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Go Back > Forums > SnitchSeeker RPG > SnitchSeeker RPG Archives > Hogwarts Archive > Headmaster Wilber Winterbottom's Reign > Term 67: May - August 2024 > Woodcroft Games

Woodcroft Games Come celebrate the 1200 year anniversary of the founding of Hogsmeade Village by Hengist of Woodcroft! Experience what it was like in 914 as the Hogsmeade shopkeepers take one and all back in time and even try your hand at some of the 'Hogsmeade Highland Games'

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Old 05-26-2024, 06:33 AM
Harold Lagerty Harold Lagerty is offline
Default Food & Drink Stalls

Located behind Ceridwyn’s Cauldrons and adjacent to the picnic area sits a line of stalls offering a wide variety of food and drinks. From savory snacks to scrumptious sweets, there’s something to satisfy every appetite.

The first stall in the row offers savory fare, courtesy of The Three Broomsticks and The Hog’s Head. The middle one features sweet treats provided by Honeydukes and Madam Puddifoot’s, and the third serves refreshing beverages. In honor of Hogsmeade’s 1200th anniversary, the menu features traditional Scottish options exclusive to the Woodcroft games event. Do you dare to try something new or stay true to your old favorites?

The food stalls are manned by Hogsmeade’s own Sapphira Puddifoot. Dressed in a festive medieval dress, she calls to the passers-by, “Who’s hungry? Step right up, and have your fill! Savory meals, delicious sweets, and refreshing beverages served here! Why not try one of our Woodcroft Games exclusive options?

SPOILER!!: Menu options

provided by Three Broomsticks & Hog's Head

  • Finger Sandwich Platter (choice of 3 for a small platter or 6 for a large platter; can be toasted upon request)
    bacon butty, club, roast beef, ham, turkey, cheese, cucumber
  • Shepard's pie
  • Fish and Chips
  • Coleslaw cup
  • Scotch Egg
  • Scotch Pie (vegetarian option available)
  • Cullen Skink

provided by Honeydukes & Puddifoot's

  • Cream Teas
  • Treacle Tart
  • Victoria Sponge Cake
  • Chelsea Bun
  • Carrot Cake
  • Seasonal fresh fruit cup
  • Assorted Cookies
    chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, pumpkin, shortbread, sugar
  • Assorted Wizarding sweets
    Chocolate Frogs, Fizzing Whizbees, Jelly Slugs, Licorice Wands, Sugar Quills, Pepper Imps
  • Cranachan
  • Scottish Tablet
    milk chocolate, walnut, maple, peanut butter and jellyfish, Irish cream and caramel, pumpkin pasty*

provided by Hog's Head, Puddifoot's, & Three Broomsticks

  • Butterbeer
  • Pumpkin Juice
  • Tea (hot or cold; cream and sugar available upon request)
    herbal teas, green teas, black teas, rooibos teas
  • Coffee (hot or iced; cream and sugar available upon request)
  • Whipkull
  • Irn-Bru
    original, raspberry ripple, dropkick tropical, wild berry slush, spiced pumpkin*, bodacious blackcurrant*
    * indicates Woodcroft Games exclusive

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Old 07-15-2024, 05:10 AM   #26 (permalink)

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Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Text Cut: the guy who needs to stop being so charming because it is REALLY starting to get ANNOYING
Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post

Do you know what else was exasperating? This back and forth of misconstruing each other's words which in his opinion was completely unnecessary. He likely would’ve been the first to back down had it gone on any longer but then Mavis accepted that he was right (in so many words) and a fleeting smugness flashed across his face before disapparating. “Thank you?” he questioned, attempting to deduce if that was meant to be some kind of backhanded compliment.

Chester’s fondness for kids, a direct result of having close family members who worked with them, was evident in the crooked smile he offered young Andrea. “Charmed to meet you” he leant forward in a slightly dramatic bow to the kid removing the hat once again from his curls. If she wanted ‘princely’ he could offer that in multitudes, although he preferred a roguish hero if given the option.

See? Wasn’t this much more enjoyable? A conversation without suspicious looks and unwarranted accusations. It didn’t take much for Chester to lower his own guard, he was plenty of an open book already. He was assured it was a familial thing, his sisters were equally as extroverted as he was. It wasn’t a misunderstanding that he hadn’t taken his leave, it was sheer stubbornness and the desire to crack whatever shield spell she had placed upon herself that had led him to ignore any social cues and stand his ground. “Are you doubting my sleight of hand?” He smirked. A wise choice, Chester was anything but subtle.

Her playful tone and that sassy little hip bump brought a genuine smile to the former Gryffindor’s face. “Unfortunately I don’t have kitchen privileges or else I would’ve been helping myself before they even made it out here” He chuckled. “I can’t tell you whether any of these are cherry flavoured so you’re just gonna have to lucky-dip it.” Chester meanwhile was not so fussy and any would do. “Maybe I could’ve got a press lanyard or something though. Should’ve brought my camera and blended in, might’ve got extra privileges.” He had purposefully chosen not to work for any publication in particular, he didn’t want his creativeness and composition to be restricted by a typecast or expectation. It often meant more work for himself to assimilate and build his portfolio but it was worth it. He did not have the important ‘connections’ that some people had.

You know what that 'thank you' of his wanted to make her due? Argue more. Find more convoluted ways in which to pick apart his biased logic and exhaust herself further in their battle of wits. And yes, pin a rose on your nose for figuring out her backhanded compliment. His participation trophy would be arriving by owl in the next two to three business days.

Of course her daughter was delighted and giggly by his praise (who DIDN'T like it?) and tugged on Mavis' skirt to get her mum to crouch down just enough so the little girl could whisper something into her ear. Something that had Mavis' glancing over at him as her cheeks pinkened and lips pinched. "I don't see the resemblance at all," she huffed as she stood so quickly she felt dizzy and almost wanted to sit down - leaning against the table behind her would do instead of dirtying her dress. The Mini Mavis certainly did not seem to agree with her mum's assessment but only grumbled her discontent by eating some more pastry.

Take THAT for an unwanted accusation!

"And JUST when I was starting to like you, you cast the shadow of doubt upon yourself. Tsk tsk," she mocked with a casual flip of her blonde curls (she had spent a LOT of effort on styling her hair, for the record). Maybe she wouldn't eat it NOW simply out of spite and hold on to it until later to eat it in the quiet of her parents' home while she cried into her cup of tea and felt sorry for herself. Just this time she could do it with something delicious to nibble on and overthink the comparison made by her daughter before possibly burning the damn book ... or at very least tearing the pages. "Does the name Chester come from an association with the Cheshire Cat?" she questioned rhetorically while picking off some small bits from her bun. "ChesTire Cat, that should be your name." Yes, still stuck on his smirk and grin and all his rubbish.

BUT...did he just say preeeeeeeeess? Mavis licked her fingers clean before speaking and quickly realized that it may be difficult resisting not eating all of this right now. She was...starving, apparently. "So you're a reporter...or photographer...or something?"

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 07-15-2024, 11:44 PM   #27 (permalink)

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x12 x6
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

The more that Mavis would argue with him, the longer he would stand his ground. It wasn’t even like he was arguing back but there was a strange thrill to being on the receiving end to such sass. A participation trophy would be appreciated, he’d place it next to his endurance plaque from putting up with the accusations.

Miniature Mavis didn’t appear to be as mistrusting as her mum but was doing a great job at whispering secrets. He settled the hat gently on the top of Andrea’s head before his brow arched questioningly. “Resemblance to who?” his eyes flicked between the pair, judging who would crack first.

If she thought that she could get away with the blatant admission that she was warming to him then she had another thing coming. “Is that how I gain your admiration then? By buying you pastries?” The corner of his mouth twitched into a playfully crooked smile as he watched her fluff her perfectly styled curls. “Because I have a whole stack of these things from that cup over there and I came here very much alone.” he waved the vouchers in his hand. Subtly wasn’t his strong point, the Sorting Hat hadn’t even considered any house other than Gryffindor for a reason.

Usually his name came with questions about whether he grew up in the city of Chester, never as an association with a fictional cat. “I’m pretty certain it means fortress” Or something like that anyway, hence why it was used as a suffix to so many place names. “I’d say it’s because my parents liked the city but I don’t think they’ve ever visited.” And this was likely not the response she was anticipating from what he assumed was supposed to be a jibe at him. “But I can guarantee that if they were big fans of literature from centuries ago, my sister would be called Alice and not Allison.” On second thoughts they were remarkably similar. “And Tessa would be what? Tweedle?” he chuckled. Why she was so caught up on the fact he liked smiling, he did not know. “If it makes you feel better, you can call me whatever you like.” Within reason anyway. Chestire was relatively inoffensive in the long list of names he could be called.

He was about to make a comment about the pastry being tainted by a love potion as she licked her fingers clean when she changed the subject of conversation to his chosen profession. “I’m a photographer, yes. Freelance though, you won’t find my work on the cover of Witch Weekly.” Or whatever other publication was popular with the crowds. He enjoyed photographing a pretty subject of course but he didn’t appreciate being told to capture the same poses over and over again. Maybe if the money was persuasive his opinion might change temporarily, rent was expensive.
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Old 07-18-2024, 05:52 PM   #28 (permalink)

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Default Jude! <3
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

Good, good. Oh, Davet, seriously? He was another sweetie too. Of course she would never say anything to hurt Davet. Merlin knew she wasn't that way. As for letting her win an argument about being Jude’s number, it was okay if he didn't. Keigh was a big girl now and could handle the let down of knowing that she wasn't always top tier anymore.

Keighley smiled brightly. ”No one's more perfect. Well Olivia matches up perfectly but that's not the point here, is it?” She giggled sweetly. No one made her happier. Jude knew the feeling, since he was married and all, didn't he? Of course he did! The way he lit up when Davet was around. ”I love Livvy and I love Charlie.” All she needed was the two of them. True it had been difficult but it was more than worth it.

Her brother was the greatest. Keigh nodded her head in agreement as another bite of the scotch egg was taken and enjoyed. She could happily eat these all day!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Bread!
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Old 07-19-2024, 07:20 AM   #29 (permalink)

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Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Text Cut: ChesTire Cat, because I won't be letting go of that moment of wit for a long while!
Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
The more that Mavis would argue with him, the longer he would stand his ground. It wasn’t even like he was arguing back but there was a strange thrill to being on the receiving end to such sass. A participation trophy would be appreciated, he’d place it next to his endurance plaque from putting up with the accusations.

Miniature Mavis didn’t appear to be as mistrusting as her mum but was doing a great job at whispering secrets. He settled the hat gently on the top of Andrea’s head before his brow arched questioningly. “Resemblance to who?” his eyes flicked between the pair, judging who would crack first.

If she thought that she could get away with the blatant admission that she was warming to him then she had another thing coming. “Is that how I gain your admiration then? By buying you pastries?” The corner of his mouth twitched into a playfully crooked smile as he watched her fluff her perfectly styled curls. “Because I have a whole stack of these things from that cup over there and I came here very much alone.” he waved the vouchers in his hand. Subtly wasn’t his strong point, the Sorting Hat hadn’t even considered any house other than Gryffindor for a reason.

Usually his name came with questions about whether he grew up in the city of Chester, never as an association with a fictional cat. “I’m pretty certain it means fortress” Or something like that anyway, hence why it was used as a suffix to so many place names. “I’d say it’s because my parents liked the city but I don’t think they’ve ever visited.” And this was likely not the response she was anticipating from what he assumed was supposed to be a jibe at him. “But I can guarantee that if they were big fans of literature from centuries ago, my sister would be called Alice and not Allison.” On second thoughts they were remarkably similar. “And Tessa would be what? Tweedle?” he chuckled. Why she was so caught up on the fact he liked smiling, he did not know. “If it makes you feel better, you can call me whatever you like.” Within reason anyway. Chestire was relatively inoffensive in the long list of names he could be called.

He was about to make a comment about the pastry being tainted by a love potion as she licked her fingers clean when she changed the subject of conversation to his chosen profession. “I’m a photographer, yes. Freelance though, you won’t find my work on the cover of Witch Weekly.” Or whatever other publication was popular with the crowds. He enjoyed photographing a pretty subject of course but he didn’t appreciate being told to capture the same poses over and over again. Maybe if the money was persuasive his opinion might change temporarily, rent was expensive.

Maybe Mavis should have insisted mum come along today as a performer as well because then she could have at least passed her darling daughter off to her grandmother and close all these doors Andrea was innocently and unknowingly opening. "No one you need concern yourself about," she huff and redirected her daughter towards some random performer nearby creating balloon animals. Yes, small mouthy daughter, go take a gander over there and indulge yourself in another freebee.

Picking at her fingernails while Andrea skipped off, Mavis felt a little leap and flip in her stomach as Chester continue with his brick to the head ways. "So you are trying to gain my favor and admiration then?" she questioned, one brow arched and arms folding across her chest, index finger now tapping on her elbow. "It hasn't always been easy to tell seeing as how suspicious you have been behaving." Words of affirmation were kind of her jam so it did bode somewhat well for him that he was as subtle as a dragon in tea shop.

Frankly, the speculation about names in his family was sounding a lot like blah blah blah blah blah blah BLAH in the moment. Especially as her subconscious meandered around the point of him smiling so much and why it bothered her to such a degree. It didn't take too long to piece together why and it made her stomach churn in the completely opposite way it had earlier - the unpleasant kind. Recalling someone who she had done a mighty FINE job of pretending was dead for the past however long now so she would stop crying every other second of every day and could actually enjoy her favorite musical again was NOT how she wanted to spend the current moment let alone the rest of the afternoon - she she wouldn't be entertaining the thoughts any further. Nope. "Anything?" she cooed with a little step towards him, but Andrea still very much in her peripheral vision. "How about...annoying?" Yes, she was now leaning in and up on the tiptoes towards him and there was batting of the eyelashes aplenty and pearly white galore accompanying this statement - sometimes being a brat was her way of being affectionate.

And it was kind of nice to learn that he had parents, who he didn't scorn, and a sister. Perhaps she would spin back around to ask about that later...or perhaps not.

She was, however, very interested in his choice of career and the timing of their meeting. Sure she was not without options but it was just so much nicer when opportunities fell into your lap and you didn't need to extend yourself to get things going. Silver platter? Yes, thank you. "You ever take headshots for any aspiring actresses looking for a new set of them to extend her portfolio? Or...maybe be interested in such a thing?"

How was Andrea? Well, she currently had her arms full with balloon animals and was waiting on another addition to her collection.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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