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Go Back > Forums > SnitchSeeker RPG > SnitchSeeker RPG Archives > Hogwarts Archive > Headmaster Wilber Winterbottom's Reign > Term 67: May - August 2024 > Woodcroft Games

Woodcroft Games Come celebrate the 1200 year anniversary of the founding of Hogsmeade Village by Hengist of Woodcroft! Experience what it was like in 914 as the Hogsmeade shopkeepers take one and all back in time and even try your hand at some of the 'Hogsmeade Highland Games'

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2024, 06:33 AM
Harold Lagerty Harold Lagerty is offline
Default Tug-o-War

Just opposite of Hogsmeade’s Cemetery and what would be deemed an exceptional place to view the Woodcroft Parade that was to come later, sits a grassy area. This particular area is where the coveted Tug-o-War will be taking place. Manned by Scrivenshaft’s Tony Killingworth and his favourite feline companion, Goose. Mr. Killingworth is dressed in a magnificent glittery medieval outfit that screamed Hufflepuff. He may be a Gryffindor at heart but today, Hengist of Woodcroft will be celebrated in all his glory. Even little Goose has donned a matching outfit to partake in the festivities.

"Step right up! Come participate in a round or two of a riveting display of strength!" Tony announced loudly, his enthusiastic voice magically magnified. Goose too threw in a few encouraging mews while pausing to allow members of the growing crowd.

Tony cleared his throat. "You may take part in one-on-one games, or two groups of two - so four in total. Magic is allowed. However, this version requires that you make use of the Seize and Pull Charm ONLY. Your task is to use the Charm with your partner - if you are playing as a team - to pull the other team over this gorgeously bold multicoloured line." Tony paused dramatically to indicate to the line that was a mix of neon colours. No one could ever miss that one. "The first person - or team - to drag the other across this adorable white line on the ground will be declared triumphant. Goose - " Tony gestured to the cat bumping its head on a random person's ankle. "And I will be around to ensure everything goes smoothly."

  • Games can be facilitated in two formats:
    1. One on one
    2. Teams of two (two characters one each end of the rope)
  • The Seize and Pull Charm MUST be used on the rope. The team that pulls their opponent over the line declared the winner.
  • You don't have to wait until a group finishes with the rope; simply assume that its your group's turn.
  • Tony and Goose will be around for interactions but you the RPers are free to determine the outcome of the games.
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Old 06-16-2024, 07:55 PM   #2 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Apollonia Fergersnout

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Sixth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

x12 x6
Default Kimmy/Yukie <3
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

This was not the type of festival that Fynley would ordinarily be seen in. It wasn’t that he considered the event beneath him, it just wasn’t his style of music nor did he enjoy the concept of dressing up. What he did enjoy was a touch of friendly competition, a fun new sport to partake in and the opportunity to see people he might not have seen in the past year. There was also the added bonus that Joseph was going too although he’d separated from his company as the other had gone to find his siblings before they regrouped later.

His choice of attire had been rather casual compared to some of the efforts his fellow guests had chosen. He’d acquired the shirt and arm guards from some fancy dress store in muggle London and the sweatpants and Timberland boots were from his own wardrobe. The only thing he had searched for was a replica drum which had been slung casually by the leather strap over his shoulder and which was beating softly with every step he made. The matching drumsticks were tucked into the holster alongside his rarely used wand.

The former Slytherin had instead found his way over to the tug-o-war, hoping to show off the Keeper strength only to be dejected by the realisation that it was a magical rendition and he would have to hone into the magical skills he had worryingly forgotten since graduation. With the combination of his job teaching drums at Atticus’ and as a Quidditch coach at Synergy Quidditch Camp, Fynley hadn’t needed to use magic much beyond flying and the odd task in his and Joseph’s flat.

Not one to give up easily however and because he was too stubborn to walk away before he had even tried, the nineteen year old waited around by the activity hoping for someone he knew to walk by. He was sure he had seen a few familiar faces around earlier, if not he would grab one of the Schultz’s later.
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Old 06-16-2024, 10:39 PM   #3 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Molly Wyndham #cf4269
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Solomon Duck
Seventh Year

x5 x2
Default Kathhhhhhh<3
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl

The general attire for this event reminded Solomon of the dreaded time his friends forced him to dress as Peter Pan at school, hence why he had avoided the colour green today in his outfit. He had noticed that green was a favoured colour among others so far, though. People had really gone overboard with the theme, in his opinion, or he was just underdressed with a simple poncho-type thing over a plain white shirt and some extremely thin and flowy trousers.

TOO flowy. He hated the breeze he could feel on his legs.

Solomon would’ve skipped this altogether but he stupidly asked Sage… out? No, more to just hang out. It was mostly weird because the pair didn’t often arrange to hang out, more so just ended up in each others company. Gravitated towards one another. Anyway, he felt NERVOUS. But that was likely due to the pending embarrassment he’d feel when Sage saw his ridiculous outfit.

They had arranged to meet at the Tug-O-War area for obvious reasons. What better way to avoid any awkwardness than to beat her in such a game? Solly idled uncomfortably as he waited for her, his foot resting upon a large rock.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________

_________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
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Old 06-17-2024, 05:00 AM   #4 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Second Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nikita Vitvinina-Grahn
Fifth Year
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up

Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
This was not the type of festival that Fynley would ordinarily be seen in. It wasn’t that he considered the event beneath him, it just wasn’t his style of music nor did he enjoy the concept of dressing up. What he did enjoy was a touch of friendly competition, a fun new sport to partake in and the opportunity to see people he might not have seen in the past year. There was also the added bonus that Joseph was going too although he’d separated from his company as the other had gone to find his siblings before they regrouped later.

His choice of attire had been rather casual compared to some of the efforts his fellow guests had chosen. He’d acquired the shirt and arm guards from some fancy dress store in muggle London and the sweatpants and Timberland boots were from his own wardrobe. The only thing he had searched for was a replica drum which had been slung casually by the leather strap over his shoulder and which was beating softly with every step he made. The matching drumsticks were tucked into the holster alongside his rarely used wand.

The former Slytherin had instead found his way over to the tug-o-war, hoping to show off the Keeper strength only to be dejected by the realisation that it was a magical rendition and he would have to hone into the magical skills he had worryingly forgotten since graduation. With the combination of his job teaching drums at Atticus’ and as a Quidditch coach at Synergy Quidditch Camp, Fynley hadn’t needed to use magic much beyond flying and the odd task in his and Joseph’s flat.

Not one to give up easily however and because he was too stubborn to walk away before he had even tried, the nineteen year old waited around by the activity hoping for someone he knew to walk by. He was sure he had seen a few familiar faces around earlier, if not he would grab one of the Schultz’s later.
Honestly, what a cute opportunity to dress up! That had been one of the motivations for Yukie to decide whether she wanted to grace the Woodcroft Games with her presence, while she had the time in her crazy time table. University was truly a different level of hard work and, while the Babiest Rasting was surprisingly good at keeping up with her responsibilities, it wasn't unheard of when university students just ceased to show themselves to the public during certain periods of the term calendar. Luckily, she had managed to fit a visit right into her schedule for today, having managed to finish most of her homework the night before.

Yukie had also hoped to bump into some familiar faces during the event — maybe a former classmate or a current student that she was friends with. She' only graduated last year, so she was certain it wouldn't be such a difficult task. Like so, when she recognised a certain Fynley Ellis. And he was all dressed up?! She almost couldn't believe her eyes! Almost. We definitely didn't forget about you, Halloween Bat!Fyn.

Making her way to her former classmate as quietly as she can, Yukie had a cheeky grin on her face when she tapped on Fyn's right shoulder, only to move herself to his left so he wouldn't catch her right away. "Don't you look dashing!" The former Hufflepuff wiggled her brows at her friend. "Hi, there. Haven't seen you in forever!" An exaggeration, of course, but it felt like it. She went from seeing her school friends everyday to nearly not at all! Yukie missed that thing about Hogwarts, if she were to be honest.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________

___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...

Last edited by Kimothy; 06-17-2024 at 06:33 AM.
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Old 06-17-2024, 10:55 AM   #5 (permalink)

Alley Proprietor
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Apollonia Fergersnout

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Sixth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

x12 x6
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Text Cut: Yukes
Originally Posted by Kimothy View Post
Honestly, what a cute opportunity to dress up! That had been one of the motivations for Yukie to decide whether she wanted to grace the Woodcroft Games with her presence, while she had the time in her crazy time table. University was truly a different level of hard work and, while the Babiest Rasting was surprisingly good at keeping up with her responsibilities, it wasn't unheard of when university students just ceased to show themselves to the public during certain periods of the term calendar. Luckily, she had managed to fit a visit right into her schedule for today, having managed to finish most of her homework the night before.

Yukie had also hoped to bump into some familiar faces during the event — maybe a former classmate or a current student that she was friends with. She' only graduated last year, so she was certain it wouldn't be such a difficult task. Like so, when she recognised a certain Fynley Ellis. And he was all dressed up?! She almost couldn't believe her eyes! Almost. We definitely didn't forget about you, Halloween Bat!Fyn.

Making her way to her former classmate as quietly as she can, Yukie had a cheeky grin on her face when she tapped on Fyn's right shoulder, only to move herself to his left so he wouldn't catch her right away. "Don't you look dashing!" The former Hufflepuff wiggled her brows at her friend. "Hi, there. Haven't seen you in forever!" An exaggeration, of course, but it felt like it. She went from seeing her school friends everyday to nearly not at all! Yukie missed that thing about Hogwarts, if she were to be honest.

Ah, the oldest trick in the book. Fynley should’ve known better and yet when his shoulder was tapped he turned over the wrong shoulder still. Upon seeing no one was there, his eyes rolled playfully and he switched to the other side to see Yukie dressed in all her finest. “Dashing? How formal” he smirked before pulling his fellow graduate in for a one armed hug not particularly caring for the fact he might crease her dress in the process. It was necessary, okay?

As for not seeing each other in ‘forever’, he’d argue that was largely on the part of his friends who had decided to proceed with their studies. Personally he thought the idea of being kept in education was torturous, the second he was able to give up that life he did. “Well you all decided to move on without me, didn’t you?” he teased, nudging her shoulder with his own. He hadn’t socialised with many others at all to be honest which was quite a negative for such an extrovert. It was lucky he enjoyed the company of his boyfriend so much then but even they could be like passing ships in the night in between both holding down jobs and Joseph attending university.

Back to the matter at hand however, they were currently facing a touch of friendly competition. “I wouldn’t want to show you up so.. fancy joining me in a tug of war against someone else?” The comment was all in jest, Yukie was more likely to be the one to show him up being the more magically competent one.
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Old 06-17-2024, 11:01 AM   #6 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Anna Walles
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sage Ransom-Kruus
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Text Cut: silly solly
Originally Posted by Emzily View Post
The general attire for this event reminded Solomon of the dreaded time his friends forced him to dress as Peter Pan at school, hence why he had avoided the colour green today in his outfit. He had noticed that green was a favoured colour among others so far, though. People had really gone overboard with the theme, in his opinion, or he was just underdressed with a simple poncho-type thing over a plain white shirt and some extremely thin and flowy trousers.

TOO flowy. He hated the breeze he could feel on his legs.

Solomon would’ve skipped this altogether but he stupidly asked Sage… out? No, more to just hang out. It was mostly weird because the pair didn’t often arrange to hang out, more so just ended up in each others company. Gravitated towards one another. Anyway, he felt NERVOUS. But that was likely due to the pending embarrassment he’d feel when Sage saw his ridiculous outfit.

They had arranged to meet at the Tug-O-War area for obvious reasons. What better way to avoid any awkwardness than to beat her in such a game? Solly idled uncomfortably as he waited for her, his foot resting upon a large rock.

While not one to get particularly excited about dressing up in costumes, Sage did suffer from a quiet fear of missing out. Seeing as she was the girl who had donned her best green dress one Halloween and strut around telling people at a Halloween party that she was a splinter, the Slytherin didn't usually do things the expected way regardless. Today, however, she supposed she was a bit more on theme though still stretching what it meant to be a period costume. Dryad's counted and were associated with wand wood trees, obviously. One thing that was a bit too in sync with the others was her choice of green cape. However, in her defense, no one else wearing a green cape also had antlers coming out of their head.

Heavy, but incredibly comfortable, boots gliding over the grass as she made her way over to tug-o-war, Sage spotted her date Solomon and was surprised to find him so remarkably...beige. Flip that hood up of his and one could mistake his costume for...well...hopefully he smelled nice so that she could get that image out of her thoughts. Waving at him, with a smile, from a small distance away still, Sage took the remaining distance at a speed walk until she was finally beside him. "Well, look at you in all your browning glory," she mused while her foot stretched out a bit to lightly poke at the tassels at the bottom of his trousers. "What are you supposed to be?"

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 06-17-2024, 05:25 PM   #7 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Astrid Grimaldi
Second Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nikita Vitvinina-Grahn
Fifth Year
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up

Text Cut: Fyn!
Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
Ah, the oldest trick in the book. Fynley should’ve known better and yet when his shoulder was tapped he turned over the wrong shoulder still. Upon seeing no one was there, his eyes rolled playfully and he switched to the other side to see Yukie dressed in all her finest. “Dashing? How formal” he smirked before pulling his fellow graduate in for a one armed hug not particularly caring for the fact he might crease her dress in the process. It was necessary, okay?

As for not seeing each other in ‘forever’, he’d argue that was largely on the part of his friends who had decided to proceed with their studies. Personally he thought the idea of being kept in education was torturous, the second he was able to give up that life he did. “Well you all decided to move on without me, didn’t you?” he teased, nudging her shoulder with his own. He hadn’t socialised with many others at all to be honest which was quite a negative for such an extrovert. It was lucky he enjoyed the company of his boyfriend so much then but even they could be like passing ships in the night in between both holding down jobs and Joseph attending university.

Back to the matter at hand however, they were currently facing a touch of friendly competition. “I wouldn’t want to show you up so.. fancy joining me in a tug of war against someone else?” The comment was all in jest, Yukie was more likely to be the one to show him up being the more magically competent one.

Only bright smiles and finger wiggles coming from this former Hufflepuff. "Careful with your eye rolls! And don't pretend like you aren't glad to see me, too, Fyn," Yukie teased. Because she was glad to see him, and Yukie wasn't the type to shy away from telling people that she missed them. They have to know! "Fine, no 'dashing'. What would you have preferred, hm? It's not everyday we get to see you all dressed up." She couldn't help but bring it up, okay? Even bumping into him today had been a surprise in itself.

...Well, excuse him! Yukie let out a laugh as she gave the boy a nudge with her elbow right back. "How is this my fault? Don't you have owl post in your corner of the universe anymore? Wherever it is you're hiding? You know you can write." The former Hufflepuff didn't know where Fyn was these days, but she did kind of get the vibe that he hadn't decided to pursue university. And see, that was an open invitation for him to write to her anytime! University didn't stop her from having a social life, which should come as no surprise considering her social butterfly personality.

Now, Yukie had to playfully scoff. "Was that a challenge? You know I'm a good sport!" She could he was kidding, but she wanted it known that she was fine going against Fyn just for the fun of it! Winning would be a bonus. (She did kind of think she'd win against him, though, it's true.) "I've nothing going on, so I'm down for it. How's your Seize and Pull charm?" Important questions needed to be asked.

Would it be surprising if everyone knew Yukie Selina Rasting was sometimes a competitive soul? Moz and Luca definitely knew that about her, but did anyone else?
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________

___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
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Old 06-17-2024, 09:34 PM   #8 (permalink)
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This outgoing Shopkeeper was already having the time of his colorful life. A glance in his feline companion’s direction told him that Goose too was enjoying the open air, the festivities and THE PEOPLE!!!!! Yes some folks were already forming their teams and T WAS HERE FOR IT!!!!!

“Something tells me there’s gonna be some stiff competition today!’’ Tony exuberantly declared to Fynley & Yukie. “We lot are in for a treat!” T’s wand was raised without warning so the next thing that both participants knew it they were showered in rainbow colored confetti. “Go forth and have fun, my darlings!’’

Two more likely participants (Solomon & Sage) were seemingly in the early stages of their meeting so there would be no confetti for them just yet. Confetti applied to only those who would be taking up the Seize and Pull Charm at this activity!

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Old 06-17-2024, 11:11 PM   #9 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Apollonia Fergersnout

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Sixth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

x12 x6
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Text Cut: Yukie & Tony
Originally Posted by Kimothy View Post
Only bright smiles and finger wiggles coming from this former Hufflepuff. "Careful with your eye rolls! And don't pretend like you aren't glad to see me, too, Fyn," Yukie teased. Because she was glad to see him, and Yukie wasn't the type to shy away from telling people that she missed them. They have to know! "Fine, no 'dashing'. What would you have preferred, hm? It's not everyday we get to see you all dressed up." She couldn't help but bring it up, okay? Even bumping into him today had been a surprise in itself.

...Well, excuse him! Yukie let out a laugh as she gave the boy a nudge with her elbow right back. "How is this my fault? Don't you have owl post in your corner of the universe anymore? Wherever it is you're hiding? You know you can write." The former Hufflepuff didn't know where Fyn was these days, but she did kind of get the vibe that he hadn't decided to pursue university. And see, that was an open invitation for him to write to her anytime! University didn't stop her from having a social life, which should come as no surprise considering her social butterfly personality.

Now, Yukie had to playfully scoff. "Was that a challenge? You know I'm a good sport!" She could he was kidding, but she wanted it known that she was fine going against Fyn just for the fun of it! Winning would be a bonus. (She did kind of think she'd win against him, though, it's true.) "I've nothing going on, so I'm down for it. How's your Seize and Pull charm?" Important questions needed to be asked.

Would it be surprising if everyone knew Yukie Selina Rasting was sometimes a competitive soul? Moz and Luca definitely knew that about her, but did anyone else?
Originally Posted by Tony Killingworth View Post
“Something tells me there’s gonna be some stiff competition today!’’ Tony exuberantly declared to Fynley & Yukie. “We lot are in for a treat!” T’s wand was raised without warning so the next thing that both participants knew it they were showered in rainbow colored confetti. “Go forth and have fun, my darlings!’’

There were no complaints coming from this nineteen year old, just playful banter over falling for some age old trick that he should have known better about. “You’d know if I wasn’t pleased to see you” his left eyebrow shot up. Friendly and sociable he was but with a stubborn and marginally condescending attitude when the company wasn’t appreciated. It was usually reserved for a very select few but it wasn’t impossible to experience, it just took a certain type of person to really rile him up. “Dashing is fine” he laughed. “Just not something you hear every day is it?”

The nudge back from Yukie caused the drum over his shoulder to bounce off his side and a soft beat to reverberate through the immediate area. “I’m ‘hiding’ literally in the middle of Diagon Alley. Not exactly a great hiding spot seeing as everyone and their Crup visit the street” he snorted. “Joseph and I got our own studio flat. It isn’t much but it’s home, y’know?” And they were making the most of it. They might have slept on a mattress on the floor for the first couple of months but neither were particularly materialistic so it hadn’t bothered them. “Unfortunately there is a large owl population around ours, they keep desecrating on our patio” Dang things.

“I know you’d accept a challenge, that’s why I want you ON my team and not against me.” Not because he was completely incompetent and thought he was going to lose.. “I wish it was a show of physical strength though, I might stand a better chance there.” He knew he wasn’t clever, his grades did all the talking but practical wise he had done pretty okay in exams and it was the written section that had let him down. “Carpe Retractum, right?”

He was ABOUT to step forward to take his position when a shower of confetti landed on his head and the former Slytherin couldn’t help the brief look of annoyance from forming on his face. Not only would he be picking it out of his hair for hours but they hadn’t even started yet and it seemed a little premature. “Actually we aren’t competing against each other” he corrected the man whilst simultaneously shaking out his curls like a Crup who had just been for a swim.
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Old 06-18-2024, 07:56 PM   #10 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Molly Wyndham #cf4269
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Solomon Duck
Seventh Year

x5 x2
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
While not one to get particularly excited about dressing up in costumes, Sage did suffer from a quiet fear of missing out. Seeing as she was the girl who had donned her best green dress one Halloween and strut around telling people at a Halloween party that she was a splinter, the Slytherin didn't usually do things the expected way regardless. Today, however, she supposed she was a bit more on theme though still stretching what it meant to be a period costume. Dryad's counted and were associated with wand wood trees, obviously. One thing that was a bit too in sync with the others was her choice of green cape. However, in her defense, no one else wearing a green cape also had antlers coming out of their head.

Heavy, but incredibly comfortable, boots gliding over the grass as she made her way over to tug-o-war, Sage spotted her date Solomon and was surprised to find him so remarkably...beige. Flip that hood up of his and one could mistake his costume for...well...hopefully he smelled nice so that she could get that image out of her thoughts. Waving at him, with a smile, from a small distance away still, Sage took the remaining distance at a speed walk until she was finally beside him. "Well, look at you in all your browning glory," she mused while her foot stretched out a bit to lightly poke at the tassels at the bottom of his trousers. "What are you supposed to be?"
Solomon readjusted his hat a few times, unknowing that it didn’t match his outfit whatsoever, nor the theme. Why did he think it would give off the impression of cool? During his wait for Sage, Solly watched the other people about to participate getting covered in confetti and it warranted a very amused expression. See? It was a good job he was wearing a hat if that was to be his fate as well.

The distraction was enough to miss Sage walking over to him but his attention was quickly averted to all of her. He smiled in greeting and said, “Hey.” He felt surprised that she had gone all out for this, but wow… she certainly knew how to stump him for words for a moment because she looked amazing so he was pleased that she began by commented on his attire first.

The tone of underwhelmed regarding his outfit had not gone unnoticed! “I’ll have you know this is cashmere.” He gestured to his ridiculous poncho. Yeah, perhaps he was a little beige but Solomon was not gifted in the fashion department. This is why he needed a girlfriend, pronto. “I’m supposed to look dashing. At least I was trying to.” Solly may have been fishing for a compliment after giving Sage such a grand one beforehand. He chuckled off his apparent fail, because it didn’t matter so much.

Solly gently kicked her foot away from his tassels. No need to emphasise the existence of those, thanks.

I see you’ve gone for a bit of house pride. We all know you’re in Slytherin, Sage.” Solly smirked before clearing his throat for the next part of his sentence, seemingly struggling with it. “Nah, I’m only joking. You look … really nice.” Smile enforced - turns out it wasn’t actually that difficult to compliment her as she did look incredibly lovely.

Now for the reason they were here in this specific place - tug of war. Solomon was very eager to get started, feeling prepared for Sage to surprise him like she often did, but also quietly confident due to his general competitive nature. “Might as well give this a try while we’re here?” He suggested while cracking his knuckles, loud enough that it even made him feel uncomfortable for a split second.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________

_________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
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Old 06-19-2024, 10:23 AM   #11 (permalink)

Wizarding World RPG Admin
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Anna Walles
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sage Ransom-Kruus
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Text Cut: Solomon, the one who is DASHING in CASHMERE
Originally Posted by Emzily View Post
Solomon readjusted his hat a few times, unknowing that it didn’t match his outfit whatsoever, nor the theme. Why did he think it would give off the impression of cool? During his wait for Sage, Solly watched the other people about to participate getting covered in confetti and it warranted a very amused expression. See? It was a good job he was wearing a hat if that was to be his fate as well.

The distraction was enough to miss Sage walking over to him but his attention was quickly averted to all of her. He smiled in greeting and said, “Hey.” He felt surprised that she had gone all out for this, but wow… she certainly knew how to stump him for words for a moment because she looked amazing so he was pleased that she began by commented on his attire first.

The tone of underwhelmed regarding his outfit had not gone unnoticed! “I’ll have you know this is cashmere.” He gestured to his ridiculous poncho. Yeah, perhaps he was a little beige but Solomon was not gifted in the fashion department. This is why he needed a girlfriend, pronto. “I’m supposed to look dashing. At least I was trying to.” Solly may have been fishing for a compliment after giving Sage such a grand one beforehand. He chuckled off his apparent fail, because it didn’t matter so much.

Solly gently kicked her foot away from his tassels. No need to emphasise the existence of those, thanks.

I see you’ve gone for a bit of house pride. We all know you’re in Slytherin, Sage.” Solly smirked before clearing his throat for the next part of his sentence, seemingly struggling with it. “Nah, I’m only joking. You look … really nice.” Smile enforced - turns out it wasn’t actually that difficult to compliment her as she did look incredibly lovely.

Now for the reason they were here in this specific place - tug of war. Solomon was very eager to get started, feeling prepared for Sage to surprise him like she often did, but also quietly confident due to his general competitive nature. “Might as well give this a try while we’re here?” He suggested while cracking his knuckles, loud enough that it even made him feel uncomfortable for a split second.

She was hardly a budding fashionista so she would not be among the chorus of entitle opinions informing him of some bogus social construct. Did she read the magazines and occasionally cross reference her own wardrobe? Yes, yes she did but it was less about making sure that she was on trend and much more in an effort to remain a contrarian. Which was why today she felt slightly irritated that she was contributing to the sea of green but...whatever. She was one of the few ladies not in some frilly dress or skirt and that satisfied the criteria well enough. And besides...she liked his hat.

"I never said you didn't look dashing," she replied with an exaggerated roll of the eyes. Honestly, he needed to have his ears cleaned out. "Or not handsome or alluring or attractive or sno---" The sixth year nearly choked on her tongue there and needed to cough a few times to recover and get back on track. "What I did ask was what are you supposed to be? A peasant? A squire? A disguised prince? Lots of people have some identity in mind. Like myself, for example, I am manifesting dryad realness." And she gave a little slow twirl to show off her outfit and then performed an entirely out of character cutesy pose to finish her circumference. "The Slytherin pride with coloration is pure coincidence but also green is pretty much a mandatory color when it comes to trees." Plus, she looked good in green and she wasn't going to be shy about that.

And neither was he, so it seemed.

"Thank you," she nodded, her eyes briefly glancing over at the shopkeeper and his feline and the literal poison he had just tossed all over another pair nearby. It was more than enough to take her out of the current mood and drain the blush from her cheeks temporarily. "I hope he plans on cleaning all THAT up," she grumbled through her teeth as she sidestepped to stand right next to Solomon, shoulder to shoulder and fingertips brushing fingertips. "Throwing confetti and leaving it behind is littering and totally irresponsible. Did you that some types of confetti can take up to 1,000 years to break down? Not to mention us being close to a river and the absolute chaos and destruction it could cause to the aquatic ecosystem."

Her fingers curled inwards, the intention to slip into her pocket for her wand, when her fingers seemingly very purposefully brushed over the back of his hand and that sudden jolt of warmth pulled her out from her vexed scrutiny. Him cracking his knuckles assisting even more and Sage clicked her tongue with a tight smile. "Were you planning on this being a one v one battle or us teaming up to take down another team two v two?" Solomon had managed to regain her attention for the most part, but she also couldn't stop giving the ground and the flecks being brushed out of the older bloke's hair.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 06-19-2024, 02:47 PM   #12 (permalink)

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Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up

Text Cut: Fyn and Tony
Originally Posted by Tony Killingworth View Post
This outgoing Shopkeeper was already having the time of his colorful life. A glance in his feline companion’s direction told him that Goose too was enjoying the open air, the festivities and THE PEOPLE!!!!! Yes some folks were already forming their teams and T WAS HERE FOR IT!!!!!

“Something tells me there’s gonna be some stiff competition today!’’ Tony exuberantly declared to Fynley & Yukie. “We lot are in for a treat!” T’s wand was raised without warning so the next thing that both participants knew it they were showered in rainbow colored confetti. “Go forth and have fun, my darlings!’’

Two more likely participants (Solomon & Sage) were seemingly in the early stages of their meeting so there would be no confetti for them just yet. Confetti applied to only those who would be taking up the Seize and Pull Charm at this activity!
Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
Text Cut: Yukie & Tony

There were no complaints coming from this nineteen year old, just playful banter over falling for some age old trick that he should have known better about. “You’d know if I wasn’t pleased to see you” his left eyebrow shot up. Friendly and sociable he was but with a stubborn and marginally condescending attitude when the company wasn’t appreciated. It was usually reserved for a very select few but it wasn’t impossible to experience, it just took a certain type of person to really rile him up. “Dashing is fine” he laughed. “Just not something you hear every day is it?”

The nudge back from Yukie caused the drum over his shoulder to bounce off his side and a soft beat to reverberate through the immediate area. “I’m ‘hiding’ literally in the middle of Diagon Alley. Not exactly a great hiding spot seeing as everyone and their Crup visit the street” he snorted. “Joseph and I got our own studio flat. It isn’t much but it’s home, y’know?” And they were making the most of it. They might have slept on a mattress on the floor for the first couple of months but neither were particularly materialistic so it hadn’t bothered them. “Unfortunately there is a large owl population around ours, they keep desecrating on our patio” Dang things.

“I know you’d accept a challenge, that’s why I want you ON my team and not against me.” Not because he was completely incompetent and thought he was going to lose.. “I wish it was a show of physical strength though, I might stand a better chance there.” He knew he wasn’t clever, his grades did all the talking but practical wise he had done pretty okay in exams and it was the written section that had let him down. “Carpe Retractum, right?”

He was ABOUT to step forward to take his position when a shower of confetti landed on his head and the former Slytherin couldn’t help the brief look of annoyance from forming on his face. Not only would he be picking it out of his hair for hours but they hadn’t even started yet and it seemed a little premature. “Actually we aren’t competing against each other” he corrected the man whilst simultaneously shaking out his curls like a Crup who had just been for a swim.

Yukie would so love to remind him that it was okay to sometimes fall for the dumbest of party tricks. "I do, but you're never awful with me." With that, the babiest Rasting flashed a smile. And it was true, because she can't ever remember a time when Fyn had been rude to her. Neither was she keen on being on that receiving end, anyway. She much preferred when her friends didn't hold anything against her, speaking form experience and all that jazz. "No, it's not. I just found it fitting for the occasion." In a more casual Yukie sense, she did give him a thumbs up for the effort he put on dressing up. See? Appreciated!

Okay, but she hadn't expected the little drum there. She made a little yikes face at that, and then laughed it out. "Actually, some people might think the best way to hide is by hiding in plain sight," Yukie offered, wiggling a finger at him. "I could swing by the Alley sometimes. I'm also mostly in London, too." Her university was there, and sometimes she would be visited WADA to hang out with Moz, and other times she'd be in Luca's flat — she held a spare key to it. "Mm, I have a spell or two to suggest for your owl problem." But maybe later, because the next thing Yukie knew, there were colourful confetti raining above her, thanks to that particular shopkeeper.

Heh! Yukie bit her lip so she didn't look too amused by all this, especially with that look on Fyn's face. While her friends exchanged some words with the shopkeeper, she instead plucked a few confetti pieces from the air before they could reach the ground, and then a couple of them from Fyn's hair. Helpful Rasting! "Yeah, sorry, sir. We'll be playing as a team, thank you," Yukie smiled at the man, before turning back to Fyn. "Carpe Retractum is right. And the wand movement is a V." She was happy to refresh her friend's memory whenever. "Also, stop moving too much." There were still some confetti in his hair!
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________

___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
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Old 06-20-2024, 08:12 PM   #13 (permalink)

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Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

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HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Of course he wouldn’t be rude to Yukie, there were very few that would see the other side of his personality which meant it took an extra special type of person to tick him off to that extreme. Most of the time he was laid back and carefree and very much so fluent in sarcasm but it was never that serious. “You’ve never given me a reason to. But I’d love to hear how you’d plan on achieving that though” he laughed. He appreciated the compliment, he felt a bit of a twit to be honest but it was nice to hear that his ‘efforts’ (if you could call it that) had been awarded. “You should see Joseph, his hair is.. incredible.” It had slightly taken his breath away when he saw his Viking braids framing his model-like features.

..but don’t tell anyone he’d said that, he’d been labeled a sap enough already.

If there was any excuse to take a drum, Fynley was going to snatch it up. It had been a last minute decision to busk for cash at the event. Whether it was actually allowed he hadn’t checked but really who was going to stop them from entertaining a crowd? “I swear I’m not trying to hide from anyone, I even work in Diagon.” It wouldn’t be difficult to find him, he barely left the vicinity. “I’d say my door is always open but you might want to check in first.” He couldn’t guarantee his partner would appreciate the unannounced interruption. “You have an anti-owl spell?” Or just one to clean up their mess? If it wasn’t completely obvious, Fynn was NOT a creature person even if J’s cat had somehow wormed her way onto his lap and into his heart.

…ugh. Maybe there WAS some validity in those sap allegations.

Except when there was confetti littering his hair and some school student giving him a look for attempting to discard it. “Rainbow confetti doesn’t go with the look.” he grumbled, which was probably more of an excuse for his displeasure for he didn’t often care much about his appearance. He stopped shaking his head just long enough for Yukie to discard a few pieces from his curls. “Yeah, I remember. Wanna take them on?” he nodded towards the other pair with the sassy environmentalist.
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Old 06-20-2024, 08:33 PM   #14 (permalink)

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Solomon wouldn’t believe her if she claimed to not be fashion savvy. He actually wished he’d consulted her on today’s attire beforehand and maybe they could have collaborated and matched their costumes slightly.

He snorted at her defence, and didn’t much appreciate being compared to a peasant, however he chose to focus on the other words she used. Handsome, alluring, attractive… ahh, that was music to his well hidden ears. “A peasant.” Okay, he couldn’t let it go. “No, I’m none of those things. I’m just a dude who doesn’t know the difference between brown and beige.” He snapped a bit. That much was true. He suddenly wanted to take the poncho off, since perhaps his nice white shirt might improve how dapper he was dressed. “Do you think I should lose the hat?” He asked quite seriously, although he was rather comfortable in it.

Solly pretended he knew what she meant by dryad realness. Was that year 914 slang? His smile growing at her twirl. “Well, dryad realness suits you.” Was he saying that right? WHAT DID THAT MEAN?

Sage was talking her words and ranting about something again, but he was a little sidetracked by her fingers brushing against the back of his hand.. not knowing whether it was intentional or not, and without thinking he pulled his hand away for a moment before allowing it to slowly return to where it was. If she wanted to grab hold of his hand then he’d be accepting but he certainly wasn’t prepared to take that step. It wasn’t that kind of date, was it? “I did not know that, no.” He said, finally tuning into what she was blabbing on about but truthfully, there were far too many distractions going on and his head was starting to hurt. “It’s fiiiinnnneeee…” Solomon bent down and picked up a handful of confetti before blowing it into Sage’s face.

She would LOVE that.

Oh, yes, teaming up with Sage as opposed to battling against her sounded much more fun. “Yeah, let’s team up.” He studied the others a little closer, trying to gage their strength, while maintaining a sturdy posture and a face that said bring it on.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________

_________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
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Old 06-22-2024, 07:30 AM   #15 (permalink)

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Owl Post

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astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Text Cut: SolomononUHOH
Originally Posted by Emzily View Post
Solomon wouldn’t believe her if she claimed to not be fashion savvy. He actually wished he’d consulted her on today’s attire beforehand and maybe they could have collaborated and matched their costumes slightly.

He snorted at her defence, and didn’t much appreciate being compared to a peasant, however he chose to focus on the other words she used. Handsome, alluring, attractive… ahh, that was music to his well hidden ears. “A peasant.” Okay, he couldn’t let it go. “No, I’m none of those things. I’m just a dude who doesn’t know the difference between brown and beige.” He snapped a bit. That much was true. He suddenly wanted to take the poncho off, since perhaps his nice white shirt might improve how dapper he was dressed. “Do you think I should lose the hat?” He asked quite seriously, although he was rather comfortable in it.

Solly pretended he knew what she meant by dryad realness. Was that year 914 slang? His smile growing at her twirl. “Well, dryad realness suits you.” Was he saying that right? WHAT DID THAT MEAN?

Sage was talking her words and ranting about something again, but he was a little sidetracked by her fingers brushing against the back of his hand.. not knowing whether it was intentional or not, and without thinking he pulled his hand away for a moment before allowing it to slowly return to where it was. If she wanted to grab hold of his hand then he’d be accepting but he certainly wasn’t prepared to take that step. It wasn’t that kind of date, was it? “I did not know that, no.” He said, finally tuning into what she was blabbing on about but truthfully, there were far too many distractions going on and his head was starting to hurt. “It’s fiiiinnnneeee…” Solomon bent down and picked up a handful of confetti before blowing it into Sage’s face.

She would LOVE that.

Oh, yes, teaming up with Sage as opposed to battling against her sounded much more fun. “Yeah, let’s team up.” He studied the others a little closer, trying to gage their strength, while maintaining a sturdy posture and a face that said bring it on.

She would gladly transfigure him a set of antlers to compliment hers, he just needed to ask.

There would be no judgement on his choice of character and would have him know that even a peasant was a perfectly respectable choice. The biggest offense would be to have no concept at all because how could you hope to achieve anything without a concept? Which, well, she probably should not have been shocked or disappointed that that turned out to be precisely what Solomon had done. "Well..." Sage half laughed, brow cocked as flicked the brim of his hat with her fingers and smiled a little wider. "I'd say you nailed that." Yeah yeah, whatever, she would give it to him this time - but yes, next time, he should ask and they could coordinate. She wasn't sure if it was the attention she had given it that caused the sudden question, but she certainly hadn't meant it that way. "No," she shook her head, all sarcasm drained from her tone. "You should keep it. It helps you look like a dashing guy who doesn't know the difference between brown and beige." As to his compliment about her look... "I know," she almost smirked and most certainly winked.

His sudden movement almost caused her to jump and her head snapped to look at him instead of glare at the confetti on the ground. She didn't say anything, but there certainly was a 'what was that about?' look to be found in her eyes. What? Had there been a bug that flew by or stung him? In any case, her hand did slip into her pocket for her wand and rather than wonder why hot cauldron he had metaphorically touched, the Slytherin began zapping bits of confetti tumbling by their feet into banished oblivion. "I'm not surprise. We don't really cover these sorts of things in Herbology since the emphasis is on magical plants but --" OH NO HE DID NOT! Mid sentence, several bits of HIS confetti accosted her and a couple pieces drifted right into her mouth. Choking (okay, she was just coughing but STILL), the most of the rest of the bits flew into her hair and the flower crown and a couple attached themselves to her chest and cheeks. "Pfff PFFF ppf pffff pffff PFFFFFFT pffff."

She did not, in fact, love THAT.

He must really love her basilisk eyes (also known as if looks could kill) because he sure seemed to go out of his way to bring them out of her!

"PFFT pfft pfft okay pffffft pfft," she spittered, trying to get the whole of the confetti out of her mouth but struggling because some was stuck to her tongue. "Versus it is." Her eyes now crossed trying to see her tongue so she could get the intruders off and out, but of course she couldn't see anything - but she did see the older duo standing nearby sooooooooo.... "Maybe we could do peasants versus queens."


When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 06-22-2024, 09:12 AM   #16 (permalink)

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Default "peasants vs. queens" LMAO we see you, Sage XD
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up

Text Cut: Fyn
Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
Of course he wouldn’t be rude to Yukie, there were very few that would see the other side of his personality which meant it took an extra special type of person to tick him off to that extreme. Most of the time he was laid back and carefree and very much so fluent in sarcasm but it was never that serious. “You’ve never given me a reason to. But I’d love to hear how you’d plan on achieving that though” he laughed. He appreciated the compliment, he felt a bit of a twit to be honest but it was nice to hear that his ‘efforts’ (if you could call it that) had been awarded. “You should see Joseph, his hair is.. incredible.” It had slightly taken his breath away when he saw his Viking braids framing his model-like features.

..but don’t tell anyone he’d said that, he’d been labeled a sap enough already.

If there was any excuse to take a drum, Fynley was going to snatch it up. It had been a last minute decision to busk for cash at the event. Whether it was actually allowed he hadn’t checked but really who was going to stop them from entertaining a crowd? “I swear I’m not trying to hide from anyone, I even work in Diagon.” It wouldn’t be difficult to find him, he barely left the vicinity. “I’d say my door is always open but you might want to check in first.” He couldn’t guarantee his partner would appreciate the unannounced interruption. “You have an anti-owl spell?” Or just one to clean up their mess? If it wasn’t completely obvious, Fynn was NOT a creature person even if J’s cat had somehow wormed her way onto his lap and into his heart.

…ugh. Maybe there WAS some validity in those sap allegations.

Except when there was confetti littering his hair and some school student giving him a look for attempting to discard it. “Rainbow confetti doesn’t go with the look.” he grumbled, which was probably more of an excuse for his displeasure for he didn’t often care much about his appearance. He stopped shaking his head just long enough for Yukie to discard a few pieces from his curls. “Yeah, I remember. Wanna take them on?” he nodded towards the other pair with the sassy environmentalist.

Okay, so that was fair. Yukie simply supposed that there were some people who couldn't keep up with her major moments of extroversion and physicality, and that would be valid of them as well. Yukie had gotten better with boundaries, something she'd learned from that patient boyfriend of hers. "I don't really plan on it. Are surprise attacks for forced piggyback rides a big no to you?" This Hufflepuff was a fan of them. Maggie used to give her plenty of them back when they were still students. "Yeah, really? Well, I might just, if I bump into him today." She hadn't seen Moe's twin here at Hogsmeade yet, but she was bound to see more familiar faces. And if Fyn's presence today wasn't already an indicator that Joseph was here, then Yukie didn't know what was.

Also, Fyn need not fret about what the babiest Rasting thought about those sap allegations. He's met her. This is Yukie Selina Rasting, a certified sap herself.

Neither was she going to stop him from offering them free entertainment with his drum. Maybe after the game? "Oh, Fynley Ellis, I know you're not. Did leaving Hogwarts finally turn you into such a drama queen?" She had to quip, okay! "Also, I'm a lovely house guest. Or flat guest. I don't just show up without warning." And if she were to be honest, she'd probably prefer meeting up with Fyn in one of the shops in Diagon Alley instead of his shared flat with Joseph, unless she'd been especially invited. A matter of respect and all. "Not an anti-owl charm. Just for the mess, so they don't 'desecrate' your poor patio. Leave the birds alone, Fyn." His words!

As for the confetti and his costume, Yukie put on a thinky face. "I dunno. I think it adds some much needed colour," she said after finally picking out the last piece of confetti from his curls and, with that, she nonverbally vanished the confetti with a wave of her wand. See? Gone now! The 'sassy environmentalist' (again, his words!) had valid concerns, anyway. "Only if they're okay with it. Want to ask them?" Yukie playfully nudged him.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________

___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
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Old 06-26-2024, 12:54 AM   #17 (permalink)
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It could have been a lot worse. It could have been glitter not confetti, pretty boy. Tony pointedly ignored any annoyance radiating off Fynley. Nothing was going to hamper T’s positive vibes today!!!!!! He saw Fynley’s friend’s expression. Clearly the lovely young lady was holding back a smile. T sent a wink in her direction. “Together, against each other, I repeat… HAVE FUN, DARLINGS!!! I trust that you will find a team soon enough to go up against. If not I’ll be happy to embark on the journey of finding one for you.”

With that Tony sashayed his way over to the other chattering duo (Solomon & Sage). Did they need assistance in organizing? "Terribly sorry about the confetti. Hope you're okay?" Tony was going to ease off the confetti for now. even if he dearly wanted nothing more than to drown the Tug-o-War area in colour.

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Old 06-28-2024, 09:08 PM   #18 (permalink)

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Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

x12 x6
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Forcing Fynley to an extreme reaction was quite a difficult task, there were very few that had drawn such emotions out of him and his friends were unlikely to be one of them. “Nah. I’ll give you a piggyback if you wanted it” he chuckled. “He’s not hard to miss.” Tall, incredible hair and carrying a lute, his boyfriend had a habit of standing out despite not being the outgoing type.

He had a non-existence rep to live up to, thank you very much. Any allegations would be strongly denied.

“Maybe I’ve always been a drama queen” his eyebrow quirked. He was naturally the opposite but he didn’t particularly care whether others thought that he was or not. He’d never really thought much of others' opinions if the accuser didn’t matter to him personally, those he did care for were a different matter but he’d been working on that. Going no contact with his family had been the first step towards that. “I’m sure you are. You might be a little dismayed by the mess though, we haven’t actually got a bed yet.” The frame anyway, the mattress on the floor was a perfectly fine solution in his opinion.

Owls weren’t his favourite. He wasn’t a creature person at all to be honest. He’d hoped that Joseph’s cat, who was frequently found nestled on Fynley’s lap despite his ‘claims’ that he wasn’t fond of cats, would put off the feathered creatures but it hadn’t worked. “Look, they can fly about all they want but do they really have to use my patio as a toilet?”

The guy (Tony) continued to bring his.. extravagance to the conversation and Fynley couldn’t help but to wrinkle his nose in response. Honestly he wouldn’t have cared whether it was glitter or confetti, he was secure enough in himself to NOT be affected by these things, but having to get the stuff out of his hair was never an enjoyable task and it reminded him of the sister he was now estranged from. “We’re good, thanks.” He was outgoing enough to be able to find a challenge, the pair of students were his current targets.

He’d heard that.

Fynley knew perfectly well that she (Sage) was referring to both the boys as peasants but that didn’t stop him from teasing her otherwise. “You think I’m a queen? I’m flattered” he smirked, reaching up to adjust an invisible crown on his head. “Are you kids sure you want to take US on though?” Not that they were much older, nor was Fynn likely to be any more skilled than the sixth years he recognised from the Slytherin common room.
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Old 07-17-2024, 07:57 PM   #19 (permalink)

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Solomon Duck
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x5 x2
Default So sorry for my awful lateness*hides*
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl

Solomon wasn’t great with concepts, and somewhat lacked imagination despite his ability to daydream and become distracted by the tiniest of things. He’d much rather be told what to do, or in this case; wear. He decided to ignore the further sarcasm after Sage subtly expressed that she actually liked his hat. HA! He KNEW it looked good on him. Again, his lack of style had caused some doubt until now. “You like the hat? Noted. I’ll have to wear it every day now just for you.” He added a quick wink in response to hers, wondering how she would react to that. He hoped she found the winding up just as fun as he did, although it wasn’t so much fun when SHE made HIM feel awkward, he supposed.

He wasn’t looking but he saw her turn to him after his sudden shift through his peripherals. Oh, how it made him uncomfortable and regretful but she was soon back to her chatterings which allowed the tension to ease massively.

Moving on, moving on, to pure hilarity.


Solly was snort!giggling quite hard at this point, her reaction being exactly what he was hoping for. He decided to help with her struggles and picked a piece or two out of her hair. Ever so gently, of course. “Oopsie daisy.” It suddenly felt like a really bad idea to be partaking with Sage in a physical activity. Something was telling him he was about to get a face full of ground as revenge.

Taking more notice of the other two now, Solomon eyed them up a bit before heading over to the rope. No time for dilly-dallying now, literally, my fault. “Kids. Pfft.” He mumbled. Solomon Duck would have you know he was sooo close to graduating now. “Are we ready to go, then?” Solly asked everyone, mostly looking to the guy in charge. He also wasn’t sure what the teams were either but was happy to go with the flow.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________

_________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
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Old 07-19-2024, 06:22 AM   #20 (permalink)

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Join Date: Aug 2010
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Anna Walles
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sage Ransom-Kruus
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Oh so nooooooooow the shopkeeper noticed her discontempt with the confetti only after she had been personally assaulted with it by her most trusted friend. Not to be dramatic or anything, but today was clearly everyone gang up on Sage day and the evens were even betraying her. "Sure you are," she grumbled in response to his concern. The bloke was clearly as apologetic as Solomon had been - which meant not at all for anyone who wasn't able to keep up!

Brushing off and vanishing a few more bits of confetti immediately in front of her and on her well thought out costume, the Slytherin returned to attention to her housemate and tried not to let the growing heat in her cheeks betray her as well (sidenote, it absolutely was). "It will certainly be nice to have the confirmation that you think about me a lot," she hummed in retribution and, for a bit of flirty emphasis, tugged down on the brim of his hat. Just trying to get some footing back here since between the confetti attack and his literal presence she was on her heels.

She needed a bigger and more provoking gesture soon. Hmmm.

The teaming up on her only continued when the older peasant fellow tried to play cute with her and insinuate he (and she assumed his friend as well but they wouldn't be playing that way) was a queen. "Your friend must feel great knowing you consider her a peasant," she replied back with a little assy twirl of the fingers. Ignore that she had also called her best friend a peasant - hers was motivated by a very strong hatred of unnecessary confetti and it posing a threat to the surrounding Hogsmeade ecosystem. Totally different and absolutely warranted. Calling them kids was met with nothing more than an exaggerated eyeroll. "Sounds like you're nervous that a pair of sixth years will at tug you," she yawned. Typical intimidation tactics and whatever, trying to psych your opinion out and plant the seeds of doubt. Sage had no interest in a victory over two complete strangers...but she was interested in taking down the handsome confetti cannon wearing a hat. "Round one, you and him versus me and her," Sage continued, gesturing to all involved parties just so there was no misunderstanding. "Victors are owed a favor of their choice at a time of their choosing." Pretty low stakes, honestly, but she wasn't about to use any of her vouchers on anyone not her and betting any coin was rather presumptuous.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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