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Starbreeze 07-31-2006 08:28 PM

Blossom made her way towards her Professor Mao-Macdougal's Office carrying a porcelain plate which was covered with a small cloth, in one hand and on the other hand she carried something heavier. She had a porcelain tray which was also covered. The tray was too heavy and she nearly lost balance. Once she reached the Professor's office she had no free hands to knock so she attempted to knock slightly with her elbow and she succeeded. She hoped the Professor wasn't too busy or that she wouldn't take long to answer the door.

Dru 07-31-2006 08:32 PM

Tabby finally got up the courage and entered the Office like the Professor had asked him to.

Blackwidow 07-31-2006 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Meandering
OOC: Wand was not in her hand. *pokes you*

"Oh yes, that," said Andi wrily. "I'd like to know why you shot that spell at me, using Nikolai's wand, and attempted to blame it on him." She sat back in her chair boredly, waiting for a doubtless extremely weak excuse to cover up the fact that she was probably just another idiotic Gryffindor who thought it would be cool to disrupt classes.

ooc: Soz! *ish poked*, kk back to the

Lua stared unblinkingly at the professor, her behavior was quite unrationale, lua wasn't sure if it was because of her paranoial behavior she ceased this year or was it the influence of the professor reflecting on her. Lua followed her inside the office and studied her question for a moment.
"Well, there are two reasons, one you would like the other i am not sure" lua began explaining, "Do you want to hear them both or just one or neither?" lua questioned wondering if it was the right thing to play with the professor's temper.

Meandering 07-31-2006 10:16 PM

There came a knock on the door. Andi sighed quietly. "In a minute please, I'm finishing up here," she called, somehow managing to imply that she was going to be dragging out a dead body in just a while. Andi turned back to Lua, her fingers tapping on the desk. "I'd be quite interested in both," she said.

Blackwidow 08-01-2006 03:49 AM

Andi's threatening tone had no effect on Lua, she simply pushed her glasses up her nose bridge and arogantly stared back at the professor.
"Alright" she replied simply, "Not in any order, The first is because you seem to have some sort of a grudge on gryffindor, in which i do not yet completely understand why. As for the second" lua paused and shamlessly stared at the floor, "I wanted Nik to get in trouble, because he was holding a picture that contains a GIRL that wasn't ME. I smell conspiracy" , lua paused and pointed her index finger in defence "I taste cabal".

Meandering 08-01-2006 04:05 AM

Andi's eyebrows went up in surprise. "You're a Gryffindor and you have a grudge against Gryffindor. And you hexed me and blamed it on Nik because he was holding a picture -"

OOC: Which I drew!

"- of a girl that wasn't... you?" Andi almost laughed out loud, it was so ludicrous. "You might have overreacted, for lord's sake, it could've been his sister, his cousin."

She shook her head, and smiled slightly at Lua, not mocking her this time. Andi remembered passions of the heart. Karl had been rather subject to them in his youth.

Blackwidow 08-01-2006 04:22 AM

"No Noo" Lua replied, annoyed as to being treated as a four year old, "I don't have a grudge on gryffindor, i proud of it. I am trying to understand why you.. never mind" lua broke off and wrinkled her face in annoyance, there were more important things to deal with around hogwarts than professors preferring certain houses, as she remembered a chain of events from last year.

Furrowing her eyebrows at the teacher in remedy, "No, it was FRAN!, who is supposedly my best friend." lua replied, still trying to control her annoyance as to why the professor is not understanding what she is saying.

Thump0427 08-01-2006 04:44 AM

Walking up to the Professor's door Thump knocks. Pressing his ear close to door he hears voices inside. Only because I have respect for you thought Thump while he took out a piece of parchment and quill and wrote "sorry for today in class" -Thump Nixon, sweet and to the point he thought.And with that he slipped the parchment under the door and walked away until later.

Meandering 08-01-2006 05:08 AM


"No Noo" Lua replied, annoyed as to being treated as a four year old, "I don't have a grudge on gryffindor, i proud of it. I am trying to understand why you.. never mind" lua broke off and wrinkled her face in annoyance, there were more important things to deal with around hogwarts than professors preferring certain houses, as she remembered a chain of events from last year.

Furrowing her eyebrows at the teacher in remedy, "No, it was FRAN!, who is supposedly my best friend." lua replied, still trying to control her annoyance as to why the professor is not understanding what she is saying.

"Apologies," said Andi coolly. "I must have misheard. I have no grudge against any particular house, you understand. I detest them all. And I loathe idiots. It is, fortunately, not my problem that an extraordinary number of your housemates are fools, brainless insolents and seem to adore being late to class. And frankly, I consider that a weak excuse for your behaviour anyway. Not that jealousy is such a redeeming motive. So Nikolai had a picture of Fran and he brought it to class. You can keep these affairs out of my classroom. I'm not Nikolai's mother. Settle this outside, if you would and if you're so proud of your house, refrain from besmirching it with such petty idiocy. Thank you and good bye."

She looked down at her papers, indicating quite clearly that the interview was over. Quickly, she summoned the piece of paper that a student had slid under her door and studied it. Well, that was courteous of the Ravenclaw anyway.

Mafia Leader B 08-01-2006 05:15 AM

Fist shaking as she moved it, Rosalie knocked on the door of Professor Mao-Macdougal's office. Deep down, and quite close to the surface to be completely honest, she knew the woman didn't care about her personal problems. But she needed to talk to someone who may be able to help.

Sure, the ideal person to talk to was the Transfiguration Professor, but she was gone. And Rosalie felt bad bothering her too often.

Shaking her head of long auburn hair, she straightened her back, and waited for the Professor within to answer, bracing her for whatever reply came. Most Professors were irritated with the constant flow of students, she expected no less this time.

Blackwidow 08-01-2006 05:41 AM

Lua furrowed her eyebrows as the professor spoke, half of her conversation contained the words: idiots, fools, brainless insolents, as a referel to students. Lua ignored what she was here for in the first place, and began a new concern if a teacher like Andi should be around students? Lua learned more new name callings than new spells. Maybe a talk with headmistress would do, but maybe the headmistress knows already and doesn't care as much?. Was Ms. Scarlet right?, was the headmistress busy with her new life than care about us as students..Aurors are weird! she thought.

Shaking her head, lua thanked merlin Andi was not nik's mother, she would have immediately ceased the boy's friendship. She was torture, atlast freedom with no more loss of points, " Yes, Ma'am and Thank You" lua answered before promtly leaving the office.

Maxilocks 08-01-2006 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Meandering
There came a knock on the door. Andi sighed quietly. "In a minute please, I'm finishing up here," she called, somehow managing to imply that she was going to be dragging out a dead body in just a while. Andi turned back to Lua, her fingers tapping on the desk. "I'd be quite interested in both," she said.

At least the Professor had bothered to answer, Tia thought angrily as Professor Mao-Macdougal's murderous voice floated outside. She hoped all would go well for Lua. Minutes seemed to tick by very slowly and painfully. She wannted to suffocate the Professor or, better still, skin her alive. But you didn't do that when you were dealing with Andi Mao-Madougal.

You did something worse.

She knocked again. Hurry up already, will you? she thought, fists clenched.

Meandering 08-01-2006 02:57 PM

Andi walked over to the door and pulled it open. She looked at the Gryffindor and the Slytherin both impassively, and made a mental note that this would be last, absolutely, positively, incorrigibly last two students she was going to see before shutting the door and running away to a Zen Monastery. Of course she knew she wouldn't do it. Some masochistic curiousity would force her to open the door.

Oh well. For every minute she endured, maybe Someone Up There noticed and shaved a couple or so years off purgatory. Lord knows she'd done enough to deserve going there, and lower.

"Who was here first?"

Dru 08-01-2006 05:30 PM

Tabby was still stood in the Office, his back firmly against the wall, and he was pretty sure that AMMZ hadn't seen him. Not that he minded too much.

HP_Fan_09 08-01-2006 06:07 PM

Jewil walked by Professor Mao-Macdougal's office and disided to stop by. She stook out her hand and slowly knocked on the door. She opend the door after a second and walked in. She smiled ad looked up at Professor Mao-macdougal. "Hi my name is Jewil I'm a first year here at hogwarts and i dont get the home work. I was wondring if you could help me with just what it means." She smiled but she felt a littlie embarsed for asking for help.

Mafia Leader B 08-01-2006 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Meandering
Andi walked over to the door and pulled it open. She looked at the Gryffindor and the Slytherin both impassively, and made a mental note that this would be last, absolutely, positively, incorrigibly last two students she was going to see before shutting the door and running away to a Zen Monastery. Of course she knew she wouldn't do it. Some masochistic curiousity would force her to open the door.

Oh well. For every minute she endured, maybe Someone Up There noticed and shaved a couple or so years off purgatory. Lord knows she'd done enough to deserve going there, and lower.

"Who was here first?"

"She was ma'am." Rosalie answered, pointing at the girl standing next to herself.

Letting out a breath, she backed up to the wall, and leaned against it, hoping to relax if only a little. The Charms Professor hadn't looked mad exactly, but she hadn't looked all together happy either. Rosalie consoled herelf, telling herself that this was as good a time as any to talk to her. If she was going to at all.

Meandering 08-01-2006 08:47 PM


Blossom made her way towards her Professor Mao-Macdougal's Office carrying a porcelain plate which was covered with a small cloth, in one hand and on the other hand she carried something heavier. She had a porcelain tray which was also covered. The tray was too heavy and she nearly lost balance. Once she reached the Professor's office she had no free hands to knock so she attempted to knock slightly with her elbow and she succeeded. She hoped the Professor wasn't too busy or that she wouldn't take long to answer the door.
Andi's eyes were caught by a young Chinese girl, carrying a large tray. It looked like it was going to spill out of her hands any time soon. Hurriedly, Andi reached out and took it from her, afraid that the wobble in those skinny arms wound soon mean shards of china and a great mess on the floor, "May I help you?" she asked, studying the tray curiously.


Jewil walked by Professor Mao-Macdougal's office and disided to stop by. She stook out her hand and slowly knocked on the door. She opend the door after a second and walked in. She smiled ad looked up at Professor Mao-macdougal. "Hi my name is Jewil I'm a first year here at hogwarts and i dont get the home work. I was wondring if you could help me with just what it means." She smiled but she felt a littlie embarsed for asking for help.
Andi looked down at the girl and raised an eyebrow. "I would have thought the assignment was clear enough," she said crisply. "Describe the effect Wizarding Laws had on future Charms. I believe there are study groups about the school should you wish for further assistance."


"She was ma'am." Rosalie answered, pointing at the girl standing next to herself.

Letting out a breath, she backed up to the wall, and leaned against it, hoping to relax if only a little. The Charms Professor hadn't looked mad exactly, but she hadn't looked all together happy either. Rosalie consoled herelf, telling herself that this was as good a time as any to talk to her. If she was going to at all.

"I see," said Andi, studying the Slytherin girl with a quick flick of her eyes. "Very well then, if it's not too urgent, you will wait? If it's something important..." she would have gestured, but her hands were full with the tray.

Mafia Leader B 08-01-2006 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Meandering
"I see," said Andi, studying the Slytherin girl with a quick flick of her eyes. "Very well then, if it's not too urgent, you will wait? If it's something important..." she would have gestured, but her hands were full with the tray.

"I do need to speak with you. But I can wait while you take care of other students first. They did arrive before me." Rosalie answered easily.

She was proud of herself for looking calm. It was easy to be intimidated by the Charms Professor. She knew a large ammount of first years who fear even going to her classes. Charms class didn't bother her. But comming to her with a problem such as the one she had made her nervous. Her brown eyes barely conveyed her true feelings.

Starbreeze 08-02-2006 01:56 AM

"No need to bother, Professor." Blossom said smiling as she entered the office carefully carrying the tray and the plate. She was glad it didn't take long, her arms began to ache and she wasn't able to hold the tray any longer. "I hope it's alright if I place this here." Blossom said as she settled the tray on top of the table and the plate as well. She pulled the cloths to reveal a Chinese tea set and a plate full of mooncakes. "Professor, if this is not the time I can return later. I don't want to cause you trouble." She said as she folded the cloths and placed them close to the tray.

Meandering 08-02-2006 02:13 AM

Andi stared at the cakes and her face flushed with pleasure. "Good heavens!" she exclaimed, her hand flying to her mouth, eyes sparkling. "I haven't seen any of this for ages!"

The sweet scent of Chinese tea filled the room like incense to the gods. "Tie kuan yin cha," said Andi quietly. "The Iron Goddess of Mercy tea. I haven't had anything but that blasted red tea from India to drink for too long." Like most Chinese, or even half Chinese, Andi had a hearty respect for food. Some part of her genes remembered the bitter heat of the rice fields, the precious few leaves unfolding in hot water, staining it a lovely amber.

Andi looked at the young Chinese girl, and put a fist to her palm, nodding slightly in an attitude of acknowledgement.

Starbreeze 08-02-2006 02:25 AM

Blossom was joyous, finally something who she could share the wonders of her country with. Blossom took the teapot and poured the hot tea into the teacups. She took one of them and gave it to the Professor as a sign of respect. Than, she took the plate full of mooncakes and offered them to the Professor as well and placed the plate close to her. She took her own cup of tea and joined the Professor who seemed to be very excited.

Meandering 08-02-2006 02:31 AM

Andi's smile had died down by now, but her face was softer and more pleasant than normal. She sipped her hot tea, feeling the bitter but pleasant flavor on her tongue, burning it slightly. "A bit early for zhong qiu jie, the mid autumn festival," she remarked, nodding at the mooncakes. "How may I help you, Ms. Liu?"

Starbreeze 08-02-2006 02:43 AM

"I just thought you'd like them." She said sweetly, Professor Mao-Macdougal wasn't difficult to please, people just didn't know exactly how. She was far more pleased drinking the tea than she'd seen her in class even the one of the students successfully broke the charm and nearly demanded for House Points as a reward. "I don't need anything, really." Blossom finally said hoping the Professor wouldn't kick her out.

Meandering 08-02-2006 02:45 AM

Andi stiffened imperceptibly. "Bribery is not exactly the way to go though, Ms. Liu," she said lightly, taking another sip of the tea, her fingers gently supporting the small cup, nimbly resting on the rounded edge of it, so the heat didn't burn her hand.

Starbreeze 08-02-2006 03:01 AM

Blossom didn't expect this sort of response. She didn't intent to "bribe" her intention was to spend some time with someone who would remind her of her country. She was wrong. This woman had been English-fied and she misunderstood her just like the rest of the others did. Blossom didn't want to feel like an outcast for her two last years of school, she hoped to enjoy them to the fullest. Perhaps she should take her grandma's advice and go to Japan. Maybe it wasn't to late. She didn't reply to the Professor's comment and decided to ignore it. "If you're busy, I'll leave so you can finish your work." Blossom said with a change in her voice.

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