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Hello, everyone! Looking for a spot to add more details about all your characters? How about more information on those creatures and spells that we keep learning about? Or how about those businesses and other schools? Well, you came to the right place! Everyone is free to create a Wiki page for their own characters and add it to the spreadsheets if they wish to do so. Do you need some help on adding? Feel free to post the info and we'll be more than happy to do it. Please keep in mind that these spreadsheets are kept up to date by an individual basis per RPer and may not include all characters nor be 100% accurate to the current SSRPG timeline.
To have a spreadsheet link be included in this post, you MUST contact a Wizarding World Admin. Thanks.
SPOILER!!: Original Posts
Originally Posted by Starbreeze
Hello, everyone! So this morning I was thinking to myself, what is the meaning of life? And then I saw the light. It is to create and contribute to our very own wiki page.
So, you know how a professor asks a question in a class and you google "Harry Potter wiki" plus whatever you are looking for? Well, I thought we should create our own wiki to archive SS canon information! We have had so many wonderful events, spells and potions created, characters, etc., and all we have is Hogwarts, A History for former staff. I thought this was we could archive everything that pertains to the SS RPG world there. That includes, spells, potions, events, items, characters, locations, etc., and so on. This is not a wiki for canon Harry Potter, so don't add Wingardium Leviosa and Hogsmead. SS canon.
Everyone is free to create a page for their own characters, if they wish to do so. However, my vision for this was mostly to archive SS canon information, which is why I am posting this here, to ask for your help to contribute to the page. Anyone with an account can create a page, and accounts are free, so everyone can participate. SS is as huge community and we are gonna need as many people as we can to fill as much as we can.
So, R2D2 (Daemon) did a thing and I just updated it!
If you have any other characters you want to add (that are currently at other magical schools in the canon), this spreadsheet is just for our reference (since so many charries are played on Twitter these days). If you don't see your charries listed, add 'em! Anyone can edit. *has a duplicate*
Wizarding Schools 2089-2090
*edited in afterwards*
Wizarding Primary Education 2089-2090
Wizarding Higher Education 2089-2090
Also, Ern and I did another spreadsheet for Wizarding media (musicians, models, authors, businesses, etc). This spreadsheet can also be edited. If you have any characters like this, feel free to add them all in the appropriate tabs!
Wizarding World Media
NOTE: Shoutouts to Ameh and Stephen for their brilliance in helping create the "Higher Education" spreadsheet. And also, to the many other members who've come together on the "Wizarding Media" one. It's been such a collaborative effort!
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by Lislchen
I have a question...do SS rules apply on SSRPG Wiki?
I don't remember reading anything about that in this thread so if this question has been asked (and answered) before then I'm sorry.
I think the official answer is that rules don't transfer, but SS rules say that for an offsite link to be posted HERE, the site must conform to rules. So if you'd like for your article to be useable as a reference on SS, you should follow SS rules.
I will say yes, until Ern comes and says otherwise. It's being linked on SS so it should be SS-appropriate.
Originally Posted by Cassirin
I think the official answer is that rules don't transfer, but SS rules say that for an offsite link to be posted HERE, the site must conform to rules. So if you'd like for your article to be useable as a reference on SS, you should follow SS rules.
How do you add a page under under the characters category? I've never used a wiki before
Create a page by clicking on "Add a Page". After you publish your page, scroll all the way to the bottom and you will see "Categories." Click on "Add category," type in "Characters," press enter, then save, and your character will be under the characters category.
Create a page by clicking on "Add a Page". After you publish your page, scroll all the way to the bottom and you will see "Categories." Click on "Add category," type in "Characters," press enter, then save, and your character will be under the characters category.
Thanks! I kinda worked it out after I had a little play around :3
So now, there's a page created by yours truly with some (I promise I'll add more) info on my Ministry charrie!!
It's so cool being able to look up Transfiguration and seeing all the spells you haven't learnt in class yet with all incantations, wand movements and what they do.
I didn't find one, but I'm going to ask here: Are there any known Egypt schools in the RP? I thought I read somewhere in the site that there were, but now I can't find one.
I didn't find one, but I'm going to ask here: Are there any known Egypt schools in the RP? I thought I read somewhere in the site that there were, but now I can't find one.
Um - I think there's the Wizarding University that has a campus in Egypt but apart from from that I'm not entirely sure
*pokes* Hey, Luke. You don't mind if I put a spell my charrie invented, do you?
Is this the spell you created? I am almost certain that we already use the incantation "reverto" in the SSRPG as a counter to transfiguration spells, so if you can keep it, you might have to change the incantation to avoid confusion.
That is not to say that you can make them, though. Personally, I wouldn't mind it, but the wiki is intended to be SS-canon and spell creation tends to be exclusive to Staff members. If everyone could create spells then it would get a little... messy. I suppose it's just one of the perks of being a staff members. But I will poke Ern about this.
Originally Posted by Harry174
Should I do one for my Character Prince Simon Leonarder De Simpson. it could be fun but I'm not sure if anyone would want to read about him.
Doooooooooooooooo iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
Originally Posted by omnomnomRAWR
Can we add our own magic academies/schools?
Yes, you can. BUT, if there's already a school in the area you were thinking of creating one for, I strongly encourage you to just use the already existing ones. You don't have to, but his way it's a little less confusing, and much cooler because characters could have met abroad or studied abroad at the same schools and stuff. This is why when I created a school in Finland I wanted to keep the description basic so that others could jump in if their characters went there.
Is this the spell you created? I am almost certain that we already use the incantation "reverto" in the SSRPG as a counter to transfiguration spells, so if you can keep it, you might have to change the incantation to avoid confusion.
Right. Changed it on the Wiki. I'll change it in the RP.
Clarification. I don't think it matters if you use it in SSRPG. It's just that when it comes to recording it in the wiki, we want to stick to canon things. if Ern disapproves maybe you can just move it to your character's bio page, instead of making a separate one, so that it's part him but not the entire SSRPG. Hope that makes sense.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Here are my thoughts on posting your own spells:
First, once its posted on the wiki, it becomes communal SSRPG property. You can't be upset if people use it and don't credit you, and if it turns up in a class someday, feel warm and fuzzy inside but don't be shocked . I've done some awesome things in the RPG, and the wiki is a way to remember that fondly, but its also a way for other people to use it. Eventually, someone who sends their kid to a school I've created or uses a spell I explained or eats at a restaurant I named will do so without knowing that I'm the one who thought it up and may use what I created in a way I didn't intend. It's the down side of sharing, I guess, but it's also nice to see where someone can take something you started.
The other thing is that Luke knows (and agrees, I think) that I'm a big ol' stickler for being canon in our RPG. He and I will be glancing through member created spells as we stalk the wiki, and if something doesn't fit the world as JKR created and SS has expanded upon, then it will be removed. Fair warning.
Clarification. I don't think it matters if you use it in SSRPG. It's just that when it comes to recording it in the wiki, we want to stick to canon things. if Ern disapproves maybe you can just move it to your character's bio page, instead of making a separate one, so that it's part him but not the entire SSRPG. Hope that makes sense.
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Here are my thoughts on posting your own spells:
First, once its posted on the wiki, it becomes communal SSRPG property. You can't be upset if people use it and don't credit you, and if it turns up in a class someday, feel warm and fuzzy inside but don't be shocked . I've done some awesome things in the RPG, and the wiki is a way to remember that fondly, but its also a way for other people to use it. Eventually, someone who sends their kid to a school I've created or uses a spell I explained or eats at a restaurant I named will do so without knowing that I'm the one who thought it up and may use what I created in a way I didn't intend. It's the down side of sharing, I guess, but it's also nice to see where someone can take something you started.
The other thing is that Luke knows (and agrees, I think) that I'm a big ol' stickler for being canon in our RPG. He and I will be glancing through member created spells as we stalk the wiki, and if something doesn't fit the world as JKR created and SS has expanded upon, then it will be removed. Fair warning.
I completely understand. No, I don't mind if it (the spell) being used without credits. I intended on sharing it with other RPers anyways. But if it seems unsuited to you, I respect your decision to remove the page.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Meh. Can I hire someone to do mine for Marilyn?
*ish SO lazy...*
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____