aunts last name.
Strengths: she's fairly strong for a girl her age, and LOVES Quidditch and flying and anything about them.
Weaknesses: she is a very clumsy person and has met several people by running into them and knocking them over.
Pets: a big female Great Grey owl named Twilight.
Likes: black, her friends, flying.
Dislikes: pink, annoying people who interfere with things where/when they aren't welcome, and her aunt.
Personality: AJ is a strong minded girl and always speaks her mind, and is a goof around friends. she will stick up for those who she feels need it and make fun of those who she feels like it.
Looking for some color?
(click the button... you know you want to)
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Old 07-27-2006, 06:09 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:

Name: Alanna Milllar

Age/Year: 11/ Firstie

Appearance: Alanna is often referred to as tiny as she is quite short. She has dark brown hair, passed her shoulders, which is naturally wavy. She has blue/green eyes.

Family background: Alanna’s Father is a pureblood and her Mother was a muggleborn. They both attended Hogwart’s, but didn’t actually meet until after they’d left. Her parent’s decided that it would be best for them to raise a family in ‘normal’ surroundings, so they lived among Muggles, which they believe would give their family the best of both worlds. Her mother died when she was young, leaving Alanna as an only child to grow up with her Father, who is a Magizoologist.

Personality: Alanna is generally a bright girl, willing to give anything a go. She is constantly joking, and doesn’t take herself to seriously.

Strengths: A great understanding/knowledge of animals, as a result of her father’s profession.

Weaknesses: She gets slightly intimidated by ‘authority figures’, such as older students and staff members. Maybe because she is so small, and they tower over her…

Likes: To joke around with her friends

Dislikes: Drama…she gets annoyed when people are constantly fighting!

Personality Traits: Though she isn’t aware of it herself, people generally notice that Alanna has what could be described as an ‘intense stare.’ Not in a scary or intimating way, though!
Alanna - 2nd Year
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Old 07-27-2006, 06:19 AM   #9 (permalink)

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Seelow ☆ Overnight Celebrity ☆ Perky! ☆ Harley Quinn

Name: Francesca Marie Clairmonte

Age: 14

Year: 4th.

Birthday: May 19

Birthplace: New York, USA

Personality: Francesca appears as the girl who you'd expect to cause trouble all the time and that is basically what she is. Very energetic and cunning, she is always forming some sort of plan to get into some sort of trouble or to escape from getting into trouble. When provoked, she is a force to be reckoned with. She has this habit of kicking people when they tick her off. She can make friends easily but if she doesn't like someone from the start, there is probably no chance of forgiveness from her. She's very ruthless but she is also very smart. She picks her targets wisely and won't carry out a plan with someone she doesn't trust.

Appearance: Francesca is pretty short standing at a mere 5'2" tall. She has short brown hair and big chocolate brown eyes that could make anyone believe she was not guilty in any situation. She has a small tan to her thanks to all of the things she does outside during the summer. She's got an athletic build to her also thanks to the things she does outdoors during the summer.

Family: Francesca's father is a well known businessman in the US and her mother is a designer for wizarding robes for the famous. Her family is very well off and she's a pureblood wizard. Her parents have very high standards for her and she chooses to break those standards everytime she sets out in public. Overly critical of their daughter, they chose to send her off to Hogwarts so she could stay out of trouble. This plan was foiled by Fran meeting her best friend Nikolai Vannacutt.
was this life a gift or a burden?
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Old 07-27-2006, 02:49 PM   #10 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sebastian Price
First Year
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde

Name: Cassandra Trelawney

Year: First

Appearance: Cassandra is of very delicate build, she has dark brown slightly wavy hair which falls to just above her showders and light brown eyes.

Family background: Cassandra comes from a long line of pureblood seers, her heritage can be traced back to the greek seer, Calchas. Her mother is a powerful seer while her father is a wealthy and powerful wizard who, although does not possess the "gift," owns most of the shops on Knockturn Alley. Theirs was a marriage of convenience. Everyone in her family was a Slytherin, so it was only fate that she as well would be.

Personality: Cassandra, born in a pureblood environment, was never allowed to do "muggle" things. She was raised with strict wizard rules. She often is mistaken for a snob, which she hates to be. She is a very sweet girl, but if she wants something, you better not be in her way. The end will justify the means.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Cassandra has the power to see the future, but is afraid of it. She fights her ability which induces massive migraines. She has become very good at making soothing drafts for them, which makes her very apt at potion making.

Pets: Cassandra's family has a pet Ashwinder (giant grey snake that lays explosive eggs) named Scilla. She herself has a pet raven she named Lenore.

Me: My real name is indeed Cassandra, I'm a stage actress in Washington D.C. My mother made sure I knew who the trojan prophetess/princess Cassandra was, so I studied how to read palms and tarot cards. I have been known to have a few premonitions, but they are never to the letter.

Last edited by Droo; 08-07-2006 at 09:32 PM.
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Old 07-27-2006, 02:59 PM   #11 (permalink)

Keeper of Ginny's Attitude
Batty Bella
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Tara Elizabeth Kensington

name- Kally Anne Hoffman


apperence- Kally is irish, but if you looked at her you woulkdn't be able to tell. She has fair skin, and is tall and skinny but she has blond wavy hair instead of red.

Family background- kally's great, great, great, great, great, grandfather was harry potter. But she isn't directly related to him. her mother and father are both irish and wizards/witchs. She has a younger sister lauren who is a first year.

Personality- Kally is sweet, funny, and smart. The perfect girl. Until you get on her nerves....then she isnt so nice and she can be stuck up and rude.

Hobbies- Kally loves to shop, read, and hang out with her friends. But she also likes to play quidditch but not competivally.

pets-Kally has a cat named morgan, and an owl named minnie.

ooc: name-breanna but call me bre
Tara Kensington-
Ryan's Slytherin Princess

BLFC-My Club Rping
♥ Ryan And Tara ♥
Kristoe and Nubby Grab Bag

Last edited by futuremrsmalfoy; 07-27-2006 at 03:56 PM.
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Old 07-27-2006, 04:11 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Charlie Tudor
First Year
x1 x1


Name: Jenni Jays
Age/year: 12/First
Appearance: Small, with dark hair and dark eyes.
Pets: An owl called Cosmo
Family: Pureblood. Father works for the Ministry and Mother works from home. Both parents are death eaters.
Interests: Huge believer in the Dark Arts. And reads as much as possible. Plays as a seeker or beater in quidditch. Though doesn't follow the sport. Likes to be alone, as hasn't had much contact with people since she was born.


Name: Jenni Evans
Date of Birth: 19th August 1988
Job: Student
Info: I am a huge fan of Harry Potter and wish the world was real. Well I guess this is as close as it will get. I love Doctor Who and I am a huge fan of David Tennant. (I can't think of anything else right now.)
It looks like I'm not ginger after all

Charlie Tudor - 1st Year Slytherpuff

Last edited by Disneymaniac; 07-30-2006 at 02:40 PM.
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Old 07-27-2006, 04:43 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Raeden Riddle, Kage Klain

Full name: Raeden Ramona Riddle
Blood: Pureblood
Age: sixteen almost seventeen
Year: sixth
Location: out looking for a Slytherin boyfriend
Height: five feet nine inches
Weight: 115lbs

Currently looking for a Slytherin boyfriend. Age doesn't matter, or school year.
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Old 07-27-2006, 06:33 PM   #14 (permalink)
Fe Fi Fo Fiona
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Christian Liam Carrington

Christian Liam Carrington:
Nickname: Chris, Liam
Pet: Great Gray owl named Tripp Twilight
Appearance: Chris has spiked blonde hair and eyes that change color depending on what he's wearing. Most of the time they are green-gray, but sometimes when he turns his head they look blue, or when he's wearing a blue shirt. He is short for his age and skinny, but still a little muscular.
Personality: He hates Hufflepuffs, but doesn't mind anyone else, even Gryffindors or "mud-bloods". He likes reading and talking to his owl, but doesn't speak to many people.
Family History: His mom and dad are both wizards and went to Slytherin. THey are very good Slytherins, as they do not like all Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, muggleborns, or anyone to do with muggles. Chris has an older brother in Ravenclaw, but he doesn't live with the family anymore. Chris still talks to him, even though they aren't allowed, and during the summer he sends messages with his owl. They disguise their letters as dead rodents, so it just looks like his owl was hunting.

Fiona Elisabeth Shine:
Nicknames: Fi, Phee, Fiffer Doodle Spunky Noodle, Fe, Iron (Fe are the initials of the substance iron)
Appearance: short.
Personality: Hard to say. I like to read books, and most of my "friends" at school don't. Actually, no one I know does except for my family. I stand out pretty well because I am probably the shortest person ever that is not a midget. I like to talk about politics, which is bad because no one at my old school likes to see things the way I do. I like to run, but I am not fast, nor can I run long distances. I have made a proposition that I will get different friends once I enter high school in August, because my other "friends" aren't fun. I am obsessed with Harry Potter and anything fantasy-series-mystery-like.
History: I used to go to a school called Mabel Elementary School that was one of 8 or 9 in my county. All the schools here are K-8, so they are middle schools, too. Everyone there knows everyone else, and I was one of 3 in my grade that aren't Baptist. I'm not saying that I don't like Baptists, I'm just showing you how many Baptists there are in my area. After all, if I hated Baptists, then I probably wouldn't be talking right now because I have a tendency to say things that others don't like, so they would probably beat me up. That's about it.
Family: I have 1 annoying brother and 2 sisters. We all read Harry Potter. My mom and dad do not, and they have been shamed for not doing so. My dad is weird and gave me the nickname "Fiffer Doodle Spunky Noodle Funky Poodle". My mom is smart and German and she can't vote which bugs her. She would like to be a dual citizen, but she can't think of a good enough reason to tell the Germans that she would like to be American. My oldest sister is done with college, and she is very musically smart and smartily smart. My other sister is very musically and smartily smart, too. My brother is neither musically nor smartily smart. He is just annoying. The End.

Thanks Pygmy Puff for the sig!
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Old 07-27-2006, 07:41 PM   #15 (permalink)
Antipodean Opaleye
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Eliza Shannon Malfoy

my name is glinda malfoy, but my mother says to turn it backwards so its glinda yoflam. i lived in ireland for 7 years where i met eliza,a gryffindor girl. i moved over to birmingham on the 28th of july,which is my birthday. i am 11 and a thought reader.
my eyes are bright red and have been that colour since i was 2 so don't ask why. when i get angry my main attention goes on whoever annoyed me,i have a evil dispasision(sp?) and a gothic apperance.i have a fear of bats and own a pet tarantula called fred.
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Old 07-27-2006, 08:51 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Roland Mow Baims
Fifth Year

Name: Adam Dagenham
Age: 15
Personality: ambitious, competitive, pleasant, caring.
Appearance: Black chin length hair, tall thin, pale, hazel eyes. Thick sleek black eyebrows, long straight nose
favorite lessons : Transfiguration, defense against the dark arts and muggle studies.
worst lessons: Astronomy, herbology.
Background: Lives in a big country house as his father is on the commitee for new breeds of creature at the ministry and holds some experimental creatures in some of the grounds. His mother writes books on magical creatures. His father is a pureblooded wizard and his mother is a half blood with a muggle grandmother so his parents aren't completely sure about muggles and their technology and lives.
Pets: one owl called reg, and 2 augureys called Jack and Victor and a puffskein called Bernard.
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Old 07-28-2006, 01:17 AM   #17 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Robert Allyn Winchester
First Year
Runs With Vampires

Jacques Martin Beaumont

Birthday: 7th July
Age: 16
School Year: 6th

General Physical Appearance: Jacques is 5'6, quite muscular for his size, with brown hair hanging to his ears and golden brown eyes. He has a scar above his left eyebrow from a hex inflicted from another student two terms ago. His hands are big and strong.

Personality & History: Jacques lived in France with his parents and Nanny until he was 14, when he was sent to England to live with his sister Marianne and attend Hogwarts as a 4th year. He stays with Marianne over the summer when she runs Florean's Ice Cream Parlour in Diagon Alley. Last summer however Marianne went back to France to get married and Jacques had to stay at the Leaky Cauldron.

Jacques still has a slight French accent, which he uses to his advantage in some situations. He is friendly and approachable, fiercely loyal to his friends and has been known to hold grudges. He's up for just about anything.

OOC: Kirstie_McGonagall aka Kirstie

: April 15th, 1984
Profession: Masters Student (Molecular Medicine and Pathology)
Favorite HP character: Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall

Brief Biography: I'm 22, live in Auckland, New Zealand. I've been a member of SS a long time, and it keeps me busy along with my other internet hobbies. My favourite bands are Motion City Soundtrack and Fall Out Boy, along with many others.

athousandpieces on Tumblr : TPer for Life! : DFTBA
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Old 07-28-2006, 01:48 AM   #18 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sakura Maharene Salome Tamaka Lada

13/First year
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Old 07-28-2006, 07:14 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Sonnety Snapey
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Charmelia Snape aka Zaza

Name: Drusilla Black

A tall girl with dark hair, green eyes and thick eyebrows.

Even though she is a seventh year, she is a couple of years older than a 7th year should, as she lived her childhood abroad (and attended Durmstrang at first). So I guess she is around 19.

Used to live nearby Durmstrang, but something happened, and her parents sent her to Hogwarts.

Admires the late Professor Snape, but doesn´t walk around talking about that. Considers Professor Snape the smartest wizard ever lived on this earth.

Wears mostly black and hates ordinary muggle clothing. If she has to dress up as a muggle, she prefers gothic style.

Prefers The Hobgoblins to The Weird Sisters. The main reason to this is that "The Weid Sisters cannot be good as `everybody´ likes it." She doesn´t very much like what `everybody´likes, she is in `that age´ as her mother says. Deep inside she knows it isn´t just that. "Just wait and see", she mutters, as her elder brother claims that she´ll be listening anything that´s popular in a few years time. She´s probably right, she won´t.

She is ambitious, almost obsessed to getting House Points to Slytherin. Hates losing points, so you´re not likely to see her having fun with forbidden activities.

In spite of this she was surprised when she got her prefect badge. Surprized, but also relieved. Her mother had been nagging about her somehow diminished House Point rates (she had been studying so much Sound Magic on her fourth year in her spare time, that her mother confiscated even her lute for the beginning of the Holidays), but the badge shut her mouth

Oops, almost forgot! While sorted, she kept thinking: "Don´t put me into Hufflepuff". The hat bursted into laughter: "Hufflepuff? You? Never!"

As for myself, I differ from that Drusilla in several small ways, even though we have a lot in common, too. Also I prefer gothic style, if I *coughs* have to dress up like a muggle But I don´t think everything that is popular stinks

You may call me Drusilla anyway
I use old siggies. This one's from 2009, made by Taxus back then.

Join SSFC. I don't receive PM's, so please contact Mel or VM me.
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Old 07-28-2006, 01:35 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Anastasia Timmons

Anastasia May Timmons
Nicknames: Tas, Tasia
Birthday: June 4th, 2046 (12 years old)
Place of birth: Plymouth, England
Eye color: brown
Hair: dark brown, this term just below shoulder-length
Weight: about 43 kg
Height: 4'6 (150 cm)
Pet: black cat named Pollux
Parents: Jean Woolmore & Nickolas Timmons
Siblings: brother Jack (19), cousin Max (11)
Favorite subjects: History of Magic, Transfiguration
Weakest subjects: Charms, Potions
Heritage: Pure-blood

Tas is a shy and smart person. She loves to read and almost all her free time she spends in the library reading magic and muggle literature.

She loves her family, especially her brother Jack who taught her almost everything she knows about Hogwarts. She's in a friendly rivalry with her first year ousin Max and often laughs at his simple actions like trying to get into Quidditch team, etc. But they're friends anyway and love to spend time together.
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Old 07-28-2006, 02:14 PM   #21 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
David McAnford
Fourth Year

Name: David Hanford
Age: 13/Third Year
DOB: 20th September, 1992
POB: Glasgow, Scotland
Blood: Half and Half (Dad's a muggle, mam's a witch!)

Appearance: David is quite tall and muscular, with spiky blonde hair and blue eyes, with a kinda angry, broody look to him. When not in uniform he wears black or blue jeans, with various chains hanging from the beltloops, and a t-shirt with torn sleeves.

Personality: Quite the bad boy, is old Dave. Enjoys blowing stuff up, shouting and hitting things, though there are times when he has daring personality shifts. He is also rather funny.

Thanks to Sirius' Lothlorien Paradise.
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Old 07-29-2006, 08:31 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Hm thaught I posted here. ah well

Name: Krista Dominigue Versailles
Age: 16
Year: 6th


To Krista's Family, Krista is a young annoying sister who just seems to always get in the way. But krista is a really nice girl. She can be annoying but shes funny and loves to have a good time. She can have mood swings, and when she does its best to stay away. Krista tries to keep happy face even tho so much bad has happened in her life. She easy to get along with, so don't be afraid to talk to her.

1 older brother- Ryan
1 twin sister- Regina

Krista grew up with her 2 brothers and 2 sisters, a mom and dad. But what they didn't know was their mother was a death eater, she was ent to kill their family. while out of the house their mother kileld both there oldest brother and oldest sister. They lived with there father for awhile till he was killed. they moved to a uncles house till they started Hogwarts, and since then thy have ben moving around from family member to family member. Krista has suffered alot in her life, the death of her siblings, her father, then the death of her first love.

Name: Krista (same name differnt last name)
Age: 13
Profession: student. 8th grade!

<<yeah yeah thats me. know laughing.

Personality: just like my character, seriously. except my life isn't so tragic as my charries is.

History: I live with my mother, sister, and 3 dogs, 2 rats, 3 cats. I live in NY. I go To middle school. and im so Harry potter obsest it's scary. lol. of course if I wasn't why would I be here, i love to hang with my friends, internet, draw, dance, write.
//Can't escape this line of best fit;;

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Old 07-29-2006, 08:42 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:

name:saeda daud
year:2nd year

personality: fun,bright a good friend,saeda
enjoys playing and she is a great sport,a fun person
to be around.

name:saeda daud (the same)
proffesion:student ofcoarse


i hav'nt got one of myself alone so im the one thats wearing a black shirt,
and wearing green, the girls next to me is my mates.

personality:i like reading,playing games
abd getting to know people.

history: got 3 younger brothers a sis thats older than me,and an
aunt,and mum and dad.

*~laura's siggie shop*~

Last edited by magical girl; 07-29-2006 at 08:45 PM.
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Old 08-02-2006, 05:32 PM   #24 (permalink)

Tom's Peagreen Cuteness
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Thora Narcissa Malfoy

DOB: June 2d 2043

She's related to Draco Malfoy, one of Harry Potters enemies. She's in Slytherin. This being her 2d year at Hogwarts while she's a 4th year. She has been to another Wizarding school in Canada, and she's been in the hospital for 2 years, no-one knew what she had, until they found the chemical 'Linkrobidia' which causes the person te lie in a coma.

alyssa_hilary a.k.a. Deborah

DOB: June 2d 1990

I'm from the Netherlands. I'm currently a student and I work at the local supermarket.
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Old 08-03-2006, 11:00 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Genevieve Lacroix
Sixth Year

Name: Genevieve Melani LeCroix- Geni for short (Pronounced like Jenny)
Age: 13
Year: 3rd


Geni is very much a punk. She loves to play pranks and jokes on friends and family. Althought, when a person gets to know her, she is really a sweet and caring girl. She loves to help people and puts others needs before her own. Except, do not get her angry or upset, she'll turn hateful and start spouting French and Italian at you.

2 sisters- Kalyca Anne and Katrina Marise (twins)
1 brother- Aidan Matthew

Genevieve has had a very plesant life until she turned 8. That was when everything changed. She was a happy child with her older sisters and younger brother, none of them knew what deep and dark secret that her father was hiding. He had sworn his allegiance to Voldemort and promised his children to him too. Thus, this led to the murdering of Geni's mother at her father's hand. The children however, were sent to live with their British grandparents in London, there they were all accepted to Hogwarts. Genevieve never expected to be put in the house where Voldemort had resided, but she also didn't know about her father's promise to the Dark Lord. She has been happily attending Hogwarts since then, but who knows? That might change very soon.

Name: Spencer Alexandria Blaire J. (Most people just call me Blaire.)
Age: 16
Profession: Student baby! Junior year here I am!


Personality: I am one of the most random people you will ever meet and I love myself. I love the fact that I can make everyone of my friends laugh so hard ice cream will come out of their nose. I am completely free and I love that fact too. I am an obsesser, as many of my friends will tell you.

History: I live with my mother, stepdad, and 2 cats. I live in KS. I am in high school. I love to hang with my friends, internet, draw, dance, write, sing, read.

credit to the brilliant Suzi at Undisclosed Desires
for my gorgeous graphics!
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