It's the moment all new members dream about. If they were unlucky enough to join just after the last sorting they've been waiting for months. But, all that patience has finally paid off because the sorting is now open!
Please keep in mind the following while speaking with the sorting hat:
1. Just like at Hogwarts you can only be sorted
once so please be honest with your answers (which can either be in or out of character). You take the quiz once (double posts are deleted) and your house will not be changed for any reason afterward. believe me, even if you are disappointed initially you will grow to LOVE your house like you never thought you would.
2. This is not an automated system so it could take up to 24 hours for you to be sorted. The sorting hat comprises of the school administrators of the site who read through each and every questionaire to determine your house. (Please don't make this tough on us and tell us you don't want to be in the house you clearly belong in- this happens far too often and proves a problem for the sorting hat).
3. You will be notified via PM as to which house you've been sorted into as well as a few basic instructions on how the school works. It would be in your best interest to read it thoroughly and check out any links it provides.
4. It may take a few minutes for you to receive your PM. Some of the admins like to send out batch PMs to all who have been sorted into a particular house once they've finished a sorting session. Sometimes we even make mistakes and send the wrong PM to the wrong person or miss someone (not that I've ever done that

sorry Huffies and Ravies last year!!!

) Just in case I have another relapse of mommy brain know that whatever color your username is and icon you have just below that reflects the actual house you are in (no matter what PM or lack thereof you may or may not receive- the info in the PM is the same for all houses).
5. While we do base most of our decision on the questionnaire, we also have to take into the fairness of the RP so we do try to sort equally among the houses. For those of you who don't like Slytherin please keep in mind that not everyone in that house is evil.
Now that you've read through all the disclaimers, I'll give you the
link to the sorting hat.