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The doors of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes first opened in the summer of 1996, sparking the reality of what had been a dream for the Weasley twins. In the years since then, the laughter has continued and the bell above the door rings consistently in the busy times. The bright store has traded hands between a handful of shopkeepers, but the legacy of the Weasley twins continues through the light and laughter in the air at any moment of the day.
Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes sells a range of items, separated into different areas of the store over two floors. You’ll find a myriad of unorganised displays in the aisles enticing shoppers to buy both tricks and treats such as punching telescopes, canary creams and anti-gravity hats. In recent decades, the store has expanded their range of stock and now sells the very objects from your child’s wildest dreams.. toys and forever floating balloons! It’s not easy to miss, but on the right of the second floor is a violently pink area full of WonderWitch products. The display here is full of bright pink flowers and confetti surrounding the stock of love potions and other items. Just a few footsteps away is the Pygmy Puff area where you can select a new friend in all shades of pink and purple with a matching cage!
As you reach the back of the store, you’ll find the queue for the counter where the shopkeeper will get you served as quick as they can. If you were looking for the Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes brand of fireworks, then here’s where to come as they are stored behind the counter on the highest of shelves. Safety first, folks.
Text Cut: inventory
Basic Blaze Box – 5 galleons
Box o’ Rockets – 8 galleons
Deflagration Deluxe – 20 galleons
Explosive Enterprises – 150 galleons
Wildfire Whiz-Bangs – Price upon request, special orders only
Quidditch World Cup Fireworks
Each option supplies a 3 minute firework display.
Final 16 Team Specific (one team) - 100 galleons
Team vs Team (two teams) - 150 galleons
Player Specific (one player) - 100 galleons
Customer Choice (can be a mixture of those above, or longer time frame) - Price upon request
Fainting Fancy – 7 sickles (box of 12)
Fever Fudge – 7 sickles (box of 12)
Nosebleed Nougat – 7 sickles (box of 12)
Puking Pastilles – 7 sickles (box of 12)
Ton Tongue Toffees – 3 sickles (box of 6)
Canary Creams – 5 sickles (box of 16)
Edible Dark Marks – 5 sickles (box of 8)
Skiving Snackbox – 1 galleon (small selection of each of the above
Joe never thought he'd be bored in Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, but after working here for nearly a year he found that, yes, it was possible. Especially today, there had been barely anybody in the store so far. The plus side of this was that, if he got all the cleaning and restocking done, he could squeeze in some studying too. His ears were pricked for either the ding of the bell indicating customers had come in the front, or the alarm indicating the new shipment of toys joke supplies was waiting for him in the back. But in lieu of either of those sounds, he was leaning against the checkout counter with a textbook open, reviewing the chapter of Ancient and Modern Antidotes he'd struggled the most with.
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
Out of all the shops in the alley, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes was not one that interested her. Even though she was nine years old, a month shy of being ten, Gillyweed felt that she was too mature for the tricks and treats the place had to offer. Mandrake, on the other hand, had insisted that they take a look around since they had time. Not able to argue with his reasoning because their mum was still Christmas shopping, she agreed - under the condition that they go to the bookstore or Wiseacre's next.
Her brown eyes scanned the shop, taking in all of the colour that was splattered about. Gilly had to admit that, though chaotic, it did make things pop, which she was sure helped with sales. The advertising tactics, though, weren't tempting her at all. Belch Powder? Dungbombs? Nose-Biting Teacups? She was going to pass on all of that, thank you very much.
"Find anything interesting, Drakie?" the curly-haired girl asked her twin. She certainly hadn't.
Out of all the shops in the alley, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes was not one that interested her. Even though she was nine years old, a month shy of being ten, Gillyweed felt that she was too mature for the tricks and treats the place had to offer. Mandrake, on the other hand, had insisted that they take a look around since they had time. Not able to argue with his reasoning because their mum was still Christmas shopping, she agreed - under the condition that they go to the bookstore or Wiseacre's next.
Her brown eyes scanned the shop, taking in all of the colour that was splattered about. Gilly had to admit that, though chaotic, it did make things pop, which she was sure helped with sales. The advertising tactics, though, weren't tempting her at all. Belch Powder? Dungbombs? Nose-Biting Teacups? She was going to pass on all of that, thank you very much.
"Find anything interesting, Drakie?" the curly-haired girl asked her twin. She certainly hadn't.
While his sister was seemingly unimpressed, this nine year old was in heaven. The brightly colored balloons scattered throughout the store, the loud fireworks display with little miniature demos, the bright colored fluff balls that was clearly the Pygmy puffs. He wasn't actually sure where he wanted to look around first, so Gil's question of if there was anything interesting? "Everything looks interesting!" He chirped back at her, turning bright excited eyes towards her before looping his arm through hers and tugging her towards one of the displays.
Fireworks first, he supposed. Perhaps something that was most likely to get his sister also a LITTLE impressed, considering these weren't about 'immaturity' but instead just about enjoying pretty colors. Who didn't like that!? "Ooooh, how much of the sky do you think the Wizarding World Cup fireworks actually take up? Like... is it just ONE pop at a time or do you think they'd go all out and have like... 5-10?" He reached out to pick up one of the boxes, before hearing mums voice in his head reminding him to look with his eyes and not his hands and he stuffed them into his pockets instead. "You think mum would like a firework display for Christmas?"
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
Of course he would think that. Gilly forced herself not to roll her eyes at him. He instead received a deadpan stare, a classic trademark look of hers that she had perfected early in her life.
Before she could say something along the lines of 'I highly doubt everything here is interesting' or 'You're going to need to be more specific,' she was, begrudgingly, being tugged around the interior of 93 Diagon Alley. She did so without throwing a fuss, considering her brother was enjoying himself and she would have her moment to make him do what she wanted soon enough.
At least they were looking at the fireworks display. In her opinion, it was technically a waste of resources, but she did see the appeal to them. They could be pretty. "I imagine enough for everyone in a Quidditch stadium to see clearly. And I guess how many go off depends on how quickly they are lit and how long the fuse is," she replied as if the answer to that was common sense. "And you know Mum wants a simple, quiet Christmas." Or was that just her? Regardless, she was certain fireworks were not part of their plans for the holidays.
Drake glanced over at his sister, entirely unsurprised to see the expression she currently sported, although he supposed he was a little bit shocked there hadn't been an accompanying eyeroll. Reaching out with his index figure, he gently poked her nose. "Boop." She was very good at it, but he was also good at not being phased by it.
He would enjoy every moment inside the joke shop, because he knew what was waiting for him next - hours of booooooredom until Mom was ready to go, especially if she picked the bookstore for their next location. Books themselves were so boring, unless it was one of those that read itself to you so one could still be busy. Sometimes picture books were good too, but not like the ones for BABY'S (maybe some times those) but the ones with actual photography about interesting subjects.
"You don't think with magical ones it's not just... light it on fire once and then it paces itself on it's own?" He asked quizzically, stepping closer with his hands still buried deep in his pockets to look at the words on the packaging. "If not, we should develop that later. There must be a way to make it work with magic, and imagine how more enjoyable it would be for everyone if no one was stuck with having to figure out the... pacing or something of the booms!" A simple, quiet Christmas sounded endlessly boring to him, but if that's what everyone else wanted he would simply grin and enjoy it. Though that didn't stop the disappointment from flickering across his face. "Oh. Well, what do you think we should do for Mum?"
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
The boop and poking of the nose were entirely unnecessary. As silly as her brother's antics were though, a small smile did manage to appear on her lips. Drake somehow managed to amuse and, at times, bring her out of the shell she hid in, with this moment being no different from before.
She still wasn't the tiniest bit entertained with the job shop. But Gilly had to admit that the talk of fireworks was making it a little more bearable. Thought theorizing about their mass, volume, and longevity was keeping her mind busy. Unfortunately, she was no expert on this matter. "Maybe we should ask the clerk over there?" she suggested, moving her chin in the direction of the counter where she had seen a man reading.
"Hmm," she mused, thinking about his question for a moment. She tapped her left index finger on her chin for extra emphasis. "I am sure she'd like a Christmas breakfast. We could wake up early and surprise her. Otherwise, I am sure she'd just enjoy watching Christmas movies with us and sitting in front of the fireplace. We could do cookie decorating too." No loud booms were necessary. Time spent together as a family was all that was really needed. Their mum seemed to enjoy things like that.
And that small smile was clearly his success for the day. He grinned at his sister before doing a small victory spin. Every day his goal was to make his stone faced sister smile at leaaaast once, but the hope was more than.
He wasn't really all that interested in the mechanics of how a firework worked. Truthfully, he just liked to see them go boom in the sky and that was the extent of what his 9 year old brain retained about them. BUT he figured talking about how something worked and giving his sister's brain something to focus on other than her misery at being here, could potentially work in his favor. It was yet to be determined if he was right, but so far she hadn't asked to leave so... progress? "We could ask the shopkeeper if you want! But aren't we not supposed to talk to strangers?" Did that apply to employees?
Christmas breakfast was not that bad of an idea. And Drake's thoughtful nod indicated that he thought as much. "That sounds like a good plan to me! Do you know how to make anything? I know how to use the orange squeezer thing to make juice!" Fresh squeezed orange juice would be yummy right? "And uh... hard boiled eggs seem easy! Maybe waffles with the waffle maker?" That was just... pouring a liquid into the machine and waiting for a light to turn green right? Seemed simple enough. "I do like cookie decorating and movies too." So... why not all three suggestions?
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Joe had gotten caught up in his textbook (a sure sign he was pursuing the right course of study) and not quite noticed a few people enter the shop. And then, suddenly, he realized there were a pair of children... staring at the fireworks. Joseph nearly slammed his book shut, but managed to fold the corner of his page down. "Can I help you kids find anything?" he asked, trying to be casual and not sound at all suspicious like he thought they were up to something. It was only years of trouble- fun-making of his own that had led him to this job, and he wasn't about to risk it by selling fireworks to...these kids had to be, what, about eight?
If he wasn't willing to give fireworks to his own eleven-year-old brother, he sure as Merlin wasn't going to sell fireworks to a pair of...adorable children like these. "Have you seen the Headless Hats?"
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
Gilly could tell immediately from the look on his face that he had succeeded in letting her stoic guard down. If she had a wand of her own and was allowed to do magic, a hex might have been cast. Drake, fortunately, was safe. This was primarily because he was her twin and she would never do such a thing to her family. Everyone else, though, would have been fair game.
So she settled for a quick removal of that smile and rolled her eyes before allowing her brain to think about the mechanics of how the fireworks worked in addition to plans for Christmas Day. Was she going to ask that employee about the fireworks? No. She preferred not to speak with most people if she could get away with it. So she was going to let the man be.
But, of course, as she was about to respond to all of the things Drake said about Christmas breakfast and other holiday activities they could do with their mum, the man she had pointed out moments before was speaking to them. She was willing to bet some galleons that the man thought they were up to something.
"We're just looking," Gilly told him, her response short and to the point. She briefly thought about telling him they were browsing around while their mum shopped elsewhere in the alley, but that seemed unnecessary to her. As for the mention of Headless Hats, she forced herself to not roll her eyes. Why would someone want to be headless? Such a question she didn't ask. In her mind, there was a more important question to ask. "What book were you reading?"
The fact he was her twin was something he relied very heavily on keeping him safe from her big brain energy. Because allowed to use magic, means to use magic, or nah - his twin still had her ways of coming out on top in most situations. She was resourceful.
Drake was still a bit shocked she had mentioned that she had suggested they perhaps ask someone questions, but at the same time she didn't seem in a rush to go and ask anything and he wasn't really that interested. So... maybe another time. Except no sooner had they mentioned him, than it worked like a summoning charm and there he was. Drake watched Gil to see if she would ask anything, only to ROLL his eyes when she asked what he was reading. He loved his sister dearly - but goodness how not fun that line of conversation would be.
He, on the other hand, was happy to jump on that offer of Headless Hats. "I want to see those!! Do they really make you headless or just like... part of you invisible?"
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Just looking. Maybe it was because he'd hardly ever "just looked" in a joke shop, or maybe they were "just looking" a little too intently, but Joe didn't really believe the girl. He wasn't thrown by her interest in his book, either. "Potions textbook," he said simply. "Pretty boring. I fell asleep the first time I tried to read the chapter."
But the boy seemed interested in his suggestion, so Joe smiled more cheerfully at him and moved around to the front of the counter so he could point out the headless hats (and other harmless joke items) on display. "Just...sort of invisible," he admitted as he showed the two youngsters the hats. "If you want something real, I'd recommend the Canary Creams," he added. Again, a harmless joke item. "They really turn you into a canary, even if it's just for a bit."
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
She certainly was not in a rush to go bother the clerk, and she didn't anticipate being the one to initiate the conversation. Gilly had only suggested such a thing since her twin had all the questions about the fireworks. She would admit that she was interested in how they worked, but that curiosity was not enough to waltz up to a stranger. That was what Drake was for.
Speaking of Drake, she had seen that eye roll of his, which was only matched with a serious glare. Her eyes narrowed momentarily, only to return to the man that had come over to see what the duo was up to. Her expression changed at the mention of the 'pretty boring' potions textbook: one of her eyebrows rose. "Why is it boring? I find potions to be quite interesting." As an almost ten-year-old, she had read her fair share of books about potions and she managed to not fall asleep.
What she didn't find nearly as interesting were the Headless Hats and Canary Creams. If knowledge about how they were enchanted was shared, then perhaps she'd be more invested in the conversation. But, to her, it all seemed like a foolish use of magic, which she believed could have been used for more practical reasons. Nevertheless, she followed the two around the shop and listened silently, letting Drake enjoy himself and the joke products that the man wanted to flash at them.
The young boy was more than happy to trail along after the shop attendant who had more information on the stores wares. Especially when he was able to give recommendations, because the canary cream certainly sounded interesting... "Is that the one that actually turns you into a bird?" Of course it was, the shop attendant sit had just said that. Do people buy that as more of a prank or just an experience?" because given the fact he was only 9 and wandless... Anything that felt like real magic that he could get his hands on sounded excellent to him.
He had caught the glare at his initial eyeroll, and yet it did not stop Drake from giving a small scoff too when Gilly was all... Gilly and trying to talk more about potions. He looked back at the guy and gave a small smile. "If you think this is some weird ploy to scam you, I can assure my sister is dead serious. She likes information and learning and all of that. I'd much rather explode some fireworks." Which he could assure he would not be doing in your store sir, crossed his heart and hoped to lose an eye or.... Whatever the nursery rhyme was.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Joe didn't really want to focus on discussing his potions textbook as he wasn't technically supposed to be reading on the job. But he couldn't just ignore the kid's question, either. "Maybe it's not boring, then," he admitted. "Maybe I was just really tired." Which he could have been. He did not have the best study/sleep balance, especially given how much of his not-really-free time was dedicated to trying (unsuccessfully) to invent his own prank products. He'd get there eventually.
"It actually turns you into a bird, a giant canary, for...about sixty seconds," Joe said, exaggerating a bit. "It's a prank, normally..." He shrugged, slightly uncomfortable with encouraging these children to prank...whoever they intended to prank. Their parents? That was probably not going to be a good outcome, if they decided to feed their parents the canary creams.
Still, who they pranked wasn't his problem. There wasn't an age limit on Canary Cream sales.
"Having a canary cream yourself is fine, but part of the experience is the surprise of suddenly being a bird. It's exhilarating. One minute you're you, the next you've got feathers, then poof!" he snapped his fingers. "Then you're you again." All this talk of canary creams made him want to take a box home for his roommate. Maybe mail a box to Grayson.
His eyes narrowed as the boy turned the topic to fireworks. "I'm afraid I can't sell you fireworks," he said. Those did have an age limit. Well, maybe not an official one, but he was going to use his occasionally good judgment and not sell fireworks to a couple of children who weren't even old enough for Hogwarts. "The canary creams are your best option, I think."
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
The best way to get to know a little village was to visit every single shop, which is exactly what Octavia Mars was doing, however shopping wasn’t her particular forte, plus there were so many shops that it was seeming like it would warrant a second or third trip. An absolute drag but there was something very charming about Diagon Alley, that was already clear. She was actually here with both of her parents, who didn’t want to miss out on this opportunity to see such magical wonders, but she had in fact left them to browse cauldrons while she stepped into the joke shop. Priorities, of course.
Octavia hid her excitement and curiosity well and you would find her expression looking seriously fed up. She would argue that it was just the way her face naturally fell when she relaxed it. But as soon as she approached a popular product, unbeknownst to her, named U-No-Poo, it suddenly released a giggle from her lips. Just for a second, though. She looked around quickly.
If anyone saw her giggling like that she would quite positively DIE.
At the word poo, no less. GASP.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Originally Posted by Emzily
The best way to get to know a little village was to visit every single shop, which is exactly what Octavia Mars was doing, however shopping wasn’t her particular forte, plus there were so many shops that it was seeming like it would warrant a second or third trip. An absolute drag but there was something very charming about Diagon Alley, that was already clear. She was actually here with both of her parents, who didn’t want to miss out on this opportunity to see such magical wonders, but she had in fact left them to browse cauldrons while she stepped into the joke shop. Priorities, of course.
Octavia hid her excitement and curiosity well and you would find her expression looking seriously fed up. She would argue that it was just the way her face naturally fell when she relaxed it. But as soon as she approached a popular product, unbeknownst to her, named U-No-Poo, it suddenly released a giggle from her lips. Just for a second, though. She looked around quickly.
If anyone saw her giggling like that she would quite positively DIE.
At the word poo, no less. GASP.
Elias Greenwood had absolutely NO intention of visiting Weasley’s. In his opinion (which of course was the right one) the shop was immature and served no real purpose in the Wizarding World other than to irritate those on the receiving end of the ‘jokes’.
If there was one thing that Eli absolutely hated it was being laughed at or made fun of and being the centre of a practical joke was likely to push his temper over the edge.
Something had attracted him over that afternoon, call it curiosity perhaps? Or maybe he just wanted to stand in the corner and judge every child who happened to cross his path. To his surprise there was another child, a girl, whose expression looked about as unimpressed as his own did. The eleven year old found himself watching her for a while trying to figure out who she was.
What family did she belong to? Was she a first year too? What was she reading that she found so amusing?
He might’ve been staring for long enough that she would notice him there.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by Lottiepot
Elias Greenwood had absolutely NO intention of visiting Weasley’s. In his opinion (which of course was the right one) the shop was immature and served no real purpose in the Wizarding World other than to irritate those on the receiving end of the ‘jokes’.
If there was one thing that Eli absolutely hated it was being laughed at or made fun of and being the centre of a practical joke was likely to push his temper over the edge.
Something had attracted him over that afternoon, call it curiosity perhaps? Or maybe he just wanted to stand in the corner and judge every child who happened to cross his path. To his surprise there was another child, a girl, whose expression looked about as unimpressed as his own did. The eleven year old found himself watching her for a while trying to figure out who she was.
What family did she belong to? Was she a first year too? What was she reading that she found so amusing?
He might’ve been staring for long enough that she would notice him there.
Who even thought of these products? More to the point, why would someone buy them and find a reason to use them? Although she quite liked the idea of the punching telescope which was nearby, as she traced her finger along the price tag. Yep, she was definitely going to choose that over U-No-Poo.
Once Octavia was finally over the humiliation of her giggle!blunder, and satisfied that no one saw or noticed, in her peripheral vision she caught a glimpse of some CREEPOZOID gawking at her. She stared at him for a few moments, becoming more and more stressed about it the longer she dragged it out without saying anything.
It just had to be done.
"What? Would you like my autograph?" Her voice was raised enough so that the boy would definitely hear her. Had he never seen a muggle-born before? Was something about her behaviour making it obvious? Because Octavia was one thousand percent trying to blend in here, although laughing at poo products wasn't a good start.
And this punching telescope was about to face its first victim as Octavia picked one up off the shelf.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Diagon Alley so far has been…alright. It reminded him of a village in those old movies that desperately needed a renovation. What year were they in? 2111, that’s what. And the street, why was it so lumpy? It was a hazard. What if a child ran and face-planted a lump on the road? Not that he cared, he’d probably be amused depending on how it happened, but it put pedestrians in harm's way.
He didn’t care, honestly. This was just his brain making up scenarios to keep Ares entertained as he examined the fireworks section. He had his hoodie up, half covering his ink black curls, hands tucked into his pockets, as he stood in a confident, yet relaxed posture.
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Originally Posted by Emzily
Who even thought of these products? More to the point, why would someone buy them and find a reason to use them? Although she quite liked the idea of the punching telescope which was nearby, as she traced her finger along the price tag. Yep, she was definitely going to choose that over U-No-Poo.
Once Octavia was finally over the humiliation of her giggle!blunder, and satisfied that no one saw or noticed, in her peripheral vision she caught a glimpse of some CREEPOZOID gawking at her. She stared at him for a few moments, becoming more and more stressed about it the longer she dragged it out without saying anything.
It just had to be done.
"What? Would you like my autograph?" Her voice was raised enough so that the boy would definitely hear her. Had he never seen a muggle-born before? Was something about her behaviour making it obvious? Because Octavia was one thousand percent trying to blend in here, although laughing at poo products wasn't a good start.
And this punching telescope was about to face its first victim as Octavia picked one up off the shelf.
What a ridiculous question. Who did this girl think she was, a celebrity?! Even if she WAS Elias would have absolutely no interest in her fame whatsoever. His interests lay in pursuits of the academic kind, he’d be much more likely to want the autograph of a famous duellist or a champion Wizards Chess player.
The look that had been somewhat of an interested ponder switched quickly to a scowl. “Who said I was looking at you?” he snapped back. Yes he might’ve been but for all she knew he was watching the person behind her or looking at the display of oddities to her left. What had begun as curiosity for the girl who was similar to him in that her excitement wasn’t nauseatingly over-the-top like the rest of these students had now morphed into an uptight and defensive attitude.
There was some truth about not seeing a Muggleborn before though as the Greenwoods, at least his branch of the tree, didn’t associate themselves with Muggles often. “Collecting autographs is for little children and obsessed fans” And NOT for mature mini-adults that he considered himself to be.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by Lottiepot
What a ridiculous question. Who did this girl think she was, a celebrity?! Even if she WAS Elias would have absolutely no interest in her fame whatsoever. His interests lay in pursuits of the academic kind, he’d be much more likely to want the autograph of a famous duellist or a champion Wizards Chess player.
The look that had been somewhat of an interested ponder switched quickly to a scowl. “Who said I was looking at you?” he snapped back. Yes he might’ve been but for all she knew he was watching the person behind her or looking at the display of oddities to her left. What had begun as curiosity for the girl who was similar to him in that her excitement wasn’t nauseatingly over-the-top like the rest of these students had now morphed into an uptight and defensive attitude.
There was some truth about not seeing a Muggleborn before though as the Greenwoods, at least his branch of the tree, didn’t associate themselves with Muggles often. “Collecting autographs is for little children and obsessed fans” And NOT for mature mini-adults that he considered himself to be.
What was really ridiculous was this boys attitude. Who pooped in his cornflakes this morning? Seriously?!
Octavia’s mouth parted a little and she looked the boy up and down, silently judging him. “I’m not blind,” she began, “you were staring right at me, for ages, and I want to know why.” Even if it was because he thought she was pretty, she wanted to know. Although given his manner, it would end with a go away anyway. She did start to get a little nervous about whether it was to do with her blood status, as from readings of magical history she had recently done, there were some pure blooded families still out there that had problems with others like herself.
But saying that - Octavia felt confident she could win against this guy.
“But we are children.” Sorry to burst your bubble there, “and actually, I would consider collecting autographs - or collecting anything, such as stamps or plushies - to be a very age appropriate activity for us right now.” You wouldn’t catch any child younger than themselves at a concert trying to pin a celebrity down.
Octavia wasn’t particularly interested in collecting anything. But she did like to go crazy buying London merch whenever she was in the big city. It was all about the I heart London, and she certainly had stocked up on a couple of items during their trip today.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Cornflakes?! What on EARTH were they? No, Elias had a big boys breakfast ready to help him grow tall and strong.
Also he did NOT like the stare she was giving him and had he not had the confidence of a heard of centaurs he might’ve been a little self-conscious about it. But Elias never backed down from a challenge, or at least a verbal one. Anything physical and he was more likely to go crying back to Mummy but SHE didn’t need to know that. The frown turned into a scowl. “You were laughing,” he answered matter-of-factly. Perhaps if she didn’t want the attention she’d do better to keep her mouth shut. “At something stupid I’m no doubt sure.” Because they were in this stupid shop he wished he hadn’t gone to in the first place.
Just because their age said so didn’t mean they HAD to act immature. Perhaps Elias would be inclined to collect antique chess boards or particularly special editions of books but there was no way he’d be found buying stuffed animals (even if there WAS a plushie Dragon in his bed at home but nobody needed to know that). “Doesn’t mean we have to act like them.” His arms folded across his chest as he gave HER the judgmental look up and down that she had given him before glancing around at the rest of the shop which he looked down at from the end of his nose.
“This shop is ridiculous.” He mumbled to no one in particular.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by Lottiepot
Cornflakes?! What on EARTH were they? No, Elias had a big boys breakfast ready to help him grow tall and strong.
Also he did NOT like the stare she was giving him and had he not had the confidence of a heard of centaurs he might’ve been a little self-conscious about it. But Elias never backed down from a challenge, or at least a verbal one. Anything physical and he was more likely to go crying back to Mummy but SHE didn’t need to know that. The frown turned into a scowl. “You were laughing,” he answered matter-of-factly. Perhaps if she didn’t want the attention she’d do better to keep her mouth shut. “At something stupid I’m no doubt sure.” Because they were in this stupid shop he wished he hadn’t gone to in the first place.
Just because their age said so didn’t mean they HAD to act immature. Perhaps Elias would be inclined to collect antique chess boards or particularly special editions of books but there was no way he’d be found buying stuffed animals (even if there WAS a plushie Dragon in his bed at home but nobody needed to know that). “Doesn’t mean we have to act like them.” His arms folded across his chest as he gave HER the judgmental look up and down that she had given him before glancing around at the rest of the shop which he looked down at from the end of his nose.
“This shop is ridiculous.” He mumbled to no one in particular.
Octavia would have snorted at big boys breakfast, if he had said that out loud. She had never considered cornflakes to be childish, considering she and her siblings of many big ages all ate it.
Her expression softened into more amusement. Winding up this kid was actually quite funny, but she did wonder what she had done to personally upset him so much. Octavia was only in the market to make friends, not enemies before she’d even started school. “How dare I laugh in a joke shop.” She rolled her eyes. Any embarrassment she had about laughing over poop had completely diminished. It was FUNNY. “I was laughing at this,” she pointed at the U-No-Poo, hoping that he would let out a little chuckle as well.
“Indeed,” she agreed, “But life would be very boring if we didn’t act like kids sometimes.” Even grown ups acted like children sometimes and that was perfectly okay. Octavia sighed as the boy continued to express his negativity. “Dude, you need to lighten up. Want me to teach you? I’m Octavia, by the way.” She would find him at Hogwarts and help him, because Merlin he needed it.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Unfortunately Elias made a habit of being easy to wind up and therefore the number of ‘enemies’ he was able to make in a short period of time was alarmingly large for a child of such a young age. He didn’t take being wound up too well and would either bark back with all the might of a Chihuahua or go running off to Mum if he got overly upset. Not that he’d EVER admit that. “But nothing in here is remotely FUNNY. In fact everything is stupid and childish and pointless.” In his opinion anyway. Why anyone needed Nosebleed Nougat or Frog Spawn soap was beyond him. “You were laughing at the word ‘poo’?” NOW he was definitely judging her immaturity. Sadly Eli did not share in her chuckle.
The only time that Elias truly acted like a child was when in the company of Dragons. His eyes would light up like.. well like a kid in a sweet shop and his face be filled with an expression of endless awe. His Great Uncle Nathan had taken them to a reserve recently and it had blown his mind.
One of Elias’ pet peeves was being told to ‘lighten up’. It was something he heard from his brother and he definitely didn’t need to hear it from a girl he had never met before. His eyes narrowed a fraction at her question, annoyed that she even dared to utter it. “No.” Came his simple and yet completely obvious answer. The only things he wanted to be taught were whatever their Professors had to say in order to breeze through his education with perfect grades. Elias had a m b i t i o n s you see and no distractions were getting in HIS way.
He supposed he could introduce himself though. There was no harm in an unknown knowing who he was. “Elias Greenwood.” Second son to Carlos Greenwood, Grandson to patriarch Ewan Greenwood. In other words big scary family with far too much influence in particular aspects of the Wizarding World.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by Lottiepot
Unfortunately Elias made a habit of being easy to wind up and therefore the number of ‘enemies’ he was able to make in a short period of time was alarmingly large for a child of such a young age. He didn’t take being wound up too well and would either bark back with all the might of a Chihuahua or go running off to Mum if he got overly upset. Not that he’d EVER admit that. “But nothing in here is remotely FUNNY. In fact everything is stupid and childish and pointless.” In his opinion anyway. Why anyone needed Nosebleed Nougat or Frog Spawn soap was beyond him. “You were laughing at the word ‘poo’?” NOW he was definitely judging her immaturity. Sadly Eli did not share in her chuckle.
The only time that Elias truly acted like a child was when in the company of Dragons. His eyes would light up like.. well like a kid in a sweet shop and his face be filled with an expression of endless awe. His Great Uncle Nathan had taken them to a reserve recently and it had blown his mind.
One of Elias’ pet peeves was being told to ‘lighten up’. It was something he heard from his brother and he definitely didn’t need to hear it from a girl he had never met before. His eyes narrowed a fraction at her question, annoyed that she even dared to utter it. “No.” Came his simple and yet completely obvious answer. The only things he wanted to be taught were whatever their Professors had to say in order to breeze through his education with perfect grades. Elias had a m b i t i o n s you see and no distractions were getting in HIS way.
He supposed he could introduce himself though. There was no harm in an unknown knowing who he was. “Elias Greenwood.” Second son to Carlos Greenwood, Grandson to patriarch Ewan Greenwood. In other words big scary family with far too much influence in particular aspects of the Wizarding World.
It did beg the question why this boy had bothered entering this shop when he had no sense of humour. Perhaps he sought to find one and thought this was the best place. If that were the case, then Octavia could only applaud his efforts. It wasn’t likely to be the case, though, was it? “You're not wrong, everything is childish and pointless.” She smirked and shrugged at the same time, but her smile fading at his next question as she felt the embarrassment returning. Shaking it off, she replied, “I did, yeah. Maybe I’ll use it on people who are boring.” Meueheh.
No. Well, how very rude. Octavia frowned a little. “Why not?” She asked simply. It would be very interesting to hear his response, although probably involves the words childish and immature. He was already predictable.
At least he gave her the decency to introduce himself, she supposed. Octavia nodded slowly, making a mental note. She didn’t really have any intentions of revealing her surname just yet, although it likely wouldn’t be long until he found out, provided he was also attending the same school. “I’m starting Hogwarts this September.” She said, hopeful that Elias would provide her with some insight about how things worked at the magical school/world..
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream