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Every Flavour Bean Collection This sweet stash of flavours is where you can indulge in a wide array of completed SS100, SS50, SS25, and EEFD challenges.

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Old 06-14-2010, 04:04 AM
Maxilocks Maxilocks is offline
Arrow Sighs and Leers, and Crocodile Tears: One Hundred Wizards - Sa13+

One Hundred for Wizards Known <3

What are young men made of?
Sighs and leers, and crocodile tears,
And that are young men made of.

For S.O;
and for all the tears and laughs.

{ To Do List }

1. Herbology
2. Muggle Studies
3. Transfiguration
4. Ancient Runes
5. Astronomy
6. Divination
7. Care of Magical Creatures
8. Potions
9. Defense Against the Dark Arts
10. Arithmancy
11. History of Magic
12. Charms
13. Quidditch
14. Hogwarts, A History
15. Room
16. Dragonhide gloves
17. Cauldron
18. Whomping Willow
19. Wand
20. Hogsmeade
21. Veela
22. Kneazle
23. Telescope
24. House elf
25. Sorting Hat
26. Quill
27. Owl
28. Timeturner
29. Pensieve
30. Feast
31. Dress robes
32. Common room
33. Classroom
34. Parseltongue
35. Pureblood
36. Muggle
37. Animagus
38. Patronus
39. Duel
40. Spell
41. Thestrals
42. Portraits
43. Headmaster
44. Ford Anglia
45. Torch
46. Dungeon
47. Portkey
48. Leprechaun
49. Yule Ball
50. Boggart
51. Act
52. Bore
53. Chase
54. Dare
55. Egg on
56. Fight
57. Gape
58. Hoot
59. Ignore
60. Joke
61. Kiss
62. Lope
63. Mooch
64. Nap
65. Ooze
66. Pace
67. Quell
68. Roar
69. Slap
70 Team
71. Untie
72. Vex
73. Warn
74. x-tinguish
75. Yodel
76. Zap
77. Cheerful
78. Author's choice
79. Author's Choice
80. Author's Choice
81. Depression
82. Careful
83. Fearful
84. Angry
85. Snappish
86. Daring
87. Plaid
88. Sweet Tooth
89. Past
90. Present
91. Future
92. Chocolate
93. Chicken
94. Allergic
95. Snowball
96. Socks
97. Dictionary
98. Pyjamas
99. Newspaper
100. Homework

Pink = Done


Theme # 01: Herbology
Breaking the Fourth Wall. Mini Challenge. <3

He had every right to strut about.

He was Harry Potter! THE Harry Potter. You wouldn't have the fantastic, fantastic Harry Potter fandom without him! Hands tucked into the pockets of his jeans, Harry stepped into the Herbology greenhouses, and struck a pose. Because he knew how awesome he was, now.

Everyone in the vicinity laughed.

This wasn't the reaction he had expected. It must be the glasses. Harry frowned, and looked up. "I've decided I don't want to wear glasses anymore," he told the author, decisively. "Give me contact lenses, and pretty, yellow eyes."


Old 06-15-2010, 06:02 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Theme # 02: Muggle Studies

Euan Abercrombie was only four feet, when he stepped into the Great Hall at Hogwarts, for the first time. The huge size of the castle would, at any other time, have appeared as the sole cause of worry, to him - the kid was apt to get lost.

That night, however, he had other reasons to be anxious, on his mind. Such as Harry Potter.


The kid with the scar stormed off, leaving a tentative-looking Hermione Granger behind. Euan backed further into the wall and shadows, crashing rather painfully into the half-open, wooden door of the Muggle Studies classroom.

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Old 06-15-2010, 06:14 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Theme # 03: Transfiguration

Professor Dippet would never suspect the Head Boy, the man seated behind the well-polished desk, in his office, knew. Dumbledore frowned, absent-mindedly tapping the surface of his desk with the end of an elegant, eagle-feathered quill. He had no proof, only deep-rooted suspicion - and that, the Transfiguration professor knew, was not good enough. Not where someone such as one of Hogwarts's "best" head boys was concerned.

A chair scraped back, as Professor Dumbledore rose to his feet. Perhaps, he decided, a steaming mug of coffee would take his mind off the troubles of everyday existence.

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Old 06-15-2010, 06:40 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Theme # 04: Ancient Runes

"But, professor -"

Bathsheda finally turned round to face Malcolm Baddock, though it was clear she was tired of the Snake.

"I said no, Mr. Baddock," she said, hand gripped round her wand. Not that she was going to throw a hex at him. Professor Babbling was definitely not a violent person. But it was her way of expressing anger.

"But, professor -"

"Mr. Baddock, there is nothing I can do to help you!" Bathsheda said, exasperated. "You have a T in your Ancient Runes OWL, I can not possibly allow you to continue my class!"

"But -"


"My girlfriend likes Runes!"

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Old 06-15-2010, 06:58 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Theme # 05: Astronomy

Professor Sinistra raised an eyebrow, when she stepped back into her specially set-up classroom, for a lesson on star-gazing. The students sat cross-legged on the ground, as she had instructed before she had left. At the back of the class, however, stood a conjured chair; and, upon it, sat Draco Malfoy, looking perfectly smug in his perfectly-ironed robes, platinum fringe sweeping his forehead.

"Why are you," Professor Sinistra asked coolly. "On a chair, Mr. Malfoy?"

"I didn't want to set the ground on fire, ma'am," Draco drawled back.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm hot, remember?"

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Old 06-15-2010, 07:03 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Theme # 06: Divination

Hogwarts had polished generations of wand-wielders, nurturing in its lap many who had directed magic, on to a platform of further progress. But what Hogwarts did not see often, was people who enjoyed Divination.

Or Seers.

Which was exactly why Professor Dumbledore gazed at the boy in front of him with particular interest, now.

"... and you knew Miss Brown was going to trip down the staircase before she fell, Mr. Towler?"

Kenneth Towler nodded. "Yes, sir."

Professor Dumbledore leaned forward. "May I ask how?"

"Because I placed the trip-jinx that made her stumble downstairs, sir," Kenneth replied cheerfully.

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Old 06-15-2010, 07:17 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Theme # 07: Care of Magical Creatures

His life had always seemed like a tragedy of errors. Half-giant, he had never been treated very well, by his classmates. His love for what others found "vicious" had set him apart, too.

Then the Chamber of Secrets had opened, life had taken another twist for the worse, and Hagrid had felt that what little good there had been in his life, had been lost, too.


Head bowed down, the half-giant drank the last sip of coffee in the massive mug on the table in his cabin.

It was still hard to believe he was a teacher, now.

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Old 06-15-2010, 07:24 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Theme # 08: Potions

It was as if he had died altogether, yet again. It did not matter, that he had been humiliated, and James Potter's son had seen that. What mattered was that his chest had been cut open once more -- that salt had been re-sprinkled on his wounds -- what he held nearest and dearest and most painful, torn visible for one he hated, and yet could not help but love, to see.

The Potions Master and Harry Potter had not gotten along before. They would never get along, now.

"Having fun?"

The scene evaporated. They were back in his office.

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Old 06-15-2010, 07:29 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Theme # 09: Defense Against the Dark Arts

Gilderoy Lockhart yawned, as he sat up in bed. Sunlight streamed into his room, filtered by silk curtains, and he realized that he was in the room allotted to him at Hogwarts.

Today, of course, would be his first day at the school. The fact that he had managed to acquire the job obviously made him think even better of himself, if that were even possible. Yes, he would step into his new shoes this morning, those that belonged to a master of Defense.

But first, a cup of coffee.

He had fan-mail to tackle before class, after all.

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Old 06-15-2010, 07:35 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Theme # 10: Arithmancy

The lady that sat in front of him was, to say the least, extremely pretty. She was clearly, the young wizard decided, the kind of woman he wanted.

Clearing his throat, he leaned across the table. "So, Miss Vector," he said, tones perfectly charming. "What do you do, in your spare time?"

"Well, I'm an Arithmancer," Septima answered, cheerfully. "I'll be off to Hogwarts to fill in the post of their resident Arithmancy professor, this fall."

The wizard choked on his coffee, and placed his mug down. He wasn't so sure he wanted this woman, after all.

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Old 06-15-2010, 07:41 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Theme # 11: History of Magic

'Honest Willy' Wagstaff waved the old book in the young woman's face. "This book," he said. "Is the solution to all your problems, my lady!"

It was only a History of Magic book he had picked up in the garbage, but if the lady believed him, then that was definitely the solution to some of his problems. If a battered book could bring him some dough, he was ready to make any amount of false claims about it.

"But -" The lady hesitated. "You're sure it works, aren't you, mister?"

He beamed at her.

"Of course, my dear!"

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Old 06-15-2010, 07:49 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Theme # 12: Charms


Fred looked up, from his work.


George looked up, from his work.


The twins exchanged a look. Neither bothered to head down, of course. They knew what was best for them. They had years of practice at this, after all.

One, two, three seconds of silence. Even the twins were beginning to get surprised by the quiet, now. Then.


"Think we should try to get Ron to help us out?" Fred asked, cheerfully.

George considered this.

"Nah," they both said, together.

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Old 06-15-2010, 07:54 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Theme # 13: Quidditch

Nobody knew why Hugo had decided to try out, for the Gryffindor team. It was clear that Ron and Hermione's son did not enjoy the sport of Quidditch. The fourteen year old clung to his new broomstick now, mouth open but his teenage self too scared to so much as shout out, in fear.

"Think we should help him?" a little boy, barely eleven, asked from the stands.

His friend, a girl the same age as him, thought of this. Then she shook her head. "He's only five feet in the air, after all," she pointed out, cheerfully.

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Old 06-15-2010, 12:47 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Theme # 14: Hogwarts, A History
Breaking the Fourth Wall. Mini Challenge. <3

It was two in the morning, and a single light burned low in the Gryffindor Common Room, sending shadows flitting across the walls in a way that could be considered eerie. But Ronald Weasley was from spooked. The fifth year sat, in front of the fireplace, a fat book in his lap.

In the glint of the light, it was not difficult to catch the name of the book that the boy in the drabble was pouring over: It was Hogwarts, A History.

He was sure he would be able to impress Hermione with his knowledge of the castle, soon.

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Old 06-15-2010, 12:49 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Theme # 15: Room

Peeking at his wristwatch over the head of his 'girlfriend,' Sirius realized that it was seven in the evening. He had told another girl to meet him, at this time. If she arrived and saw him with someone else, he was dead meat.

His companion lifted her head to say something. Sirius barely had time to respond – there was a knock at the door of the room. Merlin, Sirius knew he was in a tight spot, now. Crossing his fingers, he took a deep breath.

There was no difficult spot he had not been able to get out of yet.

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Old 06-15-2010, 12:51 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Theme # 16: Dragonhide gloves

Seamus Finnigan twirled his wand nervously, as he looked at the display in front of him. It was a glass case, full of a variety of objects. What especially caught his eye, though, was a pair of dragonhide gloves in gold, each with a little ruby stitched into the bottom left.

He paid for the pair, and accepted the case that the shopkeeper passed him, the one that contained the gloves. It looked like the perfect gift, for the girl he had his eyes on. Now the only problem was to muster up enough courage to give it to her.

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Old 06-15-2010, 12:53 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Theme # 17: Cauldron

James Potter looked markedly mischievous - and his wife, not impressed. Her arms were crossed against her chest, as she glared at him over the cauldron that separated them.

Which cauldron was belching out perfumed lavender vapours.

“You are not teaching Harry how to cook up a Love Potion.” Lily sounded more exasperated than angry, but it was clear that she was both. “He’s not even one, James!"

James placed the stirrer on the ground, and looked at Lily through oh-so-innocent, hazel eyes. “But he’s enjoying it, Lils. Don't you want him to enjoy?”

Lily sighed.

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Old 06-15-2010, 12:55 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Theme # 18: Whomping Willow

Blaise Zabini kicked a pebble lying on the ground. It flew through the air, landing by the Whomping Willow, which struck out a mighty branch and attacked nothing in particular, and everything in general.

“No need to take your anger out on nature, Zabini.”

He turned round, at the voice. “Nobody asked you to poke your large nose into my business, Weasley.”

Ginny did not look offended by the comment, at all. “Don’t worry. I expect you to be immature,” she said cheerfully, strolling off, hands tucked into the pockets of her ripped jeans.

Blaise kicked at another pebble.

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Old 06-15-2010, 12:57 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Theme # 19: Wand

Little Ollivander stepped into the wand shop, his eyes unusually bright. They were not often this happy. The misted silver was more often than not a silent shade, that was sometimes surprising to behold – too quiet, for such a young child.

He was not a quiet child, though. Even talkative if the occasion called for it, in fact. The kind of child who would rather stay silent; but, should something interest him, ask no end of questions related to it.

“Try this one,” the shopkeeper said, handing out a box to the little kid.

Ollivander accepted it, with quiet joy.

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Old 06-15-2010, 12:58 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Theme # 20: Hogsmeade

“You're kidding me!”

Oliver Wood had expected something that would make his stomach turn upon itself, in little, sticky knots. He had expected her to stare at him, to walk off, anything but this. Which was exactly why he gazed at her out of stunned eyes, Hogsmeade unfurling around them in all of its snowy magnificence.

“I'm.... not,” he said, quietly. It was almost a whisper. Alicia found that half ironic, given how long and loud he could ramble, at any amount of pep talks.

Then she grinned, and threw her arms around him.

“I love you, too!”

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Old 06-15-2010, 12:58 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Theme # 21: Veela

There was a number of people, who were jealous of Regulus Black. Some of them hated him, for no apparent reason; but more often than not, they had a very valid one. Such as the fact that Regulus was more intelligent, or handsome, or better at studies, or Quidditch. The list did not end there. Regulus could have been called a Gary Stu, and only one or two people would have doubted it.

But even those one or two would not doubt such a claim, now. Because the latest news was, the young Black’s new girlfriend was part-veela.

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Old 06-15-2010, 01:00 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Theme # 22: Kneazle

There was no doubt Teddy Lupin was exasperated by his daughter's choice in pets. Did she have to get herself a kneazle? She could have gotten something peaceful, like a matchbox turtle. But no, she had to get a cat that was suspicious of Teddy's hair, and growled like mad if the shade switched.

Shaking his head, he stepped into the lounge, his hair turning a dull shade of green when he spotted the part-kneazle on the sofa at the far end. The kneazle growled at him, and waved an evil-looking paw at him, in response.

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Old 06-15-2010, 01:01 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Theme # 23: Telescope

There are some people that are neither black, nor white. They are, surprisingly, not gray either.

You can not describe them, in words. You have to see them, meet them, to know who they are.

Mundungus Fletcher was, perhaps, one of these people. For him, it was like Christmas had come early. There was no doubt he was unhappy about Sirius's death. He had, for all the conflict between them, respected the Black.

But Sirius’s death had left him with a whole new source of income. Picking out the silver telescope and several, heavy goblets, Mundungus pocketed them.

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Old 06-15-2010, 02:40 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Theme # 24: House Elf

Dean Thomas stared. His mother was a witch, he knew, who liked her comfort. But when he had left for Hogwarts, the previous summer, he had never expected to come back to this.

“But a house elf?” He asked, trying to talk some sense. “Seriously, mum! We can handle our chores ourselves!”

“You mean I can handle everyone's chores,” Mrs. Thomas pointed out, rather dryly. When Dean did not respond, she added, more cheerfully, “Good news is, I haven't named him yet. I thought you might like to.”

“Can we just call him The Elf?”

Mrs. Thomas blinked.

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Old 06-15-2010, 02:44 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Theme # 25: Sorting Hat

There had never been a doubt, in the Sorting Hat's mind, that Neville Longbottom was a Gryffindor. It saw bravery, the moment the little boy scooped it up, letting the hat slide down his ears.

Neville, however, was not convinced. He had expected to end up in Hufflepuff because he was neither brave, nor cunning, nor intelligent – only a person with a desire to work hard, someone who knew where his own loyalties lay.

It would be another seven years, before Neville would sit down, and admit that the Sorting Hat had seen much better than him, after all.

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