This forum contains threads from the SS Hogwarts RPG's tenth term. Chatty threads such as common rooms, corridors, and house tables were not saved unless they contained critical plot points. Some threads may not show up here because they were overlooked, however you should be able to at least find most of the classes.
For more information about this term, please see the
Hogwarts, A History entry.
Threads are arranged by thread started by default. This should make it easier to find things as they are grouped by professor (class) and general threads can be located by finding the headmaster/mistress' username.
Originally Posted by HaH Staff List
usernames are in parentheses
Headmistress: Cassandra Rae (Cassirin)
Deputy Head: Anjelica Lainey (Mad Eye Touz)
Ancient Runes: Andy Iccunnav (hprwhg4ever)
Arithmancy: Lesley Modulo Fox (fox_in_sox)
Astronomy: Laura Rierdan (fona)
Caretaker: Mr. Borr (Berty_Borr)
CoMC: Zaria Dainsie (Dainsie)
Charms: Kate Zoa (buckeye_forever)
DADA: Cassandra Rae (Cassirin)
Divination: Serena Kotkin (serenasnape)
Flying: Gideon Prewett (Gideon Prewett III)
Gamekeeper: Aehlstan S. Woollington-Yarns (Keredwel)
Herbology: Cleo Virohsa (fr2nc1z)
History of Magic: Anjelica Lainey (Mad Eye Touz)
Librarian: Madame Rowena (MadameRowena)
Muggle Studies: Violet Evans (gill_boo)
Potions: Doyle Branxton (Biochemkris)
Quidditch: Mostafa Hassan (Mostafa Hassan)
School Healer: Morpheus Brunnel (Fan#1)
Transfiguration: Andrew McAiken (AnimagusSnuffles)
Gryffindor HoH: Zaria Dainsie (Dainsie)
Hufflepuff HoH: Laura Rierdan (fona)
Ravenclaw HoH: Anjelica Lainey (Mad Eye Touz)
Slytherin HoH: Cleo Virohsa (fr1nc2z)