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If it's troubling how close this playground is to the stairs into Knockturn Alley, let the charmed boundaries put your mind at ease. This tiny oasis can be found in a grassy lot that seems as if it has always been there. Did there used to be a shop here, or was it a fountain, or... hmm?
In addition to a self-propelled swing set and monkey bars with real (not real) monkeys, there's a fantastic miniature Hogwarts for climbing and sliding and general silliness. Behind the castle, there's a miniature carousal - unicorns and dragons and kelpies and other magical creatures chase each other in a neverending circle. This is the perfect place for tired parents and caregivers to settle with rambunctious kids who are too young for school. And if they wander too far, the charm will alert their caregiver of their wandering.
From here you can go back to the street and visit some of the shops that are nearby and the bank or keep walking past this corner and see what else the south side street has to offer.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Two and a half year old Levi Nayan Singh-Phora liked sand. He liked it a lot. He enjoyed the feeling of the grains between his toes and in his hands. In his hair, in his clothing and wherever else it may get. That’s why when dada Sachin helped him settle down in the sandbox, Levi cooed happily and immediately began attacking the sand with his hands. He grabbed fistfuls and watched the sand sift through his fingers. The little bucket and spade lay forgotten beside him. “Sah!’’ Levi gurgled, happier than ever. “Sah!’’
Up above him, Sachin was laughing. It gave him great joy to see Levi so happy; it was always clear how much his and Conley’s son adored sand. Sachin made a mental note to mention to Conley that they should take the children to the beach more often. Or at least they needed to install a sandbox in their yard. “Sand, Levi,’’ Sachin corrected lightly and ruffled Levi’s dark brown hair.
*randomly tagged* | Norbert(a) | The Wandmaker (tm)
Valentin hated sand. It wasn’t because it was dirty so much as because it stuck to everything and crept into places sand shouldn’t be. He could handle beaches only because you could go into the water and rinse off the sand. Swimming, however, usually made him get sandier which led to more swimming and more rinsing… It wasn’t a pretty cycle. So why was Vale walking towards the sandbox? Because his husband maintained that sand was perfectly fine for Cassian to play in. In fact, Elian insisted that Cassian be allowed to play in the sand and get dirty. It would build up his immune system and help is fine motor skills, Elian had told Valentin the first time Cassian had been plopped down on a beach.
[”Your father is going to be the one to bathe you tonight,”] Valentin told Cassian in French as they approached the sandbox. It seemed like a fair enough trade for making him get dirty. He was two steps from the sandbox when he noticed a familiar head of dark brown hair. [”Great, just great…”] He was still muttering in French as he realized Sachin was there. The two ambassadors didn’t exactly have a great history of getting along and Valentin certainly did not feel like butting heads with anyone today.
He stopped walking for a moment and got his face smacked by Cassian’s pudgy little hand as a result. [“Alright, alright,”] Valentin replied giving the blond boy a little jiggle in his arms. The result was Cassian fell over forward arms reaching out for the sandbox. [“I get it….”] Valentin sighed as he set the little blond boy down on sand. ”Bonjour,” He straightened and gave Sachin one of his charming smiles. ”Eet ‘as been un moment, oui?” If he was correct, the last time he and the Indian Ambassador had spent any amount of time together it was at the Leaky Cauldron when a hooligan had decided to turn their lunch into a food fight. Vale’s fingers twitched against his thigh at the memory.
Sand! Sand… sand! He didnt care about baths. Dada had said he was going to play in sand! Why was papa moving so slow? Cassian’s fingers tugged on papa’s shirt as he sang happily to himself; others might say he was just making noises, but no, Cassian was singing to papa just like dad liked to do. Usually papa seemed to enjoy it, but papa seemed intent on getting them to the sandbox. Which was fine by Cassian. He wanted to play in the sand! And as the sandbox came into sight, he made a very loud squealing happy noise, then pointed and then –
The sandbox didn’t get any closer. He looked down at papa’s feet, then up at the sand. Why did they stop? ”Pa!” But papa didn’t look at him. ”Pa!” He smacked tapped papa’s cheek this time. It made a weird noise and he giggle and did it again. Would he get to do it a third time? Nope because the second smack tap worked. Papa jiggle Jim. He laughed and flopped over reaching out for the sand.
And then he was in the sand. He looked up at papa for a moment as if wondering if he was going to play with him and then he heard something else and his head swiveled towards the noise. His blond curls bounced and then fell in his eyes blocking the other boy for a moment. ”Sab?” He tilted his head back to look up at his papa. He fell backwards on his butt with a plop giggling.
”Oui, sable.” Vale completed Cassian’s word in French, unknowingly mimicking Sachin a few minutes earlier.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Cuties! <3
Originally Posted by Krel Ansell
Valentin hated sand. It wasn’t because it was dirty so much as because it stuck to everything and crept into places sand shouldn’t be. He could handle beaches only because you could go into the water and rinse off the sand. Swimming, however, usually made him get sandier which led to more swimming and more rinsing… It wasn’t a pretty cycle. So why was Vale walking towards the sandbox? Because his husband maintained that sand was perfectly fine for Cassian to play in. In fact, Elian insisted that Cassian be allowed to play in the sand and get dirty. It would build up his immune system and help is fine motor skills, Elian had told Valentin the first time Cassian had been plopped down on a beach.
[”Your father is going to be the one to bathe you tonight,”] Valentin told Cassian in French as they approached the sandbox. It seemed like a fair enough trade for making him get dirty. He was two steps from the sandbox when he noticed a familiar head of dark brown hair. [”Great, just great…”] He was still muttering in French as he realized Sachin was there. The two ambassadors didn’t exactly have a great history of getting along and Valentin certainly did not feel like butting heads with anyone today.
He stopped walking for a moment and got his face smacked by Cassian’s pudgy little hand as a result. [“Alright, alright,”] Valentin replied giving the blond boy a little jiggle in his arms. The result was Cassian fell over forward arms reaching out for the sandbox. [“I get it….”] Valentin sighed as he set the little blond boy down on sand. ”Bonjour,” He straightened and gave Sachin one of his charming smiles. ”Eet ‘as been un moment, oui?” If he was correct, the last time he and the Indian Ambassador had spent any amount of time together it was at the Leaky Cauldron when a hooligan had decided to turn their lunch into a food fight. Vale’s fingers twitched against his thigh at the memory.
Sand! Sand… sand! He didnt care about baths. Dada had said he was going to play in sand! Why was papa moving so slow? Cassian’s fingers tugged on papa’s shirt as he sang happily to himself; others might say he was just making noises, but no, Cassian was singing to papa just like dad liked to do. Usually papa seemed to enjoy it, but papa seemed intent on getting them to the sandbox. Which was fine by Cassian. He wanted to play in the sand! And as the sandbox came into sight, he made a very loud squealing happy noise, then pointed and then –
The sandbox didn’t get any closer. He looked down at papa’s feet, then up at the sand. Why did they stop? ”Pa!” But papa didn’t look at him. ”Pa!” He smacked tapped papa’s cheek this time. It made a weird noise and he giggle and did it again. Would he get to do it a third time? Nope – because the second smack tap worked. Papa jiggle Jim. He laughed and flopped over reaching out for the sand.
And then he was in the sand. He looked up at papa for a moment as if wondering if he was going to play with him and then he heard something else and his head swiveled towards the noise. His blond curls bounced and then fell in his eyes blocking the other boy for a moment. ”Sab?” He tilted his head back to look up at his papa. He fell backwards on his butt with a plop giggling.
”Oui, sable.” Vale completed Cassian’s word in French, unknowingly mimicking Sachin a few minutes earlier.
Sachin had been about to make himself at home on one of the benches closer to the sandbox but put it off for a minute or two after deciding that snapping a picture of Levi on the small camera he had brought just for the occasion was in order {since he doubted his phone would work due to the magic around the playground}. After all, the man wanted to capture lots of moments with Levi like he did with Radhika. It would be great to reflect upon as the kids got older - and as he and Conley got gray {grayer, in his husband’s case}. His camera poised in his hand when he heard the greeting from that all too familiar voice. A smile crossed the Indian Ambassador’s face, taking in the sight of Cassian stretching towards the sandbox. Clearly the little guy was eager to be there.
Now, with regard to Cassian’s father here, Sachin really had no issue with him. It was just that Conley’s warning about the man always rang out in his head and maybe that was the reason he never let his guard fully down. “It has been,’’ Sachin said politely. Despite them seeing each other around DIMC often, they hadn’t spent time together outside of the office apart from that time at the Leaky. “Your son clearly is a fan of sand. Like mine.” Sachin chuckled and lifted the camera to snap a picture of Levi surveying Cassian.
Sand? No! It was ‘sah’! Silly daddy! Levi made soft baby noises mostly because he was such a happy child in the tiny grains and also when he got his hair ruffled. He continued grabbing fistfuls of sand and allowing it to filter through his fists. This action came to an abrupt halt however, at the new sounds which turned out to be another adult and another baby. Levi watched with interest as the baby fell down. It was noted that the necommer was making the same sounds he himself often made. Levi said nothing and did nothing other than to grab his little pail to hug to his chest. He wasn’t shy but he was always cautious when it came to others because of his sister. He liked her a great deal but she always seemed to have no interest in him. That somehow translated to him that other babies and smaller children might not like him either. It was why he usually didn’t approach others first. So, Levi swiveled his head up to his daddy just in time to get his picture taken. A split second later, he was clinging to the bucket with his right hand and using the other to scoop sand into it.
*randomly tagged* | Norbert(a) | The Wandmaker (tm)
”Oui.” He took a deep breath so that his face wouldn’t scrunch up with how much he was disgusted by the idea of Cassian playing in the sand. Who knew what went on in the sand here. Other kids drooling, cats or who knew what using it as a litterbox…. Vale’s fingers twitched, scratching at the fabric covering his thigh. ”Well, 'e cairtainly does not get zat from mé.” Elian was the one who didn’t mind messes and dirt. He produced a small pink toy dump truck from a pocket. He placed it in the sand in front of Cassian who was still giggling happily to himself as he wiggled is butt in the sand a little.
It was ok. Dirt wasn’t going to kill Cassian, Vale reminded himself as he took a seat on a nearby bench so he wasn’t tempted to grab for Cassian and wipe him down. ” 'e eez yur second child, non?” Was he attempting to make small talk? Yes. Usually he was good at it, but with Sachin for some reason, it always seemed a bit of a challenge.
Sand was comfy. It was like - sitting on papa and dada’s big bed. Or on the beach with Uncle Jamie. Uncle Jamie liked sand. He wasn’t sure why papa didn’t like sand, but it seemed like papa didn’t like a lot of things…
Oh his truck! He reached for it and then made a ”Pffttbbllll….” noise. He wanted his Unicorn. ”Li-li!” He looked back up at papa, but he wasn’t above him anymore. He made another unhappy noise, but then turned his attention back to the truck which he started pushing around. ”Burrrr….burrr…..bbbrrmmm…..” He knocked it into the other boy’s bucket with a thunk. He paused for a moment looking at the boy and then giggled.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: These two! <3
Originally Posted by Krel Ansell
”Oui.” He took a deep breath so that his face wouldn’t scrunch up with how much he was disgusted by the idea of Cassian playing in the sand. Who knew what went on in the sand here. Other kids drooling, cats or who knew what using it as a litterbox…. Vale’s fingers twitched, scratching at the fabric covering his thigh. ”Well, 'e cairtainly does not get zat from mé.” Elian was the one who didn’t mind messes and dirt. He produced a small pink toy dump truck from a pocket. He placed it in the sand in front of Cassian who was still giggling happily to himself as he wiggled is butt in the sand a little.
It was ok. Dirt wasn’t going to kill Cassian, Vale reminded himself as he took a seat on a nearby bench so he wasn’t tempted to grab for Cassian and wipe him down. ” 'e eez yur second child, non?” Was he attempting to make small talk? Yes. Usually he was good at it, but with Sachin for some reason, it always seemed a bit of a challenge.
Sand was comfy. It was like - sitting on papa and dada’s big bed. Or on the beach with Uncle Jamie. Uncle Jamie liked sand. He wasn’t sure why papa didn’t like sand, but it seemed like papa didn’t like a lot of things…
Oh his truck! He reached for it and then made a ”Pffttbbllll….” noise. He wanted his Unicorn. ”Li-li!” He looked back up at papa, but he wasn’t above him anymore. He made another unhappy noise, but then turned his attention back to the truck which he started pushing around. ”Burrrr….burrr…..bbbrrmmm…..” He knocked it into the other boy’s bucket with a thunk. He paused for a moment looking at the boy and then giggled.
Oh, the absence of a scrunched up face did not prevent Sachin from figuring out that his fellow Ambassador happened to be impartial to sand; Valentin’s overall demeanor said it all. Sachin would point out that pretty much everywhere in the world was covered with germs, be it other kids’ or adults’ or animals’. That would simply make him tick and would do no one any good. Particularly Conley, should Valentin have to drop by at the Ministry today. You’re welcome, husband dearest.
“It’s perfectly alright,” Sachin remarked. “Children need to get all the experiences. That way they decide what they like at an early age.” It was exactly how Sachin knew that Radhika admired unicorns, for example, due to all the trips to the Zoo. Sachin busied himself by snapping a few more pictures before following Valentin to take a seat. “Yes. I also have an older daughter. They both are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Aside from Conley, of course.” Whereas Valentin might be uncomfortable for all the reasons, this man was not; he was completely at ease and rather happy.
Levi had determined that the other boy was chatty due to all the sounds he was making. His gaze had abandoned his own actions of filling the tiny bucket with sand {even though his hand still scooped} and was intently focused on the truck. He thought that the ‘truck sounds’ were rather accurate but he didn’t join in. Not even when the toy bumped into the bucket. But he did giggle as well. Then, Levi pointed to his bucket before doing the same to the truck. Without a word - or baby sound - he dumped the sand from the bucket onto the back of the truck. Actually, the sand got all over it but who cared because… SAH!
*randomly tagged* | Norbert(a) | The Wandmaker (tm)
He knew exactly what Cassian had wanted when he had said Li-li, but as he didn’t have the little plush licorne (unicorn) that his son loved on him, he chose to ignore the request. He knew his son well enough to know to acknowledge the request and not produce the plush would mean a breakdown with lots of crying and noise. Besides, Cassian seemed happy enough to play with the truck now that he noticed it. He could have the licorne when he got home.
Valentin’s problem wasn’t with germs, but with dirt. Dirt and messes. Two things that did not really go well with children he’d learned. He’d gotten better, but sometimes it still got to him. Like now with the sand. His fingers twitched again as Levi dumped sand all over Cassian’s truck - and well, Cassian too. Thankfully, his son didn’t seem to share his father’s aversion to messes because he was still giggling happily. In fact, it seemed like he was enjoying the company of someone his own age. It was almost jealousy inducing how easy it was for kids to make friends. Vale had made a few more since meeting and marrying Elian, but he still found it hard sometimes to connect with people. ”Conley eez a good man.” He had never been the greatest at small talk. He got points for trying though right? ” ‘e always wented children. Ai am glad 'e was abuhl to 'ave zem.” There was a time that Valentin would have been jealous of Sachin and the life he built with Conley. But things happened for a reason and quite frankly, Conley wasn’t meant to be with Valentin. In truth, the two mean probably would have driven each other nuts. No, Valentin was much better suited for the life he had built with Elian. ”Fathairhood looks good on you deu.” And he meant it, although there was a good chance that Sachin wouldn’t believe him.
Oh a giggle! Cassian stopped playing with the truck long enough to look over at the boy who had giggled. He wasn’t sure what to make of the sound, but he decided he liked it. Would the boy do it again? He didn’t and so Cassian went back to pushing his truck back and forth in the sand.
Sand was suddenly everywhere. His hands. His arms. His truck. Even some on his feet. He clapped his hands together knocking sand off them, then coughed, and then clapped some more. ”En-or!” he said, trying to get the boy to do it again. He even pushed the truck closer to him.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: These two! <3
Originally Posted by Krel Ansell
He knew exactly what Cassian had wanted when he had said Li-li, but as he didn’t have the little plush licorne (unicorn) that his son loved on him, he chose to ignore the request. He knew his son well enough to know to acknowledge the request and not produce the plush would mean a breakdown with lots of crying and noise. Besides, Cassian seemed happy enough to play with the truck now that he noticed it. He could have the licorne when he got home.
Valentin’s problem wasn’t with germs, but with dirt. Dirt and messes. Two things that did not really go well with children he’d learned. He’d gotten better, but sometimes it still got to him. Like now with the sand. His fingers twitched again as Levi dumped sand all over Cassian’s truck - and well, Cassian too. Thankfully, his son didn’t seem to share his father’s aversion to messes because he was still giggling happily. In fact, it seemed like he was enjoying the company of someone his own age. It was almost jealousy inducing how easy it was for kids to make friends. Vale had made a few more since meeting and marrying Elian, but he still found it hard sometimes to connect with people. ”Conley eez a good man.” He had never been the greatest at small talk. He got points for trying though right? ” ‘e always wented children. Ai am glad 'e was abuhl to 'ave zem.” There was a time that Valentin would have been jealous of Sachin and the life he built with Conley. But things happened for a reason and quite frankly, Conley wasn’t meant to be with Valentin. In truth, the two mean probably would have driven each other nuts. No, Valentin was much better suited for the life he had built with Elian. ”Fathairhood looks good on you deu.” And he meant it, although there was a good chance that Sachin wouldn’t believe him.
Oh a giggle! Cassian stopped playing with the truck long enough to look over at the boy who had giggled. He wasn’t sure what to make of the sound, but he decided he liked it. Would the boy do it again? He didn’t and so Cassian went back to pushing his truck back and forth in the sand.
Sand was suddenly everywhere. His hands. His arms. His truck. Even some on his feet. He clapped his hands together knocking sand off them, then coughed, and then clapped some more. ”En-or!” he said, trying to get the boy to do it again. He even pushed the truck closer to him.
Though he didn’t say anything about it, nor did his facial expressions give anything away, Sachin was amused at Valentin’s obvious discomfort when it came to Cassian and the sand. This was only because like Levi, Sachin had no objection to sand. Beach days were the best just because one could enjoy the grains beneath their feet and in between their toes. Valentin most likely detested the beach. Such a pity that was. Cassian, on the other hand… well, Sachin truly was enjoying watching the two toddlers play. “Seems like they’re getting along.” His tone of voice suggested he was pleased about this. Levi wasn’t as sociable as Sachin would have hoped and he sometimes worried about that. With Cassian, the reluctance on Levi’s part seemed to have melted away. The man made a mental note of this interesting development. “Was it another toy that your son was asking for?’’ he asked curiously.
All the issues between Conley and Valentin… Sachin wouldn’t ask either of them to forget the past. He knew his husband would not. “He is!” The Indian Ambassador’s face lit up as the talk continued. “I truly cannot think of a better man out there, even if he gets me mad sometimes.” There was a fond chuckle from him as he thought of the times Conley upset him; they always made up though. “Yes, he has and it makes me happy that he finally has them. He’s a great father.” Sachin adored Conley for that. “Dhanyavaad. Thank you. There was a time when I thought I wouldn’t have the life I had now. Funny how life works out, isn’t it?” Looking over again at the two boys, another question came to him. “Are you and your husband planning on having any more?”
Levi was having the time of his life. This was just as fun as when he and Aunty Winnie did silly things. He had missed her today but this other boy and his truck more than made up for that. Ooops! Levi had not meant to get sand everywhere on the boy! He froze for a moment, his eyes widening with the expectation that there would be tears and a tantrum. He actually braced himself for it, something he did whenever he noticed Radhika wasn’t having her way. There was clapping, there was coughing and there was a confused Levi. He stared, his little mind working at warped speed in an attempt to make sense of it all.
It was the truck being pushed towards him that scattered all the confusion. He understood now! Levi nudged his bucket towards Cassian then began using both hands to scoop sah into it. Cassian should definitely help him! They could dump the sah together afterwards.
Because she'd decided to save the majority of her money to spend on clothes, Vera found that there wasn't much to occupy her days with in Diagon Alley. She'd even chose to stay home for a few of them instead of accompanying Papa like she generally would. She DID try to take Scoot to the Playground as often as possible, enjoying the time with her younger sister and also rekindling her love of swings. Today Scooter was not with her, but she had sent a missive to Sable Ileana to ask if she wanted to meet up and hang out for the day and invited her to meet here at the Playground.
Ve had had a LOT of the morning available, so she'd walked around some and found a flower stall over with the street vendors. She'd bought a couple of sunflowers, one for her and one for Sia, because what girl didn't enjoy receiving flowers? And flowers to friends was fun! Sitting now on one of the swings, she was slowly pushing herself back and forth with one foot with the flowers carefully laid out over her lap so as not to get crushed.
Merlin's beard, summer really was so nice. She even had managed not to get bored yet at the lack of chaos!
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
It seemed that more and more, she was on her own. Which was still a strange feeling when one was an identical twin and used to constantly having someone at her side. Always having someone to do everything with was great, until she was by herself. She understood the need for alone time and that they were their own people and growing up but it got kinda lonely sometimes.
Anyhow, this was sorta how she ended up here. Alone at the playground. One minute she was in DA doing some shopping for the things she knew she would need for Hogwarts next year and the next.. well, here she was. Maybe it had been the memories of her and all of her siblings coming here as really little children and and how much fun they all had that had brought her this way.
Whatever the reason, Natalie was sat on the ground away from all of the play structures so she wasn't in anyone's way, sat on her knees with a bunch of chalk spread out around her. In her hand happened to be the color pink and she was finishing coloring in the petals of a flower she had drawn.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Originally Posted by Kolyander
It seemed that more and more, she was on her own. Which was still a strange feeling when one was an identical twin and used to constantly having someone at her side. Always having someone to do everything with was great, until she was by herself. She understood the need for alone time and that they were their own people and growing up but it got kinda lonely sometimes.
Anyhow, this was sorta how she ended up here. Alone at the playground. One minute she was in DA doing some shopping for the things she knew she would need for Hogwarts next year and the next.. well, here she was. Maybe it had been the memories of her and all of her siblings coming here as really little children and and how much fun they all had that had brought her this way.
Whatever the reason, Natalie was sat on the ground away from all of the play structures so she wasn't in anyone's way, sat on her knees with a bunch of chalk spread out around her. In her hand happened to be the color pink and she was finishing coloring in the petals of a flower she had drawn.
Shopping was definitely not Mackenzie's cup of tea, especially when it was the summer break when Diagon Alley turns into total pandemonium. He could've stayed home and let their house elf do the shopping, which was convenient, but his parents wouldn't allow him to be cooped up in his bedroom for the rest of the summer. They were quite determined to have him socialize. Going out wasn't exactly... fun.
The rising fifth-year made his way out from the nearby coffee shop with his to-go cup of iced mocha, and sauntered towards the outskirts of the playground, snagging a park bench to himself. But as soon as he sat down, his bearded dragon pet jumped from his hoodie pocket and landed on the ground with a thud, inching slowly towards the girl who was making some kind of street art. The bearded dragon, snatched one of the chalks in its mouth, while Mackenzie stared in a slight panic. "Morpheus..." he hissed his pet's name, "Put... that... down."
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
“Come ooooon!”Blakeney Masters exclaimed, tugging her mother and sister toward the playground. It was her day to pick the fun activity, and she intended to make the most of it! As soon as Mum let go of her hand, she beelined for the monkey bars. She climbed up, looking back to see if Sydney would join her but spotted her on the carousel instead. No? Okay then.
As Blakeney swung from one bar to the next, she giggled to herself at the not!real monkeys on the bars. Hmm, she wondered if they’d talk back to her if she made monkey noises. "Ooo ooo ook!"
Unlike her twin sister, Sydney Masters preferred the library to the playground, but Mum said it was Blakeney’s turn to pick the activity. Of course she chose this place! She stood beside her mother, watching Blakeney on the monkey bars. Yeah, no thanks! No monkey bars for her today! She glanced around the playground. Mini castle? Ehh… Swings? Maybe later.
She made her way to the carousel, eyeing the magical creature options. There would be no cutesy unicorns for this girl! Instead, she chose the scariest-looking creature she saw, a thestral. Although she knew the creature wasn’t real, she couldn’t resist giving it a little pat on the head as she got on. Maybe she’d get to pet a real one someday! Sydney spared a wave at Mum and Blakeney as the carousel went around, but her eyes were soon drawn to the boundary between the playground and Knockturn Alley. What was over there?
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Originally Posted by Stefan
Shopping was definitely not Mackenzie's cup of tea, especially when it was the summer break when Diagon Alley turns into total pandemonium. He could've stayed home and let their house elf do the shopping, which was convenient, but his parents wouldn't allow him to be cooped up in his bedroom for the rest of the summer. They were quite determined to have him socialize. Going out wasn't exactly... fun.
The rising fifth-year made his way out from the nearby coffee shop with his to-go cup of iced mocha, and sauntered towards the outskirts of the playground, snagging a park bench to himself. But as soon as he sat down, his bearded dragon pet jumped from his hoodie pocket and landed on the ground with a thud, inching slowly towards the girl who was making some kind of street art. The bearded dragon, snatched one of the chalks in its mouth, while Mackenzie stared in a slight panic. "Morpheus..." he hissed his pet's name, "Put... that... down."
Natalie had lost herself in her 'art work'. If one would like to call it that as she did. Honestly it was really a bunch of random colorful doodles on the pavement but it was keeping her busy and made her smile. Mostly she was drawing flowers, hearts and rainbows but it was something.
Setting the pink down and reaching out to pick up another piece of chalk, the young fourteen year old didn't expect to see right in front of her face a.. a lizard?! Now some might've screamed or even run away from it but not her. Well.. okay, not at least until it scurried right over and snatched up a piece of chalk. "Oh, no! Don't eat that.. I don't think chalk is good for you..." Ummm, she wasn't the best with lizards but she did like them and she was pretty sure eating chalk wasn't part of its diet plan.
It was right after she told the lizard to drop the chalk that she heard someone else also saying the same thing and looked around to see a boy about her age. Morpheus? Was that the lizards name? "Hey? Are they yours?" she asked looking over at the boy and then back to the lizard to get a better look at it, reaching a hand out to see if it would come to her. Maybe she could get her chalk back or something?
Come here cute little one.. Nattie won't hurt you.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Originally Posted by Kolyander
Natalie had lost herself in her 'art work'. If one would like to call it that as she did. Honestly it was really a bunch of random colorful doodles on the pavement but it was keeping her busy and made her smile. Mostly she was drawing flowers, hearts and rainbows but it was something.
Setting the pink down and reaching out to pick up another piece of chalk, the young fourteen year old didn't expect to see right in front of her face a.. a lizard?! Now some might've screamed or even run away from it but not her. Well.. okay, not at least until it scurried right over and snatched up a piece of chalk. "Oh, no! Don't eat that.. I don't think chalk is good for you..." Ummm, she wasn't the best with lizards but she did like them and she was pretty sure eating chalk wasn't part of its diet plan.
It was right after she told the lizard to drop the chalk that she heard someone else also saying the same thing and looked around to see a boy about her age. Morpheus? Was that the lizards name? "Hey? Are they yours?" she asked looking over at the boy and then back to the lizard to get a better look at it, reaching a hand out to see if it would come to her. Maybe she could get her chalk back or something?
Come here cute little one.. Nattie won't hurt you.
Morpheus was usually well-behaved, and Mackenzie made sure that he was groomed and fed before their trek into Diagon Alley. He could swear his bearded dragon was asleep, snug as a bug in his hoodie jacket just when he got his drink from the local shop. The Slytherin was slightly red in the face, really not certain on what to do in instances like this one. He did not expect his pet to be the cause of his embarrassment.
Mackenzie frowned a bit when the girl called him out, asking if the pet was his. He'd exhaled forcefully, releasing the breath he didn't know he was holding and gave her a nod. He'd finally approached them, gently grabbing Morpheus by the belly, and pried the piece of chalk out from its mouth. "Out with it," he said wiggling the chalk until it snapped-- the other half, chomped happily by the bearded dragon. "You are unbelievable," Mackenzie murmured as Morpheus happily climbed his shoulder and quietly observed the girl from its human perch. "Sorry about that," the Slytherin said offering the other half of bitten chalk to the budding artist before him. "Please don't mind us," he said as he looked at what she was drawing on the ground, failing to make eye contact out of embarrassment.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Lower post for Logan/Zoe!
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Originally Posted by Stefan
Morpheus was usually well-behaved, and Mackenzie made sure that he was groomed and fed before their trek into Diagon Alley. He could swear his bearded dragon was asleep, snug as a bug in his hoodie jacket just when he got his drink from the local shop. The Slytherin was slightly red in the face, really not certain on what to do in instances like this one. He did not expect his pet to be the cause of his embarrassment.
Mackenzie frowned a bit when the girl called him out, asking if the pet was his. He'd exhaled forcefully, releasing the breath he didn't know he was holding and gave her a nod. He'd finally approached them, gently grabbing Morpheus by the belly, and pried the piece of chalk out from its mouth. "Out with it," he said wiggling the chalk until it snapped-- the other half, chomped happily by the bearded dragon. "You are unbelievable," Mackenzie murmured as Morpheus happily climbed his shoulder and quietly observed the girl from its human perch. "Sorry about that," the Slytherin said offering the other half of bitten chalk to the budding artist before him. "Please don't mind us," he said as he looked at what she was drawing on the ground, failing to make eye contact out of embarrassment.
Oh, thank Merlin1 Nattie was honestly glad to hear that the lizard belonged to the boy and that it wasn't out and about scurrying around all on its own. "That's alright. They won't get sick from it, will they?" She was more concerned about the lizards well-being then her half eaten piece of chalk. That was always something she could get more of. Speaking of which, she took the other half of it and put it with the others. "Thanks.. what's their name?" Might as well know who ate her chalk.
Keeping an eye on the cute lizard though now just in case he gets any ideas and wants to sample any more of the chalk.
Bryony had been on her bestest behavior lately. Or as bestest as she could be anyway. Why? All for the promise of getting to spend an entire day with one of her most favoritest people in the entire universe. Her big brother. It wasn't often that he spent time with her anymore, at least not willingly on his part. And let's be real here for a minute, Bry had no idea why! She was super fun to be around. Maybe Logan just couldn’t keep up with her anymore. Or he didn’t like her. Nah, it was more like the former, everyone liked her.. How could they not, she was ah-dor-ah-ble!
So when the do had finally arrived, Bry went all out so that Logan had no reason not to go back on his word. The ten year old even left her Bacon at home. Yes, her Jarvey. At home. But she had done it all in the name of getting to hangout with her brother. There was even some very clear restraint going on from clinging to Logan like a monkey as well. Lots of holding back was happening. She didn't want to give him any reason to take her back home.. but really, it was boring.
No running, no yelling, no twirling around or jumping or anything. Instead she held everything inside unlike her usual chaotic whirlwind self and trailed alongside the older blonde until they got to the playground. "Are you gonna join me?" Or was he going to just sit somewhere and do nothing? He could even pick if he wanted.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Originally Posted by Kolyander
Oh, thank Merlin1 Nattie was honestly glad to hear that the lizard belonged to the boy and that it wasn't out and about scurrying around all on its own. "That's alright. They won't get sick from it, will they?" She was more concerned about the lizards well-being then her half eaten piece of chalk. That was always something she could get more of. Speaking of which, she took the other half of it and put it with the others. "Thanks.. what's their name?" Might as well know who ate her chalk.
Keeping an eye on the cute lizard though now just in case he gets any ideas and wants to sample any more of the chalk.
He ought to go back to the menagerie soon and see if he could find a magical leash for his naughty beardie. Mackenzie had no intention of putting him on a leash since he was so well-behaved, but to save himself from future embarrassment, he should put on the necessary equipment to keep anyone else from accidents.
Mackenzie shook his head in response. "It's not exactly the recommended diet, but he ate only a piece so he should be fine," he said looking at his bearded dragon who then slowly shut its eyes and enjoyed the heat of the sun, completely unbothered by what it just did. "Your chalk thief's name is Morpheus," Mackenzie replied slightly raising his shoulder to present the guilty intruder to the artist.
Mackenzie sat on the ground with the girl, a safe distance away from her and her artwork, and perched Morpheus on his knee. "I've seen you around school," he looked at her trying to remember what house robes she wore... Gryffindor was it? "I'm Mackenzie." obviously she wouldn't know him. He was way too aloof in school, and he really didn't bother making friends except for a very select few.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Originally Posted by Stefan
He ought to go back to the menagerie soon and see if he could find a magical leash for his naughty beardie. Mackenzie had no intention of putting him on a leash since he was so well-behaved, but to save himself from future embarrassment, he should put on the necessary equipment to keep anyone else from accidents.
Mackenzie shook his head in response. "It's not exactly the recommended diet, but he ate only a piece so he should be fine," he said looking at his bearded dragon who then slowly shut its eyes and enjoyed the heat of the sun, completely unbothered by what it just did. "Your chalk thief's name is Morpheus," Mackenzie replied slightly raising his shoulder to present the guilty intruder to the artist.
Mackenzie sat on the ground with the girl, a safe distance away from her and her artwork, and perched Morpheus on his knee. "I've seen you around school," he looked at her trying to remember what house robes she wore... Gryffindor was it? "I'm Mackenzie." obviously she wouldn't know him. He was way too aloof in school, and he really didn't bother making friends except for a very select few.
A small smile tugged at Nattie's lips when she heard that there should be no issues to the lizards health. "Oh, that's good! I would feel bad if he got ill or anything because he was being a sneaky little guy." Sneaky and adorable. Look how cute he was with his eyes shut soaking up the suns rays without a care in the world! "Ah, well it's nice to officially meet you Morpheus. You're quite the handsome fellow when you're not causing mischief, aren't you?" she giggled.
Her dark eyes shifted from the boy to Morpheus and all the chalk, which she began to gather up just in case, Morpheus over there decided he needed another snack. "Mm, it could've been me or my twin sister. We're identical." Both in the house of red and gold too. "I'm Natalie."
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Originally Posted by Kolyander
A small smile tugged at Nattie's lips when she heard that there should be no issues to the lizards health. "Oh, that's good! I would feel bad if he got ill or anything because he was being a sneaky little guy." Sneaky and adorable. Look how cute he was with his eyes shut soaking up the suns rays without a care in the world! "Ah, well it's nice to officially meet you Morpheus. You're quite the handsome fellow when you're not causing mischief, aren't you?" she giggled.
Her dark eyes shifted from the boy to Morpheus and all the chalk, which she began to gather up just in case, Morpheus over there decided he needed another snack. "Mm, it could've been me or my twin sister. We're identical." Both in the house of red and gold too. "I'm Natalie."
Mackenzie rubbed a finger onto Morpheus head and the bearded dragon lazily opened its eyes, as if annoyed that his glorious sunbathing was disturbed. But the pet didn't mind and just laid there comfortably on its owner's knee, its belly slowly expanding and contracting. "He has this dose of an oddity, that's for certain," Mackenzie said, wondering what has gotten into the dragon. "He's been recently picky with his food, but the healer creature didn't see anything wrong with him. So I guess he's just being weird." Mackenzie picked Morpheus' tail and wiggled it affectionately. He had to admit though, his bearded dragon was pretty handsome.
Mackenzie watched the girl closely, trying to remember where and when he'd seen her. And a twin? "Oh, I see." Ah, that might be the reason why his memory's a bit... messed up. Identical twins were rather tricky unless they were spoken to long enough to know the difference. Nonetheless, he couldn't really mess up for now since he hadn't met either of the twins. "Natalie, got it." Mackenzie paused and looked at his bearded dragon. "I'm Mackenzie, Morpheus'... second dad."
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Originally Posted by Stefan
Mackenzie rubbed a finger onto Morpheus head and the bearded dragon lazily opened its eyes, as if annoyed that his glorious sunbathing was disturbed. But the pet didn't mind and just laid there comfortably on its owner's knee, its belly slowly expanding and contracting. "He has this dose of an oddity, that's for certain," Mackenzie said, wondering what has gotten into the dragon. "He's been recently picky with his food, but the healer creature didn't see anything wrong with him. So I guess he's just being weird." Mackenzie picked Morpheus' tail and wiggled it affectionately. He had to admit though, his bearded dragon was pretty handsome.
Mackenzie watched the girl closely, trying to remember where and when he'd seen her. And a twin? "Oh, I see." Ah, that might be the reason why his memory's a bit... messed up. Identical twins were rather tricky unless they were spoken to long enough to know the difference. Nonetheless, he couldn't really mess up for now since he hadn't met either of the twins. "Natalie, got it." Mackenzie paused and looked at his bearded dragon. "I'm Mackenzie, Morpheus'... second dad."
"There's nothing wrong with being a little odd every now and again." Natalie smiled, watching Morpheus enjoy the sunshine. "Aaww, I don't really know much about lizards at all except that he's really cute so I'm going to be no help at all with anything." Unless her looking at him was in some way helpful but she really doubted that.
Natalie nodded. "Yeah, we're both in Gryffindor too so.. that's probably not much help either." Sorry. Unless he happened to take notice that they did both wear necklaces with their initial's on them, her sisters being a D and hers being an N. Not that those were always visible but when they were that was helpful at least. "It's nice to meet you, Mackenzie."
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Originally Posted by Kolyander
"There's nothing wrong with being a little odd every now and again." Natalie smiled, watching Morpheus enjoy the sunshine. "Aaww, I don't really know much about lizards at all except that he's really cute so I'm going to be no help at all with anything." Unless her looking at him was in some way helpful but she really doubted that.
Natalie nodded. "Yeah, we're both in Gryffindor too so.. that's probably not much help either." Sorry. Unless he happened to take notice that they did both wear necklaces with their initial's on them, her sisters being a D and hers being an N. Not that those were always visible but when they were that was helpful at least. "It's nice to meet you, Mackenzie."
Mackenzie nodded in agreement. "He does get away from being... cute." okay, maybe it wasn't the word that he was looking for to describe Morpheus, but the fact remains that one really cannot stay mad at him. That or he just spoils his pets rotten... allmost of the time.
The Slytherin looked at the sky in wonder... just how cool would it be to have an identical twin and they could swap identities when needed? Cooler if he had a twin from a different house. The possibility to exploit each other's common rooms excited him for some reason. But, alas, that wasn't the case. He had no twin, and perhaps the only way to get past other common rooms was through Polyjuice Potion.
"You must've done cool things together," maybe even naughty ones if they were the type to break the rules? Gryffindors were notoriously known for that.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Originally Posted by Stefan
Mackenzie nodded in agreement. "He does get away from being... cute." okay, maybe it wasn't the word that he was looking for to describe Morpheus, but the fact remains that one really cannot stay mad at him. That or he just spoils his pets rotten... allmost of the time.
The Slytherin looked at the sky in wonder... just how cool would it be to have an identical twin and they could swap identities when needed? Cooler if he had a twin from a different house. The possibility to exploit each other's common rooms excited him for some reason. But, alas, that wasn't the case. He had no twin, and perhaps the only way to get past other common rooms was through Polyjuice Potion.
"You must've done cool things together," maybe even naughty ones if they were the type to break the rules? Gryffindors were notoriously known for that.
The reply made Natalie smile. "I can't say that I blame you for giving in to his cuteness. I would too if I had a reptile as cute as he is." Or any reptile for that matter. She had a pygmy puff. While it was very cute, it wasn't really like most other creatures.
"Well yeah, we pretty much used to do just about everything together." Not so much all of the time anymore, since they are getting older now and branching out a little more but they still do quite a lot together. The talk of her twin actually making her think of her sister right then, having her wonder where Deanna was at that moment. Being identical did make it very easy to trick others but that's what their necklaces were for, when they were visible on their necks anyhow.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
Originally Posted by Kolyander
Bryony had been on her bestest behavior lately. Or as bestest as she could be anyway. Why? All for the promise of getting to spend an entire day with one of her most favoritest people in the entire universe. Her big brother. It wasn't often that he spent time with her anymore, at least not willingly on his part. And let's be real here for a minute, Bry had no idea why! She was super fun to be around. Maybe Logan just couldn’t keep up with her anymore. Or he didn’t like her. Nah, it was more like the former, everyone liked her.. How could they not, she was ah-dor-ah-ble!
So when the do had finally arrived, Bry went all out so that Logan had no reason not to go back on his word. The ten year old even left her Bacon at home. Yes, her Jarvey. At home. But she had done it all in the name of getting to hangout with her brother. There was even some very clear restraint going on from clinging to Logan like a monkey as well. Lots of holding back was happening. She didn't want to give him any reason to take her back home.. but really, it was boring.
No running, no yelling, no twirling around or jumping or anything. Instead she held everything inside unlike her usual chaotic whirlwind self and trailed alongside the older blonde until they got to the playground. "Are you gonna join me?" Or was he going to just sit somewhere and do nothing? He could even pick if he wanted.
Today Logan was ... well, he wasn't exactly rainbows and sunshine. Normally he was okay with hanging out with his younger sister during the summer, especially since the older ones didn't appreciate his company as much. But he felt himself getting easily annoyed with Bryony lately. He still hadn't forgotten that he had agreed to spend an entire day with her just so she wouldn't pester him the day he and Vera wandered around the alley. It was something that had loomed over him for a while now and, with school around the corner, he supposed it was time to get it over with before he never heard the end of it.
Even though he didn't want to admit it, Bry was reigning things back quite a bit. She hadn't snuck Bacon with her, she wasn't running around like crazy, she wasn't even giving him a headache. It was actually quite impressive, really. But that was something he wasn't going to say out loud. He was sure that would encourage her to behave in the exact opposite way.
Was he going to join her? "Uhh..." he began, wondering if he actually was going to. The playground was her idea since, in his mind, he was too old for the place. Quickly different scenarios ran through his mind. He could say no, and she would cry. He could say he'd sit and watch, but that would likely lead to pouting. So there was only one option. "Yeah. Yeah, I'll join you. We ninja warrioring?" He wasn't too old for that.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Originally Posted by Zoe
Today Logan was ... well, he wasn't exactly rainbows and sunshine. Normally he was okay with hanging out with his younger sister during the summer, especially since the older ones didn't appreciate his company as much. But he felt himself getting easily annoyed with Bryony lately. He still hadn't forgotten that he had agreed to spend an entire day with her just so she wouldn't pester him the day he and Vera wandered around the alley. It was something that had loomed over him for a while now and, with school around the corner, he supposed it was time to get it over with before he never heard the end of it.
Even though he didn't want to admit it, Bry was reigning things back quite a bit. She hadn't snuck Bacon with her, she wasn't running around like crazy, she wasn't even giving him a headache. It was actually quite impressive, really. But that was something he wasn't going to say out loud. He was sure that would encourage her to behave in the exact opposite way.
Was he going to join her? "Uhh..." he began, wondering if he actually was going to. The playground was her idea since, in his mind, he was too old for the place. Quickly different scenarios ran through his mind. He could say no, and she would cry. He could say he'd sit and watch, but that would likely lead to pouting. So there was only one option. "Yeah. Yeah, I'll join you. We ninja warrioring?" He wasn't too old for that.
They were only at the playground because he had let her choose. She was ten, where else really was she meant to go.. without spending all of her own coins. This girl wasn't dumb. Bry was many things but a money waster wasn't one of them. So had her big brother wanted to go anywhere else, he should've opened his mouth and said so... but he hadn't so this is where they ended up. Not her problem if he didn't like it.
From the second she heard that 'Uhhh' uttered from Logan's mouth the small blonde sighed softly, her little shoulders slumping a bit. There would be no big fit for him telling her no today, she would take it like a champ and go play by herself.. even though he was meant to be spending time with her. "Okay, I'll ju-.." Hold up. Wait a minute. Had he just told her yes?!
Bright blue eyes sparkled happily and she nodded her head immediately. "Yeah! Can you show me what you've been working on lately?" They could always still bond over Ninja Warrior training, right?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Arden wasn't sure how she had managed to get to the playground, but she supposed her natural affinity for being outdoors helped the process.
That, and her need to be near action. A playground certainly had action if any kids were on it, and if there weren't, Arden could certainly have her own fun on the monkey bars.
Which Arden promptly climbed atop of and sat with her feet dangling below her. The sixteen-year-old let herself dangle upside down momentarily before pulling herself upright once more and pulling a notebook from her backpack to start drawing the greenery around her. With her pencil between her teeth, the Gryffindor tried to shift to see which direction she was going to sketch. It never ceased to amaze her mother how she was naturally good at anything artsy, anything creative. Arden would have argued that she was only really good at singing, playing instruments, and drawing. She was no good at writing because of her dyslexia (and lack of confidence, therefore).
A memory of her painting her childhood bedroom walls with her dad swam through her mind as she began to sketch a nearby tree, her curls dangling down her back. If they bothered her, she'd have to pull her hair up.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Mandrake Beery wasn't sure if there was an age in which it was unspokenly agreed upon that you were TOO OLD to play on a playground, but if there was... He was prepared to either A) hope that age wasn't 12 or B) ignore it if it was. He LOVED the playground in Diagon Alley - with the swings that required no effort and the creature carousel. He did have to admit, after completing his first year at Hogwarts the little castle replica wasn't nearly as exciting, but everything else still held its usual splendor.
Zooooooming to the carousel as soon as there was an open pathway to do so, the rising second year hopped up on to a Kelpie and gave a whoop of excitement as it began to spin around. He should have made Gil come with him, he realized, but maybe others would wander about.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start