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Old 09-29-2022, 02:10 AM
FearlessLeader19 FearlessLeader19 is offline
quill Lucky: The Story of Reagan & Christopher

Christopher and Reagan happened to have briefly saw each other they were quite younger. However, she does not remember this and thought that the first time she met her older brother's friend was during Koen's wedding. Christopher and Reagan, much like her own parents, did not get off on the right foot with their first interaction.


Christopher Michael Carter (Kolyander)
Reagan Aurora Anders (FearlessLeader19)

SPOILER!!: List of Scenes

Scenes 1 and 2 were completed prior to the cyber attack on Snitchseeker. Unfortunately, they could not be found on the internet's archives. Scene one comprised of the two meeting at Koen's wedding while scene 2 comprised of them meeting for a second time during the summer of 2108 at one of Reagan's play auditions.
Scene 3: The summer play of 2108 has now come to an end and the cast had a meet & greet with the audience.
Scene 4: Meeting at the bakery - Summer of 2109
Scene 5: An Important Realisation - Summer of 2110
Scene 6: A Date In the Park - Spring of 2113
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Old 02-28-2024, 10:45 PM   #126 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Third Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Reagan smiled widely. “Me? An angel like me? No one would ever believe you if you told them I made the comparison first.” There was an innocent look on her face. “They’ll just think it’s something you concocted in that head of yours.” Merlin! Rea revelled in teasing Christopher! And she liked the fact that she made him laugh. “Then I must point out that you need to give them some exercise to make them as strong and healthy as you. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Of course there were times he enjoyed her dramatics. Who wouldn’t? No one could resist the charms of Reagan!

“Perfect! I’ll be ready by then!” Her heart was happy. So, SO happy! “Well, I guess I’d better get going. Gotta get back home. Thanks for helping me out today.”
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

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Old 03-01-2024, 05:27 PM   #127 (permalink)

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Third Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

"An angel? And just whom are you trying to kid?" Christopher laughed again, this time playfully rolling his eyes at her. "Forever trying to get me into trouble is what you're trying to do." Clearly her word would be taken over his, depending on who it was they were trying to convince. Truthfully, some of his own family might even take her side simply to mess with him! "Hmm, perhaps but I think they've had a long enough day dealing with all of your antics that they need a long break to recharge." Now it was his turn to grin at her all innocent-like. Yeah, Reagan, he could play this game too.

Conceited much? Joking. Has gotten used to how she is and if anyone needed to know, he could handle it. Thank you all very much.

Nod nod. "Sounds good then. Two it is." If they had to change anything about the time or whatever they had enough time to do that. "It was no problem. Thanks for helping pick out stuff for all the kids." He knew they were all going to like the new quills.
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Old 03-06-2024, 10:34 PM   #128 (permalink)
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Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Third Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

“Oh, no one. I already know I’m an angel, and everyone who meets me knows it too.” Reagan stuck her nose in the air a little smugly. It amused her as she watched him roll his eyes; it was clear he wasn’t making fun of her so she wasn’t mad at him. “Ahh, you’ve found me out, Christopher!” It was in this moment that the young woman understood how much she enjoyed toying with the man before her. He was quite a sport for putting up with her silliness. “Ugh! How rude!” Reagan retorted between small rounds of laughter. “On contraire, I’m sure your brain cells like me.”

Not conceited at all; Reagan just knew her truth. Oh, he was certain, was he? Well, there would be plenty of opportunities for him to prove that!

Reagan’s heart was singing! She could hardly wait for Saturday to come around! She also could not wait to tell Keighley and Jude about this development. Rea smiled warmly at Christopher. “You’re welcome too but it wasn’t any problem at all.” It really hadn’t been. “See you then!’’ She gave him a goodbye poke in the arm before turning on the spot and Disapparating.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 03-09-2024, 03:55 PM   #129 (permalink)

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Third Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

"An angel whose halo is held up by her devil horns perhaps," Christopher teased, grinning at her. No, this was simply him having a little fun with her now that she was allowing it and actually joking back with him. He might be older than her by a few years but that didn't mean he didn't have a sense of humor at all. "Indeed I have.. or maybe I've known all along and I allowed myself to put up with your shenanigans." Yes, he was getting rather used to her silliness. In fact, he somewhat liked it at times. "Is that so?" he was laughing along with her now. "And how can you be so sure about that?"

Yup, and once he was certain about something.. that was that. He was up for the challenge!

Christopher returned the smile. "See you then." With a nod of his head in confirmed agreement, he watched her leave. Moments later Disapparating on the spot to his own apartment.
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Old 03-13-2024, 12:08 AM   #130 (permalink)
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Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Third Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Scene 6:
April 2113 - It was about two years Reagan and Christopher have been dating. Despite their busy schedules that revolved around family, work and WADA, they still made time for each other.

Christopher Michael Carter (Kolyander)
Reagan Aurora Anders (FearlessLeader19)

Saturdays happened to be when they both were free for the most part. This meant that they got to have an extended time for a date or two. Since it was a bright and clear day, Rea had suggested the visit St. James Park for a picnic and a couple of ball games. It was a perfect date idea if you asked her, and Rea, with one arm currently linked through one of Christopher's was admiring the day and the birds as they flew overhead. In her other hand, she clutched at the picnic basket with all the goodies. Sure, she could have let the boyfriend carry it but she was an independent little lady. Such a task did not bother her.

"A game of volleyball before we eat?" Rea asked, tearing her gaze away from the sky to draw it to Christopher instead. Her appetite hadn't gotten huge as yet and she dearly wanted to do something active right away; there was such time for them both to throw back and relax afterwards.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 03-13-2024, 02:34 PM   #131 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Third Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

Weekends were by far the best days for the two of them to spend their days together. Saturdays generally were the day that they both had free time and were able to plan ahead without fear of something coming up. Today the girlfriend wanted them to have a relaxing date at the park. A little picnic while they enjoyed their surroundings. It was something he could definitely agree to without much complaining at all. Christopher didn't even complain about her carrying the picnic basket on the account that it could make him look like a terrible boyfriend, he knew how she was with such things!

Now the moment they had arrived, Chris had every intention of finding the perfect spot for them to settle down and set out their picnic blanket. Instead, he was met with that. The man turned his gaze onto her and loudly groaned with all the fake dramatics that he could muster up on the spot. "Already? But we only just got here. Don't you at least want to sit down for a few minutes?" He was clearly doing this just because it was something they always did to one another. Playfully annoying her was how he showed he cared and how he reminded her of days past.
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Old 03-22-2024, 12:37 AM   #132 (permalink)
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Third Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Reagan was grateful for Christopher understanding that she liked to maintain her independence. No matter how much he took care of her, she would always need to do some things for herself no matter how small. But she should have known that he wanted to throw back the moment they got there. That groan made her narrow her eyes dangerously {mockingly} at him; yes, Rea knew the boyfriend was being dramatic. He probably picked up a few tips from her. He was welcome.

The little lady rolled her eyes. “Christopher, if you’re tired from the short walk we just did, just let me know.” Holding back a laugh, she cast a scrutinising eye around in an attempt to find a good spot. “I’ll consider… just so that you can rest your old bones.” Now Rea really did laugh before pointing towards a vacant spot under a large tree. “How about we set up there? It’s quite shady.” Not to mention cozy and romantic.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 03-22-2024, 03:22 PM   #133 (permalink)

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She was so very welcome. Chris knew how it was with girls and their independence. Having an older sister taught him many things and that was one of them. Yes, she should've known but it was okay that she hadn't. He would allow it to slide, this time. As for those narrowed eyes aimed directly at him.. he was going to ignore that. As for his dramatics, why yes, he had learned some of this from her. It was great, wasn't it?

"Well, you do know that I'm no spring chicken any more," Christopher joked, clearly referring to how she always teased him about being old. See? There she went with the jokes. "That would be great. These old bones could use a good shady spot to settle down." He nodded in agreement with her chosen spot. Picnicking beneath trees was always the best idea, keeping out of the sun while they ate was much more comfortable in his opinion.
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Old 04-05-2024, 12:15 AM   #134 (permalink)
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Third Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Clearly Christopher didn’t know most women. Then again, his family comprised of independent ladies like herself. But the regular, lazy type wanted to be given everything. Reagan just couldn’t see why many women would want to be like that. Sure, it was nice to be pampered by one’s significant other, but all the time? It was much more satisfying doing certain things for one’s self. Look at Christopher being all smart by ignoring her narrowed gaze even if she was playing. He made her chuckle to herself. And just he wait! There was plenty more dramatic techniques for her to teach him!

“That I do know,’’ Rea responded in mock graveness. “It must not be easy being you.” She set the basket down and fished out the large, comfortable patchwork quilt. “I reckon your aching muscles would at least let you help me spread this?” Grinning impishly, Rea tossed two ends of the quilt at him before directing it to the ground, directly under the tree. Only then did she sit back on her knees and began unpacking their huge spread.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 04-05-2024, 05:18 PM   #135 (permalink)

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That he did. Both his mum and his old sister were very independent. He was pretty sure his grandmum's were as well and all the young ladies in his life that he knew. Now, he didn't mind spoiling Reagan whenever she allowed it which wasn't often but enough for him to really show he cared. Was she sure that she wanted to teach him more ways to be just like her? Dramatic.

"Not at all. This is why I really should take more regular breaks," Christopher commented, trying to keep a straight face once again. Luckily for them both and the sake of the clean blanket, he did catch the ends of it when it was tossed his way. "I suppose that I can manage this very small task before I collapse down onto it for a nap." A playfully cheeky grin spread across his face as he helped Rea lower the blanket down onto the grass beneath the tree they had chosen to settle down under. He lowered himself down onto the blanket beside her to have a seat. "Need any help with that?" Before this old man couldn't manage anything else.
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Old 04-11-2024, 11:48 PM   #136 (permalink)
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Third Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Reagan was still having trouble allowing someone who wasn’t her parents or siblings spoil and take care of her. It couldn’t be helped because she had programmed herself to be as independent as she possibly could. Still, she really did appreciate the fact that Christopher didn’t take this to heart. And she always was trying to adjust to his nature of wanting to spoil her! Oh yes, Rea was so sure that she wanted to give him some more lessons on how to be overly dramatic!

The young woman could see that her boyfriend wanted to laugh but she played right along by being serious as well. “It’s a good thing I have your interests at heart, Christopher. I’m going to ensure you take regular moments of rest.” Considerate, wasn’t she? Especially since Christopher had so nimbly helped with the blanket. “You can set things out on the quilt,’’ Rea remarked, handing him containers filled with the delicious spread. “Not the churros though! They’re all mine.” Grinning, she briefly hugged the transparent container containing her favourite snack.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 04-20-2024, 12:18 AM   #137 (permalink)

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This was why he didn't do so often but when he did, he really did. Spoiling Rea was something that he enjoyed but knowing that she wasn't fond of it, Christopher respected that. His goal was to make her happy, always. Well if that's what she really wanted to do, Chris would take all the lessons from her on how to be overly dramatic about every single thing.

If she wasn't going to laugh, neither was he. This was turning into a fun little game they were playing. "I always knew that I could count on you." Such a sweetheart she was, looking out for his well-being all of the time. "That's easy enough, it shouldn't sap all of my energy doing that." Now was when he finally laughed, reaching out to take a container from her and set it down on the blanket. "It's always about the churros, isn't it?" He knew of her love of the treat but he still liked to tease her about it at times.
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Old 05-01-2024, 12:32 AM   #138 (permalink)
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x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Rea would like to put it out there that Christopher was doing marvellously when it came to keeping her happy. She knew for sure that her parents, especially her dad, would not find anything to complain about now since they saw that Christopher added to her happiness. Not to mention he was immensely supportive of her career-wise and he put up with her dramatics. Rea honestly could not have asked for a better boyfriend.

Then they were just going to have to keep on waiting to see who would laugh first! Thank goodness she inherited her dad’s stubbornness! It certainly came in handy for situations such as these! “Well, I assumed as much. I mean, you aren’t just dating me because I’m cute and I’m about to be very famous.” Since Reagan cared very deeply for her giant, she’d always have his best interests at heart. And she knew it! Rea knew he would be the first to laugh that sweet laugh of his! “See? This isn’t much different from your regular everyday routine then. It’s nice that we can keep it up even when we’re out and about.’’ She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear to put her grin on full display. Rea continued with her task of handing Christopher their food. Until she came to the very last container which held her beloved churros. “Always,’’ came her happy reply as she flopped down close to her boyfriend. “If you’re extra nice, I just might feed you a bit.’’
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Old 05-01-2024, 03:50 PM   #139 (permalink)

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He really did his best. Christopher felt that was what he was meant to do, make her happy anyway that he could, whenever he could (within reason of course!). She had her career all planned out long before she knew she wanted to be with him, so who was he to try to stand in her way? Plus, Rea was great at what she does. Neither of them would be happy if he had tried to stand in her way.

Aaww, how cute. Thinking she could be more stubborn than him. "Nope, I need someone to look after me when I'm old and frail." Clearly he was joking as she was THAT much younger than he was and he was extremely healthy and in great shape. Yeah, yeah, it wasn't his fault she was adorable and made him laugh first! "What's that meant to mean? I don't do much?" Don't worry, he was still only teasing! Chris grinned when she looked his way, if only she knew how beautiful she really is. Each container that she handed to him was laid out across the blanket , lined up perfectly within reach for whenever they were ready to eat. "Hmm, let me guess.. the churros are from Cassie's bakery?" His sister did make the best churrios around.
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Old 05-09-2024, 01:04 AM   #140 (permalink)
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x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Such an understanding and supportive boyfriend Christopher was! Anyone was lucky to have him. Which was the reason why Reagan had been living with the slight fear that one day an ex of his would turn up with the hope of dating him again. Rea was not stupid. She had watched enough movies to know that such things happened. That ex would realise what she had let slip through her fingers and And if it happened to her… well, she wasn’t certain what she would do.

Pffft. They had been dating a while now. How was it that Christopher hadn’t yet gotten it drilled into his brain that Rea was more stubborn? “Cassie’ll have to do. It makes sense, yeah? She’s got loads of experience dealing with clingy, needy humans.” Ahh, the young woman loved teasing Christopher! Yes, she was adorable! He was quite welcome that she had agreed to be his girlfriend so all this adorableness would be in his everyday life! “Don’t you know it,’’ Rea replied angelically, and followed it up with a giggle. Now, she leaned into Christopher’s side. “Yep! I swear her churros are my weakness.” The churro container was popped open. “Hm… would it be wise to start our little feast with a dessert?”
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Old 05-09-2024, 02:56 PM   #141 (permalink)

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It was true. He was. Reagan was welcome. Christopher would always support her not only in her career path but in whatever she chose to do in life. If he knew about this mild fear of her those, he would've tried to do more to assure her that this thought of hers.. most definitely would never happen. Not only was she the best thing to have happened to him in a long long time but she's also the first one he's been in a relationship with in ages. Didn't she know that he had been waiting all these years for her?

So? They could be together for decades and Chris would still think that he could be just as stubborn as her, if he tried. "Cassie? Do you even know what you'd be subjecting me to a life of if that had to happen?" he laughed. Honestly nothing at all as bad as he may have made it sound in that moment. Cass was fantastic in looking after those in her care. Rea was very adorable indeed and he knew how lucky he was, thank you. She was welcome to continue to find him daily though. An arm was slung affectionately around her shoulders when she leaned into his side. "Nearly everything she bakes is a weakness of mine." How he didn't eat himself sick all of the time was a complete mystery. "No one's here to tell us that we can't." That was the great thing about being an adult, they could decide if they wanted dessert before the rest of their meal or not.
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Old 05-21-2024, 01:43 AM   #142 (permalink)
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x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Just as she would support him! Because Reagan loved Christopher and he deserved all the best things. Which was why it wasn’t fair to burden him with her intrusive thoughts. They were silly and she knew it but his reassurance would have gone a long way. Perhaps someday, when the thoughts got too loud and overbearing, she would let him know. For now, they were at bay and all was well. She DID know that! They had both actually been waiting for each other all this time.

Ooh, being together for decades! Rea would absolutely love to hear that! “I do,’’ she replied happily. “She’s going to take good care of you.” She might have been joking earlier but she meant it very much when she said that Cassie would be able to take care of Christopher. Cassie was a caregiver like that. Also, he was right: Reagan was indeed adorable! Perhaps the most adorable!

It was so soothing and comforting having his arm around her shoulders. “At what age did she start baking?” There was still so much that Rea did not know about her boyfriend’s huge family. “Good point.” Grinning up at him, Rea presented Chris with a churro. “You’re lucky that I love you so I’m willing to let you have a nibble.”
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Old 05-21-2024, 09:36 PM   #143 (permalink)

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Having her support meant a great deal to him. As did her feelings which is why if she felt a certain way, it was alright for her to talk to him about it. Whenever she was ready, he would be right here. Yes, they had! All the years he had been alone, it was because he had been waiting for her.

If that's how it worked out. Decades was a long time to be together. Hopefully she grow tired of him by then. "So that's how it's going to be then? You'll just pawn me off on my sister when I get too old for you?" Christopher joked right back. As much as he loves his sister, she already had enough on her plate.

"Uhhh, she used to bake with our mum growing up but really, baking wasn't her dream. Gymnastics was. I'm not even really sure why she made the switch but she's fantastic at what she does." Cassie had been an amazing gymnast too. "Why thank you. It should make you happy to know that I love you too." With a smile and playful wink at her he took a bite of the offered churros that was being held in front of his face. Mmm, so good!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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Old 05-29-2024, 11:16 PM   #144 (permalink)
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Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Third Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Clearly they were both important to the other. Rea knew that she could talk to Christopher about anything but she didn’t want to annoy him with her silly little insecurities. Not now at least. Excuse him? He wanted her to get tired of him? If this was something said out loud, Reagan would stand with her hands on her hips and give him her meanest glare. “Yes,’’ came the cheerful reply. “That’s exactly my plan, sweet Christopher! Being the princess that I am, I definitely would not want to bother myself with such a chore.” Indeed this young woman was still joking; why in the world would she ever abandon Christopher in his times of need? She had seen her parents make their relationship work throughout whatever challenges came the family’s way and she intended to do the same for her relationship.

There was a nod from her, having remembered being told that Cas has been really into gymnastics. “Baking was her true calling. Well, I for one am happy that she made the switch.” Maybe she was being a little selfish. “I do know but I should remind you that you really haven’t got a choice but to love me.” Here she was being all cheeky again.

“There’s a movie I want to audition for,’’ Rea began, wanting to discuss something that she really needed to talk to him about. “A rom-com so… there will be kissing involved…” This wasn't something that they had discussed, but Christopher knew what he signed up for when he began dating her. It wasn't as though her kisses with her costars would mean anything, anyway.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 05-31-2024, 08:23 PM   #145 (permalink)

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Third Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

One could only hope that everyone else around them noticed how important they were to one another too. She could never annoy him if it were something that was troubling her. Easy now, little one, he was only kidding. If the say came where she ever got tired of him, it would be a very sad day for him indeed. A small laugh slipped past his lips. "Of course not, Princess. How could I ever expect you to stoop so low as to take care of me." He would be keeping this in mind whenever she needed him for something.

"It would appear so." The switch had turned out to be a fantastic one for his sister. It just seemed very sudden at the time. "Oh, I don't?" Christopher arched a brow at her, his own tone becoming rather cheeky as a small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.

A movie? He nodded his head slightly to show she had his attention and was considering all that was being said to him. She knew that he always supported her in whatever she wanted to do. Including this rom-com. "Mm' I see. Well you be comfortable with that?" Yes, he was come concerned about her first.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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Old 06-17-2024, 01:22 AM   #146 (permalink)
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Third Year

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~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Christopher need not worry. By now, he had definitely shown her father how much she meant. Not only Connor Anders but also Mama Anders, the other three Anders’ siblings and her extended family. Reagan was certain that his own family had noticed as well. Their friends too. Everyone would have as a matter of fact! So naturally since Rea held Christopher in such high regard, then there wasn’t any way she would be tired of him. Of course she was also kidding about taking care of him; Rea hoped he remembered that! In reply, she simply grinned and nudged at him.

“You don’t,’’ the young woman confirmed just as cheekily. It was always such fun for her to be all tough and sassy with the boyfriend! She simply couldn’t resist! Sorry, not sorry, Christopher!

Reagan tilted her head up at him. “That’s a question I wanted to ask you, Sir.” A finger was prodded at his sturdy chest. “It’s only acting on my end but I’m not looking to make you jealous.” There was no need for her to do such a thing when Christopher made her feel seen and loved. “I’m hoping to send in my audition later this evening. I’ve already got the lines memorised and everything.”
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 06-26-2024, 03:26 PM   #147 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bryony Rose Paton (#FF69B4)
Third Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

Was she sure about that? Because he could really pour it on much more thickly in how deep his affections ran for her should everyone not already know. Rea need not worry, he knew she was only kidding. Just like she, he too always made sure that everyone knew all about her and he couldn't praise her more if he tried.

"And just why is that?" Christopher asked, head tilted slightly to the side in a questioning manner as he eyed the girlfriend curiously, trying not to let it show just how amused he was by all her antics.

A small chuckle slipped past his lips as that finger poked his chest. "You're a marvelous actress and I know better than to think it's anything less than that." He knew where they both stood in their relationship and he knew he had no reason to be jealous of what may happen on stage or in a show. "You go right ahead and send in that audition and get the part." Needless to say he had all the faith in the world in her.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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Old 07-03-2024, 12:34 AM   #148 (permalink)
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Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Third Year

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~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

If he wanted to show his affection for her to others, then who was Rea to stop him? Christopher had already done such a wonderful job of convincing her father and showing everyone she was important to him that it really left no doubt on others that Christopher was very much in love with her. Reagan reached for a bottle of water to wash down her churros. “Because, dear boyfriend,’’ she began after taking a drink. “I don’t see any of your exes being able to keep you interested in them.” Regan was quite a fascinating young woman if she did say so herself.

The fact that she knew where they stood in their relationship was exactly why Reagan had chosen to check with Christopher first. She respected him too much to just jump into auditioning and potentially taking up a role that would have kissing scenes. She smiled warmly at him now. “I love you,’’ she said simply, putting her gratitude behind the words all the same. “I appreciate you being so supportive of me. Something tells me I’ll get the part!” His confidence in her was a big help.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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