Originally Posted by
I'd like to add a little something to this, if I may. In the books, Dumbledore stated that, when he was looking for a Divination teacher, he was entertaining the possibility of dropping the subject altogether. Wouldn't this mean that the Headmaster and/or the board of governors have the power to decide which classes Hogwarts should offer? If so, and I certainly think so because it makes sense, then this is an interesting point. Perhaps we could actually come up with different classes taught by different professors altogether?
I haven't really thought this through, and I know it would be rather uncanonlike because we don't KNOW any other classes, but it's a cool idea to think about. Personally, I've always wondered what the complete list of subjects taught in magical schools is. I mean, Charms, Transfiguration, Herboloy, etc. - these are the core ones, and I'm not talking about those. I mean CoMC, Divination... the things that are offered once you go into the third year. I have only just received my Pottermore email so I don't know what the site says, but I REALLY hope JK sheds some light on this.
I dunno, just my two cents. Luke's (it is Luke right? Starbreeze) post reminded me of it. Perhaps we don't have to do this ALL the time, but as a school plot for a year, it could be really cool.
We have in the past dropped Arithmancy and Ancient Runes in separate terms because of lack of interest/lack of available qualified professor. I've had that problem in recent terms due to high staff turnover, but we've come up with a sub system so no one gets cheated

But it might ALSO be an interest MoM plot if someone wanted to petition them to add a specific class.
Originally Posted by
So I don't know if this is an idea that would be possible or anything, but how about having a thread for the first years before they get sorted or something? Where they can just interact with other first years? [/unoriginal idea]
The problem is that people are so impatient for term to start. They're impatient for the train, and then once on the train they're impatient for the feast, and then at the feast, they're impatient for the school to open. It's certainly a good idea to give people a chance to RP all of those special moments, but in the larger RP, how long do we keep them open? If only a day or so, then lots of people won't even get to participate... and is there a point if most people don't even get to play there? If more than a day or so, that is less time you get to spend in the school...
It certainly is a conundrum.