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Level Two Department of Magical Law Enforcement

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2021, 09:28 AM
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Default Training Room

Venturing past the locker rooms and beyond portraits of notable Law Enforcement employees are two nondescript doors. The one on the left opens to the training room, meticulously designed to prepare the department's various divisions for a wide range of scenarios. The versatility and advanced features of the training room make it an invaluable asset for the department.

This dynamic space is equipped with powerful enchantments that allow it to transform seamlessly to fit any training requirement. One day, recruits might find themselves navigating a dimly lit, dilapidated building complete with crumbling walls and hidden passageways, honing their skills in urban combat and search-and-rescue operations. The next, the room could shift into a vast, arid desert, challenging trainees to adapt to harsh, unforgiving environments and test their endurance and resourcefulness. Later in the week, the training room may morph into a lush, expansive forest, perfect for practicing stealth, tracking, and survival skills, with hidden challenges and enchantments that mimic real-world threats.

Access to the training room is primarily for the elite forces of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Other Ministry employees may utilise this space for special training sessions, though they must be accompanied by a Level Two employee to ensure security and proper supervision.
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Old 08-18-2024, 02:22 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Fourth Year

Ministry Department Head:
Franklin Paton
Law Enforcement

Ministry Department Head:
Tallulah Gamp
Accidents & Catastrophes

x8 x8
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch

For the last two days, the training room had been off-limits. This may have initially caused a bout of confusion or greatly irked those who wanted to make a dent in their required training, the range of emotions about the room not being available was something that the department head was aware of. But he hoped that the announcement that had been posted justified his reasoning for momentarily baring entrance into one of Law Enforcement's more frequently used facilities. To deter any premature attempts to enter, he had even placed a cheeky Stinging Jinx on the door.

Precisely at 3 PM, the jinx was lifted and the door unlocked with a sharp click. As you turn the handle and step inside, you will find yourself transported to the main entrance of a shopping mall that has seen better days. The once vast and welcoming space is now filled with debris—shattered glass doors, discarded items, and fallen ceiling tiles are scattered across the floor. Grime and dirt cover every surface, while graffiti, some of it cryptic, mars the walls. Dim lights flicker sporadically, casting eerie, dancing shadows along the abandoned halls and rooms beyond.

Near a non-functional escalator stands a blond-haired man with his back turned, head slightly tilted as if listening for something from the upper level. Hearing your footsteps, he adjusts his stance to face you. "Welcome," Frankie Paton greets you with a slight nod. "Feel free to mingle while we wait for everyone to arrive."

OOC: This training opportunity is open to ALL Ministry employees! Feel free to play with as many of your Ministry characters as you desire. Student interns are welcome to participate as well as this training is set mid-July IC.

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Old 08-18-2024, 02:58 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Fourth Year

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~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

It was safe to say that Nova was among those who had been greatly annoyed that the training room had been off limits. Since starting out at the Ministry, there hadn’t been a day where she missed upping her skills in the place. Try as she might to wheedle information out of her dearest Papa Bear, she had been unsuccessful; an utter failure. Nova had not been impressed with herself. It was why she had continued to fish for details when Papa Bear least expected it. Well… Franklin Paton was not the Ministry’s greatest Auror for no reason.

And yes. This poor unfortunate soul had been a victim of the Stinging Hex.

But now, now all would be revealed. Nova soon found herself at what she immediately recognised as a shopping mall. A very run down one too. The Auror trainee made a face then made her way towards a figure she would recognise even in the most crowdest of places. “So this is what you’ve been up to,’’ she remarked, hands on her hips. “I’m impressed.” Nova flashed Papa Bear a smile then carried on studying the place.

What better way to spend this fine Friday afternoon than to partake in Stealth and Tracking training?
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The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 08-18-2024, 03:17 AM   #4 (permalink)

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Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna

While Simon had been aware of the closed space, it hadn’t been as much of a disappointment as it might have been to others. And no, he had more than enough experience within the MLE to know not to even try the door. The security head had been kept more than a little busy with another problem in the lower depths of the ministry. Always one thing or another but thankfully far more mundane lately. Though as the allotted time for the scheduled reopening approached, it seemed the elder man would be free to join the latest planned training expedition.

It didn’t hurt to get down and dirty with the rest of the department even though he was the most senior within. And stealth…well he did get accused of liking to hide in plain sight since moving from auror to security. Stepping inside the training room once the cleared door opened, his blue eyes were already flitting around to take in the department head’s creation. “Interesting choice…” he mused as he approached father and daughter. “Reminds me of when we were locked out of the ministry and stuck around abandoned Muggle London.”
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Old 08-18-2024, 06:18 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Beauden Wild
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Gillyweed Beery
Fourth Year

Ministry Department Head:
Franklin Paton
Law Enforcement

Ministry Department Head:
Tallulah Gamp
Accidents & Catastrophes

x8 x8
Default No Frankie in this post; just dropping off some folks. :)
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch

Faustus didn't strictly need to be here. Managing the Wizengamot consumed most of his days, leaving little time for anything else. Moreover, stealth and tracking training seemed unnecessary for someone like him. Standing at just 4'5", he was often overlooked by those who weren't very observant, but that was neither here nor there as he was quite capable of getting one's attention when he wanted it. As for tracking, he had his own, more efficient methods. Yet, curiosity had a way of pulling him in, and he found himself drawn to the training room, curious to see what their fearless leader had been up to over the past few days.

"You've outdone yourself, Paton," the commissioner grumbled as he joined the group, his sharp gaze sweeping over the room. The state of the place left much to be desired, but Faustus wasn't surprised. This had the hallmarks of a former Auror's handiwork.

A hint of a smile tugged at his lips as he caught Bennett's remark about the time the Ministry had been relocated to various spots around London. "Feels like an eternity ago, doesn't it?" He remembered that era clearly. He was much younger then, working in the International Cooperation department, which had gotten the lucky end of the stick and temporarily occupied the third floor of the Harlequin Building. "Different times, those were."

Maybelle stood out like a sore thumb on Level 2; she realized it the moment she stepped off the lift and was guided by the elderly receptionist Muriel to the training area. But standing out didn't bother her in the least. In fact, she relished it. The drab, greyscale aesthetic of the department could only benefit from her presence. Her wild red hair, sunflower dress, and bright smile would surely bring some much-needed colour and life to the place.

"HELLLL—" the Welcome Witch sang out as she made her grand entrance into the training room. Belle's voice echoed through the wide space of the entrance and down the halls, but her enthusiastic greeting abruptly ended as she took in her surroundings and the serious atmosphere that accompanied them. "—oh. Oh."

She was instantly impressed by the vastness of the shopping mall setting, or at least what was visible from where they were gathering. It was immersive, to say the least, and so fetch. But was it supposed to be in such a state? It did not seem the most appropriate for a training session the entire Ministry was invited to. "Do we, umm, need to get the maintenance team in here?"

Last edited by Zoe; 08-18-2024 at 07:35 PM.
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Old 08-19-2024, 08:15 AM   #6 (permalink)

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Sage Ransom-Kruus
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Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

La Perfide Albion.

She should have known better than to put her ambitions in the hands of the British and leave the Bureau des Aurors at the Ministère des Affaires Magiques de la France behind. Of course her letters home to maman and papa were full of lies about how her Auror career was progressing. It was far too humiliating to admit to her decorated Auror parents that three years of Auror training with near perfect scores in a handful of her training classes had amassed to her not even being accepted into the British's program as a trainee...but demoted to a mere glorified babysitter to the public. Not everyone could be an Auror unless you were a nepo baby and then climbing the ladder made easy.

Strutting into the training room with a harsh sashay to her hips, Gabrielle managed not to glare in any one in particular's direction - which was growth for her considering how she had spent her first week or so as an official employee to this institution. She had come close a few times to packing up and leaving, but that would mean that she had let the intimidated department head win and her pride certainly could not have that. Plus, among the new recruits she found herself in, she was the one with the most in-depth knowledge of wizarding law and that had put her in an advantageous position for first assignments. And, about a month and a half in, had received some personalized training from a current Hit Witch that had somewhat softened her disposition about the discriminatory position she had found herself in. Offering the space another casual glance over as she walked, the blonde kept an eye out for the green YATI she had convinced to try opening the room while it was closed just for curiosity's sake. The result hadn't been disappointing.

Sauntering over towards the Welcome Witch Gabrielle had begun to refer to as the rosy chou à la crème, the blonde arched her brow at her and started counting freckles on Maybelle's features to distracted and prevent her resting hag face. "Ze aesthetic eez zé point. You see ze way 'é stands zo confidant-lee? Eet eez entiya-lee on purpos." So naive and too sweet for her own good. "Bonjour, Maibell. Eet eez a surprize to see you oot from behind yur desk een zé atrium."

She did not know what the older generation was speaking of, but how absolutely embarrassing to have been locked out of your own government building.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 08-19-2024, 09:10 PM   #7 (permalink)

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The training room having been of limits had barely been a blip on Cyan’s radar. What with his being on the law end of things rather than the practical, but that didn’t mean he was going to forgo seeing what this training was all about. The prosecutor just knew his skills were less necessary than a good two thirds or more of his department. Although he had been marginally surprised to see the commissioner heading in before him. Perhaps he wasn’t the only one willing to expand his horizons, so to speak.

“I agree, it’s rather an interesting choice of location”, he commented, upon moving toward where his bosses and the security head were gathered. Not that he would have the same frame of reference that the others had, but it was still interesting. His niece would have had a field day using this as her own personal skatepark, had that been in the cards. Given the suspected events that were likely to happen, he was rather glad that wasn’t an option.

This was hardly something she thought would be suggested for her by her boss, but deep down, Skye knew her dad would most definitely approve of her getting a bit more training in defensive strategies. After that whole incident wherein she had gotten held hostage by the merpeople and all that, he had been more protective of her. That had already been well in the past, but still, when the blonde had noticed the posting about the training session, she had made a note of the time and place.

She just hoped that it wouldn’t put her too far behind in her work, given the still relatively new promotion to charms developer. Although…maybe the MLE head wouldn’t mind a bit of experimentation, and then it could be considered work as well. “Hello everyone”, she said with a smile that gradually turned into just perusing the surroundings. This certainly looked interesting. Rather like one of the obstacle courses set up to train her dad’s agents, actually. Real-life simulations and everything.
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees

...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero
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Old 08-20-2024, 10:25 PM   #8 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Sixth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

x12 x6
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

A twenty-something year old working as the Hogwarts Liaison had absolutely no need to be working on her stealth and tracking skills. It wasn’t likely to assist in her day-to-day job nor would she claim that she would be any good at it and yet here she had turned up with a major case of FOMO and the thought that it might be exciting, something she injected into her life at every opportunity. That and the slim chance that her wife, being a Hit Witch and all, might show up and she could ironically be better at it than her giving her bragging rights for the rest of the year.

What she hadn’t expected was the level of seriousness that her fellow colleagues were taking. Allie was simply there to have fun, reflected in the bright red trackies she had changed into after finishing her shift and the matching scrunchie securing her hair into its ponytail. She couldn’t explain what it was she was hoping to see beyond the door, a magical game of laser tag maybe but a dilapidated shopping centre was NOT it nor was it really the ‘vibe’.

“Somebody went a little too hard during the sales,” she laughed, joining the small assembled group of who very few she knew by name except for Paton who despite obviously being promoted, she would forever know as the man snoring on the job.
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Old 08-21-2024, 03:41 AM   #9 (permalink)

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Sixth Year
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Default Added a Bennett...two for one deal
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna

SO there wasn’t a need for stealth and tracking in Noah’s job. Unless of course you were referring to how he tended to try and not stick out amongst people of more importance *cough*Minister*cough* while he was doing his daily tasks or keeping track of where said minister was at most times so he could follow along if needed. But he had some free time for once and maybe he had decided to check out his father’s realm for a little bit. Maybe it would at least be interesting, Noah mused to himself as he entered the charmed area, not approaching his dad or the department head’s group but looking around.

Simon took note of the newcomers as each one of them arrived. It would no doubt be helpful to be aware of who all was participating in this activity when they were actually INVOLVED in the activity. “Mhmm…at least one job description ago,” he remarked in return to the commissioner. He had been helping out in security but hadn’t made the full move just yet at the time. The welcome witch who came just after seemed to have been caught completely off guard by the training site’s appearance. Maintenance staff? “Maybe we’ll see what cleaning spells the YATI know afterwards…” the former auror mused quietly. Not like it wasn’t something he and his fellow trainees had dealt with in their time.

The next woman to join the mix reminded him of a certain former British prosecutor that tended to get on his nerves. He couldn’t help it. Simon tried not to hold it against her because maybe it was the French connection and not just the way she held herself like she was so special. The security man was just glad she wasn’t a person he had to work alongside too often and run the risk of him having to struggle outside of the normal pleasantries.

And there was a current prosecutor approaching him and the Patons, garnering a nod of acknowledgment from Simon . “Indeed,” he agreed. As for the other familiar presence that came along next, he offered a polite smile as the young woman the daughter of a former coworker. “Good afternoon,” he greeted in return before spotting another of the younger generation behind. A raised eyebrow at his son but deciding not to draw attention to the younger Bennett.
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Old 08-24-2024, 09:04 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Fourth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

It didn’t surprise her that soon after she showed up, other employees began doing the same. Because who could resist anything the Papa Bear put together? Nova knew everyone was in for a treat! “Hasn’t he?” she gushed, a response to Faustus. They all had better be in awe of Frankie’s hard work and imagination that had come to life. “Wouldn’t know of it directly,’’ she added wistfully to Simon and Faustus. Then Nova brightened up. “But I have heard recollections of that moment!”

Nova continued her exploration of the place {within the close proximity of the group}, flinching slightly at Maybelle’s too loud greeting. Being polite, she lifted a hand in greeting but did not bother to answer the question. It was a rhetorical one, yes? Nova couldn't help but laught softly at Allie's words. "My guess is there were some very cute shoes on sale." That sort of sale was one way to grab her frenzied attention for sure! Now spotting Cyan, she sent a lazy grin in the Prosecutor’s direction.

It was nice to see the growing turn out to today’s activity.
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Old 09-07-2024, 02:18 AM   #11 (permalink)

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Fourth Year

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Default can we still join this? :3
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers

Working in Event Concealment, one would have though that Chloe was adequately trained when it came to stealth and tracking. However, with her long red hair and addiction to brightly coloured fabrics in her normal wardrobe, stealth was not in her vocabulary.

Which is exactly why she carved out time in her schedule to take part in this training. In true form to show how desperately she needed the training, the 40-something woman was dressed in a magenta pencil skirt, matching blazer, complete with four-inch heels. Stepping over some debris, she surveyed the other employees who'd chosen to take part in today's training.

___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror.
________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem
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Old 09-07-2024, 03:32 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Beauden Wild
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Gillyweed Beery
Fourth Year

Ministry Department Head:
Franklin Paton
Law Enforcement

Ministry Department Head:
Tallulah Gamp
Accidents & Catastrophes

x8 x8
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch

Frankie couldn't help but grin at his daughter's comment, shaking his head as he glanced at her while she approached. Always the eager one she was, which was not something that surprised him (nor was the fact she had been one of the victims of that hex). "I'm glad you approve and that all of those hours in here have paid off."

He turned to Simon and Faustus, acknowledging their remarks. "It certainly does feel like a lifetime ago. Today's location certainly was to tap into that old energy, while adding a few new twists, of course." More would be revealed soon enough, either when he was going over all of the details or later on when the training was well underway.

Maybelle's comment about the maintenance team made Frankie chuckle. "No need for the cleaners," he reassured her. "As Gabrielle said,"—at least he assumed as much based on what he was able to make out of that thick French accent of hers—"this setup is intentional. The disarray is part of the challenge."

Further words about seeing what cleaning spells the Auror trainees knew, people going haywire for shopping, and shoes being on sale were heard, but the man didn't feel the need to add his own commentary.

When he was ready to address the group as a whole, Frankie loudly cleared his throat and got down to business. "Alright, everyone, let's go over what we're doing here. Today's training will be focused on stealth and tracking. But before I go into all the details...

"Aurors, Law Enforcement Patrol, and Ministry Security," he continued, his gaze falling on Nova, Gabrielle, Simon, and others in their divisions, "please make your way inside the apparel store over there." A gesture toward the door on his right was made, the sign above was lopsided and read Sunday Dreams. "I'll provide you with your set of instructions momentarily."

After they were inside, his blue eyes fell upon Faustus, Maybelle, Cyan, Skye, Allie, Noah, Chloe, and the rest who had gathered.

"As for the rest of you, I thank you for your presence here today. Now, the mall here is going to be everyone's playground for a game of hide-and-seek this evening. Your task will be to evade detection as the Aurors and those in Law Enforcement Patrol and Ministry Security will be seeking you out. You'll need to use all the magical and physical means at your disposal to hide, blend in, and mislead your trackers—Concealing Charms, Human Transfiguration, anything you can think of is on the table. Your goal is to remain undetected for as long as possible, whether you work on your own or alongside your colleagues. If you spot your tracker before they spot you, you can either remain still with the hope they will overlook you or Confund, Stun, or jinx them to buy yourself some time to find a new place to hide. But if you end up getting caught, it is nothing to fret about as you are welcome to join in the seeking after."

His eyes scanned the group at large, making sure they were paying attention. "Remember, it's not just about running and hiding or casting spells left and right—it's about using your head. Those who think ahead, anticipate movement, and adapt quickly will come out on top. Be creative, be clever, and don't underestimate those tracking you, even the trainees."

There was a moment of pause to allow all of that information to sink in. "You will have ten minutes to roam the mall and conceal yourselves. Once the ten minutes are up, the others will begin their efforts to track you down."

With his instructions having reached a conclusion, the department head stepped away from his position near the escalator and made his way over to the entrance of the family apparel store.

OOC: My apologies for the delay, everyone! Life has been lifing for me lately, so I appreciate your patience. With that said, let's finally get this training going!

To summarize this post (because I know it is a lengthy one): This stealth and tracking training is basically a big game of hide-and-seek within the abandoned shopping mall setting. Characters who are Aurors, Law Enforcement Patrol, and Ministry Security will be playing the role of seekers, while everyone else is hiding and doing their best to remain undetected for as long as possible.

As your characters navigate through the mall, please reference the following directory and maps (lower level, upper level) made by adayat on Reddit. To make your character's whereabouts clear to everyone, please indicate in the title of your post their location (example: Jack: Lower Level, M1; Sally: Upper Level, S2).

Feel free to get creative with the different locations in the mall (items within, hiding spaces, etc.), your character actions/reactions, and so on. Also, be on the lookout for potential red accounts that may be making an appearance depending on where your characters are located.

Aurors, Law Enforcement Patrol, and Ministry Security employees will wait in the apparel store Sunday Dreams (Lower Level, A1) to receive more instructions from Frankie while everyone else finds a place to hide.

Anyone who is an employee at the Ministry is still welcome to join, so feel free to jump in at any time! The more the merrier!

Last edited by Zoe; 09-07-2024 at 04:19 AM.
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Old 09-13-2024, 01:24 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Fourth Year

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Default Nova: Lower Level, A1
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

The throat clearing told her that Papa Bear was ready to get things in motion. Nova immediately ceased her mini exploration and rejoined the group. Yes, she was all fired up to get her butt moving and to ace this activity. But… she and the others in the three specified departments were being told to leave for another part of the mall? Had the instructions came from anyone else, Nova would have questioned it so much but this was Daddy Dearest; there was no need to second guess his words.

Nova blew her father a kiss then proceeded to make her way through the door indicated. Her wand was already in her hand because one could never be too careful about anything that could try to sneak up on oneself. Gingerly, the Auror trainee stepped into Sunday Dreams, casting her gaze around as she did so.

Well, there wasn’t much to do now but await the instructions for her group.
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