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Woodcroft Games Come celebrate the 1200 year anniversary of the founding of Hogsmeade Village by Hengist of Woodcroft! Experience what it was like in 914 as the Hogsmeade shopkeepers take one and all back in time and even try your hand at some of the 'Hogsmeade Highland Games'

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2024, 06:33 AM
Harold Lagerty Harold Lagerty is offline
Default Summoner's Court

Exploring just to the west of the Hogsmeade arch and and beyond the picnic area will bring you to an open meadow nestled behind Tomes and Scrolls. The view of the mountains and river that hugs Hogsmeade is certainly worth admiring from this spot, but the true draw of this location belongs to the four wooden courts and accompanying raised platforms scattered about. Your host, Monte Bossa, greets you with a wild flourish of his hands, arms, and decorative cane accompanied by a toothy grin accentuated by the gleam from the sun and his bedazzled garb. “HAHAHAHA! Welcome, welcome, WELCOME to you and you and especially you .... TO SUMMONER'S COURT! Find a friend, or make a new one, and step right up to the raised platform of your choice and tap the stone pillars to select your level of difficulty. The goal is quite simple - simply have a higher score than your opponent to ACCIO your way to victory,” he greets with flamboyant gestures towards the courts. “Do YOU have what it takes to master Summoners Court? I bet you do but the only way to know for certain is if you step right up! Oh and YES, your game vouchers to me BEFORE you begin.

Each court is divided into four colored sections with bold white numbers painted upon them - red with 10, orange with 20, green with 30, and blue with 50. To the back of these game boards you will see two sets of large leather balls, three in cherry red and three in cerulean. Beside the raised platforms across from each court is a stone pillar with a rotating bronze disk inset upon it. Tap the disk with your wand to spin it and select your level of difficulty and the court will instantly change before you in a poof of butterbeer gold smoke and you and your partner are ready to begin!.

Text Cut: court variations

    The court is clear of all obstacles.
    Five bouncy blocks are scattered about the court. Be careful not to hit one or else your ball will bounce and roll around to somewhere unintended!
    A pair of invisible vortexes make an appearance on the court. Moving beyond these will require some finesse to avoid their spin, which can throw your ball off the court or pull it back to a lower number score.
    What a steal! This level features blocks with slopes on the back that will give you a 100 point bonus if you can get your ball to stop on top of them!
    With four bouncy blocks and three invisible vortexes, this level of court will prove tricky for even the most skilled spellcasters.
    All the greatest Accio hits in one place. This court variation features two bouncing blocks, two 100 point blocks with ramps, and two swirling vortexes.

Good luck, wands at the ready, and Accio Firebolt away!

This is best played with a friend. Summoner's Court is a fantastic way for your character to practice and fine tune their Summoning Charm, Accio.

You are, of course, free to decide the outcomes of your character’s spellcasting yourselves but should you want to add the element of surprise we have created a spinner to assist with your RP experience. Should you decide to utilize these wheels, please disregard any results that do not apply to the level of play. For example, should the wheel provide a bouncy block result but your character is playing at a level without any bouncy blocks then you should redo the spin as needed. There is also a court level spinner for those who want to leave it to fate to decide what level to play out.

This game has been adapted from the one found in the video game, Hogwarts Legacy. You can peek this video for a clear visual of how the game is played.

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Old 06-12-2024, 06:29 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Default Ally & Keighley <3
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

“What do you think, Sunflower? Should we give it a try?” The Wimbourne Wasps gave a sweeping but keen look over the courts of coloured balls and obstacles. The slightly competitive side of him wanted to engage in the game. If his girlfriend was down for it, that is. Charlie did enjoy having such games with her because no matter who won, neither of them got mad about it. Also, Summoner’s Court was not something the young man ever recalled playing so he was curious.

With Keighley agreeing to beat him in a game, a grinning Char stepped up to Monte Bossa to hand over the game vouchers. Then he made his way to the bronze disk. It was tapped and it began to spin rapidly. Around and around it went, eventually slowing down. Before Char knew it, there was an eruption of gold smoke and he was looking at a court on which bouncy blocks stood - the Puffskein Court.

“Okay, this doesn’t seem that challenging,’’ he said to Keighley, though he knew looks were deceiving. “Ladies first.”
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 06-13-2024, 01:47 PM   #3 (permalink)

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x12 x12
Default heya hiya joel & curtis
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

What was a date without a healthy serving of competition? A horrendously boring one, that was for sure. Food, drink, and other obligations of merriment could wait as Sadie approach the summoner's court area hand-in-hand with her boyfriend. She was sure that he was already smirking and being particularly ridiculous with that sideways grin of his since she had yanked him almost immediately in this direction upon their arrival. The Ravenclaw alumna was a woman who knew what she liked and what she did not, what she wanted and what she did not, so it was only natural that she show initiative.

"No blue balls for you," she chortled while handing over their tickets to the flamboyant man and walking with Curtis over to the furthermost court and up on to the platform with several sharp clicks of her heeled boots where she took the position of the blue side. "And we're obviously going with Nundu," she continued while beginning to tap the bronze disk in search of said creature. "Aaaand since I won the last competition...I'll let you set the stakes this time." They really had been getting good use out of that 'kiss the cook' apron thanks to their flirtatious bets.

Also, did he realize that his shirt was missing several buttons again. Of course he did. Of course he did.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 06-13-2024, 09:33 PM   #4 (permalink)

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Default The boyfriend! <3
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
“What do you think, Sunflower? Should we give it a try?” The Wimbourne Wasps gave a sweeping but keen look over the courts of coloured balls and obstacles. The slightly competitive side of him wanted to engage in the game. If his girlfriend was down for it, that is. Charlie did enjoy having such games with her because no matter who won, neither of them got mad about it. Also, Summoner’s Court was not something the young man ever recalled playing so he was curious.

With Keighley agreeing to beat him in a game, a grinning Char stepped up to Monte Bossa to hand over the game vouchers. Then he made his way to the bronze disk. It was tapped and it began to spin rapidly. Around and around it went, eventually slowing down. Before Char knew it, there was an eruption of gold smoke and he was looking at a court on which bouncy blocks stood - the Puffskein Court.

“Okay, this doesn’t seem that challenging,’’ he said to Keighley, though he knew looks were deceiving. “Ladies first.”
"Hmm, what do I think? What do I think?" Keighley pretended to contemplate dramatically, tapping her finger against her lips. "I think you're going down, my sweet sweet Charmander." She laughed softly, her bright blue eyes sparkling as she spun around, her royal blue and yellow dress catching some of the sunshine. A little light competition between the two of them would be a great time and that's what they had come here for today. They would be on even grounds when it came to playing this game too, Summoners Court wasn't a game she was greatly familiar with either.

The young woman followed at the boyfriends side, his hand in hers. There was quite a bit to take in for this game, wasn't there? From the quick spinning bronze disk that chose which court they would play on... And look they got Puffskein!

"We won't know until we try, right?" Keigh gave Char a beaming smile and removed her wand from her wrist holster. "I do believe I'll be going with the red balls if that's alright with you?" She knew he wouldn't mind who used which color. Aiming her wand at one of the cherry red balls she cast Accio. The ball moved across the court and came to a stop in the orange area. "That's not too bad for a first try." It could've been better, it could've been worse.
"It's your turn." Cue the sweet smile.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Bread!
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Old 06-14-2024, 10:02 AM   #5 (permalink)

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Apollonia Fergersnout

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Aurora Ackerly
Fifth Year

x12 x6
Default Anyone want to come play?
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

If there was any excuse to dress up like your favourite princess then Miss Aurora Ackerly was going to grab it immediately. To be perfectly honest, she had restrained herself by avoiding going full ballgown and instead opting for a peasant dress that somewhat reflected the clothing of the time. She’d spent hours scouring the costume closet in search of pieces to put together, the headband was one of her own as was the bag and she’d asked a friend to transfigure her hair to the full bangs she was currently sporting. She truly did look like Briar Rose had stepped out of her cartoon and was flitting her way around Hogsmeade.

She hadn’t made any prior arrangements for meeting up with anybody so the fifth year arrived alone, swooshing her skirt back and forth as she approached each activity with a look of interpretation. Her magical skills might not have been up to scratch but Aurora was always willing to give anything a go, besides it might have made good revision for her upcoming OWLs to practice. Summoner’s Court was perhaps not the easiest activity to start with but alas it was the first that caught her eye.

Only problem being that she had not thought ahead and grabbed a partner to play with leaving her looking a little like a lost puppy.

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Old 06-14-2024, 05:46 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Firash Grunt
Games & Sports
x8 x7
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
What was a date without a healthy serving of competition? A horrendously boring one, that was for sure. Food, drink, and other obligations of merriment could wait as Sadie approach the summoner's court area hand-in-hand with her boyfriend. She was sure that he was already smirking and being particularly ridiculous with that sideways grin of his since she had yanked him almost immediately in this direction upon their arrival. The Ravenclaw alumna was a woman who knew what she liked and what she did not, what she wanted and what she did not, so it was only natural that she show initiative.

"No blue balls for you," she chortled while handing over their tickets to the flamboyant man and walking with Curtis over to the furthermost court and up on to the platform with several sharp clicks of her heeled boots where she took the position of the blue side. "And we're obviously going with Nundu," she continued while beginning to tap the bronze disk in search of said creature. "Aaaand since I won the last competition...I'll let you set the stakes this time." They really had been getting good use out of that 'kiss the cook' apron thanks to their flirtatious bets.

Also, did he realize that his shirt was missing several buttons again. Of course he did. Of course he did.
After the amount of time they had spent together, it was no surprise that Curtis' girlfriend, Sadie, knew exactly where his feelings were. The devilish smirk on his lips, what caused it? The feel of her soft and lotioned hands? The way she tugged him with clear directions? The fact that he was here, back near the grounds of the school that he nearly faced expulsion multiple times from? Or all of the above? It didn't take Merlin to figure this one out.

"Nope," Curtis said, "You're an expert on handling the balls here," He could settle on red, even though it was such a Gryffindor colour. One of the eyebrows he inherited from Papa rose. "Oh? Are you that excited to lose?" Sure, she won their last game, but he quite remembered how spectacularly she handled losing on their very first date in the bowling head alley. "That's fine with me, I like setting the stage."

Curtis gave his shoulders a couple rolls to remove any nicks and pops. Before eyeing the court. There were bouncing blocks, swirling vortexes, and a couple of ramps appearing. Ahem. After clearing his throat, Curtis aimed at the red ball, Accio!. Wordlessly pulling it, the sudden jolt took him by surprise before he let go immediately. The ball rolled in the red... stopping at the edge before orange. 10 points. Really?!

Rather than show his disappointment. He stood straighter before turning with a smirk, "You're up next, Queen." Winking.


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Old 06-15-2024, 10:07 AM   #7 (permalink)
Hogsmeade Shopkeeper
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Text Cut: the Sunflower & the Charmander
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
“What do you think, Sunflower? Should we give it a try?” The Wimbourne Wasps gave a sweeping but keen look over the courts of coloured balls and obstacles. The slightly competitive side of him wanted to engage in the game. If his girlfriend was down for it, that is. Charlie did enjoy having such games with her because no matter who won, neither of them got mad about it. Also, Summoner’s Court was not something the young man ever recalled playing so he was curious.

With Keighley agreeing to beat him in a game, a grinning Char stepped up to Monte Bossa to hand over the game vouchers. Then he made his way to the bronze disk. It was tapped and it began to spin rapidly. Around and around it went, eventually slowing down. Before Char knew it, there was an eruption of gold smoke and he was looking at a court on which bouncy blocks stood - the Puffskein Court.

“Okay, this doesn’t seem that challenging,’’ he said to Keighley, though he knew looks were deceiving. “Ladies first.”
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
"Hmm, what do I think? What do I think?" Keighley pretended to contemplate dramatically, tapping her finger against her lips. "I think you're going down, my sweet sweet Charmander." She laughed softly, her bright blue eyes sparkling as she spun around, her royal blue and yellow dress catching some of the sunshine. A little light competition between the two of them would be a great time and that's what they had come here for today. They would be on even grounds when it came to playing this game too, Summoners Court wasn't a game she was greatly familiar with either.

The young woman followed at the boyfriends side, his hand in hers. There was quite a bit to take in for this game, wasn't there? From the quick spinning bronze disk that chose which court they would play on... And look they got Puffskein!

"We won't know until we try, right?" Keigh gave Char a beaming smile and removed her wand from her wrist holster. "I do believe I'll be going with the red balls if that's alright with you?" She knew he wouldn't mind who used which color. Aiming her wand at one of the cherry red balls she cast Accio. The ball moved across the court and came to a stop in the orange area. "That's not too bad for a first try." It could've been better, it could've been worse.
"It's your turn." Cue the sweet smile.

Gladly accepting the vouchers with an exaggerated bow in which his forehead NEARLY touched his knees (thank you for noticing how nimble he still was at his age), Monte slipped the pieces of paper into the little wooden box provided for such things and sent the couple off with an encouraging round of applause. "I wish you both a happy Woodcroft Games!" he called out and then rested his chin atop his palms. He had not a single knut nor clue as to what a Charmander was, but it was DARLING and Sunflower ADORABLE.

Very squishable like a fluffy plushie and nay a splint end in sight! Though...perhaps after their match he could interest them both in a coupon for 20% off carbonated head spa treatment because those roots were screaming for some refreshment!

Text Cut: the FEISTY SPICEY duo
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
What was a date without a healthy serving of competition? A horrendously boring one, that was for sure. Food, drink, and other obligations of merriment could wait as Sadie approach the summoner's court area hand-in-hand with her boyfriend. She was sure that he was already smirking and being particularly ridiculous with that sideways grin of his since she had yanked him almost immediately in this direction upon their arrival. The Ravenclaw alumna was a woman who knew what she liked and what she did not, what she wanted and what she did not, so it was only natural that she show initiative.

"No blue balls for you," she chortled while handing over their tickets to the flamboyant man and walking with Curtis over to the furthermost court and up on to the platform with several sharp clicks of her heeled boots where she took the position of the blue side. "And we're obviously going with Nundu," she continued while beginning to tap the bronze disk in search of said creature. "Aaaand since I won the last competition...I'll let you set the stakes this time." They really had been getting good use out of that 'kiss the cook' apron thanks to their flirtatious bets.

Also, did he realize that his shirt was missing several buttons again. Of course he did. Of course he did.
Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post
After the amount of time they had spent together, it was no surprise that Curtis' girlfriend, Sadie, knew exactly where his feelings were. The devilish smirk on his lips, what caused it? The feel of her soft and lotioned hands? The way she tugged him with clear directions? The fact that he was here, back near the grounds of the school that he nearly faced expulsion multiple times from? Or all of the above? It didn't take Merlin to figure this one out.

"Nope," Curtis said, "You're an expert on handling the balls here," He could settle on red, even though it was such a Gryffindor colour. One of the eyebrows he inherited from Papa rose. "Oh? Are you that excited to lose?" Sure, she won their last game, but he quite remembered how spectacularly she handled losing on their very first date in the bowling head alley. "That's fine with me, I like setting the stage."

Curtis gave his shoulders a couple rolls to remove any nicks and pops. Before eyeing the court. There were bouncing blocks, swirling vortexes, and a couple of ramps appearing. Ahem. After clearing his throat, Curtis aimed at the red ball, Accio!. Wordlessly pulling it, the sudden jolt took him by surprise before he let go immediately. The ball rolled in the red... stopping at the edge before orange. 10 points. Really?!

Rather than show his disappointment. He stood straighter before turning with a smirk, "You're up next, Queen." Winking.

Another pair of vouchers into the box and this one accompanied by a little hiss in commemoration of the competition heating up. Another pair that could only benefit from a carbonated head spa because HOLY Dumbledore's empty raspberry jam jar...what WERE these two doing? Literally rolling around in dirt. Horrific. Naturally, such things would not be apparent to others but Monte's keen eye and seventh sense was very in tune to such things. In fact, he was not going to wait for after this particular match to hand out the coupons and thus over the shopkeeper strut.

"Greetings and a personalized salutations to you BOTH," he greeted with yet another obnoxious grin while already waving the coupons in front of their faces. "PARDON the interruption to your match here BUT may I PLEASE offer you both a discount carbonated head spa treatment? Refreshing and revitalizing, you'll practically feel like you've a new head on your shoulders!"

Text Cut: the little DARLING
Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
If there was any excuse to dress up like your favourite princess then Miss Aurora Ackerly was going to grab it immediately. To be perfectly honest, she had restrained herself by avoiding going full ballgown and instead opting for a peasant dress that somewhat reflected the clothing of the time. She’d spent hours scouring the costume closet in search of pieces to put together, the headband was one of her own as was the bag and she’d asked a friend to transfigure her hair to the full bangs she was currently sporting. She truly did look like Briar Rose had stepped out of her cartoon and was flitting her way around Hogsmeade.

She hadn’t made any prior arrangements for meeting up with anybody so the fifth year arrived alone, swooshing her skirt back and forth as she approached each activity with a look of interpretation. Her magical skills might not have been up to scratch but Aurora was always willing to give anything a go, besides it might have made good revision for her upcoming OWLs to practice. Summoner’s Court was perhaps not the easiest activity to start with but alas it was the first that caught her eye.

Only problem being that she had not thought ahead and grabbed a partner to play with leaving her looking a little like a lost puppy.


Once again being out of the golden loop of youth culture, Monte had nary a clue as to how the darling little blonde was dressed but DID know she had lustrous locks. Perhaps she could do with just a liiiiiiiitle sprinkle of dry conditioner, but the way the sun bounced off her locks certainly did not show too much of a demand for such a thing.

Something else was clearly in demand, however. "Hello there, darling," he smiled kindly at the young girl. "Need a partner, do we? Give your good friend and hair extraordinaire Monte juuuuuuuuuuust moment and the odds shall be in your favor." Monte then pressed his wand to his neck to assist with this very important announcement.

"ATTENTION ONE, ATTENTION ALL! This lovely young lady is in need of a cohort to embark on the challenge that is Summoner's Court! Do NOT miss out on this opportunity!"

And he flashed the young girl another of his signature dazzling smiles.

"They'll be along shortly," he winked.

And hopefully someone without split ends because WHAT a tragic pairing that would be.
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Old 06-16-2024, 02:21 AM   #8 (permalink)

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Third Year

x12 x8
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers

SPOILER!!: Oh hai! We'll take the bait <3!
Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
If there was any excuse to dress up like your favourite princess then Miss Aurora Ackerly was going to grab it immediately. To be perfectly honest, she had restrained herself by avoiding going full ballgown and instead opting for a peasant dress that somewhat reflected the clothing of the time. She’d spent hours scouring the costume closet in search of pieces to put together, the headband was one of her own as was the bag and she’d asked a friend to transfigure her hair to the full bangs she was currently sporting. She truly did look like Briar Rose had stepped out of her cartoon and was flitting her way around Hogsmeade.

She hadn’t made any prior arrangements for meeting up with anybody so the fifth year arrived alone, swooshing her skirt back and forth as she approached each activity with a look of interpretation. Her magical skills might not have been up to scratch but Aurora was always willing to give anything a go, besides it might have made good revision for her upcoming OWLs to practice. Summoner’s Court was perhaps not the easiest activity to start with but alas it was the first that caught her eye.

Only problem being that she had not thought ahead and grabbed a partner to play with leaving her looking a little like a lost puppy.

Originally Posted by Monte Bossa View Post
Once again being out of the golden loop of youth culture, Monte had nary a clue as to how the darling little blonde was dressed but DID know she had lustrous locks. Perhaps she could do with just a liiiiiiiitle sprinkle of dry conditioner, but the way the sun bounced off her locks certainly did not show too much of a demand for such a thing.

Something else was clearly in demand, however. "Hello there, darling," he smiled kindly at the young girl. "Need a partner, do we? Give your good friend and hair extraordinaire Monte juuuuuuuuuuust moment and the odds shall be in your favor." Monte then pressed his wand to his neck to assist with this very important announcement.

"ATTENTION ONE, ATTENTION ALL! This lovely young lady is in need of a cohort to embark on the challenge that is Summoner's Court! Do NOT miss out on this opportunity!"

And he flashed the young girl another of his signature dazzling smiles.

"They'll be along shortly," he winked.

And hopefully someone without split ends because WHAT a tragic pairing that would be.

The thing was that Emma was the little princess in the Montmorency household. Being the youngest and very much unexpected / wanted surprise meant that she grew up basically getting whatever she wanted. Only today she wasn't just a regular "daddy's princess" or "mummy's princess" but she got to be a renaissance princess which was actually kind of cool. Somehow losing sight of her dormmates from after they got ready together and then seemed to go their separate ways, Emma was left friend-less. No matter though, the extraverted young blond would find someone recognizable.

Not before being distracted by a booming voice calling for a cohort to challenge her. She knew Aurora. Well, mostly through their mutual friendship of Anna, but no matter. She was slightly confused as to where Anna maybe had meandered off, but perhaps like herself, Aurora accidentally ended up wandering around alone.

She'd been researching some simple Renaissance greetings the past few weeks and figure it was a good time as any to use it. "Good day, My Lord," she acknowledged Monte before turning to Aurora, "Hail thee, good lady. Thou cohort hath arrived." She pinched either side of her skirt, curtseying. Hopefully will be well-received.

___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror.
________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem
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Old 06-16-2024, 10:56 PM   #9 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Apollonia Fergersnout

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Fifth Year

x12 x6
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Text Cut: Monte & Emma
Originally Posted by Monte Bossa View Post
Text Cut: the Sunflower & the Charmander

Gladly accepting the vouchers with an exaggerated bow in which his forehead NEARLY touched his knees (thank you for noticing how nimble he still was at his age), Monte slipped the pieces of paper into the little wooden box provided for such things and sent the couple off with an encouraging round of applause. "I wish you both a happy Woodcroft Games!" he called out and then rested his chin atop his palms. He had not a single knut nor clue as to what a Charmander was, but it was DARLING and Sunflower ADORABLE.

Very squishable like a fluffy plushie and nay a splint end in sight! Though...perhaps after their match he could interest them both in a coupon for 20% off carbonated head spa treatment because those roots were screaming for some refreshment!

Text Cut: the FEISTY SPICEY duo

Another pair of vouchers into the box and this one accompanied by a little hiss in commemoration of the competition heating up. Another pair that could only benefit from a carbonated head spa because HOLY Dumbledore's empty raspberry jam jar...what WERE these two doing? Literally rolling around in dirt. Horrific. Naturally, such things would not be apparent to others but Monte's keen eye and seventh sense was very in tune to such things. In fact, he was not going to wait for after this particular match to hand out the coupons and thus over the shopkeeper strut.

"Greetings and a personalized salutations to you BOTH," he greeted with yet another obnoxious grin while already waving the coupons in front of their faces. "PARDON the interruption to your match here BUT may I PLEASE offer you both a discount carbonated head spa treatment? Refreshing and revitalizing, you'll practically feel like you've a new head on your shoulders!"

Once again being out of the golden loop of youth culture, Monte had nary a clue as to how the darling little blonde was dressed but DID know she had lustrous locks. Perhaps she could do with just a liiiiiiiitle sprinkle of dry conditioner, but the way the sun bounced off her locks certainly did not show too much of a demand for such a thing.

Something else was clearly in demand, however. "Hello there, darling," he smiled kindly at the young girl. "Need a partner, do we? Give your good friend and hair extraordinaire Monte juuuuuuuuuuust moment and the odds shall be in your favor." Monte then pressed his wand to his neck to assist with this very important announcement.

"ATTENTION ONE, ATTENTION ALL! This lovely young lady is in need of a cohort to embark on the challenge that is Summoner's Court! Do NOT miss out on this opportunity!"

And he flashed the young girl another of his signature dazzling smiles.

"They'll be along shortly," he winked.

And hopefully someone without split ends because WHAT a tragic pairing that would be.
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
SPOILER!!: Oh hai! We'll take the bait <3!

The thing was that Emma was the little princess in the Montmorency household. Being the youngest and very much unexpected / wanted surprise meant that she grew up basically getting whatever she wanted. Only today she wasn't just a regular "daddy's princess" or "mummy's princess" but she got to be a renaissance princess which was actually kind of cool. Somehow losing sight of her dormmates from after they got ready together and then seemed to go their separate ways, Emma was left friend-less. No matter though, the extraverted young blond would find someone recognizable.

Not before being distracted by a booming voice calling for a cohort to challenge her. She knew Aurora. Well, mostly through their mutual friendship of Anna, but no matter. She was slightly confused as to where Anna maybe had meandered off, but perhaps like herself, Aurora accidentally ended up wandering around alone.

She'd been researching some simple Renaissance greetings the past few weeks and figure it was a good time as any to use it. "Good day, My Lord," she acknowledged Monte before turning to Aurora, "Hail thee, good lady. Thou cohort hath arrived." She pinched either side of her skirt, curtseying. Hopefully will be well-received.

Aurora didn’t mind waiting for a partner and was quite content with watching the participants playing their own matches. She was rather fascinated by them actually, the ease in which some of them controlled their magic to where it had become second nature. Like they didn’t have to constantly think ahead or delve into their memory. Some things Aurora picked up very quickly, others she was a little slower at. But it was okay, she was doing okay.

So invested in these other matches was she, that she hadn’t heard the stylist approach until he was right next to her. She glanced up in almost comedic fashion, taking in the golden outfit, the perfect coiffed hair and the beaming white smile until her eyes settled on his face and she realised what he was saying to her. “Oh it’s okay I was just—.” she began to reassure him but it was too late, he had already proceeded with his announcement to the entirety of Hogsmeade. The fifteen year old wasn’t typically one to be embarrassed by being outed in such a way but the second that the sparkly man projected his voice to exclaim that she was partnerless, the colour rose to her cheeks and she felt a little self-conscious. She was equally enthralled by his magnificence however so she daren’t protest and he was only trying to help. “Thank you?” she blinked before remembering her manners and offering him back an equally pearly white smile.

The brief period of mild humiliation was abruptly dissipated by the arrival of a taker in the form of a young Hufflepuff. The language she was using was a little confusing to say the least, mostly because the films based in the medieval times she had watched generally used modern English but she assumed that it was affirmative anyway. “Do you need a partner too?” she asked after a quick curtsy of her own.
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Old 06-17-2024, 06:50 AM   #10 (permalink)

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Text Cut: Curtis and no thank you, go away
Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post
After the amount of time they had spent together, it was no surprise that Curtis' girlfriend, Sadie, knew exactly where his feelings were. The devilish smirk on his lips, what caused it? The feel of her soft and lotioned hands? The way she tugged him with clear directions? The fact that he was here, back near the grounds of the school that he nearly faced expulsion multiple times from? Or all of the above? It didn't take Merlin to figure this one out.

"Nope," Curtis said, "You're an expert on handling the balls here," He could settle on red, even though it was such a Gryffindor colour. One of the eyebrows he inherited from Papa rose. "Oh? Are you that excited to lose?" Sure, she won their last game, but he quite remembered how spectacularly she handled losing on their very first date in the bowling head alley. "That's fine with me, I like setting the stage."

Curtis gave his shoulders a couple rolls to remove any nicks and pops. Before eyeing the court. There were bouncing blocks, swirling vortexes, and a couple of ramps appearing. Ahem. After clearing his throat, Curtis aimed at the red ball, Accio!. Wordlessly pulling it, the sudden jolt took him by surprise before he let go immediately. The ball rolled in the red... stopping at the edge before orange. 10 points. Really?!

Rather than show his disappointment. He stood straighter before turning with a smirk, "You're up next, Queen." Winking.

Originally Posted by Monte Bossa View Post
Text Cut: the Sunflower & the Charmander

Gladly accepting the vouchers with an exaggerated bow in which his forehead NEARLY touched his knees (thank you for noticing how nimble he still was at his age), Monte slipped the pieces of paper into the little wooden box provided for such things and sent the couple off with an encouraging round of applause. "I wish you both a happy Woodcroft Games!" he called out and then rested his chin atop his palms. He had not a single knut nor clue as to what a Charmander was, but it was DARLING and Sunflower ADORABLE.

Very squishable like a fluffy plushie and nay a splint end in sight! Though...perhaps after their match he could interest them both in a coupon for 20% off carbonated head spa treatment because those roots were screaming for some refreshment!

Text Cut: the FEISTY SPICEY duo

Another pair of vouchers into the box and this one accompanied by a little hiss in commemoration of the competition heating up. Another pair that could only benefit from a carbonated head spa because HOLY Dumbledore's empty raspberry jam jar...what WERE these two doing? Literally rolling around in dirt. Horrific. Naturally, such things would not be apparent to others but Monte's keen eye and seventh sense was very in tune to such things. In fact, he was not going to wait for after this particular match to hand out the coupons and thus over the shopkeeper strut.

"Greetings and a personalized salutations to you BOTH," he greeted with yet another obnoxious grin while already waving the coupons in front of their faces. "PARDON the interruption to your match here BUT may I PLEASE offer you both a discount carbonated head spa treatment? Refreshing and revitalizing, you'll practically feel like you've a new head on your shoulders!"

Once again being out of the golden loop of youth culture, Monte had nary a clue as to how the darling little blonde was dressed but DID know she had lustrous locks. Perhaps she could do with just a liiiiiiiitle sprinkle of dry conditioner, but the way the sun bounced off her locks certainly did not show too much of a demand for such a thing.

Something else was clearly in demand, however. "Hello there, darling," he smiled kindly at the young girl. "Need a partner, do we? Give your good friend and hair extraordinaire Monte juuuuuuuuuuust moment and the odds shall be in your favor." Monte then pressed his wand to his neck to assist with this very important announcement.

"ATTENTION ONE, ATTENTION ALL! This lovely young lady is in need of a cohort to embark on the challenge that is Summoner's Court! Do NOT miss out on this opportunity!"

And he flashed the young girl another of his signature dazzling smiles.

"They'll be along shortly," he winked.

And hopefully someone without split ends because WHAT a tragic pairing that would be.

The urge to roll her eyes was excruciating, and yet she instead found herself offering Curtis a side grin of her own with just the tiniest peek of her tongue sticking out. Clearly she was in a good mood this afternoon...entirely too good of a mood if she wanted to offer some introspective on the situation. "Not at all, seeing as I have no intention of losing. But so kind of you to ask," she cooed with some exaggerated flutters of the lashes as she leaned over and gave his cheek a quick but intentionally lingering peck.

Distraction tactic? She'd never.

Tsking his efforts with an even wider smile than before, Sadie sashayed her way into position and pushed her hip length box braid pigtails over her shoulders and out of the way of her spellcasting stance. "You see, the point is to not do what you just did and avoid the obstacles," she teased with a little flirty pinch of his cheek and a tender couple of pats. This time she DID roll her eyes at the insufferably pet name he insisted on calling her, which was surely the response he had been aiming for which meant that she was playing right into his hand. How embarrassing...but not as embarrassing as getting only ten points in Summoner's Court.

And then the host of this little carnival game arrived in a flourish of frill and teeth and...vouchers? Her brow arched and she side eyed Curtis for his reaction to this bloke - especially the emphasis on the 'please' which seemed to imply certain things that she Ravenclaw alumna did not take kindly to. "No, thank you. But you can give mine to my boyfriend." Who would then likely give it back to her to use for whenever and she would receive the discount without having accepted it from the man who seemed to be more teeth than anything else.

Feet now shoulder's width apart, Sadie took on a more relaxed dueling stance - though it did give off the impression that she was about to start a boxing match rather than cast a spell - and likewise summoned her ball nonverbally. As luck would, or would not in this case, have it...the moment the spell began to tumble out of her wand was also the precise moment that the Hogsmeade host went about his unnecessarily loud announcement. Her casting intensified, creating an uneven wave and spike in her spell's current which sent her ball zipping forward, looping around the same invisible vortex as what Curtis had encountered and her own ball went crashing into his and kept on moving. Another ricochet off a bouncy block and soon both balls had split in different directions from one another and were now zooming through the air like rogue bludgers going after the opposing team. Opposing team or source of unnecessary noise, as the case may be. As for the other ball, well, Sadie had a handle on that with a swift flourish of her wand. The cerulean ball bounced off the Shield Charm and lay on the platform at their feet in a deflated pile of leather.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 06-17-2024, 11:51 PM   #11 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
Aurora didn’t mind waiting for a partner and was quite content with watching the participants playing their own matches. She was rather fascinated by them actually, the ease in which some of them controlled their magic to where it had become second nature. Like they didn’t have to constantly think ahead or delve into their memory. Some things Aurora picked up very quickly, others she was a little slower at. But it was okay, she was doing okay.

So invested in these other matches was she, that she hadn’t heard the stylist approach until he was right next to her. She glanced up in almost comedic fashion, taking in the golden outfit, the perfect coiffed hair and the beaming white smile until her eyes settled on his face and she realised what he was saying to her. “Oh it’s okay I was just—.” she began to reassure him but it was too late, he had already proceeded with his announcement to the entirety of Hogsmeade. The fifteen year old wasn’t typically one to be embarrassed by being outed in such a way but the second that the sparkly man projected his voice to exclaim that she was partnerless, the colour rose to her cheeks and she felt a little self-conscious. She was equally enthralled by his magnificence however so she daren’t protest and he was only trying to help. “Thank you?” she blinked before remembering her manners and offering him back an equally pearly white smile.

The brief period of mild humiliation was abruptly dissipated by the arrival of a taker in the form of a young Hufflepuff. The language she was using was a little confusing to say the least, mostly because the films based in the medieval times she had watched generally used modern English but she assumed that it was affirmative anyway. “Do you need a partner too?” she asked after a quick curtsy of her own.
To be frank, she wasn't about to keep up the antiquated English, but it was fun to do a little greeting with it. "why yes, mah lady, I do indeed and it seems so do you?" Was she meant to introduce herself properly? She wasn't sure how well the older students knew who she was, even if she had a handful of older friends. But Aurora being besties with Anna, perhaps the Ravenclaw knew her? In her limited fourteen years of life experience though, it seemed younger students were more likely to be versed in the names of older student, when compared to the other way around.

She looked back at the game to which she was about to play. "Shall we begin? Do we each take a turn?" When it came to magical games, her knowledge was limited to Quidditch and Gobstones, so using spells was kind of different. And as far as muggle games went, it was more dance oriented and competition was different in that when compared to other muggle games.

___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror.
________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem
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Old 06-18-2024, 01:07 AM   #12 (permalink)
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SPOILER!!: Drop Dead Gorgeous! <3
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
"Hmm, what do I think? What do I think?" Keighley pretended to contemplate dramatically, tapping her finger against her lips. "I think you're going down, my sweet sweet Charmander." She laughed softly, her bright blue eyes sparkling as she spun around, her royal blue and yellow dress catching some of the sunshine. A little light competition between the two of them would be a great time and that's what they had come here for today. They would be on even grounds when it came to playing this game too, Summoners Court wasn't a game she was greatly familiar with either.

The young woman followed at the boyfriends side, his hand in hers. There was quite a bit to take in for this game, wasn't there? From the quick spinning bronze disk that chose which court they would play on... And look they got Puffskein!

"We won't know until we try, right?" Keigh gave Char a beaming smile and removed her wand from her wrist holster. "I do believe I'll be going with the red balls if that's alright with you?" She knew he wouldn't mind who used which color. Aiming her wand at one of the cherry red balls she cast Accio. The ball moved across the court and came to a stop in the orange area. "That's not too bad for a first try." It could've been better, it could've been worse.
"It's your turn." Cue the sweet smile.

As a matter of fact, Charlie did notice the literal great length that Bossa’s forehead travelled. Was he in awe? Yes, he was. You see, he hoped to be that flexible when he attained the man’s age, whatever that may be. “Thank you,’’ the Quidditch player replied in his Swedish accent, taking it upon himself to absorb some of the man’s good vibes. One can never have too much of that. As for that head spa, he’d be delighted to hear all about that head spa treatment. Having varying temperatures of air whipping through his hair so often dried out his scalp or at other times left it greasy.

Just look at her! Everyone look at the gorgeous girlfriend! Charlie could hardly keep his eyes off of her even if she was being a little dramatic. Did her actress sister and actor brother-in-law rub off on her? Char couldn’t help but grin a little goofily as he watched Keigh. She was seriously addling his brain right now so he would not be surprised if she crucified him at this game. “I appreciate how competitive you are but let’s just see about that!”

Without thinking about it, Char switched to Swedish. {“That’s true.”} Just like he never made the mistake to underestimate an opposing team, he should do the same in this case. {“Whatever my Sunflower wants.”} He gave her hand a fond squish then he stood there with his wand in hand to watch the gorgeous one do her thing. As usual, he was impressed with her wand work. {“I think that was splendid,’’} Char replied honestly.

Then it was his turn. The girlfriend’s sweet smile was still imprinted on his brain and he was still feeling quite goofy thinking about how extra beautiful she looked in that costume so his own wand work was not up to par. The Accioed ball began rolling out of the red part of the court and promptly collided with one of the spongy things there which caused it to bounce backwards to its starting point. Char groaned. {“As a Beater with proper aim, that was not my finest work.”}
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 06-26-2024, 05:15 PM   #13 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post

As a matter of fact, Charlie did notice the literal great length that Bossa’s forehead travelled. Was he in awe? Yes, he was. You see, he hoped to be that flexible when he attained the man’s age, whatever that may be. “Thank you,’’ the Quidditch player replied in his Swedish accent, taking it upon himself to absorb some of the man’s good vibes. One can never have too much of that. As for that head spa, he’d be delighted to hear all about that head spa treatment. Having varying temperatures of air whipping through his hair so often dried out his scalp or at other times left it greasy.

Just look at her! Everyone look at the gorgeous girlfriend! Charlie could hardly keep his eyes off of her even if she was being a little dramatic. Did her actress sister and actor brother-in-law rub off on her? Char couldn’t help but grin a little goofily as he watched Keigh. She was seriously addling his brain right now so he would not be surprised if she crucified him at this game. “I appreciate how competitive you are but let’s just see about that!”

Without thinking about it, Char switched to Swedish. {“That’s true.”} Just like he never made the mistake to underestimate an opposing team, he should do the same in this case. {“Whatever my Sunflower wants.”} He gave her hand a fond squish then he stood there with his wand in hand to watch the gorgeous one do her thing. As usual, he was impressed with her wand work. {“I think that was splendid,’’} Char replied honestly.

Then it was his turn. The girlfriend’s sweet smile was still imprinted on his brain and he was still feeling quite goofy thinking about how extra beautiful she looked in that costume so his own wand work was not up to par. The Accioed ball began rolling out of the red part of the court and promptly collided with one of the spongy things there which caused it to bounce backwards to its starting point. Char groaned. {“As a Beater with proper aim, that was not my finest work.”}
Oh me, oh my! Keighley most certainly did take notice of that bow! How elegant, how graceful, how everything all in one! Bossa had quite the flair and this blonde couldn't contain her bright smile aimed in the man's direction. "Thank you!" Now should he want to give out coupons to her and Charlie afterwards for a head spa, she certainly wouldn't be one to say no! Martial Arts did have a way of leaving one rather icky and sweaty afterwards and being pampered for a little bit would be nice. She also wouldn't mind explaining to him exactly what a Charmander was!

Yes, yes, they both may have. She couldn't help it if being dramatic every once in awhile was fun. "Are you doubting my skills?" Keigh continued to smile sweetly. Which skills she was speaking of, who knew. As when it came to this game, she had none.

The blonde smiled at her dashing partner. The switch to speaking in Swedish, not at all affecting her as much as it used to. {"As much as I do love the way you never mind, I wouldn't at all mind if you had a say in things too."} Just a reminder. She knew very well how laid-back he was. {"Why thank you, it was fairly decent."} She knew she could do much better than that.

Whatever was on Char's mind as he took his first turn was beyond her but she was all eyes on him. Her gentle smile never wavering. {"This isn't Quidditch though, Char. You'll do better next time."} She gave his fingers a light squeeze before preparing herself for her own turn. Now her goal was to attempt to Accio this ball towards her a little more quickly in hopes of getting it further than the other one. Which was going fairly well as the ball rolled steadily over the red, orange and into the green area before slamming rather forcefully into a spongy block that sent it ricocheting backwards and into the other blocks. It crashed into the only red ball she had out there and sent it flying off the court and rolling off along with it. Keigh stood there with a look of bewilderment on her face for a moment before bursting out laughing. {"Now that was simply fantastic, just fantastic!"} It couldn't get much worst than that, could it?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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Old 06-26-2024, 09:48 PM   #14 (permalink)
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SPOILER!!: Who is this man?? + Hello Sadie ;)
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Text Cut: Curtis and no thank you, go away

The urge to roll her eyes was excruciating, and yet she instead found herself offering Curtis a side grin of her own with just the tiniest peek of her tongue sticking out. Clearly she was in a good mood this afternoon...entirely too good of a mood if she wanted to offer some introspective on the situation. "Not at all, seeing as I have no intention of losing. But so kind of you to ask," she cooed with some exaggerated flutters of the lashes as she leaned over and gave his cheek a quick but intentionally lingering peck.

Distraction tactic? She'd never.

Tsking his efforts with an even wider smile than before, Sadie sashayed her way into position and pushed her hip length box braid pigtails over her shoulders and out of the way of her spellcasting stance. "You see, the point is to not do what you just did and avoid the obstacles," she teased with a little flirty pinch of his cheek and a tender couple of pats. This time she DID roll her eyes at the insufferably pet name he insisted on calling her, which was surely the response he had been aiming for which meant that she was playing right into his hand. How embarrassing...but not as embarrassing as getting only ten points in Summoner's Court.

And then the host of this little carnival game arrived in a flourish of frill and teeth and...vouchers? Her brow arched and she side eyed Curtis for his reaction to this bloke - especially the emphasis on the 'please' which seemed to imply certain things that she Ravenclaw alumna did not take kindly to. "No, thank you. But you can give mine to my boyfriend." Who would then likely give it back to her to use for whenever and she would receive the discount without having accepted it from the man who seemed to be more teeth than anything else.

Feet now shoulder's width apart, Sadie took on a more relaxed dueling stance - though it did give off the impression that she was about to start a boxing match rather than cast a spell - and likewise summoned her ball nonverbally. As luck would, or would not in this case, have it...the moment the spell began to tumble out of her wand was also the precise moment that the Hogsmeade host went about his unnecessarily loud announcement. Her casting intensified, creating an uneven wave and spike in her spell's current which sent her ball zipping forward, looping around the same invisible vortex as what Curtis had encountered and her own ball went crashing into his and kept on moving. Another ricochet off a bouncy block and soon both balls had split in different directions from one another and were now zooming through the air like rogue bludgers going after the opposing team. Opposing team or source of unnecessary noise, as the case may be. As for the other ball, well, Sadie had a handle on that with a swift flourish of her wand. The cerulean ball bounced off the Shield Charm and lay on the platform at their feet in a deflated pile of leather.
Originally Posted by Monte Bossa View Post
Text Cut: the Sunflower & the Charmander

Gladly accepting the vouchers with an exaggerated bow in which his forehead NEARLY touched his knees (thank you for noticing how nimble he still was at his age), Monte slipped the pieces of paper into the little wooden box provided for such things and sent the couple off with an encouraging round of applause. "I wish you both a happy Woodcroft Games!" he called out and then rested his chin atop his palms. He had not a single knut nor clue as to what a Charmander was, but it was DARLING and Sunflower ADORABLE.

Very squishable like a fluffy plushie and nay a splint end in sight! Though...perhaps after their match he could interest them both in a coupon for 20% off carbonated head spa treatment because those roots were screaming for some refreshment!

Text Cut: the FEISTY SPICEY duo

Another pair of vouchers into the box and this one accompanied by a little hiss in commemoration of the competition heating up. Another pair that could only benefit from a carbonated head spa because HOLY Dumbledore's empty raspberry jam jar...what WERE these two doing? Literally rolling around in dirt. Horrific. Naturally, such things would not be apparent to others but Monte's keen eye and seventh sense was very in tune to such things. In fact, he was not going to wait for after this particular match to hand out the coupons and thus over the shopkeeper strut.

"Greetings and a personalized salutations to you BOTH," he greeted with yet another obnoxious grin while already waving the coupons in front of their faces. "PARDON the interruption to your match here BUT may I PLEASE offer you both a discount carbonated head spa treatment? Refreshing and revitalizing, you'll practically feel like you've a new head on your shoulders!"

Once again being out of the golden loop of youth culture, Monte had nary a clue as to how the darling little blonde was dressed but DID know she had lustrous locks. Perhaps she could do with just a liiiiiiiitle sprinkle of dry conditioner, but the way the sun bounced off her locks certainly did not show too much of a demand for such a thing.

Something else was clearly in demand, however. "Hello there, darling," he smiled kindly at the young girl. "Need a partner, do we? Give your good friend and hair extraordinaire Monte juuuuuuuuuuust moment and the odds shall be in your favor." Monte then pressed his wand to his neck to assist with this very important announcement.

"ATTENTION ONE, ATTENTION ALL! This lovely young lady is in need of a cohort to embark on the challenge that is Summoner's Court! Do NOT miss out on this opportunity!"

And he flashed the young girl another of his signature dazzling smiles.

"They'll be along shortly," he winked.

And hopefully someone without split ends because WHAT a tragic pairing that would be.

All of this cooing and fluttering of the eyelashes, Curtis couldn't help staring, "Is there something in your eye, sweet-" And there it was, the not-needed but well received cheek kiss. His face warming immediately. It was too bad they were near school grounds. Maybe it was old memories, but he was sure Slytherin would get points removed, just because, if his favorite Headmaster was still around to see this. "Merlin, that's cheating... do it again." Grinning.

All this petting, did he look like their beloved child, Pew-Pew? Not that Curtis was complaining. It just made it a tad difficult to keep his smirky smirk while his face was getting treated... by the who. Who is this man interrupting their date? Well, if it's free, he's not going to complain. "Thank you," He said pocketing them immediately. He was already stocked on all the good hair care, thank you very nicely. It was one of the many perks of having a beautiful girlfriend who looked out for his beauty too.

Speaking of looking out, Curtis could see where the balls bounced off each other. Before one went zooming in his direction. The speed of him taking his wand out, his rare moment of clumsiness decided to happen. He ducked to pick up his wand. He could swear he heard a smack in the nearby distance behind him. But he didn't check to look, his first sight was Sadie keeping her stance while the other ball was laying at her feet.

Trying not to smirky smirk... well, let's be honest, he didn't try to stop it. He stood next to Sadie, giving her a soft cheek kiss, "Nice going, luv." The court was cleared, "Looks like we're even now," He winked, before going to take his stance. Here's the wind up and the summon, Accio, zoom... The ball was now past the 10. He smirked. 20... Keep concentrating... bounced off the wall heading toward... Oh no.. it reached an invisible vortex. It span around and around before spitting it out of the court... "Welp, I lasted longer than you, Queen." He said, slightly sticking his tongue in the same fashion of their fur-baby.


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Old 06-30-2024, 02:18 AM   #15 (permalink)
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~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Sunflora, flora! <3
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Oh me, oh my! Keighley most certainly did take notice of that bow! How elegant, how graceful, how everything all in one! Bossa had quite the flair and this blonde couldn't contain her bright smile aimed in the man's direction. "Thank you!" Now should he want to give out coupons to her and Charlie afterwards for a head spa, she certainly wouldn't be one to say no! Martial Arts did have a way of leaving one rather icky and sweaty afterwards and being pampered for a little bit would be nice. She also wouldn't mind explaining to him exactly what a Charmander was!

Yes, yes, they both may have. She couldn't help it if being dramatic every once in awhile was fun. "Are you doubting my skills?" Keigh continued to smile sweetly. Which skills she was speaking of, who knew. As when it came to this game, she had none.

The blonde smiled at her dashing partner. The switch to speaking in Swedish, not at all affecting her as much as it used to. {"As much as I do love the way you never mind, I wouldn't at all mind if you had a say in things too."} Just a reminder. She knew very well how laid-back he was. {"Why thank you, it was fairly decent."} She knew she could do much better than that.

Whatever was on Char's mind as he took his first turn was beyond her but she was all eyes on him. Her gentle smile never wavering. {"This isn't Quidditch though, Char. You'll do better next time."} She gave his fingers a light squeeze before preparing herself for her own turn. Now her goal was to attempt to Accio this ball towards her a little more quickly in hopes of getting it further than the other one. Which was going fairly well as the ball rolled steadily over the red, orange and into the green area before slamming rather forcefully into a spongy block that sent it ricocheting backwards and into the other blocks. It crashed into the only red ball she had out there and sent it flying off the court and rolling off along with it. Keigh stood there with a look of bewilderment on her face for a moment before bursting out laughing. {"Now that was simply fantastic, just fantastic!"} It couldn't get much worst than that, could it?

Doubting Keighley’s skills? Absolutely not! Laughing, Charlie shook his head. He knew better than to do that when he saw on a daily basis just how great she was at MMA and everything else her brilliant mind was set on. {“Hey, I have an opinion on everything but since you and I are very much in tuned most of the time, not saying it out loud never bothers me.”} It was a simple fact. {“You’ll do great next time around,”} Char continued, full of confidence.

His Sunflower’s words made him chuckle. {“True. But I really think I should have a perfect aim with everything.”} That was a joke! Char squished those soft fingers back then paid keen attention to his girlfriend’s second attempt. In his opinion, said attempt was quite a calamity. He watched with an air of stunned amusement as the ball went on its journey from the court. Laughing, he said, {“That was quite entertaining! Better luck next time, Sunflower.”}

With it being his turn, Charlie took aim at a different ball, not the one he had aimed at on his first try, and fixed his gaze on it. “Accio ball!” This time, he fared a lot more satisfactorily with the balls navigating its way from the red section to the green, all without encountering an obstacle!
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 06-30-2024, 03:37 PM   #16 (permalink)
Hogsmeade Shopkeeper
Monte Bossa's Avatar
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 132
Blue Beauty

SPOILER!!: the Curtsey pair
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
SPOILER!!: Oh hai! We'll take the bait <3!

The thing was that Emma was the little princess in the Montmorency household. Being the youngest and very much unexpected / wanted surprise meant that she grew up basically getting whatever she wanted. Only today she wasn't just a regular "daddy's princess" or "mummy's princess" but she got to be a renaissance princess which was actually kind of cool. Somehow losing sight of her dormmates from after they got ready together and then seemed to go their separate ways, Emma was left friend-less. No matter though, the extraverted young blond would find someone recognizable.

Not before being distracted by a booming voice calling for a cohort to challenge her. She knew Aurora. Well, mostly through their mutual friendship of Anna, but no matter. She was slightly confused as to where Anna maybe had meandered off, but perhaps like herself, Aurora accidentally ended up wandering around alone.

She'd been researching some simple Renaissance greetings the past few weeks and figure it was a good time as any to use it. "Good day, My Lord," she acknowledged Monte before turning to Aurora, "Hail thee, good lady. Thou cohort hath arrived." She pinched either side of her skirt, curtseying. Hopefully will be well-received.
Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
Text Cut: Monte & Emma

Aurora didn’t mind waiting for a partner and was quite content with watching the participants playing their own matches. She was rather fascinated by them actually, the ease in which some of them controlled their magic to where it had become second nature. Like they didn’t have to constantly think ahead or delve into their memory. Some things Aurora picked up very quickly, others she was a little slower at. But it was okay, she was doing okay.

So invested in these other matches was she, that she hadn’t heard the stylist approach until he was right next to her. She glanced up in almost comedic fashion, taking in the golden outfit, the perfect coiffed hair and the beaming white smile until her eyes settled on his face and she realised what he was saying to her. “Oh it’s okay I was just—.” she began to reassure him but it was too late, he had already proceeded with his announcement to the entirety of Hogsmeade. The fifteen year old wasn’t typically one to be embarrassed by being outed in such a way but the second that the sparkly man projected his voice to exclaim that she was partnerless, the colour rose to her cheeks and she felt a little self-conscious. She was equally enthralled by his magnificence however so she daren’t protest and he was only trying to help. “Thank you?” she blinked before remembering her manners and offering him back an equally pearly white smile.

The brief period of mild humiliation was abruptly dissipated by the arrival of a taker in the form of a young Hufflepuff. The language she was using was a little confusing to say the least, mostly because the films based in the medieval times she had watched generally used modern English but she assumed that it was affirmative anyway. “Do you need a partner too?” she asked after a quick curtsy of her own.
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
To be frank, she wasn't about to keep up the antiquated English, but it was fun to do a little greeting with it. "why yes, mah lady, I do indeed and it seems so do you?" Was she meant to introduce herself properly? She wasn't sure how well the older students knew who she was, even if she had a handful of older friends. But Aurora being besties with Anna, perhaps the Ravenclaw knew her? In her limited fourteen years of life experience though, it seemed younger students were more likely to be versed in the names of older student, when compared to the other way around.

She looked back at the game to which she was about to play. "Shall we begin? Do we each take a turn?" When it came to magical games, her knowledge was limited to Quidditch and Gobstones, so using spells was kind of different. And as far as muggle games went, it was more dance oriented and competition was different in that when compared to other muggle games.

Monte simply would not stand to see one to be left alone. Nope, it was simply unacceptable. Why, he shall dance! Sashaying his hips from left to right like a sweeping broom. That ought to bring further attention for the little darling and it just so happened to work!

"MARVELOUS!" He clapped in delight at the two curtesying each other. "I dare say, that was splendid! Would you two like a complimentary discount of a carbonated head spa treatment?" Twirling his empty wrist to conjure 2 special coupons. One for each! Ordinarily, he would've waited to gift them this after their match, but such a fine display of tradition deserved a reward.


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Text Cut: Curtis and no thank you, go away

The urge to roll her eyes was excruciating, and yet she instead found herself offering Curtis a side grin of her own with just the tiniest peek of her tongue sticking out. Clearly she was in a good mood this afternoon...entirely too good of a mood if she wanted to offer some introspective on the situation. "Not at all, seeing as I have no intention of losing. But so kind of you to ask," she cooed with some exaggerated flutters of the lashes as she leaned over and gave his cheek a quick but intentionally lingering peck.

Distraction tactic? She'd never.

Tsking his efforts with an even wider smile than before, Sadie sashayed her way into position and pushed her hip length box braid pigtails over her shoulders and out of the way of her spellcasting stance. "You see, the point is to not do what you just did and avoid the obstacles," she teased with a little flirty pinch of his cheek and a tender couple of pats. This time she DID roll her eyes at the insufferably pet name he insisted on calling her, which was surely the response he had been aiming for which meant that she was playing right into his hand. How embarrassing...but not as embarrassing as getting only ten points in Summoner's Court.

And then the host of this little carnival game arrived in a flourish of frill and teeth and...vouchers? Her brow arched and she side eyed Curtis for his reaction to this bloke - especially the emphasis on the 'please' which seemed to imply certain things that she Ravenclaw alumna did not take kindly to. "No, thank you. But you can give mine to my boyfriend." Who would then likely give it back to her to use for whenever and she would receive the discount without having accepted it from the man who seemed to be more teeth than anything else.

Feet now shoulder's width apart, Sadie took on a more relaxed dueling stance - though it did give off the impression that she was about to start a boxing match rather than cast a spell - and likewise summoned her ball nonverbally. As luck would, or would not in this case, have it...the moment the spell began to tumble out of her wand was also the precise moment that the Hogsmeade host went about his unnecessarily loud announcement. Her casting intensified, creating an uneven wave and spike in her spell's current which sent her ball zipping forward, looping around the same invisible vortex as what Curtis had encountered and her own ball went crashing into his and kept on moving. Another ricochet off a bouncy block and soon both balls had split in different directions from one another and were now zooming through the air like rogue bludgers going after the opposing team. Opposing team or source of unnecessary noise, as the case may be. As for the other ball, well, Sadie had a handle on that with a swift flourish of her wand. The cerulean ball bounced off the Shield Charm and lay on the platform at their feet in a deflated pile of leather.
Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post
SPOILER!!: Who is this man?? + Hello Sadie ;)

All of this cooing and fluttering of the eyelashes, Curtis couldn't help staring, "Is there something in your eye, sweet-" And there it was, the not-needed but well received cheek kiss. His face warming immediately. It was too bad they were near school grounds. Maybe it was old memories, but he was sure Slytherin would get points removed, just because, if his favorite Headmaster was still around to see this. "Merlin, that's cheating... do it again." Grinning.

All this petting, did he look like their beloved child, Pew-Pew? Not that Curtis was complaining. It just made it a tad difficult to keep his smirky smirk while his face was getting treated... by the who. Who is this man interrupting their date? Well, if it's free, he's not going to complain. "Thank you," He said pocketing them immediately. He was already stocked on all the good hair care, thank you very nicely. It was one of the many perks of having a beautiful girlfriend who looked out for his beauty too.

Speaking of looking out, Curtis could see where the balls bounced off each other. Before one went zooming in his direction. The speed of him taking his wand out, his rare moment of clumsiness decided to happen. He ducked to pick up his wand. He could swear he heard a smack in the nearby distance behind him. But he didn't check to look, his first sight was Sadie keeping her stance while the other ball was laying at her feet.

Trying not to smirky smirk... well, let's be honest, he didn't try to stop it. He stood next to Sadie, giving her a soft cheek kiss, "Nice going, luv." The court was cleared, "Looks like we're even now," He winked, before going to take his stance. Here's the wind up and the summon, Accio, zoom... The ball was now past the 10. He smirked. 20... Keep concentrating... bounced off the wall heading toward... Oh no.. it reached an invisible vortex. It span around and around before spitting it out of the court... "Welp, I lasted longer than you, Queen." He said, slightly sticking his tongue in the same fashion of their fur-baby.

"SPLENDID!" Monte cheered. He didn't know much about clothes, but this couple was fierce! The young lady was so generous to offer her coupon to the gentleman. But did he really need it? His eyelashes fluttered, "Enjoy!" He could perhaps watch the two, see if they need some coaching to improve their game.

His smile was beaming despite their trouble. Was it the glee of the court proving to be as challenging as they requested. Or the sight of the dashing couple. Whatever the case, the gentleman who bent to pick up his wand left him a free target to-


He was down! All he could see now was chirping birds swirling. He sat up finding his vision all but double.


Shaking his head to clear it up. "Oh my good golly gosh! What a serve! " His beautiful face was now marked with a the imprint of a quaffle. That should fade in time. More importantly, his teeth seemed to be fine and intact.

SPOILER!!: the Sunflower & the Charmander

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post

As a matter of fact, Charlie did notice the literal great length that Bossa’s forehead travelled. Was he in awe? Yes, he was. You see, he hoped to be that flexible when he attained the man’s age, whatever that may be. “Thank you,’’ the Quidditch player replied in his Swedish accent, taking it upon himself to absorb some of the man’s good vibes. One can never have too much of that. As for that head spa, he’d be delighted to hear all about that head spa treatment. Having varying temperatures of air whipping through his hair so often dried out his scalp or at other times left it greasy.

Just look at her! Everyone look at the gorgeous girlfriend! Charlie could hardly keep his eyes off of her even if she was being a little dramatic. Did her actress sister and actor brother-in-law rub off on her? Char couldn’t help but grin a little goofily as he watched Keigh. She was seriously addling his brain right now so he would not be surprised if she crucified him at this game. “I appreciate how competitive you are but let’s just see about that!”

Without thinking about it, Char switched to Swedish. {“That’s true.”} Just like he never made the mistake to underestimate an opposing team, he should do the same in this case. {“Whatever my Sunflower wants.”} He gave her hand a fond squish then he stood there with his wand in hand to watch the gorgeous one do her thing. As usual, he was impressed with her wand work. {“I think that was splendid,’’} Char replied honestly.

Then it was his turn. The girlfriend’s sweet smile was still imprinted on his brain and he was still feeling quite goofy thinking about how extra beautiful she looked in that costume so his own wand work was not up to par. The Accioed ball began rolling out of the red part of the court and promptly collided with one of the spongy things there which caused it to bounce backwards to its starting point. Char groaned. {“As a Beater with proper aim, that was not my finest work.”}
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Oh me, oh my! Keighley most certainly did take notice of that bow! How elegant, how graceful, how everything all in one! Bossa had quite the flair and this blonde couldn't contain her bright smile aimed in the man's direction. "Thank you!" Now should he want to give out coupons to her and Charlie afterwards for a head spa, she certainly wouldn't be one to say no! Martial Arts did have a way of leaving one rather icky and sweaty afterwards and being pampered for a little bit would be nice. She also wouldn't mind explaining to him exactly what a Charmander was!

Yes, yes, they both may have. She couldn't help it if being dramatic every once in awhile was fun. "Are you doubting my skills?" Keigh continued to smile sweetly. Which skills she was speaking of, who knew. As when it came to this game, she had none.

The blonde smiled at her dashing partner. The switch to speaking in Swedish, not at all affecting her as much as it used to. {"As much as I do love the way you never mind, I wouldn't at all mind if you had a say in things too."} Just a reminder. She knew very well how laid-back he was. {"Why thank you, it was fairly decent."} She knew she could do much better than that.

Whatever was on Char's mind as he took his first turn was beyond her but she was all eyes on him. Her gentle smile never wavering. {"This isn't Quidditch though, Char. You'll do better next time."} She gave his fingers a light squeeze before preparing herself for her own turn. Now her goal was to attempt to Accio this ball towards her a little more quickly in hopes of getting it further than the other one. Which was going fairly well as the ball rolled steadily over the red, orange and into the green area before slamming rather forcefully into a spongy block that sent it ricocheting backwards and into the other blocks. It crashed into the only red ball she had out there and sent it flying off the court and rolling off along with it. Keigh stood there with a look of bewilderment on her face for a moment before bursting out laughing. {"Now that was simply fantastic, just fantastic!"} It couldn't get much worst than that, could it?
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post

Doubting Keighley’s skills? Absolutely not! Laughing, Charlie shook his head. He knew better than to do that when he saw on a daily basis just how great she was at MMA and everything else her brilliant mind was set on. {“Hey, I have an opinion on everything but since you and I are very much in tuned most of the time, not saying it out loud never bothers me.”} It was a simple fact. {“You’ll do great next time around,”} Char continued, full of confidence.

His Sunflower’s words made him chuckle. {“True. But I really think I should have a perfect aim with everything.”} That was a joke! Char squished those soft fingers back then paid keen attention to his girlfriend’s second attempt. In his opinion, said attempt was quite a calamity. He watched with an air of stunned amusement as the ball went on its journey from the court. Laughing, he said, {“That was quite entertaining! Better luck next time, Sunflower.”}

With it being his turn, Charlie took aim at a different ball, not the one he had aimed at on his first try, and fixed his gaze on it. “Accio ball!” This time, he fared a lot more satisfactorily with the balls navigating its way from the red section to the green, all without encountering an obstacle!

Now what good would it do to have served everyone some coupons, but not this fine and sweet couple? That would not do. Though his Swedish wasn't up to par, it was clear the two were enjoying each other's company and look! The ball landed in the green.

"EXCELLENT!" Monte clapped. "Do pardon my interruption, you two. I couldn't help but notice your efforts. And I would INSIST on providing you two each a discounted carbonated head spa treatment?" Ignore the gradually faded imprint on the face as he smoothed a hand over his voluminous hair, "It'll leave you each feeling refreshed and vitalized!" His hand left his hair to conjure two coupons between his fingers. How who could resist such free offer?
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