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Go Back > Forums > SnitchSeeker RPG > SnitchSeeker RPG Archives > Hogwarts Archive > Headmaster Wilber Winterbottom's Reign > Term 67: May - August 2024 > Woodcroft Games

Woodcroft Games Come celebrate the 1200 year anniversary of the founding of Hogsmeade Village by Hengist of Woodcroft! Experience what it was like in 914 as the Hogsmeade shopkeepers take one and all back in time and even try your hand at some of the 'Hogsmeade Highland Games'

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Old 05-26-2024, 06:33 AM
Harold Lagerty Harold Lagerty is offline
Default Food & Drink Stalls

Located behind Ceridwyn’s Cauldrons and adjacent to the picnic area sits a line of stalls offering a wide variety of food and drinks. From savory snacks to scrumptious sweets, there’s something to satisfy every appetite.

The first stall in the row offers savory fare, courtesy of The Three Broomsticks and The Hog’s Head. The middle one features sweet treats provided by Honeydukes and Madam Puddifoot’s, and the third serves refreshing beverages. In honor of Hogsmeade’s 1200th anniversary, the menu features traditional Scottish options exclusive to the Woodcroft games event. Do you dare to try something new or stay true to your old favorites?

The food stalls are manned by Hogsmeade’s own Sapphira Puddifoot. Dressed in a festive medieval dress, she calls to the passers-by, “Who’s hungry? Step right up, and have your fill! Savory meals, delicious sweets, and refreshing beverages served here! Why not try one of our Woodcroft Games exclusive options?

SPOILER!!: Menu options

provided by Three Broomsticks & Hog's Head

  • Finger Sandwich Platter (choice of 3 for a small platter or 6 for a large platter; can be toasted upon request)
    bacon butty, club, roast beef, ham, turkey, cheese, cucumber
  • Shepard's pie
  • Fish and Chips
  • Coleslaw cup
  • Scotch Egg
  • Scotch Pie (vegetarian option available)
  • Cullen Skink

provided by Honeydukes & Puddifoot's

  • Cream Teas
  • Treacle Tart
  • Victoria Sponge Cake
  • Chelsea Bun
  • Carrot Cake
  • Seasonal fresh fruit cup
  • Assorted Cookies
    chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, pumpkin, shortbread, sugar
  • Assorted Wizarding sweets
    Chocolate Frogs, Fizzing Whizbees, Jelly Slugs, Licorice Wands, Sugar Quills, Pepper Imps
  • Cranachan
  • Scottish Tablet
    milk chocolate, walnut, maple, peanut butter and jellyfish, Irish cream and caramel, pumpkin pasty*

provided by Hog's Head, Puddifoot's, & Three Broomsticks

  • Butterbeer
  • Pumpkin Juice
  • Tea (hot or cold; cream and sugar available upon request)
    herbal teas, green teas, black teas, rooibos teas
  • Coffee (hot or iced; cream and sugar available upon request)
  • Whipkull
  • Irn-Bru
    original, raspberry ripple, dropkick tropical, wild berry slush, spiced pumpkin*, bodacious blackcurrant*
    * indicates Woodcroft Games exclusive

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Old 06-12-2024, 05:29 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Fourth Year

x12 x12
Default Ally & Keighley <3
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Jude was rather thrilled with his choice in outfit today. What he couldn’t help but be more thrilled about being back in Hogsmeade. Given that the last couple of years had been busy for him with his concerts, his marriage and his family, it hadn’t been easy to salvage time to visit the village. Not that it mattered now for it seemed brand new and unfamiliar {in a way it was, with the way to him, as though he were out here exploring it for the first time. Even better? The baby sister was with him!

It was as though the two youngest Anders’ siblings were checking out Hogsmeade for the first time, just like they had done when Keighley had arrived at Hogwarts as a student all those years ago! “Is the lady hungry?” Jude asked in pretend formalness, patting Keigh’s arm which was linked through one of his. The aroma of delicious dishes were toying now with his olfactory sense. “Gosh, Keigh!” Clearly all formality was dropped. “Look at this spread!”

Like… how did one even begin to choose what they wanted to eat?!
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 06-13-2024, 03:29 PM   #3 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sage Ransom-Kruus
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Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

She may only be the understudy (for now) but being the understudy still had its perks and one of those was accessibility to the costume rack. She would have it back to the Phoenix Theater way before anyone even realized that it was missing - easy peasy. She was not particularly looking forward to throwing a dreary patchwork robe over it later in the day when she joined in the parade (though she WAS looking forward to participating in the performance AND with her daughter), so she obviously had to take advantage to all the sparkle and shine of the now. Stars were, after all, meant to SHINE.

It was a bit surreal (in the worst way) being back here...this close to THAT place and THOSE memories ... and if it hadn't been for the flyer that Andrea had come home with from St. Woboldo's then Mavis wouldn't have even known such a celebration taking place. The 23-year-old did not exactly live under a rock anymore these days, she left the house (embarrassingly that of her parents still BUT she was working on changing that soon...ish), and was even properly working now with a steady income...but she was far from a social butterfly and had cut lost the majority of the ties she once had. was not meant to dwell on such depressing and demoralizing memories. No, no no no was about the PERFORMANCE and spending time with...

"AD? Andrea? Andrea Diane?" she huffed as she turned around and pulled her gorgeous floofy skirt aside a bit to confirm that the 5-year-old was in fact NOT beside her anymore. "...not agaaaaaaaaaaaain..." she whined and nearly stomped her feet in the bout of a tantrum that she felt coming on. She refrained, thankfully, as she could not afford to get these gorgeous boots dirty. Motherhood did not look as good on her as the Star Princess attire did, that much was for certain ... but she did not need everyone to know that.

Meanwhile...little 5-year-old hands dressed and decorated in a matching mini version to her mummy's outfit were stretching out and tugging on the plates of sweets to bring them closer so she could grab several fist fulls of cake. And, well, a platter of cookies may be just on the brink of falling victim to the little blonde's sweet ambitions...

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 06-13-2024, 05:13 PM   #4 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Apollonia Fergersnout

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Sixth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

x12 x6
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Text Cut: Mavis & The Cheeky One
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
She may only be the understudy (for now) but being the understudy still had its perks and one of those was accessibility to the costume rack. She would have it back to the Phoenix Theater way before anyone even realized that it was missing - easy peasy. She was not particularly looking forward to throwing a dreary patchwork robe over it later in the day when she joined in the parade (though she WAS looking forward to participating in the performance AND with her daughter), so she obviously had to take advantage to all the sparkle and shine of the now. Stars were, after all, meant to SHINE.

It was a bit surreal (in the worst way) being back here...this close to THAT place and THOSE memories ... and if it hadn't been for the flyer that Andrea had come home with from St. Woboldo's then Mavis wouldn't have even known such a celebration taking place. The 23-year-old did not exactly live under a rock anymore these days, she left the house (embarrassingly that of her parents still BUT she was working on changing that soon...ish), and was even properly working now with a steady income...but she was far from a social butterfly and had cut lost the majority of the ties she once had. was not meant to dwell on such depressing and demoralizing memories. No, no no no was about the PERFORMANCE and spending time with...

"AD? Andrea? Andrea Diane?" she huffed as she turned around and pulled her gorgeous floofy skirt aside a bit to confirm that the 5-year-old was in fact NOT beside her anymore. "...not agaaaaaaaaaaaain..." she whined and nearly stomped her feet in the bout of a tantrum that she felt coming on. She refrained, thankfully, as she could not afford to get these gorgeous boots dirty. Motherhood did not look as good on her as the Star Princess attire did, that much was for certain ... but she did not need everyone to know that.

Meanwhile...little 5-year-old hands dressed and decorated in a matching mini version to her mummy's outfit were stretching out and tugging on the plates of sweets to bring them closer so she could grab several fist fulls of cake. And, well, a platter of cookies may be just on the brink of falling victim to the little blonde's sweet ambitions...

Being in attendance at events was not something that was unfamiliar to Chester, although usually it was with his camera in hand and wearing some variety of black clothing (and his trademark beanie) so he blended in a little as he captured the day. Being a guest was a slightly foreign sensation, having to dress up for the occasion was even worse considering that he hadn’t the slightest idea of what wizards wore back in the 900’s. He’d opted for some casual Robin Hood medieval hybrid complete with a feathered hat purely for the reason that his head felt naked without something on it. He wasn’t sure what had possessed him to come either other than for the nostalgia and a fear of missing out of the potential fun he could have.

He’d already given the tug-o-war a go, thinking that his many years of competitive rowing would give him a slight advantage over his competitors only to be disappointed that they were supposed to use magic. He should’ve assumed that it would be the case considering where the event was being held and yet the thought hadn’t even crossed his mind. Ten minutes and some serious concentration to remember the Seize and Pull Charm later, Chester was the proud winner of a battle against an unsuspecting fifth year. He would’ve let the kid win if they weren’t so cocky about beating him but the second that he was called an ‘old man’ at the ripe old age of almost twenty-five the competitive instinct kicked in and he beat them fair and square.

The battle had incited a hunger within the former Gryffindor that needed feeding.. literally. Thank Merlin that the event organisers had thought about catering. He’d taken a stroll along each of the booths, planning out what he would purchase before committing when he came across a platter of cookies seemingly shuffling along the table attached to the hand of a small child helping themselves. Ordinarily he might’ve turned a blind eye to such escapades, in fact he was impressed by the kid’s brazenness but the plate was dangerously close to making contact with the floor or even worse, the kid’s foot. He lurched forward, inching the platter further forward.

“Careful there kid, don’t want to waste a perfectly good plate of cookies” he chuckled, handing over a voucher to the stall holder and offering the now paid for cookie to the five-year-old.
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Old 06-14-2024, 03:30 PM   #5 (permalink)

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Default Best brother! <3
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Jude was rather thrilled with his choice in outfit today. What he couldn’t help but be more thrilled about being back in Hogsmeade. Given that the last couple of years had been busy for him with his concerts, his marriage and his family, it hadn’t been easy to salvage time to visit the village. Not that it mattered now for it seemed brand new and unfamiliar {in a way it was, with the way to him, as though he were out here exploring it for the first time. Even better? The baby sister was with him!

It was as though the two youngest Anders’ siblings were checking out Hogsmeade for the first time, just like they had done when Keighley had arrived at Hogwarts as a student all those years ago! “Is the lady hungry?” Jude asked in pretend formalness, patting Keigh’s arm which was linked through one of his. The aroma of delicious dishes were toying now with his olfactory sense. “Gosh, Keigh!” Clearly all formality was dropped. “Look at this spread!”

Like… how did one even begin to choose what they wanted to eat?!
This was simply fantastic! Keighley Anders felt just like a little girl all over again! And no, the fact that she was all dressed up in a long royal blue and yellow dress, black boots and had shiny silver ribbons woven through her long blonde hair had nothing at all to do with it. It was the sheer fact that she was back here, wandering the ground of Hogsmeade during some a weekend of fun filled festivities! Not to mention, she had Jude at her side! Anyone say sibling time at its finest?

Oh, dear Merlin! Did Jude remember the first time she had been able to go to Hogsmeade with him? Keigh had made sure that no sights had gone unseen back then and that's exactly what she planned on doing today. Every stand, every shop, every game. She wanted to see and do it all. It was all about having a good time and relaxing.

Oh, and did she mention the food? Because Jude just did! Keigh smiled and patted her brothers hand. "You know that I am, good Sir." She giggled.
Her blue eyes scanning over everything being offered. "Are we doing what we used to do back when we were young? Share whatever we each get?" That way they could try even more things without having to spend too much.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Bread!
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Old 06-17-2024, 05:36 AM   #6 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Anna Walles
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sage Ransom-Kruus
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Text Cut: oh well FANCY meeting you here
Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
Being in attendance at events was not something that was unfamiliar to Chester, although usually it was with his camera in hand and wearing some variety of black clothing (and his trademark beanie) so he blended in a little as he captured the day. Being a guest was a slightly foreign sensation, having to dress up for the occasion was even worse considering that he hadn’t the slightest idea of what wizards wore back in the 900’s. He’d opted for some casual Robin Hood medieval hybrid complete with a feathered hat purely for the reason that his head felt naked without something on it. He wasn’t sure what had possessed him to come either other than for the nostalgia and a fear of missing out of the potential fun he could have.

He’d already given the tug-o-war a go, thinking that his many years of competitive rowing would give him a slight advantage over his competitors only to be disappointed that they were supposed to use magic. He should’ve assumed that it would be the case considering where the event was being held and yet the thought hadn’t even crossed his mind. Ten minutes and some serious concentration to remember the Seize and Pull Charm later, Chester was the proud winner of a battle against an unsuspecting fifth year. He would’ve let the kid win if they weren’t so cocky about beating him but the second that he was called an ‘old man’ at the ripe old age of almost twenty-five the competitive instinct kicked in and he beat them fair and square.

The battle had incited a hunger within the former Gryffindor that needed feeding.. literally. Thank Merlin that the event organisers had thought about catering. He’d taken a stroll along each of the booths, planning out what he would purchase before committing when he came across a platter of cookies seemingly shuffling along the table attached to the hand of a small child helping themselves. Ordinarily he might’ve turned a blind eye to such escapades, in fact he was impressed by the kid’s brazenness but the plate was dangerously close to making contact with the floor or even worse, the kid’s foot. He lurched forward, inching the platter further forward.

“Careful there kid, don’t want to waste a perfectly good plate of cookies” he chuckled, handing over a voucher to the stall holder and offering the now paid for cookie to the five-year-old.

Brazenness ran in the Trent family blood. NOT that she would ever consider such a thing to be a bragging point, not anymore at least. But it was true nonetheless.

"Today is NOT supposed to go this waaaAAAaaay," she whined some more while TRYING not to utter certain words that were most certainly not meant for the young impressionable ears of her daughter. Mavis knew that she was far from being mummy of the year (not to mention it was just ANOTHER point of contention between herself and certain members of the family) but she was not supposed to be so bad that she literally lost her daughter. No, no wait, WAIT...maybe she had been KIDNAPPED? High profile family like hers was always drawing attention of some kind so THAT made MUCH more sense than her losing her daughter in public again.

Still strutting about, and it was truly unfortunate that she was stomping around like a troll when she was wearing such a sparkly outfit that was exquisitely catching the sunlight so she literally had a glow about her like an actual star, the former Gryffindor turned former Ombrelune began patting her little pouch bag for her wand so summon the authorities when the same glow that her own dress radiated was spotted from around the edge of the dessert table and a MAN with her who was OBVIOUSLY the alleged kidnapper - and no she would not be addressing how dramatic and nonsensical she was being. She was distraught, okay? OKAY?

"Oh no you DON'T young lady!" she snapped as she scooped up the five year old, who was honestly almost too big for the petite size that Mavis was (honestly, did she HAVE to inherit THAT PERSON'S height and be showing it at such an early age) but she managed well enough to hoist and twirl the little blonde and her outstretched greedy hands AWAY from the cookies. "Stranger Danger, Andrea! You don't know this..." And a rather unsavory turn of phrase was on the tip of her tongue before she found herself practically swallowing it when she looked up to gaze upon the perpetrator properly for the first time. "...this...this...THIS...person."

All of this, of course, resulted in Andrea crying...and who could blame her? Mavis would have been pitching an absolute FIT at her age at being denied cookies from a princely figure.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 06-17-2024, 12:49 PM   #7 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Apollonia Fergersnout

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Sixth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

x12 x6
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Text Cut: Nothing untoward going on here..
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

Brazenness ran in the Trent family blood. NOT that she would ever consider such a thing to be a bragging point, not anymore at least. But it was true nonetheless.

"Today is NOT supposed to go this waaaAAAaaay," she whined some more while TRYING not to utter certain words that were most certainly not meant for the young impressionable ears of her daughter. Mavis knew that she was far from being mummy of the year (not to mention it was just ANOTHER point of contention between herself and certain members of the family) but she was not supposed to be so bad that she literally lost her daughter. No, no wait, WAIT...maybe she had been KIDNAPPED? High profile family like hers was always drawing attention of some kind so THAT made MUCH more sense than her losing her daughter in public again.

Still strutting about, and it was truly unfortunate that she was stomping around like a troll when she was wearing such a sparkly outfit that was exquisitely catching the sunlight so she literally had a glow about her like an actual star, the former Gryffindor turned former Ombrelune began patting her little pouch bag for her wand so summon the authorities when the same glow that her own dress radiated was spotted from around the edge of the dessert table and a MAN with her who was OBVIOUSLY the alleged kidnapper - and no she would not be addressing how dramatic and nonsensical she was being. She was distraught, okay? OKAY?

"Oh no you DON'T young lady!" she snapped as she scooped up the five year old, who was honestly almost too big for the petite size that Mavis was (honestly, did she HAVE to inherit THAT PERSON'S height and be showing it at such an early age) but she managed well enough to hoist and twirl the little blonde and her outstretched greedy hands AWAY from the cookies. "Stranger Danger, Andrea! You don't know this..." And a rather unsavory turn of phrase was on the tip of her tongue before she found herself practically swallowing it when she looked up to gaze upon the perpetrator properly for the first time. "...this...this...THIS...person."

All of this, of course, resulted in Andrea crying...and who could blame her? Mavis would have been pitching an absolute FIT at her age at being denied cookies from a princely figure.

Chester would’ve been marginally offended to think that he remotely resembled a ‘kidnapper’, what with his cheeky smile and carefree demeanour and the fact that he was IN PUBLIC innocently assisting a lost child with her endeavours whilst wearing a darn Robin Hood hat, for Merlin’s sake. He had kneeled down on one leg and was just about to ask the kid whether she knew where her parents or guardians were when the child was snapped up by a feisty petite blonde quicker than his mouth opened and the words could come out.

“You must be her sister” his eyebrows raised slightly as he stood up straight and took in the sight of the young woman before him. Presumptuous maybe but surely flattering nonetheless? Besides, she had made assumptions against his good intentions too so they were now even. “Chester. Class of 07” he added helpfully to her lack of words over who or what he was.

“I found her helping herself to the entire platter” the almost twenty-five year old chuckled, hoping that his nonchalance might diffuse her attitude and he would not be portrayed as a villain in this scenario BECAUSE HE WASN’T! Soon the tears began to flow and all the man could do was mouth a ‘sorry kiddo’ at the weeping child as he tucked the cookie into the pouch on his waist for later consumption.
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Old 06-17-2024, 10:58 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Fourth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: L'il Angel! <3
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
This was simply fantastic! Keighley Anders felt just like a little girl all over again! And no, the fact that she was all dressed up in a long royal blue and yellow dress, black boots and had shiny silver ribbons woven through her long blonde hair had nothing at all to do with it. It was the sheer fact that she was back here, wandering the ground of Hogsmeade during some a weekend of fun filled festivities! Not to mention, she had Jude at her side! Anyone say sibling time at its finest?

Oh, dear Merlin! Did Jude remember the first time she had been able to go to Hogsmeade with him? Keigh had made sure that no sights had gone unseen back then and that's exactly what she planned on doing today. Every stand, every shop, every game. She wanted to see and do it all. It was all about having a good time and relaxing.

Oh, and did she mention the food? Because Jude just did! Keigh smiled and patted her brothers hand. "You know that I am, good Sir." She giggled.
Her blue eyes scanning over everything being offered. "Are we doing what we used to do back when we were young? Share whatever we each get?" That way they could try even more things without having to spend too much.

In Jude’s unbiased opinion, Keighley looked like a baby angel. He simply loved her outfit! And the ribbons that adorned her air? They were perfection! Absolute perfection! He wasn’t sure that Olivia and Charlie would be able to lift their respective jaws off the ground when they saw her but Jude would quite enjoy having a good laugh at them both. All in good jest, naturally.

Yes! Jude DID recall that time. He and Keigh had literally spent the entire weekend exploring, though most of the exploration had been on her part since he had seen it all before. Still, it had been an enjoyable and memorable weekend which had left him feeling incredibly happy. It always brought him great joy to see his baby sister delighted.

The young man laughed. “I’m not surprised. MMA made you work up an appetite, didn’t it?” In his own case, it had been his classes at WADA. He kept reminding himself that there were just a few months to go until he and Reagan graduated. After that, there would be more and more concerts for him to do and classes to teach. What a very busy life he led! “When we were young? Keigh, can you see I have not aged a day above seventeen?” Jude batted his lashes. “Yes, we can share as usual.” Some things never changed between siblings, right? He scanned the array of dishes and beverages before them. “Scotch egg sounds nice, for starters. I haven’t tried that before. Have you?”
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 06-18-2024, 01:20 PM   #9 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post

Chester would’ve been marginally offended to think that he remotely resembled a ‘kidnapper’, what with his cheeky smile and carefree demeanour and the fact that he was IN PUBLIC innocently assisting a lost child with her endeavours whilst wearing a darn Robin Hood hat, for Merlin’s sake. He had kneeled down on one leg and was just about to ask the kid whether she knew where her parents or guardians were when the child was snapped up by a feisty petite blonde quicker than his mouth opened and the words could come out.

“You must be her sister” his eyebrows raised slightly as he stood up straight and took in the sight of the young woman before him. Presumptuous maybe but surely flattering nonetheless? Besides, she had made assumptions against his good intentions too so they were now even. “Chester. Class of 07” he added helpfully to her lack of words over who or what he was.

“I found her helping herself to the entire platter” the almost twenty-five year old chuckled, hoping that his nonchalance might diffuse her attitude and he would not be portrayed as a villain in this scenario BECAUSE HE WASN’T! Soon the tears began to flow and all the man could do was mouth a ‘sorry kiddo’ at the weeping child as he tucked the cookie into the pouch on his waist for later consumption.
WELL, because he was SO misinformed, CLEARLY, Mavis would be quick to point out that there was no one specific look when it came to nefarious people. In FACT the person who had captured, tortured, and polyjuiced into her father had been confusingly attractive with his wild dark curls and dangerous eyes and someone who, under VERY different circumstances, could have easily graced the cover of Witch Weekly or literally any publication. SO...there. Or whatever.

Preoccupied with inspecting her daughter's features for signs of distress, Mavis was entirely too quick to correct the could-be-kidnapper-but-probably-not-a-kidnapper. "Daughter," she snapped, her tone a hair too defensive for her liking as she smoothed Andrea's skirt down and cradled her face briefly the mess of an an aspiring actress' palms. "Class of 07 meaning...what precisely?" How ironic that the presumption she would know what THAT meant was more annoying in the moment as she wiped a bit of dirt from her daughter's cheek with her thumb and stood back up. that she looked at him she did feel her stomach knot due to some vague familiarity that she could not quite touch. "Well, you at least obviously not Beauxbatons. I would know if that were the case." Not that she had been particularly popular after her transfer BUT she did know and see people.

JUDGE, JURY, AND EXECUTIONER WERE STILL OUT DEBATING YOUR GUILT, CHESTER. But Mavis had to admit that there may be a sliver of truth to what he was saying - she was an EXCELLENT judge of character, after all. Kneeling down again to hug her daughter, who had just taken her scream to shrill heights, Mavis felt her face growing hot and her arms almost beginning to trembled from the elbows. The more Andrea shrieked about wanting a cookie, the harder it became for Mavis to breathe. Again, today was NOT supposed to go this way and she would very much appreciate it to just knock these shenanigans off. "Well, she IS a girl who knows what she wants..." Wonder who she inherited that insufferable trait from? "Okay...okay okay okay can have a cookie. Just please stop shrieking!" The petite blonde then shot Chester a pleading scowl paired with an outstretched hand while the other held her daughter against her to keep her from rolling on the grass and getting her dress even more dirty.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 06-18-2024, 07:24 PM   #10 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Sixth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

x12 x6
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Yes well he’d consider that someone who looked like him AND had such a nefarious personality as to kidnap a child was in the minority and therefore the chances of him being THAT person was highly unlikely. That still didn’t answer the point that he was in the most public environment and was clearly not up to anything suspicious for it would be entirely too obvious to the crowds of people around them.


Made him pretty identifiable if you asked anyone. Y’know, just find the bloke with the red feather in his hat and wearing a green cape dragging a screaming child in a princess dress against her will. Whatever. It was water under the bridge for now but he would defend himself if she kept giving him attitude.

Chester was marginally confused by the daughter comment until he realised she meant that the kid was her daughter. “I stand corrected” he raised his palms defensively. Not that he should have to apologise, surely being mistaken for being too young to have a kid was flattering to the fairer gender? Or maybe not in this case. He was the kind to admit when he was wrong though, he saw no purpose in arguing until he was blue in the face. “Meaning I graduated in 2107..” What else could he mean? “From Hogwarts. This IS an alumni event isn’t it?” That was what he had understood from the vouchers that had been owled to him and that it was famous for its proximity to the school but he supposed it wasn’t exclusive to present and former students.

As soon as she mentioned the French school the sickle dropped. “Of course you are a Beauxbatons girl” He couldn’t do much to disguise the knowing smile from appearing on his features. The costume, the attitude, the blonde.. He was stereotyping of course but was it stereotyping when it was theoretically true?

The intensified banshee screaming wasn’t doing much to diffuse the awkwardness of the situation, so much so that the lad had taken a step back from the pair to lean nonchalantly against the food stand and pretend that he was not responsible for any of this, especially with the beady eyes of fellow guests now looking in their direction. As soon as that hand came outstretched though, he straightened up and gave her a dubious look. “Oh so now I’m trustworthy enough? Can you be sure that I haven’t added Belladonna to this cookie? Or paid off Mrs Honeydukes specifically to target your child.” In his experience buying a child’s positive behaviour was not a sustainable method but who was he to comment? He was not a parent, he had no right to judge. “You can give me your name first.” She had failed to do so when he had offered his own.
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Old 06-19-2024, 02:52 PM   #11 (permalink)

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Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Robin Hood was only a legend and you couldn't trust those since they were passed down from oral traditions and biased texts! THEREFORE, anyone in a Robin Hood hat was just as suspicious as the next person regardless of how much they may or may not stand out and be easy to pick out in a lineup over at the Ministry. And Mavis was very confident that she would remember Chester's face and his annoying smile should it ever come to that! But, worst of all, Robin Hood was a fairy tale and she now knew that those were fake and nothing more than lies told to each other and ourselves to pretend to escape a world full of cruelty and loneliness. A rant and tragic lament for another day.

"Well you ARE standing," she pointed out while allowing her eyes to consider him more properly than the cursory glances and protective glares from before. Yes, yup, mmhmm...for sure would not be forgetting his face anytime soon. "I thought it was an event celebrating Hogsmeade," she retorted, absolutely being difficult for the sake of it, while brushing some of Andrea's hair back into place. She may not have graduated from Hogwarts, but she was the daughter of a former headmaster who was also still living at home with said daddy headmaster and therefore vouchers had been acquired. They may have been intended for his use, but they were in her pouch now. "2107..." she repeated, some very clear visuals of faces resurfacing and very few of them being the sort that she recalled with any sort of fondness. It was one year after her brother had graduated and only a few before she herself had done so...which meant that she had graced the halls of the castle while he was there. "...and what is THAT supposed to mean?" she huffed, hands on her hips briefly (which meant Andrea had the freedom to move around just a bit and just enough to snatch something from the edge of the table nearby without paying for it). "I don't even have a French accent, you garden gnome." And then came a moment she never thought she would perform again, she bragged about her familial connections. "Daddy used to be the headmaster at Hogwarts, your headmaster in FACT and I only transferred to Beauxbatons after my third year." And she still had a horrendous French accent and would have absolutely DIED and FAILED everything if it hadn't been for Oliver.

She really missed Oliver...maybe she ought to write him...

Just when she thought she couldn't be any more irritated by the handsome stranger turned vigilante cookie distributer...she did. Though it was hard to acknowledge that feeling when it felt very much like an Erumpent was standing, sitting, stomping, tap dancing, doing all the things on top of her chest. The only thing louder than her daughter's ... overly spirited complaining was the rapid thudthudthudthudthud of her heart in her ears. "Mavis. My name is Mavis," she yelped, eyes wider than before and her hand flopping around in the air like a fish on the desk of a ship. As for the rest of his questions...she did not know the answer and she did not wish to entertain them. She just wanted the crying to stop.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 06-19-2024, 10:19 PM   #12 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

x12 x6
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Ask any bloke and they’d be chuffed to be described as a ‘legend’ even if that wasn’t the intended meaning of Mavis’s thoughts. The point wasn’t the type of hat he was wearing but that it made him so ridiculously OBVIOUS that he wouldn’t be able to get away with anything nefarious without being spotted. Also this was a stupid argument and if she wanted to think that he was anything but an innocent guy then she was entitled to her very wrong opinion.

Besides, he might have been slightly enjoying the whole firecracker vibe she had going on.

Now marginally conscious of how ridiculous he probably looked in his ‘costume’, he removed the hat from his head and raked through the messy curls with his fingertips until he somewhat resembled his normal self. He was tempted to give the hat to the kid, as an apology for how much of a spoil-sport her mum was being but resisted in fear that he would be accused of having infested it with some disease or other. Because he was THAT guy, y’know? “Your observation skills are impeccable” he teased, dripping with a level of sarcasm that was only usually reserved for his mates. “Of which is mostly visited by alumni and current students, isn’t it? I’d take a wild guess and say 90% of the guests here went to Hogwarts.” Why he was needing to explain himself he did not know.

But that one he was expecting. “I never implied that being a Beauxbatons girl was a negative” His eyebrow twitched. Technically that had been her assumption and although they did have their stereotypes, there was no denying that most guys would’ve fantasised about meeting a Beaux girl at some point in their life. “Poised.. fierce..” He started before becoming momentarily distracted by those little hands reaching for the dessert table of which he subtly knocked forward a plate so it was less of a stretch for the kid. Ah. Well that explained the attitude then. “Are you trying to impress me?” Came the subtle smirk. “Because the ‘my dad’s the Headmaster’ threat might have worked ten years ago but I’m a big strong boy now” He chuckled.

With his mum a primary school teacher and his sister having trained as one too, the sound of screaming children didn’t particularly bother Chester. If anything he was strangely good at knowing how to calm them down, like by cookie associated bribery. “I’d say it’s nice to meet you Mavis but you’ve already accused me of being a kidnapper AND called me a gnome so..” He laughed. He obliged and handed over the cookie though, if for the sake of stopping those prying eyes of strangers from looking at them.
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Old 06-20-2024, 01:57 PM   #13 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sage Ransom-Kruus
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

And maybe he was stupid for considering her thoughts stupid, hmmm? HMMM? Hypothetical intrigue and speculation aside, there would be plenty to warm this allegedly innocent individual that this petite blonde was a firecracker that you most certainly did not want going off in your hand. So maybe...just MAYBE he ought to stop testing her!!

Also, for the record, it was really annoying to have someone dishing back what you were dishing out. "I DO. Thank you for noticing," she retorted in a tone that may as well have been her blowing an actual raspberry. "I mean...with THAT logic you could claim any other day in Diagon Alley an alumni event. Just because of the close proximity to Hogwarts and you lot getting special vouchers doesn't mean that this whole shebang is an alumni event." This really was not anything worth arguing over (because, honestly, who actually cared?) and yet there would be no white flag waved on her side of the verbal tussle. "There is nothing on any poster or whatever that claims this is an alumni event so I think you are just trying to assign a value that isn't technically there." So if he wanted to pretend it was an alumni event then he was entitled to his wrong opinion.

And speaking of misguided opinions, Chester now had her stunned and with her mouth opening and closing as the spotlight was thrust upon her own bias. It was HARDLY her fault that she had been conditioned to think such things though, the people back home here in the UK often speaking of her peers in France as snooty selfish sorts and then when she was back in France she was isolated because of a tedious language barrier that she could never quite clear and THEREFORE two homes felt like no homes at all and she adrift somewhere in the middle. "What? No. Obviously no," she huffed, the adolescent habit to stomp her foot in additional protest. Why would she want to do a silly thing like that? But also he needed to just shut up and stop poking holes in her wet paper walled logic. "Your smirk is exasperating," she grumbled under her breath, eyes cast to the grass that hugged the toes of her silvery boots, while her daughter took advantage of Chester's allegedly kind gesture and grabbed one of the Victoria Sponges to gobble up.

"You could still be a gentleman and say it anyway," Mavis pointed out, the sudden silence that followed her daughter stuffing her face with cake (unbeknownst to Mavis) creating a sort of ringing in her ears. It was as though they had to make up for the deafening silence that was a public place sans a shrieking child. When the chance was presented to her, Mavis snatched the cookie right out of his hand and immediately turned to offer it to Andrea...who had already seemed to have mellowed out. It may be time for Mavis to pitch a bit if he was smirking even bigger right now. "Say thank you to Chester for the cookie," she instructed while handing it over to her daughter, a daughter whose hands had some suspicious clumps of frosting or cream splashed about her palm. The 5-year-old, absolutely over the moon for yet another sweet, took the cookie and then sat down on a nearby picnic blanket to eat it and watch as the Hogwarts frog choir performed. "There was a thank there somewhere," she insisted as her attention slowly swinged back to him. "You just didn't hear it."

The calm, if one could call it a calm, that now settled over the scene had the aspiring actress feeling rather exhausted. It was one of those moments where she did not realize just how exhausted she was until she was already in it...and hello, here she was. "Merci beaucoup," she said in an actual calm tone for once. Yes, she was capable of it - was that really so shocking? She even added a little saccharine curtsey. "It has been a pleasure making your acquaintance."

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 06-21-2024, 06:14 PM   #14 (permalink)

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Fourth Year
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Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post

In Jude’s unbiased opinion, Keighley looked like a baby angel. He simply loved her outfit! And the ribbons that adorned her air? They were perfection! Absolute perfection! He wasn’t sure that Olivia and Charlie would be able to lift their respective jaws off the ground when they saw her but Jude would quite enjoy having a good laugh at them both. All in good jest, naturally.

Yes! Jude DID recall that time. He and Keigh had literally spent the entire weekend exploring, though most of the exploration had been on her part since he had seen it all before. Still, it had been an enjoyable and memorable weekend which had left him feeling incredibly happy. It always brought him great joy to see his baby sister delighted.

The young man laughed. “I’m not surprised. MMA made you work up an appetite, didn’t it?” In his own case, it had been his classes at WADA. He kept reminding himself that there were just a few months to go until he and Reagan graduated. After that, there would be more and more concerts for him to do and classes to teach. What a very busy life he led! “When we were young? Keigh, can you see I have not aged a day above seventeen?” Jude batted his lashes. “Yes, we can share as usual.” Some things never changed between siblings, right? He scanned the array of dishes and beverages before them. “Scotch egg sounds nice, for starters. I haven’t tried that before. Have you?”
Oh, dearest big brother. Had he not looked at himself in the mirror? Keighley was quite positive that Jude’s absolutely wonderful husband must have thought he was rather dashing in his outfit today. The two of them really did have a way of going all out whenever it came to dressing up, didn't they? Or perhaps they picked this trait up from Reagan? Or maybe even Koen, he too had a flair for going all out at his concerts at times.

Keigh had been so overjoyed by that weekend she hadn't even slept during that time. It had been the very highlight of her first year. All the sights and shopping and food. It was still one of her favorite memories of Hogwarts.

”It sure has. I train more now than I ever did.” As hard as that might be to believe it was true. She kept herself very busy training hard and traveling around with Liv and Charlie for Quidditch. They all lived very busy lives and yet here they were hanging out together. ”Oh, hush!” The blonde laughed, giving her brother a gentle shove on the shoulder. ”You know very well what I meant.” He kept teasing her, she was going to have to stomp on his foot! ”I have not. Should we give that a try and maybe a cranachan?” It looked really good to her.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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Old 06-22-2024, 09:52 AM   #15 (permalink)

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Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up

Ascella Archer, being the nerd that she was, did know that it would be Hogsmeade's 1200th anniversary this year. What she did not anticipate was a whole celebration for it, but that's just really what added to the event's charm. Plus the opportunity to dress all prettily for it, which she's never opposed to. She had been in luck as well, given she'd dressed up for Halloween last year as a mad scientist slash woman in STEMpunk, and she managed to charm and reuse some of her pieces — the goggles and the boots, especially — once more for the Woodcroft Games.

On top of that, the eldest of Archer kids was eager to try out a few games here herself as well, but she wasn't sure which one to start with first. And she preferred exploring the area with a friend, so Cella was also holding onto hope that she'd bump into one of them here today and maybe she could convince them to play a game or two with her. Only if they wanted, of course! Consent!

But for now, the Hufflepuff third year found herself scanning the stalls for something to eat or drink. She still had all ten of her vouchers, which she'd already rationed prior to arriving in the village. Those Woodcroft Games exclusives were particularly tempting to try, but as she'd never tried any of those, she was also a bit hesitant to 'waste' a voucher for something she wasn't sure she'd enjoy.

It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________

___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
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Old 06-23-2024, 11:47 AM   #16 (permalink)

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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

x12 x6
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Text Cut: Sassy Daae
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
And maybe he was stupid for considering her thoughts stupid, hmmm? HMMM? Hypothetical intrigue and speculation aside, there would be plenty to warm this allegedly innocent individual that this petite blonde was a firecracker that you most certainly did not want going off in your hand. So maybe...just MAYBE he ought to stop testing her!!

Also, for the record, it was really annoying to have someone dishing back what you were dishing out. "I DO. Thank you for noticing," she retorted in a tone that may as well have been her blowing an actual raspberry. "I mean...with THAT logic you could claim any other day in Diagon Alley an alumni event. Just because of the close proximity to Hogwarts and you lot getting special vouchers doesn't mean that this whole shebang is an alumni event." This really was not anything worth arguing over (because, honestly, who actually cared?) and yet there would be no white flag waved on her side of the verbal tussle. "There is nothing on any poster or whatever that claims this is an alumni event so I think you are just trying to assign a value that isn't technically there." So if he wanted to pretend it was an alumni event then he was entitled to his wrong opinion.

And speaking of misguided opinions, Chester now had her stunned and with her mouth opening and closing as the spotlight was thrust upon her own bias. It was HARDLY her fault that she had been conditioned to think such things though, the people back home here in the UK often speaking of her peers in France as snooty selfish sorts and then when she was back in France she was isolated because of a tedious language barrier that she could never quite clear and THEREFORE two homes felt like no homes at all and she adrift somewhere in the middle. "What? No. Obviously no," she huffed, the adolescent habit to stomp her foot in additional protest. Why would she want to do a silly thing like that? But also he needed to just shut up and stop poking holes in her wet paper walled logic. "Your smirk is exasperating," she grumbled under her breath, eyes cast to the grass that hugged the toes of her silvery boots, while her daughter took advantage of Chester's allegedly kind gesture and grabbed one of the Victoria Sponges to gobble up.

"You could still be a gentleman and say it anyway," Mavis pointed out, the sudden silence that followed her daughter stuffing her face with cake (unbeknownst to Mavis) creating a sort of ringing in her ears. It was as though they had to make up for the deafening silence that was a public place sans a shrieking child. When the chance was presented to her, Mavis snatched the cookie right out of his hand and immediately turned to offer it to Andrea...who had already seemed to have mellowed out. It may be time for Mavis to pitch a bit if he was smirking even bigger right now. "Say thank you to Chester for the cookie," she instructed while handing it over to her daughter, a daughter whose hands had some suspicious clumps of frosting or cream splashed about her palm. The 5-year-old, absolutely over the moon for yet another sweet, took the cookie and then sat down on a nearby picnic blanket to eat it and watch as the Hogwarts frog choir performed. "There was a thank there somewhere," she insisted as her attention slowly swinged back to him. "You just didn't hear it."

The calm, if one could call it a calm, that now settled over the scene had the aspiring actress feeling rather exhausted. It was one of those moments where she did not realize just how exhausted she was until she was already in it...and hello, here she was. "Merci beaucoup," she said in an actual calm tone for once. Yes, she was capable of it - was that really so shocking? She even added a little saccharine curtsey. "It has been a pleasure making your acquaintance."

He’d never called HER stupid, just that the basis of the ‘argument’ (if you could call it that, it was rather one sided in his opinion), was pretty ridiculous in its context. Besides, what kind of Gryffindor would he be if he backed away from a challenge so easily? He was willing to test just how far a firecracker could fizzle before it fully exploded, not that he was doing anything to ignite said firecracker other than being in the right place at the wrong time. And maybe pushing her boundaries just the slightest but it was all resultant of being WRONGFULLY ACCUSED!

She was welcome, there was plenty more to be given if she wanted it but for the record he would, despite the situation, prefer a civil conversation. He snorted audibly at her retort, more of an amused reaction than a negative one. “I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. I’m just saying that the likelihood of meeting someone here would be that they themselves are an alumni of Hogwarts.” He raised his brow. Why was he needing to EXPLAIN himself anyway? “So telling you that I was class of 07 was a perfectly normal interaction. Because I assumed we were a similar age and there might be some recognition somewhere in that pretty head of yours to assure you that I am NOT in fact a kidnapper.” Evidently it didn’t matter how much ‘reassurance’ he could give her, she wasn’t willing to break down that barrier quite yet.

Whatever. He wasn’t in a rush.

Let’s be honest, Chester didn’t have enough experience with Beauxbatons girls to form a biased opinion. They gave off an air of self importance maybe but without meaning to sound boyish and crude, they were.. hot. Or at least the picture he had in his head of them was and Mavis, even with the attitude, wasn’t doing THAT much to diminish said maybe misguided opinion. As for his smirk, well he couldn’t exactly help his face, it was just sort of naturally that way. “I can frown at you if you’d prefer? I’ll warn you though that it feels very unnatural to do so.” It would surely be a waste of a perfectly good smile too?

Chester was unbothered whether the kid had said thank you or not anyway. He had no right to speak as to how others brought up their children as he had none of his own to comment upon. That didn’t mean he wasn’t good with kids though, it was in his blood with a primary school teacher for a mum and a sister who continued in her footsteps. “You’re welcome” he chuckled in the kid's direction. “Although you're nameless still, your mum hasn’t introduced you yet.” Hint hint, nudge nudge.

As if to make up for the situation that was absolutely not his fault, the twenty-four year old held his hand to take hers, debating over whether to perform his ‘princely’ duty and kiss the back of it or whether that would be pushing the boundary too far and result in a swift hex to the back of his head. “Even though you accused me of criminality, I do actually enjoy meeting new people. So the pleasure is all mine.. I guess.” And then, because it would only be polite, he used another voucher to pay for a secondary treat and offered it to the blonde. “Chelsea Bun?” Actually she reminded him of those Chelsea girls..
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Old 06-25-2024, 06:36 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Kimothy View Post
Ascella Archer, being the nerd that she was, did know that it would be Hogsmeade's 1200th anniversary this year. What she did not anticipate was a whole celebration for it, but that's just really what added to the event's charm. Plus the opportunity to dress all prettily for it, which she's never opposed to. She had been in luck as well, given she'd dressed up for Halloween last year as a mad scientist slash woman in STEMpunk, and she managed to charm and reuse some of her pieces — the goggles and the boots, especially — once more for the Woodcroft Games.

On top of that, the eldest of Archer kids was eager to try out a few games here herself as well, but she wasn't sure which one to start with first. And she preferred exploring the area with a friend, so Cella was also holding onto hope that she'd bump into one of them here today and maybe she could convince them to play a game or two with her. Only if they wanted, of course! Consent!

But for now, the Hufflepuff third year found herself scanning the stalls for something to eat or drink. She still had all ten of her vouchers, which she'd already rationed prior to arriving in the village. Those Woodcroft Games exclusives were particularly tempting to try, but as she'd never tried any of those, she was also a bit hesitant to 'waste' a voucher for something she wasn't sure she'd enjoy.

Billie loved any excuse to dress up, and even though she hadn't really been sure what people wore in the olden days, there'd been a great article about the celebration in Teen Witch with some excellent suggestions of what to wear. So of course Billie had ordered something (she'd rented the dress, though, given she didn't expect to wear it more than once) to go with a blouse and short cloak she already owned. Shoes had been last on her mind, though she thought that her trusty, vintage Dr Martens went with everything. Though she'd initially thought about asking Charlie to do something extravagant with her hair, the third year had spent too much time on her makeup that she decided against it, and went with a flower crown from a dance show that she had just KNOWN would come in handy at some point when she packed it.

She'd lost her dormmates in the throng of people heading towards the games, but figured that it didn't matter for she was sure to bump into some friends here - and as if she'd summoned her with a thought! There was Cella Archer!

Pushing through some groups of people, Billie stopped by her friend and nudged her gently, smiling. It was then that she turned her attention to the food stalls that her friend was looking at. "What's a cranachan?" Billie frowned, leaning forward to read the word she was probably mispronouncing. But Cella was a genius, so she'd know the answer.

⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽

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Old 06-29-2024, 03:47 PM   #18 (permalink)
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~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: L'il Angel! <3
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Oh, dearest big brother. Had he not looked at himself in the mirror? Keighley was quite positive that Jude’s absolutely wonderful husband must have thought he was rather dashing in his outfit today. The two of them really did have a way of going all out whenever it came to dressing up, didn't they? Or perhaps they picked this trait up from Reagan? Or maybe even Koen, he too had a flair for going all out at his concerts at times.

Keigh had been so overjoyed by that weekend she hadn't even slept during that time. It had been the very highlight of her first year. All the sights and shopping and food. It was still one of her favorite memories of Hogwarts.

”It sure has. I train more now than I ever did.” As hard as that might be to believe it was true. She kept herself very busy training hard and traveling around with Liv and Charlie for Quidditch. They all lived very busy lives and yet here they were hanging out together. ”Oh, hush!” The blonde laughed, giving her brother a gentle shove on the shoulder. ”You know very well what I meant.” He kept teasing her, she was going to have to stomp on his foot! ”I have not. Should we give that a try and maybe a cranachan?” It looked really good to her.

Yes, Jude had looked at the mirror after carefully dressing. He had been told by his husband and by the persons he worked closest with that he always looked wonderful. While all compliments were held dear to him, he was partial to Davet’s and Keighley’s opinions. Shh, tell no one! Wherever he and the baby sister got their flair for dressing from, no one could deny that they made quite the pair whenever the stepped out!

Indeed that too had been one of Jude’s all time favourite memories. He never could forget all the good times he and Keigh had had together. And now here they were again, having the time of their lives.

“Yes, I realised that. I still admire Charlie for finding the time to help you since I see how busy he can get.” Jude appreciated his sister’s boyfriend for always trying to do whatever it takes to make her happy. As much as he also appreciated Olivia for doing the same. Now, he was busy laughing as he and Keigh shared another lighthearted moment in the form of her shoving him. “That I do!” He was definitely one of the few that knew the blond extremely well.

He studied the cranachans and decided yes, he did want to try those too. “Why not?" To Sapphira, the performer said, “Four scotch eggs and four cranachans, please.” Afterwards, this pair would be trying even more new delicacies.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 07-02-2024, 08:37 PM   #19 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post

Yes, Jude had looked at the mirror after carefully dressing. He had been told by his husband and by the persons he worked closest with that he always looked wonderful. While all compliments were held dear to him, he was partial to Davet’s and Keighley’s opinions. Shh, tell no one! Wherever he and the baby sister got their flair for dressing from, no one could deny that they made quite the pair whenever the stepped out!

Indeed that too had been one of Jude’s all time favourite memories. He never could forget all the good times he and Keigh had had together. And now here they were again, having the time of their lives.

“Yes, I realised that. I still admire Charlie for finding the time to help you since I see how busy he can get.” Jude appreciated his sister’s boyfriend for always trying to do whatever it takes to make her happy. As much as he also appreciated Olivia for doing the same. Now, he was busy laughing as he and Keigh shared another lighthearted moment in the form of her shoving him. “That I do!” He was definitely one of the few that knew the blond extremely well.

He studied the cranachans and decided yes, he did want to try those too. “Why not?" To Sapphira, the performer said, “Four scotch eggs and four cranachans, please.” Afterwards, this pair would be trying even more new delicacies.
Keigh would sure like to hope so! All those compliments and opinions were quite important, however yes, hers was clearly the MOST important. Sorry Davet but she was his baby sister and knew him her entire life. Kidding, kidding. Really though, it always meant a great deal to her that Jude always took her thoughts, opinions and all compliments to heart just as she did with everything he said.

Their young lives were filled with so many fun memories and it was fantastic that even though they both were living with their partners now, and Jude was married, that they still found time to continue making memories together.

"He does get extremely busy with Quidditch but he still always makes time to help me." Her Charlie was the greatest in that way. Training with him wasn't always the most focused and sometimes she tended to go easier on him but it was still always one of her most favorite ways to train. Livvy was everything to Keigh. Her loves were always there for her. Just like her big brother.

A small laugh slipped past her lips. "Something is telling me that we're going to be stuffed later on and possibly end up with stomachaches." Which would be totally worth it after eating all of this wonderfully delicious food.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Bread!
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Old 07-06-2024, 05:19 AM   #20 (permalink)

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Text Cut: the persistent peddler
Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
He’d never called HER stupid, just that the basis of the ‘argument’ (if you could call it that, it was rather one sided in his opinion), was pretty ridiculous in its context. Besides, what kind of Gryffindor would he be if he backed away from a challenge so easily? He was willing to test just how far a firecracker could fizzle before it fully exploded, not that he was doing anything to ignite said firecracker other than being in the right place at the wrong time. And maybe pushing her boundaries just the slightest but it was all resultant of being WRONGFULLY ACCUSED!

She was welcome, there was plenty more to be given if she wanted it but for the record he would, despite the situation, prefer a civil conversation. He snorted audibly at her retort, more of an amused reaction than a negative one. “I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. I’m just saying that the likelihood of meeting someone here would be that they themselves are an alumni of Hogwarts.” He raised his brow. Why was he needing to EXPLAIN himself anyway? “So telling you that I was class of 07 was a perfectly normal interaction. Because I assumed we were a similar age and there might be some recognition somewhere in that pretty head of yours to assure you that I am NOT in fact a kidnapper.” Evidently it didn’t matter how much ‘reassurance’ he could give her, she wasn’t willing to break down that barrier quite yet.

Whatever. He wasn’t in a rush.

Let’s be honest, Chester didn’t have enough experience with Beauxbatons girls to form a biased opinion. They gave off an air of self importance maybe but without meaning to sound boyish and crude, they were.. hot. Or at least the picture he had in his head of them was and Mavis, even with the attitude, wasn’t doing THAT much to diminish said maybe misguided opinion. As for his smirk, well he couldn’t exactly help his face, it was just sort of naturally that way. “I can frown at you if you’d prefer? I’ll warn you though that it feels very unnatural to do so.” It would surely be a waste of a perfectly good smile too?

Chester was unbothered whether the kid had said thank you or not anyway. He had no right to speak as to how others brought up their children as he had none of his own to comment upon. That didn’t mean he wasn’t good with kids though, it was in his blood with a primary school teacher for a mum and a sister who continued in her footsteps. “You’re welcome” he chuckled in the kid's direction. “Although you're nameless still, your mum hasn’t introduced you yet.” Hint hint, nudge nudge.

As if to make up for the situation that was absolutely not his fault, the twenty-four year old held his hand to take hers, debating over whether to perform his ‘princely’ duty and kiss the back of it or whether that would be pushing the boundary too far and result in a swift hex to the back of his head. “Even though you accused me of criminality, I do actually enjoy meeting new people. So the pleasure is all mine.. I guess.” And then, because it would only be polite, he used another voucher to pay for a secondary treat and offered it to the blonde. “Chelsea Bun?” Actually she reminded him of those Chelsea girls..

Oh so he WAS calling her stupid because now he was telling her that she wasn't understanding him. Which was way way WAY wrong because she did understand what he had been trying to say all this time but it was the assumption that she was a Hogwarts graduate when she had done all that she could to distance herself from THAT legacy - no, she would not be discussing how she had brought up that daddy had been a headmaster at the school and it would be really peachy if no one would point out her hypocrisy at this time...thank you. And no they would not be discussing how his little compliment took SOME of the fight out of her...because it had (she really liked being called pretty and any other positive compliments she could and couldn't fish for about her appearance). "WELL, you aren't entirely wrong because I was a Hogwarts until I wasn't," she added with another huff. That was all the barrier breaking you were getting, mister. "I ONLY said it was exasperating, not that it was disgusting and did not suit your features." Okay, one more tiny hint of a barrier down.

Before she could say anything to her daughter, either for or against the self introduction, the little blonde was offering a cute curtsey and doing it herself, Andrea Diane Leroux, and just like they had practiced time and time again for auditions. WHAT she thought her daughter may be auditioning for right now was beyond her but she also did not want to spend too much time considering options, thanks. "That was beautifully done," Mavis praised and offered her mini me a little kiss upon the head. "She speaks for herself, you see." Yes, obviously.

The princely gesture would not be met with a hex, for the record, as Mavis felt a certain disgust towards such actions. Could maybe, possible, have something to do with what all the Trent family had been through during the war buuuuuuuuut it may also have something to do with the fact that her wand was out of reach and she may not be able to perform any curses effectively. And even though her words had meant to be dismissive and an invitation for him to take his leave, he was now the one not understanding what she was saying and offering her another delectable. Considering how Andrea had consumed plenty of the plates herself...she did owe it to herself to enjoy at least SOMETHING from the spread. "I like mine best with cherries or cherry jelly," she replied before accepting the sweet - couldn't give him TOO much praise and hope in one go. "I mean...thank you. And I know this one hasn't been poisoned because they just set it out. Unless you truly are a mastermind and are in cahoots with the kitchen."

This was, for the record, said in an OBVIOUSLY playful tone that was even accented with a sassy hip bump against him.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 07-07-2024, 11:48 PM   #21 (permalink)
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~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: L'il Angel! <3
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Keigh would sure like to hope so! All those compliments and opinions were quite important, however yes, hers was clearly the MOST important. Sorry Davet but she was his baby sister and knew him her entire life. Kidding, kidding. Really though, it always meant a great deal to her that Jude always took her thoughts, opinions and all compliments to heart just as she did with everything he said.

Their young lives were filled with so many fun memories and it was fantastic that even though they both were living with their partners now, and Jude was married, that they still found time to continue making memories together.

"He does get extremely busy with Quidditch but he still always makes time to help me." Her Charlie was the greatest in that way. Training with him wasn't always the most focused and sometimes she tended to go easier on him but it was still always one of her most favorite ways to train. Livvy was everything to Keigh. Her loves were always there for her. Just like her big brother.

A small laugh slipped past her lips. "Something is telling me that we're going to be stuffed later on and possibly end up with stomachaches." Which would be totally worth it after eating all of this wonderfully delicious food.

Jude would simply remain neutral and let his baby sister and husband hash that out. All he knew was that he loved them both to the maximum and that neither was more important than the other. It was evidenced in the manner in which Jude continuously made time for Keigh and vice versa; both Anders’ had extremely busy schedules.

“I know. He’s a decent guy. It’s great that you have both his and Olivia’s support. How’s she, by the way? Still wants to obliterate Charlie?” Jude liked getting updates on Olivia’s progress; in his opinion, she had come a long way in accepting things as they were.

“Nope, I’m countering that comment with all my will, Keigh!” Laughing, Jude accepted the offered food from the shopkeeper, paid for them then handed Keighley hers. “Shall we try a scotch egg first?” After they had conferred their opinions to each other, they could try the cranachans.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 07-10-2024, 09:28 AM   #22 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
Billie loved any excuse to dress up, and even though she hadn't really been sure what people wore in the olden days, there'd been a great article about the celebration in Teen Witch with some excellent suggestions of what to wear. So of course Billie had ordered something (she'd rented the dress, though, given she didn't expect to wear it more than once) to go with a blouse and short cloak she already owned. Shoes had been last on her mind, though she thought that her trusty, vintage Dr Martens went with everything. Though she'd initially thought about asking Charlie to do something extravagant with her hair, the third year had spent too much time on her makeup that she decided against it, and went with a flower crown from a dance show that she had just KNOWN would come in handy at some point when she packed it.

She'd lost her dormmates in the throng of people heading towards the games, but figured that it didn't matter for she was sure to bump into some friends here - and as if she'd summoned her with a thought! There was Cella Archer!

Pushing through some groups of people, Billie stopped by her friend and nudged her gently, smiling. It was then that she turned her attention to the food stalls that her friend was looking at. "What's a cranachan?" Billie frowned, leaning forward to read the word she was probably mispronouncing. But Cella was a genius, so she'd know the answer.
Ascella was just about to slip into her own spiral of thoughts on how she wanted to use her food vouchers on, when luckily she noticed Billie. Hey, it couldn't be helped when you think about a lot of things at once! All the tangents her thought process could potentially take! "Hi!" Cella beamed at Billie and gently nudged her back, only because the Gryffindor had done it first.

And the Hufflepuff was just about to ask about Billie's plans, when the opportunity to explain presented itself to her. "Oh, it's cranachan. It's Gaelic. Well, Scottish Gaelic." Cella felt the need to distinguish, because it was different from the Irish Gaelic that she knew. "A kind of pudding made of alternating layers of oatmeal and raspberries and whipped cream, and it's also got honey and whiskey stirred into the cream." To be fair! Cella didn't know everything about food — or anything for that matter, which is the beauty of learning as there's so much knowledge out there for nerds like her — but sometimes she couldn't help but research on what to expect from events like this. It was kind of a given that, being a celebration of Hogsmeade which is a Scottish village, there would be an array of Scottish food. So. Yes. And see, the research was helpful because she got to answer Billie's question!

"Did you want to try it? I don't know what to get." Cella asked, almost sheepishly.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________

___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
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Old 07-10-2024, 03:00 PM   #23 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post

Jude would simply remain neutral and let his baby sister and husband hash that out. All he knew was that he loved them both to the maximum and that neither was more important than the other. It was evidenced in the manner in which Jude continuously made time for Keigh and vice versa; both Anders’ had extremely busy schedules.

“I know. He’s a decent guy. It’s great that you have both his and Olivia’s support. How’s she, by the way? Still wants to obliterate Charlie?” Jude liked getting updates on Olivia’s progress; in his opinion, she had come a long way in accepting things as they were.

“Nope, I’m countering that comment with all my will, Keigh!” Laughing, Jude accepted the offered food from the shopkeeper, paid for them then handed Keighley hers. “Shall we try a scotch egg first?” After they had conferred their opinions to each other, they could try the cranachans.
She would do that, Jude knew this, didn't he? All in good fun of course, no matter how serious she may sound whenever she told Davey that she was more important to Jude than he was. She knew that her big brother treated them all equal, just look at how he always made sure he had time for her no matter how busy he was.

"He's perfect, is what he is." Her sweet gentle Charlie. There wasn't anyone like him in the world. The mention of him made her heart flutter, just as it did at the mention of her Livvy. "So doing loads better than she ever has been. There's still moments where he's a touchy subject for her but things are slowly getting better and we're all heading in the right direction." Keighley truly felt that each day that passed only strengthened her relationship with both of them and she looked forward to the rest of her life with them.

A laugh slipped past her lips as she shook her head. "Are you? Well then double down on that for me too." Keigh smiled. The last thing she wanted was a stomachache while she was taste testing all this delicious food. "Let's." Taking her food from Jude she waited until he was ready before taking her first bite into one of the scotch eggs. "Mmm." It was so good!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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Old 07-11-2024, 01:01 PM   #24 (permalink)

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Text Cut: Double Trouble
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

Oh so he WAS calling her stupid because now he was telling her that she wasn't understanding him. Which was way way WAY wrong because she did understand what he had been trying to say all this time but it was the assumption that she was a Hogwarts graduate when she had done all that she could to distance herself from THAT legacy - no, she would not be discussing how she had brought up that daddy had been a headmaster at the school and it would be really peachy if no one would point out her hypocrisy at this time...thank you. And no they would not be discussing how his little compliment took SOME of the fight out of her...because it had (she really liked being called pretty and any other positive compliments she could and couldn't fish for about her appearance). "WELL, you aren't entirely wrong because I was a Hogwarts until I wasn't," she added with another huff. That was all the barrier breaking you were getting, mister. "I ONLY said it was exasperating, not that it was disgusting and did not suit your features." Okay, one more tiny hint of a barrier down.

Before she could say anything to her daughter, either for or against the self introduction, the little blonde was offering a cute curtsey and doing it herself, Andrea Diane Leroux, and just like they had practiced time and time again for auditions. WHAT she thought her daughter may be auditioning for right now was beyond her but she also did not want to spend too much time considering options, thanks. "That was beautifully done," Mavis praised and offered her mini me a little kiss upon the head. "She speaks for herself, you see." Yes, obviously.

The princely gesture would not be met with a hex, for the record, as Mavis felt a certain disgust towards such actions. Could maybe, possible, have something to do with what all the Trent family had been through during the war buuuuuuuuut it may also have something to do with the fact that her wand was out of reach and she may not be able to perform any curses effectively. And even though her words had meant to be dismissive and an invitation for him to take his leave, he was now the one not understanding what she was saying and offering her another delectable. Considering how Andrea had consumed plenty of the plates herself...she did owe it to herself to enjoy at least SOMETHING from the spread. "I like mine best with cherries or cherry jelly," she replied before accepting the sweet - couldn't give him TOO much praise and hope in one go. "I mean...thank you. And I know this one hasn't been poisoned because they just set it out. Unless you truly are a mastermind and are in cahoots with the kitchen."

This was, for the record, said in an OBVIOUSLY playful tone that was even accented with a sassy hip bump against him.

Do you know what else was exasperating? This back and forth of misconstruing each other's words which in his opinion was completely unnecessary. He likely would’ve been the first to back down had it gone on any longer but then Mavis accepted that he was right (in so many words) and a fleeting smugness flashed across his face before disapparating. “Thank you?” he questioned, attempting to deduce if that was meant to be some kind of backhanded compliment.

Chester’s fondness for kids, a direct result of having close family members who worked with them, was evident in the crooked smile he offered young Andrea. “Charmed to meet you” he leant forward in a slightly dramatic bow to the kid removing the hat once again from his curls. If she wanted ‘princely’ he could offer that in multitudes, although he preferred a roguish hero if given the option.

See? Wasn’t this much more enjoyable? A conversation without suspicious looks and unwarranted accusations. It didn’t take much for Chester to lower his own guard, he was plenty of an open book already. He was assured it was a familial thing, his sisters were equally as extroverted as he was. It wasn’t a misunderstanding that he hadn’t taken his leave, it was sheer stubbornness and the desire to crack whatever shield spell she had placed upon herself that had led him to ignore any social cues and stand his ground. “Are you doubting my sleight of hand?” He smirked. A wise choice, Chester was anything but subtle.

Her playful tone and that sassy little hip bump brought a genuine smile to the former Gryffindor’s face. “Unfortunately I don’t have kitchen privileges or else I would’ve been helping myself before they even made it out here” He chuckled. “I can’t tell you whether any of these are cherry flavoured so you’re just gonna have to lucky-dip it.” Chester meanwhile was not so fussy and any would do. “Maybe I could’ve got a press lanyard or something though. Should’ve brought my camera and blended in, might’ve got extra privileges.” He had purposefully chosen not to work for any publication in particular, he didn’t want his creativeness and composition to be restricted by a typecast or expectation. It often meant more work for himself to assimilate and build his portfolio but it was worth it. He did not have the important ‘connections’ that some people had.
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Old 07-15-2024, 12:45 AM   #25 (permalink)
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~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: L'il Angel! <3
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
She would do that, Jude knew this, didn't he? All in good fun of course, no matter how serious she may sound whenever she told Davey that she was more important to Jude than he was. She knew that her big brother treated them all equal, just look at how he always made sure he had time for her no matter how busy he was.

"He's perfect, is what he is." Her sweet gentle Charlie. There wasn't anyone like him in the world. The mention of him made her heart flutter, just as it did at the mention of her Livvy. "So doing loads better than she ever has been. There's still moments where he's a touchy subject for her but things are slowly getting better and we're all heading in the right direction." Keighley truly felt that each day that passed only strengthened her relationship with both of them and she looked forward to the rest of her life with them.

A laugh slipped past her lips as she shook her head. "Are you? Well then double down on that for me too." Keigh smiled. The last thing she wanted was a stomachache while she was taste testing all this delicious food. "Let's." Taking her food from Jude she waited until he was ready before taking her first bite into one of the scotch eggs. "Mmm." It was so good!

Yes, he definitely knew that! Davet knew by now that Keighley would never say anything hurtful on purpose. Jude, knowing Davet, knew that his husband would also be willing to let Keigh win the argument simply because that was the sort of person he was.

“For you, he seems to be.” Of course neither Charlie nor Olivia could be as perfect as Keighley but in Jude’s opinion, those two came close to being perfect for the sister. At least they made her quite happy, which was evident from the manner in which her face lit up when she spoke of them. It was easy to recognise since it was the same for him whenever Davet was mentioned. Jude nodded, pleased to hear this positive update about Olivia. He knew it was a tough situation for her to be in but if ever she upset Keighley… well, Jude would forget that Olivia was dating her. “That’s great! I’m really proud of you being able to make both relationships work, Keigh.” Very, VERY proud!

Jude laughed. “You know I’ve got you.” He always did! The guy was pleased that he suggested the scotch egg first. “It’s really good,’’ he said through a mouthful. But that was all the comment there was for now since it was bad manners to talk with one’s mouth full and he also wasn’t keen on choking.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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