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For all your magical mirror needs, Janus Galloglass is the place to be. Sure, you could go to some other knick knack store that doesn't specialize in mirrors, but if you want quality, if you want customization, if you want pure craftsmanship, then you're in the right place. When you walk inside you'll have a hard time not seeing your own reflection somewhere on the walls and displays, and yet equally, not every mirror shows you yourself as you might expect. Some show reflections of completely different places and faces, some show you what you would look like as a different gender or age, some show you how others see you, and some appear not to reflect anything at all. Many of the mirrors call out compliments or advice as you walk close to them. Some seem to watch you as you make your way around the store.
Janus Galloglass deals in three main areas when it comes to mirror making: mirrors for communication, mirrors for vanity and appearance, and mirrors for divination, though there are other types of mirrors available for other needs - just ask. Fancy a foeglass? Need a talking mirror to tell you how fabulous you are? Want a hand mirror charmed to never fog up? Do you need a mirror that will zoom? Maybe you need mirror parts for your telescope, or a mirror charmed to show you the back of your head. Perhaps you're in the market for a prank mirror of some variety. Whatever you need, if it isn't already on the shelves, you can get a quote here, just be aware that some more complex custom requests might take a little time to craft.
You mustn't forget, of course, that Janus Galloglass also provides a Psychomanteum that its valued patrons can make use of, for a price of course. Your Catoptromancy session can be guided too if you need a little help with interpretation, or you may pay to use the Psychomanteum by yourself for a 15, 35, or 55 minute session. Please note there are multitudes of security spells in this store. It isn't wise to try and steal when so many of the mirrors are watching you, not to mention, if you break you DEFINITELY buy, or you might just get sucked into a holding mirror until an auror can be summoned to deal with you.
Text Cut: inventory
A note about inventory:
At Janus Galloglass the price of a given mirror depends on several factors that make an exact pricing menu unwieldy and difficult. Please use the following price brackets for a guide as far as what you can choose to RP as a quoted price, and remember the more complex the charms or magic of a mirror, the more expensive it is likely to be.
Mirror Sizes
ring mirrors - starting at 1 galleon, 1 sickle
compact mirror - starting at 1 galleon, 1 sickle
hand held mirror - starting at 1 galleon, 2 sickles
book-sized mirror - starting at 1 galleon, 10 sickles
half-length mirror - starting at 3 galleons, 7 sickles
full-length mirror - starting at 5 galleons, 4 sickles
larger custom size - starting at 8 galleons, 2 sickles
Now that she was starting her second year as a professional Quidditch athlete, Autumn was starting to get recognized a lot as well as followed around by the occasional paparazzi. She usually didn't mind the attention, in fact she often loved it, unless she was otherwise preoccupied, like today.
Today she had very specific, purposeful plans. Her mother's birthday was coming up and it was a very big milestone. Autumn couldn't imagine turning fifty herself, but half a century was meant to be celebrated and her father was planning a big celebration. And that meant Autumn wanted to buy her mother a few lavish gifts.
She had already been to the boutique on hexagon alley and was carrying a couple bags of designer clothes, for her mother and for herself, as she walked into Janus Galloglass. The 19 year old didn't have anything specific in mind, but the thought of an ornate, magical mirror sounded interesting. It was something unique for sure.
As she slowly walked through the aisles, glancing here and there at the mirrors hung on the walls, a voice made her pause.
"What a beautiful woman!"
Oh? Autumn turned to see who was commenting on her appearance, but saw no one. No one, but her own reflection in an exquisitely framed large portrait mirror.
"You are stunning! And so smart too. Beauty and brains, what a winning combination!"
Oh, it was the mirror! Autumn grinned widely at her reflection, then laughed in delight. "Well, thank you!" Would her mother like this as a gift? She couldn't think why anyone wouldn't want a mirror that freely gave out compliments. An instant mood lifter.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Now that she was starting her second year as a professional Quidditch athlete, Autumn was starting to get recognized a lot as well as followed around by the occasional paparazzi. She usually didn't mind the attention, in fact she often loved it, unless she was otherwise preoccupied, like today.
Today she had very specific, purposeful plans. Her mother's birthday was coming up and it was a very big milestone. Autumn couldn't imagine turning fifty herself, but half a century was meant to be celebrated and her father was planning a big celebration. And that meant Autumn wanted to buy her mother a few lavish gifts.
She had already been to the boutique on hexagon alley and was carrying a couple bags of designer clothes, for her mother and for herself, as she walked into Janus Galloglass. The 19 year old didn't have anything specific in mind, but the thought of an ornate, magical mirror sounded interesting. It was something unique for sure.
As she slowly walked through the aisles, glancing here and there at the mirrors hung on the walls, a voice made her pause.
"What a beautiful woman!"
Oh? Autumn turned to see who was commenting on her appearance, but saw no one. No one, but her own reflection in an exquisitely framed large portrait mirror.
"You are stunning! And so smart too. Beauty and brains, what a winning combination!"
Oh, it was the mirror! Autumn grinned widely at her reflection, then laughed in delight. "Well, thank you!" Would her mother like this as a gift? She couldn't think why anyone wouldn't want a mirror that freely gave out compliments. An instant mood lifter.
Lee was in the market for a new mirror. A two-way mirror, to be exact. Two...he supposed. He'd gotten the impression his sister was a bit lonely since he'd moved back to Scotland, and he figured an extra set could come in handy. Maybe she'd talk to him more, maybe he'd give it to one of their cousins or their moms and she'd talk to somebody else. He'd let her decide.
He knew where the mirror shop was, but once inside he did not know where to start. He heard voices, though, so he walked towards those, hoping to find a shopkeeper to help him. What he found instead was an oddly familiar-looking young woman. He frowned. Now...how did she know her? Not from school, she looked a bit too young for that. Quidditch? That was really his only other good guess.
"Excuse me," he said, looking between the woman herself and her reflection. "You look very familiar...do I know you?"
Lee was in the market for a new mirror. A two-way mirror, to be exact. Two...he supposed. He'd gotten the impression his sister was a bit lonely since he'd moved back to Scotland, and he figured an extra set could come in handy. Maybe she'd talk to him more, maybe he'd give it to one of their cousins or their moms and she'd talk to somebody else. He'd let her decide.
He knew where the mirror shop was, but once inside he did not know where to start. He heard voices, though, so he walked towards those, hoping to find a shopkeeper to help him. What he found instead was an oddly familiar-looking young woman. He frowned. Now...how did she know her? Not from school, she looked a bit too young for that. Quidditch? That was really his only other good guess.
"Excuse me," he said, looking between the woman herself and her reflection. "You look very familiar...do I know you?"
Autumn was positively delighted with this mirror. So much so that she was tempted to buy it for herself. Not that she was lacking in people telling her wonderful things about herself, but she never got tired of hearing it and this mirror would be quite the pick-me-up in the mornings while getting ready for the day.
But truly, a fifty year old woman probably needed it more than she did. Not that her mother wasn't beautiful - she was gorgeous - where else did Autumn get her own good looks? And she was an amazing Quidditch player in her own day. But Autumn figured that once a woman reached a certain age, she could use a little extra praise and confidence.
She was a little preoccupied with these thoughts as well as the compliments she was still getting from the mirror that she didn't immediately notice the other reflection in the mirror from behind her. Not until he spoke. Autumn lifted her eyes from her own reflection to look at the man's reflection, giving him a pleasant smile. She was used to being recognized.
"Oh, I'm sure I do look familiar," she said knowingly but pleasantly. "Since signing with the Cannons last year, I have been in several magazines." So he was likely a passing Quidditch fan, though not much of a fan of the Cannons if he couldn't make a definitive identification. Although... he did look somewhat familiar himself, she noted, as she continued to gaze at his reflection.
She turned around to face him with an inquisitive looking, keeping her smile. "Autumn Low. Do you follow Quidditch... or do you play?" To be fair, she knew many professional Quidditch players, but she couldn't be expected to know all of them.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Autumn was positively delighted with this mirror. So much so that she was tempted to buy it for herself. Not that she was lacking in people telling her wonderful things about herself, but she never got tired of hearing it and this mirror would be quite the pick-me-up in the mornings while getting ready for the day.
But truly, a fifty year old woman probably needed it more than she did. Not that her mother wasn't beautiful - she was gorgeous - where else did Autumn get her own good looks? And she was an amazing Quidditch player in her own day. But Autumn figured that once a woman reached a certain age, she could use a little extra praise and confidence.
She was a little preoccupied with these thoughts as well as the compliments she was still getting from the mirror that she didn't immediately notice the other reflection in the mirror from behind her. Not until he spoke. Autumn lifted her eyes from her own reflection to look at the man's reflection, giving him a pleasant smile. She was used to being recognized.
"Oh, I'm sure I do look familiar," she said knowingly but pleasantly. "Since signing with the Cannons last year, I have been in several magazines." So he was likely a passing Quidditch fan, though not much of a fan of the Cannons if he couldn't make a definitive identification. Although... he did look somewhat familiar himself, she noted, as she continued to gaze at his reflection.
She turned around to face him with an inquisitive looking, keeping her smile. "Autumn Low. Do you follow Quidditch... or do you play?" To be fair, she knew many professional Quidditch players, but she couldn't be expected to know all of them.
Lee's smile faltered a bit when she seemed not to recognize him. But it seemed his guess was accurate, if she played for the Cannons. "Right," he said, nodding. She'd been in several magazines. "Good for you," he added, mostly sincerely.
He smiled pleasantly as he wondered if he had actually seen her in any of said magazines. That would explain why he apparently recognized her, and she didn't. He hadn't been in many magazines, and not in the last year. "Lee Andrews-Svensson," he said, realizing he probably needed to introduce himself if she was ever going to remember who he was, now or later. "Pride of Portree. We must have played against each other, I guess."
Lee's smile faltered a bit when she seemed not to recognize him. But it seemed his guess was accurate, if she played for the Cannons. "Right," he said, nodding. She'd been in several magazines. "Good for you," he added, mostly sincerely.
He smiled pleasantly as he wondered if he had actually seen her in any of said magazines. That would explain why he apparently recognized her, and she didn't. He hadn't been in many magazines, and not in the last year. "Lee Andrews-Svensson," he said, realizing he probably needed to introduce himself if she was ever going to remember who he was, now or later. "Pride of Portree. We must have played against each other, I guess."
Why yes, Autumn thought it was rather fantastic for herself that she'd appeared in several magazines about the newest up and coming stars of Quidditch, though she knew in her sophomore year she would have to keep pushing herself to continue that sort of recognition. She really enjoyed the attention, but she enjoyed earning it even more. As much as she liked to be praised and revered, she wanted it to be sincere and not false.
"Oh right, I knew you looked familiar," she said, keeping her pleasant smile. The name was even more so as she tried to learn the strategies of her opponents, or at least become familiar with them before she played opposite them. It was a strategy her mother had taught her from a young age. And given that Lee was also a chaser, she had been such a target of her and her chaser trio at one point. "Of course we did. Unless your reserve played for you during our match this past season." And that she did not recall, but as she had only been with the Cannons for one year, there had been only one game with the opportunity to have played each other.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Why yes, Autumn thought it was rather fantastic for herself that she'd appeared in several magazines about the newest up and coming stars of Quidditch, though she knew in her sophomore year she would have to keep pushing herself to continue that sort of recognition. She really enjoyed the attention, but she enjoyed earning it even more. As much as she liked to be praised and revered, she wanted it to be sincere and not false.
"Oh right, I knew you looked familiar," she said, keeping her pleasant smile. The name was even more so as she tried to learn the strategies of her opponents, or at least become familiar with them before she played opposite them. It was a strategy her mother had taught her from a young age. And given that Lee was also a chaser, she had been such a target of her and her chaser trio at one point. "Of course we did. Unless your reserve played for you during our match this past season." And that she did not recall, but as she had only been with the Cannons for one year, there had been only one game with the opportunity to have played each other.
Yeahhhhh..... Lee was fairly certain this woman was a liar. She had no idea who he was, and she was just being polite. And, honestly, while it bothered him more than a little bit that he recognized her but not vice versa, it wasn't really surprising. He wasn't going to win MVP anytime soon, and the Pride of Portree wasn't the best either. But he was good enough at this thing he loved that someone paid him to do it, and he supposed that was enough.
In theory.
"No, I don't think my reserve played," he said simply. "I'm a pretty healthy guy." Unless it had been the week he'd visited his sister in Italy, but he doubted it. "Though perhaps your reserve played for you," he joked, half smiling. "Did you do something special to be in those magazines, or was it a profile of new players?" he asked. He couldn't remember.
There was a lot to have to think about in terms of necessities for beginning education at Hogwarts. Thankfully the school did send out the helpful lists with what each Professor would be requiring for curriculum purposes, and what were just the general necessities of classes anyways like cauldrons and robes and the like. But what they didn't list was the things that were needed personally. There was no list of toiletries, there was no list of what she'd need to make SURE she had plenty of on hand for her cello, there was no list of what would be needed in order to remain in communication with the world beyond the Hogwarts gates.
And all of those non-listed items were what left Tamara Bowen the most scared for her upcoming year. She'd tried to make her own list, and as if she were a tiny strawberry blond Santa Claus she had double and triple checked the list to make sure she didn't forget anything. She'd even had her parents check the list, and her older sister and older cousins and anyone she could think of who could tell her what was IMPORTANT that she was forgetting to think about. But with even all that double checking having been done, Tam was still only feeling half prepared at best.
She was hoping though she'd feel much better once she'd actually made some of the purchases, however. And the most important feeling on the least was a two way mirror so she could communicate with home. She wasn't really sure how one went about picking out a mirror though, so she'd brought Anna along in hopes her sister would be able to steer her in the right direction. Anna was older so she was definitely more knowledgeable in all of these areas.
Pushing through the door way, the young girl gave a tiny "MEEP" as she glanced around at all of the mirrors. She knew they were just reflections and charms but... the different versions of herself staring back at her was disconcerting at best, even if it WAS nice that one mirror called out to compliment her braided pigtails and yellow dress she'd chosen for the day. She was regretting being the first one to walk through, so before moving on any further she stepped to the side to give Anna room to enter. "Annoushka? Why are there SO many different types of mirrors?" She turned to address her sister, brown eyes widened with curiosity but still a hint of the fright to them too. The nickname gave her some comfort to still use, as did the presence. All of her favorite composers were German, so she often slipped German verbiage here and there into her every day sentences - including the nicknames for her family at times.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,087
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
There was a lot to have to think about in terms of necessities for beginning education at Hogwarts. Thankfully the school did send out the helpful lists with what each Professor would be requiring for curriculum purposes, and what were just the general necessities of classes anyways like cauldrons and robes and the like. But what they didn't list was the things that were needed personally. There was no list of toiletries, there was no list of what she'd need to make SURE she had plenty of on hand for her cello, there was no list of what would be needed in order to remain in communication with the world beyond the Hogwarts gates.
And all of those non-listed items were what left Tamara Bowen the most scared for her upcoming year. She'd tried to make her own list, and as if she were a tiny strawberry blond Santa Claus she had double and triple checked the list to make sure she didn't forget anything. She'd even had her parents check the list, and her older sister and older cousins and anyone she could think of who could tell her what was IMPORTANT that she was forgetting to think about. But with even all that double checking having been done, Tam was still only feeling half prepared at best.
She was hoping though she'd feel much better once she'd actually made some of the purchases, however. And the most important feeling on the least was a two way mirror so she could communicate with home. She wasn't really sure how one went about picking out a mirror though, so she'd brought Anna along in hopes her sister would be able to steer her in the right direction. Anna was older so she was definitely more knowledgeable in all of these areas.
Pushing through the door way, the young girl gave a tiny "MEEP" as she glanced around at all of the mirrors. She knew they were just reflections and charms but... the different versions of herself staring back at her was disconcerting at best, even if it WAS nice that one mirror called out to compliment her braided pigtails and yellow dress she'd chosen for the day. She was regretting being the first one to walk through, so before moving on any further she stepped to the side to give Anna room to enter. "Annoushka? Why are there SO many different types of mirrors?" She turned to address her sister, brown eyes widened with curiosity but still a hint of the fright to them too. The nickname gave her some comfort to still use, as did the presence. All of her favorite composers were German, so she often slipped German verbiage here and there into her every day sentences - including the nicknames for her family at times.
It was one thing to be excited about your little cousins joining you at school and a totally other thing when it was your own (half) sister joining you! It was hard to gauge who had been more inconsolable in their excitement when Tam Tam Slam had received her Hogwarts letter, Anna or the recipient herself, and the buzz had only intensified to the point where the Hufflepuff was dreaming about bees now! She, of course still had aaaaaaaaaaall of her things from first year (useless as the majority of her notes were because of doodles or stories she had started writing mid lesson) and had been eager to pass down them all to Tam Tam. She hadn't written in aaaaaaaall the margins, so the schoolbooks were basically good as new too! Well loved if anything.
It was going to be great! Even better if they ended up in the same house but if they didn't that was okay too.
Know what else was great? This shop. Anna had only been in here once before and only had a little time to test out the mirrors...so with her little (half) sister here they could surely cover more ground. Maybe even test them all!
"Becaaaaaaaaaaause," she whispered while looping her arm through the young girl's and tugging her gently along with out as she strode more confidently into the shop. "Mirrors are a sacred mystical artifact, half the world you and I exist in and half of another. There are mirrors that reflect the truth of the soul and your deepest desires... Did you know there is a mirror at Hogwarts that doesn't show your reflection? Instead it is like...this grand ballroom and I am working on how to step through it so I can enter and explore that reality too. I BET there is a mirror like that here too and we are going to find it!"
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
It was one thing to be excited about your little cousins joining you at school and a totally other thing when it was your own (half) sister joining you! It was hard to gauge who had been more inconsolable in their excitement when Tam Tam Slam had received her Hogwarts letter, Anna or the recipient herself, and the buzz had only intensified to the point where the Hufflepuff was dreaming about bees now! She, of course still had aaaaaaaaaaall of her things from first year (useless as the majority of her notes were because of doodles or stories she had started writing mid lesson) and had been eager to pass down them all to Tam Tam. She hadn't written in aaaaaaaall the margins, so the schoolbooks were basically good as new too! Well loved if anything.
It was going to be great! Even better if they ended up in the same house but if they didn't that was okay too.
Know what else was great? This shop. Anna had only been in here once before and only had a little time to test out the mirrors...so with her little (half) sister here they could surely cover more ground. Maybe even test them all!
"Becaaaaaaaaaaause," she whispered while looping her arm through the young girl's and tugging her gently along with out as she strode more confidently into the shop. "Mirrors are a sacred mystical artifact, half the world you and I exist in and half of another. There are mirrors that reflect the truth of the soul and your deepest desires... Did you know there is a mirror at Hogwarts that doesn't show your reflection? Instead it is like...this grand ballroom and I am working on how to step through it so I can enter and explore that reality too. I BET there is a mirror like that here too and we are going to find it!"
The different houses and where she could end up was something that was constantly on her mind since she had received her Hogwarts letter, and try as she might to self-sort herself... Tam was never able to imagine where she'd end up for the next seventh terms. She quite liked the idea of ending up in the same house as Anna, but she wasn't sure that she had the attributes of a Hufflepuff. But she also wasn't sure she had the attributes of any of the other houses either. Slytherin and Gryffindor seemed pretty out of place, but Ravenclaw also didn't sound quite right. She wouldn't say that she was particularly smart or creative enough for that...
And she couldn't really just go by family sorting either, considering there was a bit of her extended everywhere.
She probably would have continued to spiral within her own thoughts but the timidness from all of their reflections staring back at her was enough to break her from doing so. And it was only Anna's arm through her own that got the girl to take more steps into the shop, eyes glancing back and forth between each of the different ones. "Do you think that have any just... normal, mundane mirrors here too? The type that don't tell you compliments about your appearance or change the way you look or or... What else do they do?" Well, she ran out of suggestions because there were so many mirrors with so many uses she wasn't even sure what the others were. Wait... a mirror with a ballroom in it? "Does Hogwarts have a ballroom? It is maybe actually just a secret passage?" She did not have the same curious nature of wanting to explore a potentially alternate reality but...
The acoustics in a ballroom would be something else entirely.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,087
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
If he knew all this, he would be curious to know what sort of behavior she considered drastic. It immediately brought to mind the conduct of a stereotypical Gryffindor, for example, but surely it wouldn't be limited to that. Curious indeed.
Now with their arms linked, Lio chuckled. "Actually, now that you mention it, I have been practicing." He was both a professional Quidditch player and a pro at walking while chewing gum now. A very talented person he was, surely she knew.
"To jogging buddies and nice views." He lightly clinked his butterbeer with hers and took a quick drink, and then he led them down the street in the direction of Janus Galloglass.
She should have known better.
Even within the context of what they had been discussing she had not anticipated Lio to be so on the nose with it.
With just a little bit of butterbeer froth clinging to her upper lip despite the numerous sips taken along their short walk, Sadie rolled her eyes and shook her head when she realized she had been bamboozled into literally self indulgent absurdity. It was a Curtis move if she ever saw one. Or perhaps she was slapping that presumption on Lio unfairing and prematurely.
"You know...when I suggested nice views, I wasn't implying we literlly go admire ourselves in mirrors," she nudged with a skeptical raised brow and the smallest of judgemental smiles. She wasn't sure which would be worse, behaving like Narcissus himself or the potential that he was dragging her along for some nonsensical Catoptromancy session.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
She should have known better.
Even within the context of what they had been discussing she had not anticipated Lio to be so on the nose with it.
With just a little bit of butterbeer froth clinging to her upper lip despite the numerous sips taken along their short walk, Sadie rolled her eyes and shook her head when she realized she had been bamboozled into literally self indulgent absurdity. It was a Curtis move if she ever saw one. Or perhaps she was slapping that presumption on Lio unfairing and prematurely.
"You know...when I suggested nice views, I wasn't implying we literlly go admire ourselves in mirrors," she nudged with a skeptical raised brow and the smallest of judgemental smiles. She wasn't sure which would be worse, behaving like Narcissus himself or the potential that he was dragging her along for some nonsensical Catoptromancy session.
Truth be told, Lio hadn't intentionally aimed for this particular shop. Or any shop, really. His only goal had been to enjoy some butterbeer and her company, and perhaps do a little window shopping.
But now that she'd pointed out the irony...where was the fun in admitting that it was an accident? It would be far more amusing to roll with the idea that it was on purpose than to not.
"Hey, it isn't my fault if we're the nicest views in the alley," he replied, a teasing glint in his grey eyes. And, perhaps, noting that she looked cute with the butterbeer froth on her lip. Just a passing thought. "I'm just following your directions." She'd need to be more specific next time about the exact views she wanted. Or his subconscious or fate or destiny (or a horse) needed to have less of a sense of humor. Either/or.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,087
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
I see you, Eugene Fitzherbert
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
Truth be told, Lio hadn't intentionally aimed for this particular shop. Or any shop, really. His only goal had been to enjoy some butterbeer and her company, and perhaps do a little window shopping.
But now that she'd pointed out the irony...where was the fun in admitting that it was an accident? It would be far more amusing to roll with the idea that it was on purpose than to not.
"Hey, it isn't my fault if we're the nicest views in the alley," he replied, a teasing glint in his grey eyes. And, perhaps, noting that she looked cute with the butterbeer froth on her lip. Just a passing thought. "I'm just following your directions." She'd need to be more specific next time about the exact views she wanted. Or his subconscious or fate or destiny (or a horse) needed to have less of a sense of humor. Either/or.
She wouldn't believe it if he said it. That was just the way with her most of the time. Once she had her mind made up on something it took entirely too much time and energy to convince her otherwise. Though, this instance was a little less that. She hadn't truly believed what she accused him of but it was entirely too funny a concept to not latch on to. So, mostly, she was now subconsciously busying herself with affirming this narrative.
"Difficult to fault that logic," she mused while playing with one of her braids. She could, fault it that is, but she wouldn't. She would also be appalled to know she still had a bit of butterbeer froth on her lips. "So...what...are you in the business of finding a new ceiling mirror so you can look at yourself while you lay down in bed?"
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
She wouldn't believe it if he said it. That was just the way with her most of the time. Once she had her mind made up on something it took entirely too much time and energy to convince her otherwise. Though, this instance was a little less that. She hadn't truly believed what she accused him of but it was entirely too funny a concept to not latch on to. So, mostly, she was now subconsciously busying herself with affirming this narrative.
"Difficult to fault that logic," she mused while playing with one of her braids. She could, fault it that is, but she wouldn't. She would also be appalled to know she still had a bit of butterbeer froth on her lips. "So...what...are you in the business of finding a new ceiling mirror so you can look at yourself while you lay down in bed?"
Always nice to hear someone agree with your logic, especially when that someone was Sadie Kareless. Lio was less sure on whether she was simply going along with the joke or if she genuinely thought it was true, but he was choosing to believe the first option. Much more fun in his mind if they were both in on the joke.
"Actually, I was considering getting one of those mirrors that give out compliments," he replied. "Thought it'd be a nice pep talk after a rough match." It was the nature of life which meant it was impossible for him to win every single match. But that knowledge provided little solace in the immediate aftermath of losing a game, losses caused by his own failure. A complimentary mirror wouldn't actually help with how low he felt in those situations. But it was mildly amusing to think so.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,087
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
Always nice to hear someone agree with your logic, especially when that someone was Sadie Kareless. Lio was less sure on whether she was simply going along with the joke or if she genuinely thought it was true, but he was choosing to believe the first option. Much more fun in his mind if they were both in on the joke.
"Actually, I was considering getting one of those mirrors that give out compliments," he replied. "Thought it'd be a nice pep talk after a rough match." It was the nature of life which meant it was impossible for him to win every single match. But that knowledge provided little solace in the immediate aftermath of losing a game, losses caused by his own failure. A complimentary mirror wouldn't actually help with how low he felt in those situations. But it was mildly amusing to think so.
He was lucky she was feeling in a particularly agreeable mood, though not without her favorite dash of sass and being argumentative for the sake of it.
"Mmmm, nothing like some fabricated infatuation," she chuckled as she lifted a small compact off the display. She wasn't so much the sort of girl who would check her appearance in a mirror all that much, so there really was no need for such a luxury but she had to admit that the flower shape of this one and the gold leaf detailing was really nice. She may even be tempted. "Maybe you should invest in one for the locker room." She couldn't help herself at the playful little jab.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Did she need a mirror? Not exactly, but that wasn’t going to stop the rising third year Slytherin from stopping into the mirror shop while she was visiting the Alley. It didn’t hurt that she half-expected that her siblings wouldn’t bother to come inside, nor did it hurt that some of the mirrors were rather flattering. Giselle did like compliments. Plus, she wasn’t hiding exactly, either. That was easy to do when she barely reached five feet in height. She could hide anywhere, if she wanted.
Actually, she rather wanted to be seen, and the complimentary mirrors counted. She’d given one of them a brilliant smile as it tossed flattery her way as she passed by, on her way to peruse the stock of compact mirrors. It wouldn’t hurt to replace the one that she’d borrowed from mum that may or may not have gotten broken at some point last term. Plus, she had a bit of extra money that might be used to buy one of her very own. Once she decided which one she wanted.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
He was lucky she was feeling in a particularly agreeable mood, though not without her favorite dash of sass and being argumentative for the sake of it.
"Mmmm, nothing like some fabricated infatuation," she chuckled as she lifted a small compact off the display. She wasn't so much the sort of girl who would check her appearance in a mirror all that much, so there really was no need for such a luxury but she had to admit that the flower shape of this one and the gold leaf detailing was really nice. She may even be tempted. "Maybe you should invest in one for the locker room." She couldn't help herself at the playful little jab.
"Right? Always good to have it on hand." Who didn't like a little fabricated infatuation and a few empty compliments every now and then?
Lio glanced briefly at the compact she'd picked up, before he continued a few steps on, stopping in front of one of the full-size mirrors on display to take a sip of his butterbeer.
"Oh my, what a handsome young man!"
With Sadie's comment and the sudden perky compliment from the mirror, he choked back a laugh - and the butterbeer - and coughed into his elbow. "Oh yeah" -cough- "the team would love something like this."
"So polite too! So charming!"
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,087
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
"Right? Always good to have it on hand." Who didn't like a little fabricated infatuation and a few empty compliments every now and then?
Lio glanced briefly at the compact she'd picked up, before he continued a few steps on, stopping in front of one of the full-size mirrors on display to take a sip of his butterbeer.
"Oh my, what a handsome young man!"
With Sadie's comment and the sudden perky compliment from the mirror, he choked back a laugh - and the butterbeer - and coughed into his elbow. "Oh yeah" -cough- "the team would love something like this."
"So polite too! So charming!"
She hoped, truly, that he wasn't being entirely serious about that statement and they were simply continuing with their ridiculous banter. She could think of a few people, one...two specific individuals, who did not need mirrors fueling their already unnecessarily inflated egos. "Do it," she egged on with a pointed by playful jab of her elbow. "Right as you step into the locker room." If nothing else it would be good for a laugh, surely. Sadie took a moment to move a bit closer, putting down the compact she had been examining to where he stood, close enough at least so that she was now reflected in the mirror as well.
"Stunning! Gorgeous! You're an absolute goddess."
Well...at least it wasn't calling her queen.
"Ugh, on second thought...if I were your teammate I would risk the seven years of bad luck and just break it."
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
She hoped, truly, that he wasn't being entirely serious about that statement and they were simply continuing with their ridiculous banter. She could think of a few people, one...two specific individuals, who did not need mirrors fueling their already unnecessarily inflated egos. "Do it," she egged on with a pointed by playful jab of her elbow. "Right as you step into the locker room." If nothing else it would be good for a laugh, surely. Sadie took a moment to move a bit closer, putting down the compact she had been examining to where he stood, close enough at least so that she was now reflected in the mirror as well.
"Stunning! Gorgeous! You're an absolute goddess."
Well...at least it wasn't calling her queen.
"Ugh, on second thought...if I were your teammate I would risk the seven years of bad luck and just break it."
Banter it was indeed. Meaningless compliments and artificial infatuation, well, there was already too much of that in his life. There was no real need for a mirror to provide more of the same, though it was more humorous when it was only an enchanted mirror.
The playful jab elicited a chuckle, and the mirror's own compliment of her once she drew close brought a playful smirk to his face. Lio figured a broken mirror was exactly what they'd end up having if he did actually put it in the locker room. Some of his teammates might think it was funny at first, but there was bound to be someone that would snap at some point. Maybe even he would be the one. Hearing it chirp little comments at them all the time would become annoying.
Didn't mean it had to stop being fun here though. "Hey, at least it's telling the truth when it's about you."
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Jane told Maddox he could take a look around at some of the shops while she did some shopping of her own. They didn't get out to the Alley too often, so Maddox wanted to make sure he got around to what he was really interested in—Janus Galloglass.
He looked over the board advertising the Psychomanteum, which is what he really wanted to see, but it costed money, which he didn't have. The thought of sneaking in crossed his mind, but that could get him into more trouble than he bargained for, so he decided to settle for making his own. He started browsing the shelves, looking for a normal mirror at a nice size. Some of the mirrors called out to him, some of them didn't reflect at all, but he paid them all no mind.
He found a decently sized mirror, one that he double checked to make sure was normal and there would be no surprises, and he lifted it up. He shuffled it over to a desk he had found with a little nook in the bottom, then leaned the mirror against the front of the desk. He crawled into the nook, pushed himself into the little back corner, and looked into the mirror. A little bit of light illuminated the inside of the desk, enough for him to see himself slightly in the reflection of the mirror, but still kept the interior of the nook fairly dark. He stared into the mirror, watching and waiting for something to appear.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by NiallNIP
Jane told Maddox he could take a look around at some of the shops while she did some shopping of her own. They didn't get out to the Alley too often, so Maddox wanted to make sure he got around to what he was really interested in—Janus Galloglass.
He looked over the board advertising the Psychomanteum, which is what he really wanted to see, but it costed money, which he didn't have. The thought of sneaking in crossed his mind, but that could get him into more trouble than he bargained for, so he decided to settle for making his own. He started browsing the shelves, looking for a normal mirror at a nice size. Some of the mirrors called out to him, some of them didn't reflect at all, but he paid them all no mind.
He found a decently sized mirror, one that he double checked to make sure was normal and there would be no surprises, and he lifted it up. He shuffled it over to a desk he had found with a little nook in the bottom, then leaned the mirror against the front of the desk. He crawled into the nook, pushed himself into the little back corner, and looked into the mirror. A little bit of light illuminated the inside of the desk, enough for him to see himself slightly in the reflection of the mirror, but still kept the interior of the nook fairly dark. He stared into the mirror, watching and waiting for something to appear.
With his mom busy watching Lincoln play on the playground, Zephyr had finally gotten the chance to wander away. With permission! He'd promised to gather some of the supplies on his list for school, and he WOULD, but first he wanted to check out some places he hadn't really visited yet. Just out of sheer curiosity. Like, he didn't NEED a mirror, but why not go inside and check it out anyway? Why was there even an ENTIRE shop dedicated to mirrors? Did people really need that many of them? Did people like looking at themselves that much?
These were the questions that needed answering!
So he wandered in, jaw dropping a little at the sheer number and sizes and designs of mirrors present. Woooooow. These people REALLY liked mirrors.
Zeph eyed them as he walked past, pausing every so often at a weird reflection. Or no reflection. What was the point of the ones that didn't reflect anything? AND one of them complimented his hair as he walked by. That was pretty cool.
And then he caught sight of more movement, though not from a weirdo reflection. Someone (or something???) had ducked under a nearby desk with a mirror leaning against it. Huh. What was that about?
Well, he was gonna find out!
So he strolled on over, knelt down, and poked his head under the desk, spotting...someone familiar? It was difficult to tell immediately since there wasn't as much light under here, but that didn't stop Zephyr from saying, "Doing a lot of reflecting under here, huh?" Hehe.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
With his mom busy watching Lincoln play on the playground, Zephyr had finally gotten the chance to wander away. With permission! He'd promised to gather some of the supplies on his list for school, and he WOULD, but first he wanted to check out some places he hadn't really visited yet. Just out of sheer curiosity. Like, he didn't NEED a mirror, but why not go inside and check it out anyway? Why was there even an ENTIRE shop dedicated to mirrors? Did people really need that many of them? Did people like looking at themselves that much?
These were the questions that needed answering!
So he wandered in, jaw dropping a little at the sheer number and sizes and designs of mirrors present. Woooooow. These people REALLY liked mirrors.
Zeph eyed them as he walked past, pausing every so often at a weird reflection. Or no reflection. What was the point of the ones that didn't reflect anything? AND one of them complimented his hair as he walked by. That was pretty cool.
And then he caught sight of more movement, though not from a weirdo reflection. Someone (or something???) had ducked under a nearby desk with a mirror leaning against it. Huh. What was that about?
Well, he was gonna find out!
So he strolled on over, knelt down, and poked his head under the desk, spotting...someone familiar? It was difficult to tell immediately since there wasn't as much light under here, but that didn't stop Zephyr from saying, "Doing a lot of reflecting under here, huh?" Hehe.
Maddox was focused on the mirror, and he felt like something was just beginning to move within the darkness, when someone shifted the mirror a bit and more light peeked into the nook. Whatever was about to appear was no more. He squinted a bit as his eyes readjusted, and looked at whomever it was that decided to interrupt his divining session.
"Zephyr," he said to the familiar face. Not the worst person to have disrupted him. The pun wasn't lost on him, but he wasn't quite amused and made no indication of having caught it."Yes. Catoptromancy," he said flatly. He looked at Zephyr, eyes wide and discerning as usual, waiting for him to keep talking or leave. He couldn't continue with the session if too much light was let in. Maddox scooted a bit and made room for him. "In or out?" He had to choose one, and Maddox was feeling quite gracious at the moment and decided it would be fine if he wanted to participate. Just might be a bit of a squeeze.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by NiallNIP
Maddox was focused on the mirror, and he felt like something was just beginning to move within the darkness, when someone shifted the mirror a bit and more light peeked into the nook. Whatever was about to appear was no more. He squinted a bit as his eyes readjusted, and looked at whomever it was that decided to interrupt his divining session.
"Zephyr," he said to the familiar face. Not the worst person to have disrupted him. The pun wasn't lost on him, but he wasn't quite amused and made no indication of having caught it."Yes. Catoptromancy," he said flatly. He looked at Zephyr, eyes wide and discerning as usual, waiting for him to keep talking or leave. He couldn't continue with the session if too much light was let in. Maddox scooted a bit and made room for him. "In or out?" He had to choose one, and Maddox was feeling quite gracious at the moment and decided it would be fine if he wanted to participate. Just might be a bit of a squeeze.
Oh, it was Maddox! The realization hit Zephyr the moment his classmate spoke.
Cool! Not only had there actually been someone to find under here, but it was a friend! What were the odds?
Zeph didn't know much about this captomancy thing (or...however it was said), other than it had something to do with mirrors (excellent deduction there, Detective Amstern), but that wasn't going to stop him. Of course he wanted to be included! Whatever it was, it was probably fun or cool or interesting if Maddox was hiding under a desk in a mirror shop to do it.
"In," he replied, crawling inside and squeezing into place to sit beside Maddox. It wasn't the most comfortable of environments, but they could make it work! "Now what?"
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Moose was entering Janus Gallowglass as he normally did every few months as a test for himself. Every mirror in this shop that he passed by sent shivers down his spine. He would not falter though. He stopped at a display of mirrors hanging perfectly on the wall and looked at himself in it. As he was looking at himself he saw that his reflection dart it's gaze like it had seen something behind his back. Moose looked behind himself almost instantly. His heart went racing. This was a terrible idea. He hates mirrors.
Nothing was behind him. When he turned back around to look at his reflection again for just a brief second his reflection wasn't his own. First it was Nemesis Upstead, then it was the melting face of his former Headmaster Trent with glimpse of Lucien Rosier beneath. Then they were gone and it was him. He hated Mirrors so so very much.
He exhaled rather deeply.
This test of courage was meant more Gryffindor fools. Maybe after this he would go and cool his mind off by relaxing at the Memorial Garden.
In the meantime he might go and get a 15 minute session in the Psychomanteum. Usually did so his visits to Janus Gallowglass didn't seem like he was snooping around the shop and just looking at himself in the mirrors like a narcissist.
♡ A heart full of Love l ☾ A night bright as Day l
Originally Posted by Uncle Moose
Moose was entering Janus Gallowglass as he normally did every few months as a test for himself. Every mirror in this shop that he passed by sent shivers down his spine. He would not falter though. He stopped at a display of mirrors hanging perfectly on the wall and looked at himself in it. As he was looking at himself he saw that his reflection dart it's gaze like it had seen something behind his back. Moose looked behind himself almost instantly. His heart went racing. This was a terrible idea. He hates mirrors.
Nothing was behind him. When he turned back around to look at his reflection again for just a brief second his reflection wasn't his own. First it was Nemesis Upstead, then it was the melting face of his former Headmaster Trent with glimpse of Lucien Rosier beneath. Then they were gone and it was him. He hated Mirrors so so very much.
He exhaled rather deeply.
This test of courage was meant more Gryffindor fools. Maybe after this he would go and cool his mind off by relaxing at the Memorial Garden.
In the meantime he might go and get a 15 minute session in the Psychomanteum. Usually did so his visits to Janus Gallowglass didn't seem like he was snooping around the shop and just looking at himself in the mirrors like a narcissist.
Christianna knew exactly where to find him.
She hadn’t planned on stopping by Janus Gallowglass, but as she passed the shop, she barely hesitated before slipping inside. Some habits were hard to break. The bell above the door chimed softly as she stepped in, the familiar hum of enchanted objects filling the space. She didn’t need to look around. Her eyes went straight to him, standing in front of the mirrors like he always did.
She slowed as she approached, stopping just beside him, close enough that their reflections blurred together in the glass.
“You really don’t have to keep doing this, you know.”
Her voice was softer than usual, free of its usual teasing, though not entirely. There was no use trying to talk him out of it. She never had before. For a moment, she let the silence sit between them, glancing briefly at the mirrors before looking back at him.
Then, gently, she bumped his arm with her elbow. “Has this gotten any easier?”
She waited for him to respond patiently, shifting on her feet, but didn’t move away. Christi didn’t always understand why he did this, not fully. But she knew enough. And if he needed to stand here and face whatever was staring back at him, then fine.