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Go Back > Forums > SnitchSeeker RPG > SnitchSeeker RPG Archives > Hogwarts Archive > Headmaster Wilber Winterbottom's Reign > Term 67: May - August 2024 > Woodcroft Games

Woodcroft Games Come celebrate the 1200 year anniversary of the founding of Hogsmeade Village by Hengist of Woodcroft! Experience what it was like in 914 as the Hogsmeade shopkeepers take one and all back in time and even try your hand at some of the 'Hogsmeade Highland Games'

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2024, 06:33 AM
Harold Lagerty Harold Lagerty is offline
Default Butterbeer Barrel Roll

Up at the very top of the hill between Hogsmeade’s cemetery and The Magic Neep is yet another game all set up and ready for a group of players to join in on the fun. Butterbeer Barrel Roll is the name of the game and it's played exactly how it sounds. The host of this game stood at the top of the hill amongst dozens of oversized barrels of butterbeer.

Maisie Windell, a gently aging woman normally known to run Honeydukes, is dressed quite lavishly in colorful clothing for the day's festivities. ”Hello, hello, my dears! Isn't today a simply marvelous day for some fun and games? Gather around, gather around, please.” She smiled warmly, waving over those that were close by. ”My name is Maisie Windell, some of you may know me from Honeydukes but if you do not, you should stop by sometime and say hello. Anyhow, yes, I'm sorry.. you're all here about the game, yes. This here is Butterbeer Barrel Roll!” Maisie reached behind her to place her hand on said barrel, the poor woman's hand falling through the air as she tried more than once. "Where is that barrel..” she glanced around to see it was at least two feet to her left and behind her! ”Oh, dear me. Well yes, anyhow, each person playing will start right here at the top of this hill. You will each be controlling one of these Butterbeer Barrels using the spell Depulso to guide your barrel down the hill. The first one to get their barrel to their designated hole at the bottom of the hill is the winner and gets to keep their Barrel of Butterbeer!” Now wasn't that exciting?!

Gesturing for those that wanted to be the first group to play, Maisie positioned them all in a line at the top of the hill. ”Now remember you each have your own color designated hole at the bottom of the hill. Our hill here has a cushioning charm on it for safety reasons. Please remember that you may only use Depulso to guide the barrel down the hill and around the stacks of hay that have been placed randomly about. It would do them all well to keep in mind that going downhill gravity will cause those barrels to roll quickly and unpredictably, quite possibly into the stream that is right beside the hill.

OOC: Hello everyone! Butterbeer Barrel Roll is very easy to play. In groups (you don't have to wait for others but you're welcome to for more added fun!) Your character is to start at the top of the hill and guide a very large barrel of butterbeer down the hill using Depulso to their designated hole at the bottom to win. There are stacks of hay and a stream that may cause some trouble. Have fun!
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Old 06-12-2024, 10:55 PM   #2 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Apollonia Fergersnout

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Sixth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

x12 x6
Default Kath/Anna <3
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Simona, or Simi as she was most commonly referred to, was no stranger to Hogsmeade or the rest of the Wizarding world despite being under Hogwarts age. It was all thanks to the long line of older sisters that she had in the school of which she was the only one still left at home pining for the day she could join them.

It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy her time at St Woboldo’s or that being at home with their parents was a chore but there was a sense of comfort and familiarity that came with the sisterhood all being together, even if they weren’t all overly close to one another. It was only natural that despite being the quiet and thoughtful type, that Simi was practically buzzing as she accompanied her mother to the event.

She had wanted to make her own costume but had run out of time and with an obvious lack of magical ability had settled on something a little simpler that her parents had bought for her. The flower crown (although historically inaccurate) that adorned her head WAS of her own design and she had spent hours gluing on the fake flowers until they formed a perfect arc of Hufflepuff yellow, in honour of her two Puff sisters of course.

Their mother otherwise occupied, the youngest Bowen had found her way over to one of the activities to await the company of her oldest sister. She couldn’t partake herself, not unless she wanted to just roll her way down the hill but it looked like the funniest activity to be a spectator for. She found a spot at the bottom of the hill to settle, cross legged on the grass.
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Old 06-13-2024, 02:20 PM   #3 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Anna Walles
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sage Ransom-Kruus
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Text Cut: littlest sister
Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
Simona, or Simi as she was most commonly referred to, was no stranger to Hogsmeade or the rest of the Wizarding world despite being under Hogwarts age. It was all thanks to the long line of older sisters that she had in the school of which she was the only one still left at home pining for the day she could join them.

It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy her time at St Woboldo’s or that being at home with their parents was a chore but there was a sense of comfort and familiarity that came with the sisterhood all being together, even if they weren’t all overly close to one another. It was only natural that despite being the quiet and thoughtful type, that Simi was practically buzzing as she accompanied her mother to the event.

She had wanted to make her own costume but had run out of time and with an obvious lack of magical ability had settled on something a little simpler that her parents had bought for her. The flower crown (although historically inaccurate) that adorned her head WAS of her own design and she had spent hours gluing on the fake flowers until they formed a perfect arc of Hufflepuff yellow, in honour of her two Puff sisters of course.

Their mother otherwise occupied, the youngest Bowen had found her way over to one of the activities to await the company of her oldest sister. She couldn’t partake herself, not unless she wanted to just roll her way down the hill but it looked like the funniest activity to be a spectator for. She found a spot at the bottom of the hill to settle, cross legged on the grass.

Anna would, most likely, be the last to know about historical inaccuracies to the costumes worn on this beautiful day in Hogsmeade but would insist that Similini had done an absolutely amazing job with her costume and she looked cuter than a mooncalf calf - which was a BIG compliment because Anna found them positively adorable. Her own costume had been something she had found in the back of some storage closet or another near the History of Magic classroom (or had it been in storage in the room Drama Club met?) so there was a chance her own was at least a little accurate...though the Hufflepuffle hardly paid any mind to that. Rather she was relishing in feeling like the classical beauties seen in numerous portraits about Hogwarts and radiating cheer thanks to the warm mustard yellow color of her dress and the baby's-breath blossoms adorning her hair like stars scattered across the night sky - only in her case it was soft white on vibrant cinnamon brown curls.


Thankfully she had been too excited to take her little sister around to be dislodged or discombobulated by the weary and mildly indignant glance their mother had offered upon meeting Anna briefly while enroute to scoop up Similimi for some sister-to-sister time. The headpiece made of floral sunshine made her especially easy to find and soon Anna had appeared right behind her little sister and gingerly pounced on her by covering the youngest Walles' eyes with both her hands.

"Bet you only need one guuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees," she sung while swaying them both lightly from side to side.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 06-13-2024, 05:48 PM   #4 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Apollonia Fergersnout

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Sixth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

x12 x6
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Text Cut: Our Hufflepuffle
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

Anna would, most likely, be the last to know about historical inaccuracies to the costumes worn on this beautiful day in Hogsmeade but would insist that Similini had done an absolutely amazing job with her costume and she looked cuter than a mooncalf calf - which was a BIG compliment because Anna found them positively adorable. Her own costume had been something she had found in the back of some storage closet or another near the History of Magic classroom (or had it been in storage in the room Drama Club met?) so there was a chance her own was at least a little accurate...though the Hufflepuffle hardly paid any mind to that. Rather she was relishing in feeling like the classical beauties seen in numerous portraits about Hogwarts and radiating cheer thanks to the warm mustard yellow color of her dress and the baby's-breath blossoms adorning her hair like stars scattered across the night sky - only in her case it was soft white on vibrant cinnamon brown curls.


Thankfully she had been too excited to take her little sister around to be dislodged or discombobulated by the weary and mildly indignant glance their mother had offered upon meeting Anna briefly while enroute to scoop up Similimi for some sister-to-sister time. The headpiece made of floral sunshine made her especially easy to find and soon Anna had appeared right behind her little sister and gingerly pounced on her by covering the youngest Walles' eyes with both her hands.

"Bet you only need one guuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees," she sung while swaying them both lightly from side to side.

If Simona knew that Anna had ever doubted her beauty then she would inform her that she had always looked like a Princess to her. Perhaps it was because physically the two shared more similarities, the long curly hair, the reddish tint and the soft freckles over the bridge of their noses. Or maybe it was the incredibly creative tales that Anna weaved, of pirates and treasure hunting and ice cream showers. Being around such talented, individual women gave the ten-year-old the confidence to be who she wanted to be which right now was a quiet, thoughtful and creative child who was SO ready to join the clan at Hogwarts, even if it meant being together for only a year.

She was about to watch the next round of barrel rolling when her vision was obscured by what she could only assume was a pair of hands belonging to a very familiar voice. The slightly alarmed expression on her face morphed into a genuine smile as they swayed side to side. “My favourite A named Hufflepuffle” she giggled gently, using the name that Anna had always referred to her house by. The ONLY Hufflepuff beginning with A she knew admittedly but she couldn’t say her favourite Hufflepuff nor could she say her favourite sister beginning with A for fear of singling out one of the other girls. Simi was diplomatic for sure.

She removed Anna’s hands from her eyes and guided them to her shoulders for the hug she had been longing for since the girl’s left home after the Christmas break. “I was going to watch the race. Are you going to have a go?” She’d considered having a trial herself but she didn’t have a wand yet, nor had she learned any of the spells necessary and despite the obvious precautions taken to prevent injury, she was a little too little on this occasion.
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Old 06-16-2024, 03:26 PM   #5 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Anna Walles
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sage Ransom-Kruus
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

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astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

All four of Anna's half sisters were special and taught her different lessons and values about life. Andrea provided her with confidence that she could fly and invigorating conversation about quidditch while also teaching her patience and respecting people's boundaries with the younger Gryffindor not being anywhere near as touchy-feely as Anna liked to be. Tamara brought music into Anna's life, literally, and watching the little Ravenclaw play her cello inspired grace and poise in Anna...even if these moments were short lived due to the sixth year being a bit of a klutz. Miriam inspired creativity and the importance of working with your hands to mold opportunities - or at least that was how Anna felt every time she came across her little sister in the common room with her clay - AND an extra appreciation of hot chocolate, especially when a cuppa was shared with the people you loved. Simona also inspired creativity, but instead of the sort that required hands it was the sort of creativity that utilized the voice and that also often meant speaking from the heart and showing empathy for characters and tales while regaling adventures and trials. Anna loved all her half sisters, but sometimes she got to thinking and feeling like she and Similini were made from more dust from the same star than their other siblings. And, sometimes, recently, because they happened to share more common features, Anna felt a little less othered despite being the only Walles among the Bowens.

"And just how many A named Hufflepuffles do you know?" she laughed as her hands dropped from covering her littlest sister's eyes and tickled Similini's sides for a moment. "An excellent guess regardless of volume," she declared and plopped down on the grass beside her little sister after enjoying a very VERY overdue hug. Or, rather, she carefully lowered herself to the ground because her dress was rather unforgiving when it came to any sort of she needed to try and avoid grass stains as much as possible...even if the house elves would surely be able to easily remove those if she requested. "Want to try a bit of Scottish Tablet? I used some of my vouchers and picked up pumpkin pasty, Irish cream and caramel, and milk chocolate varieties to share."

Anna picked out one of the pieces of Irish cream and caramel to start with for herself and lay the little box containing the rest on the grass in front of them both. Her eyes soon shifted to the hillside obstacle course of hay and those standing with their wands at the ready to give the barrel row a try. "I hadn't thought about it just yet," she admitted with a little pause to take a bite from her Scottish Tablet - which was delightful, by the way. "That is an rather large barrel of butterbeer...what do you suppose I could do with all that? And the barrel once it is emptied?" Anna would probably give it a go regardless because doing so WAS experiencing history with a modern kind of twist, plus she was decent with Depulso so she may actually have a chance of accomplishing the task, but it was more tantalizing to listen to her little sister's voice right now and encouraging her to use that inner bard through speculation was the perfect way to hear it plenty.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 06-16-2024, 11:53 PM   #6 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

x12 x6
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

The very obvious answer was that Simi knew just the one but the ten-year-old hated to disappoint others and a little white lie to spare the feelings of her beloved sister wouldn’t go amiss. “Loads! There’s umm.. Alice and Arthur and Amelie” she began recalling names from books she had read or games she had played in the hopes that these people might actually exist and it wasn’t such a lie after all. “But you’ll always be my favourite, even if I knew thousands.” She was sure her very sociable sister knew of plenty regardless. The giggle that erupted from the petite child as her sides were tickled was almost fairy-like in manner, sweet and musical and pure.

Neither an alumni nor a current student, Simona hadn’t been a recipient of the vouchers and had therefore become reliant on asking their mother if she wanted anything. Not that she had, she was not the type to beg and sulk when she didn’t get her own way and generally was satisfied with what she had. That wasn’t to say she wouldn’t be extremely grateful for a sugary treat. “Yes please” the redhead’s eyes lit up at the box. “The chocolate sounds yummy.” She regretted not bringing one of the dream catchers she had been creating in art class at school in exchange but it wouldn’t fit in the tiny bag she had tied around her waist anyway. She reached out to the box and selected one to pop into her mouth.

Although the activity looked funny from where she was sitting, she hadn’t thought much of the logistics of being hurtled down a hill in a dress as long and beautiful as Anna’s was, nor of the muddy stains it was likely to leave. “You could share it with all your friends.” Of which she was sure Anna had plenty. “Or do House Elves like Butterbeer? Maybe you could share it with them for all their hard work.” A thank you gift if you will. That vast consumption looked like a hiccup explosion waiting to happen, especially after being shaken and tumbled down the hill the way it presently was. Almost like when Simi drank cherryade too quickly and it bubbled out of her nose. “And then the barrel we could use to make a planter for a tree. A cherry tree.. or maybe an apple tree? Or a pear tree!” She added excitedly, the curls bouncing on her head.

The possibilities were endless for creative thinking.
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Old 06-17-2024, 06:55 PM   #7 (permalink)

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Default Batman <33
Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein

This was exactly the type of event that she should have brought her children with her too. The games, the costumes, the food... they would have had a wonderful time. And she had considered it. But her own memories and feelings about this place, being this close to the castle, were still rather complicated and as silly as it was... she wasn't ready for the girls or Cyrus to be here. And yet, she'd had enough FOMO to not want to miss the event herself either. She hadn't been to Hogsmeade in years - not since her youngest sister in law had graduated nearly... 3... 4 years ago, maybe? But hearing her family, or at least a portion of them, were going to be in attendance to use the vouchers they'd all received, she'd made the arrangements.

Easy arrangements too as it was, considering Einar was always willing to take all three of her offspring whenever she and Noah had other plans. She'd dropped them off earlier that morning before quickly dressing in a Hufflepuff inspired outfit and taking a port so she could hike in the rest of the way. No small feat in the dress and corset she'd decided to wear to be on theme, and the healed boots she'd put on her feet to try to feel not as short as she actually was.

After she'd arrived, Kimmie did a quick sweep of everything there was to offer - noting what she'd circle back to later, before making her way over to the Barrel Roll. It seemed the easiest game to play and so it had been the one she'd suggested to her mom they'd meet up at. She hadn't made arrangements with her sisters or even asked if her brother was coming, but that seemed like information she could likewise glean from the matriarch of the Amstern's, so she'd just ask later. With arms crossed and a little off to the side, K watched the other patrons playing the game or also waiting to start.
_________ _________________________________________

Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 06-17-2024, 11:02 PM   #8 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
This was exactly the type of event that she should have brought her children with her too. The games, the costumes, the food... they would have had a wonderful time. And she had considered it. But her own memories and feelings about this place, being this close to the castle, were still rather complicated and as silly as it was... she wasn't ready for the girls or Cyrus to be here. And yet, she'd had enough FOMO to not want to miss the event herself either. She hadn't been to Hogsmeade in years - not since her youngest sister in law had graduated nearly... 3... 4 years ago, maybe? But hearing her family, or at least a portion of them, were going to be in attendance to use the vouchers they'd all received, she'd made the arrangements.

Easy arrangements too as it was, considering Einar was always willing to take all three of her offspring whenever she and Noah had other plans. She'd dropped them off earlier that morning before quickly dressing in a Hufflepuff inspired outfit and taking a port so she could hike in the rest of the way. No small feat in the dress and corset she'd decided to wear to be on theme, and the healed boots she'd put on her feet to try to feel not as short as she actually was.

After she'd arrived, Kimmie did a quick sweep of everything there was to offer - noting what she'd circle back to later, before making her way over to the Barrel Roll. It seemed the easiest game to play and so it had been the one she'd suggested to her mom they'd meet up at. She hadn't made arrangements with her sisters or even asked if her brother was coming, but that seemed like information she could likewise glean from the matriarch of the Amstern's, so she'd just ask later. With arms crossed and a little off to the side, K watched the other patrons playing the game or also waiting to start.
As a history teacher and history nerd, Vashti was delighted by this event. The transformation of the shops, the decorations, the food, the games, the entertainment - all of it was so charming and delightful, and she was glad to be able to attend. She had, of course, reminded her students of it as well and had already spotted a few around the place with their families.

And speaking of families, her own were wandering about the place somewhere. She'd just finished checking on Lucy and Zephyr over by the tug-o-war, and now she was heading toward the barrel roll section as she had promised Kimmie. She wasn't certain where Regina was at the moment, but Luke had agreed to swing by later on.

It had seemed best to her for everyone to go around the event as they pleased with their significant others, children, and/or friends, and they could all regroup later at the food stalls and picnic area to eat together. They didn't need their mum and nana hovering around them and "cramping their style" all day, or whatever it was the kids say now.

Once she reached the area for the barrel rolling event, Vashti spotted her daughter easily enough. "There you are, Kimmie!" She said, greeting her with a smile and a hug. "You look so lovely in this color." Of course, she always thought her daughters looked beautiful, but this color in particular really suited her, in her opinion.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________

together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
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Old 06-18-2024, 03:03 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Ean Zoilo Feirgrund

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jansher Leon Grunt
Fourth Year

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Firash Grunt
Games & Sports
x8 x7
Default Jess/Emma ^_^
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •

If Justus had it his way, he'd be parking elsewhere. Somewhere close to the forest, it was oh so tempting for him to venture in. But the Woodcroft Games, it sounded like fun. Though he didn't know what he was supposed to do without a partner in some of those games. So here he was, listening to the Honeydukes lady tell them about the Barrell Roll.

Justus frowned. He was hoping at least one of the games had something to do with guiding an animal to help. But this was as close to guiding as he could get. So with a shrug, he glanced down at the hole. Only question left was, who would he be versing against?


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Old 06-18-2024, 02:56 PM   #10 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Anna Walles
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sage Ransom-Kruus
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Anna was quite convinced that her littlest sister was simply listing whatever 'A' names she could think of on the spot, but she sixth year had absolutely zero desire to point that out or otherwise call the sentiment into question. Similini was adorable, well-intended, and being the absolute sweetest and THAT was what mattered. That and Anna wouldn't get to enjoy her littlest sister's presence for a couple long months after this day so it was a time to just embrace all the warm fuzzies. Which was precisely why she was giving her another good squeeze and squish where they sat. "You are immaculate," she hummed. "And I love you to the moon and back back to the moon and back again. In an infinite loop!" And that giggle? Positively lyrical. Was there something like Amortentia but for sound? Because that laugh was absolutely making her list.

"Have as much as you'd like," Anna encouraged while nibbling some more on her own. "I couldn't possibly finish all this." Anna did like sweets, but this was indulgent and almost too much so for the Hufflepuffle. She really should have got herself a more bitter tea to balance it all out. She continued to nibble while Similini offered some suggestions for what to do with all the butterbeer, offering it to the house elves in particular tickling her interest considering she was still trying to think up some ways for her and Aurora to make up for the ice cream rainstorm of a term or two (or three?) ago. Throwing a house elf appreciation party seemed like a really nice thing to do... "Oh, perhaps I could get the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare to host a party to honor the house elves!" She enjoy parties, or at least she thought she did...she wasn't too terribly sure these days, but had not given too much thought into being on the organization committee (only small one-on-one scavenger hunts for friends and family). Honoring such important figures in Hogwarts past, present, and future did seem like the perfect starting point! "Another brilliant idea, Similini. The...well...a very special place in the Hufflepuffle common room is not present this term and it would be nice to have a bit more greenery back in it."

No offense, Professor Fergersnout.

Anna took slightly larger bite from her first piece of Scottish Tablet and watched as some Hogsmeade locals had their go at the barrel roll. It looked straightforward but also deceptively tricky! "Whether I manage or not...I'll promise to buy you a butterbeer before mum takes you back." And tickle their freckles with a butterbeer foam moustache, obviously.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 06-18-2024, 09:58 PM   #11 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Apollonia Fergersnout

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Sixth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

x12 x6
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Anna would be absolutely correct in her assumption that Simona was making up these names on the spot but that didn’t take away that the young child was only doing so to make her eldest sister feel special without taking away from the rest of her siblings. She was lucky to have a family with as close a connection as the five of them did although she was oblivious to the inner feelings of the Hufflepuff in regards to their fathers. The ‘half’ might well have not existed as far as the ten year old was concerned. “That’s a very long way” she beamed, leaning into her sister’s side for that extra comfort she so craved when separated from the others. “I love you to the bottom of every ocean and back, to infinity and beyond.” Which was a distance that she was not acutely aware of but it seemed like a very long distance regardless.

Simi was strangely restrained when it came to indulging in her favourite things, like sweeties. She’d been described as a mouse by her primary teachers, the type who would gently nibble on her food and take the teeniest of sips from her drink and could make her meals last forever. “But you might want to share them with your friends too.” She’d feel terribly guilty to take away the opportunity from someone else. She did help herself to another which she was holding on her tongue and allowing it to melt away into a sugary pile before swallowing it down. “Do you think you could wait until next term so I could be there too? I’d love to meet a house elf. We read a story about them in reading class last week called Topsy and the Time Turner.” In true primary school fashion, the book did not dwell on the historical plights of the poor creatures or else it might have scarred the child, instead the Elf met her ancestors dressed in historical costumes much like those they were sporting today.

“They grew trees in the common room?” she blinked. From the stories she’d heard she knew there was a large forest in the grounds and trees that they could climb and greenhouses full of plants but she wasn’t aware that the castle was home to greenery too. “How tall are the roofs?” Because the image in her head now was of enormously high ceilings hidden by the canopies of trees containing Bowtruckles and Augurey’s and other forest dwelling creatures.

“Okay, you promise?” She held out her dinky little pinky to shake on it. Even if Anna did forget, she wouldn’t hold it against her. “Or you could sneak me back into the castle before Mum even notices I’m gone.”
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Old 06-19-2024, 08:48 PM   #12 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emma Montmorency (#301199)
Fourth Year

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Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post

If Justus had it his way, he'd be parking elsewhere. Somewhere close to the forest, it was oh so tempting for him to venture in. But the Woodcroft Games, it sounded like fun. Though he didn't know what he was supposed to do without a partner in some of those games. So here he was, listening to the Honeydukes lady tell them about the Barrell Roll.

Justus frowned. He was hoping at least one of the games had something to do with guiding an animal to help. But this was as close to guiding as he could get. So with a shrug, he glanced down at the hole. Only question left was, who would he be versing against?

The momentum of the festival was captivating to the third year. As she buzzed from game to game, taking all the scents and noises. The problem for Emma lied not in the activities themselves but that there seemed to be SO much to do and so little time. So when seeing the frown of one of her fellow third years, it actually took her by surprise because to the small Hufflepuffer there wasn't much to frown about in her opinion.

"It would be kind of cool if we rolled inside an empty barrel. Like those muggle potato sack races." She mused aloud, shaking her head. "You up for a race?" She certainly was but that was because she wanted to play all the games.

___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror.
________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem
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Old 06-20-2024, 06:25 AM   #13 (permalink)

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Text Cut: the would-be stowaway

Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
Anna would be absolutely correct in her assumption that Simona was making up these names on the spot but that didn’t take away that the young child was only doing so to make her eldest sister feel special without taking away from the rest of her siblings. She was lucky to have a family with as close a connection as the five of them did although she was oblivious to the inner feelings of the Hufflepuff in regards to their fathers. The ‘half’ might well have not existed as far as the ten year old was concerned. “That’s a very long way” she beamed, leaning into her sister’s side for that extra comfort she so craved when separated from the others. “I love you to the bottom of every ocean and back, to infinity and beyond.” Which was a distance that she was not acutely aware of but it seemed like a very long distance regardless.

Simi was strangely restrained when it came to indulging in her favourite things, like sweeties. She’d been described as a mouse by her primary teachers, the type who would gently nibble on her food and take the teeniest of sips from her drink and could make her meals last forever. “But you might want to share them with your friends too.” She’d feel terribly guilty to take away the opportunity from someone else. She did help herself to another which she was holding on her tongue and allowing it to melt away into a sugary pile before swallowing it down. “Do you think you could wait until next term so I could be there too? I’d love to meet a house elf. We read a story about them in reading class last week called Topsy and the Time Turner.” In true primary school fashion, the book did not dwell on the historical plights of the poor creatures or else it might have scarred the child, instead the Elf met her ancestors dressed in historical costumes much like those they were sporting today.

“They grew trees in the common room?” she blinked. From the stories she’d heard she knew there was a large forest in the grounds and trees that they could climb and greenhouses full of plants but she wasn’t aware that the castle was home to greenery too. “How tall are the roofs?” Because the image in her head now was of enormously high ceilings hidden by the canopies of trees containing Bowtruckles and Augurey’s and other forest dwelling creatures.

“Okay, you promise?” She held out her dinky little pinky to shake on it. Even if Anna did forget, she wouldn’t hold it against her. “Or you could sneak me back into the castle before Mum even notices I’m gone.”

Anna definitely indulged in some more cuddling with her little sister during these proclamations and found herself growing excited about getting to share Hogwarts with her next year. It would be the last time she got to create a scavenger hunt (the way that this Hufflepuffle gave tours) so she was really going to need to make it the best one year so she could cap off her Hogwarts career with a flourish! "To infinity and beyond," she repeated softly. Now THAT was a very far distance indeed.

"I would think that barrels are a very efficient way of keeping its contents fresh and even improving the flavor, so I think waiting until next term would be possible." And surely her Head of House wouldn't take issue with storing a barrel of butterbeer in the common room. The entrance to it was a bunch of barrels so there was also that kind of aesthetic so she was simply adding to it! "Topsy and the Time Turner? That sounds like a very exciting story! What happens in it?" Anna vaguely remembered it herself, or maybe just one picture page in particular, but the details were very vague.

"Until last term, we had our own garden in the common room. It was a special place for me and a friend. We always had puzzle dates there and even planted some seeds a couple of times. It isn't there now though...but because plants have been grown in there before we know that it can be done again." Her Hufflepuffle heart still ached about the absence of the secret garden but there was still the Discovery Garden on the grounds that was almost as good - the only real downside being that it was a bit of a walk to get to. If Similini was creating slightly misinformed visuals of Hogwarts, what Anna was about to answer next would escalate and exaggerate those further. "It depends on where you are in the castle but there are some really really REALLY tall roofs. Like...hmmm...think of an Ukrainian Ironbelly...and now think of hundreds of them stacked on top of each other, like what you and I used to do with blocks to make as tall a tower as we could manage, and you'll reach the top of the highest point in the Hogwarts roof from the ground. Other areas might just need...a couple Ukrainian Ironbellies stacked on top of one other to reach the top."

Absolutely zero hesitation was shown as Anna offered her pinky to her littlest sister. "I promise," she nodded, kissing her own thumb to seal the deal completely. "If I had any confidence with Charms, I'd shrink you down so I could fit you in my bag." But, she did not and she certainly wouldn't risk permanently damaging Similini because she selfishly wanted to have her around for longer. "But mum and dad would miss you terribly. This is their last months having you home, so you should make sure that you spend as much time with them as you can and let them take care of you, okay? We'll get our time next year. You, me, Tamara, Miriam, and Andrea."

Anna's eyes glanced over at the starting point of the barrel roll and the small crowd gathering there. Licking her fingers clean from any lingering Scottish Tablet, the sixth year shifted and tucked her legs underneath herself to stand. "Suppose it's just about time to give it a go then," she laughed.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 06-20-2024, 10:25 PM   #14 (permalink)

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It was truly devastating that their time as a whole familial unit would be so short-lived. Simona would be sure to cherish her first year as much as possible, matching friendship bracelets and all. Not that she was concerned that the school wouldn’t live up to her expectations, not after all the tales her sisters had told her. Of magical creatures and forbidden forests, of boat rides across bottomless lakes and trees that had a mind of their own. She had existed in this magical world for all her life and yet these stories filled her with such joyful anticipation for the years to come. She leaned further into her sister’s side, soaking up the comfort whilst she could before their communication would resort back to Owls.

Simi didn’t have the slightest clue about the mechanics of storing butterbeer. In fact she had no idea what was even in the drink other than that it was sweet and creamy and the frothy residue that it left on her top lip was the best part of it. “Can you store every drink in a barrel? Like pumpkin juice? Although you’d need a very big straw to get it out.” Or maybe just lots of straws all connected in a line, she was sure they’d done something like that in arts and crafts once. “Oh! It’s the one where Topsy the House Elf discovers a time turner and she travels back in time and makes loads of friends along the way. Like Henry the Tudor Elf and Victor the Victorian Elf.” And several others whose names she couldn’t recall right now but maybe she’d read it again when back at Woboldo’s and send Anna an owl afterwards.

Indoor gardens were a little strange of a concept to the ten-year-old with the exception of greenhouses but that didn’t make it any less exciting. “Maybe you could find a new place to play puzzles? I can help you look!” But perhaps not by exploring secret passageways and dark tunnels, not yet anyway, she wasn’t feeling brave enough to explore the unknown. Anna had an incredible way of describing things that developed a clear visual within Simi’s mind that made the Hufflepuff so enchanting to listen to. She’d never come face-to-face with a Ukrainian Ironbelly but she’d imagine that they were absolutely huge. Her eyes widened and found their way drifting up as if she could physically see how tall that would be. “That’s enormous. You’d need a broomstick to reach the top. Or a Winged Horse. Or a Dragon.” Two of which would be far more accessible to the average witch but for all she knew Hogwarts could have their own secret dragon hidden in the dungeons.

“I’m already pixie sized” she giggled. That appeared to be a family thing too considering Anna herself was vertically challenged. “I could probably squeeze into your trunk if I squish myself really tightly and flatten down my hair.” It wouldn’t be comfortable but it wouldn’t be impossible either. The thought of leaving their parents momentarily wiped the sweet smile off her face as the reality sunk in. “I’ll miss them too. But after you leave Hogwarts they’ll get you back and you can give them all the cuddles that we aren’t able to so that way they’ll never feel alone either.”

That fleeting moment of sadness was swiftly discarded as Anna decided to give the barrel roll a try. “Bestest luck!” she beamed, moving to assume her position at the bottom of the hill where she could cheer her sister on from taking the Scottish Tablet with her. Snacks were always required when watching something entertaining and she’d hate to think that they’d get accidentally squished or lost somewhere on the hill.
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Old 06-26-2024, 11:39 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
The momentum of the festival was captivating to the third year. As she buzzed from game to game, taking all the scents and noises. The problem for Emma lied not in the activities themselves but that there seemed to be SO much to do and so little time. So when seeing the frown of one of her fellow third years, it actually took her by surprise because to the small Hufflepuffer there wasn't much to frown about in her opinion.

"It would be kind of cool if we rolled inside an empty barrel. Like those muggle potato sack races." She mused aloud, shaking her head. "You up for a race?" She certainly was but that was because she wanted to play all the games.

Justus resisted the urge to grunt. He didn't really feel like talking from his slight disappointment earlier. But he didn't want to be rude. His parents raised him better than that. Even though she technically wasn't talking towards him, the closer proximity compelled him. "I guess..." Well, they tried at least. "But it's not much magic that way is it?" As fun as it would be doing it the muggle way.

A race? Justus looked fully to see who was talking with him. He recognized her from some of his classes. "Emma, right?" Free to be corrected, as he considered her question. Eventually shrugging, "Sure. We could do that.. which colour do you want?" He would prefer to have his go to the blue hole, but, he could be nice for once and pick another if she wanted blue.


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Old 06-29-2024, 12:53 PM   #16 (permalink)
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The amount of people that have come out to enjoy the weekend's festivities made Maisie proud. As did the turnout of those wanting to give the Butterbeer Barrel Roll a try. "Who is ready to play? You and you and you? Yes?" A gentle sweep of her arm was given in the general direction of the three teenagers (Anna, Justus and Emma). The smaller one didn't seem to be playing, no? Alright then, everyone could always use a wonderful cheering squad.

"Come, come now. Don't be shy," Maisie smiled warmly at them. "If you would all just put a ticket in this beautifully colored box then we may get started, this one right here, yes." There all saw the brightly colored ticket box sat upon a very large barrel, did they not? In case they hadn't, a tap, tap tappity tap of her hand atop of said box was given, perhaps if she herself had been looking at it much better she wouldn't have knocked it over and tumbling to the ground with a light 'thud'. "Oh, dear. Well never mind none, I got it." Bending down to pick up the box was a task all on its own, and the moment she had that box in her hands, it had fallen out again! Once and then twice. "My, my, butterfingers today indeed." Tisking softly at her own clumsiness the older woman finally rose to her feet with the box in hand!

"Huzzah! Here we are. Tickets go in here, yes.. and we may get started." They could all handle that, no? The box was set down on the barrel before she could drop it again.

"You may use Depulso only. Is everyone ready? At the sound of the buzzer you can go. I will count it down." Maisie thought it only fair to give them all a quick reminder of the spell and how the game would start. Now it was time for them all to have some fun and for her to watch.
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Old 07-07-2024, 09:02 PM   #17 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post

Justus resisted the urge to grunt. He didn't really feel like talking from his slight disappointment earlier. But he didn't want to be rude. His parents raised him better than that. Even though she technically wasn't talking towards him, the closer proximity compelled him. "I guess..." Well, they tried at least. "But it's not much magic that way is it?" As fun as it would be doing it the muggle way.

A race? Justus looked fully to see who was talking with him. He recognized her from some of his classes. "Emma, right?" Free to be corrected, as he considered her question. Eventually shrugging, "Sure. We could do that.. which colour do you want?" He would prefer to have his go to the blue hole, but, he could be nice for once and pick another if she wanted blue.
Honestly even if Justus had grunted, Emma likely would have found a way to make good spirits of it. This was a festival after all and there wasn't much one could do to dampen her mood. "Good point," she said rocking her heels as the shopkeeper lady was ushering them towards the game and explaining a few things. "Yea, Emma. And you're ...... Justin?" she winced apologetically, feeling like she messed that up.

Tearing off one of her tickets, she folded the rest and placed them in her pocket, placing the one ticket into the box. Turning towards Justus, "You still have tickets left?" She looked down the hill at the coloured holes. "Err, I suppose I'll take the green one." She'd have liked yellow, but she supposed it wasn't ideal for visibility and green was good.

___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror.
________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem
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