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St. Mungo's Hospital (Role-Playing) Got a case of roleplay-itis and need to see the healer? Here at St. Mungo's you can roam around and flex your creative muscles.

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Old 12-20-2022, 10:16 PM
MadAlice MadAlice is offline
Default Coming Home

It was over 25 years ago that Helena Blackthorne, the only daughter of a rich, Pureblood family, eloped with a Muggle named Sam Hurst. She hasn't been seen or heard from since she sent her only child, Violet, home to live with her family sixteen years ago. Everyone assumed Helena was dead by now, until she turned up the summer of 2108 wandering in London with no memory of how she got there or who she was. Now the healers at St. Mungo's are trying to discover the cause of her amnesia, as her daughter Violet attempts to reforge a relationship with the mother she barely remembers.

Main Characters:
Helena Blackthorne Hurst (FearlessLeader19)
Violet Blackthorne, her daughter (MadAlice)
Kat Greer, a healer (Holmesian Feline)

Supporting Characters:
Ignatius Blackthorne, her father (MadAlice)
Jane Howard, her old school friend and Violet's ex-governess (MadAlice)

Other Characters:
William Black, another healer (Holmesian Feline)
Horatio Blackthorne,her brother (MadAlice)

Scene 1: Helena's bedside in St. Mungo's Janus Thickey Ward; late August 2108
Violet Blackthorne, Helena Blackthorne Hurst, Kat Greer
Scene 2: Just outside Helena's hospital room door; late August 2108
Violet Blackthorne, Helena Blackthorne Hurst, Kat Greer
Scene 3: In and around Helena's hospital room door in St. Mungo's; September 2108
Ignatius Blackthorne, Helena Blackthorne Hurst, William Black
Scene 4: Helena's room in St. Mungo's; October 2108
Violet Blackthorne, Helena Blackthorne Hurst, Jane Howard
Scene 5: Helena's room in St. Mungo's; November 2108
Helena Blackthorne Hurst, Jane Howard, Violet Blackthorne
Scene 6: Helena's room in St. Mungo's; Late December 2108
Helena Blackthorne Hurst, Ignatius Blackthorne
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Old 05-26-2023, 03:12 AM   #26 (permalink)

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When William had come on duty a few minutes before, the healer had been given the head’s up that Ms Blackthorne’s father had made an appearance in his daughter’s ward. He knew frustration could get the better of the family concerned for patients, especially memory patients, but the man was a particular thorn in the side of Helena’s healers including himself. As such while she might have ordinarily been later in his rounds, Will decided to work in reverse so he could check on matters, just finishing up with one of her neighbors when he heard the raised voices and moved quickly to assist whatever was the problem.

Which was one woman seemingly very apprehensive…protective even…of herself and her drawings. “Woah…it’s okay,” Healer Black spoke to assure her as he came further into the room but not too close. He certainly didn’t want to startle her further, especially since he wasn’t aware of just what had set Helena off this time. His gaze passing between the woman and her father as if looking for clues.
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Old 06-01-2023, 11:37 PM   #27 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
“Woah…it’s okay,” Healer Black spoke to assure her as he came further into the room but not too close. He certainly didn’t want to startle her further, especially since he wasn’t aware of just what had set Helena off this time. His gaze passing between the woman and her father as if looking for clues.
Ignatius flushed with irritation (and perhaps partly in dismay at the sudden drastic change in Helena's mood--dear Merlin, could he not even touch his own daughter?) And the way the man kept looking at him and then at Helena--Ignatius felt that the healer was blaming him in some way. He was also very tired of the healers' excuses for their lack of progress. But he stifled the curt retort on his lips, because he didn't want to upset his daughter any more than she already was. Blast it, where was Violet? She could usually handle these sorts of things better than he could. "We...we were just talking about flowers, weren't we?" he finally said, keeping his voice as even as possible, but moving back a bit from his little girl lest he startle her again.
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Old 06-04-2023, 08:33 PM   #28 (permalink)
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x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

It was a relief to see Healer Black and this reflected quite clearly on Helena’s face. Knowing that the man wouldn’t attempt to get too close again since her Healer was there, Helena busied herself by gathering the pencils into a neat pile at her side. But she couldn’t help but look up at the man’s question. Her eyes moved from his face to Healer Black’s where they remained. “Y-yes,’’ she replied, as though he were the one who asked. “Is it true I lived somewhere with lots of flowers? With a garden like this?” Helena held up her masterpiece, as though William would know all about her early life and her love for drawing and painting.

She then threw the man a cautious glance. Had he been speaking the truth? Violet would be able to confirm or deny because over the past few days, Helena had grown to trust the young woman.
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Old 07-13-2023, 11:11 PM   #29 (permalink)

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William wasn’t meaning to come off antagonizing, merely keeping an eye on his patient as well as her father that had seemingly set her off somehow. His first duty was to the woman under his care as much as any of her family tried to intimidate the healing staff. And just talking about flowers? That was the pain of dealing with memory issues…almost anything can cause a less than pleasant reaction and you often didn’t know from one second to the next what would be safe at any point.

But back to Helena, the healer looking at her artwork as if needing the pause to think how to answer. “Yes…it is true,” he remarked tot eh affirmative, thinking back to what he might have known of the family estate. Typical fashion of large house with extensive gardens. Not that they were much in the same circles, but the rich pureblood families did have the occasion to interact over the centuries. "You did."
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Old 07-23-2023, 04:55 PM   #30 (permalink)

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Ignatius was fighting his rising indignation (and maybe a little grief and humiliation) over the fact that his beloved only daughter seemed more willing to believe the words of this healer than her own father. He conveniently forgot the heated words he and Helena had exchanged with each other the last time he'd seen her--seen her as herself, that is, and how long ago that seemed. But then, he'd been right about that Sam Hurst, hadn't he, because look at what had happened to her!

Ignatius managed a smile, though, for his daughter and managed a calm tone of voice as he said, "Perhaps Violet can bring you some of those flowers when she next comes, and you can see for yourself."

Then, in a harshly whispered aside to William the old man added, "May I please speak to you outside? Alone?". It was not really a question.
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Old 08-29-2023, 02:44 AM   #31 (permalink)

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Scene 4: Helena's bedside in St. Mungo's Janus Thickey Ward
Time: October 2108

Something new has been added to Helena's room. A pretty bluish cut-glass vase filled with autumn flowers stands on the small table next to her bed. The bright colours stand out against the muted hospital shades of the room--winter daffodils with their bright yellow tulipy cups; brash dahlias, big and pink; long steps of lilyturf covered with little bright purple flowers; and some orange-red crocosmia with their long, slender stamens sticking out. Helena's youngest brother, Horatio, had immediately run out to one of his flower-plots in the family gardens when his niece told him that his sister had expressed an interest in flowers. He had taken great pains to pick a selection of colours and shapes that he thought would please her and brought them to the hospital. Helena was asleep at the time, so he had left them there for her as a surprise.

Violet had had a "discussion" with her grandfather (which meant that they both stood stubbornly head to head and argued in loud voices) when she found out he had had a row with one of her mother's healers in the middle of a hospital hallway. She understood his impatience over his daughter's condition--in fact, she shared it. But fighting with the healers would do little good, and might possibly do some harm. They needed these people on their side, and it didn't cost anything to be pleasant. Ignatius had not been best pleased to be given instructions by his young granddaughter, however, and had no intention of staying away from his daughter or holding his tongue about anything that displeased him at any time.

Fortunately, he was not there today as Violet brought her mother a quite different visitor. Gently opening the door a crack, Violet looked in to see if her mother was asleep or being treated by any healers. She couldn't tell if Helena was awake or not, but she didn't see anyone else there, which was just as she wanted it right now. "Come on in, she's alone and it should be all right. They did say she could have visitors." Well, they'd said family members could visit, but Jane Howard was one of her mother's closest friends, and Violet had decided that that counted. Besides, no one was watching them anyway. She called out softly, "Mother? Are you awake? Mother, here's an old friend of yours from Hogwarts that I brought to see you."

Jane Howard stepped silently into the room as Violet held open the door for her. She looked over at the hospital bed and was frankly quite shocked to see her old friend's appearance. She looked quite different from the vibrant, lovely young girl who had run away to marry a Muggle all those years ago. Jane walked a little closer to the bed, taking care not to startle Helena in case she should be awake. She really hoped she might be able to do something to help her, but she'd no more once she had a chance to talk with her old friend.
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Old 09-03-2023, 10:58 PM   #32 (permalink)
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x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

The flowers certainly helped to improve Helena’s mood. They weren’t the only thing that helped overall: her memory was improving! Yes, there were snatches here and there at times when she was least expecting them, or there were recollections that came when she tried hard enough to remember her past while at other times the recollections were triggered by the smell of a rose or the mouthwatering aroma of a treacle tart.

Helena, at the moment, was busy tending to her little collection of flowers. Hearing her daughter’s voice, she turned away from the vase. “I’m awake, Violet,’’ Helena called, turning to face the door. A visitor? Who could it be? Surely not her father?

It was true, Helena’s appearance was still sunken and gaunt but she was doing her best to improve. At least her hair was neatly kept today in a bun. While her visitor proved not to be her father {thankfully}, Helena stood there frowning. “I know you,’’ the words came forth slowly. But how did she know this woman? Helena frowned in concentration in an attempt to place this face.
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Old 09-04-2023, 11:31 PM   #33 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
It was true, Helena’s appearance was still sunken and gaunt but she was doing her best to improve. At least her hair was neatly kept today in a bun. While her visitor proved not to be her father {thankfully}, Helena stood there frowning. “I know you,’’ the words came forth slowly. But how did she know this woman? Helena frowned in concentration in an attempt to place this face.
Jane smiled at Helena's words. She seemed much less nervous than Violet had described her in previous encounters. "That's right. We went to school together, years ago--to Hogwarts, do you remember it? We were good friends then, even though we were in different Houses. I've missed seeing you all these years." Jane was a person of very even temperament in general, and during her years of working as a governess, she had cultivated a voice of the utmost gentleness and reasonableness.

Violet stayed standing near the doorway, not wanting to interfere with whatever was going to happen. She had the utmost confidence in her old governess's ability to solve any problem, a confidence lingering from her childhood. And besides, Violet wanted to be able to head off anyone who might burst through the door and interrupt them.
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Old 09-08-2023, 12:01 AM   #34 (permalink)
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~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.


Immediately Helena tried to wrack her memory. She knew all about the school, of course, but as far as her own memory went, it was still hazy. But if the woman before her said that they were friends, then it was true. Violet would not lie to her, she had come to learn over recent weeks. “No,’’ Helena replied sadly but honestly. She sat on the bed, still looking at the woman. “I don’t remember your name either., I'm sorry.” But that was okay because why? Because she felt a sort of comfort upon seeing her. Helena smiled suddenly, softly and warmly. “Sit and tell me more about our Hogwarts days.” An indication to one of the chairs next to her bed was made.

Next, her attention turned to Violet. “Come on over here, darling. I have a feeling we’re both in for a treat with renditions of some of my school life shenanigans.”
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Old 09-13-2023, 11:12 PM   #35 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Next, her attention turned to Violet. “Come on over here, darling. I have a feeling we’re both in for a treat with renditions of some of my school life shenanigans.”
Violet looked briefly from her mother to her ex-governess and then lost no time in going over to one of the chairs by Helena's bed and sitting down decisively. She would indeed like to hear about such shenanigans. Though she couldn't picture her calm and proper Miss Howard involved in any, she fervently hoped that there had been some. She looked back at Jane's face and smirked slightly.

Jane raised her eyebrows slightly before joining Violet in another of the chairs by Helena's bedside. Oh dear, she really should have seen this coming. But then again, what was a little discomfort compared to her friend's sanity and happiness? Besides, Violet was a young woman now and no longer under her care; it wouldn't hurt her to learn that her mother and governess had had lives of their own once upon a time.

"Well, first of all, it was a wonder we ever became friends at all, because we were in different Houses. You were sorted into Slytherin, like all the rest of your family--except for dear Horatio, of course." The Blackthorne family had been quite shocked and mortified when Ignatius' youngest son had wound up in Hufflepuff, though Horatio had embraced it without any embarrassment whatsoever. "And I was in Ravenclaw, way up in the highest tower, at the opposite end of the castle from the Slytherin dorms down in the dungeons. But when two people are fated to come together, circumstances work to make it happen." Jane smiled at Helena and then Violet, drawing the story out for a bit of suspense.
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Old 09-18-2023, 02:41 PM   #36 (permalink)
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x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Seated on her bed, feet dangling off the side, Helena braced herself for some glorious stories about her Hogwarts days. Surely she and Jane weren’t boring? Surely they got up to some grad adventures? Looking at Violet’s face, Helena suspected that she didn’t believe her mother and Jane could get into such things.

Oh, just you wait, Violet Blackthorne! Prepare to have your mind blown!

Slytherin. This had been the House dear Violet had been Sorted into as well, as Helena recalled. The rebellious part of her loved that Horatio had become a Hufflepuff. She hoped he had been happier in that House as opposed to Slytherin. Already, Helena could tell that Jane’s stories were going to be entertaining, especially when her friend paused. “Oh, do go on, Jane! You don’t want to see me dying of suspense, do you?” She laughed softly.
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Old 09-30-2023, 04:03 AM   #37 (permalink)

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Jane smiled back at Helena, sharing her delight in the prospect of sharing this with Violet. "Well, as I recall, we didn't really it it off right away. At least, Helena found me off-putting. She thought I was too fond of showing off my knowledge and called me a "know-it-all." As it happened, Jane didn't have a clue that her constantly trying to answer all the questions and correct her classmates when they were wrong was annoying in any way. She had always been rather brilliant at her studies, but was not so bright when it came to human interactions. She'd needed Helena to help her with that. Once they were properly speaking to each other, that is.

"As a matter of fact, your mother was responsible for my very first detention." Jane glanced at Violet to see how she was taking this, before looking over at Helena to see if any of this was sparking a memory.
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Old 10-04-2023, 12:40 AM   #38 (permalink)
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x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

As Jane described their earlier encounter, Helena suddenly had a flashback to two young girls in the dungeons. “Is that when I confronted you after we exited one Potions lesson?” she asked with a slight frown. It was only a slight one because this woman couldn’t help but smiling as Jane’s words replayed in her mind. It indeed sounded like something she would do, confront someone over something that was bothering her. “Jane, did I hurt your feelings terribly back then?” Helena asked hesitantly. “If so, did I ever apologise for it?”

As that second question was asked, Helena was chancing a glance at Violet. Oh, she hoped her daughter wasn’t judging her too harshly for actions of the past! However, her attention spun back to Jane so quickly, she may have hurt her neck slightly. “What? How? Why?” Needless to say this woman was speechless to learn of this!
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Old 10-15-2023, 02:37 AM   #39 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
“Jane, did I hurt your feelings terribly back then?” Helena asked hesitantly. “If so, did I ever apologise for it?”
"; why should I have?" Jane was honestly surprised, but then she seldom got upset over things most people did, and indeed, often didn't realized when she was being insulted, or at least she hadn't when she'd been younger. With age, she'd become more experienced in recognizing such comments, although they still didn't really move her. Still, it was useful to know when someone was deliberately trying to be mean. "And quite frankly, I don't even remember what you said to me then, so it couldn't have been very bad." Jane smiled reassuringly at her old friend.

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
As that second question was asked, Helena was chancing a glance at Violet. Oh, she hoped her daughter wasn’t judging her too harshly for actions of the past! However, her attention spun back to Jane so quickly, she may have hurt her neck slightly. “What? How? Why?” Needless to say this woman was speechless to learn of this!
Helena needn't have worried about earning her daughter's disapproval. Violet had been looking from one woman to the other, listening avidly as this tale of youthful misdeeds unfolded. By now, she had decided that her mother was even cooler than she'd hoped. "Way to go, Mum! You were a real rebel, weren't you?!" Violet disregarded the quick glance of disapproval that her former governess threw at her after this statement. She was a grown woman, now, she didn't need to worry about being reprimanded. But Jane had now paused for far too long to suit Violet's curiosity, so she turned to face her. "So? What happened next?"

Jane sighed softly to herself--she really ought to have anticipated this happening when she had agreed to come and talk to her old school friend. "No, it wasn't anything you said, it was what happened during a potions class. I was very busy working on a rather complicated potion--not the one in the lesson book, but something more advanced. I suppose I was trying to get extra credit, or maybe just to see if I could do it. At any rate, while I wasn't looking, your mother threw something into my cauldron while I wasn't looking, something that didn't belong in that potion. We never did find out what it was," she added, looking over at Helena, because she would really like to know what it was, even after all these years. There wasn't enough left of the potion to analyze it. There wasn't much left of my entire cauldron, because it exploded, all over the ceiling, and created a thick cloud of fumes in the lab. Everyone had to be evacuated and then checked out by the school nurse, because apparently the fumes were potentially toxic." Jane sighed again, because up to that point, that potion had really been coming along very well.

"At any rate, after the lab was fumigated and anything dangerous left there had been removed, Helena and I were both given detention together, all weekend, and what we had to do was to clean up the lab and put everything back in order. And doing that sort of thing with another person, well, you get to know them a lot better, and you end up either good friends or sworn enemies. Fortunately, your mother and I ended up the former." Jane smiled, thinking about that weekend--it had really been rather fun after the first hour or so, despite all the work.
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Old 10-20-2023, 11:11 PM   #40 (permalink)
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x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Helena breathed a sigh of heavy relief. How awful it would have been if she had said something damaging to Jane. If her friend could forget about the incident, then Jane could… well, since she already had forgotten, she could go forth living her life without worry. She then returned the smile warmly before laughing softly at Violet’s comment. Oh, how she was thrilled that her daughter didn’t think smally of her! “It certainly seems so, doesn’t it?” There was a thoughtful look on her face, as though wondering what ever other shenanigans she had gotten herself into.

“Yes, what happened next, Jane?” Don’t keep the Blackthorne’s in suspense!

Helena hung on to every word as Jane recounted the old tale. Oh… that was what she had done. She tried racking her brain in an attempt to recall more details. “I caused such disruption,’’ Helena remarked with a mixture of awe and remorse. “No one was hurt though, right?” She didn’t think so, she hoped that no one was. “If that’s the case, then I would say that fiasco was a blessing in disguise, don’t you think?”
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Old 10-22-2023, 11:15 PM   #41 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
“I caused such disruption,’’ Helena remarked with a mixture of awe and remorse. “No one was hurt though, right?” She didn’t think so, she hoped that no one was. “If that’s the case, then I would say that fiasco was a blessing in disguise, don’t you think?”
"Oh, no, no one was hurt, which was a lucky thing. It really was both our faults--you certainly should not have thrown an unknown substance into my cauldron, but I really shouldn't have been brewing that potion as a student, especially in class." Jane smiled wryly--she had always thought she could handle things more advanced than her grade level, and she generally had been right. But that incident had certainly taught her to be a bit less arrogant and more careful. "By the way, if you ever remember what you did throw in that cauldron, please let me know, it would make an interesting addition to my potions records."

Then, replying again to what Helena has said about their detention, Jane continued, "And yes, it was a blessing. It took us all weekend to clean the lab up and we had to learn to work together. And it gave us a lot of time to talk and get to know each other. We found out that the things we had assumed about each other weren't really true, and by the end, we found out that we actually liked each other!"

Jane suddenly looked over at Violet, who was enjoying all this way too much. "And don't let this encourage you to engage in mischief, young lady," she said to the younger woman, though there was no real bite behind her words. She and Violet both knew that now that Violet was of age, she didn't need to obey a governess any more, though she hoped she did still have the influence of a friend.

Turning back to Helena, Jane deftly turned the subject a little. "So, it seems you remember a bit more about our schooldays. Do you remember anything later on? After you graduated school, perhaps?" Because this was what Jane, Violet, and the healers most wanted to know--what had happened to bring Helena to this condition?
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Old 11-05-2023, 01:05 AM   #42 (permalink)
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x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Helena sat there thinking how very stupid her and Jane had been as teenagers, and also how lucky they were to not have injured anyone with their shenanigans. “I’m just glad that it all worked out in our favour. I bet we learnt our lesson after that cauldron incident.” That was the type of young girl Helena hoped she had been. “Oh, I’ll try my best to recall what it was. Instinct is telling me it could have been a magical firework.” That would have done the trick neatly in her opinion.

She laughed to hear the length of time it took them to clean the lab. No doubt the task had to have been done without magic. “Look at how lucky we were, with everything working out in our favour! Oh, I am so happy for younger us! It was a pity my life took an unfortunate turn that took me away from you and Violet.” There was a hint of sadness in her voice which was mirrored on her facial features.

The ‘chiding’ Violet received made Helena laugh again. Laughing was something that she was doing a lot more of recently. “I’m confident you taught Violet all the right things, Jane.” She glowed with pride as her gaze rested upon her all grown-up daughter. The question made the smile slip off of her face, however, as she shook her head. “Unfortunately, I cannot. But Jane… is it bad that I don’t want to remember? I only want to recall the good things.”
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Old 11-12-2023, 10:41 PM   #43 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
“...It was a pity my life took an unfortunate turn that took me away from you and Violet.” There was a hint of sadness in her voice which was mirrored on her facial features.
“Unfortunately, I cannot. But Jane… is it bad that I don’t want to remember? I only want to recall the good things.”
"Oh, Mum, are you sure you can't remember anything?" Violet blurted out, not seeing (or ignoring) Jane's warning look. "I don't want to cause you any pain or discomfort, but anything you could remember might help us to help make you better." Also, Violet was intensely curious about all this, especially about what involvement, if any, her father had had in it. She really hoped she would find out he didn't know what had happened, either. Even though she had come to realize he was a bit of a scoundrel, he was, after all, her father.

Jane sighed as Violet apparently chose not to see the look she gave her. Pressuring Helena at this point was the last thing they needed to be doing, not now when she was finally coming out of her shell. "I don't think that really matters so much at this point, Violet," she finally said in a quiet voice. "The Healers are making great progress with what information they have." As Jane was herself--she was becoming more and more convinced that the Lesser Elixir she'd developed during the Neo-Alliance War might be of some help here, but she wanted to talk to the Healers about it first. Preferably without Violet here.

"Why don't you show your mother the gift you brought her? I think she may be well enough to enjoy it now."
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Old 11-26-2023, 03:32 PM   #44 (permalink)
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x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Helena turned her attention once more to her daughter. There was a pause before she answered the question. See, the older woman was considering her words carefully because the simple answer was ‘no’. She supposed she was only prolonging the moment in saying the word to delay any disappointment that she would find written on Violet’s face. She knew the young woman was keen to get certain answers about certain topics. Helena shook her head before offering an upbeat, “I am one hundred percent certain more details will become clear in my mind soon though. I was able to recall a hint of Jane and I’s shenanigans.”

Helena smiled in gratitude at Jane’s reassuring words. “That much is also true. I am trying to get better as quickly as I can.” The words were said as though she were trying to convince all present at the bed including herself. Her face suddenly brightened. “A gift?” she questioned with child-like excitement. Her eyes moved from the duo. “What is it?”
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Last edited by FearlessLeader19; 12-09-2023 at 06:20 PM.
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Old 12-07-2023, 03:33 AM   #45 (permalink)

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Violet blushed slightly and shifted uncomfortably in her chair. She had been excited about this when she first thought of it, but now she felt strangely shy. Maybe this gift hadn't been such a good idea. But Jane had brought it up and it was too late to back down now.

"Um, well, it's just something I've been working on the past few years. They started out as individual stories, but this year I was able to bring them all out together as a book." Violet held out a small, rectangular package wrapped in dark green tissue paper and tied with a silver and bright green bow. Inside was a book bound in light grey leather with the title, Thorns and the Shadow by Violet P. Blackthorne. Inside, just behind the title page, was the dedication: To my mother, Helena Keystone Hurst, who is always in my heart.

It was a collection of all the stories Violet had written about Hogwarts during the Neo-Alliance, including her very first short story, "Lost and Never Found." Now that she had had some success publishing science fiction in the Muggle world, she had finally been able to find a wizarding publisher with the guts to publish her stories, some of which were critical of the Ministry of Magic. Violet had never thought she would be able to show them to her mother, but now she was a little afraid Helena wouldn't like them, or think they were stupid. As a girl, Violet had daydreamed about being a famous author, but right now she didn't really care if other people liked and bought her book, as long as her mother thought well of it.
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Old 12-09-2023, 07:45 PM   #46 (permalink)
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~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

A book?

Interest piqued, Helena reached for the wrapped item. She carefully undid the bow and paper, feeling guilty about having to wreck such perfection {this feeling usually came about every single time Helena was made to undo wrapping}. The title was read and afterwards, some time was spent running her hand over the cover. Helena was in awe, not to mention she was feeling proud of the fact that her daughter had written a book. Little did the woman know she was in for another surprise when the book was opened.

Her own name jumped out at her and there was suddenly a lump of emotions clogging her throat. “Oh, Violet,” Helena managed to croak and at the same time, holding out an arm for her daughter. “Your book will be a success! Not just any success though. A huge one!" Helena was completely sure of this. “I’ll get started on reading this today.”
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Old 01-09-2024, 12:08 AM   #47 (permalink)

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Violet flushed with pleasure at her mother's reaction. When she was a girl, she had fantasized about being a famous author receiving the accolades of the wizarding world, but now she found that her mother's compliments and confidence in her was better than anything she had imagined. She impulsively threw her arms around Helena and returned her hug. (She may have teared up a little, but would never admit it.)

Jane smiled to see her old friend and her young ex-pupil reunited like this. She allowed them their moment together, and then gently changed the subject.

"Helena--during the recent Wizarding War I developed a potion, a sort of healing elixir, which was used to great effect in certain cases. It has the property of restoring balance to the mind and emotions and has often helped people recover from the psychological effects of spell damage. I've discussed the possibility of your taking it with your Healers and they have agreed to a trial for you--but only if you agree to it. It may not be something you want." Jane had noticed that Helena seemed content with the progress she had been making on her own, and indeed, she seemed much like herself again, though there were still gaps in her memory. But she might not want to remember everything.

"Oh, yes, mama, do try it!" blurted out Violet, who was much less patient. "It might help you remember!"

"Now Violet, don't force things. It has to be her decision, and we should be willing to accept it, either way." And grown women did not really wish their young daughters to be telling them what to do, Jane thought to herself. Violet was a very determined person and could be a bit bossy if one let her. And Helena did not need that right now.
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Old 01-12-2024, 11:37 PM   #48 (permalink)
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x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Helena could see clearly just how much her words of confidence meant to her daughter. And Helena had certainly not been saying them because she was the young woman’s daughter. It was with great delight that she hugged Violet back tightly. She was so proud of this girl! So proud!

However, when her friend began explaining about a potion that could potentially help her, Helena was intrigued and gave Jane her full attention. “You developed it?” she asked, quite amazed. There was also another sense of pride running through her. To be surrounded by such brilliant people! “That’s wonderful, Jane.” She lapsed into silence, mulling over the suggestion. She was even silent for a bit as she took in Violet’s words. It was true that Helena was happy with the progress she was making on her own but at the same time, she wanted to recall all the things. Violet clearly wanted her to do the same… and since Jane had created the potion, Helena had all the faith in her.

“I’m considering it,’’ she assured her daughter. To Jane, she asked, “Do you know of any side effects?” It was only fair that she know all that she could before taking the potion, yes?
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Old 01-13-2024, 07:06 PM   #49 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
“I’m considering it,’’ she assured her daughter. To Jane, she asked, “Do you know of any side effects?” It was only fair that she know all that she could before taking the potion, yes?
Jane pondered this question, going over in her mind everything she had heard from the trials and usage of her potion. She had reviewed all the latest data herself recently, of course, before even proposing this. Her own boss, Airey Flamsteed, had been one of the first (perhaps even the first to have taken it, though not under laboratory conditions. Still, he had not complained of or exhibited any side effects...

Finally she said, "None that I know of. Except that it doesn't always work, or doesn't work fully. Apparently in some cases, there's only so much it can do, and it hasn't been established yet why it works so well in some instances and not in other similar cases. You can, and should, discuss it with your Healers as well, of course. And think about it, Helena. You don't have to decide right away." Jane could feel Violet's look at her when she said this and gave her young friend a warning look back. Violet was young and impatient, but this was Helena's decision and, given her good progress so far, there was no reason to rush into anything. Jane was just glad her friend's domineering father wasn't there; she suspected Violet had arranged to busy her grandfather elsewhere while they paid this particular visit.
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Old 01-27-2024, 06:20 PM   #50 (permalink)
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x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Helena waited patiently for an answer to her question. She might remember all of hers and Jane’s earlier adventures but there was that strong instinct in her to trust her friend. If it were dangerous to take the potion, she was sure Jane would not have suggested it. Helena just wanted to be aware of the risks and benefits.

Once Jane had advised her she fell silent, weighing the words carefully. No side effects that were known, even if the potion did not work for everyone. Helene supposed it depended on the body or the extent of damage to the individual’s memories. Her gaze lingered on her daughter who had made it very clear that she wanted her to try the potion.

And she would.

For her daughter’s sake and her friend’s sake.

And of course, her very own.

“Can we discuss the matter with the Healers today then? I’d like to see it if I can take your potion as soon as I can.”
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