It occurred to me that while I made this announcement, it was never a proper thread for old and new to come back to to refresh themselves on the stance being taken with quidditch.
I think with the questions surfacing again, there's no time like the present to make this an official thread for the purpose of having this resource on hand.
Originally Posted by Original Post
Quick PSA to everyone who may be wondering:
I’ve seen questions about both the pitch and quidditch floating around and while this doesn’t need a whole announcement thread, it does need announcing. The students won’t be playing quidditch/having a quidditch cup this term. IC, the pitch—much like the rest of the castle—is in no shape to host a championship. It will need tending and care to get back to what it used to be. This takes time. Time that would eat into the competition. Time that would prevent any real practice for the teams.
OOC: We do not currently have a flying Professor even tho IC you do. Without a flying professor, it wouldn’t be wise to assume there’s still quidditch for the issues of logistic. Who made the team? Does everyone automatically because they said so? Who won? What if everyone plays like their house won? It’s the sort of thing that needs proper regulation and it’s not currently something staff can undertake.
This isn’t permanent but it’s likely things may keep “coming up” until the position can be appropriately filled. In the mean time, IC the pitch IS still there but OOC the flying forum has been hidden. This means it can still be referenced but honestly the professor wouldn’t allow anyone on it while trying to fix it anyway so for now consider it an unplayable area.
~ Dani
BUT as an update to this, as some of it is dated and more in reference to the then current plot. Until told otherwise, there will be no quidditch. I won't be making up a new reason IC for every term because honestly, not every plot will destroy the pitch and it would become tedious to say this is the case.
I won't tell anyone not to make rabid quidditch babies if you want, this is just something to keep in mind as you may end up playing into a lot of uncertainty as to why they aren't on the team or why there is no cup for anyone to win. I thought I'd give the official warning there. I know this doesn't help re those who ALREADY have quidditch babies but, for future ones or those who's kids wanna transfer and play. I know I can't force anyone to just never talk about quidditch IC, but, know I don't have an IC reason. Know I won't allow any and every canon to be established so let's not go around making our own up. An example of that being "oh no quidditch because the pitch is swallowed", "our flying prof hates quidditch so we can't play" or anything that affects characters outside of your own. You ARE free to give them injuries that would make it impossible to play, or say they've lost interest (or literally anything else you can think of that really would be internal to your charrie and not the wider school RPG).
So here's the stance, and I hope we can work together on this one because it's a bit more complicated than it looks at face value. IC, if the plot doesn't affect the pitch, there wouldn't be any reason for quidditch to be cancelled. That means, IC there would be matches going on. But that's where it presents a plethora of ooc problems. (My charrie is a star, why can't I say they made the team? My charrie comes from a professional quidditch family, they'd be the star and we'd win, it doesn't make sense you say there's a team and quidditch but that mine never made it. Among others, and yes, these are complaints that have come up in the past).
I'm asking that we take this on more like we do classes. Kiddos have lessons together, all the years scrambled, and there isn't much discussion on the why, it's just done. Until quidditch can properly be manned and brought back, I'd really appreciate the same stance being taken. So tentatively, I'd say IC there is quidditch and we'll see where it goes from there.
As always, if there are any questions, feel free to post them here or send me a PM.
Hogwarts RPG Admin
~ Dani