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Situated on the South Side of the Street you can find a rather hip spot: the Shrunken Head Bowling Alley. You heard that right: shrunken heads. There are no muggle bowling balls here. The shrunken heads have opinions and aren't shy to taunt and tell you if you are rubbish. Be aware too that the bowling pins have a tendency to suddenly disappear, move or reappear when you least want them to. Whether you're part of one of the leagues or if you're a social player, come on in: this is the perfect place to kick back with your mates and have a laugh.
The first thing you notice upon entering the bowling alley is the flashing banner right above the counter indicating that this is where the most important person of this establishment is and where you should go first. The counter has the perfect spot, overseeing all the other areas of the bowling alley, so don't try to sneak your way past. A little further down the counter, you can find the Snack Bar, should you feel hungry. It is also overseen by the shopkeeper, which is why the two are directly connected to each other so they can easily offer assistance at both in just a few steps.
Beyond the counter and snack bar awaits the bowling lanes, divided up into three sectors: One to Four, Five to Eight and Nine to Twelve. Even from here you can hear distinct shouts from one of the bowling balls, telling whoever just threw it what a terrible player they are and that they are probably better off going home and knitting a pair of nice woolen socks. Should you not be that much into bowling, make sure to check out the Gaming Corner slightly to the left of the bowling lanes. A small variety of games have been set up, providing you and your friends with an alternative to bowling.
*The proprietor is not responsible for any injuries that may befall customers who drink/eat potentially hazardous items on the menu. If you don't know that the flames on the flaming chili cheese fries are real, and should be put out before consumption, then you shouldn't be eating them. You also shouldn't be drinking exploding lemonade or ordering biting nachos for that matter. Or Acid sauce. How is it you are capable of ordering for yourself?
This shop is owned by an NPC and is a part of the IC Shopkeeper initiative. For details, please see this thread.
*randomly tagged* | Norbert(a) | The Wandmaker (tm)
Bowling wasn’t the quidditch game he had thought they would be going to tonight. Conley was greatly disappointed. Quidditch, after all, held a special place his his affections considering he and Sachin had had first real date at the Quidditch World cup over ten years ago. It had become a tradition to go to at least one game around this time of year. But the game had been canceled due to weather conditions being too dangerous for players and fans alike. He tried to tell himself it was for the best that they weren't going to get struck by lightening or whisked off to Oz in a tornado.
It was still a night out right? The kids were at their grandparents for the night and neither of them had work to do. If it wouldn’t make Conley feel guilty, he might admit that it was date-night long overdue and much needed. ”When was the last time you bowled?” he asked Sachin as they approached the counter to get shoes. He had his own shoes, but they were at home. The quidditch game had been canceled at the last minute and this was Conley's attempt to try and do something fun. ”Should we get a pizza too?”
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Con! <3
Originally Posted by Krel Ansell
Bowling wasn’t the quidditch game he had thought they would be going to tonight. Conley was greatly disappointed. Quidditch, after all, held a special place his his affections considering he and Sachin had had first real date at the Quidditch World cup over ten years ago. It had become a tradition to go to at least one game around this time of year. But the game had been canceled due to weather conditions being too dangerous for players and fans alike. He tried to tell himself it was for the best that they weren't going to get struck by lightening or whisked off to Oz in a tornado.
It was still a night out right? The kids were at their grandparents for the night and neither of them had work to do. If it wouldn’t make Conley feel guilty, he might admit that it was date-night long overdue and much needed. ”When was the last time you bowled?” he asked Sachin as they approached the counter to get shoes. He had his own shoes, but they were at home. The quidditch game had been canceled at the last minute and this was Conley's attempt to try and do something fun. ”Should we get a pizza too?”
Sachin certainly shared Conley’s disappointment with regard to the Quidditch match; the sport had always held his interest. He also shared the relief that there was minimal chances of being hit by lightning now that the two were safely in the Bowling Alley. The most Sachin had to worry about was accidentally slipping on the polished floors.
This definitely counted as a night out, and it definitely counted as a date. Sachin positively loved going on dates with Conley; this one was special since it had been a while since there had been any. Work, managing two kids, pets and a home did that. “It’s been a while,’’ he admitted, giving the Alley’s keeper his shoe size. “I think that I’ll be able to outdo you, however.” The Ambassador gave the other man a fond smile before checking out the snack bar briefly. “Sure! French fries too? Maybe we can also get some to go for Radhi and Levi.” Always thinking of those two munchkins he was. That was fatherhood, after all, and he loved it there.
*randomly tagged* | Norbert(a) | The Wandmaker (tm)
"Oh, I'm not so sure about that, you whippersnapper." Conley was a pretty good bowler, even if he hadn't bowled in a while. Sachin's competitiveness was one of the many, many things he loved about the man standing next to him. Another was the fact that Sachin never let him forget how much older than him Conley was, hence the whippersnapper jab. He gave the worker his shoe size and then placed their food order adding two sodas to the mix and then paid for two rounds of bowling. ”Common, let’s go find some heads to toss around.”
It took Conley a bit longer then he would have liked to find a head he felt wouldn’t insult him too much. The first three had told him to bugger off and go change out of his grandfather's bathrobe. The fourth had mentioned something about his nose hair, but the one he decided would be ok, only told him he would probably pull a muscle. After depositing the head on the ball head-return, Conley changed into the rented shoes. ”So…age before beauty?” he asked as he pulled out a score sheet.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Con! <3
Originally Posted by Krel Ansell
"Oh, I'm not so sure about that, you whippersnapper." Conley was a pretty good bowler, even if he hadn't bowled in a while. Sachin's competitiveness was one of the many, many things he loved about the man standing next to him. Another was the fact that Sachin never let him forget how much older than him Conley was, hence the whippersnapper jab. He gave the worker his shoe size and then placed their food order adding two sodas to the mix and then paid for two rounds of bowling. ”Common, let’s go find some heads to toss around.”
It took Conley a bit longer then he would have liked to find a head he felt wouldn’t insult him too much. The first three had told him to bugger off and go change out of his grandfather's bathrobe. The fourth had mentioned something about his nose hair, but the one he decided would be ok, only told him he would probably pull a muscle. After depositing the head on the ball head-return, Conley changed into the rented shoes. ”So…age before beauty?” he asked as he pulled out a score sheet.
Bowling hadn’t been a part of his life until he began dating Conley. He rather thought that he had been missing out on the delights of this until they had had a bowling date. Sachin wasn’t on par with his husband’s level of talent but he did think that he was good enough to provide Conley with a worthy challenge. At the jab, the Ambassador smiled widely; it was an innocent, amused one. “I might be young and overconfident but I certainly am not inexperienced at bowling! Prepare to struggle today with keeping up.” Chuckling, Sachin leaned in to give Conley a peck on the cheek. Thank goodness the other man didn’t get offended at such jokes!
After pulling on the borrowed shoes, Sachin busied himself with trying to hide his laughter at the rude heads. Poor Con. He was starting to think that at this rate, the hubby was unlikely to find any so that they could kick this game off. Sachin himself did not have that much of a difficult time locating one. Insults about being butterfingered or smelly went right over his own head.
“Why not? One should treat their elders with respect, after all.” So, bowl away, Con!
*randomly tagged* | Norbert(a) | The Wandmaker (tm)
”Elder eh?” he asked as the shrunken head he was holding spoke up and agreed with Sachin that Conley was, indeed old and needed to watch out that he didn’t throw out his back tossing him down the lane. ”Shall we make this more exciting and put a bet on it? Say… winner does…” he had to think about it. ”Bathtime for a week, including Duke.” While Duke loved swimming and creeks and mud puddles, the old dog certainly hated bathtime. Bathtime with the kiddos though was always fun.
He leaned over and gave Sachin a kiss. ”For luck, because you’re going to need it.” And with a laugh he got up and chucked the head down the lane. It made a foul-mouthed comment as it bounced and then rolled into the pins knocking down and leaving up three. It wasn’t a bad toss, but the night was still young. The head returned making some sort of comment about how it was rather late for someone Conley’s age to be out and about. Conley picked it back up and tossed it back down the lane, picking up two more pins.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Con! <3
Originally Posted by Krel Ansell
”Elder eh?” he asked as the shrunken head he was holding spoke up and agreed with Sachin that Conley was, indeed old and needed to watch out that he didn’t throw out his back tossing him down the lane. ”Shall we make this more exciting and put a bet on it? Say… winner does…” he had to think about it. ”Bathtime for a week, including Duke.” While Duke loved swimming and creeks and mud puddles, the old dog certainly hated bathtime. Bathtime with the kiddos though was always fun.
He leaned over and gave Sachin a kiss. ”For luck, because you’re going to need it.” And with a laugh he got up and chucked the head down the lane. It made a foul-mouthed comment as it bounced and then rolled into the pins knocking down and leaving up three. It wasn’t a bad toss, but the night was still young. The head returned making some sort of comment about how it was rather late for someone Conley’s age to be out and about. Conley picked it back up and tossed it back down the lane, picking up two more pins.
Sachin smiled widely, and rather confidently too. He loved a good bet with the husband! A little friendly competition helped to keep the spark between them. Also, Conley was not a sore loser which was a bonus whenever Sachin won. “I’m all in! Prepare to spend most of your time being soaked.” Because Levi loved splashing, Duke loved shaking himself furiously to be rid of water and Merlin knew Radhika had her moments.
The younger man wasted no time in kissing his other half back {because he absolutely refused to miss an opportunity to give and receive kisses}. “I hope you don’t regret sharing that luck with me later on, husband dearest.” And with that, Sachin settled back to watch Conley have a go at the pins. Truthfully, Con was really good at bowling and had much more experience at it than Sachin did. “So close, yet so far away,’’ Sach teased. Then it was his turn.
His first roll yielded six pins being knocked down while the second, with the head yelling at him that he had as much bowling talent as a peanut, yielded three.
“How’s that for a start?” Sachin asked Conley, grin in place and eyes bright with confidence.
This summer had been amazing and eventful and perhaps one of the greatest summers she'd yet to have in her 16 years of life. But with as busy as it had been, that also meant she had not had the same amount of time as usual to spend with her favorite people. Whereof meant that Sia and Vera time was very desperately needed, because she missed her best friend. So Vera had suggested they go out for shrunken head bowling! It wasn't something they did super often, but it still could end up being fun.
Very gently, Ve shoved her best friend through the door first, carefully following after her and letting it then close behind them as first mate linked her arm through the Captain's and led the pair of them further into the establishment, heading straight for the counter so they could pay and get their equipment. "I decided to buy us gloves for this. I mean, I'm not much of a germaphobe but I don't know how you would go about sanitizing a head in a humane way so... it seemed like a good idea. And who knows, maybe we can start some bowling fashion trend!" the brunette chattered, smiling at the blond. "How's your summer been so far, by the way?"
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
As her birthday fell in the summer holidays and with her Ma (as shocking as it still was) being heavily pregnant and therefore the family unable to go on their annual vacation, Aurora had decided to make the most of the time off from school to do as many fun things as possible. On today’s agenda was a quick game of bowling, an activity she hadn’t participated in for a long time. There was a long list of friends she could invite along but there was only one who was competitive enough to make the game the serious challenge that she was craving. Solomon.
That and the boy was one of her besties and his company was one she enjoyed greatly, even when he was in his grumpy teenage boy mood.
Her blonde hair was tied up into a high ponytail so it wouldn’t get in the way. Now that she was going to be a fourth year and arguably much more mature than her previous years, she was trying to steer clear of her trademark braided pigtails and with her sister’s help was embarking on a journey with makeup. How long it would last into the new term before she got bored of having to look ‘nice’ and ended up back in her usual muddy dungarees was up for debate. Today she was sporting a casual look of denim shorts and a t-shirt considering the weather was nice and a dress would be a hindrance when it came to this activity.
The fourteen year old stood by the entrance and awaited the company of her friend, humming to herself gleefully.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by Lottiepot
As her birthday fell in the summer holidays and with her Ma (as shocking as it still was) being heavily pregnant and therefore the family unable to go on their annual vacation, Aurora had decided to make the most of the time off from school to do as many fun things as possible. On today’s agenda was a quick game of bowling, an activity she hadn’t participated in for a long time. There was a long list of friends she could invite along but there was only one who was competitive enough to make the game the serious challenge that she was craving. Solomon.
That and the boy was one of her besties and his company was one she enjoyed greatly, even when he was in his grumpy teenage boy mood.
Her blonde hair was tied up into a high ponytail so it wouldn’t get in the way. Now that she was going to be a fourth year and arguably much more mature than her previous years, she was trying to steer clear of her trademark braided pigtails and with her sister’s help was embarking on a journey with makeup. How long it would last into the new term before she got bored of having to look ‘nice’ and ended up back in her usual muddy dungarees was up for debate. Today she was sporting a casual look of denim shorts and a t-shirt considering the weather was nice and a dress would be a hindrance when it came to this activity.
The fourteen year old stood by the entrance and awaited the company of her friend, humming to herself gleefully.
Egotistical would be the correct word to use if Solomon knew that he was Aurora’s first choice of a FUN companion. Truthfully, as much as he dreaded facing the sunlight this morning, he needed the laugh as his social life had fallen completely off the grid so far during summer. It wasn’t his favourite time of year, but recent months were full of teen angst amongst other things. Let’s just say that Solly’s fifth year had the potential to go very quietly, or go off with a bang. Quiet would be preferred, though.
Despite the glaring sun, Solomon was still wearing a beanie hat to tame the curls upon his head that seemed to be growing out of control. He had toyed with the idea of a man!bun, but after many failed attempts, he had decided that he totally couldn’t pull it off. Perhaps one day when he was capable of growing facial hair. Or maybe one of his girlfriends could make something of his mop.
At least 7 minutes later than the agreed time of meeting, Solly had a rush in his step when he arrived at the bowling alley, almost not recognising his friend but also knowing it was her there waiting because he knew she’d arrive before him. and obviously on time. He titled his head to the side, squinting his eyes because of the sun, but noticing the make up she was wearing. He thought nothing of it, really. She looked good, which was lucky for her otherwise he would immediately make fun of her with some sort of clown remark.
“‘Ello. Sorry I’m a bit late.” He used his hand to shield his eyes from the sun and to get a better look at her. His face relaxed and eyes could breath again.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
This summer had been amazing and eventful and perhaps one of the greatest summers she'd yet to have in her 16 years of life. But with as busy as it had been, that also meant she had not had the same amount of time as usual to spend with her favorite people. Whereof meant that Sia and Vera time was very desperately needed, because she missed her best friend. So Vera had suggested they go out for shrunken head bowling! It wasn't something they did super often, but it still could end up being fun.
Very gently, Ve shoved her best friend through the door first, carefully following after her and letting it then close behind them as first mate linked her arm through the Captain's and led the pair of them further into the establishment, heading straight for the counter so they could pay and get their equipment. "I decided to buy us gloves for this. I mean, I'm not much of a germaphobe but I don't know how you would go about sanitizing a head in a humane way so... it seemed like a good idea. And who knows, maybe we can start some bowling fashion trend!" the brunette chattered, smiling at the blond. "How's your summer been so far, by the way?"
It was a very short list of people who could push Sable Ileana around. Her parents, naturally. Sterling and Juli, also somewhat obvious. Grandpa Niko, mostly just so as to retain usage of his boat. A certain Mordaunt boy, although odds were he was unaware of the fact (and the 16 year old blonde was around eighty-five percent certain he was). And her first mate. Bestie got bestie privileges, after all. Especially when it felt like it had been practically all summer that she’d been without her, something of which she’d reminded her rather animatedly as they had started their little outing.
“Probably a good idea”, she agreed, passing over a few coins to pay her way because, even if she was a pirate, she could pay her own way for most things. It was just borrowed funds as opposed to properly earned ones, and she wasn’t about to take Ve’s hard-earned money anyhow. Except for the gloves. “Also, I really don’t want to consider how they might sterilize shrunken heads anyhow? Besides, it might affect them adversely.” Arguing with the heads could be awfully amusing, after all.
She’d laughed at the question. “Not as eventful as I’m guessing yours was”, she prefaced, bringing back the earlier complaints before shrugging. “Normal. Went out on Grandpa’s boat, hung out with Ster and Juli…” She was still campaigning for a “niece” or “nephew” after all, and she liked to let Juli visit with Mo too since she’s the reason she has the crup.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
It was a very short list of people who could push Sable Ileana around. Her parents, naturally. Sterling and Juli, also somewhat obvious. Grandpa Niko, mostly just so as to retain usage of his boat. A certain Mordaunt boy, although odds were he was unaware of the fact (and the 16 year old blonde was around eighty-five percent certain he was). And her first mate. Bestie got bestie privileges, after all. Especially when it felt like it had been practically all summer that she’d been without her, something of which she’d reminded her rather animatedly as they had started their little outing.
“Probably a good idea”, she agreed, passing over a few coins to pay her way because, even if she was a pirate, she could pay her own way for most things. It was just borrowed funds as opposed to properly earned ones, and she wasn’t about to take Ve’s hard-earned money anyhow. Except for the gloves. “Also, I really don’t want to consider how they might sterilize shrunken heads anyhow? Besides, it might affect them adversely.” Arguing with the heads could be awfully amusing, after all.
She’d laughed at the question. “Not as eventful as I’m guessing yours was”, she prefaced, bringing back the earlier complaints before shrugging. “Normal. Went out on Grandpa’s boat, hung out with Ster and Juli…” She was still campaigning for a “niece” or “nephew” after all, and she liked to let Juli visit with Mo too since she’s the reason she has the crup.
Vera wanted to waive off the offering of coins by her best friend, insisting she did in fact WANT to treat her today, but she also knew their obstinance was a shared trait and it was a toss up which of the girls would win if they argued over the coin now. And that was just so much wasted effort when there were many, many other things they could have been discussing instead. So she simply took the coin, offering a "Thank you" as she did so. "Agreed! I can't think of anyway that they could that wouldn't end up with like... low key drowning them." How much could the heads think and feel and everything too though? Were they a charmed item, were they a type of being still?? It was questions she hadn't thought to ask, but they were certainly flitting around her mind now. "Do you think the heads can get sick from all our germs too?"
As Sia began sharing her summer, she smiled slightly at the remark, listening intently though as she continued on. "The boat is always fun though! I'm a little disappointed we weren't able to squeeze in a trip for the two of us that way this summer too. Next year, definitely right?" It would be their last summer as Hogwarts students. They'd have to enjoy the time together while they could! "Any news on the baby front?" Her cousin had been married for ages now hadn't he??? Wasn't it time???!
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Originally Posted by Emzily
Egotistical would be the correct word to use if Solomon knew that he was Aurora’s first choice of a FUN companion. Truthfully, as much as he dreaded facing the sunlight this morning, he needed the laugh as his social life had fallen completely off the grid so far during summer. It wasn’t his favourite time of year, but recent months were full of teen angst amongst other things. Let’s just say that Solly’s fifth year had the potential to go very quietly, or go off with a bang. Quiet would be preferred, though.
Despite the glaring sun, Solomon was still wearing a beanie hat to tame the curls upon his head that seemed to be growing out of control. He had toyed with the idea of a man!bun, but after many failed attempts, he had decided that he totally couldn’t pull it off. Perhaps one day when he was capable of growing facial hair. Or maybe one of his girlfriends could make something of his mop.
At least 7 minutes later than the agreed time of meeting, Solly had a rush in his step when he arrived at the bowling alley, almost not recognising his friend but also knowing it was her there waiting because he knew she’d arrive before him. and obviously on time. He titled his head to the side, squinting his eyes because of the sun, but noticing the make up she was wearing. He thought nothing of it, really. She looked good, which was lucky for her otherwise he would immediately make fun of her with some sort of clown remark.
“‘Ello. Sorry I’m a bit late.” He used his hand to shield his eyes from the sun and to get a better look at her. His face relaxed and eyes could breath again.
If Solomon was late then Aurora had barely noticed. Or perhaps she just didn’t mind as people watching was a worthwhile activity whilst she waited by the front door. When her friend did come into view, the blonde grinned and bounded over for a hug as her usual greeting. She’d been warned of personal space boundaries and whatever but this was Solly and clearly those rules didn’t apply when it came to best friends.
Or just friends. Or people she barely knew but who looked like they needed some physical contact. “It’s okay, I was watching this family play” she nodded her head over in the direction of a lane that was occupied. “Getting some super secret intel for how to get a strike.” It was obvious that Solly would be competitive and Aurora wasn’t willing to let him win without a decent fight today.
The fourteen year old hadn’t actually been bowling at this particular place before nor had she ever bowled with shrunken heads. It was the muggle kind she was used to where you had to wear those funny clown shoes with anti-slip which explained why she was heading over to the counter in just a pair of socks, her own shoes in her hand. Her toes wiggled as she asked the assistant for two games, up on tip-toes as she still hadn’t gone through that promised growth spurt quite yet.
Wizarding World RPG Admin St. Mungo's Mod WWW Mod Alley Proprietor
Join Date: May 2003
Location: In the Blue (EST)
Posts: 7,107
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ean Zoilo Feirgrund
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jansher Leon Grunt
Fifth Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diego Mason Melo-Dreamer
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Dionysus Scorpius Laramore
Seventh Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Paul Lee Gen Rocker
Third Year
Ministry Department Head:
Firash Zarko Grunt
Games & Sports
Ministry Department Head:
Isaek Fyodore Edelbach
International Cooperation
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Talom Geremiah Spectre
Gringotts Wizarding Bank
x8 x7
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
Denzel liked to dress to impress in general. To where even his casual attire had a style matching his drip. Not that he was lacking it today, naturally, he just decided to expand it a bit. In particular with the material of his top, and the mixture of colours, followed by the light jeans and loafers. Of course, those loafers wouldn't be staying on for long with where they were at now. Yep, he was out with his precious Goldilocks.
While he traded in his loafers at the counter, Denz looked to his side to admire how adorable his Bow Bow looked, "So.. you ready to lose?" Last he recalled, Bowie didn't have a problem with him applying some pressure on the hard side. For competitive reasons one would say.
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Keeping up with his boyfriend’s attire wasn’t exactly difficult for the colourful blonde. His wardrobe fit in perfectly with his job at St Woboldo’s and the kids thankfully seemed to love it. Unlike Denzel, Bowie had dressed for the colder autumnal weather by covering his arms which were providing the former Hufflepuff with FAR too big a distraction. It was a ploy on Denzel’s behalf he was sure, to divert his attention so that he could easily win and unfortunately for Bowie it was likely to be very effective. Not that he was complaining.
Standing next to Denz at the shoe exchange, Bowie couldn’t help but to chuckle at his partner's words. “I could surprise you. For all you know I could be an expert bowler.” In other words, he wasn’t going to give in to the challenge but it was unlikely that he would be disappointed if he were to lose. It was the taking part that counted, wasn’t it? And Bowie sure did enjoy playing a game whether he was good at it or not. “Do they have shoes big enough for you?” he teased, nudging the former Slytherin’s shoulder lightly with his own. Two could play at that game and Bowie was getting awfully good at letting out his playful side.
Wizarding World RPG Admin St. Mungo's Mod WWW Mod Alley Proprietor
Join Date: May 2003
Location: In the Blue (EST)
Posts: 7,107
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ean Zoilo Feirgrund
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jansher Leon Grunt
Fifth Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diego Mason Melo-Dreamer
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Dionysus Scorpius Laramore
Seventh Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Paul Lee Gen Rocker
Third Year
Ministry Department Head:
Firash Zarko Grunt
Games & Sports
Ministry Department Head:
Isaek Fyodore Edelbach
International Cooperation
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Talom Geremiah Spectre
Gringotts Wizarding Bank
x8 x7
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
Originally Posted by Lottiepot
Keeping up with his boyfriend’s attire wasn’t exactly difficult for the colourful blonde. His wardrobe fit in perfectly with his job at St Woboldo’s and the kids thankfully seemed to love it. Unlike Denzel, Bowie had dressed for the colder autumnal weather by covering his arms which were providing the former Hufflepuff with FAR too big a distraction. It was a ploy on Denzel’s behalf he was sure, to divert his attention so that he could easily win and unfortunately for Bowie it was likely to be very effective. Not that he was complaining.
Standing next to Denz at the shoe exchange, Bowie couldn’t help but to chuckle at his partner's words. “I could surprise you. For all you know I could be an expert bowler.” In other words, he wasn’t going to give in to the challenge but it was unlikely that he would be disappointed if he were to lose. It was the taking part that counted, wasn’t it? And Bowie sure did enjoy playing a game whether he was good at it or not. “Do they have shoes big enough for you?” he teased, nudging the former Slytherin’s shoulder lightly with his own. Two could play at that game and Bowie was getting awfully good at letting out his playful side.
It was a good thing the shops had heating charms or Denzel may have found himself shivering in his timbers. It also helped that his biceps could occasionally bulge in plain sight as his arms rested on the counter. Was it fair? No. But did he care? Just enough.. How long did it take for those shoes to be disinfected? They certainly might have to look into owning some before they bring the kiddos over next time.
"Touche, Merlin knows how good you are at surprises already," After all, that was what brought them together in the first place. "I hope so, it wouldn't be the first time I had to squeeze my big self into something small," Especially with their closet space at home. Who knew two fashion-experts would end up sharing as such and more. As the nudge was returned oh-so-lightly. "Should we also get something to eat as well?" Though he wasn't hungry now, that could change with time.
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Bowie didn’t dress for style or flashiness, he dressed for comfort and to match his personality. It wouldn’t suit him to be in drab and dark colours, he also wouldn’t suit the tank top that Denz was wearing. Not for the lack of muscle definition but because it wasn’t very.. him. The blonde was ignoring the obvious flexing by watching the attendant fetch their shoes in a clear attempt to NOT be distracted and thrown off his game.
If being surprised meant being clumsy and dropping his recording equipment on the floor then yes Bowie was an expert. It was more that he had the amazing ability to just go with the flow and Denzel had the ability to expertly take charge. “I surprise you?” he smiled curiously. “In what way?” Because he wasn’t as naive as he first seemed? Because he said yes to a first date so easily? Could anyone blame him, not when those piercing blue eyes were studying him. If anything was surprising it would be how easily Denzel fell for Bowie.
If wardrobe space was really such an issue, Bowie was sure he could remember an enlargement spell or two. He seemed to be quite good at performing them at school. “You’ll have to practice your engorgement charm again” he chuckled.
“I could eat” he remarked. It would save them having to cook something later. Besides, what was a date without having a bite?
Wizarding World RPG Admin St. Mungo's Mod WWW Mod Alley Proprietor
Join Date: May 2003
Location: In the Blue (EST)
Posts: 7,107
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ean Zoilo Feirgrund
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jansher Leon Grunt
Fifth Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diego Mason Melo-Dreamer
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Dionysus Scorpius Laramore
Seventh Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Paul Lee Gen Rocker
Third Year
Ministry Department Head:
Firash Zarko Grunt
Games & Sports
Ministry Department Head:
Isaek Fyodore Edelbach
International Cooperation
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Talom Geremiah Spectre
Gringotts Wizarding Bank
x8 x7
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
Originally Posted by Lottiepot
Bowie didn’t dress for style or flashiness, he dressed for comfort and to match his personality. It wouldn’t suit him to be in drab and dark colours, he also wouldn’t suit the tank top that Denz was wearing. Not for the lack of muscle definition but because it wasn’t very.. him. The blonde was ignoring the obvious flexing by watching the attendant fetch their shoes in a clear attempt to NOT be distracted and thrown off his game.
If being surprised meant being clumsy and dropping his recording equipment on the floor then yes Bowie was an expert. It was more that he had the amazing ability to just go with the flow and Denzel had the ability to expertly take charge. “I surprise you?” he smiled curiously. “In what way?” Because he wasn’t as naive as he first seemed? Because he said yes to a first date so easily? Could anyone blame him, not when those piercing blue eyes were studying him. If anything was surprising it would be how easily Denzel fell for Bowie.
If wardrobe space was really such an issue, Bowie was sure he could remember an enlargement spell or two. He seemed to be quite good at performing them at school. “You’ll have to practice your engorgement charm again” he chuckled.
“I could eat” he remarked. It would save them having to cook something later. Besides, what was a date without having a bite?
Denzel gazed into Bowie's eyes, "Everyday, you do," Was there a need to answer? Given how it wasn't the first time he shared that with him, "How about how you manage to squeeze the sap out of me," Outside of his kids, he wasn't the emotional type and liked things to be on the fiery side. "By the way, happy anniversary," Hard to believe a full year had since passed. Though now a different set of flames ignite in his life and he didn't seem to hate it anymore.
"Mm, maybe not," Although the space shared was cramped at home. There were ways to adjust. "Unless you actually do want more space between us," Winking. Eventually, a clerk who dropped their set of shoes for them, "Cool. What do you want to eat here?" Since he was happily paying. "Soo, how's the kids treating you?" Mainly directed where Bowie worked, but also his precious ones at their home.Their sure had a nice ring to it.
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Bowie would argue that he did nothing of the sort and that Denzel had always been a true romantic at heart, he just liked to conceal it beneath layers and Bowie had been slowly peeling them away with a smile or a kiss or a compliment. Like a lettuce.. a very attractive lettuce. “I can’t take credit for that. That would imply that the sap had always been within you to be squeezed out which means that you were clearly born with it” he chuckled. “Besides, you could just totally ignore my weird self so that I don’t ruin your street cred” he teased. Bowie wasn’t unfamiliar with a bit of self-deprecating humour. But really he would rather he didn’t ignore him, he was happy. Not just the outwardly appearing happiness that he put on but deep inside too. Supported. Welcome.
And a giant sap.
“A whole year since I didn’t put you off by being a clutz hmm?” He laced his fingers in between his partners. How Denzel hadn’t walked away from that interaction questioning his life choices he didn’t know.
As for the living situation, Bowie would’ve been happy living in the smallest box room just so long as the company was good. “No thank you” he responded, closing the small gap between them at the counter until the clerk ruined it all by giving them their shoes. “How about we share a pizza?” Not the most romantic of foods but then Bowie’s tastebuds weren’t particularly fond of all that fancy stuff and a helping of chicken nuggets or a cheese smothered pizza sounded pretty ideal.
“They’re great. I mean some of them like to ask a lot of questions. Why is your hair so long when you’re a man? Why do you wear silly jumpers?” He laughed in fond recollection. The questions never threw him off, kids were just curious after all. “Your kids however are incredible. I was thinking that maybe we could take Diallo to the observatory one day? Seeing as he seems to be interested in space..” Devad was of course welcome too but Bowie wasn’t sure whether his interests aligned with those of his brothers yet. Still, staring through giant telescopes and gazing at stars had to be fun for a young child whether they were interested in space or not.
Wizarding World RPG Admin St. Mungo's Mod WWW Mod Alley Proprietor
Join Date: May 2003
Location: In the Blue (EST)
Posts: 7,107
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ean Zoilo Feirgrund
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jansher Leon Grunt
Fifth Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diego Mason Melo-Dreamer
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Dionysus Scorpius Laramore
Seventh Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Paul Lee Gen Rocker
Third Year
Ministry Department Head:
Firash Zarko Grunt
Games & Sports
Ministry Department Head:
Isaek Fyodore Edelbach
International Cooperation
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Talom Geremiah Spectre
Gringotts Wizarding Bank
x8 x7
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
Originally Posted by Lottiepot
Bowie would argue that he did nothing of the sort and that Denzel had always been a true romantic at heart, he just liked to conceal it beneath layers and Bowie had been slowly peeling them away with a smile or a kiss or a compliment. Like a lettuce.. a very attractive lettuce. “I can’t take credit for that. That would imply that the sap had always been within you to be squeezed out which means that you were clearly born with it” he chuckled. “Besides, you could just totally ignore my weird self so that I don’t ruin your street cred” he teased. Bowie wasn’t unfamiliar with a bit of self-deprecating humour. But really he would rather he didn’t ignore him, he was happy. Not just the outwardly appearing happiness that he put on but deep inside too. Supported. Welcome.
And a giant sap.
“A whole year since I didn’t put you off by being a clutz hmm?” He laced his fingers in between his partners. How Denzel hadn’t walked away from that interaction questioning his life choices he didn’t know.
As for the living situation, Bowie would’ve been happy living in the smallest box room just so long as the company was good. “No thank you” he responded, closing the small gap between them at the counter until the clerk ruined it all by giving them their shoes. “How about we share a pizza?” Not the most romantic of foods but then Bowie’s tastebuds weren’t particularly fond of all that fancy stuff and a helping of chicken nuggets or a cheese smothered pizza sounded pretty ideal.
“They’re great. I mean some of them like to ask a lot of questions. Why is your hair so long when you’re a man? Why do you wear silly jumpers?” He laughed in fond recollection. The questions never threw him off, kids were just curious after all. “Your kids however are incredible. I was thinking that maybe we could take Diallo to the observatory one day? Seeing as he seems to be interested in space..” Devad was of course welcome too but Bowie wasn’t sure whether his interests aligned with those of his brothers yet. Still, staring through giant telescopes and gazing at stars had to be fun for a young child whether they were interested in space or not.
Despite the amount of time spent with each other, it was expected yetr surprising how Bowie managed to divert their own influence, "Well, I did say you brought it out. It could've just stayed inside never to come out," Winking. "True. But my street cred doesn't tank with you around, if you've been worried. I find it easier to ignore others that actually care." Yep, there was the sap again. In the past, when he was all about status, his priorities were clearly misaligned.
The gap was closed, whether the clerk noticed or not. As Denzel smirked, "Sounds good to me," Although he would've been happily to show out like usual for Goldilocks, the simple comfort foods were just as fine. After paying for their plate and drinks, they could find a lane to park at.
Hearing how well his kids took to Bowie made him happy. He recalled getting an owl over Diallo threatening to hit someone who talked badly over them. "Hey, that's a great idea. We'll also see if Devad is interested." Then it'd really be a family event, "They really like you, you know," Denzel said. "I'd tear down the sky for them, obviously, but I'm seeing it in Diallo at least that he'd probably do the same for you," Or burn, with the latest report he heard from the Headmaster about him.
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
That was no fun. “There is no harm in being a secret romantic, y’know? In fact, most of us find it endearing.” And there was nothing secret about Bowie’s personality.
Thankfully the blonde man didn’t have a street cred to worry about. It was more likely that Denzel, being that cool, effortless single father, brought his own up. “I’m not worried. If you’re seen as less cool, others won’t be interested and I won’t have competition” he chuckled. He wasn’t the jealous type but there may have been a sprinkling of insecurity in there somewhere.
Whether anyone noticed the sign of affection or not, he wasn’t interested. They weren’t bothering anyone else so why should it matter? The man followed, spotting a lane that was free and a little further away from the currently occupied ones. “I’m surprised you didn’t bring your own balls” Denzel DID seem the competitive type that would take bowling seriously. “I’ve always felt a bit sorry for the shrunken heads..” He picked one up, turned it face up in his hand only to be slightly alarmed by the angry looking face staring back at him. He promptly set the head back down. “I’d probably be grumpy too if I was being used as a bowling ball.”
Back to the conversation about his children. “It’s about time we went out together as a family.” The last word kinda slipped out but he couldn’t really see it be described in any other way. Bowie lived with them now. His cheeks returned to that soft flushed pink at the compliment. “I’d rather he didn’t, he might get into trouble again” he softly chuckled. Those kids were something special and Bowie too would defend them with his last breath.