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The Snack Cart Pushed up against the wall just outside the entrance to the Department of Transporation work area, a small snack cart sits unattended. The cart has a glass top, allowing you to see almost any wizard or muggle candy you might want (and the occasional bit of health food, too!). Drop your coins in the jar on top and the glass will slide out of the way, allowing you to take your snack. Just don't take more than you paid for or you'll be in for an unpleasant surprise. OOC: All Ministry of Magic employees, regardless of their assigned department, are welcome to create their own roleplay in this thread. |
Snack cart... It was supposed to be here somewhere... A HA! Found it! Pandora was craving cherry chocolates. She dropped some sickles into the jar and the glass vanished. She picked up the little package and grinned widely. Being pregnant was an excellent cover for the fact that she could have eaten them everyday anyway! She bit into the first one and sighed with delight. |
"Awfully good, aren't they?" Christian had popped out of the office for a quick snack when he saw the young woman at the snack cart. "Though, I prefer something with a little more tang," he chuckled as he dropped his sickles in and pulled out some sour candies. "Christian Trumbull," he said by way of introduction, extending his hand to the obviously pregnant woman. |
Pandora was startled when someone spoke. She turned and saw an affable looking man who seemed to have come from one of the offices. After swallowing her chocolate she said, "You're right, they're... heavenly. Pandora Cavanaugh, lovely to meet you." |
"No, no. The pleasure is all mine." Christian smiled warmly as he opened his box of sweets. Popping one into his mouth, he looked over into the cart to see if there was anything else he might want to bring back into the office. "So, which of our departments claims yourtime?" He turned to look at her from his bent position as he sucked on the lemon flavored candy. Assuming of course, she wasn't one of his... was she? Merlin, that would be embarrassing. |
Pandora smiled and popped another chocolate in her mouth. "Mmmmm," Goodness these chocolates are lovely, She thought. "I'm the Division Head for International Magical Office of Law, in the Department of International Cooperation." She gave a wry smile. "It's a bit of a tongue twister." Her bump began to give tiny little jumps and she rubbed it distractedly. "Would you care for a cherry chocolate?" Since becoming pregnant, she had either been very approachable or utterly grumpy. At the moment, in the focus of this gentleman's compliment, the former was true. |
Christian dropped in another few sickles and extracted some licorice for later. Turning back to the woman, he straightened. "A tongue-twister indeed!" He chuckled softly. "Well, I work here," he gestured to the floor. Pocketing his licorice, he shook his head. "No no, but thank you for the offer. It wouldn't go terribly well with the lemon." Tucking the open box of candy into his breast-pocket - but not before popping another candy in his mouth - he spoke again softly. "Forgive me if this is an intrusion. But how far along are you?" He smiled gently. |
Pandora gave a small chuckle. "It is, it is. What do you do here? You might be able to help me." She was thinking about the fireplaces in her house. She needed to have a downstairs connection, just incase. When he asked about her babies, she smiled "Almost twenty weeks. I know looks like I'm further along, but I'm having twins." Her bump jumped again. "And I think one of them has hiccups." |
Ah. What did he do. "Well," he chuckled. "I'm in charge, so I certainly hope I can help." Lemon drop catching in his throat, he coughed suddenly, but he reached up with his hand to signal that he was ok. "Twins? How wonderful!" His eyes glimmered with a grandfatherly kindness. "Children are such a joy," he said simply, but warmly. "Are they your first?" |
Pandora frowned when he choked after offering to help her. "Are you sure you're alright?" "You're the department head? Oh, I'm sure this is something for one of you employees could handle. My floo connection is upstairs and I was wondering if it was possible to have another connection downstairs?" Her wedding rings glinted as she rubbed her bump. Suddenly, one of the twins gave an almighty KICK! and she couldn't help but exclaim "Oooo!" Her face lit up with excitement. She grabbed hold of Christian's hand and put it over the spot where the baby was still kicking. "Feel that? It's only the third time it's happened!" She suddenly realised what she was doing. He was a department head, a stranger and she had grabbed his hand and put it on her pregnant belly. Her eyes widened and she let go. "I'm sorry, that wasn't appropriate." She blushed a little. "They are my first, we didn't think it would happen... There was an accident last year... but we've been really lucky." There was a constricted quality to her voice as she spoke which might suggest that there was more to the story but she certainly wasn't going to go into that. "My husband is so excited, I can't believe it really. He spent a fortune on the nursery." She shook her head ruefully, but her smiled said that she was every bit as excited. |
"Nonsense, I can help with that," he said, waving her off. "Did you want another connection? Or to move--" He cut himself off as she grabbed his hand and pressed it to her stomach. Heh. Well, this was awkward. As she pulled away and apologized, he chuckled hardily. "It's perfectly alright. You're clearly excited. May I?" He held up his hand and looked for her assent. Pressing it to her stomach lightly, he smiled. "Strong little ones," he said softly, eyes gleaming as he listened to her explain. Pulling his hand back, he looked up at her still smiling. "Never had any of my own. It remains perhaps my one regret." Nodding as he continued to listen, he ate another candy. "Seems to me that those two are the really lucky ones. To have parents that clearly love them so much already." |
Pandora couldn't stop blushing. She didn't blush very often but right now you could probably have fried eggs on her cheeks. When he asked to touch again she nodded and the pressure of his hand seemed to elicit a further flurry of kicks. "I think they like you!" Her happiness seemed to radiate out of her, she could not muster her usual reserve. She should have felt exposed but somehow, she trusted him. "I'm sorry. I honestly thought that I would be the same... It's difficult for me to imagine it but this time last year, my husband and I hadn't even met. I think we define whirlwind romance." When he said that her babies were the lucky ones, her blush deepened. "Thank you for saying so. I just... oh I'm so excited!" Her eyes sparkled. She tried not to think of Dora, but she couldn't and her excitement was doused by a wave of grief. Her smile faltered. It's not going to happen to you! You're going to see them grow up! She tried to change the subject. "Umm, the connection? We thought that it would be best to have a connection upstairs and downstairs. Just in case." She tried to smile. |
Christian chuckled as he felt the flurry of tiny kicks under his palm. "I think you might have a football player in there," he teased as he pulled his hand back. He waved away her "I'm sorry," shaking his hand. "I made a choice and then I blinked and it was past my time for all that." Christian shrugged. He noticed her smile falter, though, and he furrowed his brow as she changed the subject. "Would you like a cup of tea? I have some in my office. We can sit out here and get the Floo connection all taken care of." He gestured to a bench a little down the corridor. |
Pandora frowned at the mention of football. "That's a sport, isn't it? Do they stay on the ground? I'm not exactly fond of brooms. I know that I'm going to be a nightmare mother... over protective, but they're my little miracles." "A cup of tea sounds lovely... do you have the decaff kind? Or fruit tea? I'm being very good." Very good was an understatement, she was being rigid about her diet in a way that she never had been before. She was taking no risks at all. |
"As all mothers should be," he said softly, smiling. Her little miracles. It was all too precious! "They do, most certainly, stay on the ground," he said, answering her previous question. He walked over to his office door, turning the knob and pushing the door open before turning back. "One cup of fruit tea coming right up," he said cheerily as he noticed one of his model airplanes flying off course and out the door. As it buzzed the hall, he laughed. He'd get it later. "Go have a seat. I'll be right out," he called over his shoulder, setting the tea to work, and then rummaging for the forms. occ: corridor? or stained glass window? your choice |
Pandora returned his soft smile. She liked this man, he was a little like her father but without all the emotional turmoil close to the surface all the time. "I think I could cope with him being a footballer although I think my husband would be more than a little disappointed if it turns out that his princess is the kicker." She gave a little wry chuckle. Pandora She made her way along to the bench close to the stained glass window. |
They were suppose to be on the second floor, talking to the Education Head. So WHY where they on the sixth floor? Oh yeah, cause Marigold had decided to fly off. So here they were, searching for his raven before someone else found her. It wasn't that he was worried about getting into trouble, if she was found then she would end back up in his department anyways. It was that he was worried about her safety, not all wizards kind to creatures, especially ravens. Nikos walked to the snack cart and looked around, slightly anxious but not showing it. No raven in sight. Sighing, his eyes flickered to the cart and then Misty. He wondered if she was peeved about them having to look for his raven or not. "Well, she's not here....you want anything from the cart before we head off?" He motioned to the cart, it couldn't hurt to grab a bite to eat. |
Ehh, she was sorta glad they had made their way to the food cart, and maybe the raven knew how hungry she was. Or at least, that was what Misty was thinking at the moment. She took a step closer to the food cart, looking at everything they had. "Umm, I don't know what I want..are you getting anything?" Pfft, who was she kidding? Misty wanted chocolate. |
Looking back to the food cart, he quickly surveyed the choices before deciding on two things. "I think I'll get some Bertie Bott's Beans and some cranberries, for when we find Marigold."Even though he was upset with her for flying off, he loved her and couldn't help but thinking about her when seeing the sweet treat. Nikos began digging in his pockets for some coins, his eyes flickering to Misty. "Well, what kind of candy do you like?" Cause you could never go wrong with chosing your favorites. |
If we find Marigold. Misty replied in her head. She wouldn't mention that either; just keeping her thoughts to herself. It was harder than she thought too. Sighing, she took a step closer to the cart when he asked what kind of candy she likes. That was a tough question.. "I like.." everything "..chocolate. Yeah, just get me some type of chocolate." She pulled her wallet out of her bag and extracted a few coins, holding them out to Nikos to take. She wouldn't hold her hand out forever now.. |
Did he even have enough coins to pay for all their snacks? He wasn't sure and thankfully didn't need to cause she pulled out her coins and held them out for him. Taking the coins from her, he pulled out his own coins and put them into the machine. Once he had ordered, he ordered Misty some chocoballs. Handing her the chocoballs, he pocketed the cranberries and opened the Bott beans. "So Marigold likes to be outside or around other creatures, so where ever there are windows and creatures-besides our office- then that's were she'll be." He studied a brown bean carefully before eating it. "Hmm, cookie dough ." |
No such luck. That meant they were going to have to look some more. Seriously, Nikos should stick to animals that don't fly. Misty took the chocoballs off of him and placed them in her bag. She would eat them later.. "Thank you very much." Even though he really didn't do anything to be thanked for. Creatures or windows? Well, Misty only knew of two places that had creatures and one of those was their office. The second was the Terrarium near their office. Windows on the other hand..well, there were a lot of windows. "There is that stained glass window right down there." she nodded her head in the direction of the window. "Or she could be back down on our floor. The Terrarium is down there." Chocolate was way better than cookie dough. |
Yeah, of course;;Asher Holden was such a food junkie he went all the way up to the sixth floor just get some food. He didn't know how he had passed such a food cart before. But as he thought about it he had never been to level six. Upon coming up to the snack cart Asher mentally scolded himself. You shouldn't be eating this Ash. It's unhealthy. Eat something good for a change. Carrot sticks? Nah,,candy bar... |
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