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Upon opening the door to Atticus' Attic, you will be met with the sound of Wizarding bands both new and old being piped through the whole store. Step inside and you'll find yourself among a sea of Music Tables boasting thousands of albums from artists both Magic and Muggle on any medium you aspire to find. Vinyl records, cassette tapes, compact discs, and 8-track tapes, along with the appropriate devices to play all of these things, paired with large over-ear headphones, can be found at each table. And though many of the tables are dedicated to well-known Muggle recording formats, a fair amount of them are also dedicated to "item albums" as well. Small boxes bearing a band and album name litter these tables, and inside are items the size of a knut, varying in colour and shape dependent on the box's label. A single tap with a wand will cause the album to begin to play aloud or the album can also be stuck behind the ear to be played privately, so as to not disturb others.
At the back of the shop, you might notice the door tucked off to the right side with a shiny plaque marking the room beyond as "The Recording Booth". Inside you'll find a very large, enchanted soundboard and a plethora of various sound equipment. A sign on the wall asks that you please not touch the soundboard, as it is a very delicate piece of technology. The wide room is complete with several microphone stands scattered throughout and many enchanted instruments, waiting to be played by hand or charmed to life. You'll find that any artist entering the room will have their music or vocals magically isolated by careful charms laid out by the shopkeeper. Time in this booth can be booked in advance and walk-ins are also accepted on basis of availability.
Set along the back wall of the shop is an area devoted specifically to displaying the various band merchandise offered up for sale. The wall is lined completely with T-shirts, stacks of which can be found in cube shelving beneath, along with an assortment of band-related hoodies. A few tables bear a hodge-podge of items to be browsed: band logo jewelry, keychains, posters, and sturdy white cardboard boxes filled with music-related magazines, each labeled on the front with the magazine's name, are just a few of the treasures you’ll find here. Whatever your musical needs, Atticus's Attic is sure have what you're searching for.
This shop is owned by an NPC and is a part of the IC Shopkeeper initiative. For details, please see this thread.
Do you have a character who is a musician or headcanon'd one and would like for their works appear in the inventory here? Fill out this questionnaire and the Diagon Alley Proprietors will make it happen!
While she'd always appreciated music, Honora had never been one to really pay attention or make much of a distinction between songs she overheard. Unfortunately, she'd gotten into the habit of listening to music while she worked, especially if she was working alone. And without much preference for any specific music, she'd found herself hearing the same 5 songs over and over on whatever radio frequency she'd happened upon that day.
And having the same 5 songs on repeat for hours at a time was starting to irritate her.
As she meandered through the music shop, she was nearly hoping something would jump out at her and beg to be listened to. There were just too many choices and she didn't know where to begin. The young chef paused to thumb through a random box of item albums, hoping something would catch her eye. Or, rather, her ear.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Honora! <3
Originally Posted by Waddles
While she'd always appreciated music, Honora had never been one to really pay attention or make much of a distinction between songs she overheard. Unfortunately, she'd gotten into the habit of listening to music while she worked, especially if she was working alone. And without much preference for any specific music, she'd found herself hearing the same 5 songs over and over on whatever radio frequency she'd happened upon that day.
And having the same 5 songs on repeat for hours at a time was starting to irritate her.
As she meandered through the music shop, she was nearly hoping something would jump out at her and beg to be listened to. There were just too many choices and she didn't know where to begin. The young chef paused to thumb through a random box of item albums, hoping something would catch her eye. Or, rather, her ear.
Music was okay. Aria was neither a huge fan nor was she averse to it. Then just why was the young fashion designer here? Since moving in with her brothers, she thought that she could find some music that would brighten up the apartment. It wasn’t that Caes and Darius’ place was dull; it was just that music was a good background noise and can fill the silences. Plus, Aria wanted to find some music that reminded her of her dads; yes, she was still adjusting to being away from them.
“Anything interesting?” Aria questioned casually to a slightly older looking woman as they both came to a pause in close proximity. “If not, I suggest Joshua Miller if you’re not a fan already.” Aria offered her a smile then returned to her own browsing. Perhaps some wrock? The Kings and Serpents were really good…
Music was okay. Aria was neither a huge fan nor was she averse to it. Then just why was the young fashion designer here? Since moving in with her brothers, she thought that she could find some music that would brighten up the apartment. It wasn’t that Caes and Darius’ place was dull; it was just that music was a good background noise and can fill the silences. Plus, Aria wanted to find some music that reminded her of her dads; yes, she was still adjusting to being away from them.
“Anything interesting?” Aria questioned casually to a slightly older looking woman as they both came to a pause in close proximity. “If not, I suggest Joshua Miller if you’re not a fan already.” Aria offered her a smile then returned to her own browsing. Perhaps some wrock? The Kings and Serpents were really good…
Honora looked up as a girl...about her sister's age, if she had to guess, spoke. Spoke to her? Honora's left eyebrow raised thoughtfully as she looked at the label on the box she'd been thumbing through. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a band called The Dead Kneazles isn't more cheerful," she admitted. "What sort of music does Joshua Miller do?" She really needed something peppy, so hopefully Joshua Miller wasn't all about the ballads.
Moving on to the next box, the blonde noted the band name on this one -- Glitter Dragon. That certainly sounded peppy.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Thank MERLIN all those pesky students were finally out of Diagon Alley and Cal could go shopping without fear of accidentally trampling a young child. Nevermind the fact that HE had been one of those students a mere...what was it now, eight? Nine years ago? Merlin he was getting old.
On his lunch break from the Ministry, Cal was scoping out the shop windows, just doing a bit of light browsing. He found himself outside of the music shop, eyeing up some sheet music. Hmmm. He hadn't played his guitar in a couple of months. Maybe he'd pick that up later, and stop by after work to pick up some new songs...
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
Thank MERLIN all those pesky students were finally out of Diagon Alley and Cal could go shopping without fear of accidentally trampling a young child. Nevermind the fact that HE had been one of those students a mere...what was it now, eight? Nine years ago? Merlin he was getting old.
On his lunch break from the Ministry, Cal was scoping out the shop windows, just doing a bit of light browsing. He found himself outside of the music shop, eyeing up some sheet music. Hmmm. He hadn't played his guitar in a couple of months. Maybe he'd pick that up later, and stop by after work to pick up some new songs...
Having found herself in Diagon Alley a couple of days ago, Ruby was reminded of just how at home she had felt wandering its cobbled streets. Perhaps it was because it reminded her of the wonderful childhood she had experienced and the excitement of shopping to go back to school. A typical Ravenclaw, Ruby was actually one of those children who enjoyed being educated although she has found it difficult to leave her parents to start with. Whatever the reason was the brunette had been influenced to traverse the street again on a lunch break from St Mungo’s once again on her lonesome.
Being an adult made it infinitely harder to socialise and apart from her family and close knit circle of friends, Ruby didn’t spend a lot of time with others hence why she was on her own with no intentions to meet with anyone. The street was quiet thanks to the students having headed back to school that month which made spotting the pile of coins on the pavement much easier. If it had been one of her twin brothers (or her father in his youth) those coins would’ve been slipped straight into their pocket but Ruby was honest like her mother Trixie and she would try find their rightful owner first.
Seeing as Atticus’ music shop was nearest to her discovery it would make logical sense that the coins would belong to the man looking into the shop window. “Excuse me?” the thirty-four year old approached politely. “Do these belong to you?” she showed the coins in her hand. It might have only looked like loose change to the average person, especially to someone who was brought up in a beautiful seaside mansion in Cornwall and who could want for nothing but Ruby was not naive to the fact that to some people that loose change could be the difference between eating and not that day.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Honora! <3
Originally Posted by Waddles
Honora looked up as a girl...about her sister's age, if she had to guess, spoke. Spoke to her? Honora's left eyebrow raised thoughtfully as she looked at the label on the box she'd been thumbing through. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a band called The Dead Kneazles isn't more cheerful," she admitted. "What sort of music does Joshua Miller do?" She really needed something peppy, so hopefully Joshua Miller wasn't all about the ballads.
Moving on to the next box, the blonde noted the band name on this one -- Glitter Dragon. That certainly sounded peppy.
Aria chuckled. “But their music is good too! At least listen to a few of their songs or one album.” That was the thing about music: you got to choose how much you wanted to listen to from a particular artist or band. Will you say ‘nay’ and never listen to them again or will you be playing their songs on repeat? “The kind that makes your heart ache for love if you’re into that kind of thing.” Aria was not but she still enjoyed listening to the words Joshua used. It also fueled her curiosity about being in love.
Mind made up, the young woman selected one of The Kings and Serpents’ albums. She had a feeling that Jude would be pleased, given that his brother was the drummer for the band; and that Jude had been the one who had introduced her to said band’s music. “What sort of music are you into? Maybe I can help, even if my knowledge of music isn’t that huge.” Giving recommendation was something Aria LOVED doing, after all!
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Originally Posted by Lottiepot
Having found herself in Diagon Alley a couple of days ago, Ruby was reminded of just how at home she had felt wandering its cobbled streets. Perhaps it was because it reminded her of the wonderful childhood she had experienced and the excitement of shopping to go back to school. A typical Ravenclaw, Ruby was actually one of those children who enjoyed being educated although she has found it difficult to leave her parents to start with. Whatever the reason was the brunette had been influenced to traverse the street again on a lunch break from St Mungo’s once again on her lonesome.
Being an adult made it infinitely harder to socialise and apart from her family and close knit circle of friends, Ruby didn’t spend a lot of time with others hence why she was on her own with no intentions to meet with anyone. The street was quiet thanks to the students having headed back to school that month which made spotting the pile of coins on the pavement much easier. If it had been one of her twin brothers (or her father in his youth) those coins would’ve been slipped straight into their pocket but Ruby was honest like her mother Trixie and she would try find their rightful owner first.
Seeing as Atticus’ music shop was nearest to her discovery it would make logical sense that the coins would belong to the man looking into the shop window. “Excuse me?” the thirty-four year old approached politely. “Do these belong to you?” she showed the coins in her hand. It might have only looked like loose change to the average person, especially to someone who was brought up in a beautiful seaside mansion in Cornwall and who could want for nothing but Ruby was not naive to the fact that to some people that loose change could be the difference between eating and not that day.
At first, Cal didn't realize that the woman was addressing him. He blinked and looked around and then realized she WAS talking to him, his eyes looking at the coins she was holding. "Oh, uh, no, not mine," he said with a small smile. If she'd asked his DAD, he would have 100% taken the money but Cal was honest. Plus, he didn't need any more money, so...
"Did you just find those on the ground?" he asked in interest. Not that he was accusing her or anything, that was just a lot of money for someone to lose. Perhaps they SHOULD be looking around for the rightful owner.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Ah, they weren’t his after all. Nevermind. She placed the coins in a separate pocket in her bag with the thought that she would try a couple of others along the street. It hadn’t escaped her mind that others could lie and say they did belong to them but the Mediwitch would feel a lot better about herself that she didn’t take them.
Of course Ruby had just found them on the ground but she didn’t take offence to the question. It wasn’t like she had stolen them from someone nor was she using it as an excuse to talk to someone. Perhaps in her youth she might have had to have encouragement to talk to others for she was a very shy and quiet child but now she had matured and with living with her bubbly and sociable sister, the former Ravenclaw found it all much easier. “Yes. They were just sat on the edge of the kerb there. I thought you might have dropped them out your pocket.” If the rightful owner couldn’t be found, she would just hand them into the shop.
“You looked very engrossed in that display” she smiled. Her mother had a beautiful singing voice, her father was gone deaf. Ruby was somewhere directly in the middle and possessed no musical talents whatsoever. Not that she had ever actually tried. “I’m dreadfully sorry to disturb you.”
Who would have thought dealing with two kids was more complicated than one? Nigel had reached this conclusion five years ago but it felt good to rehash it every now and again. He wasn't complaining since Calliope seemed happy to escape Gaia and Theia. Plus you know the whole can't really buy everything for Theia and not think of the beanie brat he has with him now.
He opened the door to the music shop for her and waited until she was in before closing the door.
"Ok, what do you want to look at first?"
Sorry, shopkeeper he can't argue about the glitter-dragons today
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Aria chuckled. “But their music is good too! At least listen to a few of their songs or one album.” That was the thing about music: you got to choose how much you wanted to listen to from a particular artist or band. Will you say ‘nay’ and never listen to them again or will you be playing their songs on repeat? “The kind that makes your heart ache for love if you’re into that kind of thing.” Aria was not but she still enjoyed listening to the words Joshua used. It also fueled her curiosity about being in love.
Mind made up, the young woman selected one of The Kings and Serpents’ albums. She had a feeling that Jude would be pleased, given that his brother was the drummer for the band; and that Jude had been the one who had introduced her to said band’s music. “What sort of music are you into? Maybe I can help, even if my knowledge of music isn’t that huge.” Giving recommendation was something Aria LOVED doing, after all!
Honora hmmmed thoughtfully at the other woman's suggestions, but moved on from the Dead Kneazles to the suggested Joshua Miller. Romantic music wasn't usually what she listened to while cooking, but she could at least try it. Especially given the recommendation. "I didn't think anyone enjoyed heartache," she said with a touch of sarcasm. She knew people did tend to want music to match their mood, and heartache music was good if you already had that sort of mood.
At the offer of more recommendations, the blonde's mouth shifted into a smile. "I'm looking for something, like, upbeat," she said. "Motivating, peppy, that I won't mistake for a stack of pots and pans crashing onto the floor." Which might seem like a very specific criteria, but she needed to know if her stacks of pots and pans crashed onto the floor, and not be freaked out that they had, if they hadn't. "Cooking music."
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
Josh is cringing that his music being called romantic 'heart ache' music XD
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok
Who would have thought dealing with two kids was more complicated than one? Nigel had reached this conclusion five years ago but it felt good to rehash it every now and again. He wasn't complaining since Calliope seemed happy to escape Gaia and Theia. Plus you know the whole can't really buy everything for Theia and not think of the beanie brat he has with him now.
He opened the door to the music shop for her and waited until she was in before closing the door.
"Ok, what do you want to look at first?"
Sorry, shopkeeper he can't argue about the glitter-dragons today
Who would have thought that a visit to Diagon Alley could be so disappointing and boring. At least it had been that vibe until dad and her branched off to do their own thing. Calliope really wasn't interested in watching her sister get all new things, especially knowing that she had to wait forever until it was her turn to get all new things. Still, she was banking on getting something new out of the day - it was only fair.
This beanie brat was sporting her favorite dark grey beanie with a few strands of holographic threads weaving through it. Understated sparkle and nothing too flashy.
"Duuuuuh, the drums!" she chirped while already bouncing over towards them when she caught a couple of other instruments out of the corner of her eye that likewise sparked her interest. "Do you know how to play the banjo, dad? It's an old people's instrument."
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Honora! <3
Originally Posted by Waddles
Honora hmmmed thoughtfully at the other woman's suggestions, but moved on from the Dead Kneazles to the suggested Joshua Miller. Romantic music wasn't usually what she listened to while cooking, but she could at least try it. Especially given the recommendation. "I didn't think anyone enjoyed heartache," she said with a touch of sarcasm. She knew people did tend to want music to match their mood, and heartache music was good if you already had that sort of mood.
At the offer of more recommendations, the blonde's mouth shifted into a smile. "I'm looking for something, like, upbeat," she said. "Motivating, peppy, that I won't mistake for a stack of pots and pans crashing onto the floor." Which might seem like a very specific criteria, but she needed to know if her stacks of pots and pans crashed onto the floor, and not be freaked out that they had, if they hadn't. "Cooking music."
Aria beamed, not oblivious to the woman’s sarcasm but choosing to ignore it anyway. It was too a perfect day to be upset about that; and honestly? The only persons Aria reserved her annoyance these days for were Darius and Caes. Those brothers of hers… UGH. “Some do,’’ the young fashion designer remarked brightly. “Maybe you need to meet more people? Or talk to them about their music choices?” Just a suggestion.
That comparison certainly got a rather loud unlady-like laugh out of Aria. “Oh, sorry!’’ Laughing still, she pressed a hand over her mouth to suppress another round of it. “Are you a cook then?” The question was asked after she had finally restrained herself. “And…” The Kings and Serpents album was thrusted at the woman. “Here. The only worrying about pots and pans you have to do if you listen to this is if you accidentally bump into them while dancing.”
Who would have thought that a visit to Diagon Alley could be so disappointing and boring. At least it had been that vibe until dad and her branched off to do their own thing. Calliope really wasn't interested in watching her sister get all new things, especially knowing that she had to wait forever until it was her turn to get all new things. Still, she was banking on getting something new out of the day - it was only fair.
This beanie brat was sporting her favorite dark grey beanie with a few strands of holographic threads weaving through it. Understated sparkle and nothing too flashy.
"Duuuuuh, the drums!" she chirped while already bouncing over towards them when she caught a couple of other instruments out of the corner of her eye that likewise sparked her interest. "Do you know how to play the banjo, dad? It's an old people's instrument."
He accepted the beanies but still an shiver went down his spine whenever she put those on. Nigel could not help but but at least at this point the shiver was so minuscule it was barely noticeable. All the suffering he endures for his beanie brat.
"Alright, drums it is"
You could hear him gasp when she called a banjo and old peoples instrument. He did in fact know how to play since the instrument was basically a giant meme and he thought it would be fun to learn it one summer and annoy Gaia playing it on the beach.
"Is it old because i play it?"
She just called him old in public. This is cruel and unusual punishment.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok
He accepted the beanies but still an shiver went down his spine whenever she put those on. Nigel could not help but but at least at this point the shiver was so minuscule it was barely noticeable. All the suffering he endures for his beanie brat.
"Alright, drums it is"
You could hear him gasp when she called a banjo and old peoples instrument. He did in fact know how to play since the instrument was basically a giant meme and he thought it would be fun to learn it one summer and annoy Gaia playing it on the beach.
"Is it old because i play it?"
She just called him old in public. This is cruel and unusual punishment.
It's okay, dad. She practiced good hair care routines at home and ticked all the boxes and brush stroke counts. She was therefore entitled to wearing beanies if she fancied. Also, it helped make her curls look even fuller when they came cascading out from under the beanie! No beanie made her think of formal and prissy occasions - beanie days were better.
Deciding that dad was taking way too long to walk, Calliope doubled back and took his hand with both of hers so she could give him a very necessary tug in the direction.
"Sounds like a real phoenix and flame situation here, dad. Is it old because you play it or are you old because you play it?" It was not a perfect comparison and it really all just boiled down to the consensus that both brought out a certain old vibe. "You also called yourself old, by the way, and went really a round about way of saying yes to my question." The little brunette stopped in front of the various kits on display and sighed wistfully. "You know, dad. A new kit or strings really would help fill the void that The The going off to Hogwarts is creating...don't you think?"
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
It's okay, dad. She practiced good hair care routines at home and ticked all the boxes and brush stroke counts. She was therefore entitled to wearing beanies if she fancied. Also, it helped make her curls look even fuller when they came cascading out from under the beanie! No beanie made her think of formal and prissy occasions - beanie days were better.
Deciding that dad was taking way too long to walk, Calliope doubled back and took his hand with both of hers so she could give him a very necessary tug in the direction.
"Sounds like a real phoenix and flame situation here, dad. Is it old because you play it or are you old because you play it?" It was not a perfect comparison and it really all just boiled down to the consensus that both brought out a certain old vibe. "You also called yourself old, by the way, and went really a round about way of saying yes to my question." The little brunette stopped in front of the various kits on display and sighed wistfully. "You know, dad. A new kit or strings really would help fill the void that The The going off to Hogwarts is creating...don't you think?"
Well sorry for not hurrying. Nigel was only...wait how old was he at this point. The math was getting harder every year. Gosh, don't even think he could take credit for how smart she is. Its all Gaia there. When he was five he was lucky not even care about his hair or even have a favorite beanie. Think all he cared about was Batman.
"I think it might be both in that scenario"
He opens his mouth and closes it because she was right and he didn't want to admit to being old more than he had to in a day. Especially to a five-year-old. He just smile and shook his head at these negotiation tactics. He looked at the kit and strings and back to her.
"Oh is this the only thing you want today because this feels like a slippery slope?"
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Aria beamed, not oblivious to the woman’s sarcasm but choosing to ignore it anyway. It was too a perfect day to be upset about that; and honestly? The only persons Aria reserved her annoyance these days for were Darius and Caes. Those brothers of hers… UGH. “Some do,’’ the young fashion designer remarked brightly. “Maybe you need to meet more people? Or talk to them about their music choices?” Just a suggestion.
That comparison certainly got a rather loud unlady-like laugh out of Aria. “Oh, sorry!’’ Laughing still, she pressed a hand over her mouth to suppress another round of it. “Are you a cook then?” The question was asked after she had finally restrained herself. “And…” The Kings and Serpents album was thrusted at the woman. “Here. The only worrying about pots and pans you have to do if you listen to this is if you accidentally bump into them while dancing.”
Meet more people? Honora internally shuddered at the idea. She knew it was good for business to make more connections, especially given she ran a catering business, but she was happy with the number of people she knew. Or at least, that she talked about music with. The latter being about four, now five, people. One of whom was a complete stranger.
She couldn't help but smile as the other woman laughed. She could tell she wasn't being laughed at, at least not in a mean way. "Yes, a chef," Honora said. She reached into her pocket and withdrew a business card, enchanted so whoever held it could add an appointment to her personal calendar to discuss catering arrangements. "I run a catering business, actually," she said, offering the card to the young woman. "If you are ever in need of...lots of food." She smiled uncomfortably, relaxing only when she started to look at the Kings and Serpents album. Hyping her business was one of her least favorite parts of running it, cooking being her favorite aspect.
"This looks perfect, actually," she said, reaching to have a quick listen to a few songs. "Do you have a favorite song of theirs?"
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok
Well sorry for not hurrying. Nigel was only...wait how old was he at this point. The math was getting harder every year. Gosh, don't even think he could take credit for how smart she is. Its all Gaia there. When he was five he was lucky not even care about his hair or even have a favorite beanie. Think all he cared about was Batman.
"I think it might be both in that scenario"
He opens his mouth and closes it because she was right and he didn't want to admit to being old more than he had to in a day. Especially to a five-year-old. He just smile and shook his head at these negotiation tactics. He looked at the kit and strings and back to her.
"Oh is this the only thing you want today because this feels like a slippery slope?"
You were Nimbus 2001 old, dad. At least as far as Calliope was concerned. Her parents were both ancient but not ancient enough to have epic beards. That was probably because of all the gunk mum was putting on her face and covering the bathroom counters and shelves with. All those lotions and creams and spritzer things.
"You said it, not me," she chirped with a jab of her thumb towards her dad first and then one pointed at herself. She had only been asking a question! "Slippery slope?" Her ears practically twitched and eyes sparkled. "Are we going to the playground later?!" She may have more smarts than the average five year old, but she was still just that.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
You were Nimbus 2001 old, dad. At least as far as Calliope was concerned. Her parents were both ancient but not ancient enough to have epic beards. That was probably because of all the gunk mum was putting on her face and covering the bathroom counters and shelves with. All those lotions and creams and spritzer things.
"You said it, not me," she chirped with a jab of her thumb towards her dad first and then one pointed at herself. She had only been asking a question! "Slippery slope?" Her ears practically twitched and eyes sparkled. "Are we going to the playground later?!" She may have more smarts than the average five year old, but she was still just that.
Whoa Whoa Whoa Nigel wasn't thaaaat old. A Nimbus 2001 was like super super ancient and he was only in his 40's. It was not even comparable. Also he did try and grow out a beard in college and all that happened was he got really awful stubble and no beard. It was awful and he was rightfully made fun of for it. Worse than when he went bald for a couple weeks. All the gunk and korean beauty products were keeping their faces looking amazing so not much to say about that.
"You got me there"
Those darn dangerous questions. Still better than her constantly asking why
"Means you can only get one thing, smart pants and that's if you will actually use it?"
He says and ruffles the top of her beanie.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Honora! <3
Originally Posted by Waddles
Meet more people? Honora internally shuddered at the idea. She knew it was good for business to make more connections, especially given she ran a catering business, but she was happy with the number of people she knew. Or at least, that she talked about music with. The latter being about four, now five, people. One of whom was a complete stranger.
She couldn't help but smile as the other woman laughed. She could tell she wasn't being laughed at, at least not in a mean way. "Yes, a chef," Honora said. She reached into her pocket and withdrew a business card, enchanted so whoever held it could add an appointment to her personal calendar to discuss catering arrangements. "I run a catering business, actually," she said, offering the card to the young woman. "If you are ever in need of...lots of food." She smiled uncomfortably, relaxing only when she started to look at the Kings and Serpents album. Hyping her business was one of her least favorite parts of running it, cooking being her favorite aspect.
"This looks perfect, actually," she said, reaching to have a quick listen to a few songs. "Do you have a favorite song of theirs?"
Connections were always a good thing for business. Aria would have been more than happy to share some tips with her friend? here. After all, Aria was an elegant young lady who was working on securing a customer base in the form of Quidditch players. It helped that her three major supporters were either close mates of hers and of course, her brother.
The former Snake was more than happy to take the card. “Hi, Honora! Nice to meet you.” Having just read the name, she figured she’d make a proper greeting. And if Honora hated hyping her business, then Aria would be more than thrilled to do exactly that. “OOOH! I know! I can recommend you to my boss! We host fashion shows and we’re always in need of good food for them!” Because clients and potential clients were always hungry apparently.
“That entire album! I mean, I can’t choose a single song off of that one. It’s one of those albums where you don’t want to skip a song and then you want to listen it all over again. You know those types, yeah?”
Connections were always a good thing for business. Aria would have been more than happy to share some tips with her friend? here. After all, Aria was an elegant young lady who was working on securing a customer base in the form of Quidditch players. It helped that her three major supporters were either close mates of hers and of course, her brother.
The former Snake was more than happy to take the card. “Hi, Honora! Nice to meet you.” Having just read the name, she figured she’d make a proper greeting. And if Honora hated hyping her business, then Aria would be more than thrilled to do exactly that. “OOOH! I know! I can recommend you to my boss! We host fashion shows and we’re always in need of good food for them!” Because clients and potential clients were always hungry apparently.
“That entire album! I mean, I can’t choose a single song off of that one. It’s one of those albums where you don’t want to skip a song and then you want to listen it all over again. You know those types, yeah?”
Honora's smile grew more assured when the younger woman both took and read her business card. "Nice to meet you, too...sorry, what was your name?" Her eyebrows shot up in surprise at the offer to recommend her. "That would be superb, actually," she said, nodding thoughtfully. "I can't say I've ever catered a fashion show."
She hummed thoughtfully as she had a listen to the first song on the album. Then Honora nodded again. "Yes, this is going to be the perfect cooking music," she said. "You have excellent taste." In music at least, and apparently in fashion if that was what the woman worked in. "Did you find the music you were looking for?"
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok
Whoa Whoa Whoa Nigel wasn't thaaaat old. A Nimbus 2001 was like super super ancient and he was only in his 40's. It was not even comparable. Also he did try and grow out a beard in college and all that happened was he got really awful stubble and no beard. It was awful and he was rightfully made fun of for it. Worse than when he went bald for a couple weeks. All the gunk and korean beauty products were keeping their faces looking amazing so not much to say about that.
"You got me there"
Those darn dangerous questions. Still better than her constantly asking why
"Means you can only get one thing, smart pants and that's if you will actually use it?"
He says and ruffles the top of her beanie.
Ancient, dad. Ancient. She saw those boxes of hair dye!
Beaming up at her dad, Calliope bounced up and down on her toes and did a bit of a wiggly worm dance because she liked being praised for making a good point. She had sort of already forgotten what the point was she had been made because there were now park negotiations going on, but still pleased to have made a point! "So...does that mean no ice cream and swings at the park after we jam here for a bit?" she asked with wide eyes, fluttering lashes, and just the right amount of lower lip pouting.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Ancient, dad. Ancient. She saw those boxes of hair dye!
Beaming up at her dad, Calliope bounced up and down on her toes and did a bit of a wiggly worm dance because she liked being praised for making a good point. She had sort of already forgotten what the point was she had been made because there were now park negotiations going on, but still pleased to have made a point! "So...does that mean no ice cream and swings at the park after we jam here for a bit?" she asked with wide eyes, fluttering lashes, and just the right amount of lower lip pouting.
And here Nigel thought he hid those boxes of hair dye pretty well. Guess not. his fault for thinking she would not be going in the bathroom in his and Gaia's bedroom.
"As long as you aren't asking for jam...I think it depends on what you want here...a new kit or strings"
He cant stop the silly jokes. Sue him. Those fluttering lashes and pout were not going to work this time. Nope, not at all. ok maybe a little bit They were getting ice cream later regardless since he wanted some and that was easy to explain away when asked what he bought.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Honora! <3
Originally Posted by Waddles
Honora's smile grew more assured when the younger woman both took and read her business card. "Nice to meet you, too...sorry, what was your name?" Her eyebrows shot up in surprise at the offer to recommend her. "That would be superb, actually," she said, nodding thoughtfully. "I can't say I've ever catered a fashion show."
She hummed thoughtfully as she had a listen to the first song on the album. Then Honora nodded again. "Yes, this is going to be the perfect cooking music," she said. "You have excellent taste." In music at least, and apparently in fashion if that was what the woman worked in. "Did you find the music you were looking for?"
Fun facts: Aria read every business card she received; and she kept most of them as well. It was something that always resonated with her: one never knew when they would need a particular service in a jiffy. And as long as a business provided top notch services, she’d be only too happy to engage them. Obviously this involved research before making a final decision so later on, Aria was going to be digging up every review about Honora’s. “Oh! Sorry. The name’s Aria Mae McLeod.” In jest to Honora’s raised eyebrows, the young lady wiggled her own. “Girrrrl, it is the place to be! I cannot tell you how much fashion shows make everyone work up an appetite.’’
Aria beamed, pleased for two reasons: Honora clearly enjoyed the selection made, and she even complimented Aria’s taste. “Thank you!” In general, the fashionista was just happy to have helped. “Uh…” She grinned sheepishly. “Not yet. I was thinking something a little old fashioned, something dating back hmmm, twenty years or so. Any suggestions?”
Fun facts: Aria read every business card she received; and she kept most of them as well. It was something that always resonated with her: one never knew when they would need a particular service in a jiffy. And as long as a business provided top notch services, she’d be only too happy to engage them. Obviously this involved research before making a final decision so later on, Aria was going to be digging up every review about Honora’s. “Oh! Sorry. The name’s Aria Mae McLeod.” In jest to Honora’s raised eyebrows, the young lady wiggled her own. “Girrrrl, it is the place to be! I cannot tell you how much fashion shows make everyone work up an appetite.’’
Aria beamed, pleased for two reasons: Honora clearly enjoyed the selection made, and she even complimented Aria’s taste. “Thank you!” In general, the fashionista was just happy to have helped. “Uh…” She grinned sheepishly. “Not yet. I was thinking something a little old fashioned, something dating back hmmm, twenty years or so. Any suggestions?”
Honora laughed gently. "Pleased to meet you, Aria Mae McLeod," she said. She made a mental note to seek out fashion show organizers to see if they needed catering. Or perhaps a fashion magazine needed lunch...every day. That sort of recurring business would be a relief, even if it was overwhelming at first. "I'll remember that," she said quietly.
It was hard not to grimace when the younger woman called twenty-year-old music old fashioned. What did that make her then? The twenty-five-year-old scanned the shop, looking for a familiarly colored batch of music. Spotting it, she sorted through albums until she found the one she'd been looking for. Honora held up the album, Elixir of Life. "I loved listenening to Wiggenweld as a kid," she said. "Haven't a clue why, I don't think my dad likes them much."