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Old 07-10-2007, 09:46 PM
hprwhg4ever hprwhg4ever is offline
Default The Order of the Phoenix (2007)

Seen the movie?

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Old 07-11-2007, 06:13 AM   #2 (permalink)
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It was awesome! I really enjoyed this one. Of course there were a few parts that could have been better, but thats just natural with the hp movies.

*I love Tonks and Lupin but there wasnt much of them.
*There wasnt much info included about Grimmauld place. There was enough but I enjoyed reading about Sirius' past.
*Emma Watsons dancing eyebrows!
*Devon Murray was a bit ... odd? when Seamus apologises to Harry. Im prob just nit-picking tho..
*Snapes worst memory .. I was expecting more

*Micheal Gambon did a better job of portraying Dumbledore in this movie. Personally I really disliked him in number 4.
*The fighting scene between Voldie and Dumbledore was AMAZING. Like no magic you've ever seen before. It was really exciting to see the two most powerful wizards of all time duel.
*I dont think that much was cut from the movie.
*Imelda Staunton was great as Umbridge.
*Effects were outstanding!
Especially Grawp, spells and duels, Fred and George's departure, Department of Misteries, Death Eaters and Dumbledores stylish escape from the minister.
* I liked the kiss scene and the pro kiss scene lol. It was awkward (as it should be lol) and they included Harry's description of the kiss as 'wet' *giggle* and Hermione telling Ron he has the emotional range of a teaspoon.
*Helena Bonham Carter worked Bellatrix! Her look was real rough and dark but at the same time she was sexy and evil lol.

A few things were added which I thought really worked.
I think the movie (including all elements) captured the overall feel of the book and picked up on the different themes.
With all of the hp movies, you need to sperate the books from the movies, because they are completely different and are not supposed to be one in the same, but more a creation based on the plot from JK. The movies are a new level of creation and imagination and it opens the world of hp and helps to lift the text off a page and create a picture of what it could be.
With that in mind, dont go to see it expecting to see your ideas of the book. If you want the book, read it. But if you want the movie, I think you will like it.

Im not that great at ratings but its definately one of the better ones!

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Last edited by Beav42; 07-11-2007 at 08:13 AM.
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Old 07-11-2007, 06:55 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Audrey Clark

Honestly, I did not like it very much and that makes me sad. I haaaaaated how they changed some of the plot. Like, I understand cutting a lot because of time, but c'mon. Also, I felt like it wasn't very...harry potterish...for some reason. Like, I feel like it was too...meh, I don't know how to describe it. I didn't like the whole newspaper thing, OR how harry didn't go into the pensieve and he just saw bits of his dad when he was young. I wanted to see that for longer. Overall, I'm kinda disappointed.

However, I reaaaaallly liked Bellatrix-- she was sooo similar to what I had pictured. And Luna was good, too.
love, love, love
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Old 07-11-2007, 07:15 AM   #4 (permalink)
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I just saw it and I have to say that I am extremely disappointed with it.


- THE FRENCH DUBBING. Omg. Worst voices ever.
- The fact that they cut the Sirius/Snape scene at Grimmault place.
- The way Harry just stopped speaking to Cho without even asking her to explain herself. Couldn't she just tell him she'd been forced to drink Veritaserum...?
- Snape touching Harry's hand? No way. NO WAY. That is so not him.
- Harry's monologues. God, that was so painful.
- Radcliffe's and Watson's acting, which seems to get worst with each movie.
- Is it me or was the camera moving up and down everytime a character was running? One word: annoying.
- The fact that we never saw Arthur at the hospital and that the whole thing about Harry 'being' the snake was never explained properly.
- Seamus apologizing to Harry was weird. Why did his mom suddenly believed in what Harry was saying? It just wasn't clear.
- We didn't even get to see young Lily, did we?
- Er...Was it too hard to include a tiny little scene in which Hermione/Ron/etc act a bit surprised by the fact that they're flying on invisible horses?
- The whole DoM scene. The camera moved way too fast, which made it nearly impossible to understand wht was going on. Also, no brain room? Seriously.
- The way Death Eaters and Order members kept turning into this weird smoke. It is so not canon and it just looked awfully wrong to me.
- Sirius' death. Should have been much more sad and heartbreaking. Didn't like the way he just floated in the grey mist; I always assumed he fell through the veil.


- The Ministry of Magic looked incredible. It felt so real.
- Umbridge. And her kittens!
- Dawlish and Shacklebolt looked great. I wish we'd have seen more of 'em.
- Remus and Sirius in general.
- The way Ginny acted around Harry.
- The twin's departure. Impressive!
- The Grawp scenes. I was expecting these scenes to be incredibly boring and unecessary, but they were actually pretty funny.
- The way Snape kept popping up in Harry's memories during the Occlumency lessons. "I think I'm going to puke" was so funny.
- LUCIUS. Can he get any more awesome? I think not.
- The Dumbledore/Voldemort fight... until Harry started being possessed, ruining all the fun. xD
- I have to admit it was amazing visually.

Rating: 4

Last edited by Evy; 07-11-2007 at 07:28 AM.
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Old 07-11-2007, 07:50 AM   #5 (permalink)

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Katarina Prewett

I thought it was the best Potter movie yet. 8/10 or 4 stars

Yes, a lot was cut but that was to be expected. I loved the battle between DE and OotP at the Ministry - the special effects were excellent. LUCIUS was superb as were Umbridge and Bellatrix. I would have liked to have seen more of Grimmauld Place and The Order esp Tonks, Lupin and Moody. Snape, Minerva and Sirius were also under-used. Out of the child actors I was most impressed with Evanna Lynch as Luna, she was exactly as I thought she'd be - well done to her!

Snape's memory was a let down though... there wasn't the chance to see the arrogant teenagers James and Sirius were or Lily's defense of Snape. The inclusion of this scene seemed unneccessary to the movie as it did not achieve its purpose as it did in the book.

However the biggest disappointment to me was the fight scene between Dumbledore and Voldemort. Although this was an amazing scene visually, Voldemort seemed so much better than Dumbledore. He had all these fancy spells and Dumbledore not so many. I was waiting for Dumbledore to use Fawkes and the fountain, that would have been spectacular - alas it didn't happen Also, I wanted to see Dumbledore easily trap all the Death Eaters with the anti-apparition spell, again it didn't happen. Dumbledore is portrayed as the greatest sorcerer in the world, an inspiration to so many and the only one Voldemort ever feared, yet I got the impression that Voldemort fought better - that really bugged me. But I suppose it could be interpreted as Voldy doing his very best magic and Dumbledore deflecting his spells so easily.

The biggest tragedy of these films is the unbelievable waste of talent of the adult actors - their roles are just too small.

Last edited by Lady Fabulous; 07-11-2007 at 12:45 PM.
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Old 07-11-2007, 08:32 AM   #6 (permalink)
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I saw it today (Wed 11th) in Australia, and really liked it. It's the best movie of the 5 so far in my opinion. It is truer to the book, although many subplots have been left out for expediency's sake. No Mrs Black, No visit to Hogsmeade on Valentine's day, etc, and other bits are barely mentioned, like the Weasley Twins experimentation with their joke lollies on the students. Some things are condensed, such as who betrayed the DA and why (Cho Chang got interrogated with Veritaserum by Umbridge). But it has the overall feel and mood of OoTP - lots of dark brooding, teenage angst and tension. There are extra bits that add to the entertainment, such as Crookshanks going after the extendable ears.

The acting is by far the best of the whole series. Dan portrays a torn, conflicted Harry very well. The emotion of Sirius's death scene was well done. Emma Watson lost the eyebrow arching, ennounciating overacting that was her tragic effort in GoF and does a really good job of Hermione this time around. Rupert's Ron is sensitive, wiser and with lot of dark humour - a more substantial character. Umbridge is restrained but suitably evil and becomes more so as the film progresses. Staunton did a great job. The new Luna Lovegood is excellent. And finally, Michael Gambon's Dumbledore is closer to the mark - less of the flaky lightweight and much more along the lines of the serene, all knowing and all powerful wizard that he is. Richard Harris would be proud. There was too little of Mad Eye Moody, Tonks and Lupin though.

The effects are excellent (except a couple of scenes with poor painting of perspective in supposedly long distance backgrounds) and the cinematography sweeping and grand. The use of flashbacks is effective and the montage of Daily Prophet articles helps to speed things along nicely.

There are two lines of great significance that I picked up on. Firstly, Malfoy's line to Harry in the DoM about his scar and secondly, Luna's line to Harry at the end about being reunited with things we've lost. I won't ruin it, but I think that they both have major implications for the 7th book.

Overall, it was great. The wife and I went without our 5 & 8 year olds to see what it was like. We are going back with the kids, as the violence is either threatened or implied, but there is very little actual damage done to people. Luna gets a blood lip at the end in the DoM, but that's about it. Actually, the 6 DA members get off very lightly compared to the book. But, it is suitable for children and not too horrific, which was my concern in checking out without them first.

I loved it. Best one of the whole series. I'm glad the same director is back for the 6th one and hope he'll be back for the 7th. Go and see it for sure - you won't be disappointed.

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Old 07-11-2007, 08:55 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kekayana Whispers


Cinematography: Stunning! Hands down the best so far. The long crane shots have always been good, but they've finally discovered perspective and sense of motion so they're absolutely phenomenal. And it turns out they DO have a hand-held! Which makes the action sequences rock! And speaking of actions sequences...

Editing: The editing was perfection. The action scenes were quick and easy to follow, but still exciting. The "slower" scenes were cut minimally which makes them more intense.

Special Effects: Technically, very impressive. Story wise, the fighting in the Hall of Prophecies was greatly enhanced by the 'I am misty fog' effect. It really helped create the 'every where you turn' feeling. HOWEVER, I think it really detracted from the fight between the DE's and the Order in the Veil Room. There was so much 'my fog is bigger than yours' that there was barely any dueling. I think actual duels like the brief duel between Harry and Sirius and Lucius and Bella would have been more intense.

Adaptation: A film can never be as detailed as a book. It's a fact. Considering that, and the fact that there was so much information to relay and things going on in the story, I think they did a pretty good job. Yes, things were left out, combined, moved around; but that's just film. I mean they obviously put a lot of effort into getting in as many little details as they could, even lifting dialog straight from the book. BUT there were a few things I have issues with: namely, the conveyance of Sirius mental state (NOT Gary Oldman's performance, that was first class of course), Snape's Worst Memory, and the final battle.

You definitely feel Sirius' playfulness, his love for and loyalty to Harry, his role of father figure, and his affection for James. Also his disdain for his family, his melancholy, and his feelings of helplessness; but none of his temper and recklessness, very little of his Harry/James confusion, and no deterioration of his mental state as the movie goes on. And like I said before I think this is a script issue, not an acting one.

Uhm...where is the Pensieve? I felt the small montage was really lacking. It does very little to convey just how cruel and arrogant The Mauraders were. I was prepared for no Lily. To include her would create in the audience, just like in Harry, the desire to know how his parents relationship changed and since there would be no time to address it, better just to leave it out. But the distorted flash of memory versus the heightened experience of a Pensieve really took the punch out of it. Not to mention it isn't as great a breach of privacy either, more like just an accident. This was one of the scenes I was looking forward to the most and I feel like it didn't even have it.

As for the Final Battle, the one thing JK emphasizes over and over again is that Harry knows that he cannot give up that prophecy because it's their best protection. He would NEVER just hand it over; he's not that stupid!!

As for Dumbledore and Voldemort, with exception of the fountain (I was very disappointed there, btw), I think it felt very similar to the book. Some have said it made Dumbledore appear weak, but I felt it was emphasizing the same thing as in the book, Dumbledore is just THAT GOOD. Voldy is giving his best stuff yet Dumbledore is countering every spell and with less effort (like the fish look when the all that glass does nothing).

My only other beef with the battle was Harry's possesion. I think it would have been better as just the visual montage without Harry talking at the end. It felt distracting to me; he's fighting for his soul, how is he going to find the time for chit chat?

The only other thing thing that annoyed me enough to write about was Harry and Dumbledore's reconciliation. It was just so weak. So emotionless. Where's the pain? Where's the love? I don't think that scene conveyed their emotional states at all.

Acting: Superb! Daniel's time on stage really helped him improve. He conveyed Harry's turmoil and confusion, his pain, and his nightmares so well. The scene in Dumbledore's office after Mr. Weasley's attack was fabulous!! I think Emma and Rupert's performances were much improved as well, much more natural. Less like they were acting, more like the first film. Especially Emma.

The supporting cast was, of course, astounding!! Evana Lynch was amazing! Snape was KILLER!! And Lucius was BAD***!! Bella and the Twins kicked butt, too!!

Overall: Despite the changes, in the grand scheme, it was overall a good adaptation. It stayed to true to the spirit of the book. The acting was spot on and it was visually lush. Best movie yet!

Rating-9 out of 10
"Not going to have a very good month, are you?" she said sardoncally...
"Ah well, at least I"m forewarned," Ron yawned.
"You seem to be drowning twice," said Hermione.
"Oh, am I?"

Last edited by Skiving Snackboxes; 07-11-2007 at 09:12 AM. Reason: Grammer
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Old 07-11-2007, 04:13 PM   #8 (permalink)
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For those of you who know me, I am a very long-winded person and love to analyze things to death. I made sure to find out everything I could about this film before I saw it (what got cut, all of the pre-released scenes, etc.) so I wasn't angry and shocked when something was cut or wasn't there. I was able to actually enjoy the film instead of harp on it while I was watching. Now I can look back and be picky. I saw the film at midnight, and here is my review:

-Cinematography: New and fresh, and it really set the tone for the film. It was very nice to see the opening's dry and dead and perfect for the hottest day of the summer. It sets it up very well for the Dementor Attack scene.

-Harry sitting at the playground, watching a little boy with his mother: This is heartbreaking and sets the scene for Dudley's arrival.

-Modern feel of the Muggle world: Dudley and his gang wear the baggy shorts and t-shirts with writing on them with chain necklaces on their necks. Also, the alleyway was concrete, very urban, with graffitti on the walls.

-Dudley's taunting: While I was annoyed that Harry didn't try to provoke Dudley like in the book, I did think it was good for the emotional texture of the storyline. Dudley taunted Harry: "Where's your mum, Potter? Where's your mum? Is she dead?" The gang laughs, and Harry, supposedly enraged, charges at Dudley, his wand drawn, and sticks it in his neck. The gang continues to howl in amusement.

-The sudden coldness in the air on the obviously hot day: Sets up nicely for Dementors.

-The Dementor Attack: It was good as a whole. The Dementors, though slightly different from the ones we saw in the third film, were very terrifying, and their initial sudden appearance made me jump (and a lot of the audience scream, which was kind of annoying). It was a really intense scene like it was supposed to be, so it was good.

-Dudley's "Demented" expression: Very good.

-The Ministry of Magic Expulsion Letter: I LOVED the Howler-like explusion letter to Harry from the Ministry of Magic! It came by owl, and it announced, out loud, that Harry had been expelled, ending with the very canon, "Hoping your well" from the ministry witch. The voice was strict, but pleasant, and it had very female features. It was great!

-Nymphadora Tonks: She wasn't a huge role, but she didn't need to be. Despite the lack of foreshadowing of her relationship with Remus, she was AWESOME! I know her hair was not spiky or pink, but she was clumsy and charming, and I liked her.

-The Advance Guard/Flight to Grimmauld Place: I absolutely adored the music for the flight. It was such a wonderful, triumphant orchestration for their flight!

-Extendable Ears: I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS! It was hilarious watching Crookshanks play with it, and they are all trying to get him away. Hermione scolding him was cute.

-Harry's Dreams/Flashbacks: They were all very good and really helped with the emotional part of the film. I loved seeing clips from the other films because it showed that it's still so much a part of who Harry is.

-The Ministry of Magic: The Ministry was amazing...the set was massive, the floo network was just great, and the fountain was spectacular. I also really loved the big Fudge banner...very dictatory.

-Fudge and Malfoy: I liked how they stood in front of the door of DoM, and they just gave Harry that look...Harry looks back, knowing what Malfoy really is...very good.

-The Trial: Very good and true to the book. Madam Bones was good, Fudge was horrible, of course, Dumbledore was down a notch, which was good. Again, I didn't care for Figg, but...Imelda Staunton set up perfectly for her role at Hogwarts.

-Thestrals: Creepy, but gentle. They weren't creepy in a bad way...almost in a graceful way.

-Luna with gang in carriage: Canon...the highest compliment.

-The Feast/Umbridge Speech: Canon...perfection. Straight from the book.

-Seamus/Harry Fight: I liked it, even though Devon's acting is so-so. You finally see Harry's anger start to come out...and his snapping at Ron.

-Umbridge's First Class

-Harry's Detention

-Ron/Hermione Scene: Right from the book:
RON: Hermione, you're honestly the most wonderful person I've ever met, and if I'm ever rude to you again...
HERMIONE: I'll know you're back to normal.

-The Trio w/Harry's Hand: I loved how Ron and Hermione are telling Harry that he has to report Umbridge...and when Harry says "You don't understand," Hermione says, "Help us to." It's such a wonderfully canon moment.

-Umbridge's interviews

-Hog's Head Meeting: Very canon. I liked it a lot. LOVE RON! I forget what he called the one kid, but it was perfect! I would like to think that the kid, even if not named in the film, was Zacharius Smith.

-DA Scenes: All of them were awesome, especially Ron/Hermione's duel...I LOVE RON, and he says how it was "completely intentional." I LOVE HIM! I also liked seeing Neville improve and Ginny showing her power.

-The Kiss: Very endearing. SHe could have cried, but I was happy with it. Although, it was very intense. It was not just a kiss. It was a make out session.

-After the Kiss: Harry telling Ron and Hermione about the kiss was absolutely amazing. It was such a friendship could also see the friendship between the actors as well. Also, it was from the book, and there was a Ron/Hermione moment.

-Arthur Weasley's Attack/Dumbledore's Office: Both absolutley great! Dan was finally becoming believable as a tortured soul.

-Occlumency: Alan Rickman is gold. But, the scenes itself were just okay for me. Not bad.

-Snape & James: I loved how he mentions how much he hated James and all of that. It'll be important, and we finally saw more to Snape!

-Christmas: Very!

-Harry w/Sirius: A good moment for them. Their chemistry was good, and I liked Sirius's speech, and his explanation of the family tree, him running away, his family. It was brief, but they covered everything necessarily.

-Hagrid's Return: Good...simply good.

-Filch watching Room of Requirement: Funny. NOt in book, but I liked it!

-Dumbledore's Escape: Dumbledore's got style!

-Azkaban Breakout: (See BELLATRIX LESTRANGE in ACTING section.)

-Neville's Parents: I liked how he explained...and how he was trying so hard to improve and everything.

-Grawp: Even though I feel this could have been cut and replaced by something else, I liked this scene a lot. It was very funny. I LOVED how Hermione commanded that he put her Grawp had a crush on Ron got all jealous. It was all very cute!

-Fred and George's Escape: Just great! I missed the best line of the book: "Give her hell from us, Peeves," but it was good.

-I loved the scene with Fred and George and the little boy...who had the wound on the hand. It was horrible. It was actually scarring, and made Umbridge that much more terrifying.

(Forbidden Forest scene as the centaurs are taking UMBRIDGE away...)
UMBRIDGE: Please, tell them I mean no harm!
HARRY: I'm sorry, Professor. But I must not tell lies!
That sparked much applause and laughs and cheers in the audience! It had the whole theatre howling!

-Department of Mysteries: Very good visually. And with the essentials, it was good, even if it had its shortcomings. Jason Isaacs was absolutely amazing..."Now, let's everybody just calm down, shall we?!" So Funny! The escape/running/hall was great! I did like how the Death Eaters had the friends and Malfoy was threatening.

-I LOVED how Sirius called Harry by his father's name. "Good one, James!" It shows that he does, from time to time, confuse Harry from James...which is more tragic than ever.

-Sirius punches Malfoy: "Get away from my godson." *Punch*

-The Battle: Could have been better, but it was essentially very good.

-Harry V. Bellatrix: Emotional. Very good.

-Dumbledore V. Voldemort: AMAZING. Visually satisfying. A little too Star Wars like in the fourth, but very good.

-The Possession: (Please see MY FAVORITE SCENE.)

-End: I liked it. A little sappy...but good.

The theme of love and friendship, while slightly redundant, was powerful and really special. I liked it.

-Her set up at the Trial: She was sticky sweet and horrible.
-Her speech at Hogwarts at the start of term feast: Right from the book. Completely canon. She was phenominal.
-Her first class: Control freak, scary, a maniac. AMAZING.
-Harry's well as the DA's detention: This is why I was so terrifyed of her. This was the well with the one with the little boy...where I was scared, but I hated her...and loved to hate her. She is absolute perfection.
-Her walking through the halls.
-Her Inspections: Hilarious
-Her firing Trelawney: The time you felt sorry for that crazy old bat!
-Her reaction to finding the DA: That look of triumph was OMG!
-Her reaction to Fred and George:
-Her slapping Harry: She was completely psycho...a complete whack job. This is why she was so perfect. She may be sweet, but this is what truly, truly showed her true colors.
-Her in Forbidden Forest
(More on Umbridge in the ACTING section.)

LUNA LOVEGOOD: (Please see ACTING section)

-Dudley's way of talking: His bottom lip was dropped, and it was like he was trying to sound "sloppy" with his words.

-Harry pulls out his wand in front of Dudley's gang.

-The Dementor Attack: While good on the whole, I didn't like how the Dementor grabbed/lifted Harry by the neck and pinned him against the wall. Dementors aren't that physical, and they use their psychological draining to strain the characters.

-Mrs. Figg's Character: I did not like the Mrs. Figg. I don't think she was that good. She was way too calm and mild and timid for the character because she is supposed to be hysterical and nervous. Granted, there is no Mundungus Fletcher who leaves his post, but despite that, she was not very good.

-Uncle Vernon's Character: I love Richard Griffiths. Really, I do. But when Dudley pointed at Harry to blame him for what happened, Vernon was not intimidating in the least. He doesn't have that edge, that rage like Vernon has in the books. Griffiths, though brilliant otherwise, did not achieve the right amount of concern for Dudley or the outrage at Harry's hand in his condition. And when he finds out Harry's been expelled, his reaction, or lack thereof, is underwhelming. His part has been very weak ever since the third film.

-Kreacher: What's the point of sticking him in if he's not even slightly important or explained? I found that increasingly annoying.

-Snape's Worst Memory: Too brief, James was sandy blond, and there was no Lily. It was absolutely ruined.

-Not much Ginny and Harry interaction: Forget foreshadowing. It's important to know that they are friends now, but that wasn't even there.

-Ginny Weasley: Her part, though she was shown to be powerful, was still small, and you didn't even see her as popular. No mention of Dean either.

-CHO IS THE SNEAK: Now, even though I was prepared beforehand about this, I just couldn't get past this particular one. I understand having to have Cho be the snitch, but it's not cool to have her be force-fed Veritaserum. It makes Harry look like a jerk for dumping/not talking to her. If she was forced into the truth, he can't be that upset with her. Whatever, I thought it was too out there, even for time purposes. At the end, it made the whole kiss and everything a little pointless.

-Harry just hands Malfoy the Prophecy.

-Sirius's Death: Too quick. My sister, who has seen the films but hasn't read the books, did not understand what happened. I couldn't absorb it. It was so anti-climactic. Dan did a great job of grieving about it, but no one acknowledged that he was gone. Bad. It was such an important scene, and they just passed over it. I didn't like it at all.

-Dumbledore and Harry about Prophecy: (Please see MY LEAST FAVORITE SCENE.)

-Voldemort: I don't know about anyone else, but I found Umbridge more terrifying than Voldemort. I thought he was great in the fourth, and I love Ralph Fiennes, but he wasn't so canon.

-Harry's Grief: Since the ending was rushed, you don't get a sense that Harry is really grieving over Sirius's death.

-Mundungus Fletcher: He was a great character for the book, but this cut wasn't a total loss.

-Mrs. Black's Portrait: It would have been cool to see, but was necessary to cut.

-Quidditch: As much as I hate to admit it, and as much as Ron is my favorite character, Weasley is our King, and the lifetime ban on Quidditch scenes were a necessary cut. They would have been great, but for the main story to move along, it was good that this was cut. Ron will have his Quidditch moment in the next film, and Umbridge was horrible enough without the life ban as well.

-St. Mungo's: That would have been an AMAZING scene. However, in order to keep the film moving along, I think Neville just letting Harry in on what happened was good enough for now...definitely a step up from the mediocre mention in the fourth film.

-Prefects: Even though Ron is, once again, slighted out of a moment for himself, the prefects, though interesting, would have been just an extra tidbit. It wasn't vital.

-There is no Howler from Dumbledore to Petunia: I think the fact that Petunia knows more about the magical world than we thought was a vital storytelling tool. I was upset they cut this.

-Both Ron and Hermione getting really injured in DoM: No Ron's attack by Hermione almost dying by curse. It would have been really good.

-NO QUIDDITCH "GOOD LUCK, RON" KISS: I understand cutting Quidditch, but couldn't they work in the kiss anywhere?! I was royally ticked off!

-Cleaning Grimmauld Place/the Locket: To foreshadow the locket Horcrux, they needed to plant the locket.

-The two-way mirror: JKR said this was going to be important in the final book. Why would they cut it? I also think it could have added to Harry's grief of his death by trying to contact him.

-Snape V. Sirius: You never really got the sense that Sirius was restless. You never really understood that he was a prisoner in his home so much. I think it would have been better had they included Snape taunting Sirius about his lack of participation.

-Snape=Double agent: I think they should have mentioned Snape's job...what he was doing for the Order. I also believe that they should have mentioned that Snape was the one who tipped the Order off about going to the DoM.

-Grawp: They were excellent scenes...and funny with Hermione and Ron's jealousy. But, I felt that with everything else going on, and other things they could have included, this seemed irrelevant and time-consuming.

THE POSSESSION: This scene made me cry. I kid you not. I was on the verge of bawling, actually.

It was very eery and terrifying. You see the writhing and the distortion. Daniel's acting was great, but what got me was when he looked over at Ron and then Hermione...then there was all of these flashbacks to his friendship moments with Ron and Hermione from the other films. Plus, on top of that, he saw his family, his parents, Cedric, and hugging Sirius. Dumbledore watches him, tears forming. Then, Harry says quietly and genuinely that Voldemort will never know love and that he feels sorry for him. You see the friendship, the love, the loss, the emotion, and then Sirius...and Voldemort can't bear to be in there any longer. It was poignant. It was emotional. It was real. And I cried like a baby.

THE PROPHECY: Dumbledore's apology, Harry's destiny, his tantrum (which never happened), and the explanation was barely there. You didn't get the sense of the enormity of the situation.

DAN RADCLIFFE: I did not feel that Dan was angry enough at his expulsion. He just kind of stared into space in the kitchen. In his room, he hit the wall, didn't even utter much of a noise, apologized for scaring Hedwig, and then it was over. Also, when he arrived at Grimmauld Place, he seemed more like he was going to cry when he was talking about being shut up. He was not shouting or sounding that angry...Annoyed, yes. Sad, yes. Lonely, yes. But no anger. However, I do think that his performance, especially dramatically, had improved from past films. Gradually, through the films, around the time he meets Seamus in the common room, you can finally see the anger from the books. Dan has improved (the Possession scene was gold), but I think the hype about his acting was a little overrated. I just don't think he's that great of an actor. He did a better job than in the past, but he still has a ways to go.

RUPERT GRINT: As always, he embodies Ronald Weasley. Though the script does not do the book Ron full justice, Rupert acts the heck out of the part. His comic timing is, as always, spot on. He is always in character, always reacting to everything around him. He responds to everyone and everything, and he can literally create chemistry with anyone. Rupert is such a great, natural actor, and he's getting better and better.

EMMA WATSON: Slowly, Hermione is starting to come back. I felt that since the third film, Hermione has been lost behind the pink and the "girl power," and she's not been the Hermione we've been reading. Emma, with the help of the script, is beginning, slightly, to bring back the Hermione we love. Emma didn't try too hard like she did in GoF. She was a bit better at the drama...her lines don't sound as corny or fake as they used to. I think she still has room to improve, but, overall, she improved from the last film.

GARY OLDMAN: He is golden. He portrays Sirius Black wonderfully! He's rebellious, he's restless, he eggs Harry on, and tragically becomes closer and closer with Harry. It was poignant that he mentions James a lot and that he calls Harry "James." I'll miss Gary's contributions to the films. He's awesome.

ALAN RICKMAN: He is golden! He is Severus Snape. He is dripping with disdain and dislike. He's horrible and wonderful, and you hate him and love to hate him. He's absolutely fantastic! He gets into the character and brings back the essence of Snape that has been missing in the films for a while.

EMMA THOMPSON: Well, she's one of my heros to begin with, so I'm partial. But she was just magic in the film. Timid and crazy and wonderful!

SIR MICHAEL GAMBON: Finally, I think he got Dumbledore right. Yes, Dumbledore has his quirks, but he's not as intense as Gambon portrayed him in GoF. He actually toned him down and we got a glimpse of Richard Harris's awesome Dumbledore.

RALPH FIENNES: I love him, but I don't think he achieved the evil and heartlessness of Voldemort. I didn't find him scary or chilling like I did in GoF.

JASON ISSACS: Brilliant as usual.

HELENA BONHAM CARTER: Her role was brief, and I look forward to seeing her in the future movies, but she was great in this film. A completely unhinged psycho, Carter is the personification of wacko, deranged witch. She was great...and pulled of the look along with the action. Brilliant. Great!

IMELDA STAUNTON: HOLY MOSES!!!!!! IT IS LIKE DAVID YATES OPENED OOTP AND UMBRIDGE WALKED OUT OF THE PAGES. IMELDA STAUNTON WAS UTTER PERFECTION AS UMBRIDGE. SHE DID EVERYTHING RIGHT. She was the right amount of sticky sweet, with her chilling, high-pitched laugh, and her absolute evil lurking under all of her pink clothes...that got pinker and pinker throughout the film. She scared the crud out of me! She was terrifying. She was a complete meclomaniac, an utter psychopath. She was FANTASTIC! THe fact that she was a perfect amount of sweet and sour made her THE Umbridge we read! She was BRILLIANT! PHENOMINAL! MAGNIFICANT! I was amazed!

Newcomer- EVANNA LYNCH: WE HAVE FOUND THE PERSONIFICATION OF LUNA LOVEGOOD. She was perfect. She was from the book. She was the definition of Luna Lovegood. I don't think there is anything more to say. She WAS Luna. Adorable, sweet, and funny, Evanna rocked this role, and she did it with poise and professionalism. She was just fantastic. She was a gem...diamond in the rough. They were so lucky to find her. She was amazing.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was much, much better than both Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

It was not, however, as true to the books as Sorceror's/Philosopher's Stone or Chamber of Secrets.

The best film yet theatrically. Canon-wise, I think it was lacking, but still a very good film.

FINAL RATING: 8 out of 10


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Old 07-12-2007, 07:13 PM   #9 (permalink)
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i didn´t like the movie. too much left out... the 'peck' of owls, the howler, the advance guard, sirius's mom, hermione and ron becoming prefects, mrs. weasley's boggart, more elaboration on harry's dreams, the room of requirement was really dreadful, the whole bones, marietta edgecombe, sturgis podmore, mundungus fletcher storylines removed, no St. Mungos, no hagrid inspection, no quidditch, no maddam puddifoot's, no portable swamp, no o.w.l.s (astronomy, history, dada) no attack on mcgonagall and hagrid, etc. it was a pretty big dissapointment for me. figg not at all like in the books, really.

the battle at the ministry was pretty bad as well. we didnñt see the circular room with the doors, or the other parts of the department of misteries, the dialogue in the hall of profecies was nothign like the one in the book, dumbledore did not show up at the veil room, sirius did not die the way he used to, harry listened to the profecy from the orb, and the battle between dumbledore and voldemort was not nearly as good! where was the shield, where was fawkes, why didn't the fountain protect harry?

we also didn't get to see harry talking to sirius and lupin through umbridge's fire, or attempting to find sirius and talking to kreacher instead, what happend to the whole quibbler storyline, the interview, and rita?

we also missed out on sirius giving harry the mirror, and the big talk between harry and dumbledore in the end, and that was VERY important!! also, we didn't see harry really suffering sirius's death, we didn't even see him talking to nick about sirius becoming a ghost!

i was very very dissapointed by the movie, i had such high expectations, i even attended a midnight screening...

the acting was much improved compared to previous movies, though and the cgi was very impressive. i especially liked how dumbledore trapped voldemort in the sphere of water, very very cool indeed.

rating: 7/10
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Old 07-13-2007, 01:18 AM   #10 (permalink)
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You are definitely right about Snape's Worst Memory...they utterly destroyed it and it made me miss several of the things that happened next cuz I was still fuming over James sandy-blond hair really set me off...but okay i need to quit ranting. Great review and I agree with you completely on just about everything. My rating would be 7/10
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Old 07-13-2007, 04:50 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Red face my review....

Rating: 7/10

gave my review in the polls section, not allowed to re-post so im gonna summarized it here...

loved the movie but hated it as well, it has no "magic" the way the last 4 films did it..

-it didnt bring the sadness and cruelty of book5 that i was expecting, especially after Sirius' death, there's not enough grief! i want to cry for Sirius but the movie didnt make me feel that way, kinda disappointing really... but i loved the possession scene, the flashbacks and Harry acting like that, very exceptional! those made me cry!!
- the script of the movie was too bookish for me, a lot of script in the scenes where exactly stated in the book, this ruined the spirit, bcoz yes a lot of audiences read the book and watching it in the movie is like reading the book again, they shoud've modified the lines....but of course some were modified and they did well on that...
- Harry's angst for me wasnt enough, yes he's got attitude problem, but i think its better when he's screaming, when he said to Malfoy "Stay away from me!"
- i'm glad they put a lot of characters here, it made the movie looked big and grand, unlike PoA, where i think half of the movie was like only Harry and Hermione..
- splendid sets too! like the ministry of magic, death chamber, grimmauld place and of course Hogwarts.... i wish they included the circular room,time room...also i wished they included St.Mungo's...i was expecting of requirement needs improvement too
- all in all, it was a great movie anyway, a lot of facts weretaken away from the movie but for me its all fine, i understand that they only need to include the important parts and i think there's no major holes left....but im thinking they left some something....

gonna watch the movie again tomorrow!!!!!!!!!
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Old 07-14-2007, 05:15 PM   #12 (permalink)
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I finally saw OotP yesterday and I'm finally able to submit a review!

One of the things I was impressed with was the acting ability of all the actors (both old and new). Kingsley is now my new favorite Order member (after Tonks, of course) and Helena Bonham Carter captured all the craziness of Bellatrix absolutely perfectly! Umbridge was absolutely evil and exactly as how she is in the books, and Luna was dazed and dreamy, so all in all, I was impressed with the new actors. The old ones were quite good as well; their talents keep growing with every film. I thought Dan did an excellent job with the emotional scenes and the possession; Matthew Lewis also impressed me with his emotion in this movie as well. Rupert, as usual, has the funny one liners, as even Emma is starting to get her know-it-all personality back from the first film.

As for the things I liked and didn't like:

Things I really liked:
-The tapestry in the Black House. Not like I was expecting, but brilliant nonetheless
-The DA scenes. Just like in the books, with Neville struggling to do the spells, Hermione mastering them at once, and Harry's leadership skills. Maybe favorite scene was probably the patronus or the fight between Ron and Hermione
-Fred and George. They were hilarious throughout the whole movie, and sweet in that scene where a little kid has just come out of detention with Umbridge and they're trying to comfort him...
-Weasley's Wizard Wheezes products were amazing! The extendable ear scene was particularly funny..."Hermione, I hate your cat" made me crack up!
-The scene where the trio is discussing the kiss. I love how Emma just starts randomly laughing and gets everyone going.
-All the little ship hints in the movie: Harry/Ginny, loads of Ron/Hermione, and, perhaps, a few Neville/Luna (thats more of me hoping that JK will include that in the final book).
-Evanna was the perfect Luna! I was sad that in the movie she was more obsessed with Nargles than Crumple-Horned Snorkacks, but she still top notch, with her ears and huge eyes and weird clothes and skipping around everywhere...
-Kingsley's comment after Dumbledore escapes: "Whoa. You gotta admit, Dumbledore's got style." made the whole theater laugh.
-Harry's comment to Umbridge as the centaurs are taking her away: "I must not tell lies" caused the theater to applaud.

Things that made me go "What was THAT?":
-The fact that Tonks has only, like, 3 lines in the whole movie
-Devon Murray's acting. I'm sorry, but after doing 4 movies, the emotion should come out better, as opposed to one long run on sentence with absolutely no tone change at all. Maybe I was just expecting too much.
-The Department of Mysteries scene. I would have expected more action, or even the circular room, but most of that was cut out. And Sirius' death was unimpressive to me. He gets Avada Kedavara'd and then poof...he's gone and Harry's ready to kill Bella.
-Harry pulling his wand out in front of Dudley and his gang. True, his gang thought that it was a fake wand and Harry was crazy, but still, Harry should know better!

Things that I thought were cute additions to the movie:
-The fact that Neville finds the Room of Requirement. (The writers seem to like cutting Dobby out of the movies and giving Neville his role instead. Not that I mind )
-The letter that Harry gets from the MoM annoucing his explusion was very cute and also very Howler like
-Grawp having a crush on Hermione and giving her the bike handle. I also like when Ron runs at him with a horrified expression on his face and tries to hit his leg with a branch, only to have to break in two and have no effect whatsoever.
-Fred and George apparating around just to annoy people
-Kreacher. Yes, I know, he was only in it two times, but the two times he was in it was perfectly canon Kreacher.

All in all, the book was much better than the movie, but I still enjoyed it. I give it an 8/10
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Old 07-14-2007, 06:18 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Chloe Deveraux

Rating: 6/10

I saw the movie in an IMAX Dome Theater, so I didn't see it to the best of its extent. I started to feel sick to my stomach and dizzy, so it probably altered my opinion a bit.

What I Liked:
- Tonks's hair. It looked so cool!
- Umbridge's office with the kittens constantly mewing. So adorable!
- Umbridge! She was cast perfectly.
- The scenes with the various newspapers. Maybe it was the type of theater, but I couldn't read a single headline and they made me dizzy.
- The little listening device [I forgot what it's called] that Fred & George use. It had hairs on it!
- Luna. She was so cute and wonderful!

What I didn't like:
- Bellatrix's makeup. I know she just got out of Azkaban, but isn't she supposed to be beautiful? She's Narcissa's sister!!
- The lack of footage for the Inquisitorial Squad. I thought they were supposed to be in it more.
- Wasn't this the year that Ron, Hermione, Draco, etc became prefects? Did I miss that?
- Sirius's death. I thought it was going to be much more dramatic. And why was the veil only a thing of mist?
- The Dept of Mysteries battle. It was so confusing, I couldn't tell who was fighting whom.
- The fireworks scene! It was my favorite part in the book and it was nothing like I thought it would be!
- The lack of humor. There was hardly any funny parts to the movie at all.
- The cutting of Quidditch. Sorry, still sour about that. I wanted to see "Weasley is our King" and Luna's crazy hat.
- Did they even mention that Luna's dad was involved with the Quibbler?
- Why was Dudley dressed all gangster?
- The shortness of the film. I say make it 4 hours long like Titanic! And hey, LotR is insanely long and everyone likes those movies! Make HP longer!

Overall, it was nice, but I was very disappointed.
[Chloe Deveraux][Fifth Year][Slytherin]

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Old 07-15-2007, 09:46 AM   #14 (permalink)
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I'm a huge Harry potter fan, books as well as movies and I can say I am not at all disappointed with this film. The movie was brilliantly made, and the dark feel was evident right from the beginning of the movie. What I was really happy about this one is it was more faithful to the book. The new actors like Imelda Staunton(played the role of Umbridge brilliantly), the young lady with potential Evanna Lynch who played Luna Lovegood and no need to mention the Bellatrix to the heights of evil.

I particularly enjoyed the climax sequences which were a pleasure to watch in 3D, the movie went smoothly right from the beginning and there were no split ends. The lack of quidditch in the movie makes sense because the viewer can assume Umbridge might have banned that as well. I can say that this movie was the most touching of all the five because of the importance it emphasized on friendship and love. The movie also showed properly about the rebellion in school and fudge's lack of belief in Voldemort returning.

Daniel Radcliffe has definitely improved in this movie and the improvement has been clearly seen in the final scenes where he had to fight Voldemort possessing him and Sirius dying. Emma and Rupert were great as Harry's friends Hermione and Ron as usual. The only mistake which I've seen is Luna using the spell "Levicorpus" in the final fight which does not come until the next book. Apart from that I'd give this movie a double thumbs up and everyone whether a book reader or not can watch it and still be able to appreciate it.

I loved the last scenes where Harry gets posessed by Voldemort and he gets reminded of all his well wishers and friends like his parents,Ron,hermione Sirius and all the happy moments he has had right from the first year at was really touching.I felt this was the scene which was handled really well and on par with what exactly JKR has written.

I felt bad that many parts went left out namely Snape/Sirius encounter(Now Sirius being dead, we dont have a chance to see them meet anymore in movies!!Sadly.....), and the Rita Skeeter's Quibbler thing would have been included.......but anyway, I am happy with the screen adaptation of HP5 and I totally agree that the movie would have been 15 hours long if they would have taken each and every page in the book. I was, I am and I will be the first admirer of books when I am asked to choose between Books and movies.......but the movies are worth watching at the same time!!!

ENJOY THE MOVIE and I am eagerly waiting for the 7th book to come out!!

Eagerly waiting for HBP movie to come out
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Old 07-15-2007, 08:43 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Im not going to give a long discription of the movie. However i will say this, if just thinking about the movie and not at all about the books i would give it a 8/10. Thinking about the movie and the books together, i would give it a 6/10, because there are so many things that have left out. And i understand you can't have everything. But the movie was only 2hr. 18min. long. the Lord of the Rings Return of the King was an entire hour longer than that. Which means they could have put in at least 30 more minutes to have more. Which could have potentially been more Kreacher, Mundungus, the kids as prefects, Quidditch, Tonks. And the talk with Dumbledore. They could and should have made that a lot longer. We found out nothing, and harry was supposed to be very very angry (throwing things).

Overall i liked the movie a lot. Just not as the Harry Potter books.
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Old 07-15-2007, 09:45 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Snape is my man!

I'll start of by saying the books are always better than the movies. Don't expect the movie to be exactly like the book because that's not gonna happen.
Daniel Radcliffe: I thought he did a very good job with his acting. Much better than Goblet of Fire. I do think he could have been a bit more angrier. I liked when he screamed at Dumbledore," Look at me!" he should have done more of that. Still, he did a great job especially during the possession scene.
Rupert Grint: He was brilliant. I loved how he defended Harry a couple a times and how he attempted to defend Hermione from Grawp and was jealous. He was very cute and funny in this one.
Emma Watson: I usually don't like how she portrays Hermione because she makes her seem all girly and Girl Power-y when Hermione is more of a tomboy. But I think Emma did a nice job this time. She was more in charge.
Evanna: She was absolutely brilliant. She definitely is Luna Lovegood. I loved her. Some said earlier that she was ditzy and she was not. She was very clever actually. I loved the skipping parts too. She was just perfect.
Tom Felton: He was wonderful and gorgeous as always. Not a lot of screen time but he was great whenever he was on screen. I thought his lines were too rushed. They ended like in 10 seconds but he does a great job as Draco.
Imelda: She was perfectly evil. She was great. I felt like punching her when she slapped Harry. But Imelda did a great job.
Helena Bonham Carter: Brilliant. That smirk she had on her face after killing Sirius...priceless. I can't wait to see more from her.
Jason Isaacs: Wonderful. Great Lucius Malfoy.
Gary Oldman: I'm going to miss this guy. He was wonderful as Sirius.
Ralph Fiennes: Excellent. "You will lose everything." That was great.
Alan Rickman: He had very few scenes but he was great in each of them.
Michael Gambon: I'm so gald he wasn't all freaking out in this one. He much calmer like Dumbledore is supposed to be. He's making his way back to how he was in PoA and how Richard Harris was as Dumbledore.
Natalia Tena: She was a great Tonks. I really liked her but she had very few lines and screen time. I can't wait to see more of her.
Shacklebolt: Brilliant.
In all, all the acting was great for the most part. Although adult actors should get more screen time.

--The Beginning w/ Harry looking at a little boy and his mother
--Dementors, scary things.
--Dudley's demented face was great.
--The Howler-type letter from the ministry
--Harry getting "rescued" from Privet Drive
--Tonks: loved her hair but it could've been shorter
--Grimmauld Place: Very dark and nasty
--Kreacher: Ugly little thing-I think his appearance was decent
--The Weasley Twins: loved how they apparated evertwhere
--Extandable Ears: clever looking things, loved how Crookshanks was playing w/ them
--The Ministry: It looked so cool! Very nice scenary.
--The hearing: I liked how Fudge was shaking when Dumbledore told him Voldie was back
--Dumbledore ignoring Harry made me sad but it was good
--Harry's dreams were very a good way
--Voldemort in a suit? That was funny.
--The Draco and Harry scene was great..too short..but good
--Thestral looked creepy but gentle as well. I liked the baby thestral!
--Luna in the carriage was great. everyone kept looking at her funny
--Umbridge making her speech
--Umbridge as High Inquisitor
--Umbridge's detention
--The D.A's lessons and Neville finding the room of requirements
--The Inquisitorial Squad with Draco and Filch in love w/ Umbridge
--Occlumency w/ Snape
--Umbridge's finding the room
--Dumbledore's awesome escape from the Ministry.
--Shacklebolt's " You gotta admit, he's got style." Funny quote
--Fred and George's escape...brilliant
--Umbridge slapping Harry
--The Department of Mysteries fight
--"Get away from my godson." *punch* That was funny.
--Dumbledore and Voldemort's fight...very impressive
--The possession...I cried in this one and Sirius' death
--The ending: It was ok
--Special effects and cinemography were very good.

--The movie felt too rushed. It would change from one scene to the other too quickly.
--Mrs.Figg was not how I imagined her or acted like in the book.
--Dudley talking was annoying
--Vernon and Petunia should have been more angry
--Seamus' acting wasn't very convincing
--The Kiss: it was a bit too long but ok
--Arthur's attack seemed to happen too fast
--Snape's Worst Memory was too short and James looked nothing like I imagined
--Inquisitorial Squad should have been in the movie more or at least Draco
--The kids should have fought w/ the DE longer before the Order got there
--Harry handing over the prophecy to Lucius
--The fight w/ DE and Order was too short
--Sirius' death was anti-climatic. It was an important part of the book and it seemed like they just zoomed through it. Harry did a nice job grieving about it though.
--Dumbledore talking to Harry afterwards...It should have been more like the book
--They should have included towards the end the part in the book where Draco tells Harry he will pay for sending his father to jail which would then lead on to the 6th movie

If the movie had been 20 minutes longer it would have been excellent. They would have been able to put more detail into some scenes and add some more things. But it wasn't, so it just makes the movie great.

Rating: 8/10
x....Peace Out? Uhhmm...More Like Peace In....x
Tom with Emma? Psh. He's with the TFFC'ers
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Old 07-19-2007, 01:58 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Isabella Thompson

Absolutely loved the film

I thought that this was by the best out of the whole series and I am very happy with the fact that David Yates will be back to direct Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

From the very first moment I could just imagine reading the lines in the book about how it was the driest summer and there were water restrictions, it was all captured in the one shot and then straight away we are into the action with Harry, Dudley and the Dementors. I loved the camera angles that Yates applied and thought it made the movie feel that little more real.

Other aspects of the movie that I loved was that even though some may differ, I felt that Dan's acting has slightly improved. even though he wasn't quite the emotional and agression filled Harry that we see in the books, you could tell he was trying to achieve it.

I absolutely loved how the Ministry looked, it was unbelievable how it was transformed from every single little description in the book into what we saw on screen. Amazing, nothing more to it.

the battle scene at the end. The lead up to it was so full of suspense and even though I knew what was going to happen in the book, I was still shocked and amazed everytime something happened. Everytime a death eater hit a character or chased after Harry or anything, it was full of intensity, right up until the very end with the battle between Voldemort and Dumbledore, perfect

The new characters in this film were cast perfectly I found, even though at first I was a tad skeptical about Umbridge because she did not look toadlike at all, Imelda Staunton was amazing and grasped every single aspect of Umbridge as a character, she was so bitter sweet and easy to hate I loved it! Oh and by the way, Grawp was so cute and Kreacher was absolutely horrid and disgusting looking, just how I imagined Oo and the thestrals were wonderful, I think that whoever created them is a genius because they looked amazing! So horselike and yet bonelike, something you can love and hate at the same time

Ok, onto some of the negatives, even though I know it is physically impossible to fit everything into the movie due to the size of the book, I thought that maybe the plot line could have been kept the same, as in to do with when certain things happen in the book. Such as Sirius explaining about his family tree and what not, I dunno I guess I am just a sucker for the flow of the book.

Another thing, I really did not like the lack of the major adult characters such as Hagrid, Trelawney, Lucius, ect. These are some of the best actors and actresses in Britain and their screen time did them no justice, however when they were on screen, they owned

Overall I found the movie really enjoyable. It is the best out of the series so far, and even though the fifth book is not one of my favourites I really do think that David Yates has brought it onto the screen in a justifiable way.

Therefore, I give it 8/10
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Old 07-20-2007, 04:30 PM   #18 (permalink)
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The worst Harry Potter Movie So Far, (And that's saying something, 4 was just horrendous).

There is nothing more to say...
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Old 07-22-2007, 11:00 PM   #19 (permalink)
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it is okey i like it igive it a 90/100
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Old 08-16-2007, 07:37 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Definetly the best movie so far. Cannon wise it wasn't as good as the first two movies but hey it was the longest book so they did the best the could. I wish they could have left in:
- Ron with Quidditch (Hopefully they will just add this in the next movie)
- Snape calling Lily a Mudblood (They filmed this scene but it didn't make the cut. Important later on!)

It was acted very well by everyone including the new characters and even the plot cuts didn't stop me from seeing it a bunch of times.

8.5/10 Best Movie but not the best book addaptaion

Last edited by 53\/3ru5 5l\l4p3; 08-16-2007 at 07:40 PM.
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Old 08-31-2007, 03:24 AM   #21 (permalink)
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I liked it over-all, but was disappointed in how much they left out, and how much they changed fromt he book. I feel like from movie three on they have changed way to much. The fifth book foreshadows so much for the seventh book, and so much comes back into the 7th book that was in the fifth that was left out of the movie.

I did not like how they down played Harry's mourning of Sirius in the end. It was like he said oh well he's dead. Not at all what he went through back at school in the book.

No mirror, which comes back in book 7, and is very important. Why did they take that out in the movie.

Cutting Lily out of Snape's worst memory. Also comes back in book 7 and is important in understanding that this is the beginning of Lily pulling away from Snape.

Changing the OWLs. Although Fred and George's exit was totally awesome in the movie, they should not have changed the OWLs. I really feel that his super success at DADA OWL was important in the book.

Using Alohamora to open Umbridge's office totally wrong, she would have made sure that didn't work on her office door.

Leaving out the fact that Trelawny told the prophecy, what's up with that?

I really feel like there should have been another 30-45 mins to make sure all the most important stuff was included.

Luna was totally awesome, just as I pictured her.

Umbridge was just as I pictured her.

Dan is doing an awesome job developing and growing this character. He really knows what Harry is feeling, and how it is effecting him. I think this was his best acting as Harry yet.

All in all, I loved it, and have seen it three times. I know that you can't include everything in a movie, but I think to much was left out and changed in this one. The ministry scene was awesome, and the fight was great!!!
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Old 09-05-2007, 08:34 PM   #22 (permalink)
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I only have one Q...
Did they even mention the locket?
"You tell those Spiders Ron!"
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Old 09-08-2007, 09:43 PM   #23 (permalink)
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im a big harry potter fan. i got into the whole series after the sorceror's stone came out. anyways i thought the order of the phoenix was so good. i loved the action. i cant wait for it come out on dvd. i would give this movie four and a half stars if we were rating it.
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Old 11-04-2007, 08:10 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Although there is a lot of characters that didn't appear properly like Tonks and there was changes that made me annoyed but in General the film was better than the previous ones..Well, Let's give it 7.5/10
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Old 12-17-2007, 07:24 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Loved the magic in Dumbledore and Riddle's battle. Graphics were amazing but its a shame they missed out a important part in the movie (Harry seeing the Locket.)
This movie has my rating of...8/10
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