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If you happen to try one of the doors near the end of the sixth floor corridor, you might just find yourself in a handsome (if not dusty and aged) office of a large size. The faint smell of crystallized pineapple seems to linger in the air of the room, which contains numerous side doors and nooks and crannies... all of which remain firmly locked.
Although the room is devoid of any office-like furniture, or any furniture at all, there is still an impressive, but faded, rug before the large fireplace and long mirror hanging over that to boot. The spare office is still a cool place to hang out, practice some wandwork, or do some light reading. Just don't linger too long; the office's famous owner was only fond of certain guests... and only as long as they didn't ask prying questions.
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
OKay, so Noelle and Haddie were training together. Animagi training.
Noelle was way too excited. She had her trusty calendar with her, and had scribbled in times to meet Haddie so that they could work together. Finding a place to work was a little difficult. They had to go somewhere where people weren't in their business, wasn't crowded, and had enough space for them.
Noelle had stumbled across this spare classroom while looking for a spot. It seemed a good place as any. There was even a light pineapple smell. She'd sent Haddie a birdie to let her know she'd found a room.
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Hads opened the door and peeked in. Ah. This place. She remembered it. She'd been trapped here with Drapes a few years ago. Almost broke him then too. "Honestly, I was expecting the Room of Requirement, but this is perfect too." On her shoulder, her ever present companion, Asher, chittered. "Even Asher agrees."
She spent a moment just walking the perimeter, checking out the space. "Okay, what's first?"
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
Originally Posted by Callie
Hads opened the door and peeked in. Ah. This place. She remembered it. She'd been trapped here with Drapes a few years ago. Almost broke him then too. "Honestly, I was expecting the Room of Requirement, but this is perfect too." On her shoulder, her ever present companion, Asher, chittered. "Even Asher agrees."
She spent a moment just walking the perimeter, checking out the space. "Okay, what's first?"
Noelle was setting up everything when the door opened. She grinned and waved at Haddie. "Yeah, but this.... this place has potential!" Plus, it was something different from the RoR. For a room that was hidden, lots of people seemed to know about it and used it. She grinned at Asher and wiggled her fingers at him. "Hey pretty bird" She said adoringly before turning back to her potion.
"Okay so..." Noelle pulled out the potion that she'd already made a few times. ... more like double digits of times. But who was counting. It was Hady's fault really, her big sister had given it to her, her fourth year. "This is the potion that the professor wants us to brew. Have you ever brewed it before?" She asked, holding out the folded up piece of paper.
SPOILER!!: Mutatio Animalia
Mutatio Animalia
Effect: Transforms the appearance of the drinker into that of a mundane animal, so the drinker still retains their human mind
8 leeches
1.5 cm of boomslang skin, dried under sun for 7 days
2 horns of bicorn (grated)
1 scoop of frozen lacewing flies at -21°C for 7 days
6 measures of Fluxweed picked on waxing gibbous
A part (if fur is used, more than 3 strands) of the desired non-magical animal
Fill the cauldron with 700 mL of water and light a low fire
Add the leeches after 4 minutes of heating the water
Gently lay the skin on the water surface
Once the skin disappears, stir 6 times counter-clockwise with a metal stick
Bring the fire to maximum and wait for 7 minutes for a pewter cauldron, 17 minutes for brass, and 23 for copper.
Grate the bicorn horns in the meantime.
Once the time is up, lower the fire to medium and add the horns gently
Wave your wand and say 'Permuto motus'
Add the lacewing flies
Starting in the clockwise direction, alternate between clockwise and counter clockwise and stir 14 times IN TOTAL (7 clockwise, 7 counter clockwise). Use a wooden stick
Add the fluxweed and bring the fire to low
Let the potion brew for 23 hours for a pewter cauldron, 17 hours for brass, and 7 hours for copper. Keep the fire on until it's exactly 23/17/7 hours.
Once it's time, put out the fire and either store it or add the preferred NON MAGICAL animal part (fur or other) to use
Extra notes
The drinker will be clumsy until they get used to the altered body form.
It's colourless and completely clear. It changes according to the fur colour of the preferred animal.
The taste depends on the animal.
A glass is normal dose. There is no overdose.
Duration: 15 minutes-5 hours (depends on the ability of the brewer)
Transformation process is only a little bit painful
The base can be stored for up to to years at room temperature away from direct sunlight, but after an animal part is added, it should be consumed in a month.
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Asher chittered happily at Noelle's greeting, and stretched out as far as he could from his perch on Hadley's shoulder, hoping for some head scratches. With a small grin, Hads lifted him off her shoulder and put him on the floor. Instantly he charged over to Noelle and upon reaching her began to spin and leap about in an excited war dance.
Hadley took the offered paper and read the name of the potion, her eyes lit up excitedly. "No, not yet. Professor Newton and I didn't get to it last term." Much to her disappointment. Still the work they had done helped her with potions a lot, so in the end it worked out better overall. "I've been dying to try this!"
Hadley glanced around. The office was just as devoid of furniture as she remembered. No real place to set anything or brew a potion except the floor. Which was good enough really. She wiped a spot of floor clean of dust and set down her cauldron full of potion equipment and supplies.
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
Originally Posted by Callie
Asher chittered happily at Noelle's greeting, and stretched out as far as he could from his perch on Hadley's shoulder, hoping for some head scratches. With a small grin, Hads lifted him off her shoulder and put him on the floor. Instantly he charged over to Noelle and upon reaching her began to spin and leap about in an excited war dance.
Hadley took the offered paper and read the name of the potion, her eyes lit up excitedly. "No, not yet. Professor Newton and I didn't get to it last term." Much to her disappointment. Still the work they had done helped her with potions a lot, so in the end it worked out better overall. "I've been dying to try this!"
Hadley glanced around. The office was just as devoid of furniture as she remembered. No real place to set anything or brew a potion except the floor. Which was good enough really. She wiped a spot of floor clean of dust and set down her cauldron full of potion equipment and supplies.
Asher was probably the best ferret ever. Noelle bent down to say hello to the him before following Haddie over to where she had dusted off a spot. Taking out her wand, she cleared away a bit more space and took a seat. "Luckily, I was given this potion beforehand. It took some work to actually get it right." But to be fair, she had been given it when she was a fourth year. She was two years older now.
Noelle began setting up the supplies. "How about I let you handle making this one today? I grabbed two owl feathers from the owlery." She was going to take a hair from one of Henry's cats, but she figured the owl feathers were safer since they were already molting. Plus, she wasn't sure if Henry would like the fact that she plucked hairs from his cat. The idea intrigued her though... so she might be asking. To be in the life of a cat.
Noelle wiggled her finger at Asher before looking back at the potion and Haddie. She cleaned the cauldron first before giving an excited grin to Haddie. "It still lets us have our own minds. We just get to turn into the animal desired." Speaking of animal desired.... she glanced at Asher. Why hadn't she just thought to ask Haddie for some of his hairs?
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Last edited by ChanceCoeur; 05-15-2017 at 04:23 PM.
When he wasn't teaching or giving extra lessons or even eating, Duncan was trying to get used to this gigantic display of old architecture that the British wizards liked to live and study in. Labyrinthine corridors and moving staircases followed him wherever he went but they were nothing compared to the feeling of familiarity and being lost at the same time.
Finally, he found himself in this room, one he'd taken note of many times before. Being a Potions Master, he was used to analysing things by their scent so it wasn't long before he found himself wrinkling his nose at the stench that clung to the air. It smelt old. It felt old. And there, faintly, was a smell of something that was both tangy and sweet at the same time. Deep sniff... pineapple?
He took out his wand and waved it in the air in an attempt to clear up some of the stench. Personal preference, you know. He didn't think Mel would like being asked to come to a room that didn't smell pleasantly. In fact, a glance at his watch - which had been adjusted to this timezone - told him that she should be arriving any minute now, granted that she wasn't lost. He'd made the specifications clear in the sealed letter he'd left on her desk: sixth floor corridor, office at the end of the corridor. As far as he knew, this was the only office on this side of the corridor. Though his eyes did linger on the doors that led off of this room as well.
When he wasn't teaching or giving extra lessons or even eating, Duncan was trying to get used to this gigantic display of old architecture that the British wizards liked to live and study in. Labyrinthine corridors and moving staircases followed him wherever he went but they were nothing compared to the feeling of familiarity and being lost at the same time.
Finally, he found himself in this room, one he'd taken note of many times before. Being a Potions Master, he was used to analysing things by their scent so it wasn't long before he found himself wrinkling his nose at the stench that clung to the air. It smelt old. It felt old. And there, faintly, was a smell of something that was both tangy and sweet at the same time. Deep sniff... pineapple?
He took out his wand and waved it in the air in an attempt to clear up some of the stench. Personal preference, you know. He didn't think Mel would like being asked to come to a room that didn't smell pleasantly. In fact, a glance at his watch - which had been adjusted to this timezone - told him that she should be arriving any minute now, granted that she wasn't lost. He'd made the specifications clear in the sealed letter he'd left on her desk: sixth floor corridor, office at the end of the corridor. As far as he knew, this was the only office on this side of the corridor. Though his eyes did linger on the doors that led off of this room as well.
... Huh.
She was almost never late, and if she was, something was terribly wrong. Unlike her brother, she had already grown used to the castle and knew almost all of its various walkways and ways of getting from place to another. She could used to living here, she thought, if she didn’t have very specific reasons for being in America. Those same reasons had ensured she come here, to Hogwarts.
“Brother,” she said softly as she slid through the doorway. She firmly shut the door behind her and locked it. It had been months since she could speak to him candidly, and she wanted to do so now. But even in a locked seemingly empty office, she couldn’t. Everything had to be guarded, coded. Speaking in subtlety was irritating, like an itch she could never fully scratch. She approached Duncan, though, and smiled. “Brother. We can speak almost like we can back home,” she whispered. “We did it. We’re here.” she gestured all around her.
She turned to eye up the decor of the room. There was nothing. Nowhere to sit, nowhere to even stand comfortably. The mirror showing their reflections made her smile ominously though. “Duncan, I've spoken to who we both miss.” Her switch to French was seamless. Thankfully, too, their French would be very different from any French speaking person from France or even Canada. Southern French was a dialect all its own and difficult to understand. “We will soon be able to pass the pixie dust along,” she turned to face him. Her hard, dark eyes met his. He would know what this meant. “And the one we spoke of...he graduates in a year’s time.”
Duncan should also know what that meant, too. Her eyes darted to the door out of paranoia. She drew her wand. “Muffliato.”
He heard her footsteps long before she entered the room and knew who they belonged to. How many times had he heard her footsteps running arounnd the house when they were growing up? How many times had he pretended to be asleep only to have his plans foiled the minute he peeked an eye open? It wasn't so much as a sibling thing, it was more of a twin thing.
His head turned to the door and he raised an eyebrow as she entered the room. "What, no Dunkin Donuts?" A Muggle donut company and coffeehouse that he wouldn't mind munching on right now. That was, in retrospect, another downside to this school and this country in general. Where were the Dunkin Donuts stores? "We made it, despite the struggles to get here." Whether it had really been a struggle to get Meredith to hire him was something else entirely. The woman, in her overenthusiastic self, seemed to relish in being given attention and who was he to deny her of that? Especially if it benefitted them.
It wasn't the switch between languages that peeked his interest, it was the words that were being said. His signature smirk settled on his face and he would, if he were the type, punch his fist in the air out of victory. "Excellent. We should waste no time in starting the minute the gift arrives." Time was of the essence and if they stalled any longer, the competition could be over before they knew it. "A year..." A year was plenty of time but was it enough time? "Does he seem interested in what you told him?" And, more importantly, could they trust him?
Melanie smirked. “No, no Dunkin Donuts. Unfortunately. God, I could use one right now.” Boston creme, right here. “You had more struggles than I did. You had to be hired on.” Which, thankfully, had been easy. Moxley was an easy target. She ran her fingers over the top of the fireplace. A thick layer of dust coated the top, and Melanie crinkled her nose in disgust. “So if the office is unused, they don’t clean it?” she asked. With a wave of her wand and a muttering of one of the many cleaning spells she knew, she took care of the dust problem.
Gift, he called it. Melanie rolled her eyes. “We need to keep an eye out for who is on the receiving end.” She already had ideas. Kaysha Stewart. Perhaps Duncan, though, had someone better in mind? She’d let him speak before she gave her own opinion. “I haven’t relayed all of it to him, yet. I’m testing the waters. But he could be good for us.” She had a far-off look in her eye, as if she were imagining it all already.
A wave of nostalgia of home washed over her. She missed everything about it. She missed the ease of the early days. Things were harder now, more secretive. She was held in high regard; she was responsible for making things happen.
It was then that she approached Duncan and hugged him. “I miss her.”
Dora had sent a message to Sam to meet her here. Why? She wasn't sure, really. Seemed less likely to be invaded by people she didn't care to be around. HMPH.
After the first challenge ended she had had a LONG conversation with her Uncle. Sabel, to he exact. Something about all of this mess really struck the wrong chord with her. Chalk it up to being hid adopted neice... and Nicolas Umbridge's daughter maybe? Whatever the case, she didn't care much for the foreign invaders and she suspected some of them had ill intentions... not that she could put her finger on why exactly.
Also, Sabel had made her think of some things where the Ministry and Hogwarts were involved.
So her brain was swirling with thoughts as she plopped down and drummed her newly manicured nails on the nearest hard surface.
This was all very curious and she just needed her bestie.
Melanie smirked. “No, no Dunkin Donuts. Unfortunately. God, I could use one right now.” Boston creme, right here. “You had more struggles than I did. You had to be hired on.” Which, thankfully, had been easy. Moxley was an easy target. She ran her fingers over the top of the fireplace. A thick layer of dust coated the top, and Melanie crinkled her nose in disgust. “So if the office is unused, they don’t clean it?” she asked. With a wave of her wand and a muttering of one of the many cleaning spells she knew, she took care of the dust problem.
Gift, he called it. Melanie rolled her eyes. “We need to keep an eye out for who is on the receiving end.” She already had ideas. Kaysha Stewart. Perhaps Duncan, though, had someone better in mind? She’d let him speak before she gave her own opinion. “I haven’t relayed all of it to him, yet. I’m testing the waters. But he could be good for us.” She had a far-off look in her eye, as if she were imagining it all already.
A wave of nostalgia of home washed over her. She missed everything about it. She missed the ease of the early days. Things were harder now, more secretive. She was held in high regard; she was responsible for making things happen.
It was then that she approached Duncan and hugged him. “I miss her.”
"Me too. Shame they don't do it in this forsaken place." He cast a disgusted look over the office, as if it was personally responsible for the lack of Dunkin Donuts in this place before his eyes landed on Melanie once more. "Not entirely hard if you know how to play your cards right. Meredith likes attention, especially from good looking men. Who am I to say no?" The disgusted look was replaced with a hint of a smirk before he continued, "Luckily, you told me all about her before the interview." Which made it easier than brewing the Cure for Boils. He watched her going about cleaning the place, silently grateful that she was doing so. The general smell of dust and stuffiness dissipating meant that there was a greater concentration of the smell of that tangy-sweet pineapple in the air. Yes, grateful.
The receiving end? He quirked his eyebrow at her. "And who is on the receiving end?" If it was a woman, then he knew exactly how to take care of that issue. If it was a man, then they were going to have a few problems in hands. "Only if he can be trusted. He can't ruin our plans." Duncan wasn't one to trust many people's judgement and certainly didn't believe an entire story but Melanie was one of the few people on this planet who held his blind trust.
When she approached him for a hug, Duncan wrapped his arms around her in an attempt to be comforting. "She'll be happy with your progress." His voice was softer than before. "And you're doing all this for her. You'll get your own reward, no doubt."
"Me too. Shame they don't do it in this forsaken place." He cast a disgusted look over the office, as if it was personally responsible for the lack of Dunkin Donuts in this place before his eyes landed on Melanie once more. "Not entirely hard if you know how to play your cards right. Meredith likes attention, especially from good looking men. Who am I to say no?" The disgusted look was replaced with a hint of a smirk before he continued, "Luckily, you told me all about her before the interview." Which made it easier than brewing the Cure for Boils. He watched her going about cleaning the place, silently grateful that she was doing so. The general smell of dust and stuffiness dissipating meant that there was a greater concentration of the smell of that tangy-sweet pineapple in the air. Yes, grateful.
The receiving end? He quirked his eyebrow at her. "And who is on the receiving end?" If it was a woman, then he knew exactly how to take care of that issue. If it was a man, then they were going to have a few problems in hands. "Only if he can be trusted. He can't ruin our plans." Duncan wasn't one to trust many people's judgement and certainly didn't believe an entire story but Melanie was one of the few people on this planet who held his blind trust.
When she approached him for a hug, Duncan wrapped his arms around her in an attempt to be comforting. "She'll be happy with your progress." His voice was softer than before. "And you're doing all this for her. You'll get your own reward, no doubt."
He hoped.
They had been in here far too long. Melanie was interested in leaving soon to escaped suspicion. Glancing at her watch and then at Duncan, she made a noise of frustration. She stopped hugging him because she had allowed herself that moment of weakness and forlornness, but she was done now. "We must leave. I love you," she whispered. "Stay safe. Keep the plan in mind." Duncan was only ever this sweet to her, and she adored him for it.
"I'm leaving first. You...wait ten minutes. Then leave. Understand?" Soft Melanie was gone. Stoic, serious Melanie was back. "Remember the hawk." She said mysteriously before exiting the spare office.
Dora had sent a message to Sam to meet her here. Why? She wasn't sure, really. Seemed less likely to be invaded by people she didn't care to be around. HMPH.
After the first challenge ended she had had a LONG conversation with her Uncle. Sabel, to he exact. Something about all of this mess really struck the wrong chord with her. Chalk it up to being hid adopted neice... and Nicolas Umbridge's daughter maybe? Whatever the case, she didn't care much for the foreign invaders and she suspected some of them had ill intentions... not that she could put her finger on why exactly.
Also, Sabel had made her think of some things where the Ministry and Hogwarts were involved.
So her brain was swirling with thoughts as she plopped down and drummed her newly manicured nails on the nearest hard surface.
This was all very curious and she just needed her bestie.
She had been summoned. Which only served to make Sam worried. She was always around at mealtimes for a chat, and easily enough found studying for her OWLs in the library or by the lake in her free time, so the fact that her bestie said to meet her here without a reason put her a little on edge.
Something was up. She was sure of it.
IMPs stuff maybe? Although a heads up would have been nice if it was for practice. And they usually did that in the DADA practice room.
She pushed open the door to the office. "New nails?" she commented, her gaze pulled to the manicure by the tapping happening. "I don't know how you keep 'em so nice." She painted hers, the mood changing polish on them currently a grungy blue-brown, but they always chipped after only a day or so. "What can I do you for?"
She had been summoned. Which only served to make Sam worried. She was always around at mealtimes for a chat, and easily enough found studying for her OWLs in the library or by the lake in her free time, so the fact that her bestie said to meet her here without a reason put her a little on edge.
Something was up. She was sure of it.
IMPs stuff maybe? Although a heads up would have been nice if it was for practice. And they usually did that in the DADA practice room.
She pushed open the door to the office. "New nails?" she commented, her gaze pulled to the manicure by the tapping happening. "I don't know how you keep 'em so nice." She painted hers, the mood changing polish on them currently a grungy blue-brown, but they always chipped after only a day or so. "What can I do you for?"
Dora may have started a bit when Sam entered... even though she knew she would be arriving soon. Ugh. Nerves. Whatever. "Hmmm? Oh. Yeah I got bored," as she waved her nails a bit. "Charmed polish and such. I told you I could do yours if you like. Not as long as mine, but yeah," she said with a distracted tone as she made her way to the large carpet and folded herself down there.
Where to begin?
"I don't trust the Ilvermorny people. I mean... I can't put my finger on why, but I don't trust them. Just a feeling, I guess. And well... talking with Sabel didn't quell those feelings." Her eyes swept the room and she pulled her wand and began to twirl it in her fingers. Was there any reason to cast protection or silence charms? Hmmm. "And this competition gives me bad vibes, too."
Sam held up her hands to show off her own polish. Her nails weren't as long as Dora's, no, but they were nicely filed for once and the dull colour was starting to turn to a pale blue. "Did 'em yesterday. Wish they wouldn't chip so quickly though..." Nails and wanting to do fun stuff like climb trees and help in the greenhouses apparently didn't mix.
Lowering herself down next to her friend, Sam raised an eyebrow. "Sure, they're a noisy brash lot. But so's London of an evening...'specially when you're tryna sleep. D'ya really think they're that bad?" Although if Dora's Uncle Sabel had said something, then it was probably worth taking note. She glanced briefly at the door, before softly casting 'Muffliato' on them. If nothing else, she needed the practice. "What did he say?"
A frown flickered across her face at the mention of the competition. "Because of the Muggle dummy thing?" She still hadn't managed to get her head round that. Why Muggles? And why Muggles of different ages? Surely a dementor was terrifying enough on it's own. And how did a patronus prove worth anyways?
If a patronus was needed, maybe Sam would never be worthy of such a task. She could barely manage to faintest of wisps, apparently still struggling to find the right memory.
Dora smiled at the other girl as she showed off her nails. "Let me put some charms on the polish for you. They will still chip, but not as quickly." And that was the point, right? Keep them as nice as possible for as long as possible. "I'll get Addy to send you some polish, too." Not that she didn't LIKE the polish Sam was wearing. Because she did.
"Yes I think they're horrible. I mean aside from a bunch of boys threatening a girl... they give me a bad feeling. Like they can't be trusted." But that was something Dora had issues with anyway. So that was nothing new. "He said he didn't like the sound of it all. The Ministry being here to oversee tasks, the sister school and all."
Not to mention he had told her some stories of things involving Muggle Rights activists in the past. And well... she wasn't sure that was what they were doing, but it could be related. "Yeah. Why Muggles. I argued the point that wouldn't it have tested us much more had the dummies been transfigured to be people we love or our friends or some such? Not like it hasn't happened before." There were more taxing ways to test their cool under pressure, weren't there? She thought so anyway. "I get a bad vibe from the professors, too."
Just from observing them from afar. She surely had not gone out of her way to speak with them and neither had they attempted to speak to her... or apologize for their students.
"You should teach me said charms," Sam pointed out quickly. "All practice is good practice, right?" Even if she was unlikely to need to protect an examiner's nail polish in her OWLs. "You don't need to do that." Although she knew Addy would be more than happy to. "Did she get you the one you were wearing last week?" That'd been pretty, and she'd forgotten to ask about it until now.
Her lips pursed as she mentioned that, regretting she hadn't have got there sooner. It was petty, and Sam couldn't say that she entirely trusted any of them either. It wasn't that she didn't want to get to know any of them; she knew not all Americans were like that from Astrea, and it was probably only some of them acting like that. But still, it didn't encourage her to go searching the others out. "Oh. I thought it was standard the Ministry being involved. They have been in previous competitions."
Although previous tournaments hadn't seemed perhaps as friendly as this one was meant to be. She still hadn't got over reading about the cockatrice, or Robin's reaction when she'd told him. Thank goodness he'd calmed down about it before Mr Mooney had done something ridiculous like pull her out.
"Right. And why some kids, and some adults? Like...that doesn't seem a fair test either." To her, it'd seemed like Dora had got someone particularly stubborn, although she might have been biased and hadn't been watching the other screens anywhere near as closely.
And she finally verbalised the other thought that was bugging her.
"Do you think a Patronus can really show who's worthy?"
"You should teach me said charms," Sam pointed out quickly. "All practice is good practice, right?" Even if she was unlikely to need to protect an examiner's nail polish in her OWLs. "You don't need to do that." Although she knew Addy would be more than happy to. "Did she get you the one you were wearing last week?" That'd been pretty, and she'd forgotten to ask about it until now.
Her lips pursed as she mentioned that, regretting she hadn't have got there sooner. It was petty, and Sam couldn't say that she entirely trusted any of them either. It wasn't that she didn't want to get to know any of them; she knew not all Americans were like that from Astrea, and it was probably only some of them acting like that. But still, it didn't encourage her to go searching the others out. "Oh. I thought it was standard the Ministry being involved. They have been in previous competitions."
Although previous tournaments hadn't seemed perhaps as friendly as this one was meant to be. She still hadn't got over reading about the cockatrice, or Robin's reaction when she'd told him. Thank goodness he'd calmed down about it before Mr Mooney had done something ridiculous like pull her out.
"Right. And why some kids, and some adults? Like...that doesn't seem a fair test either." To her, it'd seemed like Dora had got someone particularly stubborn, although she might have been biased and hadn't been watching the other screens anywhere near as closely.
And she finally verbalised the other thought that was bugging her.
"Do you think a Patronus can really show who's worthy?"
"Well to teach you I have to perform them, don't I? Why not let me start by casting them on you and then you can practice what I have shown you? You always pick of the spells I show you with more ease than you think you do." Like that was going to be the ONLY thing that held Sam back with magic or anything else in life. She had to believe in herself to achieve the things she wanted. Dora did her best to encourage her friend and lift her up every chance she got. "The rose gold sparkly one? Yeah she did. You can borrow it if you want. And don't worry she gets all of those samples and things from work. Or a discount when she buys them so it's not any trouble." Nothing was any trouble when it came to her family looking after Sam. They were her family, too, after all.
"I don't know, Sam. He seemed to think it was indicative of something not so... pleasant. Which is odd since he worked for the Ministry for so long. It is very telling to me," she said with a frown creasing her features. "And he was just as disgusted as I was that the prize for all of this is a scholarship that maybe only a handful of the competitors actually need," she said, her tone one of utter disdain. It was really quite bothersome that they were being made to compete for money they didn't need... Just for some glory or worth.
"I don't know, Sam. I would have rather seen a child or an elderly gentleman I think. Not like some middle aged dude like I had. I just... all of it reeks of something. Something I intend to figure out. I mean... I am just as displeased as the others that they were exploiting Muggles, but it feels like a very political move to me."
She could be wrong, but she didn't think she was.
And that last... THAT caused the girl to snap her head around to look at Sam. Instantly understanding why she would ask that. "Merlin no! It is historically proven that some witches and wizards may never produce a corporeal patronus. And I think it is VERY unlikely that all of those fifth years competing were able to produce them. And some of the older students, too. I can't speak to what all of their talents are... but I know it took a lot of work and dedication for me to do it. So I don't know... It all seems like a great way to make people feel like they are garbage and I don't care for it. Not one bit."
And then... something she had voiced before... "You are an amazing witch and don't you dare let anyone's unrealistic expectations and nonsense make you feel otherwise! Or I will burn this place to the ground in a fit of rage." Not really the last bit. Probably not anyway. Sabel seemed to think she needed to stop practicing fire magic so much... but she vehemently disagreed.
"Maybe you do one hand, and I do the other?" Seemed fair to Sam. That way she got a demonstration and got to try herself. And maybe she did pick up spells easily, she never saw it though. Too busy practising to make her wandwork better, or writing up notes. She confirmed the colour of nail polish. "Well if it don't put her out, then I won't say no."
"Can't say I've ever trusted the Ministry, but at a school tournament?" Sam still looked doubtful. She'd seen enough Ministry folk look right through her, walk right by her, in the past, but was sure that something happening at a flagship event at Hogwarts would not go down well politically. As for the prize? "I s'pose they think it's motivation for some." She still had no intentions of going to university, not really understanding what all the fuss was about, so it wouldn't have been for her. Of course, she didn't know what else to do either...except a niggling thought about helping those she'd grown up with. The street kids, Muggle and Magic alike. Prize money, she could have done something with that. Get them stuff for school, access to food, showers and a bed. It was amazing what a difference a few small things could make.
Her stomach knotted at Dora's reaction, although Sam couldn't explain why. She knew that some people would never produce one, her textbook outlined as much, but it didn't immediately answer her question. Her lip twitched. "Some of them couldn't, although the dementors still backed off," she confirmed quietly. It was just something else suspicious. That and how they got that many dementors in the first place.
And Dora's words? They put a small smile back on her face. It was always good to have her bestie so squarely in her corner, supporting her in everything.
"Would you...help me find the right memory?" It was an open, possibly long-term, invitation. If Sam had anything, it was determination. And she might not have the right memory yet, but one day she hoped she would.
"I can do that, sure. Just not right now, yeah? We can go up to the dorms later and I can grab some polish, perhaps?" This was serious business right now. Let them get through that and then they could do the fun stuff, really. FUN FUN FUN!
Dora shrugged lightly at the response Sam gave about the Ministry. It wasn't like she wasn't used to people being skeptical about her paranoia about adults. But she felt smug when they realized she was right. Ha. Like with the food thing. It was only a matter of time before people realized she was right about that. "Well it isn't motivation enough for me, Sam. You know that. And I'm not a quitter... so I can't just drop out. But if people really are in danger then I can't leave and let others get hurt. Sabel just brought up a lot of valid points. Valid points that are making me very... worried. Whether it is the Ministry or the school... and he didn't have too many great things to say about the school either, by the way, it all worries me."
Worried her so much she hadn't been sleeping properly or eating much either. Which was horrible... the girl LOVED sleep and food.
"More than should have been able to did... from what I saw in playbacks and the like." Meaning what she had been told about afterwards. And something didn't add up. Even the dementors running off without having been hit with a Patronus did indeed rub her the wrong way. Dora shook her head and heaved a heavy sigh. "It is all so... wrong." She had had bad feelings about the whole damn thing since the start of it, and they hadn't been quelled following the first challenge.
Her features softened a bit as Sam spoke again, though. "Of course I will. You needn't even ask. Would you like to go try now? I would certainly welcome the distraction," she said as she got up and dusted off her bum.