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Go Back > Forums > SnitchSeeker RPG > SnitchSeeker RPG Archives > Hogwarts Archive > Headmaster Wilber Winterbottom's Reign > Term 67: May - August 2024 > Woodcroft Games

Woodcroft Games Come celebrate the 1200 year anniversary of the founding of Hogsmeade Village by Hengist of Woodcroft! Experience what it was like in 914 as the Hogsmeade shopkeepers take one and all back in time and even try your hand at some of the 'Hogsmeade Highland Games'

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Old 05-26-2024, 06:33 AM
Harold Lagerty Harold Lagerty is offline
Default Picnic Area

Tired from playing all the exciting games and desire a place for a break? Need a comfy spot in which to feed your stomach with all the yummy treats the stalls have to offer? Look no further than the picnic area. A sea of colorful blankets awaits you on one side should you brave sitting on the ground. The other hosts plenty of tables if you prefer to not sit on the ground or risk the wildlife getting into your food. No matter what you chose, you’ll have a nice view of the stage set up for festivities. Be sure to sit for a spell long enough to hear the Hogwarts’ Frog Choir perform amongst some of the local talent offering their musical offerings for all to enjoy.

Off beneath a majestic oak tree that graces the left-hand outskirts of the picnic area you will find a statue made of gold and stone. On closer inspection it is a beautiful replica of the infamous Hufflepuff Cup sitting in wait attached upon a granite pillar commemorating Hengist of Woodcroft's house. Grasp the fine-wrought handles and wait - should your spirits prove generous and adventurous in nature, like the Hogsmeade founder himself, it will magically fill with liquid and upon release of the handles offer the lucky soul a voucher for a free beverage of their choosing from the Three Broomsticks which can be redeemed at present or at your next visit to Hogsmeade. Should the cup, however, remain empty then perhaps you ought go give one of the festivals games a whirl and try again after...
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Old 06-12-2024, 11:07 PM   #2 (permalink)
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x8 x7
Default At but not less + Kath
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •

It was... wonderful for Freddie to be back so close to Hogwarts. Only felt like yesterday he had left Hogwarts. He wasn't alone though as he excitedly held his roommate's hand while leading around to take in the sights. There were so many games to play and enjoy and sights to see.

"Wow! Look at all the food, Atlas," Freddie's eyes glazed over at the selection of sweets and goodies. "Did you want anything right now or we could just-" His eyes never stuck on one sighting, followed the shiny cup. "That looks like the infamous Helga Hufflepuff cup! Doesn't it?" He knew they wouldn't have the real thing within the grasp of everyone.


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Old 06-12-2024, 11:41 PM   #3 (permalink)

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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

x12 x6
Default Katie/Freddie <3
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

It might have been almost forty years since she had graduated from Hogwarts but Trixie was no stranger to its neighbouring village and had visited on numerous occasions. It wasn’t for any reason in particular, more for nostalgia’s sake, that and she liked to keep up-to-date with what was happening in the community and the best gossip always seemed to radiate from the village. It likely didn’t help that her maternal instincts were overly strong when her children were in attendance and now that her granddaughter was a student too, she hated to be separated from them.

The minute that the Woodcroft Games were announced, the Healer cleared time in her and her husband’s schedule to visit. She didn’t need an excuse per se but it seemed the ideal opportunity to drag poor Freddie along for the occasion with the premise that perhaps they might be able to find Rowan. Her flaming locks would have been quite obvious against the dark stoned buildings had Hogsmeade not been transformed back to the 900’s and were the patrons not adorned with such grand, colourful attire. Trixie had gone rather simplistic herself so as to not outshine her husband who she knew would not be impressed with the thought of ‘dressing up’.

With an ordinary cup of tea in one hand and the other firmly within her partners, the former Slytherin led the way over to the picnic area to find a spot to watch the performances but got distracted by the cup on the way. “Hmm.. Generous of course but I’m not so sure about adventurous” she teased, reading the inscribed words. “Although I suppose that this is rather adventurous for you, my darling.” Her lips spread into a smile. It wasn’t his scene, nor was it likely how he’d want to spend his weekend but Trixie knew that she had his full unwavering support and he hadn’t taken too much convincing, except on the costume part.
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Old 06-13-2024, 05:28 AM   #4 (permalink)
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x10 x1
Default lauralauralaura and reeeeuuuuuuuub
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo

Though it wasn't her usual vibe, Bronwen was stupidly into the old school Woodcroft aesthetic. It was a fun excuse to pair pieces of her wardrobe together in ways she would have otherwise never thought to. Plus, it made dressing for her date less of an ordeal than it otherwise would have been.

She hadn't taken the time to familiarize herself with the event, but knowing she'd be in good company, she wasn't the least bit worried. Good company in mind, she gave Reuben's hand a squeeze as they neared the event set up. "I can't wait to see what all there is to do," she skipped a couple of steps forward with a sincere smile.

The weather was lovely, her boots had butterfly wings, she had her favorite film camera in tow, and really, there was nothing more she could ask for in a date. Though she didn't want to come off too eager either. Whilst attempting to tamp down the energy, packing it up in an unreachable place, she looked around. "Reub, are those frogs singing!?" Bon hadn't ever seen anything like it before! When they finished up their song only a few moments later, Bronwen was the first to clap for them.


They were truly sensational!

Already this was the best date she had ever been on. Of course, it was also the only date she had ever been on and it had only just begun, so perhaps it would only continue to get better than this.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Lemon!
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Old 06-13-2024, 07:28 AM   #5 (permalink)

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Default Will post a costume when I have time after work. <3
Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science!

Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
It might have been almost forty years since she had graduated from Hogwarts but Trixie was no stranger to its neighbouring village and had visited on numerous occasions. It wasn’t for any reason in particular, more for nostalgia’s sake, that and she liked to keep up-to-date with what was happening in the community and the best gossip always seemed to radiate from the village. It likely didn’t help that her maternal instincts were overly strong when her children were in attendance and now that her granddaughter was a student too, she hated to be separated from them.

The minute that the Woodcroft Games were announced, the Healer cleared time in her and her husband’s schedule to visit. She didn’t need an excuse per se but it seemed the ideal opportunity to drag poor Freddie along for the occasion with the premise that perhaps they might be able to find Rowan. Her flaming locks would have been quite obvious against the dark stoned buildings had Hogsmeade not been transformed back to the 900’s and were the patrons not adorned with such grand, colourful attire. Trixie had gone rather simplistic herself so as to not outshine her husband who she knew would not be impressed with the thought of ‘dressing up’.

With an ordinary cup of tea in one hand and the other firmly within her partners, the former Slytherin led the way over to the picnic area to find a spot to watch the performances but got distracted by the cup on the way. “Hmm.. Generous of course but I’m not so sure about adventurous” she teased, reading the inscribed words. “Although I suppose that this is rather adventurous for you, my darling.” Her lips spread into a smile. It wasn’t his scene, nor was it likely how he’d want to spend his weekend but Trixie knew that she had his full unwavering support and he hadn’t taken too much convincing, except on the costume part.
This wasn't Freddie's scene. The once tearaway teen had grown into a homebody. A father, a grandfather, a rewarding career. He loved his home in Cornwall and his favourite place was out on the cliff path with the dogs, no matter the weather. To be out in a light drizzle, the wind on his face and the taste of salt from the ocean on his lips. Freddie had always had an old soul, but circumstance had not allowed him to embrace it until he left London and his parents home.

At one time, he would have protested over attending an event such as this – he felt uncomfortable in his costume, even though he had kept it to just a hint to the event. He didn't particularly like crowds and being around people, but he also didn't want to let Trixie down because she thrived at these sorts of things. Plus, there was that possibility they may see their granddaughter.

He held Trix's hand, nonchalant and relaxed to any onlookers. And, to be fair, it wasn't awful. It was good to see Hogsmeade again; the atmosphere was electric, the decorations jovial. It was difficult not to feel cheered.

It was also nice to escape to the quieter picnic area. He was still a fussy eater and none of the food on offer appealed to him, so, like Trixie, he settled for a cup of tea. A hint of a smile as she spoke. “That all depends on your definition of adventurous.” He replied in his usual quiet, soft manner. “You do remember where I came from, don't you?” But.. those days were a lifetime ago. Things had changed so much since his short time at Hogwarts, meeting Trixie, and during the years that followed. He was a Grandfather now. Of three! How insane was that? “It's actually not as bad as I thought it was going to be.” And that was a compliment coming from Fred. “You look lovely, by the way.” The blonde really suited the whole vibe of this.

“Let's find somewhere to sit?”
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Old 06-13-2024, 02:54 PM   #6 (permalink)

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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
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Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post
It was... wonderful for Freddie to be back so close to Hogwarts. Only felt like yesterday he had left Hogwarts. He wasn't alone though as he excitedly held his roommate's hand while leading around to take in the sights. There were so many games to play and enjoy and sights to see.

"Wow! Look at all the food, Atlas," Freddie's eyes glazed over at the selection of sweets and goodies. "Did you want anything right now or we could just-" His eyes never stuck on one sighting, followed the shiny cup. "That looks like the infamous Helga Hufflepuff cup! Doesn't it?" He knew they wouldn't have the real thing within the grasp of everyone.
There were a lot of things not on his BINGO card and a return to Hogsmeade for fun certainly was on it. Atlas had been fairly positive that the moment he had boarded the Hogwarts Express, gold glitter still clinging to his trousers from signing the Memory Book the night before, from Hogsmeade Station to head back to London and he had bid it and the silhouette of Hogwarts castle against the morning sky adieu with a cursory glance had been his last...or at least his last for a decade or so. It almost felt TOO soon to be back here and yet here he was. Or they were.

There had been several times since their arrival by floo that he had wanted to point out to Freddie that he really did not need to keep ahold of his hand like that - Atlas wasn't going to go running off nor get lost - but the warm sunshine or whatever had him feeling more amicable and agreeable to such gestures in such a setting. "You know you're always hun---" Atlas found his gentle jab cut short by Freddie's golden retriever level excitability which brought about an involuntary but incredibly sincere chuckle and smile from the Gryffindor alumnus. "It does...if you squint at it and ignore the fact that it is clearly made from a flimsier alloy," he noted with a critical eye and rub of his nose with the palm of his hand - sweet solstice did he miss his tinkering monocle right now so he could inspect it more intimately. "You going to pick it up?"

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 06-13-2024, 04:00 PM   #7 (permalink)

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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

x12 x6
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Text Cut: Hubby
Originally Posted by noodles View Post
This wasn't Freddie's scene. The once tearaway teen had grown into a homebody. A father, a grandfather, a rewarding career. He loved his home in Cornwall and his favourite place was out on the cliff path with the dogs, no matter the weather. To be out in a light drizzle, the wind on his face and the taste of salt from the ocean on his lips. Freddie had always had an old soul, but circumstance had not allowed him to embrace it until he left London and his parents home.

At one time, he would have protested over attending an event such as this – he felt uncomfortable in his costume, even though he had kept it to just a hint to the event. He didn't particularly like crowds and being around people, but he also didn't want to let Trixie down because she thrived at these sorts of things. Plus, there was that possibility they may see their granddaughter.

He held Trix's hand, nonchalant and relaxed to any onlookers. And, to be fair, it wasn't awful. It was good to see Hogsmeade again; the atmosphere was electric, the decorations jovial. It was difficult not to feel cheered.

It was also nice to escape to the quieter picnic area. He was still a fussy eater and none of the food on offer appealed to him, so, like Trixie, he settled for a cup of tea. A hint of a smile as she spoke. “That all depends on your definition of adventurous.” He replied in his usual quiet, soft manner. “You do remember where I came from, don't you?” But.. those days were a lifetime ago. Things had changed so much since his short time at Hogwarts, meeting Trixie, and during the years that followed. He was a Grandfather now. Of three! How insane was that? “It's actually not as bad as I thought it was going to be.” And that was a compliment coming from Fred. “You look lovely, by the way.” The blonde really suited the whole vibe of this.

“Let's find somewhere to sit?”

She supposed that was true, adventurous would depend on one’s comfort level originally. Arguably Freddie’s comfort remained firmly within the four walls of their home of which they were hours away from right now. “I suppose that this is a far cry from your usual routine” she smiled at her husband, that warm, motherly smile that told you that everything was going to be okay. The same smile that she had offered him every time they had had to be sociable, or attend a party with her parents or do something that was nothing like the world that he was brought up in. “I would argue that what you did as a teenager was more reckless than adventurous anyway” she teased.

That was often the case, that the thought of attending was worse than the event itself. “I told you it wouldn’t be so bad” she gently squeezed his hand with hers. “And that you’d look more conspicuous if you didn’t wear a costume. Our community loves an excuse to celebrate.” If she could recall correctly, she and her fellow student leaders held an event of their own during seventh year. “Nevertheless, I am and will always be proud and grateful of you for being by my side.” Freddie was her world, her rock, the man that gave her the family that she had always longed for and 38 years later was STILL as devoted as ever.

“It’s not too much is it?” she asked, dusting a speck off of her dress. “I didn’t want to go completely overboard, not at my age anyway.” Had she been younger you would bet that she would be wearing a full dress and cape and matching accessories. She looked around at the surrounding area and picked out a spot closer to the edge of the grassy paddock to set up their picnic rug, letting go of Freddie’s hand briefly to waft her finger, unfurl the blanket and gently settle it down onto the ground. “This’ll do.”
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Old 06-13-2024, 04:15 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Default bonbon & ferAriana!
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Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Though it wasn't her usual vibe, Bronwen was stupidly into the old school Woodcroft aesthetic. It was a fun excuse to pair pieces of her wardrobe together in ways she would have otherwise never thought to. Plus, it made dressing for her date less of an ordeal than it otherwise would have been.

She hadn't taken the time to familiarize herself with the event, but knowing she'd be in good company, she wasn't the least bit worried. Good company in mind, she gave Reuben's hand a squeeze as they neared the event set up. "I can't wait to see what all there is to do," she skipped a couple of steps forward with a sincere smile.

The weather was lovely, her boots had butterfly wings, she had her favorite film camera in tow, and really, there was nothing more she could ask for in a date. Though she didn't want to come off too eager either. Whilst attempting to tamp down the energy, packing it up in an unreachable place, she looked around. "Reub, are those frogs singing!?" Bon hadn't ever seen anything like it before! When they finished up their song only a few moments later, Bronwen was the first to clap for them.


They were truly sensational!

Already this was the best date she had ever been on. Of course, it was also the only date she had ever been on and it had only just begun, so perhaps it would only continue to get better than this.
After the incidents at the Halloween party (namely that Bronwen had left with Ezra), it had actually taken Reuben a while to follow up on his request for a date. Given that he'd been going on dates with others, it was hardly fair for Reuben to be annoyed with the other boy (never with Bronwen, of course), but it had taken until after the Christmas break for any resentment to fizzle away. And then after that, he was a bit frazzled with the return back to school. Of course he'd apologised for the delay in making good on his request, though he figured that the celebration... fair... thingy had come at the perfect time. This was way cooler than just your average Hogsmeade weekend (though it was prudent to mention his other dates to the village had gone pretty fantastic, anyway).

Reuben had most definitely told his date that she looked amazing more than once on the walk down. And also that it wasn't that she didn't always look great, because she did, but more so that she looked particularly good on this day. He, of course, hadn't gone all in on the theme, though the green short cloak he'd managed to dig out of his trunk matched his favourite trainers, and that was a win in his eyes. Along with his new favourite cap, courtesy of his date herself, he thought he was making this old school-modern look a trend. He'd also written to a number of his uncles and aunts, begging those that would be unlikely to go for their alumni vouchers, all so that he wouldn't run out - the idea was embarrassing, to say the least.

When Bronwen squeezed his hand, he beamed at her in response. "Apparently there's some games - a, uh, a barrel roll, a tug of war.... some kind of summoning thing and, ah -" he scrunched his face up, and then shook his head. "Can't remember the last one." The fact that he'd managed to remember any was almost impressive, given he was useless at most things. But he was quite looking forward to the barrel roll (the disappointment that he didn't get to be in the barrel still lingered on the horizon, given he'd not read the leaflet thoroughly). Oh, and the tug of war! Though he was more looking forward to showing off, in that instance.

Turning his head in the direction of the singing frogs, Reuben laughed, joining in Bronwen's clapping as they finished their song. "That is mental. How'd they teach 'em that?"

⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽

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Old 06-14-2024, 04:31 AM   #9 (permalink)
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x10 x1
Default <3 <3 <3
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo

SPOILER!!: reeeeubbbbyyyy
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
After the incidents at the Halloween party (namely that Bronwen had left with Ezra), it had actually taken Reuben a while to follow up on his request for a date. Given that he'd been going on dates with others, it was hardly fair for Reuben to be annoyed with the other boy (never with Bronwen, of course), but it had taken until after the Christmas break for any resentment to fizzle away. And then after that, he was a bit frazzled with the return back to school. Of course he'd apologised for the delay in making good on his request, though he figured that the celebration... fair... thingy had come at the perfect time. This was way cooler than just your average Hogsmeade weekend (though it was prudent to mention his other dates to the village had gone pretty fantastic, anyway).

Reuben had most definitely told his date that she looked amazing more than once on the walk down. And also that it wasn't that she didn't always look great, because she did, but more so that she looked particularly good on this day. He, of course, hadn't gone all in on the theme, though the green short cloak he'd managed to dig out of his trunk matched his favourite trainers, and that was a win in his eyes. Along with his new favourite cap, courtesy of his date herself, he thought he was making this old school-modern look a trend. He'd also written to a number of his uncles and aunts, begging those that would be unlikely to go for their alumni vouchers, all so that he wouldn't run out - the idea was embarrassing, to say the least.

When Bronwen squeezed his hand, he beamed at her in response. "Apparently there's some games - a, uh, a barrel roll, a tug of war.... some kind of summoning thing and, ah -" he scrunched his face up, and then shook his head. "Can't remember the last one." The fact that he'd managed to remember any was almost impressive, given he was useless at most things. But he was quite looking forward to the barrel roll (the disappointment that he didn't get to be in the barrel still lingered on the horizon, given he'd not read the leaflet thoroughly). Oh, and the tug of war! Though he was more looking forward to showing off, in that instance.

Turning his head in the direction of the singing frogs, Reuben laughed, joining in Bronwen's clapping as they finished their song. "That is mental. How'd they teach 'em that?"

It had actually worked in Reuben's favor that he had waited so long to make good on his request for a date. The wait had built up anticipation and more than that, it had given Bon enough time for her whole perspective about the matter to flip on its head. You see, she didn't not want to go on the date with him. It was more that she didn't want to want to go on the date with him. Like. She wasn't into Reuben like that anymore. Not after the whole spin-the-bottle fiasco. She wasn't! She wasn't! She-- she had started to wonder if he had changed his mind about wanting to take her out. And despite not being into him like that anymore (no, seriously!!), she couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed that he had changed his mind or, worse, forgotten about it.

So she was so thrilled when he asked her for this weekend (and only for that reason because again she soooo wasn't into him like that anymore!!!!!) and even more thrilled when she saw he wore her gift. Something which she made sure to tell him several times on their walk down to the village. She was touched, really. It made her feel ... something. Something very platonic. Soooooo platonic. Ahem.

Mmm? Bon looked back at him, matching his smile with one of her own when he began listing off all the activities. How did he remember everything?! "Whoa, all of those sound so fun," she remarked thoughtfully. Some more than others, but she could always cheer on the sidelines for something like tug of war. "We should try a few! Which do you think sounds best?" What was a barrel roll about anyway?

But more than the games and the decor, it was the frogs that had Bron the most impressed of all. That was CRAZY!! "I have no idea," she replied between breathy laughter. "But, I was into it."

Just then, the next song started and it was a bit more upbeat than the last. The sounds had Bronwen swaying "Will you dance with me?"
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Lemon!
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Old 06-14-2024, 08:55 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Billie Love Stemp
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Default ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space.

SPOILER!!: bonbon
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
It had actually worked in Reuben's favor that he had waited so long to make good on his request for a date. The wait had built up anticipation and more than that, it had given Bon enough time for her whole perspective about the matter to flip on its head. You see, she didn't not want to go on the date with him. It was more that she didn't want to want to go on the date with him. Like. She wasn't into Reuben like that anymore. Not after the whole spin-the-bottle fiasco. She wasn't! She wasn't! She-- she had started to wonder if he had changed his mind about wanting to take her out. And despite not being into him like that anymore (no, seriously!!), she couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed that he had changed his mind or, worse, forgotten about it.

So she was so thrilled when he asked her for this weekend (and only for that reason because again she soooo wasn't into him like that anymore!!!!!) and even more thrilled when she saw he wore her gift. Something which she made sure to tell him several times on their walk down to the village. She was touched, really. It made her feel ... something. Something very platonic. Soooooo platonic. Ahem.

Mmm? Bon looked back at him, matching his smile with one of her own when he began listing off all the activities. How did he remember everything?! "Whoa, all of those sound so fun," she remarked thoughtfully. Some more than others, but she could always cheer on the sidelines for something like tug of war. "We should try a few! Which do you think sounds best?" What was a barrel roll about anyway?

But more than the games and the decor, it was the frogs that had Bron the most impressed of all. That was CRAZY!! "I have no idea," she replied between breathy laughter. "But, I was into it."

Just then, the next song started and it was a bit more upbeat than the last. The sounds had Bronwen swaying "Will you dance with me?"

When Bronwen had mentioned how happy she was that he wore the hat, Reuben's grin has only widened. Though he'd been sure to tell her that Brian was probably jealous he'd brought it with him, and not left it for the golden retriever puppy to chew on. It bore a slight mark from that situation - which had only occurred because Reuben had forced the dog to wear the cap for a series of photos to share with Bronwen - but when he was wearing it, it wasn't noticeable. Which was good, because he didn't want her to think he didn't look after it! He did! Sharing it with Brian was looking after it!


Reuben was thoughtful for a moment - okay, a second, before he shrugged in response to her question. "Maybe the barrel roll, or tug-of-war. I'm not too good at the summoning charm," he said without shame. It was what it was, after all, and he'd never pretended otherwise. He was repeating fifth year for a reason, one that had a bit to do with his natural aptitude and a lot to do with his willingness to practice and study.

Bronwen's breathy laugh did something to Reuben that had his stomach flipping all sorts of ways. It was one of the reasons he was nodding before she'd even finished her question, offering his hand to her. "I'd love to."

It was a chance to show off his ~mooooooves. Which, he would like to point out, he inherited from his dance-teaching mother. That was to say, he wasn't a bad dancer. He had a great deal of natural rhythm, he was particularly coordinated (from football), and he always had fun. So, not a bad dancer. But also not a great one. Though, if you asked him, what did it matter if they were having fun?

⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽

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Old 06-14-2024, 04:23 PM   #11 (permalink)

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SPOILER!!: Wifey Broadmoor
Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
She supposed that was true, adventurous would depend on one’s comfort level originally. Arguably Freddie’s comfort remained firmly within the four walls of their home of which they were hours away from right now. “I suppose that this is a far cry from your usual routine” she smiled at her husband, that warm, motherly smile that told you that everything was going to be okay. The same smile that she had offered him every time they had had to be sociable, or attend a party with her parents or do something that was nothing like the world that he was brought up in. “I would argue that what you did as a teenager was more reckless than adventurous anyway” she teased.

That was often the case, that the thought of attending was worse than the event itself. “I told you it wouldn’t be so bad” she gently squeezed his hand with hers. “And that you’d look more conspicuous if you didn’t wear a costume. Our community loves an excuse to celebrate.” If she could recall correctly, she and her fellow student leaders held an event of their own during seventh year. “Nevertheless, I am and will always be proud and grateful of you for being by my side.” Freddie was her world, her rock, the man that gave her the family that she had always longed for and 38 years later was STILL as devoted as ever.

“It’s not too much is it?” she asked, dusting a speck off of her dress. “I didn’t want to go completely overboard, not at my age anyway.” Had she been younger you would bet that she would be wearing a full dress and cape and matching accessories. She looked around at the surrounding area and picked out a spot closer to the edge of the grassy paddock to set up their picnic rug, letting go of Freddie’s hand briefly to waft her finger, unfurl the blanket and gently settle it down onto the ground. “This’ll do.”
This event was proving to be a far more relaxing affair than some of the parties Fred had to attend with the in-laws. It had been nearly forty since he and Trixie tied the knot, yet he still felt out of place and like an imposter among the rich, pureblood side of the family. “Put it this way.. if I'd never met you, I'd never have come here today.” Rock solid facts there. Had Fred not come to magic in his mid teens, had he rejected it like he really REALLY wanted to, he would never have crossed paths with someone like Trixie. Life would be the polar opposite to how it turned out. Reckless? H'oh yes. “Hm.. There's a fine line, I guess.” You got the same adrenaline rush doing a misdemeanour something reckless as you did going sky diving..

The squeeze of the hand brought about a soft smile. “The thing is, a lot of the magical community dress like this anyway.” He mused, looking around at the costumed people. But he approved of the look on his wife who didn't ordinarily dress that way. Let's face it, Trixie would have looked good in a potato sack. Was that what it was? A community? That was strangely endearing and heart warming. It was nice to be a part of something secret and special. “I'll always be at your side.” He said simply, Even at those awful Malfoy gatherings.

He looked Trixie over as she dusted herself off. “Your age? Angel, you've aged like fine wine. Trust me, you look beautiful.” Letting go of Trixie's hand, he watched her prepare their picnic area. How many years and it still slipped his mind that he could use magic to take shortcuts. It came of living and working in the muggle world, he supposed. It also grated on his sons, the twins, that he didn't use it freely without thinking.

“Perfect.” Setting his tea down, he took a seat on the blanket and reached out for Trixie's hand to help her down, the Hogwarts choir serenading them in the background. “You mustn't let me hold you back from joining in any of the games. We can do whatever you want.” Because how many chances would there be for them to do this ever again? Grumpy, set in his ways he may be, but that didn't mean Trixie shouldn't enjoy herself. And today, Freddie Broadmoor was in a good mood.
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Old 06-14-2024, 08:01 PM   #12 (permalink)

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Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

x12 x6
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Text Cut: And so the essays begin..
Originally Posted by noodles View Post
This event was proving to be a far more relaxing affair than some of the parties Fred had to attend with the in-laws. It had been nearly forty since he and Trixie tied the knot, yet he still felt out of place and like an imposter among the rich, pureblood side of the family. “Put it this way.. if I'd never met you, I'd never have come here today.” Rock solid facts there. Had Fred not come to magic in his mid teens, had he rejected it like he really REALLY wanted to, he would never have crossed paths with someone like Trixie. Life would be the polar opposite to how it turned out. Reckless? H'oh yes. “Hm.. There's a fine line, I guess.” You got the same adrenaline rush doing a misdemeanour something reckless as you did going sky diving..

The squeeze of the hand brought about a soft smile. “The thing is, a lot of the magical community dress like this anyway.” He mused, looking around at the costumed people. But he approved of the look on his wife who didn't ordinarily dress that way. Let's face it, Trixie would have looked good in a potato sack. Was that what it was? A community? That was strangely endearing and heart warming. It was nice to be a part of something secret and special. “I'll always be at your side.” He said simply, Even at those awful Malfoy gatherings.

He looked Trixie over as she dusted herself off. “Your age? Angel, you've aged like fine wine. Trust me, you look beautiful.” Letting go of Trixie's hand, he watched her prepare their picnic area. How many years and it still slipped his mind that he could use magic to take shortcuts. It came of living and working in the muggle world, he supposed. It also grated on his sons, the twins, that he didn't use it freely without thinking.

“Perfect.” Setting his tea down, he took a seat on the blanket and reached out for Trixie's hand to help her down, the Hogwarts choir serenading them in the background. “You mustn't let me hold you back from joining in any of the games. We can do whatever you want.” Because how many chances would there be for them to do this ever again? Grumpy, set in his ways he may be, but that didn't mean Trixie shouldn't enjoy herself. And today, Freddie Broadmoor was in a good mood.

The relaxed atmosphere compared to her parent’s frivolities was likely due to the formality of any event that the couple held. Poor Freddie had to buy a whole wardrobe of three piece suits just to keep up with the occasions. Now that her parents were far older, the parties had lessened and life was much quieter for the family. “Well aren’t you glad you did then?” Her smile was somewhat playful in its nature. “Imagine a life without your wife. There would have been no one to bail you out from all the recklessness you’d have gotten yourself into.” And she might have still been that self-centered, slightly stuck up little girl she once was.

That statement might have rang true decades ago but she had found that as the years had progressed, the magical community’s fashion choices had improved too. Sure there were the odd few who had evidently never seen a muggle magazine or watched a programme set within that decade but generally it was getting better. “Even my grandparents didn’t dress like they belong in King Arthur’s Court” she laughed. “But I understand what you mean, there are a few eccentric fellows who’d stand out like a sore thumb walking down Oxford Street.” Maybe if she hadn't married Fred, she herself would have been far more insular too. She’d have probably never been to Oxford Street for a start, or visited some of the beautiful resorts they’d holidayed to, or captured every milestone her five children had made on a beautiful old muggle camera and made into a scrapbook.

Freddie always knew what to say to make a woman feel better about themselves. It wasn’t even like Trixie was the type to self-pity or wallow in the dreaded inevitability that was aging but if she did, she was sure that he would boost her ego with all his might. His words were always so sincere too, like they came from his heart and not read off of a script. “You must look in a mirror, my love. The years have worked more in your favour than you’d think possible.” Freddie had always been model like, high cheekbones and long limbs and beautiful pale eyes but maturity had graced his features to turn him even more handsomely than before. “I’m trying to think of another analogy but maturing like a cheese doesn’t quite have the same ring to it” she chuckled. Trixie wasn’t quite such an accomplished smooth talker. She accepted her husband’s hand and gracefully sat on the blanket, stretching her legs out before her.

The former Head Girl’s intentions for visiting the festival weren’t primarily so that she could partake in any of the games. As a much younger woman, especially in school and against a certain Slytherin Captain, she would’ve been first in line. She’d always been competitive, in quidditch, at horse riding, even in her first job she had risen through the ranks in quick succession but that streak had calmed perhaps as a result of motherhood. She’d feel guilty competing against a child or even a young adult and winning with her obvious advantage. “No, that's quite alright. I think I’d rather enjoy the entertainment. I also didn’t dress appropriately for frolicking down a hill or playing a game of tug’o’war.” She wiggled her toes from within their high-heeled boot prison as if to prove her point. “Did anything tickle your fancy though?” She wouldn’t be opposed to watching Freddie get his competitiveness on for once.
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Old 06-15-2024, 02:49 AM   #13 (permalink)
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SPOILER!!: reeeub
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
When Bronwen had mentioned how happy she was that he wore the hat, Reuben's grin has only widened. Though he'd been sure to tell her that Brian was probably jealous he'd brought it with him, and not left it for the golden retriever puppy to chew on. It bore a slight mark from that situation - which had only occurred because Reuben had forced the dog to wear the cap for a series of photos to share with Bronwen - but when he was wearing it, it wasn't noticeable. Which was good, because he didn't want her to think he didn't look after it! He did! Sharing it with Brian was looking after it!


Reuben was thoughtful for a moment - okay, a second, before he shrugged in response to her question. "Maybe the barrel roll, or tug-of-war. I'm not too good at the summoning charm," he said without shame. It was what it was, after all, and he'd never pretended otherwise. He was repeating fifth year for a reason, one that had a bit to do with his natural aptitude and a lot to do with his willingness to practice and study.

Bronwen's breathy laugh did something to Reuben that had his stomach flipping all sorts of ways. It was one of the reasons he was nodding before she'd even finished her question, offering his hand to her. "I'd love to."

It was a chance to show off his ~mooooooves. Which, he would like to point out, he inherited from his dance-teaching mother. That was to say, he wasn't a bad dancer. He had a great deal of natural rhythm, he was particularly coordinated (from football), and he always had fun. So, not a bad dancer. But also not a great one. Though, if you asked him, what did it matter if they were having fun?

She also thought he looked really good with the hat on, but that was neither here nor there because she wasn't supposed to think about him in that way.

Ahem. AnYwAy, indeed.

"Me neither," she admitted without pause. She was also repeating fifth year and though she was a touch embarrassed still, Reuben was the one person she didn't feel ashamed in front of. They were kind of in it together, y'know? It helped. It was comfortable with him and he made her feel smart. "Barrel roll sounds fun! We should try that one for sure." Honestly, she'd be up for trying everything. There wasn't really anything holding her back. Except that summoning charm, maybe.

"I was hoping you'd say that," Bon beamed as she took his hand and pulled him closer towards the music. Bon may not have had a dance teacher as a mother, but she had a wrockstar as one and where there were wrockstars, there was music. Constantly. It coursed through her blood, existed within her bones, it was everything and she moved freely.

"You're a great dancer!" Her smile took up her whooole face as she swayed gracefully. Was she surprised? Honestly? Kind of! He was, like, the jock type. She hadn't expected he'd be so good at keeping in rhythm.

Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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Old 06-15-2024, 06:33 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Harold "Hops" Lagerty

Old Harold Laggerty had worked in Hogsmeade since the mid 2050’s and had therefore become the sort of honorary head shopkeeper for the village. Quiet and thoughtful, the type to keep to himself but whose late night conversations with his patrons had provided sagely advice and fatherly comfort to all who stepped through the Three Broomsticks door and who, in his humble opinion, cooked the meanest Shepherd’s Pie.

The weekend’s festivities provided Hops with an excuse to step out from behind the bar he so loved and mingle amongst the guests and visitors. He’d told himself it was to check whether everything was proceeding as smoothly as he hoped it was but there was an inkling of selfish intent as he desperately wanted to taste the infamous Cranachan he’d heard so much about.

With the pot of pudding in one hand and a smear of cream on his gray stubble, the proprietor strolled around the picnic area nodding to the guests politely as he passed until he reached Helga’s cup. “Oh Merlin, I’m not so adventurous these days.” he spoke out loud to whoever was nearby and listening, scratching at his chin in thought and considering whether he should give the challenge a go. He’d barely left the tavern in recent years, adventurous wasn’t exactly present in his vocabulary any more.
Hand you another drink, drink if you can. Can you spend a little time.
Time is slipping away, away from us so stay.

Stay with me I can make, make you glad you came.
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Old 06-17-2024, 09:44 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space.

SPOILER!!: bonnieeee
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
She also thought he looked really good with the hat on, but that was neither here nor there because she wasn't supposed to think about him in that way.

Ahem. AnYwAy, indeed.

"Me neither," she admitted without pause. She was also repeating fifth year and though she was a touch embarrassed still, Reuben was the one person she didn't feel ashamed in front of. They were kind of in it together, y'know? It helped. It was comfortable with him and he made her feel smart. "Barrel roll sounds fun! We should try that one for sure." Honestly, she'd be up for trying everything. There wasn't really anything holding her back. Except that summoning charm, maybe.

"I was hoping you'd say that," Bon beamed as she took his hand and pulled him closer towards the music. Bon may not have had a dance teacher as a mother, but she had a wrockstar as one and where there were wrockstars, there was music. Constantly. It coursed through her blood, existed within her bones, it was everything and she moved freely.

"You're a great dancer!" Her smile took up her whooole face as she swayed gracefully. Was she surprised? Honestly? Kind of! He was, like, the jock type. She hadn't expected he'd be so good at keeping in rhythm.

A brief moment of surprise crossed his face when Bronwen mentioned she wasn't too good at the summoning charm, either. Of course, Reuben knew that they were in the same boat - resitting fifth year together was about the only good thing to come of his rubbish OWL results, after all. But he was still surprised whenever she revealed something she wasn't great at, because in his eyes Bronwen was pretty perfect. He bit his lip before he insited that she was probably better than him, though, because he had noticed that such affirmations could make people feel awkward, or that they would think he was trying to compete. See, he was LEARNING. "Maybe we should practice together sometime, then," he said instead, though the last time they'd tried to study together had ended up with... well, with no studying happening at all.

"Sweet, we can definitely head over there later, then," Reuben agreed, briefly glancing over to the barrel roll location. When they eventually got there and he realised it was more spellwork and NOT him rolling down the hill in a barrel he would be sorely disappointed, but for now he was happily oblivious.

This time, however, he was definitely batting the compliment back. "I'm not bad, but I don't hold a candle to you," he said, lifting their arms up so she could spin underneath. Because, truly, she just made him (and everyone else, he assumed) want to stop and watch. She was magic.

⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽

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Old 06-18-2024, 01:48 AM   #16 (permalink)

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Florence Schultz
Fourth Year

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Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia

Even if he hadn't been part of the Hogwarts drama club, Ezra still would've been excited to dress up for this event. And excited about the event itself too, of course. It was so cool to see how different Hogsmeade looked, and all the games looked awesome. And the food? It all smelled absolutely delicious, especially when he was so hungry.

Thus, the food stalls had been one of his first stops. He couldn't enjoy playing the games on an empty stomach, y'know?

Luckily this event was happening after his birthday, so he could use magic to charm his plate of fish and chips float alongside him while he carried his butterbeer and a platter of cookies each in one hand. He'd been tempted to try a few of the other desserts, but managed to resist by reminding himself he could come back later for more. Even if most of the games depended on spellwork, he still didn't want to be too full and unable to enjoy them.

He selected a spot over on the side where he also had an okay view of the nearby summoner's court and the caber toss across the river, and he sat down carefully on the blanket so as not to spill his drink. Once he had set the cookies and butterbeer down, he grabbed his fish and chips and ended the charm. Perfect.

Picking up a chip to munch on, Ezra alternated between trying to watch one of the games, listening to whatever music was being played by the choir, and keeping an eye out for any of his friends wandering nearby. Maybe he'd share his cookies if someone stopped by before he ate them all.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________

together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
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Old 06-19-2024, 11:31 PM   #17 (permalink)

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elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿

Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
Even if he hadn't been part of the Hogwarts drama club, Ezra still would've been excited to dress up for this event. And excited about the event itself too, of course. It was so cool to see how different Hogsmeade looked, and all the games looked awesome. And the food? It all smelled absolutely delicious, especially when he was so hungry.

Thus, the food stalls had been one of his first stops. He couldn't enjoy playing the games on an empty stomach, y'know?

Luckily this event was happening after his birthday, so he could use magic to charm his plate of fish and chips float alongside him while he carried his butterbeer and a platter of cookies each in one hand. He'd been tempted to try a few of the other desserts, but managed to resist by reminding himself he could come back later for more. Even if most of the games depended on spellwork, he still didn't want to be too full and unable to enjoy them.

He selected a spot over on the side where he also had an okay view of the nearby summoner's court and the caber toss across the river, and he sat down carefully on the blanket so as not to spill his drink. Once he had set the cookies and butterbeer down, he grabbed his fish and chips and ended the charm. Perfect.

Picking up a chip to munch on, Ezra alternated between trying to watch one of the games, listening to whatever music was being played by the choir, and keeping an eye out for any of his friends wandering nearby. Maybe he'd share his cookies if someone stopped by before he ate them all.

A lover of the arts, Ev obviously had to check out the Woodcroft Games. There was just something so incredibly amusing charming about grown adults dressed up in ancient fashion trends while trying to win children's games. Maybe she'd even get to witness an adult-sized meltdown if there were any poor losers in the bunch. Here's hoping.

She was sure lots of the current Hogwarts population was in attendance today, too. No one had asked her to come with them to this thing, which had been mildly disappointing and a blow to her ego, but she'd never shied away from showing up on her own and so the fifth year wandered through the picnic area, a cup of fresh fruit in hand. Surely she could find someone whose day would be brightened by her presence.

oh, look! There was such a someone now!

"Ezra, hey." The brunette waved, approaching his blanket. "Think there's enough room for two on that? It looks comfy." Plus she had fruit and she was willing to share.

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Old 06-20-2024, 03:34 AM   #18 (permalink)
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Laini Gracae-Ryans
Second Year
x10 x1
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo

SPOILER!!: reuuuubby
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
A brief moment of surprise crossed his face when Bronwen mentioned she wasn't too good at the summoning charm, either. Of course, Reuben knew that they were in the same boat - resitting fifth year together was about the only good thing to come of his rubbish OWL results, after all. But he was still surprised whenever she revealed something she wasn't great at, because in his eyes Bronwen was pretty perfect. He bit his lip before he insited that she was probably better than him, though, because he had noticed that such affirmations could make people feel awkward, or that they would think he was trying to compete. See, he was LEARNING. "Maybe we should practice together sometime, then," he said instead, though the last time they'd tried to study together had ended up with... well, with no studying happening at all.

"Sweet, we can definitely head over there later, then," Reuben agreed, briefly glancing over to the barrel roll location. When they eventually got there and he realised it was more spellwork and NOT him rolling down the hill in a barrel he would be sorely disappointed, but for now he was happily oblivious.

This time, however, he was definitely batting the compliment back. "I'm not bad, but I don't hold a candle to you," he said, lifting their arms up so she could spin underneath. Because, truly, she just made him (and everyone else, he assumed) want to stop and watch. She was magic.

It was true that the last time they had tried to study together, it hadn't gone entirely as planned. But Bronwen would be remiss to say she didn't have the best time. It was weird, in a way. She had learned nothing about charms or potions or transfiguration that day, but she did learn a lot about Reuben, and that was quite nice actually. So when he suggested they try practicing the summoning charm together sometime, Bon smiled, "Yeah?" She was clearly delighted by the idea. "I'd love that actually." Even if they didn't ever get to practicing it. She wouldn't mind that either.

"It's a date," she winked, so pleased with herself for being so clever. See? She could be clever too, it wasn't just a trait reserved for Cyprien. Though, she wouldn't feel very clever once she learned what the barrel roll actually was ... but for now, she was happily oblivious too.

Because weirdly? Like ~sooooooo weirdly. She was having so much fun with Reuben just like this. Like, she wouldn't be mad if they never got to playing any of the games. In fact, she was having the absolute time of her life, swaying and spinning and laughing with him. As she twirled beneath his arms, she found herself blushing in response to his sweet words. "Reuben." asdfgjkl. He always said the kindest things. "Do you say that to every girl?" There was a second question too, but that one she chose not to voice.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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Old 06-20-2024, 03:29 PM   #19 (permalink)

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Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post

A lover of the arts, Ev obviously had to check out the Woodcroft Games. There was just something so incredibly amusing charming about grown adults dressed up in ancient fashion trends while trying to win children's games. Maybe she'd even get to witness an adult-sized meltdown if there were any poor losers in the bunch. Here's hoping.

She was sure lots of the current Hogwarts population was in attendance today, too. No one had asked her to come with them to this thing, which had been mildly disappointing and a blow to her ego, but she'd never shied away from showing up on her own and so the fifth year wandered through the picnic area, a cup of fresh fruit in hand. Surely she could find someone whose day would be brightened by her presence.

oh, look! There was such a someone now!

"Ezra, hey." The brunette waved, approaching his blanket. "Think there's enough room for two on that? It looks comfy." Plus she had fruit and she was willing to share.

He wasn't sure how long he had sat there - eating good food and people watching did help pass the time. And it was fun to see all the different costumes people were wearing. So it didn't seem like very long at all before he spotted Everleigh walking his way, and looking pretty as always. Ezra's face broke into a grin and he waved with his non-chip-holding hand.

"Hey! Yeah, I think there might be just enough," he said, a little teasing glint in his eyes. There was definitely more than enough room. Could probably fit at least three or four people in total, or so it appeared to him. And even if there wasn't, Everleigh was a good friend, so he would have made room. "I've got a lot of cookies if you want some." Y'know, as an added bonus for joining him. He might've gone a bit overboard with the number of cookies, getting a couple of each flavor, but they looked and smelled so good! How was he supposed to resist?
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________

together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
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Old 06-20-2024, 11:05 PM   #20 (permalink)

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Everleigh Evans
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Luca Benetti

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elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿

Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
He wasn't sure how long he had sat there - eating good food and people watching did help pass the time. And it was fun to see all the different costumes people were wearing. So it didn't seem like very long at all before he spotted Everleigh walking his way, and looking pretty as always. Ezra's face broke into a grin and he waved with his non-chip-holding hand.

"Hey! Yeah, I think there might be just enough," he said, a little teasing glint in his eyes. There was definitely more than enough room. Could probably fit at least three or four people in total, or so it appeared to him. And even if there wasn't, Everleigh was a good friend, so he would have made room. "I've got a lot of cookies if you want some." Y'know, as an added bonus for joining him. He might've gone a bit overboard with the number of cookies, getting a couple of each flavor, but they looked and smelled so good! How was he supposed to resist?

”You sure know the way to a girl’s heart, Ez.” The sixteen year old settled on the blanket beside her companion, fixing her dress so it was draped just so over her legs. She nudged her fruit cup towards him, gesturing to it with her head. ”While we’re sharing, help yourself to some of that. The blueberries are delightful.” Also, they were her favorite. No stealing them all like he’d stolen the cookies, please.

”So, are you going to try your hand at any of the games, you think?” Ev gave Ezra her full attention after procuring a cookie from his collection and taking a dainty bite. ”Mmm. Okay. These are great.” But back to what she’d been saying before. ”You look like the athletic type. Bet you could show lots of the alumni up, no problem.” Maybe she’d even cheer for him if he let her steal enough cookies. The extra sugar would surely add a little pep to her step.
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Old 06-21-2024, 09:27 PM   #21 (permalink)
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SPOILER!!: bronny
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
It was true that the last time they had tried to study together, it hadn't gone entirely as planned. But Bronwen would be remiss to say she didn't have the best time. It was weird, in a way. She had learned nothing about charms or potions or transfiguration that day, but she did learn a lot about Reuben, and that was quite nice actually. So when he suggested they try practicing the summoning charm together sometime, Bon smiled, "Yeah?" She was clearly delighted by the idea. "I'd love that actually." Even if they didn't ever get to practicing it. She wouldn't mind that either.

"It's a date," she winked, so pleased with herself for being so clever. See? She could be clever too, it wasn't just a trait reserved for Cyprien. Though, she wouldn't feel very clever once she learned what the barrel roll actually was ... but for now, she was happily oblivious too.

Because weirdly? Like ~sooooooo weirdly. She was having so much fun with Reuben just like this. Like, she wouldn't be mad if they never got to playing any of the games. In fact, she was having the absolute time of her life, swaying and spinning and laughing with him. As she twirled beneath his arms, she found herself blushing in response to his sweet words. "Reuben." asdfgjkl. He always said the kindest things. "Do you say that to every girl?" There was a second question too, but that one she chose not to voice.

When Bronwen agreed, Reubens already wide grin stretched wider. It almost looked comical, but he didn't realise that. "Perfect, I was hoping you'd say that," he managed through that smile. Actually, her response had been beyond what he'd hoped - hence the stupid grin, but he'd hold onto the enthusiasm anyway. She'd love to.

If he were the type to swoon, he'd be doin' it right then.

And if they didn't actually get any better at their summoning charms? Well, he was pretty sure that their study session would be time well spent.

Reuben couldn't help but chuckle lightly. "Does that mean we have two dates in one day?" he couldn't help but ask. "Not that I'd be complaining, of course." He'd be happy to squeeze as many dates into one day as he could. As many dates with her, of course! Because whilst he was dating other people, right here, right now, he's focus was wholly taken up by Bronwen Grimaldi. Which, given he didn't have a lot of brain power to focus, wasn't necessarily as great as he thought it was.

She had the prettiest blush, Reuben thought, wondering if she knew. Surely she did, though - girls who looked like she did were aware of it, he was sure. "I can honestly say I have never said that to a girl- to anyone before." It was the truth, too! The candle thing, specifically, anyway. Compliments generally? Well, it was hard not to compliment the people of Hogwarts, of course.

⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽

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Old 06-22-2024, 03:18 AM   #22 (permalink)

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Text Cut: Everleigh!
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post

”You sure know the way to a girl’s heart, Ez.” The sixteen year old settled on the blanket beside her companion, fixing her dress so it was draped just so over her legs. She nudged her fruit cup towards him, gesturing to it with her head. ”While we’re sharing, help yourself to some of that. The blueberries are delightful.” Also, they were her favorite. No stealing them all like he’d stolen the cookies, please.

”So, are you going to try your hand at any of the games, you think?” Ev gave Ezra her full attention after procuring a cookie from his collection and taking a dainty bite. ”Mmm. Okay. These are great.” But back to what she’d been saying before. ”You look like the athletic type. Bet you could show lots of the alumni up, no problem.” Maybe she’d even cheer for him if he let her steal enough cookies. The extra sugar would surely add a little pep to her step.

"It's a gift." Actually, Ezra wished that were true. Half the time he felt like he didn't know what he was doing. Or, well, a majority of the time was probably more precise. "Thanks! They do look great," he agreed before grabbing a blueberry and popping it into his mouth. Mmm. Yep, Everleigh was right, it was pretty good. Another win for the event.

Grabbing another chip next, he nodded. "Yeah, figured I'd check them out after this. What about you?" He hadn't decided which one he would try first though. They all sounded fun, but of course he had to start somewhere. Maybe he'd see which one Everleigh felt more drawn to, and they could try it together. He smiled when she agreed that the cookies were good, and then his grin grew even more at her compliment. "You think so?" He did try to keep in shape, at least for the most part - but it was sorta hard not to, considering all the stairs in the castle, not to mention the extensive grounds.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________

together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
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Old 06-24-2024, 09:10 PM   #23 (permalink)

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SPOILER!!: Cutie!
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post

"It's a gift." Actually, Ezra wished that were true. Half the time he felt like he didn't know what he was doing. Or, well, a majority of the time was probably more precise. "Thanks! They do look great," he agreed before grabbing a blueberry and popping it into his mouth. Mmm. Yep, Everleigh was right, it was pretty good. Another win for the event.

Grabbing another chip next, he nodded. "Yeah, figured I'd check them out after this. What about you?" He hadn't decided which one he would try first though. They all sounded fun, but of course he had to start somewhere. Maybe he'd see which one Everleigh felt more drawn to, and they could try it together. He smiled when she agreed that the cookies were good, and then his grin grew even more at her compliment. "You think so?" He did try to keep in shape, at least for the most part - but it was sorta hard not to, considering all the stairs in the castle, not to mention the extensive grounds.

"Not sure I'm a games person. Well, at least not these types of games." She paused for a moment and then added. "Though, I suppose I could be convinced to join you. I pick up on things quickly and I've been known to be a good partner from time to time." Because as much of an independent woman as she was, not having to wander around by her lonesome all afternoon was looking kind of nice. She offered Ez a smile in response to his question, nodding eagerly. "Well, yeah. You've seen yourself in the mirror. Come on, you're plenty athletic." She appreciated that about him, did he know?

What she didn't appreciate was the way her heart seemed to plummet into her stomach when she'd been oh so casually glancing around, taking in the sights with a content smile on her face, and spotted the two familiar faces dancing off in the distance. It wasn't even like she cared or anything. Like, whatever, maybe they were on a date. It was fine. People dated all the time. She dated. A lot. Yeah, it was fine.

...It didn't really feel fine, though.

Everleigh scooted a bit so her back was to the unpleasant scene (which was actually adorable, which made the whole thing worse) and blurted out, "So you should take me on a date sometime." ...Because yeah, that was obviously the best way to make her feel better.
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Old 06-25-2024, 02:37 AM   #24 (permalink)
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SPOILER!!: reuuub !
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
When Bronwen agreed, Reubens already wide grin stretched wider. It almost looked comical, but he didn't realise that. "Perfect, I was hoping you'd say that," he managed through that smile. Actually, her response had been beyond what he'd hoped - hence the stupid grin, but he'd hold onto the enthusiasm anyway. She'd love to.

If he were the type to swoon, he'd be doin' it right then.

And if they didn't actually get any better at their summoning charms? Well, he was pretty sure that their study session would be time well spent.

Reuben couldn't help but chuckle lightly. "Does that mean we have two dates in one day?" he couldn't help but ask. "Not that I'd be complaining, of course." He'd be happy to squeeze as many dates into one day as he could. As many dates with her, of course! Because whilst he was dating other people, right here, right now, he's focus was wholly taken up by Bronwen Grimaldi. Which, given he didn't have a lot of brain power to focus, wasn't necessarily as great as he thought it was.

She had the prettiest blush, Reuben thought, wondering if she knew. Surely she did, though - girls who looked like she did were aware of it, he was sure. "I can honestly say I have never said that to a girl- to anyone before." It was the truth, too! The candle thing, specifically, anyway. Compliments generally? Well, it was hard not to compliment the people of Hogwarts, of course.

Admittedly, he did look kind of funny smiling like that, but it was also sweet. Really sweet. Bronwen was so sure that she hadn't ever made someone smile that hard before. She hadn't known herself capable. So the sight of Reuben's overly large smile made her own smile grow wider too. "Maybe it was some weird telepathy or something," she replied. If magic existed then surely telepathy did too.

And as far as two dates in one day? She smiled harder still. "If you're keen." Two dates in one day was a whole new record for her - though, to be fair, one date in one day had been the previous record holder and that had only been as of today anyway. Huge day for Bon and dating, it seemed. But yeah. If future dates were like this one, she wouldn't mind squeezing two or more into a single day.

"So I'm special?" she deduced with a bright smile. If he hadn't ever said that to anyone before then surely that's what it meant. In any case, he sure had her feeling special. Though, she also wasn't aware of just how many other girls he was dating and, if she were to know, maybe that'd have her feeling a little less special.
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Old 06-27-2024, 12:03 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

There were a lot of things not on his BINGO card and a return to Hogsmeade for fun certainly was on it. Atlas had been fairly positive that the moment he had boarded the Hogwarts Express, gold glitter still clinging to his trousers from signing the Memory Book the night before, from Hogsmeade Station to head back to London and he had bid it and the silhouette of Hogwarts castle against the morning sky adieu with a cursory glance had been his last...or at least his last for a decade or so. It almost felt TOO soon to be back here and yet here he was. Or they were.

There had been several times since their arrival by floo that he had wanted to point out to Freddie that he really did not need to keep ahold of his hand like that - Atlas wasn't going to go running off nor get lost - but the warm sunshine or whatever had him feeling more amicable and agreeable to such gestures in such a setting. "You know you're always hun---" Atlas found his gentle jab cut short by Freddie's golden retriever level excitability which brought about an involuntary but incredibly sincere chuckle and smile from the Gryffindor alumnus. "It does...if you squint at it and ignore the fact that it is clearly made from a flimsier alloy," he noted with a critical eye and rub of his nose with the palm of his hand - sweet solstice did he miss his tinkering monocle right now so he could inspect it more intimately. "You going to pick it up?"

Although the gentle jab was cut short, Freddie did hear enough to chuckle while dragging his roommate along for the ride. Where he stopped, nobody knew. But they could easily predict where he would stop. As he focused more on the shiniest over the facts, "Hmm, you always have a keen eye for these things. I like that." He grinned at Atlas. The magical gleam could be seen for a moment at the next question.

"You think it'll let me?" Freddie asked. "I feel like it'll give me a nice zap. But maybe you want to see me swept off my feet for once?" His teeth fully showing. "I'll do it." Reaching his hand out to pick up the cup. He wasn't sure what the slight tingly sensation that followed was from. His excitement? The spell of the replica working its magic? Him being nervous? Or it was just an illusion. But what wasn't an illusion was the sight of liquid filling as soon as he grasped the cup.


Before he could feel any bad reaction, the liquid disappeared with his fingers off the handle. The cup remained in place, but now it was a voucher inside. "Cool... a free drink." He read it. "So, what do you want? My treat."


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