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sweetpinkpixie 08-02-2022 04:02 AM

Shopkeeper Listing

DIAGON ALLEY PROPRIETOR: This is an OOC site leadership position and IC position. Diagon Alley Proprietors hold OOC authority over the Diagon Alley RPG area and are your go-to source with questions or concerns. IC, their characters form a Diagon Alley Council who have been elected by the owners of all the shops in the Alley to oversee the management of Diagon Alley and represent the interests of its residents and businesses.

IC SHOPKEEPER: This in an IC only position. Anyone can have their character apply for a position in Diagon Alley. Positions include part-time, full time, and internships. IC positions exclude store managers and owners at this time and will remain NPC roles monitored by the Diagon Alley Proprietors.

For more information, please read this announcement thread.
For information about IC employment opportunities, please see this thread.
For all previous shopkeeper bios, please see this thread.
This thread is for posting the bios for any of your characters who have earned employment in the Diagon Alley RPG whether your character is a full time employee or a summer intern - please make sure you specify explicitly in your post both the shop and the type of position. You can post as much or as little as you like in your character biographies and remember that all site rules apply as well as the following guidelines:
  • Only bios for current characters who have submitted an employment questionnaire and received their confirmation PM from the Diagon Alley Proprietors may post in this thread.
  • Non-current bios will be archived.
  • For organizational purposes, please use one post per character. Double posting is okay.
  • The information in this thread is OOC knowledge; play accordingly IC.
  • All graphics must follow site graphics rules. Graphics that are too big will be removed.

SPOILER!!: shopkeepers

Gringotts Wizarding Bank - Talom Spectre [Charely Potter]
Leaky Cauldron - Caledon Roth [MadMadamMalfoy]
Ollivanders - Ezekiel Ransom-Kruus [Felixir]
Owl Post - Zachaël Lufkin [sweetpinkpixie]
Nesting Occamy Rentals - Tessa McKinley [Lottiepot]

North Side
Eeylops Owl Emporium
owner: Milliteen Klotilda
Rafael Melo-Dreamer (owl caretaker; full time)
Beauden Wild (pooper scooper; student part-time)

Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour
owner: Giv Brahmani

Flourish and Blotts
owner: Sherle Ditko
Trinetta Gladin (book binder; full time)

Leaky Cauldron
owner: Caledon Roth
Thomas Chilwell (bartender; full time)

Madam Malkins Robes for All Occasions
owner: Honoria Noblett
Charlie Rivers (tailor; full time)
Desiree Marchand (shop clerk; part-time)

Magical Menagerie
owner: Eulaila Broxton
Aurora Ackerly (creature trainer; student intern)
Cooper Branxton (creature healer; part time)

Nesting Occamy Rentals
owner: Ece Arslan
Sera Dashwood (Touring agent; part-time)

Paradise Piercings and Tattoos
owner: Albaro Baptista
Joseph Schultz (store clerk; part-time)

Potage's Cauldron Shop
owner: Theodore Brewer

Quality Quidditch Supplies
owner: Oskar Zippe

Scribbulus Writing Implements
owner: Milford E Starling
Chandler Blackthorne (store clerk; part-time)

Slug and Jiggers Apothecary
owner: Walerka Balcerzak

Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment
owner: Giuseppe Luchetta
Atlas Flamsteed (store clerk; part-time)
Ethan Howland (repairman; full time)

South Side
Atticus' Attic Music Shop
owner: Romulus Philips
Heathcliff Jones (music instructor; part-time)
Lydia Clarke (store clerk; student part-time)
Fynley Ellis (music instructor; part-time)
Logan Paton (store clerk, part-time)
Denzel Dreamer (recording engineer, part-time)

Cranville Quincey's Magical Junk Shop
owner: Mignon Devilla

Daily Prophet Headquarters
owner: Lettice Goshawk
Robyn Holmes (reporter; full-time)
Claudine Blaze (columnist; part-time)
Peridot Edelbach (photographer; part-time)
Diamond Marchbanks (distributor; student part-time)

Espresso Patronum
owner: Malinda Escalante
Julia Michaels (barista ; part time)

Gringotts Wizarding Bank
owner: Tearlung
Vault Protection Director: Talum Spectre
Tamara Costa Ruiz (curse-breaker; full time)
Septimus Narine (curse-breaker; full-time)

Janus Galloglass
owner: Cristian Scibetta

Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions
owner: Selin Leclercq

Noltie's Botanical Novelties
owner: Idoya Tulsi
Curtis Fuller (floral clerk; full-time)
Valerie Gray (plant wrangler; full-time)

owner: Ezekiel Ransom-Kruus
Gracelyn Abbott-Daniau (wandmaker apprentice; intern)

The Owl Post
owner: Zachaël Lufkin

Shrunken Head Bowling Alley
owner: Upton O. Goode

Sugarplum's Sweet Shop
owner: Boris Wolansky

Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
owner: Gladys Canby

SPOILER!!: other special account characters you may see around
Name: Tearlung
Role: Gringotts Head Goblin
Background: Tearlung has worked as the Head Goblin at Gringotts since January 2090 and claims to have over forty years of goblin banking experience in the private sector. It seems he transferred from one of the European branches but not much else is known about him by British wizardkind. He does, however, seem very effective at his job, even if he is rather grumpy and prone to mistrusting "wand-bearers." Because of this, Tearlung will say as little as possible to any witch or wizard he comes across if he can get away with it.

Name: Sturnik
Role: Gringotts Head of Security
Background: Sturnik is a rambunctious goblin who has always held the high ambition of being the first goblin in the Wizengamot. He left his homeland of New Zealand at the age of thirteen and found a place in Diagon Alley. His emotions get the better of him at times and he lashes out. He has held the Head of Security position at Gringotts for the past two decades. Sturnik often accompanies the more suspicious Gringotts patrons to their vaults, and he's good to have around when things get a little dangerous.

Name: Sagni
Role: Gringotts Vault Manager
Background: Sagni keeps the vault records up to date and is often on hand to escort people down to the depths to make their deposits and withdrawals. She rarely converses with wizardkind except on official business, which is probably for the better. She has always wanted her own wand and holds some resentment for the accident of her birth that prevents her from obtaining one. However, she is very skilled with goblin magics and comes from a long line of goblin master crafters.

Name: Gringotts Goblins
Role: Gringotts Goblins (various roles)
Background: It takes hundreds of goblins to run Gringotts Bank successfully. No matter where you go within the confines of the bank, there is always a goblin around the corner. Who you run into at the bank will depend on where you are heading. Most wizardkind, though, only interact with a small amount of goblin employees -- ranging from the tellers who provide banking assistant to the cart drivers who escort people to their vaults to sometimes goblin security (who you do not want to mess with).

Name: Bunny the Dragon
Role: Gringotts Dragon
Background: Bunny is a rare hybrid dragon, a cross between a Chinese Fireball and a Hebridean Black, that resides in the depths of Gringotts Bank, safe-guarding the most prestigious of vaults. She is about 28 feet long from tip to tail and closely resembles a Liondragon save for its scales are coloured black and purple eyes. She has a strict diet, though has a taste for (and has tasted in the past) both human and goblin flesh. The thing she fears most is the sound of clankers and the threat of an inevitable punishment.

Name: Demian Andromalius
Role: Coffin House Ghost
Background: Demian was born into pure and noble heritage and was once the most handsome creature alive. After a number of courtings, which all resulting in the mysterious death of the lady in waiting, he eventually made plans to marry Tabitha. Following an episode of him getting a wrinkle by his lip and lashing out that he would never marry a half-blood, he was murdered by Tabitha on their wedding day and he came back as a ghost, forever beautiful and forever bound to the area in which he died.

Name: Korpsit
Role: Arkie Alderton's Kwik-Repair Shop
Background: Korpsit comes from humble beginnings in Sweden, where he was to follow the family tradition of mining gold. Following the unexpected death of his parents in a collapsed mine accident and moving in with miner relatives, he left, looking to find his own destiny at fifteen. He wasn't hired anywhere he went, acted out, and went to prison where he joined a number of rebel goblins. Their efforts, which never were progressing, were wasteful to him, so he found "friends" in Knockturn Alley and landed his first job.

Name: Madam Hildegard
Role: Starry Prophesier Peddler
Background: Madam Hildegard was born with yellow eyes and green skin thanks to her less than skillful potioneer parents. She was then given away by her parents, who were embraced by her appearance, and lived in the streets. Years went by and she went her own way, finding an old cart and filling it with the things she had learned. From town to town she went, only to be stoned. Snapping one day, she attacked a teenager that stoned her and found refuge in the only place where stones aren't thrown at her.

former Diagon Alley Shopkeeper bios before the remodel can be found here and here

sweetpinkpixie 08-02-2022 04:11 AM

⇏ Owl Post & Diagon Alley Proprietor
Zachaël Lufkin
face claim: anthony dacci | post color: #21435f/postalblue

Nicknames - Zach, Luffy
Date of Birth - 01.12.2069
Star Sign - Capricorn
Place of Birth - Bayeux, France
Residence - London, England
Relationship status - unavailable; with Dieter Kareless (12.25.2113 engaged)
Language(s) - English, French, Latin
Allergies - cat and dog fur
Pets - Furmgoat (tawny owl), Herjenmie (eagle owl), Mangig (scops owl), Nuria (great grey owl), Waful (snowy owl)

Hair - rich chocolate brown, curly
Eyes - icy sky blue
Notable Features - well sculpted and superiorly groomed facil hair
Tattoos - alchemy symbols for air & fire or water & earth depending on your perspective; left tricep
Height - 178 cm
Style - hipster chic; often with a towel draped over his shoulder (to prevent dropping stains)

Mother - Claudette Lufkin
Father - Alastair Lufkin
Siblings - Jacquelyn (03.03.2073), Darrell (06.17.2075)

Likes - white noise, seafood, wax
Dislikes - fur covered creatures, paper cuts, wrinkly things
Habits - twists the ends of his curls when idle
Boggart - himself, bald and wearing a potato sack and his father's shoes
Amorentia - wood shavings, smell of rain on warm stone, silk
Strengths - cleanliness, working with his hands,
Weaknesses - patience, stress management

Blood Status - half-blood
Wand - 12 1/4 inch brittle chestnut with Aethonan wingfeather core
Patronus - N/A
Former School - Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry (Slytherin, class of 2087)
Former Occupation - nature photographer, cabinetmaker, falconer at the Scamander Zoo

Felixir 08-05-2022 12:55 AM

Zeke Ransom-Kruus
W A N D M A K E R__|__O L L I V A N D E R S

NAME: Ezekiel William Ransom-Kruus
AKA: Zeke
BORN: 25th July 2069
ORIGINATES: Woking, Surrey, England
RESIDES: Diagon Alley, London, England
MARITAL STATUS: Married (24th December 2090)

HAIR: Dark brown, short
EYES: Dark brown
HEIGHT: 5'9"
STYLE: Smart

HERITAGE: Muggle-born
WAND: 12⅔" rather firm hawthorn with unicorn hair
BOGGART: Fiendfyre
AMORTENTIA: Pine trees, apple crumble, sawdust

AUNT: Evelyn Esther Ransom (b. 7th September 2034)
HUSBAND: Mathias Trenton Ransom-Kruus (né Kruus) (b. 28th August 2071)
DAUGHTER: Bailey Summer Ransom-Kruus (b. 18th August 2097)
DAUGHTER: Sage Winter Ransom-Kruus (b. 18th August 2097)

SCHOOL: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
HOUSE: Slytherin
CLASS OF: 2087
___Ancient Runes (E)
___Arithmancy (A)
___Astronomy (A)
___Care of Magical Creatures (E)
___Charms (O)
___Defence Against the Dark Arts (E)
___Herbology (O)
___History of Magic (E)
___Transfiguration (O)
___Potions (E)

___Ancient Runes (O)
___Care of Magical Creatures (O)
___Charms (E)
___Defence Against the Dark Arts (A)
___Herbology (O)
___Transfiguration (E)
___Potions (A)

TEMPERAMENT: Phlegmatic-Sanguine
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good
LOVE LANGUAGE: Words of affirmation

Zeke was born into a family of muggles, the second oldest of five siblings, and was the only one of his siblings to display signs of magic and to be given a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. However, far from expressing amazement and pride at having a wizard in the family, Zeke's parents made it clear they did not approve of his magical ability, and Zeke made the difficult decision to leave the family home and cut ties in favour of studying magic. He lived instead with an aunt, who cared deeply for him as a mother would have.

At Hogwarts, Zeke easily made plenty of friends and did well in school, but although he had an intense love of learning and was in awe of Hogwarts, he disliked formal education. He pursued many of his topics of interest outside of the classroom, while being sure to keep his grades up. One of these interests was wandlore, and Zeke knew as early as his first year at Hogwarts that this was what he wanted to pursue when he left school.

Zeke's aunt had been a short-term foster carer since before he'd gone to live with her, and as she dealt with many sensitive cases, it was often necessary for Zeke to spend several weeks each summer holiday staying with different friends of his, which he did quite happily. He spent a lot of time with his friend Eden and his family, and was soon considered another member of the family there, warmly welcomed into the fold. For a short time he dated Eden's older sister, Willow, though the relationship was generally lukewarm and never became serious. Having grown so close to Eden's family, Zeke officially moved in with them after he graduated from Hogwarts, though he still regularly visited his aunt.

Although Zeke had secured a place on a Wandlore course at Wizarding University, and it was still his dream to be a wandmaker or a wandlore researcher, he lacked enthusiasm about higher education. Zeke started having serious doubts, and was lost on how to deal with them. He expressed this uncertainty to Camden Mitchell, Eden's father, who promptly advised him to chase his dream from a slightly different angle. Camden was a wealthy and well-known businessman, who had a number of connections across the global wizarding community, and so it was simple for him to set Zeke up in a paid apprenticeship with a specialist wandmaker. Zeke was endlessly grateful, gave up his place on the university course shortly before term started, and dove right into the practical side of wandmaking. In his spare time, he read and studied on his own, researching wandlore and as many secondary and tertiary subjects he could cram into his brain. He and his mentor produced wands for customers, researched, travelled around the world, and experimented with new combinations and cores.

During this time, Zeke moved out of the Mitchells' home and into a new place with his friend, Mathias Kruus, shortly after Mathias graduated from Hogwarts. Mathias was Eden's cousin, and he and Zeke had become good friends, having known each other since school. Zeke and Mathias had decided it would be fun for them to have their own place together. Neither expected to fall in love with the other, but that was exactly what happened. Within eighteen months, they were married. After a few years, they decided to adopt a child, and after a long wait, Zeke and Mathias adopted two year old twin girls, Bailey and Sage, in September 2099.

By 2102, Zeke had worked his way up through the wandmaking profession and was working as a partner to the woman who had previously been his mentor. As fulfilling as his work was, Zeke wanted a change, something that was a little closer to home, required less travelling, had a steadier income, and allowed him more time to work on the books he had been wanting to write for several years. Just when he was considering a slight career track correction and working towards being a professor of Wandlore, the opportunity to take over management of Ollivanders opened up. Zeke knew that, while it was just about possible for him to buy the business on his own, it was too much of a risk for him to take when he was helping support his family. But, once again, pseudo-father and part-time deus ex machina, Camden Mitchell, came swooping in to save the day. He joined with Zeke and they bought Ollivanders together in 2103, with Camden acting as a silent partner. Zeke and his family moved to the apartment above the wand shop, and began the newest chapter in their lives.

sweetpinkpixie 08-12-2022 12:21 AM
Valerie Gray

face claim: nastya zhidkova | post color: #856363/dusty rose

you fascinated me
basic essence

NAME: Valerie Clementine Gray
DATE OF BIRTH: 15 March 2076
BORN IN: White Rock, British Columbia
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: someone permanently under my skin it's complicated

HAIR: white-blonde
EYES: purple-grey
HEIGHT: 5'11"
BUILD: slender

Valerie is quite stubborn and does not always listen well, especially when she believes her side of the story to be correct. In fact, she is quite likely to do the opposite of what is asked of her out of spite. She's very independent, determined, and does not appreciate those who pity. She also has a particular dislike of optimistic and super happy people. Her stubbornness fused with her often short fuse can result in her going from 0 to banshee crazy at the drop of a hat if provoked.

cloaked in shadow and secrecy
magical essence

WAND: 12.25 inches, cherry, Antipodean Opaleye heartstring
FAMILIAR: Duchess [Turkish Angora]
PATRONUS: Corsican Ram
BOGGART: none of your concern
AMORENTIA: also none of your concern

Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
HOUSE: Wampus
FAVORABLY INCLINED SUBJECTS: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, & Transfiguration
LESS INCLINED SUBJECTS: Divination & History of Magic

double degrees in Advanced Transfiguration & Herbology (first-class honors)
additional certification in Potions & Metallurgy

the beauty of a broken angel
familial essence & personal history

FATHER: Jamie Edward Gray [No-Maj]
MOTHER: Olivia Eloise Gray [No-Maj]
BROTHER: Shane [No-Maj]
PATERNAL UNCLE: Callum Edward Gray [No-Maj]
PATERNAL AUNT: Elizabeth Susanne Gray [No-Maj]
PATERNAL COUSINS: Joshua (16) [No-Maj], Rebecca [No-Maj], Adam [No-Maj]
MATERNAL UNCLE: Sean Franklin Kronshagen [No-Maj]
MATERNAL AUNT: Ariel Renee Kronshagen [No-Maj]
MATERNAL COUSINS: Joshua [No-Maj] , Ryan [No-Maj]

Valerie was always difficult and stubborn, even before she was born as she came into this world in breech position. Born into an impoverished family in the middle of the night on a particularly windy day, Valerie was often left in the care of the family's good Samaritan neighbors starting as an infant. Her father spent the majority of his earnings as a bankteller at the Black Jack table rather than providing for his family, thus resulting in her mother working long hours at a juice production factory and would come home each night with a carton of juice she had pressed and boxed herself that day which she shared with her children over crusts of bread she had salvaged from the discarded bits of sandwiches the factory also produced. These moments of being huddled around by their matchbox sized kitchen table eating crusts of bread and sharing a carton of juice (typically apple but on the rare special occasion cranberry) were the favorite moments of Valerie's day.

A little after her sixth birthday in the midst of a terrible tantrum, a sizable earthquake shook the area leaving her home (and only her home for some reason) in shambles with Valerie the sole survivor of her family. She was then sent to live with her paternal uncle's (and godfather) family in Tacoma, Washington.

Struggling with making meaningful human connections outside of family all her life because of classism and prejudices towards her appearance, Valerie attended Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where her closest and only friends were Kyle Baker and Jesús Rodríguez. Life changed for Valerie when, in her sixth year, she was selected to represent Ilvermorny and her Wampus house in the The International Magical Pupil Standoff (IMPS) along with her two best friends. Finishing third overall in the competition behind Kyle and Levi Kenning (who had earned her respect and become a friend during the competition), Valerie returned to America and Ilvermorny to finished her education and immediately applied to attend university in the United Kingdom. Jesús too returned to the United Kingdom and the pair got a flat together along with mutual acquittance Jerry Zimmer. While attending university and coming into her own, Jesús and Valerie began to explore their mutual feelings for one another that had been intensifying since the IMPS competition and she felt herself falling for him. However, one day Jesús left a note for her saying he was moving out and moving in with an older woman...completely breaking Valerie's heart and causing her to fortify her walls once again because people were the worst and love was both a lie and a curse. Over time, Valerie and Jerry too began to explore a mutual attraction and affection for one another while never truly opening up to one another exclusively in part because of their past failed relationships. A budding friendship occurred between herself and former professional quidditch player turned Minister employee, Theodore Kinsay. Complicated and muddy dynamics continued for herself and Jerry and accumulated to a rash choice on her part to move out without informing her long term flatmate and friends with benefits, which then resulted in ill-timed confessions and further complications.

Upon graduating from university, Valerie became listless and unable to find herself a steady job due to her lack of a bedside manner and temper. Often times she would use her animagus form to perform petty theft and other misdemeanors more for the thrill of it than out of necessity, just to feel something other than the melancholy that had taken over her existence. Eventually, Jerry accidentally got Valerie involved in the film industry by bringing her as his plus one to a function and was 'discovered' by a director there. She became the reluctant lead of an indie film released in November 2103 that was a commercial success and propelled her into a fleeting and unwanted limelight. Her film career on hold indefinitely, Valerie resumed the cycling through many jobs until the owner of Noltie's Botanical Novelties noted the frequency with which she visited the shop, almost always because of good friend David Truebridge, and offered Valerie a position on their staff. Impressed by Valerie's knowledge and thoroughness, though less so her repertoire with customers which could be quite prickly, they offered her an assistant position ... and Valerie eagerly accepted. After years in a management position, Valerie found herself weary of the requirements of the role (particularly the particular vein of customer and social interactions it required that put great strain on her ever wavering patience with people) and sought to change her position to a full-time plant wrangler once Noltie's came under new management. She is currently keeping a (joking?) running tab for one David Truebridge during his capture in Atlantis for watering and keeping his personal 'apartment greenhouse' alive in his absence.

Charely Potter 08-12-2022 02:00 AM

Curtis Fuller

Floral Clerk | 2108 - Present
Face Model: Gui Fedrizzi
His color : #336633
basic ish

Full Name: Curtis Angelo Fuller
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Orientation: Heterosexual
Date of Birth: 29th of January 2086
Birthplace: Brighton, England
Blood Status: Half-blood
Fluent in: English, French, Spanish
Belongs to: Sadie Kareless
Wand: 10 ½" Elder wand. Swedish Short-Snout heartstring. Spinnable.
Laterality: Right-handed
Personality type: ESTP-T, Chaotic Neutral
Amortentia: Bed of flowers, hot air, vanilla shampoo
Boggart: Nunya Business

looks matter

i. Hair colour: jet black
ii. Eye colour: blue
iii. Height: 5'9" (1.76 m)
iv. Built: Athletic
v. Defining physical features: Pierced ears & tattoos across torso & right arm.
magical status
  • Wizarding University
    + Herbology & Business Major - Fall 2104 - Spring 2108
    + Gift Shop Clerk - Summer 2106 - Spring 2108
  • Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry
    + Fourth - Seventh year - Fall 2100 - Spring 2104
    SPOILER!!: Exam Results


    Pass Grades

    Fail Grades
    POOR (P)
    TROLL (T)

    CURTIS ANGELO FULLER has achieved:
    Ancient Runes: D
    Astronomy: P
    Care of Magical Creatures: E
    Charms: O
    Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
    Divination: E
    Herbology: O
    History of Magic: P
    Muggle Studies: A
    Potions: E
    Transfiguration: E



    Pass Grades

    Fail Grades
    POOR (P)
    TROLL (T)

    CURTIS ANGELO FULLER has achieved:
    Care of Magical Creatures: O
    Charms: O
    Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
    Divination: O
    Herbology: O
    Potions: E
    Transfiguration: E

  • Homeschooled
    + First - Third year - Fall 2097 - Spring 2100
  • Primary Wizarding School: Edinburgh Campus
    + Year 2 - 6 - Fall 2092 - Spring 2097
le famille

Fathers: Pierson Loras Fuller & Javier Curtis Thompson
Godparents: Leobald Axel Kitridge & Cassiopeia Despina Kitridge neé Morgan †
Brother: Tobias Nestor Fuller-Thompson
Nephew(s): Lachlan "Lucky" & Ruari Fuller-Thompson
Family tree
SPOILER!!: history

Curtis was born in January of 2086 to Pierson Fuller and Javier Thompson. His parents were the best of friends as students before becoming Professors at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft. At first sight, Curtis appears to have inherited his Papa Javy's looks, but the behavior and expressions all point to his Daddy Piersie. Their household was filled with pranks and playful mayhem shaping his sense of humor. Growing up, he would play with his older brother, Tobias, and the dogs at his Daddy's Doggy daycare until he was old enough to attend Primary Wizarding School. Following graduation, he remained homeschooled for three years until Hogwarts was deemed habitable again. Curtis would attend Hogwarts in his fourth year through graduation which coincided with the Third Wizarding War. He would attend Wizarding University, dual-majoring while working in the Gift shop until graduation. Now with his degrees, he's stepping into adulting full time.


sweetpinkpixie 08-12-2022 05:16 AM
Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment
part-time shop clerk

face claim: austin rhodes | post color: #683A5E/sea urchin

the basics

NAME: Atlas Leonel Flamsteed
NICKNAMES: none Atlas Flobberworm/Flobberworm; Alas Hamsteed; Squishy (Freddie); At (Lisa)
DOB: 04.20.2092
POB: St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
CURRENTLY RESIDES: Derbyshire, England
HERITAGE: British-Bulgarian

HAIR COLOR: blonde
EYE COLOR: hazel blue
HEIGHT: 5'6"
SLENDER: slender

Friendly but also private, calm but suddenly spontaneous at often the most ill-fitting of times, extremely curious but unable to stay focused on formal studies, Atlas is a unpredictable contradiction with a zest for impulsive energy that explodes without warning. Looking to explore the world hands on, Atlas is a well-intended but all too often poorly executed menace. Someone who looks to take something apart piece by piece to study its intricacies and understand how it works, but not always inspired to put it back together the way he found it - more often than not taking pieces from here and there to create something new instead.

magical academics

HOUSE: Gryffindor
FAVORITE SUBJECTS: Flying, Arithmancy, Transfiguration
LEAST FAVORITE SUBJECTS: History of Magic, Potions
EXTRA CURRICULARS: Gobstones, Creature Companions, Dueling Club, Magical Debate, Yearbook
........ASTRONOMY: O
........COMC: A
........CHARMS: O
........DADA: A
........HERBOLOGY: A
........POTIONS: T

........ASTRONOMY: A
........CHARMS: O

find atlas' full student bio here
lyrics @ Layto (Little Poor Me)

SilverTiger 08-13-2022 12:51 AM

Chandler Blackthorne
part-time shop clerk at Scribbulus Writing Implements (summers only)
Model: Julia Doyle│Font color: #d2bec2│Twitter: @andieblackthrne

Name: Chandler Désirée Blackthorne
Nicknames: Andie, Chandler
Age: 22
Birthdate: 14 Oct 2092
Place of Birth: Howth, County Dublin, Ireland
Current Home: London, England
Blood/Lineage: pureblood/Irish-French

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Favorite subjects:
Worst Subjects:

Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: strawberry blond
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 104 lbs
Build: slim

Parents: Curtis Blackthorne (deceased in the Third Wizarding War), Noemí Blackthorne (née Villeneuve, deceased in the Third Wizarding War)
Adoptive Parents: Jonathan Andrews, Alyssa Andrews (née Blackthorne)
Adoptive Siblings: Lily Deneau, Brooklyn Andrews
Adoptive Nieces: Rosalie Deneau, Lena Deneau, Giselle Barrington, Phoebe Barrington, Aurora Barrington
Adoptive Nephews: Tyson Deneau, Alexander (Xander) Barrington, Damien Barrington



sweetpinkpixie 08-13-2022 01:06 AM
Magical Menagerie
part-time creature healer

face claim: jack falahee | post color: #120A8F/ultramarine

BREATHE; I feel it in my bones it's coming to
the basics

NAME: Cooper Emilio Branxton
DOB: 04.26.2089
LANGUAGES: English & Italian (fluently), Latin & Greek (self-taught, written/translation work), French (conversational), Theo (partially fluent)
CURRENTLY RESIDES: LONDON, UK (lives with fiancée, Olivia Caffery)
HERITAGE: British-Italian

HAIR COLOR: medium brown
EYE COLOR: warm brown
HEIGHT: 6'2"
BUILD: sturdy, moderately burly, broad shoulders

Cooper can be a bit of a contradiction. Whimsical one moment and terribly analytical and critical in the next. Outgoing, openhearted, and open-minded...Cooper tends to put the needs and wants of others above himself and not always as a misguided act of selflessness but rather it serves as a defense and method of avoiding confronting his own dilemmas and demons. Despite his deep yearning to establish long meaningful, emotional connections with other people, he also has the tendency to overly romanticize certain ideals and puts up gentle defenses to protect himself and his heart which so often manifest themselves in overthinking. Often taking introspective to the extreme, he feels as though he can only truly express himself through his photography (exclusively black and white, save for rare occasions) and storytelling (formerly known as the Bard of Ravenclaw Tower during his Hogwarts days). A natural behaviorist, he often suffers from social stress (the majority of which is self induced) and will read into and psychoanalyze other's behaviors and actions to the point of exhaustion (both for himself and all other parties involved).

CHANGE; Donate all the flaws that I outgrew
magical academics & employment

INCLINED SUBJECTS: Ancient Runes, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Flying, History of Magic
DISINCLINED SUBJECTS: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions
EXTRACURRICULARS: Creature Companions, The Bookworms, Health and Wellness Group, The Quill (photographer), Yearbook (photographer)

........Ancient Runes O
........Arithmancy O
........Astronomy O
........Care of Magical Creatures O
........Charms O
........Defense Against the Dark Arts E
........Divination O
........Herbology E
........History of Magic O
........Potions E
........Transfiguration E


........Ancient Runes O
........Arithmancy O
........Care of Magical Creatures O
........Charms E
........Divination O
........Herbology E
........History of Magic O
........Potions E
........Transfiguration E

........Witch Weekly; self portrait, first place (2105)
........Spella; portrait, third place (2105)
........Warlocks; nature, first place (2105)
........Seeker Weekly; action, first place (2105)
........Witch Weekly's 21 under 21 list (2106)

........Internship with Seeker Weekly; sports journalism (summer 2105 and 2106)
........Assistant part-time creature healer & rehabilitator at Creatures and Cwtches Sanctuary
........Apprenticeship with French abraxan breeder
........Personal photographer to the Benoit family

lyrics @ Kyan Palmer (Can't Help It)

FearlessLeader19 08-21-2022 01:24 AM

Owl Caretaker {Eeylops Owl Emporium}
PP by Charely Potter
Model: Ryan Guzman
Post Colour: Dark Slate Blue {#333399}

Name: Rafael Lucas Melo-Dreamer
Nickname: Rafa
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Blood Status: Pureblood
Date of Birth: 21st August, 2082
Relationship Status: Married
Place of Residency: London, England Flat Above Eeylops Owl Emporium in Diagon Alley
Place of Birth: Iquitos, Peru
Zodiac: Leo
Sexuality: Bisexual :bipride:

Height: 6’ 1’’ {185.4 cm}
Weight: 171 pounds {77.6 kg}
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Dark brown
Build: Muscly
Tattoos: Yes {details TBD}
Dress style: TBD

- Castelobruxo {2093-2100}:
Subjects included:
  • Herbology {Passed with the highest grade}
  • Magizoology {Passed with the second highest grade}
  • Transfiguration
  • Charms
- Wizarding University: Cuquenan Tepqui, Venezuela {2100-2104}
  • Majored in: Herbology

  • Travelled the Amazon rainforest, Mediterranean and United Kingdom studying magical and mundane flora {July 2104 - August 2106}

  • Tutor in Herbology at Castelobruxo {September 2106 - July 2108}
  • Eeylops Owl Emporium - Owl Caretaker {July 2108 - Present}

Wand: Curupira hair, sycamore, 11”, springy
Boggart: Harm coming to his twin brother {whom he is very close with}
Amortentia: TBD
Patronus: TBD
Favourite colours: TBD
Laterality: Right handed
Likes: flora, fauna, family time, jogging, cake {any type}
Dislikes: Kids {but has warmed up to Dash's nephews}
Languages: Portugues, Spanish, English {speaks all three fluently}
Weaknesses: hides his caring personality under an exterior he thinks is cool
Strengths: studious, brilliant, a fast learner
Other: Is an excellent swimmer;
SPOILER!!: Click!

Mother: Juniper Goodwin-Melo
Father: Gabriel Melo Snr. {Deceased}
Significant Other: Dash Angel Melo-Dreamer {Boyfriend: November 2109 - 16th July, 2112}; Husband {17th July, 2112 - Present}
Son: Diego Mason Melo-Dreamer {b. 2103, adopted 2113}
Brothers: Gabriel Jnr. - identical twin; Paul {+6 years, working in Rio de Janeiro}
Sister: Isabella {+5 years, Assistant Professor at WU}
Brothers-in-Law: Brody Hawthorne - Melo; Denzel Aiden Dreamer
Mother-in-Law: Eriana Beatrix Dreamer {née Ferguson}
Father-in-Law: Dwight Leyo Dreamer
Nephews: Diallo Anku Dreamer & Devad Isaiah Dreamer
Niece: Artemis Joy Hawthorne-Melo
Small extended family {only one cousin, lots of aunts and uncles}
Pet: A Screech owl named Rafie {who enjoys pecking TJ; 1st August, 2112 - Present}

SPOILER!!: Click!

2082 - Rafael is born
2083 {1 year} -
2084 {2 years} -
2085 {3 year} -
2086 {4 year} -
2087 {5 years} -
2088 {6 years} -
2089 {7 years} -
2090 {8 years} -
2091 {9 years} -
2092 {10 years} -
2093 {11 years} - Began Castelobruxo;
2094 {12 years} -
2095 {13 years} -
2096 {14 years} -
2097 {15 years} -
2098 {16 years} -
2099 {17 years} -
2100 {18 years} - Graduated from Castelobruxo; Began Wizarding University;
2101 {19 years} -
2102 {20 years} -
2103 {21 years} -
2104 {22 years} - Graduated from Wizarding University; Started travels to the Amazon rainforest, Mediterranean and United Kingdom studying magical and mundane flora {July};
2105 {23 years} -
2106 {24 years} - Concluded travels to the Amazon rainforest, Mediterranean and United Kingdom studying magical and mundane flora {August}; Began tutoring Herbology at Castelobruxo {September}
2107 {25 years} -
2108 {26 years} - Resigned from tutoring Herbology at Castelobruxo to move to the UK to be close to his family after Gabriel was mernapped; Began job at Eeylops Owl Emporium as an Owl Caretaker;
2109 {27 years} - Met Dash for the first time {November}
2110 {28 years} -
2111 {29 years} - Moved into a flat in Diagon Alley with Dash;
2112 {30 years} - Vacationed in Greece where he proposed to Dash (had asked permission from Dash's parents and brother prior); Dash suggested that they get married secretly, to which Rafa readily agreed. Denzel and Gabriel were witnesses to the ceremony {Summer};
2113 {31 years} -
2114 {32 years} -
2115 {33 years} -
2116 {34 years} -
2117 {35 years} -
2118 {36 years} -
2119 {37 years} -
  • Waddles

siriusblackliveson 09-27-2022 11:36 AM

Name: Ethan Howland
FC: Hugh Grant
Date of Birth: March 28, 2054
Born: Boston Massachusetts, USA
Currently Resides: London, UK
Languages: English, a slight knowledge of French
Relationship status: Widowed at 30, currently looking
Post color: #336946

Hair: Salt and Pepper
Eyes: blue
Height: 5’ 11”
Build: Slim

Education: Ilvermorny year 1-3, Hogwarts year 4-7
House: Ravenclaw
Class of: 2072 or 2071 who can remember these days?
Scores: Lost the paper years ago.
Current job: Causing havoc fixing things in the Alley

Ethan grew up in a small town outside of Boston. His mother and father went to Ilvermorny before continuing at Wizard University in Massachusetts. After graduation his father started working at the university while his mother began raising the family at home. He’s the middle of seven kids. He has three older sisters and two younger brothers and a baby sister. Growing up the children were around magic as much as they weren’t around it. It was no wonder that Ethan began showing signs of magic around the age of five or six.

In his early education Ethan liked to cause trouble by playing jokes. Whether they were muggle jokes in his early muggle education or slight magical ones in his other school. At Ilvermorny he stood out as an excellent potions master, but also loved history of magic. It was always intriguing as to how magic had evolved to him.

Upon arriving in Europe and Hogwarts, Ethan found that he was great at not only wizard’s chess, but also Quidditch. Joining in on the extra curriculars around the school he made fast friends. More than anything his love of all things academic made him a walking trivia partner. It made some of his classmates laugh and others entirely too angry. After his graduation from Hogwarts he went back to his home area of Salem and went to Wizard University there.

While at Wizard U, he met his lovely wife (rest her soul) and married her the day after he graduated from the university. Together they had a small amount of years together, but they were precious and worth every sad moment he’s had since losing her. Now in his mid-life he has decided to take over Wiseacre’s Wizarding Equipment as he loves seeing people with magical items that just help with everyday tasks. He’ll never turn down a chat about an item, or just a chat about the weather. Anyone’s mom single? kidding Come find him in the shop or around the alley any time you need a friend to point you in the right direction.

siriusblackliveson 09-27-2022 11:39 AM

Name: Charlotte Rivers
Age: Dec. 31 2088
Nickname: Charlie
Post Color: FF5900
FC:Madison Pettis
Blood: Mixed
Wand: 10 1/2 inch whippy Alder with Phoenix Feather
Hair color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Job:Apprentice at Madame Malkins

Her mother (Gretchen) is from a wizarding family and went to Hogwarts where she was a Gryffindor. She began working at the ministry in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes after graduating from Hogwarts. It was during her time in the department that she met her husband (Aris). Her father graduated from college with a degree in anthropology. He met Gretchen while on a dig with the archeology department as their anthropologist. The two quickly hit it off and Gretchen couldn’t walk away from getting to know Aris. The two quickly married and Charlotte came along. She also has a younger sister (5 years younger) twin brothers (six years younger), and another brother (8 years younger). Her family is an adventure with her mothers outgoing personality is mellowed by her father’s quiet go with the flow personality.

Charlotte is bubbly, sometimes loud, and bright most of the time. She is absolutely not a morning person and hates to be woken up from her sleep. But for all the grizzly she is in the mornings, she truly takes pride in the big bows in her hair, or the dresses she wears. She is absolutely not prepared to wear the Hogwarts black yet. While she’s the kind of girl who takes action and asks for forgiveness, she would never do anything that would get her in that much trouble. She loves her younger siblings and cannot wait until they get to experience their time at Hogwarts.

Holmesian Feline 10-22-2022 11:55 PM

In Progress

----------- s u r f a c e. -------------

Full Name: Septimus Quinn Nairne
Age: 33
B-day August 31st, 2082
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Wand: Length, Wood, Core, description

------------ p h y s i c a l. --- t r a i t s. -------------

Eyes: Brown
Hair: Curly Dark Brown
Height: 5ft 10 inches
Weight: Average
Cloths/ Style: Relatively casual
Play By: Masam Holden

------------ p e r s o n a l i t y. ------------

Full Personality: {3 or more paragraphs, very descriptive}
Likes: Arithmacy, playing quidditch
Dislikes: {at least 5}
Boggart: Inferi
Dementor: TBD
Patronus: TBD
Amorentia: TBD
Veritaserum:: TBD

------------ f a m i l y. --- s e c r e t s. ------------

Mother: Josephine Nairne nee Hadley (Born April 2, 2044 - deceased May 2104)
Father: Addison Xavier Nairne (Born February 29th 2040)

Other Family:
Grandparents: Marcus and Nicole Hadley, Simone and Xavier Nairne
Aunts: Alexandria June Hadley, Leanne Elizabeth Mancini (neé Hadley), Allegra Nairne, Aurora Nairne,
Uncles: Daniel Paolo Mancini,
Cousins: Logan Paolo Mancini, TiaMarie Mancini, Olivia Stone

------------ f u l l . --- h i s t o r y. ------------

Born in 2082
Lived in Scotland
Sorted into Ravenclaw 2093
Hogwarts Class of 2101
Graduated from Wizarding University 2106 (took a year break after losing his mother)
Traveled/Visited Family
Intern at Gringotts starting in Fall of 2108

Lissy Longbottom 01-17-2023 07:57 PM

Trinetta Khloé Gladin
Book Binder at Flourish and Blotts
Model: Kiernan Shipka
Font Color: #473247


Name: Trinetta Khloé Gladin
Goes By: Nettie
Birthday: September 15th, 2083
Place of Birth: Paris, France
Current Residence: Hertfordshire, England
Significant Other: currently single
Wand: 9 3/4 inch pliant Willow with Griffin Claw
Patronus: A monarch butterfly (ironically)
Boggart: Being completely alone, surrounded by bugs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'1"
Heritage: Pureblood, and 1/8 Veela on her mother's side
Current Broom: Nimbus 3100
Pets: A white and gray domestic short hair cat named Rudy and a German Shepard mix named Boomer
Personality Type: ENTJ-T "The Commander"
Commanders are natural born leaders. Use their drive and determination to achieve their hefty goals, and often have a ruthless level of rationality.

OWL Results:
SPOILER!!: Under here

Arithmancy: A
Astronomy: E
Care of Magical Creatures: O
Charms: E
Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
Herbology: E
History of Magic: P
Potions: O
Transfiguration: O

NEWT Results:
SPOILER!!: Under here

Arithmancy: E
Astronomy: A
Care of Magical Creatures: O
Charms: O
Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
Herbology: E
Potions: O
Transfiguration: O

Extra Curricular Activities:
Year One: Quidditch (Chaser)
Year Two: Quidditch (Seeker) Orchestra (Cello)
Year Three: Quidditch (Chaser) Orchestra (Cello)
Year Four: Quidditch (Keeper) Orchestra (Cello) Art Club
Year Five: Orchestra (Cello) Art Club
Year Six: Orchestra (Cello) Art Club
Year Seven: Orchestra (Cello) Art Club

Parents: Belinda and Lawrence Gladin
Older Brother #1: Royland Gladin (Publishing Agent)
Older Brother #2: Jimmy Gladin (Healer at St. Mungos)
Sister-In-Law: Hattie Gladin (RachieRu)
Niece: Josie Gladin (daughter of Hattie and Jimmy)

Trinetta, or Nettie for short, was born in September in Paris, France to her parents Belinda and Lawrence. The pregnancy wasn't planned, but the couple was ecstatic to finally add a daughter to their family. Royland was already at school and Jimmy was only a few years away from leaving as well, so most of Nettie's childhood was spent in the company of her parents. Still, it didn't stop the inquisitive young girl from following both her brothers around whenever they were home. Her parents enrolled her in school as soon as she came of age so she could interact with muggles and social with children her own age - their neighborhood was mostly populated by older couples with children who had already moved out, and they wanted her to make friends even if that meant she would have to keep her wizarding background a secret.

The family had every intention of staying in France until Jimmy moved to London to pursue his dream of being a healer at St. Mungos. Even though it meant being separated from Royland, who worked at the Ministry of Magic in France, the family decided to move so they could be closer to their middle child and help support him. This meant that Trinetta was no longer going to Beauxbatons, like her brothers had - instead, she is going to be headed to Hogwarts! She didn't mind at all that her parents decided to move and felt she adjusted to life in another country pretty quickly, even if the language barrier threw her off sometimes.

In the summer after her first year, Royland quit his job in France and moved back home, which meant all the Gladins had officially relocated to England. During the summer before her fourth year, Nettie's parents revealed to her that they were getting separated, after being unhappy for quite some time. There had always been a bit of tension between them due to Nettie's mother's Veela heritage, and her father always felt he wasn't good enough for her. Nettie's relationship with her father certainly influenced her view of the divorce, and she immediately took her father's side while her brothers both gravitated more towards her mother. Based off the somewhat cold attitude she received from her mother growing up at times, she clings to her friendships and relationships like glue. Companionship = happiness and security in her mind.

The Gladin's have always encouraged all their children to have many interests, but Nettie is by far the most well rounded of the Gladin kids. She loves being busy and finding new things to do. She is very artistically inclined (definitely a right-brained individual) and loves painting as well as playing the cello. She can also play the piano a little bit, and wants to work on pursuing more music while at school. She is also a huge fan of Quidditch had played in a youth league every summer since she was 8 years old. She has played seeker in her youth league and chaser/seeker/keeper on the school team.

Nettie's friends are her lifeblood. The older she gets, the more she values her relationships. She prefers to see the good in people, ignoring red flags most of the time to try and give them the benefit of the doubt. She has the loyalty of a Hufflepuff, which often clouds her Ravenclaw logic. While she is usually aware that she lets her emotions get the best of her, she usually ignores this fact and recklessly follows her heart anyways.

Being the youngest child in her family, Nettie is also loud and talkative - she likes to be the center of attention. She is very eager to grow up, already trying to learn how to do her makeup and wear cute muggle clothing that makes her look more adult. She is usually very friendly, but be warned - having two brothers has made her tough, and if you cross her, she can get nasty. She is very close with her father, and even though she gets along well with her mother, Jimmy is clearly the apple of her mother's eye - and since her papa treats her like a princess, she naturally goes to him when she needs something.

Because Nettie is so close with her father, it was a no-brainer for her to choose to live with him when her parents divorced. The two moved to a smaller house in Hertfordshire, while her mother relocated to a small flat in Essex with Nettie's older brother Jimmy.

The summer before her fourth year, she'd been hoping and wishing that she'd get a fancy new badge in the mail - but she never did. She was disappointed, but kept pushing forward, making Quidditch Captain or Head Girl her new goal. Imagine her surprise when, during the summer before her FIFTH year, the envelope she'd been hoping for finally arrived! Sadly, the experience at Beauxbatons soured her feelings towards the badge, and she ended up resigning her position after just one term.

Nettie graduated with excellent grades and decided to take a gap year prior to going to university. With her boyfriend Alex at her side, the couple toured Europe, stopping in Greece, Rome, Prague, Munich, Madrid and Moscow before heading home. Despite the fact that Nettie enjoyed her year with Alex, it made her realize the two were better off as friends and she ended the relationship - although she still maintains he is one of her best friends. She enrolled in WU London and studied Advanced Transfiguraiton, which had always been one of her interests. After graduation, she worked a few odd jobs before finally getting hired as a book binder at Flourish and Blotts, which managed to bring together some of her skills in a way she had never thought possible. She loves her job, and loves watching the books come together. Even more fun is interacting with the students during breaks!

-Speaks both French, German, Russian and English fluently. She is always looking to learn more. Has a basic grasp of Japanese as well thanks to her lessons with Eiji while at school
-Allergic to strawberries
-Hates creepy, crawly things. Will seriously faint at the sight of any bug larger than a dime. This has happened a few times before, and bugs are actually the form of her boggart as well.
-Takes great pride in her appearance and is very rarely spotted without a full face of makeup and her hair all done up
-Loves punk rock music. Likes just about any music, but punk rock is what really got her interested in music and pursuing it as a hobby and holds a special place in her heart. She enjoys doing covers of punk songs on her cello with a classical twist
-Used to have an adorable French accent, but after being immersed in another culture for the last few years, has basically all but faded away

Follow her at @NettieGladin - charrie accounts only please!!

FearlessLeader19 04-16-2023 05:33 PM

Magizoologist Columnist {The Daily Prophet}
PP by pretty lady Emzily
Model: Bailee Madison (current); Cobie Smulders (older)
Post Colour: Dark Goldenrod
Name: Claudine Blaze
Nicknames: Despises nicknames.
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Date of Birth: July 31st, 2088; 3:00 A.M
Zodiac: Leo
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Taken
Place of Residency: Blaze Mansion on the outskirts of London Jones residence as at the summer of 2104. Moved with Heath into their own home {December 2111}
Place of Birth: Great Britain
Height: 5' 4'' (65 inches)
Weight: 114 lbs (51.7 kg)
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Complexion: Fair
Build: Average
- Primary Wizarding School (St. Woboldo's Primary School, Class of 2099)
- Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry (Class of 2106; Slytherin House)
Extra-Curriculars: Art, Duelling Club
Strongest Subject: Care of Magical Creatures, Potions
Weakest Subject: Astronomy, Muggle Studies, Defense Against the Dark Arts
SPOILER!!: First Year Accomplishments

Term 53 (2099-2100) :

Total House Points: 295
Position on Slytherin Leader Board: 1st

~ Distinguished Dueller

Yearbook Wins:
~ Most Likely To Invent Or Discover Something (shared with Cole Vance)
~ Most Likely To Break Out of Azkaban (shared with Bernadette Grantham)

SPOILER!!: Second Year Accomplishments

Term 54 (2100-2101) :

Total House Points: 345
Position on Slytherin Leader Board: 2nd (Behind Isla Belchant {347})

~ Champion Charmer
~ Top Notch Historian
~ Top Transfigurer
~ Distinguished Dueller

Yearbook Wins:
~ Most likely to earn a million galleons before the age of 30 (shared with Eiji Rasting)

SPOILER!!: Third Year Accomplishments

Term 55 (2101-2102) :

Total House Points: 323
Position on Slytherin Leader Board: 1st

~ Top Transfigurer
~ Top Notch Historian
~ Distinguished Dueller

Yearbook Wins:

~ Most Likely to Agree with the Sorting Hat {shared with Missa Renaldi}
~ Most Likely to Survive Without Magic {shared with Nina Castillo & Malachi Trent}

SPOILER!!: Fourth Year Accomplishments

Term 56 (2102-2103) :

Total House Points: 250
Position on Slytherin Leader Board: 1st

~ Top Notch Historian

SPOILER!!: Fifth Year Accomplishments

Term 57 (2103-2104) :

Total House Points: 298
Position on Slytherin Leader Board: 1st

~ Prominent Potioneers
~ Tremendous Transfigurers

OWL Results: {taken during the summer of 2104}
Ancient Runes: E
Arithmancy: E
Astronomy: E
Charms: O
Divination: D
Herbology: E
History of Magic: O
Muggle Studies: E
Potions: O
Transfiguration: E

SPOILER!!: Sixth Year Accomplishments

Term 58 (2104-2105) :

Total House Points: 253
Position on Slytherin Leader Board: 1st

~ Distinguised Duellers
~ Tremendous Transfigurers

Yearbook Wins:

~ Hogwarts Royalty {shared with Evan Nam}

SPOILER!!: Seventh Year Accomplishments

Term 59 (2105-2106) :

Total House Points: 359
Position on Slytherin Leader Board: 1st

~ Tremendous Transfigurers

Yearbook Wins:

~ Seventh Year Legacy {shared with Phoebe James}
~ Most likely To Return To Hogwarts as a Professor {shared with Teddy James}

NEWT Results:
Ancient Runes: E
Arithmancy: E
Astronomy: E
Divination: A
Herbology: E
History of Magic: O
Muggle Studies: O
Potions: O
Transfiguration: O
- Wizarding University {Class of 2110}
Majoring in Magizoology
Work History:
  • Magizoologist Columnist at the Daily Prophet {2110 - Present}
  • Vet at Scamander's Zoo {2110 - Present}
Wand: 9 1/2 inch robust Silver Lime with Dragon heartstring from a Hungarian Horntail
Wand designed by Krell Ansell

Boggart: Acromantula
Amortentia: Caramelatte, Heath's cologne
Patronus: TBA
Laterality: Right handed
Likes: Her own company; sketching {also enjoys doing this in comfortable silence with Maya Nam}; caramelatte; magical creatures; spending time with the persons she likes
Dislikes: Loud noises; being in a crowd; smiling unnecessarily; physical contact {believes it's an invasion of space} but as at 2104, is comfortable hugging those whom she considers her friends; anyone pushing her out of the limits of her comfort zone
Weaknesses: Conjuration spells
Strengths: The Freezing Charm; knowledgeable about and is good with magical creatures,
Other: Cries when she's frustrated, is a self- taught artist, developed anxiety during her fourth year at Hogwarts {mainly because of "Trent's" teaching methods}
Boyfriend: Heathcliff Jones {December 2102 - Present}
Children: Connor Dameron Jones {born September 2112} ; Heather Joanna Jones {born 9th September, 2115}
Pet: Male rat named Sammy (Adopted from Cole in 2101)
Mother: Bethany Blaze ('deceased')
Father: Camdon Blaze (MuggleDinosaur)
Sister: Florence Blaze
Aunt: Lynn (SarcasticStrawberry), Kristen
Uncle: Robert (Symphora)
Cousins: Dahlia (SarcasticStrawberry)
Grandparents: Fredrick (Bazinga), Scarlet (SneakehCat)
Extended Family: Gabby (Bazinga), Edward (Devina Wellheart), Miranda (Devina Wellheart), Eddie (Bazinga), Eivan (emjay), Jordan (JennMarie), Minerva Wheatborn- McCarthy (Bazinga), Morgan McCarthy (emjay)
Friends: Cole Vance, Fiona Jenovick, Curtis Fuller, Aboli Song, Serena Anders, Violet Blackthorne, Avalon Sinclair, Minjae Yoon, Ashley Fox, Evan Nam, Lisa Nam, Maya Nam, Daniel Yoon
Claudine hails from a large family and shares the members' views on blood status. The reason for this is because of how she was raised and what was taught to her. Despite this, she would rarely point out that one of the reasons she was distant from others was because of their said blood status. Regardless of the status, Claudine prefers to be in her own company, purposely engaging in conversation only when necessary. She can usually be found sketching, a talent she discovered at the age of eight. Though she isn't as good at it as she wants to be, Claudine works hard to better herself.

It was during her fifth year that Claudine started to be more friendly and understanding with others. This came about due to the struggles faced at Hogwarts in her fourth year when Rosier forcibly took over as Headmaster, and rules along with his Neo Alliance minions. Being locked up in The Room with Muggleborns and others who rebelled truly made her grow in this way.

During her sixth year, mainly due to Professor Schmoe's influence, Claudine began to think twice before resorting to judging anyone. It was his lesson on Assumptions that helped her change this aspect of her personality.

After graduating from Hogwarts, Claudine & Heath moved to Canada to complete their studies at the Montreal Wizarding University campus, mainly because Claudine needed a change of scenery for a bit. In the summer of 2110, they returned to the UK where she secured job a job at Scamander's Zoo as a veterinarian and at the Daily Prophet as a part-time Magizoologist Columnist.

Lottiepot 07-27-2023 09:35 PM

Atticus’ Attic Music Shop

{ The Basics }

Full Name: Fynley Jon Ellis
Date of Birth: 13th February 2095
Place of Birth: Chichester, West Sussex, UK
Current Residence: Worthing, West Sussex, UK
Pronouns: He/Him
Significant Other: Joseph Schultz

{ The Magic }

Heritage: Halfblood
Wand: 12 Inch Elm and Dragon Heartstring
Patronus: Unable to Produce Yet
Amortentia: Beach Driftwood, Leather on a Quaffle & Salted Caramel
Boggart: A Giant Moth

{ The Education }

Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft & Wizardry
Years Attended: 2106 - 2110
House: Wampus
Extra Curriculars: Quidditch, Quodpot, Music Club
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry
Years Attended: 2110 - Present
House: Slytherin
Text Cut: Oh dear
Graphics Credit to sweetpinkpixie

{ Work History & Experience }

Current Position: Part-time Drumming Music Instructor
- Grade 8 in Drums achieved in 2109
- West Sussex Youth Orchestra (Percussion) 2105 - 2106
- Ilvermorny Music Club
- An eclectic and variable taste in music and the ability to adapt easily to all styles of music.
{ The Personality }

Personality Type: ENFJ - The Protagonist
‘Warm and helpful types with strong ideas and values. Natural born leaders they are able to inspire however can come across as condescending or manipulative if misjudged.’
Strengths: Reliable, Receptive, Charismatic, Confident, Passionate
Weaknesses: Intense, Self-Assured, Condescending
{ OOC Information }

Face Claim: Christoffer Barso
Post Colour: #931314
Full Biography: Found Here

sweetpinkpixie 08-04-2023 05:00 AM
Paradise Piercings and Tattoos
part-time store clerk

face claim: emil andersson | post color: #734A12/rawumber

No, I'm not a saint; hatin' my mistakes
the basics

NAME: Joseph Wesley Schultz
NICKNAMES: Joey, Joe, JoJo none
DOB: 03.03.2095
LANGUAGES: English (fluent), German (semi-fluent)
PLACE OF BIRTH: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
CURRENTLY RESIDES: Brixton, South London, UK
HERITAGE: British-German

FATHER: Tucker Schultz (divorced)
MOTHER: Isabelle Kutcher (divorced)
BROTHERS: Moritz (twin), Samuel
SISTERS: Nancy, Florence
GRANDMOTHER (paternal): Gabriela Recard
GRANDFATHER (paternal): Armen Recard
GRANDMOTHER (maternal): Arisone Papadimitriou
GRANDFATHER (maternal): Wesley Kutcher
AUNT: Emilie Recard (Durmstrang Graduate)
A THING WITH Fylney Ellis

HAIR COLOR: sandy blond
EYE COLOR: icy blue
HEIGHT: 6'1"
BUILD: lanky trapazoid

Despite his serene model-like appearance, Joseph is actually quite short-tempered and sometimes arrogant and doubtful. Capable of great empathy for others and a want to contribute to the betterment of people, he remains withdrawn and self-critical. Joseph is a romantic at heart and yearns for deep connections with others but finds it near impossible to do so because of the overwhelming and overpowering sensations he experiences when being around others and large groups for too long a time due to an undiagnosed/undiscovered magical ability. Overstimulated and unfilled, he is often left bitter and jaded with and extreme emphasis on his own needs and feelings almost as an act of self preservation. Even on a good day he may passively refuse to follow any rules or responsibilities and instead do his own thing, regardless of the consequences and who he may step on to get there. A lofty dreamer, Joseph is ironically uncomfortable with conflict despite his actions actively seeking it out. His mind always being loud, enough so that even his own thoughts get drowned out, Joseph is more of an observer than a participant and his reclusive nature and quiet demeanor put him at odds with the rest of his family. Art has been an intimate form of self expression ever since he was young and being alone with his canvas and paints one of the few escapes from his head-splitting reality. Drama, likewise, is an escape in which he can step out of himself while on stage and disappear into another person entirely while stage lights assist in muting all the noise inside his head. He will also walk around with his magical ear pods in listening to music entirely too loudly as a means of shutting out the rest of the world - his music of preference is either showtunes or heavy metal depending on the day and will sing in the shower when he believes no one else is around. Joseph plays the guitar and has a preference for the electric but also enjoys acoustic. Joseph enjoys arranging music in his free time, particularly arranging rock/heavy metal covers of show tunes and other genres. Joseph has a deep appreciation for the natural world and is a passionate conservationist when he isn't bogged down with being self-centered.

All the angels wait; but I'm dancing with the Devil
magical basics & education

PARENTAGE: pureblood
WAND: 14⅓ inch pliant maple with Diricawl feather
FAMILIAR: Ragdoll cat, Tanzie (originally named Tanzanite but is now affectionately called by her nickname)
AMORENTIA: banana bread, espresso, amber, acrylic paint, broom polish
BOGGART: a mirror version of himself (often will take the form of himself as a member of the Cult of Walpurgis or Neo-Alliance with his deceased family at his feet. )

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry 2106 - 2113
SUBJECTS THAT ARE WORTH HIS TIME: Herbology & Care of Magical Creatures
SUBJECTS THAT CAN GO IN A PILE OF DRAGON DUNG: literally everything else
EXTRACURRICULARS: Art, Creature Companions, Drama, Magical Theory, Wandlore

........HISTORY OF MAGIC......T
........MUGGLE STUDIES........A


........MUGGLE STUDIES........O

BIMM Music Institute [Music & Sound Production] 2113 - present

lyrics @ Alter. (Dancing with the Devil)

SilverTiger 08-16-2023 01:14 AM

Gracelyn Abbott-Daniau
intern wandmaker apprentice
Model: Gwen Van Meir│Font color: # b272a6│Twitter: @Gracelynthestar

Name: Gracelyn Salome Abbott-Daniau
Nicknames: Gracelyn, Grace, Star (by Papa Eli)
Age: 26
Birthdate: 17 March 2088
Place of Birth: London, England
Current Home: London, England
Blood/Lineage: halfblood, English/French
Wand: 12 3/4 inch bendy Poplar with unicorn hair core

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Favorite subjects: Astronomy, History of Magic
Worst Subjects:

Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: light brown

Parents: Eli Lake Abbott-Daniau, James Timothy Abbott-Daniau
Siblings: n/a
Pets: a puppy named Ara


(extended bio can be found here)

Harron Peasley 09-06-2023 02:33 PM

Leaky Cauldron Bartender
T h o m a s C a l l u m
thunder @_cokeacola_ multi-instrumentalist
⇀ leaky cauldron bartender, molly's chambers glass collector ↽

⇀ b a s i c s ↽
name: Thomas Callum Chilwell
nickname(s): Tommy
date of birth: 17th April 2093
astrological sign: Aries
place of birth: Sheffield, United Kingdom
current residence: Stemp House
first language: English
other language(s): none

⇀ m a g i c ↽
heritage: half-blood
boggart: unknown
amortentia: petrol, piano wax, strong coffee
patronus: unable to produce

⇀ a p p e a r a n c e ↽
looks like: Tommy Hackett
hair: brown
eyes: blue
dexterity: right-handed
height: 5’9” / 175 cm
body modifications: none
style: basic t-shirt and jeans or joggers, denim or leather jacket, a series of rings and a watch that are far more expensive than he should be able to afford
other defining features: scrawny, gaunt face, dark circles underneath eyes due to lack of sleep, haunted look, carries himself in a way that makes him seem smaller, often looks lost or angry, scars on his hands, freckles on his face and shoulders

⇀ e d u c a t i o n ↽
primary schooling: educated at Stemp House
secondary school: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry
class of: 2112
strongest subjects: arithmancy, defence against the dark arts
weakest subjects: transfiguration, care of magical creatures
extra curriculars: none
other academic interests: music: a virtuoso. can play piano, guitar, drums, violin.

⇀ e m p l o y m e n t h i s t o r y↽
current occupation(s):
Bartender :: The Leaky Cauldron, Diagon Alley, London :: 2111 -
Glass Collector :: Molly's Chambers :: 2109 -

⇀ f a m i l y & r e l a t i o n s h i p s ↽
parents: Penelope Chilwell (deceased) & Corbin Stemp
siblings: none
grandparents: Adam & Lorelai Stemp
pets: none

relationship status: officially dating Ariadne Ackerly (June 2111)

friends: Annora Thurkell, Hermione Knight, Ariadne Ackerly, Lydia Clarke, Matilda Clarke, Daisy Cloud, Stuart Kynaston, Victoria Geller, Saturn Hazelwood, Milo Evans, Haven Zhang

⇀ q u i c k f a c t s ↽
- good at muggle card tricks and sleight of hand magic
- grew up at Stemp House from the age of six
- as a young kid, was known to shout “You’re not my mum!” at Lorelai whenever she asked him to do something
- acknowledged Lorelai as his grandmother in July 2111 for the first time
- a night owl
- a pickpocket
- moody, aggressive, rude
- exhausted
- likes peanut butter ice cream
- kickboxes and does some MMA, as well as weight training
- plays piano and guitar expertly, and also proficient (read: really pretty great) at bass guitar, drums and saxophone
- a lighter person around Ariadne Ackerly
- an idiot
- likes jumping to conclusions
- a hypocrite

⇀ p e r s o n a l i t y ↽
personality type: ISTP-t The Virtuoso
Tommy is a loner, though this is more from his lack of being able to navigate social situations and believing the worst in people than wanting to be alone. Deep down, he is desperate for friendship and even affection, though his early life has left deep rooted scars that mean he avoids this at all cost. He is a naturally gifted musician, and will spend all of the time he can playing instruments or listening to or writing music. Knowing that he inherited this gift from his father is something he has struggled to come to terms with, and is a fact he has learned to ignore.

Anxious and angry, Tommy can be aggressive and impulsive. He takes his anger out with music, football and punching bags, and has learned to somewhat control it in recent years.

Charely Potter 09-09-2023 09:26 PM

Denzel Dreamer

Model: Kayin Wright
His color : #65A18B

Φ Informative
Full Name: Denzel Aiden Dreamer
Age: 30s (2110-2120)
Birthplace: Devon, England
Residence: London, England
Date of Birth: 19th of May 2080
Blood Status: Half-blood
Marital Status: Divorced
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Laterality: Right-handed
Wand: 14", Elder wood, Dragon heartstring core. Hard.
Patronus: Thestral

Φ underneath
i. Hair colour: Brown
ii. Eye colour: blue-green
iii. Height: 194 cm (6'4)
iv. Built: Toned
v. Defining physical features: Pierced ears, left cheek mole.

Φ Class Action & Academia
Atticus' Attic Music Shop
• Recording Engineer, Part-time: (2111-Present)

WIZ (Wizard Indie Zone)
• Radio Talkshow Host / Disc Jockey: (2101-Present)

Wizarding University, Class of 2102
• Magical Notes & Music Theory Major

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
• Slytherin, Class of 2098
SPOILER!!: O.W.L/N.E.W.T Results

Pass Grades

Fail Grades

Ancient Runes - E
Astronomy - O
Care of Magical Creatures - A
Charms - O
Defense Against the Dark Arts - O
Divination - E
Herbology - E
History of Magic - A
Magical Theory - A
Potions - O
Transfiguration - O

Pass Grades

Fail Grades

Alchemy - E
Ancient Runes - E
Astronomy - A
Charms - O
Defense Against the Dark Arts - E
Herbology - O
Potions - E
Transfiguration - E

Primary Wizarding School - Class of 2091
• Student, Class of 2091

Φ Familiar Bonds
Father: Dwight Leyo Dreamer
Mother: Eriana Beatrix Dreamer née Fergurson
Ex-Wife: Opal Lemonswald
Partner: Bowie Fisher
Brother: Dash Angel Melo-Dreamer
Brother-in-Law: Rafael Lucas Melo-Dreamer
Son(s): Diallo Anku Dreamer, Devad Isaiah Dreamer

Charely Potter 05-21-2024 01:06 AM
Peridot Edelbach

Model: Lisa Fumagalli | Her colour : #9B65A1

◄ Informative

Full Name: Peridot Isadora Edelbach
Nickname(s): Peri, Pear, Pers
Birthplace: St. Petersburg, Russia
Residence: London, England
Date of Birth: 19th of August 2090
Age: 20s (2110-20)
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Orientation: Heterosexual
Laterality: Left-handed
Wand: 9 ¾", Silver Lime wood, Unicorn hair core. Quite Flexible.
Patronus: Siberian Forest Cat
Amortentia: Scented candles, fresh dough, essential oils
Boggart: Fire

i. Hair colour: dark brown
ii. Eye colour: brown
iii. Height: 5'4" (1.63 m)
iv. Built: Slim
v. Defining physical features: Cleft chin, mole on nose septum

◄ Historical
The Daily Prophet Headquarters
• Photographer | 2113 - Present

The Quibbler
• Photographer | 2111 - Present
• Photographer's Assistant | 2109-11

Wizarding University
• Journalism | Class of 2113

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
• Hufflepuff, Class of 2108 | 2104-08
SPOILER!!: Examination Results

Pass Grades

Fail Grades

Ancient Runes - E
Astronomy - O
Care of Magical Creatures - O
Charms - O
Defense Against the Dark Arts - E
Divination - O
Herbology - E
History of Magic - E
Potions - O
Transfiguration - E
Muggle Studies - E


Pass Grades

Fail Grades

Ancient Runes - O
Astronomy - O
Charms - O
Defense Against the Dark Arts - E
Herbology - E
History of Magic - E
Potions - E
Transfiguration - O
Muggle Studies - A

Kodolvstoretz School of Magic
• Aristov, Class of 2107 | 2101-04

◄ Remainder
Father: Isaek Fyodore Edelbach
Mother: Syndi Ariel Edelbach née Mandarin †
Mentor: Justin Ivan McLeod
Pet(s): Cocoa (owl); Emerald (¼ kneazle-cat)

Friend(s): Minerva "Mouse" Duround, Atlas Flamsteed, Daire Grenadine, Caeson Hawkins, Sadie Kareless, Gemma Kitridge, Aria McLeod, Frankie McLeod, Freddie McLeod, Evan Nam, Darius Potter, Akello "Kel" Falade
Past Dormmate(s): Emilia Kim, Gemma Kitridge, Elise Smith
Romance(s): Daire Grenadine, Caeson Hawkins
Son: Marlen "Mars" Hawkins
ooc: poke if your character(s) feel a past connection with Peri

Likes: Pink. Yellow. Earrings. Shopping. Her Camera. Fashionable Accessories. Pastries. Scented Candles. Essential oils in rooms.
Dislikes: Rudeness. Strong Cologne. Sneakoscopes. Her hair being touched without permission. Missing deadlines.

Lottiepot 08-13-2024 10:28 PM

Aurora Celeste Ackerly
Magical Menagerie Creature Trainer Intern
(Student ; Part Time)

{ The Basics }

Known As: Rora, Rory, Ror
DOB: 24th July 2098
Place of Birth: St Mungo’s, UK.
Current Residence: Shoreditch, London, UK.
Pronouns: She/Her

{ The Magic }

Wand: 9 3/4 Dogwood with Dragon Heartstring, solid flexibility.
Patronus: Unable to produce yet
Boggart: A giant gnome with a squirrel tail (don’t ask)
Amortentia: Pink candyfloss, sunflowers & cookie dough
Pets: Little Owl named Flora, co-parent of Pygmy Puff called Merryweather.

{ The Education }

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry
Years Attended: 2109 - Present
House: Ravenclaw
Current Year: Sixth
Favourite Lessons: Care of Magical Creatures, Charms
Least Favourite Lessons: Flying, Astronomy
Extra Curricular’s: Creature Companions, Drama, SPEW, Mermish (sometimes), Healers of Tomorrow (occasionally).
{ The Experience }

Work Experience: Volunteer at Creatures and Cwtches Sanctuary (2113 - Present).
Current Position: Creature Trainer Intern at Magical Menagerie

For Aurora’s full bio please visit here.

Zoe 08-14-2024 03:46 AM

Face: Austin Butler (current) | Christopher Mason (adult)
Name: Logan Roderik Paton
Nicknames: Wolverine, Loggybear, Loogie
Birthdate: 26 June 2096
Place of Birth: St. Mungo's Hospital, London, England
Current Residence: London, England
Relationship Status: Dating Vera Thanatos
Hair Colour: Blond
Eye Colour: Blue
Height: 1.83 m / 6'0"
Build: Toned
Distinguishing Features: Hair is gradually growing out in length
Dexterity: Right-handed
Blood Status: Half-blood
Wand: Holly, 13½", dragon heartstring (Romanian Longhorn), supple
Patronus: Jack Russell Terrier
Boggart: Rejection and not being liked
Amortentia: Fish and chips, jam roly-poly, citrus
Father: Franklin Paton
Mother: Hadleigh (née Lynch) Paton
Siblings: Nova Paton, Melody Paton, Bryony Paton
Pets: Beans (crup), Taco (barn owl)

Family Tree
St. Woboldo's Primary School (September 2100 - June 2107)

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (September 2107 - June 2114)
Ordinary Wizarding Levels

▫ Astronomy - Poor
▫ Care of Magical Creatures - Outstanding
▫ Charms - Exceeds Expectations
▫ Defence Against the Dark Arts - Outstanding
▫ Divination - Acceptable
▫ Herbology - Poor
▫ History of Magic - Dreadful
▫ Muggle Studies - Exceeds Expectations
▫ Potions - Acceptable
▫ Transfiguration - Exceeds Expectations

Nastily Exhausing Wizarding Tests

▫ Care of Magical Creatures - Outstanding
▫ Charms - Exceeds Expectations
▫ Defence Against the Dark Arts - Outstanding
▫ Muggle Studies - Exceeds Expectations
▫ Potions - Exceeds Expectations
▫ Transfiguration - Exceeds Expectations


▫ Drama
▫ Duelling Club
▫ Frog Choir
▫ Health and Wellness Group
▫ Orchestra
Wizarding University, London (September 2114 - Present)
Magical Notes & Music Theory
Atticus' Attic Music Shop (June 2111 - June 2114)
Human directional (summer part-time)

Atticus' Attic Music Shop (June 2114 - Present)
Store clerk (part-time)
  • 2096: Logan is born
  • 2097: turns 1; goes to the Worple and Warmsley Carnival
  • 2098: turns 2
  • 2099: turns 3
  • 2100: turns 4; sister Bryony is born (January); enrolled at St. Woboldo's PWS for Year R
  • 2101: turns 5; begins Year 1 at St. Woboldo's PWS
  • 2102: turns 6; begins Year 2 at St. Woboldo's PWS
  • 2103: turns 7; begins Year 3 at St. Woboldo's PWS
  • 2104: turns 8; begins Year 4 at St. Woboldo's PWS
  • 2105: turns 9; begins Year 5 at St. Woboldo's PWS
  • 2106: turns 10; begins Year 6 at St. Woboldo's PWS
  • 2107: graduates from St. Woboldo's PWS; turns 11; receives Hogwarts letter; begins 1st year at Hogwarts; spends too much time exploring the castle instead of studying; attends the school dance; determined to find and befriend the sphinx
  • 2108: turns 12; learns his mum will be teaching CoMC at Hogwarts; moves to Hogsmeade; begins 2nd year at Hogwarts; attempts to find the sphinx with Vera and the two make up excuses to not actually enter the forest, given a "power" from Peeves in the loo (he could spontaneously turn into a bunny, unfortunately against his will)
  • 2109: turns 13; begins 3rd year at Hogwarts; hunts for a Veela portrait/tapestry with Vera and got into a heated conversation with Elizabeth Burke; gets up to the usual shenanigans and avoids homework
  • 2110: turns 14; kitchen chat with Keighley about ... stuff; begins 4th year at Hogwarts; speaks with Professor Khanna about potential careers; castle exploring with Vera; receives a note from Anna Walles; feeling all the feels about a certain someone
  • 2111: turns 15; visits the Shrieking Shack with Vasco and fesses up to liking his sister; gets hoodwinked into admitting the same thing to Vesper; attends the Hogwarts job fair; applies for a summer job at Atticus' Attic and is hired; works during the summer as a human directional; begins 5th year at Hogwarts; spends way too much time studying; rescues Anna Walles from the lake with Ezra Hensley; many flirty conversations and adventures and studying with Vera
  • 2112: turns 16; completes Muggle Studies project with Vera, which led to their first kiss and many subsequent kissing sessions; takes OWL examinations; receives OWL results; continues working during the summer as a human directional; officially begins a relationship with Vera; purchases an invisibility cloak which is co-shared with Vera; begins 6th year at Hogwarts; picnic with Vera in the Reptile Room
  • 2113: turns 17; successfully earns Apparition license; continues working during the summer as a human directional; begins 7th year at Hogwarts; Gobstones game in the arcade area with Vera; consoles Bryony when boy drama happens; cares for and hatches "dragon" egg (a Peruvian Vipertooth he named Chomper)
  • 2114: turns 18; attends Woodcroft Games; takes NEWT examinations; receives acceptance letter to WU-London; graduates from Hogwarts; begins working as a part-time store clerk at Atticus' Attic
Text Cut: EXTRAS
  • He has an ESFP-A (Entertainer) personality type.
  • Part of his namesake comes from former Hogwarts DADA professor Roderik Hirsch.
  • Logan is a passionate drum player – a rather loud one at that. He is also learning how to play guitar.

sweetpinkpixie 08-16-2024 05:52 AM
Daily Prophet
part-time distributor

face claim: lovie simone | post color: #ED9121/carrot
previous face claim: faithe herman

Give me that thing that I love;
Put your hands up, make 'em touch

the basics

NAME: Diamond Dove Marchbanks
DOB: 09.08.2098
PLACE OF BIRTH: Barnton, Cheshire, England
CURRENTLY RESIDES: Barnton, Cheshire, England

FATHER: Ashe Marchbanks [Gobstones Administration Officer]
MOTHER: Raena Marchbanks [WWN radio personality & producer]
BROTHER: Phoenix Marchbanks
COUSINS: Remington Marchbanks, Brandon Marchbanks, Benjee Marchbanks

HAIR COLOR: dark brown
EYE COLOR: dark brown
HEIGHT: 5'5"
BUILD: athletic petit firecracker

Diamond is the sort of person one assumes must adore the sound of her own voice given how much she talks. Not only is she a real chatty gabby, but she also enjoys sticking her nose in other people's business and thinks Rita Skeeter may have been on to something with her methodology and work ethic. Thankfully for all, especially those that become subjects in her match commentary and articles, Diamond has better morals than Rita Skeeter ever did and her magical ineptness assures that she will never be a stealthy animagus for a scoop. Believing herself to be the embodiment of charisma and confidence, Diamond will assert herself the leader of any group situation or project - even those that are clearly out of her depth. Obviously this intensity combined with her bluntness will rub people the wrong way and cause tension, but rather than own up to her own faults will accuse others of being too sensitive. Efficient, energetic, and self-confident to a fault, Diamond's ambitions and sometimes cutthroat work ethic are labeled 'too Slytherin' by some...and to this she would insist that you get those house stereotypes out of your mouth. Difficult to befriend (although she will act delulu that everyone adores her in a real fake it until to make it mentality) but once someone has Diamond in their court she will bring that same ferociousness to their defense and become one of their most passionate cheerleaders.

I live for the applause
magical basics & education

PARENTAGE: pureblood
WAND: 11⅔ inch light fir with dragon heartstring [Chinese Fireball]
FAMILIAR: Mercury [barn owl]
AMORENTIA: citric acid, melon soda, salsa, sweet osmanthus
BOGGART: a SUPER intense thunder and lightning storm

St. Woboldo's Primary School 2100-2110
TOP THREE SUBJECTS THAT SLAY: Geography, Muggle-Wizard Connections, Quill Writing
TOP THREE SUBJECTS THAT YAWN: Discipline & Balance, Magical Safety & Appreciation, Reading

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry 2110 - 2117
TOP THREE SUBJECTS THAT SLAY: Charms, Herbology, Muggle Studies
TOP THREE SUBJECTS THAT YAWN: Ancient Runes, Astronomy, Potions
EXTRACURRICULARS: Quiz Bowl, Duelling Club, The Quill, Wizard Card Collectors' Club

........ANCIENT RUNES.........A
........HISTORY OF MAGIC......A
........MUGGLE STUDIES........O



Witch Weekly youth correspondent [2112-present]
WWN youth influencer [2108-present] CLICK TO JOIN THE CARAT PATCH
U-17 Quidditch & Gobstones announcer [2110-present]

lyrics @ Lady Gaga (Applause)

Lottiepot 08-31-2024 09:44 PM

Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Owner & Diagon Alley Proprietor

{ The Basics }
Name: Tessa Jade McKinley
Nicknames: Tess
DoB: 7th January 2085
PoB: Sevenoaks, Kent
Current Residence: Camden, London
Heritage: Half-Blood
Pronouns: She/Her
{ The Magic } [/u]
Wand: 10 ½ Oak & Snidget Feather
Patronus: Otter
Amortentia: Sea Salt, Washing Powder, Passion Flower
Boggart: Wasps
Pets: Sugar the Persian Cat
{ The Family }
Father: Edward McKinley
Mother: Bonnie McKinley (nee Smithson)
Sisters: Allison ‘Allie’ (b. 2086) & Chester (b. 2089)
Sister-in-Law: Matilda ‘Matty’ Ackerly

The eldest of 3 siblings to magical architect Edward and muggle primary school teacher Bonnie. The entire family were sorted into Gryffindor during their years at Hogwarts. Their childhood was spent switching between the magical community of their dad and their muggle Mum’s family giving them the best of both worlds.
{ The Education }
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry
Years Attended: 2097 - 2103
House: Gryffindor
Favourite Subjects: Arithmancy, History of Magic, Charms
Least Favourite Subjects: Potions, Herbology
Extra Curriculars: Health & Wellness, Magical Debate, the Quill (Reporter)
Arithmancy - O
Astronomy - A
Charms - O
Divination - A
Herbology - A
History of Magic - O
Potions - A
Transfiguration - E
Arithmancy - O
Charms - E
Divination - A
History of Magic - O
Potions - A
Transfiguration - E
University of Reading
Degree: BSc Real Estate
Grade: First Class Honours
Dates: 2103 - 2106
{ The Career }
Career Timeline:
  • 2106 - 2108: Estate Agent at Savills (Camden).
  • 2108 - 2114: Nesting Occamy Leasing Agent
  • 2114 - Present: Proprietor of Nesting Occamy

Other Qualifications & Professional Bodies:
  • Member of Propertymark - A professional body for muggle estate agents.
  • Certificate of Higher Education in Property Law - Gained whilst in employment at Savills.
  • Business Management Certification from Wizarding University London - Gained whilst on employment at Nesting Occamy.

Taking influence from her architect father, Tessa has always been interested in buildings and property. Upon graduation from Hogwarts, she attended muggle university to study real estate with the intention of becoming an estate agent, a goal she accomplished in 2106. Although she enjoyed her time in the muggle community, when a position as a leasing agent became available in Diagon Alley she leapt at the opportunity.

Never being satisfied with her achievements, Tessa progressed her studies whilst in full-time employment to gain a certificate in business management, a qualification she would quickly use when the former proprietor left their position and the role became available for the next qualified.
{ The Personality }
Myers Brigg: ESTJ ‘The Executive’
Strengths: Dedicated, strong-willed, direct, loyal, patient, reliable, organised.
Weaknesses: Stubborn, inflexible, judgmental, difficulty relaxing, constant.
Hobbies & Skills: Swimming & Diving.

As with the rest of the McKinley family, Tessa is sociable and friendly but less so than her siblings, choosing to dedicate herself into her career before focusing on her social standings. A natural born Gryffindor with the desire to take the lead, she did well in the subjects she cared about and less so in those she considered unnecessary for her career progression.

The McKinley’s are a quietly competitive family when it comes to engaging in sports and hobbies. Tessa’s chosen activities were swimming and platform diving in which she used to compete in childhood at her local aquatics club and at a national level.
{ The OOC Details }
Post Colour: #008B8B
Face Claim: Becca Hiller

MadMadamMalfoy 09-04-2024 08:37 PM
Caledon “Cal” Roth
Leaky Cauldron Owner
Model: Amir Talai
Post color: pumpkin spice orange(#D76B00)

Basic Info

Name: Caledon Edward Roth Jr.
Nickname(s): Cal, Junior (only his father called him this)
Date of birth: 28 August 2075
Place of birth: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Current residence: London, England
Heritage: Half blood (muggle father; witch mother)


Height: 5’7
Build: Average
Hair: black
Eyes: black
Laterality: right-handed
Distinguishing features:


Father: Caledon Edward Roth Sr. (deceased)
Mother: Emma Roth-Beauregard-Walthew-Goldsmith (nee Ingram) (estranged)
Stepfather: Amatus Beauregard
Stepsiblings: Rosalie and Georgianna Beauregard
Goddaughters: Sydney, Blakeney, and Darcey Masters
Pet: 2 crups named Cinnamon and Ginger

Magical Me

Wand: 11 ¾” Poplar & unicorn hair
Patronus: Scottish deerhound
Boggart: TBD
Amortentia: Pumpkin pasties, fresh snow, clean linen

Education/ Work History

School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry (2086-93)
House: Hufflepuff (hatstall between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor)
Best subjects: Charms, Muggle Studies
Worst subjects: Astronomy, History of Magic
Extra curriculars: SPEW, The Quill (reporter)

SPOILER!!: Exam results

Ancient Runes: not taken
Arithmancy: not taken
Astronomy: P
Charms: O
Divination: A
Flying: E
Herbology: O
History of Magic: P
Muggle Studies: O
Potions: A
Transfiguration: E

Ancient Runes: not taken
Arithmancy: not taken
Astronomy: not taken
Charms: O
Divination: P
Flying: E
Herbology: O
History of Magic: not taken
Muggle Studies: O
Potions: A
Transfiguration: A

Wizarding University of Edinburgh (2093-97) - degree in hospitality management; minor in culinary arts

Work History:
Cake decorator (Celebration Catering Company, 2091 (summer job)
Cashier (Celebration catering Company; 2091-92 (summer job)
Chef (The Abraxan Hotel & rResort; 2093-95)
Sous chef (The Abraxan Hotel & Resort; 2095-96)
Head Chef (The Abraxan Hotel & Resort; 2096-98)
Restaurant manager (The Abraxan Hotel & Resort; 2098-02)
Assistant hotel manager (The Abraxan Hotel & Resort; 2102-06)
Assistant manager (The Pensieve Diner, 2106-14)

Personality: friendly, loyal, hard-working, humble, sometimes hot-tempered

(type & in-depth description coming soon)

Likes: pumpkin everything, traveling, ice hockey, cold weather, hotels, dogs, spending time with friends

Dislikes: his name, his height, snobbishness, laziness, bad service, gold-diggers (including his mother), most members of his family

(coming soon!)

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